The most powerful blow a person can deliver. The strongest punch in boxing. Which strike is the most effective?

Among athletes of various sports, it is very difficult to determine who has the strongest blow in the world due to the lack of a complete system.

Experts, observers and just fans are accustomed to creating a wide variety of ratings. Currently, neither in the world of martial arts nor in other sports there is a universal approach to fixing the force of a blow.

The subjective opinion of judges, observers and opponents of the fights is used as an evaluation criterion. It is difficult to come to a consensus about the owner of the most powerful blow due to the presence of a large number of influencing criteria: height, weight, distance, position of the blow and other indicators important for the result.

Rating system

Boxing is the only type of professional martial arts that uses a system for assessing the strength of a blow. During the match, the boxers are monitored by the CompuBox program.

The system records and evaluates strikes, displaying their statistics and speed. Each fighter’s strike is unique, and it is very difficult to compare strength, taking into account weight, height, and position.

But to evaluate and standardize results internationally, the unit of measurement is psi (1 pound per square inch) or power is estimated in kg. The strength of a man's blow is estimated to be between 200-1000 kg. A value of 200 kg is a good indicator for a boxer weighing less than 70 kg. The upper figure applies to heavyweight athletes.

In boxing, hand movements are divided into pushing and sharp. From the hand, “Cross” (translated as “Cross”) is considered the most effective and powerful. It is applied directly. The athlete's body is tilted back, the dominant hand swings over the opponent's glove. The visual crossing of the opponents' arms gave it its name.

World record

Mike Tyson can rightfully be considered the most famous boxer. The only result in the history of world martial arts included in the Guinness Book of Records - a punch - belongs to him and is 800 kg.

Mike Tyson is a legendary athlete who has set many records. His boxing career began quickly. He won his first title at the age of 20, receiving the title of the youngest heavyweight champion.

He confirmed his title a year later, receiving the title of absolute champion in his weight and achieving a new record. Throughout his stellar career, Iron Mike has repeatedly shocked the world community with his eccentric antics and phenomenal achievements. Opponents evaluate a boxer's blow with the power of a ramming a sports Ferrari. Such power can not only knock out an opponent, but also lead to death.

Kicks among wrestlers

The strongest kicks belong to mixed martial arts (MMA) athletes, karatekas, Muay Thai fighters and taekwondo fighters.

The most famous result was shown by Croatian Mirko Cro Cop. The power of his left leg was 2703 kg and is called the “Mavashi kick”.

His technique is simple but effective: the leg bent at the knee is brought out to the side (the shin and knee should be parallel to the floor), straightened and the instep of the foot hits the opponent.

Football records

Strikes are the main technique not only for the world of martial arts, but also for football. The most powerful kick at the moment is considered to be a free kick from a Brazilian nicknamed the Hulk (name Givanildo Vieira de Souza) from a distance of 34 m. The speed of the ball was 214 km/h.

The second most powerful result belongs to Lukas Podolski. In 2010, the German hit the ball at a speed of 201 km/h. The impact distance was only 16 m.

For a long time, Roberto Carlos da Silva Rocha remained the absolute record holder for hitting power; the maximum flight speed of his ball was 198 km/h. He set the punching power record several times during his career, improving the result each time.

New stars appear among athletes every day, records are achieved, and results are updated. Human punching power is difficult to measure, and even more difficult to compare to other athletes.

Each achievement is unique depending on the athlete’s parameters and the current situation in the gaming arena, so identifying one single owner of the most powerful blow in the world is an almost impossible task.

People are always interested in fame, popularity and recognition. Some people manage to achieve fame through acting, while others simply have the talent to make money. But there are also those who have incredible physical abilities. Sometimes their achievements are difficult or completely impossible to repeat. They set records that make them famous all over the world, glorifying sportsmanship.

The Guinness Book of Records collects and records achievements around the globe, often capturing the imagination of its readers. But some achievements are so absurd or insane that no one even tries to repeat them. Also, the book of records is not concerned with recording the striking force in a particular sport. This is due to the fact that it is almost impossible to instantly determine such an indicator, because this will require the use of a large number of sensors that can cause harm to the athlete during a performance.

But there is no need to be upset, because you can find out what the hardest blow in boxing history was.

It's hard to reason

As mentioned above , impact force - magnitude, which is not easy to measure. For example, on the football field you cannot constantly run after the attackers to detect the speed of the ball, and in boxing it is impossible to be in the ring and record how powerfully this or that fighter hit.

But sports fans, as well as experts and critics, are compiling ratings that highlight the strength achievements of athletes.

When answering the question of who has the strongest striking power in the world, it is virtually impossible to give a definite answer, because the strength parameter depends on many factors. A very important point is which limb was used to strike and what the circumstances were.

You should also definitely pay attention to fighter's weight to strength ratio. Of course, the resulting force will be affected by the ejected mass and the speed of movement. But there are often cases when an athlete weighs less, but is almost equal in strength to heavyweights weighing 120 kg.

Who owns the strongest punch?

There are a large number of martial arts that teach how to perform powerful strikes. But measuring the force of blows during fights requires special equipment. In this matter, progress has been achieved only in boxing and kickboxing.

Boxers have always been considered athletes who can deliver powerful attacks with their hands. One of the most famous representatives of the boxing world - Mike Tyson, which everyone probably knows about, although his professional career has long ended.

  • It is generally accepted that it is the powerful Mike who has the strongest punch in boxing. On numerous attractions where a special punching bag is hit to determine the impact force, photographs of Mike are posted. They indicate that Mike Tyson's punch force is 800 kg. This indicator is truly outstanding, and we can safely say that it has virtually no equal. If you take into account the fact that in order to knock out another person, an uppercut with a force of 15 kg is enough, but you have to hit it squarely in the jaw, sharply throwing your hand in a circular path, this is truly extraordinary power.
  • When answering the question, many experts recall the name of the famous boxer from Western Samoa, David Tua. They note that the most powerful hand snatch he performed reached 1024 kg. One can only sympathize with his rivals. If he had been able to maintain the same excellent physical shape to this day, he would have become an excellent opponent for Vladimir Klitschko, who had to fight with weak opponents.

The most powerful kicks

No less exciting was the question of whether which fighters have strong kicks. Previously, it was generally accepted that the most trained lower limbs were in athletes who practiced only karate and taekwondo.

But in recent years, there have been numerous mixed martial arts tournaments that feature heavy kicking, and the addition of MMA and Muay Thai.

From time to time, popular fighters take part in various television shows where strength is compared. But the results of demonstration competitions, as a rule, are subjective, because everyone’s technique is individual, and the output power depends on it.

For example, the most powerful kick was performed by heavy league fighter Mirko Crocop, his power reached 2703 kg! This is the strongest breakthrough in the history of MMA. Another athlete, Greek Mike Zambidis, with a weight of 70 kilograms, hit his opponent with his right leg with a force of 1870 kilograms. As you can see, it’s better not to joke with such serious guys.

Strikes using elbows and knees

Real masters - Muay Thai fighters. During performances, they can literally cut an opponent’s skin in just a few hits. Because of this, many fights resemble a bloody mess rather than a sporting competition, causing shock and misunderstanding among those watching the competition from the outside. But the power of such jerks is truly enormous.

Impact strength is a relative indicator, and much depends on efficiency. Thai boxing masters were able to prove that an athlete weighing 50 kg can deliver just one punch that can knock out an opponent.

What distinguished football stars

Football is the game of millions. Football matches attract millions of spectators in front of television screens and thousands of fans in stadiums. In order to send the ball into the goal, you must hit the ball very accurately and strongly. Football critics often point out players who hit the goal with incredible force.

  • To date, Brazilian midfielder Givanildo Vieira de Souza, nicknamed the Hulk, remains the absolute record holder. Playing against the Shakhtar Donetsk team, he hit the ball into the goal of the Ukrainian team in September 2011 at a speed of 214 km/h. The goalkeeper was powerless.
  • Roberto Carlos, who played for the Brazilian national team for a long time, could hit the ball at a speed of 198 km/h, becoming a record holder for a long time, until his record was surpassed by the legendary Hulk.

A man is, without a doubt, a boxer's punch. Everyone knows that you shouldn’t argue with someone who practices boxing, as you can easily end up without teeth. And for those about whom we will now speak, it is better to never cross the road at all.

Everyone has heard this name. Tyson, or Iron Mike, is the world's most famous boxer and knockout specialist. According to statistics, 44 out of 50 fights he won always ended in a knockout of the opponent. But, in addition to his titles and iconic fights, Mike Tyson can boast that he rightfully delivered the most powerful blow in the world - the right side kick. Thanks to this signature move, the boxer knocked his opponents to the floor in packs. The power of his blow is still debated. But one thing is clear: with an accurate hit, such a blow can be fatal.

Tyson himself said it best about the strength of his blow: “I dealt the strongest blow in the world to my wife Robin. She flew eight meters and hit the wall.”

2. Ernie Shavers

He earned himself the nickname Black Destroyer. According to the boxing magazine "Ring", Ernie is on the tenth line in the list of 100 in the world. Shavers is known for his lethal knockout statistics. During his boxing career, he sent 68 (!) opponents to the next world. The famous heavyweight said that the hardest punch he ever took in the world was from Earnie Shavers.

However, the Black Destroyer never became world champion. Despite his striking power, he lacked stamina and was too slow and predictable. He was dangerous only in the first rounds of the fight, then he lost his aggression and became quite predictable.

3. George Foreman

Another contender for the “world’s hardest punch” is George, the oldest heavyweight champion. Well, according to the Boxing Council, he is the most destructive heavyweight in the world. In total, Foreman fought 81 fights. 68 of these fights ended in knockouts. The boxer was very aggressive in the ring and more than once broke his opponents' ribs and jaws.

His fighting style was quite primitive - he drove at his opponent like a huge bulldozer, knocked him over on his back and rained down a series of crushing blows on him. After Foreman's career ended, he accepted ecclesiastical orders. He probably decided it was time to unleash all his power on the devil’s minions.

4. Max Baer

Known as the Sad Clown. In the thirties of the 20th century, the strongest blow in the world belonged, undoubtedly, to Max Baer. He was a member of the unofficial “Club 50”. This is a club that includes boxers who have won 50 or more fights by knockout.

Known for his forehand. He was not a brutal boxer-killer, but Frankie Campbell and Ernie Schaaf died from his blows.

5. Joe Fraser

Smokey Joe is the heavyweight champion. His left hook is the hardest punch in the world. It was Joe who was able to knock out Muhammad Ali, whom no one had been able to defeat before him.

From the blows of Smoking Joe, even the most experienced opponents. However, Fraser had significant physical disabilities - a poorly straightened left arm and a cataract in his left eye. And despite all this, he managed to knock out his opponents and became a champion.

1st place.

Mike Tyson. He knocked out many boxers, some even in the first round of the fight. Throughout his life, this athlete won fifty fights, 44 of which ended in a complete knockout of his opponent. Tyson's signature punch is the right side kick. It was from him that most of Mike’s opponents could not resist in the ring.

If we express the impact force in kilograms, then it is at least 800 kg. And if we express it in special units of psi (pounds per square inch), then the range of impact force varies from 700 to 1800 psi. If the blow is delivered with extreme precision, but with minimal “Tyson-like” effort, then his opponent may receive a life-threatening injury.

2nd place.

Ernie Shavers. His forehand is still considered the strongest. However, this boxer never managed to win the world title. The reason lies in his poor endurance and slowness. But still, throughout his career, he managed to knock out 68 of his opponents. It was Ernie who trained Sylvester Stallone, and once even almost killed him. Shavers' punching power is an impressive 1900 psi.

3rd place.

George Foreman. George ended most of his fights by knocking out his opponent. This is an absolutely invincible boxer, who was characterized by primitive but effective tactics: but he never cared about his own defense, but attacked all the time, showering his opponent with powerful blows. Its impact force is 1900psi.

4th place.

Max Baer. This is a legendary man who could knock out not only a professional boxer, but also a hefty bull with one blow. In 1930, a fight took place in which Max dealt a fatal blow to the head of his opponent, Ernie Schaaf. And six months later, another boxer died right in the ring from a stroke, which was caused by an incredible blow from Max. In the end, he lost interest in boxing as soon as he managed to win the champion title. The force of his impact was 1500 psi.

5th place.

Joe Fraser. The left side kick is Joe's signature blow, thanks to which he was able to knock out the great Muhammad Ali himself! The reason for such blows lay in the left arm not healing properly after the fracture. That is, its geometry was violated, and the arm did not fully extend, which contributed to the delivery of blows of incredible force. In addition, Joe also had a cataract on his left eye. And he knocked out his opponents in the ring until he was able to earn money for surgery. The force of his impact was 1800 psi.

6th place.

Muhammad Ali. Over the twenty years of his sports career, this legendary boxer won 56 victories (37 of them by knockout) and suffered only 5 defeats. Has an impact force of 1700psi.

7th place.

Sugar Ray Robinson. He competed in several weight categories (not simultaneously, of course). This is the best boxer in the entire history of professional boxing. He spent a quarter of a century in the ring, winning 173 fights, 109 of which ended in knockout of his opponent. The force of the impact is unknown.

8th place.

Henry Armstrong. This is the only boxer who was able to win and hold three titles out of eight possible at once. He won 150 victories out of 181 fights. Was defeated 21 times. The impact force was 1500 psi.

9th place.

Roberto Duran. This is the best boxer in the world who has ever competed in the lightweight division. He fought 119 fights during his career, 103 of which ended in his victory. Knocked out 70 opponents. He was famous for having incredible striking power, which was not typical for such a weight category. He retired from professional boxing in 2001, losing his last fight to Hector Comacho. The impact force was 1200 psi.

10th place.

Carlos Monzón. Argentine boxer who managed to win 60 victories in a row. In total he fought 99 fights, 59 of which ended in knockout of the enemy. In 1989, he killed his own wife, for which he received 11 years in prison. He competed in the middle weight category. Impact force – 1000 psi.

Many seasoned boxing fans who have watched fights for decades say the sport has become more technical in recent times. At the same time, the entertainment value of the competition has decreased somewhat; the fighters demonstrate their competitiveness outside the ring more actively than in it. Such comments are probably not without foundation. However, even now there are serious boxing matches in which the opponents show excellent sports technique, a strong will to win and a powerful attack. By demonstrating the strongest athlete, he earns himself not only additional points, but also the ardent adoration of the audience.

Among boxing's most impressive moments, knockouts are always the first to come to mind. This is an indescribable spectacle when a single successful blow radically changes the course of the battle. And one of the boxers who seemed like an outsider suddenly, after an accurate hit, defeats the leader. The most powerful blow executed in time can give birth to champions. This is what attracts spectators; the public craves such a spectacle and buys expensive tickets for it.

The most memorable fights become legendary. They become a part of enticing fans to watch the records again and again.

In assessing a blow, what is important is its suddenness, the technique used, the significance of the victory it brings, and the power of the opponent. The physical force invested in the strongest punch in kg can be calculated in impressive numbers. For example, it is believed that heavyweight boxer Ernie Shavers demonstrated a maximum punching force of 1900 psi (about 800 kg) at the peak of his form. The blows of George Foreman and Mike Tyson are slightly less powerful.

According to other boxing experts, in fact, the force of the famous boxers’ punch was never measured, only the knockout component was recorded. After all, there is no particular meaning in such measurements - the most jerky and the sharpest, characterized by equal strength, will have different results. By measuring the force of punches performed by boxers, various ratings can be compiled. But you can’t draw clear conclusions from them. Some people have the most powerful left hook (like another - a straight right hook). But in general, in boxing they consider the most powerful hook from the punching hand.

Classic ideas about boxing involve footwork and body work. At the same time, the legs are bent, the hips are turned, the steps are performed on the toes, the strongest blow is performed while jumping. Lethal force includes body weight and the speed of movement of the arms, legs, and fist. Coordination of movements is also important (the ability to sharply connect the whole body, the skill of turning the body further). To achieve maximum punching power, you need to stand firmly with your feet in the ring, pushing your body with your legs and putting force into your arm.

In studies conducted to determine how boxers deliver their strongest punches, it was found that the greatest physical force can be exerted from an unsupported position with both feet off the ring. The body is held almost vertically, before the strike a powerful push is made with the legs in the air, but almost only the force of the hand is put into the force of the swing. This makes the movement impulse stronger.

In general, after tracking a number of fights that ended with knockouts, the conclusion suggests itself that the power of the blow is, of course, important, but the technique of its application and accuracy are much more important.

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