Abstract: Self-control in the process of physical education. Self-control during physical education and sports - abstract Self-control during athletic gymnastics

Self-control is called regular observation by an athlete and an athlete of their health, physical development and well-being during exercise physical culture and sports. Self-control cannot replace medical supervision, medical supervision and self-control are a unified system of health protection and comprehensive development of athletes and athletes.

Self-control consists of generally available observation techniques. It includes taking into account subjective (well-being, sleep, appetite, etc.) and objective (weight, pulse, spirometry, etc.) indicators. Self-monitoring must be carried out constantly and regularly - during all periods of training. physical exercise and during rest.

Self-monitoring data is recorded independently, and the observation results are recorded in a special diary. It usually highlights the following indicators: well-being, sleep, appetite, performance, desire to exercise, character physical education class, violation of the regime, weight, resting pulse, breathing, sweating, additional data.

Well-being is a good indicator of the effect of physical exercise on the body of a physical trainer and athlete. Poor health occurs when the load is excessively heavy, if the intensity of the activity does not correspond to the individual abilities of the athlete, his state of health, physical development and level of fitness. A person's fatigue may indicate poor health.

There are external signs of fatigue, by which you can independently assess your degree of fatigue after a physical education session.


Fatigue level


very big

Skin and face coloring

Slight redness

Significant redness

Sharp redness, pallor, and bluish lips


Small, usually on the face

Large, heads and torsos

Very strong, salt protrusion

Rapid, smooth

Significant increase in frequency, periodically through the mouth

Sharply rapid, superficial, shortness of breath


Not violated


Swaying, lack of coordination of movements, trembling of limbs



Inaccurate command execution

Slow execution of tasks, often requiring repeated commands

If you feel unwell for a long period, as well as other unfavorable signs, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Well-being is indicated in the self-monitoring diary as good, satisfactory or bad.

Dream. The main process in the body that provides rest and restoration of strength is sleep. During sleep, the functionality of all organs and tissues, and primarily the nervous system, is restored. The duration and correct sleep patterns are of particular importance in this regard.

The self-monitoring diary notes: duration of sleep, process of falling asleep, awakening during sleep, presence of dreams.

Appetite. Particular attention should be paid to the nature of appetite in the morning. It should be considered normal if a person experiences feelings of hunger 5–1 hours after waking up. Sometimes a person does not feel this need even after 3-4 hours. This is an important sign of overwork or improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

In the self-control diary, appetite is noted as normal, reduced, elevated; Lack of appetite, aversion to food, and increased thirst should also be recorded.

Performance is an important indicator that gives an idea of ​​the load. This column gives an assessment of performance: good, reduced, normal. Proper sports activities help improve performance.

Desire to play sports common to all healthy people. Lack of desire to engage in physical exercise and indifference to it are important signs of the early stages of overwork. This column states: "working out with pleasure" "indifferent", "I don `t want", "apathy".

Nature of physical education activity gives an idea of ​​the load performed during physical exercise. The duration of classes, the nature of the exercises, how the training is tolerated are indicated ( good, satisfactory, hard).

Weight. With the beginning training sessions body weight usually decreases as the amount of water in the body decreases and partial breakdown occurs muscle mass. After 3 - 4 weeks, the weight begins to grow again due to an increase in muscle mass, after which it stabilizes. Subsequently, there may be slight fluctuations in weight associated with physical activity, but these changes quickly pass. Since body weight can change throughout the day, it is recommended that you weigh yourself at the same time of day, wearing the same clothes.

Pulse. Pulse studies are one of the most accessible objective methods for studying the function of the cardiovascular system.

For the same person, the pulse rate varies depending on the time of day and body position (lying, sitting, standing). The pulse rate is even more influenced by the nature of previous work or emotional experiences: fear, pain, etc. The pulse quickens after eating, tea, coffee, alcohol, smoking.

There are several ways to measure heart rate:

a) three fingers on the wrist;

b) thumb and forefinger on the neck;

c) fingertips on the temple;

d) palm to the chest in the heart area.

Breath. At rest, a person's breathing rate usually averages 12 to 16 times per minute. During physical work, breathing increases: with an average load - up to 18 - 20 times per 1 minute, with a significant load - up to 20 - 30 times per 1 minute. The respiratory rate is counted for 30 seconds. I usually count the number of breaths by placing the palm of my hand in front on the lower part. chest And top part belly. Each inhalation and each exhalation constitute one respiratory cycle.

Breath-hold test can be performed while inhaling or exhaling. Holding your breath while inhaling for 40 - 90 s, and when exhaling 40 - 60 s is an indicator of normal human health.

Sweating. During an intense iron load and after it ends, a person sweats heavily. The amount of sweat fluid secreted depends on individual characteristics and the state of the body.

In the first stages of training, the practitioner sweats more profusely. As training increases, the intensity of sweating decreases. In the self-monitoring diary, sweating is noted as follows: copious, big, average or reduced.

Add to column "Additional data" any fact that deserves attention is included, in particular severe fatigue after training or competition, pain related to a particular area of ​​the body, injury received, as well as others.

Many indicators of self-control are influenced by the training regime. Violations of the regime negatively affect the normal functioning of athletes and athletes. They can cause lethargy, intermittent short sleep, and decreased performance. Violations of the regime affect the state of fitness and sports results.

By regularly practicing at home or in any sports section, the diary should be kept periodically and shown to a physical education teacher or coach, and if your health worsens, to a doctor. Don’t forget to write down your sports results in your diary, because they also reflect the state of your body.

Varlamov Dmitry Borisovich

2nd year student, Faculty of Automotive Mechanics, VPI (branch) VolgSTU, Russian Federation, Volzhsky

Egorycheva Elena Vladimirovna

Chernysheva Inga Vladimirovna

scientific supervisors,senior teachers of the department of “Physical Culture”, VPI (branch) VolgSTU, Russian Federation, Volzhsky

One of the basic principles physical education is health-improving orientation all forms of organization motor activity, which solves the problem of improving the health of the student. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful about the loads so as not to harm yourself during exercise.

In order for physical exercise to be beneficial, you need to monitor the condition of your body and control your well-being. To do this, you need to know self-control techniques.

Self-control is regular monitoring of one’s health, physical development, functional state, and tolerance of training and competitive loads. It includes observation and analysis of body conditions.

Self-control is carried out using simple techniques:

· subjective (assessment of well-being, mood, feelings of tiredness and tiredness, desire or reluctance to engage in physical exercise, disturbances of appetite and sleep);

· objective ( anthropometric indicators(body length and weight, chest circumference, etc.), sports results, strength indicators of individual muscle groups, heart rate, etc.).

Self-control tasks:

1. expand knowledge about physical development;

2. acquire skills in assessing psychophysical fitness;

3. become familiar with the simplest available methods of self-control;

4. determine the level of physical development, fitness and health in order to adjust the load in physical education and sports.

Self-monitoring must be carried out regularly, during all periods of physical exercise.

After finishing the lesson, the student should have a feeling of cheerfulness, there should be no headaches, severe fatigue, or weakness. If you feel lethargic, severe muscle pain, or irritability, you must stop the session.

You should also pay attention to your sleep. It should be good, i.e. you should fall asleep quickly and be in good condition after sleep. If the stress is too great, sleep may be restless.

In addition, after physical activity you should have a good appetite. In this case, after finishing the lesson you need to refrain from eating for an hour.

Weight is also an important element of self-control. To correctly determine normal weight, weight-height indices are used.

Broca's index

· from 155 to 165 cm - height minus 100

· from 165 to 175 cm - height minus 105

· from 175 cm - height minus 110.

At overweight up to 10% of its regulation is carried out by physical exercise and reducing carbohydrate consumption. If the weight is more than 10% above normal, it is necessary to reduce the amount of animal oil and carbohydrates, do not eat flour products, potatoes, and sweets. It is better to eat food more often, but in smaller portions. Vegetables and fruits should be consumed raw, as this will help remove water from the body.

When carrying out self-monitoring, heart rate (HR) is very important and, at the same time, easy to measure. Everyone knows that the pulse quite clearly demonstrates the degree of fitness. Taking your pulse is quite simple. It is necessary to start a stopwatch and count the number of beats on the radial, temporal or carotid arteries. The normal heart rate at rest in men is 70-75 beats, and in women - 75-80 beats per minute. The pulse should be rhythmic, it should not have interruptions. To assess the rhythm of the pulse, it is necessary to compare the number of beats over a time period of 10 seconds with the number of beats over the next 10 seconds. They should not differ by more than one hit. If this ratio is not met, then the pulse is arrhythmic.

There is a relationship between heart rate and physical activity. At the same heart rate, trained people have higher oxygen consumption than untrained people.

As a result of physical activity, the heart rate increases. The greater the load, the faster the pulse. Due to this, the muscles are supplied with blood. By the rate of heart rate recovery, you can determine the degree of load. If it takes more than 10 minutes to restore the original heart rate, then the load was too great.

The maximum effect on health is obtained by the exerciser with a load corresponding to a submaximal heart rate, and in no case should the load produce a heart rate that exceeds the maximum permissible level.

There are special tables that determine maximum heart rate for each age, but there is also a well-known simplified formula: 220 - age (i.e., if you are 25, then your maximum allowable heart rate is 220 - 25 = 195). Submaximal heart rate is calculated as 75% (for people who are poorly trained and have heart problems) or 85% (for people who are trained and practically healthy) of the maximum.

There are other ways of self-control. Orthostatic test (the difference between the pulse rate while lying down and standing is used to judge the reaction of the cardiovascular system to stress when changing body position, which makes it possible to assess the functional state of regulatory mechanisms and gives some idea of ​​the fitness of the body): you should rest for 5 minutes lying on your back, then count your pulse in a lying position for 1 minute, then you need to stand up and rest while standing for one minute and count your pulse in a standing position for 1 minute. A difference from 0 to 12 strokes indicates good physical fitness. In a healthy, untrained person, the difference is 13-18 beats. A difference of 18-25 strokes is an indicator of a lack of physical fitness. A difference of more than 25 beats indicates fatigue or illness, in such cases you should consult a doctor. It is better to perform an orthostatic test in the morning before exercise or at another time of the day before meals. The basic rule is to conduct the test at the same hours of the day. Such tests are very helpful in determining the state of the body, and in advance to find out about its overtraining. If you usually have a difference of about 8-10 beats, then your body is recovering well. But if on some day you see that the difference has increased, for example, it has become 20, then you are putting too much stress on the body, it is tired and needs to be given time to recover.

Also, to control your body, you need to measure arterial pressure before and after class. After the start of physical activity, systolic pressure rises and then stabilizes. After the end of the load, it may be even lower than before the start. Diastolic pressure does not change with light load. Symptoms of high blood pressure include headaches, tinnitus, and nausea. In such cases, you should stop exercising.

Performing physical activity requires more oxygen consumption, so an important element that you should pay attention to when exercising self-control is the functioning of the respiratory system. During physical activity, the breathing rate increases and the volume of inhaled and exhaled air increases. Based on the degree of increased breathing, one can draw conclusions about the volume of the load. In a normal state, an adult makes 16-18 breathing excursions in 1 minute.

The breath-hold test is used to judge the oxygen supply of the body. It also characterizes the general level of fitness of a person. It is carried out in two versions: holding the breath while inhaling (Stange test) and holding the breath while exhaling (Gench test). Evaluated by the length of the delay time

The Stange test is performed as follows. The breath is held for a full inhalation, which is done after three breaths at 3/4 of the depth of a full inhalation. A clip is placed on the nose or you can pinch the nose with your fingers. The delay time is recorded using a stopwatch. Based on the duration of breath holding, the test is assessed as follows:

· less than 39 seconds - unsatisfactory;

· 40-49 seconds - satisfactory;

· over 50 seconds - good.

The Gench test is carried out as follows. The breath is held for a full exhalation, which is done after three breaths at 3/4 of the depth of a full inhalation. A clip is placed on the nose or you can pinch the nose with your fingers. The delay time is recorded using a stopwatch. Based on the duration of breath holding, the test is assessed as follows:

· less than 34 seconds - unsatisfactory;

· 35-39 seconds - satisfactory;

· over 40 seconds - good.

The more trained you are, the longer you can hold your breath. In a state of overfatigue, the ability to hold your breath decreases.

The best form of self-control is keeping a diary. The form of keeping a diary depends on your preferences and can be different. It is recommended to record the volume and intensity of training loads, the results of assessments and competitions, as well as your subjective and objective indicators of the state of the body during physical exercise. By keeping a diary, you can assess the degree of impact of various loads on your body, which will help you understand the level of your preparedness. In the diary you can also monitor how your body gets used to the stress and becomes more prepared.

Physical education classes play an important role in the life of society, education and help maintain the health of those involved at the proper level. The level of stress in physical education classes is individual. People have different degrees of preparedness, so a person can, with the help of simple actions, independently control his body and its reaction to physical activity. Among other things, this will promote engagement in the learning process. Self-monitoring will not replace examination by a doctor, but will help to avoid unpleasant consequences after physical activity.


  1. Orthostatic test [Electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL: http://sportmedi.ru/246/ (accessed October 25, 2014).
  2. Details about body mass indexes [Electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL: http://www.fat-down.ru/bmi (accessed October 24, 2014).
  3. Stange's test, Gencha [Electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL: http://nazim-mamedov.ucoz.ru/forum/20-113-1
  4. Subjective and objective self-control data. Basics of sports massage [Electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL: http://knowledge.allbest.ru/sport/2c0b65625a3ad68a4d53a88421306d37_0.html (accessed 10/22/2014).
  5. Explanatory Dictionary (collection of electronic dictionaries) [Electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL: http://slovorus.ru/ (accessed October 26, 2014).
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Medical control, pedagogical control and self-control are a unified security system that ensures the full physical development of schoolchildren, since personal observation data are an important addition to medical and pedagogical control.

Self-monitoring is the regular use of a number of simple techniques to independently monitor the state of your health when engaging in physical exercise during classes.

Self-control instills in schoolchildren a conscious attitude towards activities aimed at improving health through physical exercise, observing the rules of personal hygiene, and hardening the body.

A physical education teacher teaches schoolchildren to correctly understand changes in indicators self-control, necessarily emphasizes that self-control complements, but does not replace, medical and pedagogical observations.

The teacher's tasks are: explaining to students the importance of a daily routine and regular self-monitoring to improve health and physical development; familiarization with basic information on hygiene and anatomy necessary for understanding and assessing the indicators of available self-observations; teaching schoolchildren simple techniques observations (counting pulse, breathing rate, etc.)

Indicators that can be used for self-control are conventionally divided into objective and subjective.

TOsubjective indicators include: well-being, mood, sleep, appetite, performance, pain and other sensations resulting from the influence of external and internal environmental stimuli on the central nervous system.

Objective indicators count those that can be expressed in certain digital values ​​(body weight, pulse, respiratory rate, vital capacity, dynamometry).

Self-monitoring data regularly (at least 3-4 times a week) recorded in the self-monitoring diary.

IN self-control diary In the column about health, write down: good, normal, satisfactory, bad, weakness, lethargy, dizziness, palpitations, pain. In this column you need to record the degree of fatigue after exercise: not tired, a little tired, overtired. The next day after classes they add: no fatigue, feeling good, still feeling tired, not fully rested, feeling tired.

When starting classes, you should learn on your own right away control the state of your body, which determines the degree of load that is feasible at the moment.

At the first stage, physical exercise should not cause shortness of breath and profuse sweating.

Then, when the body reaches the proper shape, the recommendations of N.M. can be implemented. Amosov “to choke, not to sweat.”

Accurate enough control method the load is a certain number of pulse beats. Pulse It’s more convenient to count in 10 seconds, then multiply by 6, find out how many there were per minute.

Your task: Having learned to quickly and accurately control your pulse on the spot, master the obtained data while on the move. As the body begins to approach optimal sports uniform, you should also determine the heart rate limit below which there are no significant changes in the load, i.e., the beneficial aerobic effect on the cardiovascular system ceases, and the workout turns into a regular walk.

Performance defined as good, normal, decreased, after studying, significant fatigue.

Simple indicator health is body weight. It is determined by regular weighing. Weight loss with incomplete restoration to initial values ​​is usually an unfavorable sign, with the exception of this in obese schoolchildren.

Well-being- This is a reflection of the activity of the whole organism and primarily the central nervous system. The absence of any signs of pain, vigor, cheerfulness are signs of good health. The appearance of unusual sensations: muscle pain, dizziness, lethargy, headache - signs of poor health.

Sweating- defined as normal, moderate and weak. Increased sweating is associated with overload.

Pulse- this is a rhythmic, jerk-like oscillation of the walls of the arteries in accordance with the rhythm of the heart.

IN self-control diary it is necessary to enter information about breathing: number and quantity (superficial, deep, rare), as well as frequency and rhythm disturbances, the appearance of shortness of breath. Cough.

Shortness of breath occurs when there is insufficient gas exchange.

Objective accounting data the impact of load on the schoolchild's body - when monitoring the data of hypoxic tests (duration of holding the breath during inhalation and exhalation in seconds per vital capacity).

Gynecological control is mandatory for girls. From month to month, a girl must regulate the main indicators characterizing the course of menstruation (frequency, abundance, duration and other deviations).

Self-control diary During physical exercises, they are periodically shown to the physical education teacher for monitoring and recording recommendations for the further regimen of classes and home physical education classes.

  • IN school age There are many conditions for the formation of independence and self-control.
  • For students to successfully develop independence and self-control, it is necessary to know the level of their psychomotor skills and thinking abilities.
  • The development of independence and activity of students should be part of the educational process of physical education, and therefore requires careful planning, thoughtful methods of influencing students, as well as systematic implementation in each lesson.
  • When developing self-control and activity, one should rely on specific principles: independence, activity and individualization of students’ activities. They also use methods that develop independence.

The material was posted as part of the Forum of Pedagogical Ideas “LESSON”

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Self-control during mass physical education classes.

Self-monitoring is the systematic observation of those involved in physical education and sports about the state of their health and physical development. Self-control significantly complements the data of medical and pedagogical control, contributes to the right choice forms of classes and optimal load for each student, prevention and modern detection of health disorders and physical development of children and adolescents.

In the process of self-control, children get to know their body, learn from their own experience to determine their condition and the effect of physical exercise on it. Self-control disciplines them, introduces them to physical culture and sports, promotes a conscious attitude towards activities, acquisition of vital skills and knowledge, compliance with basic rules of hygiene and healthy image life. Thus, self-control improves general and sanitary culture and contributes to the proper organization of physical education.

Observations must be carried out regularly, preferably always at the same time - in the morning, after exercise, 4 - 6 hours after it and the next day, which allows you to assess the effect of the load and the speed of recovery.

The data obtained can be compared with the average for a given age, and also assessed over time, focusing on your individual indicators, characteristic of your good condition.

The data of your observations must be entered into a self-monitoring diary, which is kept in any form: the diary records all the workload performed that day (including the workload of the lesson, after which measurements were taken), daily routine, illnesses and injuries suffered; The diary also contains the main results of medical examinations and the teacher’s data: attitude towards classes, workload performed, testing indicators, competitions held and their results. The diary is periodically (once every 1-2 weeks) provided to the coach or physical education teacher, and if any health complaints appear, to the doctor; along with them, self-control indicators are analyzed, which are then used to plan and correct the motor regime.

Conducting self-monitoring and keeping a diary is quite accessible to middle and older schoolchildren. Younger schoolchildren should be taught self-control with the help of their parents, teaching them the method of self-control.

By monitoring an athlete’s certain indicators of his health and the dynamics of their changes, one can determine the state of health, the influence training load, efficiency training process. This information will greatly help the coach and the athlete himself.

Self-control methods should be simple, accessible and understandable to those involved, not require special equipment and not take a lot of time. They are usually divided into subjective (assessment of well-being, mood, sleep, appetite, performance and academic performance, degree of fatigue after exercise and speed of recovery) and objective (frequency and rhythm of heart contractions and respiration, body weight, muscle strength, vital capacity of the lungs, results of simple functional tests).

Subjective methods

Well-being (subjective feeling of one’s health) is an important indicator of self-control. A healthy person of any age feels good and does not experience any unpleasant or painful sensations. He is alert, calm, active, cheerful, sleeps well and has a good appetite, learns willingly, with a desire to engage in physical exercise. The load is accompanied by a certain feeling of fatigue, but this is a reflection natural fatigue after the work done and should not cause concern if it passes quickly (2-4 hours after exercise). If the fatigue is significant (especially after a small and habitual job), lasts a long time and is accompanied by lethargy, apathy, depressed mood or, conversely, irritability, weakness, complaints of dizziness, headaches, pain in the heart, joints, right hypochondrium, etc. . - this may be due to fatigue, physical stress or illness. In these cases, you should consult a doctor. But it should be taken into account that deterioration in well-being may be associated with other reasons - various troubles, anxiety before exams, sudden changes in weather, and so on. Therefore, it is necessary to indicate in the diary whether this condition appeared with the load, as well as the nature and content of the latter.

Sometimes, mainly after the first classes or when previously little-used muscle groups are involved in the load, muscle pain may appear as a reaction to an unusual load. Thermal procedures (baths, showers, swimming), massage or self-massage speed up recovery. Guys who are sufficiently prepared for the load may feel pleasant muscle fatigue after it.

In the diary, the state of health is noted as “good”, “satisfactory” and “bad”, indicating any complaints that have arisen.

Mood - an integral part of well-being. It is noted as good, cheerful or depressed, or, conversely, increased irritability.

Dreamis of particular importance for restoring performance after mental and physical activity, including daytime sleep. Sleep should be restful and sufficient (at least 10-11 hours for younger schoolchildren, 9-10 on average and 8-8.5 hours for senior schoolchildren). You should go to bed at the same hours, no earlier than 1.5-2 hours after exercise and homework. Best time for sleep - from 10-11 pm to 7-8 am. Falling asleep quickly and restful sleep are facilitated by walks before bedtime, water procedures at normal water temperatures, rubbing, a ventilated room, silence, and a comfortable bed. Any sleep disturbances (difficulty falling asleep, waking up frequently, unpleasant dreams, etc.) are recorded in a diary. If this is not the case, then sleep is assessed as good or satisfactory.

Appetite characterized as good, reduced, increased.

Objective methods

Heart rate monitoring – one of the simplest and most informative methods of self-control. In this case, it is determined on the radial artery, for which 2 or 3 fingers of one hand are placed on the lower part of the other at the base of the thumb on the palm side. The heart rate is calculated in a state of muscle rest, after a short rest, for 10-20 seconds per minute. If the pulse is very fast, it is more convenient to count its frequency by the cardiac impulse, placing your palm on the heart area. Heart rate changes with age and fitness level. In a healthy adult, the heart rate is usually 66-72 beats/min; in trained athletes, the heart rate slows down to 46-60 beats/min (this is called bradycardia), reflecting a more economical activity of the heart. In children 7-9 years old, heart rate is usually in the range of 80-90 beats/min, in 10-12 years old - 70-85, 13-14 years old - 76-78, 15-16 years old - 72-78, 16-18 years old – 68-72 beats/min.

The slowdown in heart rate as training increases in children is less pronounced than in adults. After physical activity, with sufficient preparedness, within 5-10 minutes the heart rate should not exceed 90 beats/min, and after 1-2 hours it completely returns to its original values.

With the correct rhythm, heart contractions follow one after another at approximately the same time interval (they can only change in connection with the rhythm of breathing).

If there is a sharp increase in the pulse at rest (tachycardia), especially of a paroxysmal nature, weak filling or a feeling of palpitations, rhythm disturbances (large differences in the time between contractions, additional beats), the pulse should be counted for a longer time (within 1-3 minutes) and consult a doctor , since this most often happens during illness and overexertion. In the evening, the pulse is faster than in the morning; in girls and young women it is 2-4 beats faster than in boys.

Pulse should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach, before and after exercise, and the next morning to assess recovery.

Self-monitoring is an essential addition to medical supervision. It is carried out by the participants themselves.

Self-monitoring allows you to timely determine the presence of certain deviations in the health status of students and take the necessary measures to eliminate them. At the same time, self-monitoring allows the doctor to conduct regular monitoring, and the coach to make certain changes to the training plans.

Its main advantage is that those who exercise, by carrying out daily self-observations, can clearly feel the beneficial effect of physical exercise on their health.

Self-monitoring is systematic independent observation by a person involved in physical exercises and sports of changes in his health, physical development and physical fitness. When doing self-improving jogging, weight-bearing exercises, athletic gymnastics, self-control is necessary. Subjective and objective signs of the functional state of the body under the influence of physical activity are used as indicators of self-control. Such indicators of self-control as well-being, mood, discomfort, appetite are subjective, and heart rate (HR), body weight, body length, gastrointestinal tract function, sweating, vital capacity (VC), muscle strength, dynamics development of motor qualities, sports results - to subjective. You can control the condition of your body by external and internal signs. External signs include sweating, changes in skin color, and problems with coordination and breathing rhythm. If the load is very heavy, then there is profuse sweating, excessive redness of the body, blueness of the skin around the lips, shortness of breath appears, and coordination of movements is impaired.

If such signs appear, you should stop doing the exercise. relax and relax. Internal signs of fatigue include the appearance pain in the muscles, nausea and even dizziness. In such cases, you need to stop doing the exercise, rest and finish the workout. If after physical exercise you feel good, mood, appetite, sleep are good and you have a desire to continue exercising, then this shows that your body can cope with the stress.

Self-control, its basic methods, indicators, criteria and assessments, self-control diary.

When engaging in regular exercise and sports, it is very important to systematically monitor your well-being and general health. The most convenient form of self-control is keeping a special diary. Indicators of self-control can be divided into two groups - subjective and objective. Subjective indicators include well-being, sleep, appetite, mental and physical performance, positive and negative emotions. The state of health after physical exercise should be cheerful, the mood should be good, the practitioner should not feel a headache, fatigue or a feeling of overwork. If you experience severe discomfort, you should stop exercising and seek advice from specialists.

As a rule, with systematic physical exercise, sleep is good, with falling asleep quickly and feeling cheerful after sleep.

The loads used must correspond to physical fitness and age.

Appetite after moderate physical activity should also be good. It is not recommended to eat immediately after class; it is better to wait 30-60 minutes. To quench your thirst you should drink a glass mineral water or tea.

If your health, sleep, or appetite worsen, it is necessary to reduce the load, and if the disturbances occur again, consult a doctor.

The self-monitoring diary is used to record independent physical education and sports activities, as well as to record anthropometric changes, indicators, functional tests and control tests of physical fitness, and monitor the implementation of the weekly motor regimen.

Regular keeping of a diary makes it possible to determine the effectiveness of classes, means and methods, optimal planning of the amount and intensity of physical activity and rest in a separate lesson.

The diary should also note cases of violation of the regime and how they affect classes and overall performance. Objective indicators of self-control include: monitoring heart rate (pulse), blood pressure, respiration, lung capacity, weight, muscle strength, sports results.

It is generally accepted that a reliable indicator of fitness is the pulse. The heart rate response to physical activity can be assessed by comparing heart rate data at rest (before exercise) and after exercise, i.e. determine the percentage of heart rate increase. The resting pulse rate is taken as 100%, the difference in frequency before and after the load is X. For example, the pulse before the start of the load was 12 beats in 10 seconds, and after it was 20 beats. After some simple calculations, we find out that the heart rate has increased by 67%.

But it’s not just the pulse that you should pay attention to. It is advisable, if possible, to also measure blood pressure before and after exercise. At the beginning of the loads, the maximum pressure increases, then stabilizes at a certain level. After stopping work (the first 10-15 minutes), it decreases below the initial level, and then returns to its initial state. The minimum pressure does not change during light or moderate loads, but during intense, heavy work it increases slightly.

It is known that the values ​​of pulse and minimum blood pressure are normally numerically the same. Kerdo proposed calculating the index using the formula:

IR=D/P, where D is the minimum pressure, and P is the pulse.

In healthy people this index is close to one. When the nervous regulation of the cardiovascular system is disrupted, it becomes greater or less than one.

It is also very important to assess respiratory function. It must be remembered that when performing physical activity, oxygen consumption by working muscles and the brain increases sharply, and therefore the function of the respiratory organs increases. By breathing frequency you can judge the amount of physical activity. The normal respiratory rate of an adult is 16-18 times per minute. An important indicator of respiratory function is the vital capacity of the lungs - the volume of air obtained during the maximum exhalation made after the maximum inhalation. Its value, measured in liters, depends on gender, age, body size and physical fitness. On average, for men it is 3.5-5 liters, for women - 2.5-4 liters.

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