Rhomboid muscle: functions. The rhomboid major and minor muscles of the back. Rhomboids - exercises, training features, anatomy Rhomboid muscle training

The rhomboid muscles attach to several vertebrae in the upper back and to the inner edge of the shoulder blade. The rhomboid minor is located higher and somewhat distant from the major, but to the touch both muscles are indistinguishable. Their function is to move the scapula toward the spine, promote elevation of the scapula, and hold it when needed to provide a firm support for arm movement.

The rhomboid muscle tends to weaken, especially when the pectoralis major muscle is overworked or very tight (which itself implies the presence of trigger points in it). The pectoralis minor shortens and pulls the shoulders forward and a stooped posture is formed. Following the shoulders, the head and neck move forward (Fig. 1)

Rice. 1.

As you can see, the cause of rhomboid problems, which may never occur to you, often lies in tight pectoral muscles. Trigger points are shortened pectoral muscles and they pull the shoulder blades forward. The rhomboid muscles respond by tightening, trying to hold the shoulder blades in place. They easily stretch to maximum length and contract to resist the pull of the pectoral muscles. This redundant muscle work called eccentric compression, which guarantees the formation of trigger points. (Figure 2) Trigger points in the rhomboid muscles cause a dull pain along the inner edge of the shoulder blade, which becomes more noticeable at rest.


Being in such an uncomfortable position, a person wants to straighten up. But he begins to straighten not due to the fact that his extensors, which fix the scapula at the back, begin to work. It straightens due to the fact that it excessively strains the extensor of the back in the lumbar region. At the same time, he develops hyperlordosis (too much arching in the lower back).

Next, the pectoralis minor muscle stops working normally. It tries to compensate for the weakness of the rhomboid muscle and shortens. The pectoralis minor muscle attaches to the coracoid process of the scapula and to the third, fourth and fifth ribs, and when it shortens, the third, fourth and fifth ribs are fixed, there is a restriction of mobility in the third, fourth and fifth vertebrae and shortening of inspiration occurs. The muscle pulls the ribs up and rib cage It’s like she’s inhaling all the time, she’s raised all the time and this causes a lot of problems.

Other muscles that cause pain at the inner edge of the scapula include the scalene, infraspinatus, latissimus muscle back, serratus anterior and levator scapulae muscles. The spinalis muscles cause pain at the same level, but closer to the spine. It is important to check for trigger points in the scalene muscles before moving on to treat all the other muscles listed. Stairs
muscles are one of the most common sources of pain along the inner edge of the shoulder blade. Without this step, massaging the rhomboids or any of the other muscles listed here will be a complete waste of time. Make sure that rhomboid muscles are involved in the occurrence of your pain, you can see the following symptom: when you move your shoulder, you can hear a crunching or crackling sound in these muscles.

What a nightmare and what to do now???
1) It is very difficult to correct your posture and ease the work of the rhomboid muscles if you do not first address the trigger points in the pectoral muscles. As always, a throwing ball will help you (up to 30 smooth massage movements per point):

Throwing ball+plaster+bar:

2) Next, we move on to self-massage of the diamond-shaped ones. We also perform it using a throwing ball, pressed with your back against the wall or lying on the floor (up to 30 smooth massage movements per point). On long-term chronic nodules in the rhomboid muscles, the ball will bounce.

Self-massage with a ball against the wall:

Self-massage on a roller and with a ball near the wall:

3) Stretching the pectoralis minor and pectoralis major muscles (we do stretching after we have worked the rhomboid muscles, since tension in the latter makes the muscles dense and hard, and any reduction of the shoulder blades during exercise becomes impossible (imagine that you stretched the rubber and froze it, the rubber will not return to its former state until the ice melts)), and we will need it during stretching:

with PVC pipe

near the frame

near the wall

4) And now the most important thing!!! Once you have eliminated trigger points in your rhomboids and other muscles, remember to RETRACT your shoulder blades before starting exercises to “turn on” the rhomboids. Otherwise, she will simply passively overstretch herself and not train.

Based on Claire Davis' "Trigger Points" and Kelly Starrett's "Becoming a Supple Leopard"

FREE Training Proximal attachment of the spinous processes of the C7-T5 vertebrae.

Distal attachment, Medial border of the scapula.

Function. Raise the shoulder blade while bringing it closer to the spine.

Palpation. To localize the rhomboid muscles, the following structures must be identified:
. Medial edge of the scapula.
. The base of the scapula is a small triangular surface located at the medial border of the spine of the scapula. Most often it is at the same horizontal level with the third thoracic vertebra.
. The inferior angle of the scapula is a triangular surface in the distal part of the scapula. Most often it is at the same horizontal level with the seventh thoracic vertebra.
. Spinous processes of the C715 vertebrae.

Place the patient on his stomach with his head resting comfortably on the pillow. Ask the patient to place their hands on the lower back, palms up. When he starts to deflect top part body back against the counteraction created by your hand, the rhomboid muscles will become visible.

Palpate the rhomboid muscles in the space between the spinal column and the medial edge of the scapula as much as the fibers of the trapezius muscle.

Pain pattern. The pain is concentrated along the medial edge of the scapula, but can also spread laterally through the supraspinous part of the scapula. Local superficial aching pain is felt at rest and does not depend on movements.

Causal or supporting factors. Chronic overload caused by prolonged periods of working in a hunched position. Postural overload due to excessive contraction of the pectoralis major muscle.

Satellite trigger points. The levator scapulae, trapezius, supraspinatus and pectoralis major muscles.
Affected organ system. Respiratory system.

Associated zones, meridians and points.

Dorsal zone. Bladder foot meridian tai yang. BL 11 - 15, BL 41 - 44.

Stretching exercise. Sit on a chair. Bend forward with your head down, cross your arms in front of you and clasp your knees on opposite sides. Fix the pose to a count of 5 10.

Strengthening exercise. Lie diagonally across a table or bed and hang your arms over the edge. Bend your elbows 90 degrees, retract your shoulder blades and hold the pose until you count 10. Relax and repeat the exercise.

D. Finando, C. Finando

Why do defined muscles make a person attractive? From an aesthetic point of view, the beauty of the body implies physical health.

Strong back muscles provide powerful protection spinal column– a complex organ that ensures the normal functioning of internal organs and is sensitive to malfunctions in their work.

The strong rhomboid back muscle is located under, and thanks to it a person can freely maintain a beautiful straight posture. Antagonists are the pectoral muscles.

A weak rhomboid muscle leads to gradual shortening of the pectoral muscle. And then it’s very close to problems with the spine.

Functional Features

The rhomboid muscle received its name for its resemblance to a geometric figure. In the area between the shoulder blades on either side of the spine muscle fibers stretch left and right, ending at the lower edge of the shoulder blades.

The muscle consists of 2 parts: the large rhomboid muscle covers the area from 1 to 5 thoracic vertebrae, the small muscle stretches from the 6-7 cervical vertebrae.

The large muscle pulls the shoulder blades toward the midvertebral line, and the small muscle rotates the lower corner of the shoulder blade inward during movements. These are their main functions.

Exercises for the rhomboid muscle group include many basic combinations that also involve other spinal muscles.

These muscle fibers are to some extent independent, since any efforts aimed at strengthening muscular frame back, at the same time have an indirect effect on the rhomboid muscles.

A weak rhomboid muscle causes spinal pathologies in the thoracic region. The back hurts in this area due to the fact that the stretched muscle fibers no longer provide support to the vertebrae, the pressure on which increases.

At elevated physical activity There is a gradual flattening of the intervertebral discs - and develop.

The problem is aggravated by the fact that the body compensates for the “powerlessness” of the rhomboid muscle by gradually shortening the pectoral muscle fibers.

And then, when a person tries to straighten his back, he cannot completely straighten his shoulders and involuntarily arches his back in the lower back, which is also subject to unnecessary stress.

Thus, a weakened rhomboid muscle becomes the cause of pathologies of the spine in its various parts. To properly pump these muscle fibers, you can perform a wide variety of exercises to strengthen the back muscles.

What movements should you perform?

The anatomy of the rhomboid muscle is designed in such a way that it is involved in almost all back strengthening exercises. You can choose movements that are simple in technique, but very effective. For example, these:

  1. I.p. – sitting, legs slightly apart. You need to sit at some distance from the back of the chair, bend your elbows. Elbows point down. The shoulder blades move towards each other. Having brought them to the closest possible distance, you need to linger for a few seconds.
  2. Good training also occurs when performing this exercise: from i.p. – sitting, legs bent at the knees – place your hands on your knees in opposite directions. The left hand lies on the right knee, the right hand on the left. Make a slight tilt with your body forward, tilt your chin slightly down. Hold for a few seconds.
  3. To others effective exercises Strengthening the rhomboid muscle can include movements in which the shoulder blades take part. Bringing them together and apart, fixing the chosen position is a good training gymnastics for the specified muscle group. Fortunately, there are a lot of such variations and it will not be difficult to choose the most suitable ones for yourself.

Before starting training, it would be a good idea to stretch your muscles with simple movements: walking with moderate swinging of your arms, stretching them, spreading them to the sides, lowering them down - warming up has a tonic, general strengthening effect. When the rhomboid muscles are warmed up, you can begin the main exercises.

Pain in the neck and shoulders very often indicates a lack of tone in the back muscles, in particular the rhomboids and extensors of the spine: the head and neck seem to hang on the thoracic region and excessively strain the already tired muscles and tendons with their weight. Many hours of being in uncomfortable positions associated with the specifics of IT workers, beauty salon masters and accountants) causes people to suffer by the end of the day from an unbearable feeling of discomfort and burning between the shoulder blades, in the neck and numbness in the fingers. These are signals that it’s time to take care of your body in order to avoid health problems in the future.

Location and movements performed

The rhomboids are essentially made up of two parts: the rhomboids minor and the rhomboids major. The minor rhomboid originates from the sixth cervical vertebra, then connects with the major rhomboid, which comes from the 1st-5th thoracic vertebrae, and together they are attached to the inner edge of the shoulder blades.

These muscles are located under trapezius muscle, and thanks to them the shoulder blades move inward and downward. It is impossible to separate them from each other by touch, and by sensation too. Therefore, in everyday life they are often considered one rhomboid muscle.

Slouching is the first sign of passive rhomboid muscles

Dropped shoulders with inward rotation, sunken chest and protruding shoulder blades are characteristic signs of overstretched rhomboid back muscles and, as a result, shortened pectoral muscles, which are antagonist muscles. A person with a sedentary, sedentary lifestyle has just such a look, and this is a direct path to the occurrence of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine and problems with the cardiovascular system, which will lead to even greater health problems.

The second risk zone is people who tend to have complexes because of their tall: they deliberately slouch in order to visually appear lower and be “like everyone else”; shy girls also do this during puberty, when the mammary gland begins to actively grow and increase in size. Due to the chronic contraction of the muscles of the sternum and the constantly tightly stretched rhomboid muscles, a spasm occurs; the body remembers this position as natural and after five years, even with a strong desire, it can no longer take the normal form given by nature. Then it’s time to go to a yoga class and re-teach the body to be free and elastic.

For many taking their first steps in yoga, the concept of “move the shoulder blades” or “lower the shoulder blades down” is completely incomprehensible: the body has forgotten how to do this, and there is only convulsive twitching of the shoulders and body.

How to use the blades?

In order for the muscles of the interscapular zone to contract, you need to lift the sternum up, synchronously with the movement of the shoulder blades down, simultaneously directing them inward towards each other - this will be the activation of the rhomboid muscles of the back, which will entail awareness of the work of the deep muscles and tendons. Initially, such movements performed simultaneously will be difficult, especially if a person spends too long time sitting at a table or driving a car - at such moments the interscapular zone dozes and gradually overstretches, giving the “green light” to kyphosis.

To help the shoulder blades move, you need to abduct shoulder joints back behind your back, thus stretching the pectoral muscles, which will allow the rhomboids to contract further.

Asanas to activate the interscapular area

The most optimal poses for working out the shoulder blade area are: shoulder girdle and rhomboid muscles are asanas that involve stretching the antagonist muscles, the pectoral muscles in this case, and small intercostals in the anterior part of the chest.

  • Purvottanasana and its simplified version Chatus Pada Pitham (table pose), these also include the half-bridge pose and Prasarita Padathanasana S. All these positions directly and very powerfully affect the thoracic region, while teaching them to contract the back muscles, in particular those that control the shoulder blades and shoulder belt

  • Also, the interscapular area is well affected by twisting: Parivrita Parshvakonasana, Marichiasana C and Ardho Matsyendrasana. Due to the opening, the pectoral muscles are stretched, which relieves excess tension in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and nearby muscles. And due to the rotation of the thoracic spine, this process becomes deeper and more effective.
  • To relieve excessive fatigue from the upper back, shoulder blades and neck, stretching is used in a lying position: the best of them are Lappasanas A, B and C, named after Andrey Lappa, the Ukrainian yogi who introduced them into active use. All kinds of joint movements of the arms in various amplitudes and directions of movement, as well as rotations of the neck and wave-like movements of the spine, have also proven themselves well.

Note for bodybuilders and workout enthusiasts

It is extremely important for these athletes to pay more attention to stretching the pumped pectoral and rhomboid muscles, because beauty is good, but health is much more important, and what is effective now, in five years can result in great difficulties with the spine and clogged muscles, in which blood circulation and proper lymph flow are impaired.

2. Exercises on the horizontal bar. If possible, do pull-ups on the horizontal bar. This workout will perfectly work the rhomboid back muscles. An imitation of pull-ups on a horizontal bar is deadlift upper block to the chest, so if you walk in Gym, do not ignore this exercise.

3. Bent-over dumbbell rows. Lunge with right leg, elbow right hand rests on the knee, in the left hand there is a dumbbell, then we begin to bend and straighten the hand in which the dumbbell is in. We repeat at least 15-20 times, then work with the other hand. The main thing is to perform the exercise so that the load is in the area of ​​the shoulder blades.

4. Push-ups with broad setting hands This exercise must be performed at a slow pace, it is important to feel the tension in the area of ​​the rhomboid muscles. To better engage the minimus and rhomboid muscles, do a push-up and hold for 10 seconds (squeezing your shoulder blades as hard as possible).

5. Abdominal rows on the machine. This exercise will work well on the diamond-shaped, and deltoids backs.

Training the rhomboid back muscles is necessary not only for the aesthetic appearance of the body, but also for health, so be sure to work on this area and you will not have back problems!

Continuing the topic:

Vadim Knyrko - about the coach who made Domracheva a three-time champion of Sochi 2014.