The most important questions about running - interview with Mikhail Ivanov. Aerobic and anaerobic exercise, how to determine the anaerobic threshold What is the lactate threshold

What is the difference between aerobic (cardio) and anaerobic (strength) training, and why can’t we do pull-ups or dips as long as pedaling a bike or running? The secret lies in the existence of the so-called anaerobic threshold, which, when reached, begins to “turn off” our muscles.

Our physical activity at a basic level is an oxidative process that occurs in muscle cells with the participation of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. As is known from school biology and chemistry courses, this process occurs with the participation of oxygen entering the muscles from the heart through arteries and a network of small blood vessels and capillaries, with the further release of energy. On the spot, oxygen is replaced by carbon dioxide, and the blood saturated with it passes through the veins back through the heart to the lungs, and then through the respiratory organs outside our body.

Let's move on to a slightly more detailed consideration of the issue from the point of view of biochemistry. The main and most universal source of energy for everyday activity and, in principle, any metabolic processes of a living organism is glucose (C6H12O6). However, this compound is not found in its pure form in either animals or plants. In our case, if restoration is necessary, this vital compound is formed through the enzymatic breakdown of the complex polysaccharide (C6H10O6)n, glycogen. Its reserves are located in muscle tissue (approximately 1% of the total mass, during active exercise they are consumed first) and in the liver (up to 5-6% of the mass, approximately 100 - 120 g for an adult). It is worth noting that only glycogen stored in liver cells (so-called hepatocytes) can be processed into glucose to nourish the body as a whole.

Under the influence of oxygen supplied from outside, split glycogen breaks down into glucose, which, when oxidized (a process called glycolysis), releases the energy necessary for metabolic processes. Glycolysis, after its first stage, when one molecule of glucose is split into two molecules of pyruvic acid or pyruvate, can occur in two different scenarios:

Aerobic (with the participation of oxygen)

1. The amount of oxygen supplied to the muscles at a time is sufficient for oxidative reactions to occur and complete breakdown of carbohydrates;

2. Consumption of carbohydrate reserves and metabolism in general are smooth and measured;

3. Pyruvate molecules are used primarily to produce energy in the mitochondria (energy cells) and are eventually broken down into simple molecules of water and carbon dioxide;

4. The by-product formed in muscle tissue in the form of lactate (the term “lactic acid” is also found in the literature, although chemically lactate is a salt of this same lactic acid, and it is formed almost immediately due to the instability of the first compound) manages to be eliminated without accumulation over time. counting the activity of aerobic enzymes in mitochondria.

Anaerobic (without oxygen)

1. The amount of oxygen supplied to the muscles at a time is not enough for the smooth flow of oxidative reactions (although modern research by scientists allows us to state that the anaerobic process also works when the muscles receive sufficient oxygen, most often this is due to the inability of the cardiovascular system for various reasons to quickly remove lactate) ;

2. Characterized by a sharp level of consumption of carbohydrate reserves and incomplete breakdown of complex carbohydrates;

3. The rate of glycolysis exceeds the rate of use of pyruvate by mitochondria; through rapid chemical breakdown in animals, it is broken down to form lactate (in plants, by the way, this produces another well-known compound, ethanol);

4. Lactate begins to accumulate and does not have time to be removed from muscle tissue by the circulatory system. However, its accumulation, contrary to popular belief, is not the root cause of muscle fatigue. First of all, the accumulation of lactate is our body’s protective reaction to a drop in blood glucose concentration.
- the decrease in pH associated with the accumulation of lactate deprives enzymes of activity and, as a result, limits aerobic and anaerobic energy production.

When the load increases during prolonged periods physical activity The first mechanism of glycogen breakdown sooner or later turns into the second. Everything is determined by the relationship between the rate of lactate production, its diffusion into the blood and absorption by the muscles, heart, liver and kidneys. Lactate is produced even at rest (moving from the muscles into the circulatory system, it is ultimately either processed into glucose in the liver or used as fuel), but as long as the rate of its production is equal to consumption, no functional limitations appear. Thus, there is a certain boundary or threshold at which the rate of accumulation of this very lactate begins to exceed the rate of its elimination.

From a biochemical point of view anaerobic threshold(AnP, in some sources “lactate”) is magnitude(units: ml/kg/min), showing how much oxygen a person can consume (per unit of body weight) without accumulating lactic acid.
From the point of view of training activity, AnP is intensity(the easiest way is to take heart rate as a basis) exercises in which the neutralization of lactate does not keep up with its production.

As a rule, the AnP heart rate is approximately 85–90% of the maximum heart rate. The latter value can be measured either by making a series of short sprint bursts of 60 - 100 m, followed by measuring the heart rate using a heart rate monitor and calculating the average value. Or by performing “speed” and the maximum possible number of repetitions of two or three series strength exercises with your own weight, such as, for example: pull-ups, dips, plyometric push-ups, burpees, squats, etc. The main thing is sharpness of movement, speed and maximum work “to failure”. Heart rate monitor measurements are taken after each series; at the end, the average value is also calculated, which is then taken as a basis. It is obvious that the result obtained is strictly individual and, to a certain approximation, it can be considered a guideline for its real value of AnP. The most accurate measurements of the threshold value are carried out either using special portable lactometers, or using complex laboratory equipment using previously developed and approved methods. Nevertheless, there are conditional recommended pulse zones that correspond to one or another type of training depending on the person’s age.

Cardiovascular and endurance training is always done at a heart rate slightly lower than the ARP value. In turn, the most effective in terms of fat burning, that is, activation of lipid metabolism, is training at a low (50-60% of maximum) heart rate.

Is it possible to somehow increase the value of AnP?

Certainly! Moreover, the anaerobic threshold can be raised throughout one's life (unlike, for example, the level of maximum oxygen consumption, which will sooner or later plateau, a limitation caused by genetic factors, in particular the level of hemoglobin in the blood). Research shows that an increase in ANP occurs in two ways: both by reducing the level of lactate production, and, conversely, by increasing the rate of its elimination.
If we imagine that oxygen is the same fuel as, for example, gasoline, and our heart is nothing more than an internal combustion engine, then, by analogy with the design of different manufacturers, one individual person will consume the same oxygen more economically, than the other. However, like the engine, the entire cardiac respiratory system can be given a kind of “chip tuning” through specialized training.

A well-known principle works here. Do you want to improve some quality in yourself? Give him an incentive to grow. Accordingly, in order to increase your AnP, you need to regularly train at a heart rate level slightly above its value (conditionally, 95% of the maximum heart rate). For example, if your current ANP is at a heart rate of 165 beats/min, then one, maximum two workouts per week should be done at a heart rate of 170 beats/min.

Thus, there are four main adaptive changes that lead to an increase in the anaerobic threshold.

1. Increase in the number and size of mitochondria(they are factors in aerobic energy production in muscle cells). The result: more energy aerobically.

2. Increased capillary density. The result: more capillaries per cell, more efficient delivery of nutrients and removal of by-products

3. Increased activity of aerobic enzymes(are accelerators of chemical reactions in mitochondria). The result: more energy in a shorter period of time

4. Increased myoglobin(by analogy with hemoglobin in the blood, it transports oxygen in muscle tissue from the membrane to the mitochondria). The result: an increase in the concentration of myoglobin, which means an increase in the amount of oxygen delivered to the mitochondria for energy production.

Anaerobic threshold(AnP) - the level of oxygen consumption, above which the anaerobic production of high-energy phosphates (ATP) complements the aerobic synthesis of ATP with a subsequent decrease in the redox state of the cytoplasm, an increase in the L/P ratio, and the production of lactate by cells in a state of anaerobiosis (ANP).

Basic information

When performing high-intensity exercise, sooner or later the delivery of oxygen to the cells becomes insufficient. As a result, cells are forced to obtain energy not only aerobically (oxidative phosphorylation), but also through anaerobic glycolysis. Normally, NADH*H+ formed during glycolysis transfers protons to the electron transport chain of mitochondria, but due to a lack of oxygen they accumulate in the cytoplasm and inhibit glycolysis. To allow glycolysis to continue, they begin to transfer protons to pyruvate to form lactic acid. Lactic acid under physiological conditions is dissociated into a lactate ion and a proton. Lactate ions and protons leave the cells into the blood. Protons begin to be buffered by the bicarbonate buffer system, releasing excess non-metabolic CO 2 . When buffering occurs, the level of standard plasma bicarbonates decreases.

The anaerobic threshold in actively trained athletes is approximately equal to 90% of MOC.

Not all runners (especially veterans) experience a bend in the heart rate curve on the speed graph in this test.

V-slope speed ratio method

It is implemented when performing a load to failure using the ramp protocol type. A graph is constructed of the dependence of the rate of CO2 release on the rate of O2 consumption. The occurrence of a sharp sudden increase in the graph determines the onset of the threshold of lactic acidosis. Actually, the appearance of excess non-metabolic CO2 is determined. The threshold determined from gas analysis data is called gas exchange or ventilatory. It is worth noting that the Ventilatory Threshold usually occurs at a Respiratory Coefficient level of 0.8-1 and therefore determining it when a Respiratory Coefficient reaches 1 is a very rough approximation. It is unacceptable to make such an approximation.

Endurance athletes need to train their body's ability to maintain a high level of intensity and speed throughout the entire race distance in order to go as hard and as fast as possible. In a short race we are able to maintain a higher pace than in a long race - why? Much of the answer to this question has to do with anaerobic threshold (or AnT). The human body can maintain speeds above ANP for no more than an hour, after which the cumulative effect of high lactate levels begins to impair performance. The shorter the race, the more lactate can accumulate in the body.
Thus, to maintain high speed in endurance events, especially those lasting more than an hour, it is important to have a high ANP. In order to increase ANP, it is necessary to train at a heart rate at or slightly below ANP. PANO - anaerobic metabolism threshold;


Objective: Assess the value of the anaerobic threshold and use this level of intensity, as well as subjective perception of the load and pace corresponding to the level, in training.
Necessary equipment:

Heart rate monitor, log for recording data - distance traveled, time, average heart rate during exercise, subjective sensations during exercise (on a scale from 1 to 10, where 10 is maximum effort).

Select a testing location and method.
Running – 5-10 km
Bicycle – 25-40 km
Before starting the test, warm up for 15 minutes at moderate intensity.
Complete the distance at the fastest speed you can maintain without losing momentum (this is the most difficult task in the test). If you notice that you are slowing down, it means; you started at a pace that exceeds your AnP.

Stop the test and repeat the next week, starting at a slower pace.

Record the time you complete the distance.

After 5 minutes of work, the heart rate should stabilize. The heart rate that you reach in 5 minutes and which you can maintain for the entire remaining distance will be the heart rate at the AnP level.
Do a 15-minute warm-up after the test.
Most workouts in the “fourth zone” are best done at a heart rate 5-10 beats below the AnP. Premature high-intensity training will most likely lead to peak fitness early or not at all.

Another method for determining maximum heart rate.

Before the test, warm up for at least 20 minutes and stretch well. You are required good speed and motivation when performing the load. Use a heart rate monitor for accurate and easy heart rate measurements. When using a monitor, you will be able to determine your anaerobic threshold during the test if you record your heart rate at the moment when you feel a clear lack of oxygen.

Do not perform the tests below if you are over 35 years old, have not had a medical examination with a stress test, or are in poor shape.

Running: The running test consists of running 1.6 km along a flat or athletic track as fast as possible. You must run the last quarter of the distance as hard as you can. Time your run. You can then use it as a guide for your further preparation. At the finish line, stop and immediately count your pulse. This will be your heart rate max.
Bicycle: The bicycle test involves pedaling on an exercise bike or cyclometer (it is better to use your own bicycle) at the maximum possible speed for 5 minutes. The last 30 seconds of the test must be pedaled as hard as you can, then stop and immediately count your pulse. The resulting value will be your heart rate max.

Having found out your heart rate max and heart rate at rest, you can begin to calculate intensity levels (training zones).

The method that R. Sleemaker and R. Browning.

First you need to find the Heart Rate Reserve using the formula: HR max – heart rate at rest. And then multiply the resulting number:
Level 1 – 0.60-0.70
Level 2 – 0.71-0.75
Level 3 – 0.76-0.80
Level 4 – 0.81-0.90
Level 5 – 0.91-1.00


LDH or lactate dehydrogenase, lactate is an enzyme, involved in the process of glucose oxidation and the formation of lactic acid. Lactate (lactic acid salt) is formed in cells during respiration. LDH is found in almost all human organs and tissues, especially in muscles.
With a full supply of oxygen, lactate does not accumulate in the blood, but is destroyed to neutral products and excreted. Under conditions of hypoxia (lack of oxygen), it accumulates, causes a feeling of muscle fatigue, and disrupts the process of tissue respiration. Analysis of blood biochemistry for LDH is carried out to diagnose diseases of the myocardium (heart muscle), liver, and tumor diseases.

When performing a step test, a phenomenon occurs that is commonly called the aerobic threshold (AeT). The appearance of AeP indicates the recruitment of all OMVs ( oxidative muscle fibers). By the magnitude of external resistance one can judge the strength of the IMF, which they can exhibit when ATP resynthesis and KrF due to oxidative phosphorylation.

A further increase in power requires the recruitment of higher-threshold motor units (MUs), this enhances the processes of anaerobic glycolysis, and more lactate and H ions are released into the blood. When lactate enters the OMV, it is converted back to pyruvate by the cardiac enzyme lactate dehydrogenase (LDH H). However, the power of the mitochondrial OMV system has a limit. Therefore, first there is a limiting dynamic equilibrium between the formation of lactate and its consumption in the OMV and PMV, and then the balance is disturbed, and uncompensated metabolites - lactate, H, CO2 - cause a sharp intensification of physiological functions. Breathing is one of the most sensitive processes and reacts very actively. When blood passes through the lungs, depending on the phases of the respiratory cycle, it should have a different partial CO2 tension. A “portion” of arterial blood with a high CO2 content reaches chemoreceptors and directly modular chemosensitive structures of the central nervous system, which causes an intensification of respiration. As a result, CO2 begins to be washed out of the blood so that, as a result, the average concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood begins to decrease. When the power corresponding to AnP is reached, the rate of lactate release from the working glycolytic MVs is compared with the rate of its oxidation in the MVs. At this moment, only carbohydrates become the substrate of oxidation in the OMV (lactate inhibits the oxidation of fats), some of them are OMV glycogen, the other part is lactate formed in glycolytic MV. The use of carbohydrates as oxidation substrates provides maximum speed formation of energy (ATP) in the mitochondria of the OMV. Consequently, oxygen consumption and/or power at the anaerobic threshold (AnT) characterizes the maximum oxidative potential (power) of the OMV.

A further increase in external power necessitates the involvement of increasingly high-threshold motor units innervating glycolytic MVs. The dynamic balance is disrupted, the production of H and lactate begins to exceed the rate of their elimination. This is accompanied by a further increase in pulmonary ventilation, heart rate and oxygen consumption. After ANP, oxygen consumption is mainly related to the work of the respiratory muscles and myocardium. When pulmonary ventilation and heart rate limits are reached or when local muscle fatigue occurs, oxygen consumption stabilizes and then begins to decrease. At this moment, the MIC is recorded.

Changes in oxygen consumption (VO2) and increase in blood lactate concentration with a gradual increase in running speed.

On the graph of changes in lactate (La), you can find the moment when glycolytic muscle fibers begin to be recruited. It is called the aerobic threshold (AeT). Then, when the lactate concentration reaches 4 mM/L or when a sharp acceleration in lactate accumulation is detected, the anaerobic threshold (AnT) is found or the moment of maximum dynamic equilibrium between the production of lactate by part of the glycolytic muscle fibers and its consumption in the oxidative muscle fibers, heart and respiratory muscles. At the same moment, breathing and the release of carbon dioxide intensify. The concentration of norepinephrine (NAd) changes with increasing intensity of physical exercise and with increasing mental stress. Ve - pulmonary ventilation (l/min), HR - heart rate (HR, beats/min), MaeC - maximum oxygen consumption.

Thus, MIC is the sum of the oxygen consumption values ​​of the oxidative MVs of the tested muscles, respiratory muscles and myocardium.

The energy supply for muscle activity in exercises lasting more than 60 seconds mainly comes from glycogen stores in the muscle and liver. However, duration of exercise between 90% of maximal aerobic power (MAP) and ANP power is not associated with depletion of glycogen stores. Only in the case of performing an exercise with AnP power does a failure to maintain a given power occur due to the depletion of glycogen reserves in the muscle.

Thus, to assess muscle glycogen reserves, it is necessary to determine the power of AnP and perform such an exercise to the limit. By the duration of maintaining the power of AnP, one can judge the glycogen reserves in the muscles.

An increase in the power of the AnP, in other words, an increase in the mitochondrial mass of the IMV, leads to adaptive processes, an increase in the number of capillaries and their density (the latter causes an increase in the transit time of the blood). This gives grounds for the assumption that an increase in the power of the AnP simultaneously indicates an increase in both the mass of the OMV and the degree of capillarization of the OMV.

Direct indicators of the functional state of athletes

The functional state of an athlete is determined by the morphological and (or) functional adaptation of the body systems to perform the basic competitive exercise. The most noticeable changes occur in such body systems as cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular (musculoskeletal), endocrine, and immune.

Performance muscular system depends on the following parameters. Muscle composition by type muscle contraction(percentage of fast and slow muscle fibers), which is determined by the activity of the ATPase enzyme. The percentage of these fibers is genetically determined, i.e. does not change during training. Variable indicators include the number of mitochondria and myofibrils in oxidative, intermediate and glycolytic muscle fibers, which differ in the density of mitochondria near myofibrils and the activity of mitochondrial enzymes succinate dehydrogenase and lactate dehydrogenase according to muscle and cardiac type; structural parameters of the endoplasmic reticulum; the number of lysosomes, the amount of oxidation substrates in muscles: glycogen, fatty acids in skeletal muscles, glycogen in the liver.

The delivery of oxygen to the muscles and the removal of metabolic products is determined by the minute volume of blood and the amount of hemoglobin in the blood, which determines the ability to carry oxygen by a certain volume of blood. Minute blood volume is calculated as the product of the current stroke volume of the heart and the current heart rate. The maximum heart rate, according to the literature and our research, is limited by a certain number of beats per minute, about 190-200, after which the overall performance of the cardiovascular system sharply decreases (minute blood volume decreases) due to the occurrence of such an effect as a diastole defect, in which a sharp decrease in stroke volume. It follows from this that a change in the maximum stroke volume of blood changes the minute volume of blood in direct proportion. Stroke blood volume is related to the size of the heart and the degree of dilatation of the left ventricle and is a derivative of two components - genetic and the process of adaptation to training. An increase in stroke volume is usually observed in athletes specializing in endurance sports.

Performance respiratory system determined by vital capacity of the lungs and capillary density inner surface lungs.

In progress sports training endocrine glands undergo changes, usually associated with an increase in their mass and the synthesis of more hormones necessary for adaptation to physical activity(at proper training and recovery system). As a result of exposure using special physical exercise on the glands of the endocrine system and increase the synthesis of hormones, there is an impact on the immune system, thereby improving the athlete’s immunity.

  • Jansen P. Heart rate, lactate and endurance training. Per. from English - Murmansk: Tuloma Publishing House, 2006. - 160 p.
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  • A. Seireg, A. Arvikar. The prediction of muscular load sharing and joint forces in the lower extremities during walking. // J. of Biomech., 1975. - 8. - P. 89 - 105.
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The metabolic system supplies the muscles with fuel in the form of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. In muscles, fuel sources are converted into a more energy-useful form called adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This process can occur in both aerobic and anaerobic form.

Aerobic energy production occurs during light, non-stressful riding. The main source of energy here is fats. The process involves oxygen, which is necessary to convert fuel into ATP. The slower you drive, the more fat your body uses and the more carbohydrates it stores in your muscles. As the pace accelerates, the body gradually abandons fats and switches to carbohydrates as the main source of energy. During strenuous efforts, the body begins to require more oxygen than it receives during normal skating, as a result of which ATP begins to be produced in anaerobic form (that is, literally “without the participation of oxygen”).

Anaerobic exercise involves carbohydrates as the main source of fuel. As carbohydrates are converted into ATP, a byproduct called lactic acid is released into the muscles. This leads to the sensation of burning and heaviness in the limbs, which you are probably familiar from strenuous exercise. As lactic acid leaks from muscle cells into the bloodstream, a hydrogen molecule is released from it, causing the acid to be converted into lactate. Lactate accumulates in the blood and its level can be measured using a finger prick or earlobe test. Lactic acid is always produced by the body.

Anaerobic metabolic threshold - this indicator represents the level of tension at which metabolism, or metabolism, passes from aerobic to anaerobic form. As a result, lactate begins to be produced so quickly that the body is unable to effectively get rid of it. If I ( by JOE FREEL - The Cyclist's Bible) I will slowly pour water into a cardboard glass with a hole in the bottom, it will pour out as quickly as I pour it. This is what happens to lactate in our body at low levels of tension. If I pour water faster, it will begin to accumulate in the glass, despite the fact that some of it will pour out, as before. It is this moment that is an analogy of ANNO, which occurs when more high level voltage.

ANNO is an extremely important indicator.

It is advisable for athletes to learn how to roughly assess the level of their ANSP in the field. To do this, he should control his level of tension and monitor the moment the burning sensation occurs in his legs.

Step test on a bicycle trainer

  • Test
  • Warm up for 5-10 minutes
  • You must maintain a predetermined power or speed level throughout the test. Start at 24 km/h or 100 watts and increase the speed by 1.5 km/h or power by 20 watts every minute for as long as you can. Stay in the saddle throughout the test. You can change gears at any time.
  • At the end of each minute, tell the assistant (or memorize it yourself, or dictate into the recorder) your voltage indicator, determining it using the Borg scale (after placing it in a convenient place).
  • After each minute, the output power level, voltage indicator and heart rate are recorded. After which the power increases to a new level.
  • The assistant (or you yourself) carefully observes your breathing and notes the moment at which it becomes constrained. This point is designated by the abbreviation VT (ventilator threshold).
  • Continue the exercise until you can maintain the given power level for at least 15 seconds.

The data obtained from the test will look something like this.

Perceived Stress Scale
6 - 7 = Extremely light
8 - 9 = Very light
10 - 11 = Relatively light
12 - 13 = Somewhat heavy
14 - 15 = Heavy
16 - 17 = Very heavy

18 - 20 = Extremely heavy

Conduct five individual time trials, preferably over several days.
- 12 seconds
- 1 minute
- 6 minutes
- 12 minutes
- 30 minutes

For each test, you must give your best effort throughout. It may take two or three attempts over several days or even weeks to determine the correct pace.

Calculations for longer durations - 60, 90 and 180 minutes - can be made using a graph by extending to the right a straight line drawn through points KM12 and KM30 and marking the required points on it.

You can also estimate the values ​​for this additional data using simple math calculations. To calculate the power for a 60-minute interval, subtract 5% from the power value for a 30-minute interval. To estimate the power for a 90-minute interval, subtract 2.5% from the power for a 60-minute interval. If you subtract 5% from the power rating for a 90-minute interval, you will get the power for a 180-minute interval.

An approximate diagram is attached (each has its own indicators)

Material taken from the book “The Cyclist's Bible” by Joe Friel

Many names have been invented for this event: anaerobic threshold, lactate threshold, PANO... it is also called something else, I don’t remember now. Whatever you call this condition, it is key in assessing the physical condition of athletes in cyclic sports. Of the many terms I'm used to using anaerobic threshold(AnP), I will use it in this article.

It would seem, why is it necessary to introduce some incomprehensible thresholds, when you can put an athlete at a certain distance and let him run/drive/swim…/overcome it? A simple way to monitor the progress of physical fitness using a stopwatch certainly has a right to exist. However, it has its drawbacks. The main disadvantage is that an athlete can cover the distance using different tactics. Conventionally, a runner can accelerate powerfully at the start, measuredly in the middle and end, or vice versa, speed up at the finish. There are a lot of variations and the final result greatly depends on this. Therefore, there is a point in testing physical fitness based on the time it takes to complete a distance only when the athlete moves at the ANP level. And we again came to the anaerobic threshold.

Let's finally figure out what AnP is. In humans, there are oxidative muscle fibers (OMF) and glycolytic muscle fibers (GMF). OMVs work with the participation of oxygen, and their main energy resource is fats; HMVs operate without oxygen; their energy source is carbohydrates. The HMVs are put into operation only when all the HMVs are engaged. While functioning, HMVs produce lactate, as long as it is within acceptable limits, the body is able to get rid of it, but if the power is increased, the lactate level will become too high to continue working. A sharp jump in the level of lactate in the blood is accompanied by a decrease in muscle performance (power drops), this fracture is called anaerobic threshold.

AnP can be most accurately determined using a blood sample directly during training, when the concentration of lactate in the blood increases sharply - this will be the anaerobic threshold. Taking blood during training is very inconvenient, so it makes sense to consider other methods for determining ANP. In 1982, physiologist Francesco Conconi proposed his method for measuring ANP; the procedure later became known as the Conconi test. The essence of the test is as follows: you need a stadium, or any other looped road on which you can count laps, a heart rate monitor and a stopwatch. The athlete completes the first lap at a calm pace; upon completion, the assistant records the time and heart rate. On the next lap, the athlete increases power, and the assistant again records the lap time and heart rate. This continues until it is possible to improve the time on the 1st lap. The test ends with refusal and severe acidification of the athlete. Next, a linear two-dimensional graph is constructed, the pulse is plotted along one axis, and the lap time is plotted on the other. The place where the lines intersect is the AnP. As a result of the test, we get the result that the AnP occurred at the pulse “such and such”, at “such and such” power (or speed, or lap time). It is the power on the AnP that characterizes the athlete’s physical form.

As a rule, an experienced athlete knows very well when he is going into ANP and can control his power by staying very close to ANP. If you do not go beyond the threshold, you can move along the distance at a constant speed for a very long time. The task of an athlete in cyclic sports is to work as close to the ANP as possible during the competition, without going beyond the threshold. How to determine this directly in a race or race? You can rely on the heart rate monitor readings, if you know that your pulse rate is 160, then in the competition (at least until the finish), you should work at a heart rate below 160, in the range of 150-160 beats/min. There is another way - according to the body’s response. You can work with slight acidification and maintain constant power, with experience you will feel this zone and know exactly the speed at which you can move without leaving the AnP.

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