The most effective exercises for the waist and abs. The best waist exercises you can do at home Perfect waist exercises in a week

Waist size does not always correspond to weight and body type. Surely you know a lot of girls who can be called slim due to their narrow hips and the presence flat stomach, but their waist is barely noticeable, or is completely absent. In their case, there is no point in keeping a diet - due to dietary restrictions, the waist will become narrower by a couple of centimeters, but along with it the volume of the hips will also decrease, that is, the girl will lose weight, but her waist will remain the same in relation to other parameters. Will bring much more benefit sport exercises for the waist, which can be performed at home, but before you start, it is important to find out exactly what waist size is normal in your case.

Waist size norm

It is believed that the waist volume should be in a certain ratio with the volume of the chest and hips, as in the well-known model standard 90-60-90. Many girls, striving for such parameters, do not take into account their height, and this is also very important. In addition, there is also the width of the bones, which you cannot influence, even if you limit yourself in nutrition and do not leave Gym. However, you can calculate the waist volume corresponding to your figure - this figure corresponds to 70% of the chest and hips, that is, if the upper and lower parameters are equal to 100 cm, which is the norm for a height of 170-175 cm, then the waist volume should be approximately 70 cm, but not 60. Now that you know what exactly you are aiming for, you can start doing exercises for thin waist.

Common Mistakes

Wanting to choose an effective exercise for the waist, many women trust methods that do not suit their case:

  • Side-to-side dumbbell exercises . This exercise strengthens abdominal muscles and is suitable for those who want it, but it may not have the best effect on the waist size and make it even wider;
  • Twisting a heavy hoop . By using regular exercise for the waist with a hoop, you can achieve some success, but the abdominal muscles will “get used” to the constant blows of the hoop, you will have to make it heavier, but this is fraught with injuries to the internal organs. Most girls who decide to give up this exercise after long training sessions, the waist very quickly increases in volume, and, as a rule, becomes even wider than the original one;
  • Turns with weight on shoulders. When you perform turns with a barbell or dumbbells, you put a lot of stress on your spine. This exercise helps pump up your upper abs, but is completely unsuitable for your waist.

Effective exercises for the waist

Exercises to reduce waist size should be performed daily - to strong physical activity they are not relevant and do not take much time.

Exercises on the floor


  • Twisting(Fig. 1). Take a lying position, bend your knees, as shown in the first photo, and lift your torso, twisting, touching the bend of your elbow to the opposite knee. With each lift, alternate sides of the incline;
  • Oblique Bridge(Fig.2). To perform this exercise for the waist, you need to lie on the floor, but not on your back, but on your side, focusing on your hand standing on your elbow, as shown in the photo. Raise your pelvis from the floor so that your body is in a level position, then lower and lift again. Speed ​​is important in performing this exercise. The duration of one workout is several minutes and depends on your patience;
  • Leg Raising(Fig.3). Take a lying position and straighten your legs. First, lift your right leg without bending, freeze in this position for 4-5 seconds, and without lowering your right leg, lift your left leg, freezing for another 5 seconds. Lower your legs at the same time, then repeat the exercise, but starting with your left leg.

Exercises while standing


  • Bend over with arms outstretched(Fig. 1). The feet should be shoulder-width apart, like the girl in the photo, parallel to each other. Leaning forward, extend each arm as far as possible in turn, so that the second arm is extended and creates a straight line with the first. With each tilt, the body must be turned towards the hand;
  • Bend over with clasped hands(Fig. 2). With your feet shoulder-width apart, raise your arms above your head and clasp them together. Bend slowly from side to side, then bend back. During the exercise, do not release your arms, keep your back straight;
  • Exercises with a chair(Fig.3). Stand with your side to the back of the chair and grab it with your hands. Lift each leg one at a time, then move it to the side and back. After several exercises, turn to the other side of the chair.

Video: Exercises for the waist

In this video, the girl shows by personal example effective exercises for the waist and sides.

Not everyone needs them, but certainly no one will refuse a thin waist! It gives femininity and gives its owner more self-confidence!

Play sports and!

With these exercises you can improve your figure without going to the gym and dedicating only a few minutes a day to it. At the same time, do not forget to eat a healthy and balanced diet.

The waist is one of the most “problem areas” of the body. If you do not watch your diet and do not adhere to the right lifestyle, fat easily accumulates here, and, accordingly, the waist loses its shape.

Since this is one of the components of our figure, it is very important to do waist exercises every day. Then she will remain graceful, and if we have already managed to type overweight, the waist will restore its shape.

This can be achieved if healthy image life, which includes not only, but also regular physical exercise for the abdominal muscles.

Such exercises are very good for burning fat, improving the shape of the waist, and increasing the tone of the abdominal muscles. However, the result will depend on the woman’s constitution. Some women have such a physique that maintaining their waist in good condition does not require much effort from them, while others have to make great efforts to do this.

If you want to make your waist slimmer and are ready to do the work necessary for this, the 6 exercises that we present in this article will be very useful to you.

Exercise 1

This is one of the simplest gymnastic exercises, and doing it correctly is not at all difficult.

  • Starting position - sitting, legs wide apart and extended.
  • Now we tilt our torso towards our right leg and try to reach our right foot with our left hand.
  • We return to initial position and do the same tilt to the left leg.
  • We repeat the exercise, changing sides, 15-20 times.

Exercise 2

Abdominal exercises are great for your waistline, and they also tone your abdominal muscles, making your abdomen look flatter.

There are many abdominal exercises, and they are all very effective. We will give an exercise that is easy to do at home.

  • Starting position - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees.
  • Holding your hands behind your head, raise your torso and try to reach your left knee with your right elbow (then vice versa).
  • Keep your abdominal muscles tense during the exercise. To begin, do three series of this exercise, with 10-15 repetitions in each series.

Exercise 3

Leg raises are another one good exercise for the waist and strengthening the abdominal muscles.

  • Lie face up on the mat with your back slightly elevated.
  • Stretch your legs and lift them slightly above the floor, while keeping your knees slightly turned out.
  • Stretch your arms forward. This is done to maintain balance and increase resistance.
  • Maintain this position for at least 30 seconds. Rest and repeat the exercise three times.

Exercise 4

This exercise is called the “plank”. There is no need to perform movements here, you just need to maintain balance and withstand resistance. This exercise requires tension of almost all the muscles of the body, especially the abdominal muscles.

  • Lie face down on the mat and elevate your body on your hands and toes.
  • Keep your body straight, without bending your knees or spine, and stay in this position for at least 30 seconds.

Exercise 5

This is a side one. This exercise directly affects the waist and abdominal muscles.

  • Lie on your side and, leaning on the floor with one leg and one arm, lift your body and remain in this position. The torso forms approximately a straight line with the second leg, the second arm is raised up.
  • Lower your waist as far as possible so that it is a few centimeters from the floor.
  • Raise and lower your waist for 20 seconds, then do the same using your other arm and leg.

Exercise 6

This exercise is for the lower back and back; it perfectly complements the previous exercises, works well on the waist and strengthens the back.

  • Lie face down on the mat with your legs and arms extended, as in the picture above.
  • While remaining in this position, try to raise your torso and arms. Also try to raise your legs as high as possible.
  • While doing this exercise, tense your abdominal muscles. Try to do at least three sets of this exercise, with 12 repetitions in each set.

To perform this exercise you will need a fitness ball. Start in a plank position on your elbows. The ball should be directly under your shoulders. Start slowly rolling the ball forward until you feel comfortable (15-30 cm). Pause and then roll the ball back to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 10-20 repetitions.

Waist exercise No. 4

This exercise is another step towards a slim and toned waist. It forces you to control and maintain the weight of your own legs, which makes it great - the main muscle group that is responsible for a beautiful waist.

Lie on your back, close your legs and extend your arms to the sides. Raise your closed straight legs and begin to slowly lower them to the right. The lower back should be pressed tightly to the floor. Do 3 sets of 10-25 repetitions and proceed to the last exercise.

Waist exercise No. 5

Because this waist exercise is performed with weights, your oblique muscles will work more efficiently than with regular side bends. To perform it you will need one dumbbell weighing 2-3 kg.

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Take the dumbbell in right hand, and lift the left one directly above your head. Slowly lean to the right, lowering the dumbbell. When it reaches ankle level, slowly return to the starting position. Perform 10 repetitions on one side, and then another 10 on the other. Do 2-3 sets of this exercise.

We told you about the most effective exercises for the waist. Hurry up, start doing them, and after a while you will see how your waist becomes defined, and the extra centimeters on your sides are rapidly melting away.

Exercises and women's “tricks” for creating a thin waist at home will return smooth curves and a flat stomach. The word “waist,” according to one version, consists of exclamations from a girl curiously examining herself in the mirror (“Am I the same?”).

Without trying to turn back the river of time, it is possible to create ideal proportions thanks to this particular part of the body.

Game of geometric shapes

Men admit that the hourglass figure remains a popular and desirable type of female figure (a body like Scheherazade’s - lush breasts and hips, a narrow waist). It is not necessary to weigh 50 kg. Features of the ideal belt area:

  • Sometimes it is not a sagging belly that gives extra volume, but a distended stomach. It is enough to adjust the portions of food consumed (switch to 5 meals a day, plus - let the volume of food not exceed two palms folded in a boat). The extra centimeters will go away on their own.

Advice! Sometimes your body type is dictated by hormones. An imbalance of thyroid hormones, estrogen, and diabetes mellitus “force” the body to work more slowly, store fat, and provoke an unhealthy appetite. A visit to an endocrinologist and/or gynecologist will not be superfluous.

If a silhouette is required hourglass For photography, you need to take a winning pose - put your hands behind your head and spread your elbows wide, straighten your back.

Important! If exercises for losing weight at home do not inspire enthusiasm, the fair sex does not have time or has health restrictions, save yourself with fashionable tips. Shapewear (shapewear) would be appropriate. But it is not recommended to wear it for a long time, contraindications are tumors, pregnancy, circulatory problems. Beauty should not harm health.

Wasp waist: methods for the lazy

General weight loss invariably leads to a reduction in the belt area. Eating more protein products (if there is no kidney disease and maintaining water balance), reducing the total number of calories consumed per day will give the desired results!

Often all this is done in the name of a “little black dress” or evening dress prepared for a homecoming. The clothes themselves can help. You need to choose the right styles that can easily “veil” up to 5 kg and visually elongate your figure.

  • Sundresses, shirt dresses, retro-style dresses that combine fluffy A-line skirts and open shoulders or puffed sleeves.
  • Skirts with a peplum that cover the tummy or, conversely, further increase the hips (in contrast, a thin waist is visually emphasized).
  • Wide belts and large ruffles on the chest will also add “points” in favor of the tummy.

Health and beauty treatments are also useful. Massages that increase blood circulation in problem areas, use scrubs twice a week (while taking a contrast shower or a relaxing warm bath).

Advice!Buy sea salt with the addition of citrus aromatic oils or create the necessary products yourself - mix the cream (use as a base) with caffeine, coffee grounds and aromatic oils of juniper, cypress, tea tree, but use them with caution (5-7 drops) - they can cause allergic reactions reaction. Sometimes they are added to products for wrapping around problem areas.

You are my breath

Effective and easy exercises for the waist at home sometimes start with breathing exercises. These are popular areas such as bodyflex (stretching and special breathing), oxysize (based on taking poses with special breathing). The load on the body occurs due to abdominal breathing (the abdominal muscles are worked out, the diaphragm is activated, the blood “accelerates” and the heartbeat increases).

Pros - there are positive reviews(waist decreases to 14 cm in 2 months, provided proper nutrition, breathing exercises and increasing the amount of water you drink per day, be sure to have a glass of water in the morning, after waking up).

Disadvantages - performing the complex without an instructor, a woman sometimes experiences dizziness, may lose consciousness, and disrupt the functioning of the heart.

Slowly inhale through the nose, after 2-3 seconds, without exhaling, inhale again a couple of times. Exhalations are made in the same order and intensity - long, two short. Approach – up to 4 times (use only abdominal breathing).

Slowly inhale through the nose (tuck up the stomach as much as possible), exhale through the mouth (protrude the abdominal muscles).

Inhale deeply using the diaphragm (even lower your chin and draw in your stomach), exhale all the air and then hold your breath.

Advice! Pregnancy is a time of strict refusal of any actions aimed at reducing the belt area. Breathing exercises for the waist is no exception. People with heart, thyroid, and eye diseases are also advised to consult a doctor before gymnastics.

For thin and physically resilient girls, this complex will not give a visual result; they will have to look for “active” methods.

"Calm" recipes: belly dancing

The beautiful belt zone is demonstrated by oriental beauties, who developed in pre-Christian times own exercises for the waist at home (there were no others then), videos of Arabic, Indian, Egyptian dances are easy to find on the Internet.

Indian choreography originated from the myth of the dancing god Shiva, who drives away evil spirits through dance. And the New Testament daughter of King Herod, Solome, drove Antipas crazy with dancing, taking the life of the famous saint.

Girls who practice oriental dancing often have a particularly pronounced waist (due to the constant use of the abdominal muscles), although the dancers' belly is soft and their abs may be completely absent.

The key figure is the eight. They stand on two legs and do not lift their feet off the floor. The back is straight. The right thigh is abducted to right side, then - back as far as possible. At this time, the left thigh also makes Roundabout Circulation. Then repeat the same with the left thigh. It turns out to be a “horizontal figure eight”.

The oblique muscles and gluteal muscles are developed, outer surface hips.
The “Vertical Eight” is also aimed at slimming the waist area. The starting position is the same. The right thigh is raised as high as possible, lifting the heel off the floor, to the right and down (not pulled back). Make a circular motion with it, describing a circle with the thigh. Repeat the movement with the left thigh.

Rocking, rotation, “swing”, “pendulum” (the stomach is fixed, and the hips are moved alternately to the right and left, as if they are used to draw a smile) - they are based on simple movements, the implementation of which burns extra calories in the abdominal area and eliminates the sides.

Advice! Video lessons, online classes via the Internet and training with an instructor - best options, which are used in combination.

Wedding ring

An undeservedly forgotten mini-simulator is the hula hoop, which little girls almost never part with. Today, the fashion for hoop is being revived. The Americans patented this item back in the 60s of the 20th century, although the rim twisted from bamboo leaves had long been used by Polynesian indigenous people. Girls can afford to purchase a hula hoop depending on the degree of fitness of the body.

Exercises with this “companion” of slimness will tell you how to reduce your waist at home.

Classes begin with a lightweight (light aluminum or plastic) model to avoid damage to the spine. After 3–4 weeks, they switch to a weighted version (fill sand inside, buy a wide rubberized hula hoop with massage inserts).

Advice! In case of pathology of the kidneys, spine, during menstruation and diseases of the pelvic organs, the hoop will have to be abandoned.

Exercises begin with 5 minutes of rotation in each direction, gradually increasing the time to an hour. Sometimes it is advised to break the workout into several approaches (spinning the hoop in the morning, lunch and evening).

To avoid addiction, alternate rotations with other hula hoop exercises. For example, they stand against the wall, against which they press their backs. Legs slightly bent. The hoop is held above your head with your arms spread wide. They do rolls along the wall without lifting their feet from the floor. The oblique and abdominal muscles become tense.

The starting position is the same. But they raise the leg bent at the knee. They are trying to reach her with a hoop. Perform one by one.

Important! During training, the stomach should be tense or retracted. Exercises are done on an empty stomach (an hour before or after meals).

Anita Lutsenko: waist in 5 minutes

A popular fitness trainer in Ukraine, helping everyone who wants to lose weight and stay in shape, offers an intensive course morning workouts, which will not take more than 5–10 minutes. It is enough to carry it out every other day as part of the “morning toilet”. These exercises for the waist at home (you can take your photo before and a month after) will always help out those who do not have free time to visit the gym.

Warm up (without it it is easy to get a muscle injury). Stretching will warm up your muscles. An exercise will help stretch your back and abdominal muscles: hands on your belt, feet shoulder-width apart. Round your back as much as possible and move it back, lowering your head. Alternate with protruding the abdomen and raising the head. Do rotational movements shoulders. Knead the knees and hips (bend the bent leg in a standing position back so that the heel touches the back, and without lowering the leg to the floor, move it forward so that it touches the stomach with the knee).

An effective exercise that strengthens the abdominal and thigh muscles. Starting position – standing. Then they squat, resting their hands on the floor, throw their legs back (the stance resembles a plank or a push-up position) - return to the position (the legs are picked up, the pose of a sitting person with hands resting on the floor is obtained). Perform 5–10 times.

In a standing position, arms bent at the elbows are spread to the sides. They try to bend over with them until their raised leg is bent at the knee. Performed intensively.

Do an exercise for the oblique and rectus abdominis muscles 10 times on each side. Starting position as for push-ups. Leaning on your hands, bring your leg bent at the knee towards your body, as if trying to reach your elbow with your knee.

The set of exercises completes the formation of the waist while sitting. They sit down on the floor. The back is straight. Legs slightly bent at the knees, straightened. The heels are lifted off the floor, the palms are squeezed into a “lock” and alternately touch the floor on the left and right, turning the body.

It is important that you need to complete the complex by stretching; you can sit a little in the lotus position or cross your legs in Turkish and stretch. Cooling down improves muscle function and puts them into a calmer mode.

Thin waist: just a mat and desire

Exercises for a wasp waist at home will give results if you have a jump rope in your arsenal (an excellent cardio load, leading to overall weight loss and, as a result, in the abdominal area). The health disk is also useful, rotation on which strengthens lateral muscles body, forms a slender silhouette.

If there are no available means, you will only need a mat and comfortable clothes for exercise.

  • Rotations. The starting position is to stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, your arms bent at the elbows and pressed to your chest. You need to rotate around your axis (describe a circle with your hips, as if spinning a hula hoop, and rotate your body). You should feel tension and warmth in the muscles.

  • They lie down on the floor. Legs are bent at the knees, arms are at the elbows, and placed behind the head. The first option is to lift the body 20–30 times (pump upper press) or try to move the elbow in the opposite direction (left - to the right side, behind the body, and vice versa).
  • Starting position – lie on your back, legs straight. One is bent at the knee and pulled behind the other, trying to touch the floor.
  • A plank will also be useful (lying on your stomach, placing emphasis on your palms, placing your feet shoulder-width apart, resting your toes on the floor, keeping your back and buttocks straight). Fix the position for 4 minutes (start from 30 seconds).

In any case, first study your figure. Some girls, even if they are fit and slim, are disappointed by what they see in the mirror - not everyone is given a waist by nature (figure type - rectangle, square).
Then they work it out gluteal muscles(make the hips wider) and chest (increase chest). This creates the desired hourglass silhouette.

Or you can, like socialite Kim Kardashian or controversial rapper Nicki Minaj, enlarge your buttocks with the help of plastic surgeons.

For girls and women who do not want to spend extra money, the advice is simple - systematic exercise, good health and a light dinner will “represent” their results in the mirror in a couple of months. It turns out that anyone can make themselves beautiful!

A thin waist is the dream of many. And not only girls, but also guys. Yes Yes. Exactly. After all, a thin waist makes a girl’s body slimmer, while a guy’s shoulders and back visually appear wider. Many exhaust themselves with exercises for the oblique abdominal muscles, hoping AND confident that these exercises will make their dream come true. But it's not that simple. Talia, it turns out, has a secret. And it requires a special approach.

What is the ideal waist?

The hypnotic numbers 90-60-90 force most girls to exhaust themselves with grueling diets and exercises. In fact, these numbers are the gold standard of beauty. And such body parameters are very rare in life. Each body is individual, and the parameters will be different accordingly. So what should it be beautiful waist? Easy to calculate.

Everything is important here - height, body structure. You need to subtract 100 from your height in centimeters. For example, your height is 170 cm. Minus 100 means your waist should be 70 cm. And not 60. If so, your waist should be 2-3 cm larger. For a body with the same parameters of the chest and hips, the waist size is calculated as a percentage. The waist should be approximately 70% of the volume. For example, the volume of the hips and chest is 100 cm, which means the waist should be 70 cm.

These waist sizes are also influenced by internal factors, that is, health status. For example, diseases of the thyroid gland lead to hormonal imbalances, which causes an increase in weight and, accordingly, waist size. In this case, you need to first take care of your health, and only then - your figure.

There is no need to chase the standard. Even with other proportions it is possible harmonious figure and a beautiful waist.

Secrets of a beautiful waist

In fact, everything is quite banal and in order to make your waist thin, you only need two things:

  • physical exercise;
  • nutrition adjustments.

It is in these well-known things that the secret of success lies. Let's look at them in detail.

Training principles

In order to have a beautiful waist, not all exercises are suitable. You can’t work on the mistaken belief that these muscles are responsible for the waist, which leads to it becoming even wider. The fact is that in everyday life these muscles are little involved. And from the unusual load for them, they begin to increase. And the oblique muscles are very responsive to growth, as they often work in conjunction with other muscles.

You should avoid exercises such as side bends and straight squats with weights. It is also important not to get carried away with abdominal exercises. This is the same muscle, excessive load will lead to its thickening and visually enlarge the abdomen. Train your back and buttocks. The body will not allow them to be pumped up too much. And with elastic buttocks And strong back the waist will be visually more elegant.

The above does not mean that if you need a beautiful waist, exercise in the gym is unnecessary. This is wrong. Muscle training itself does not lead to fat burning. Therefore get rid of excess weight systematic will help. You need to combine strength and aerobic training. 2-3 exercises per week are enough for the abs. There is no need to pump up the oblique muscles at all. And the most important thing is appropriate nutrition. Without this, you won't be able to lose weight.

Principles of nutrition

No matter how much you want it, if you want a beautiful waist, you will have to count calories.

  • The first, most important principle is nutrition control. To lose weight, you need to consume 15% (maximum 20%) fewer calories than you burn. In this case, approximately 1 kg per week will be lost. There are calorie consumption and calorie consumption calculators on the Internet. You need to calculate how many calories are burned per day and adjust your diet.
  • Have you calculated the number of calories you need for the day? Divide them into 4-5 meals: 60% of calories before 16 hours, the remaining 40% in the evening hours. It is often necessary to eat because the body is designed this way - the longer it feels hungry, the more fat is deposited.
  • After a workout, you should definitely eat, no matter what time it ends.
  • Reduce the amount of fat in your diet to a minimum, add more protein to your diet. It is necessary for muscles so that they do not “burn” along with fat. Do not reduce carbohydrates in the diet, as the body will not have time to recover after intense training.
  • Drink water. You can also drink juices, but the calorie intake will increase.

Home workout exercises

Whether there is a special exercises to have a beautiful waist? Will exercising in a week help you achieve results? Is it possible to study at home? Those who want to have money often ask these questions. Yes, it is possible to achieve results in a week. You just need to make an effort. First of all, taking into account the above, adjust your diet. The second necessary condition is at least 4 classes per week. A simple complex for home training includes strength blocks and cardio exercises.

Before training, you need to warm up your muscles - do a warm-up. Perform exercises alternating power blocks and cardio exercises. Such workouts burn more calories. Perform each exercise for a minute, rest for one minute and move on to the next one. At the end of the session, do some stretching. So, do the exercises in this order:

  • 1 power unit;
  • 1 cardio exercise;
  • 2 power unit;
  • 2 cardio exercise;
  • 3 power block.

Strength exercises

  • Straight crunches. Lie on your back, pressing your pelvis firmly to the floor. Bend your knees. Bend your arms and touch your temples. lift top part body and pull it towards the knees.
  • Stepping over. Get into a plank position. Straighten your arms and rest on your palms. The legs rest on the feet. Without bending at the waist, “step” to the right with your hand, then with your foot. Return to starting position. “Step” to the left.
  • Twisting in the fold. Sit on the floor, bend your knees, fold your arms in front of your chest. Raise your feet so that your calves are parallel to the floor. Turn the body to the left, then to the right.
  • "Scissors". Lie on your back, clasp your hands behind your head. Raise your shoulders and alternately lift your left and right legs off the floor.
  • Twisting from the knees. Lie on your back. Clasp your hands behind your back. Bend your legs at the knees. Raise your shoulder blades and alternately extend your right arm to your left knee, then left hand- to the right knee.
  • Fold with an angle. Sit on the floor, rest your hands with your palms on the floor behind your pelvis. Tilt the body back slightly and alternately lift the extended arm above the floor. left leg, then right.
  • The fold is diagonal. Lie on your right side, extend your right arm away from your body at an angle of 45 degrees, and bend your left arm behind your head. Leaning on your right hand, lift your body and left leg. Straighten your left arm and reach for your leg. Repeat on the other side.
  • "Swimmer". Lie on your stomach, arms extended in front of you, feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your chest off the floor, bend your arms and pull your arms towards your body as if you were swimming.

Cardio exercises

  1. Jumping to the side. Hands on the belt, feet together. Jump to the left (or right) from one foot to the other, at the same time raise your arms up.
  2. Twisting jumps. Bring your hands together in front of your chest. Feet - shoulder width apart. While jumping, turn your feet and pelvis to the right and then to the left.

Exercise "Vacuum"

If you follow a diet and regularly perform exercises, a decrease in your waist by 2-4 cm is observed. For greater effect, perform the “Vacuum” exercise daily. According to numerous reviews, it works great, as evidenced by the girl’s beautiful waist (photo above).

Start with the easiest option - lying down with bent knees. The next step will perform the exercise with with outstretched legs. Then - standing on all fours. And the very last stage, the most difficult - sitting. You can also perform the exercise while standing.

Execution while lying down: lie on your back, bend your knees and extend your arms along your body. Exhale completely, trying to expel all the air from your lungs. Try to hold your breath for 10-15 seconds. Then a quick, full inhale through the nose and a sharp, noisy exhale through the mouth. Perform the exercise 3-4 times at least twice a day. The effectiveness of this exercise is correct technique breathing.

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