The most reliable way to pump up your butt is with a barbell and dumbbells. The best exercises for the buttocks with dumbbells Exercises with dumbbells to pump up your butt

Give beautiful shape and additional volume to the buttocks can be done through various exercises. Squats were and remain the most effective and efficient. The main thing is to master the technique of execution. If you squat correctly and know what other exercises allow you to correct your shape, your butt will not only increase in volume, but will also become elastic. An understanding of the structure and function of the gluteal muscles plays an important role.

The buttocks are formed by three posterior muscles- large, medium, small. Each performs its specific function. The large one is used when moving the legs to the sides and back, while straightening the torso, and occupies the largest area of ​​the buttocks. The small one is located directly under the large one. Together with the middle one, they work only when the leg is abducted to the left and to the right.

The gluteus maximus muscle is most active during body extension. A similar load can be caused by doing:

  • squats with weights - dumbbells or barbells;
  • lunges;
  • Romanian and deadlift;
  • bending when a barbell rests on your shoulders.

Medium and small are involved in work when:

  • swing your leg while lying on your side and from the lower block to the sides;
  • leg extensions in a sitting machine;
  • abducting the legs from a standing position with the machine lever.

What are the benefits of squats?

Engaging multiple muscle groups is not the only benefit that exercise brings. Thanks to squats, physical fitness improves and the cardiovascular system is strengthened. If you squat regularly, not only will your buttocks change for the better, but your abdominal and back muscles will also become stronger. The pressure created in chest during exercise, improves the function of the respiratory organs, which helps saturate the body with large volumes of oxygen.

How does exercise help pump up the buttocks?

The only movement that allows you to use the large, medium and small muscles to the maximum is straightening the torso, and, therefore, squats are the best way to pump up these groups. And the lower you go, the more effective and efficient the exercise. Deep squats allow you to pump up and make your gluteal muscles elastic much faster.

Muscle strengthening occurs only when you work with weights. Training with weights helps muscles increase in volume. For each individual approach, 8-12 squats should be performed. After a cycle of repetitions, be sure to take a one- or two-minute break to rest.

You can't take light weight. The load must be noticeable. ABOUT making the right choice indicates the inability to perform more than 12 squats per approach. If there is no such refusal, the weights are too light. Of course, those who have never squatted with weights need to master the technique with a low load, and only then increase the weight at each session.

Technique for performing squats with a barbell

You need to do the exercise technically correctly:

  • The bar, located in a special power frame, is positioned according to the level shoulder girdle. They approach the bar with their backs, and the bar is placed on the upper area of ​​the trapezoid. It is forbidden to place the load on the vertebral sections of the neck. This is extremely dangerous.
  • The barbell is removed from the rack and a couple of steps are taken forward. The legs are placed so that they are the width of the hip region. The socks can be spread slightly apart or placed strictly parallel to each other. The chin is kept slightly raised, which allows you to look up.
  • Slowly squat while inhaling. The hips are lowered so that the knees do not extend beyond the toes, since this negatively affects the knee joints, but form a strictly right angle. The back is kept straight, the shoulder blades are brought together, the gaze is directed upward, the elbows are directed slightly back.

Important! You should not round your lower back or move your body forward too much. The tailbone must be pulled back, because without this the muscles will not stretch and, therefore, grow in volume.

  • With the force of the gluteal muscles, as you exhale, they rise upward, but faster than descending. The knees are straightened, the torso is extended. Having returned to the starting position, you should not completely straighten your knee joints, as this will remove the load from them.

What squats help you quickly and effectively increase your butt volume at home?

Become the owner of beautiful and firm buttocks Every girl can. The main thing is to set a goal and train regularly. You don't even have to visit gym and practice under the strict guidance of a trainer. You can also train at home. The exercises below, as well as important tips and tricks, can help you with this.

They are expected to work exclusively with own weight. Aimed at working the quadriceps, major, and adductor muscles. Without the use of weights, the lumbar extensors and core receive minimal load. It is a mistake to believe that the lack of load makes squats easier and simpler.

They are difficult for an unprepared person, since they are the most complex exercises in physical education. It is certainly much easier to squat with your own weight (without weights), and even a beginner can easily master the technique. This allows you to tone your muscles so that after some time you can move on to working with a barbell.

Classic squats should be performed by those who need to prepare themselves for a serious load, understand correct technique execution. This exercise is not suitable for pumping up your buttocks. It only tones the muscles, but does not increase volume.

They are a squat in which the pelvis is lowered so that it forms an acute angle at the knees, that is, it is below the level of parallel to the plane of the floor. This allows you to load both medium and large muscles well. Additionally, the work includes the adductors, lumbar, abdominal muscles and quadriceps. Thanks to a deep squat, it is the buttocks that are loaded, since they are the first to start working when lifting.

The amplitude of movement increases, which increases tension and effort in muscle fibers. And if the classic option does not give an increase, then deep squat, on the contrary, allows you to pump up your buttocks well. Not everyone can squat deeply. If your ankles are not flexible enough, this exercise will not be possible.

The legs are placed shoulder width apart. Close placement of the feet will not provide a stable position, so they must be slightly spread apart. Thanks to this pose, the middle and large, quadriceps, lumbar, adductor and abdominal muscles work. This squat allows you to optimally use the glutes, but it is only suitable if you have flexible ankles and ligaments, good length of the torso and hips.

For some, due to their physiological structure, it is difficult to squat from this position. If difficulties arise, then place your feet a little wider or turn your toes slightly. This allows you to achieve stability and properly load the muscles. The main thing is that while squatting, your thighs should be horizontal at the lowest point.

Wide squats (sumo) work the adductor magnus, adductor longus, gracilis, middle and major, quadriceps muscles. And if in classic squat the adductor femoral muscles are minimally involved, then in this exercise they receive a significant load. This squat variation is not recommended to be performed in isolation. It should be done in combination and not on a regular basis, since it leads to inner part the hips increase in volume.

Cross lunges or curtseys are another variation of the squat. Its action is mainly aimed at the middle and large muscle buttocks and quadriceps femoris. The semimembranosus, semitendinosus, dorsal, abdominal muscles, as well as the hamstrings receive a small load.

The curtsy is a great addition to a leg training program. There are many various options cross lunges. They help to perfectly stretch the gluteal muscles. The only point is that the joints must be very flexible to perform such a squat.

The technique is no different from classic squats performed with a barbell. Similar muscle groups are involved. A significant advantage of dumbbells and kettlebells is that there is no compression on the spine. The use of these weights makes it possible for those who suffer from injuries and displacement of the vertebrae, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, that is, cannot squat with weights on the shoulder area. This makes kettlebell dumbbells a great alternative to barbells.

This version of the squat got its name for its similarity to ballet technique. The exercise loads the adductor femoral, gluteus medius and gluteus maximus muscles. The work involves the quadriceps, abdominal muscles, and lower legs. To perform a plie squat, you need to have a fairly flexible hip joint.

The advantage of the exercise is that the quadriceps are not overloaded. However, given that the training is aimed at growing the buttocks, squats in this technique must be performed technically correctly. Lowering and lifting should be carried out not through the hips, but through the buttocks; it requires good concentration on the movements.

Great option for good development gluteal muscles. Working with your own weight allows you to provide an excellent load, but does not require the use of any additional sports equipment or equipment. Performing a “pistol” requires physical training. It is almost impossible for a beginner to master such a squat, so it is done when the muscles are already sufficiently prepared.

The greatest load falls on the large and quadriceps muscles. The downside is that such a squat is quite traumatic for the knee joints. This imposes certain restrictions. People suffering from pain or any problems with their knees should not do the pistol exercise.

Working with free weights during squats, if the execution technique is one hundred percent correct, allows you to perform better than any other type. physical activity make your buttocks firm and beautiful. Formation occurs much faster when muscles serve as stabilizers, providing balance. The barbell option is contraindicated for people suffering from pain and spinal injuries.

An excellent squat machine that can replace the barbell option, but only temporarily. By working out in a Smith machine, you can prepare yourself for a real load in order to form a strong muscular corset and master the technique of using a barbell.

This makes the machine a great bridge between bodyweight, dumbbell, kettlebell, and shoulder-weighted squats. A simpler execution is achieved by relying on the bar and a stable position of the body with the knees, which allows you to properly load the quadriceps and glutes. You can squat in the machine with any position of your legs.

A set of squats for buttocks for 30 days

It consists of increasing the load every week, but at the same time reducing the number of repetitions in four approaches:

Additional exercises that are recommended to be included in the complex program for pumping up the buttocks

Along with squats, it is recommended to include other exercises in the training program that allow the buttocks to grow faster and more efficiently, ensuring the development of all muscle groups. In addition to squats, you should do:

  • deadlift with straight or bent legs;
  • bending while standing or sitting with weights on the shoulders (barbell);
  • swing your leg back in the simulator;
  • gluteal bridge;
  • spread your legs in the exercise machine;
  • hyperextension;
  • swing your leg up with emphasis on your forearm.

Reasons for the absence or presence of muscle pain after training?

Any exercise stress causes the muscles to feel tension, accompanied by microscopic tearing of the fibers. Untrained muscle groups, as a rule, begin to hurt the next day after training. Painful sensations are in no way related to lactic acid or lactate entering the rupture of fibers. The latter stops after a maximum of four hours, and the pain does not go away until several days. The cause is the crack itself, that is, injury to the muscle fiber.

Proper loading is not accompanied by pain from rupture. Its complete absence also does not indicate the effectiveness of the training. Regular exercises gradually dull the discomfort of pain. When such a moment comes, it means it’s time to move on to heavier loads, but, of course, not excessive ones. Otherwise the pain will occur again.

Injury prevention

To avoid injury, training should always begin with a warm-up. Warming ligaments and muscles reduces the likelihood of tears and sprains. Excessive stress on the spine and joints can be avoided with the correct technique.

How to choose the right weight of weights?

It is best to start squatting with your own weight. If possible, it is better to practice until the technique is fully mastered, under the guidance of a good trainer. The load is increased gradually. First you should take an empty bar. When the knees begin to remain motionless and the body does not fall forward, the weight is increased.

Weights should be chosen so that you can not only stand and squat with them, but also climb. You should add no more than 5 kg, and not every session. If 12 repetitions are easy, increase the weight, but reduce the number of repetitions slightly.

How long does it take to build beautiful buttocks with squats?

Proper rest and regular training are the key to success, but body structure also plays an important role. In any case, the results are not immediately visible, but appear gradually, but differently for everyone. For some, three months is enough, while others will need six months to achieve results. In addition, it is important to consider how many centimeters you want to add to your buttocks - 3 or 10.

All exercises presented in the complex allow you to work all the muscles of the legs. with emphasis on the buttocks. Girls are recommended to perform each 1-2 sets of 15 repetitions. Remember to exercise regularly. Warm up thoroughly before any activity. The presented training program is easy to perform at home, having a barbell and a chair.

How to squat with a barbell to pump up your buttocks

Every girl dreams of a beautiful and elastic butt. But how to pump up your buttocks so that they are more attractive. In the article we will talk about complex training gluteal muscles using a barbell. The set of exercises is designed with a focus on maximum efficient pumping butts. We'll tell you how to squat with a barbell correctly. We will describe all the nuances of the technique of performing squats and lunges for girls and women. Include barbell exercises in your workout and the results will not take long to arrive!

A set of exercises with a barbell for the buttocks


  1. Place your feet at a distance of the width of your pelvis. Direct your gaze forward. Place the bar at shoulder level.
  2. Take a breath, sit down. Move your pelvis back. Watch your posture.
  3. Exhale as you straighten up, but do not straighten your knees completely.


  1. Stand up straight. The distance between the legs corresponds to the width of the shoulders.
  2. Place the barbell near your shoulders. Keep your back level.
  3. Bend your knees. Take one step back. The thigh should become parallel to the floor.
  4. Slowly return to initial position.

Stepping onto a chair/bench with a barbell on your butt


  1. Stand in front of a small hill. Place the barbell on your shoulders.
  2. Place one foot on the bench in front of you, rise up and exhale.
  3. Then inhale and lower yourself back down.

Repeat the exercises first for the left, then for the right leg.


  1. Sit down on your knees. Place the bar as usual on the shoulder girdle area. Keep your back straight. The hips are also straightened.
  2. Take a breath. Squat down until your thighs touch your calf muscles.
  3. Exhale and rise to your original state.


  1. Stand up. Stand up straight. Hold the barbell so that the distance between your hands and the width of your shoulders correspond to each other.
  2. Start leaning forward. Ideally, the body will be parallel to the floor.
  3. Smoothly return to the starting position. Exhale.


  1. Lie on your back. Bend your legs at the knee joints.
  2. Place additional weight on the hip crease and hold the bar.
  3. With an exhalation, lift your pelvis off the floor and stretch it upward. Stay at this point for several seconds.
  4. Then inhale and slowly lower yourself to the floor.

We have collected all the exercises for the buttocks that you can practice at home using minimal equipment. With due diligence, your butt, if it suddenly looks sad, will soon cheer up. Forward, for beautiful view behind!

The gluteal muscles of the body are 3 paired muscles: gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and minimus.

Gluteus maximus muscle- the largest muscle in the entire body. It begins at the pelvic bone and attaches to the back of the femur just below the hip joint. The function of this muscle is to extend the hip with slight external rotation. When the hip is fixed, it tilts the pelvis back. It is this muscle that is responsible for the volume of the buttocks. When this muscle is trained, the butt becomes muscular, fleshy, and large.

Gluteus medius muscle begins on the gluteal surface of the ilium, passes into a short broad tendon and is attached to the greater trochanter of the femur. Attaches to the side of the pelvis. This muscle is responsible for moving the leg forward, backward, and for stabilizing during extension. This muscle seems to be “hiding” under the gluteus maximus. During training, it will not give any additional volume, but it will give a beautiful contour of the buttocks.

The gluteus maximus and gluteus medius muscles are easily controlled for their degree of activity. During training, they can be felt and are responsible for the overall elasticity of the butt.

Gluteus minimus located under the gluteus medius.

The appearance of the butt depends on how much fatty tissue is between the skin and muscle. This fat can transform and stretch due to various factors.

Factors responsible for the deterioration in the appearance of the butt:

  • sudden weight loss or weight gain
  • gravity
  • passive lifestyle
  • bad habits
  • lack of sports.

All this leads to ptosis of the gluteal muscles- sagging buttocks.

Workout Features

If you have a small pelvis and just need to tighten your buttocks and make them firm, choose training with heavy weights. Train 2 times a week, with at least 2 days between each workout. Do 4-5 sets of 5-8 repetitions. If pain persists, don’t be alarmed, just take a bath or do cardio.

If you want to make your buttocks look smaller, give up weights or do exercises with small weights. But you will have to exercise 5-6 times a week. Do 5-6 sets, 18-20 repetitions.


  • Raising the pelvis with the leg extended upward

Lie on the floor, stretch your leg up and lift your pelvis, squeezing your muscles. Do 15 reps per set, 6-8 sets. To pump up your butt more effectively, you can load your leg with a shotgun weight (available at any sports store).

If it’s hard to do with your leg raised, just lift your pelvis, squeezing your buttock muscles.

  • Swings back and to the sides (from the lower block or with the lever of the simulator)

A fantastically simple exercise - just grab the back of a chair and swing. Just don't swing too fast - on the contrary, it will be more effective to swing slowly. Don't rest at the bottom of the swing - start the next swing right away. At an advanced level and in the gym, use a lower block or glute machine to work.

  • Lunges forward

The most important exercise for beautiful butt. They are ineffective for weight loss, as they help build muscle mass. When performing them, the gluteus minimus muscle and the anterior surface of the thigh and lower leg work. Take dumbbells in your hands, extend your arms along your body and start lunging. You can do them either on the spot or moving forward around the room. The wider the step, the more the gluteal muscles are involved.

Keep your body and back straight;

The knee of the leg set back should touch the floor;

Keep your hands with dumbbells parallel to your body.

The king of butt exercises also improve quadriceps muscle tone and hamstrings. Pump it up like this: first squat without weight to avoid sprains and injuries.

Squat technique:

Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Squat, moving your buttocks back and as if sitting on an invisible chair. Once you reach a 90-degree angle, rise up, also shifting your weight back. Do every fourth squat, holding for 10-30 seconds at the bottom point.

At an advanced level, pick up dumbbells or squat with a barbell or bodybar. Weights seriously increase the load.

Do 4-5 sets of 10 squats, resting no more than a minute between sets. Squats are done deeply, the butt must be brought back as far as possible, the back is straight. Squat as low as possible: the lower you squat, the more your glutes will be involved in the squat. Your feet should be at such a width that it is comfortable for you to do exactly deep squats.

When squatting, the following muscles are used:

  1. quadriceps (quadriceps femoris)
  2. gluteus maximus muscles
  3. adductor muscles of the thigh
  4. soleus muscles (lower leg)
  5. calf muscles
  6. hamstrings

And when squats with weights, the back and abdominal muscles are also worked out.

So squats are not an isolated exercise at all and are not aimed exclusively at the butt: it is basic and trains everything at once. Therefore, before performing it, it is necessary to do a warm-up to avoid injury.

Squats effectively get rid of cellulite and improve the shape of your thighs (do shallow squats on your thighs). If you perform squats 3-5 times a week, results will become noticeable within a month. And the more squats you do, the faster your butt will become curvy!

  • Bridge (pelvic lifts)

When performing this exercise, lean on your hands, then the load will be distributed evenly, and the spinal region will not be overstrained. Lie on the floor with your arms extended along your torso, bend your legs and move them as close to your buttocks as possible. Now lift your pelvis, making a bridge and tensing your buttock muscles. You can stay in this position if you feel an effect, such as trembling. Do this exercise “ladder”: 3 sets of 15, 12, 10 repetitions.

  • Swing back on all fours

Swinging on all fours is very useful exercise. Just get on all fours and do backswings, say 50 with one leg and 50 with the other per day. Doing the ladder exercise will also be effective: 3 sets of 15, 12, 10 repetitions. To be effective, you can put a dumbbell under your knee and lift your leg with it - just not quickly, so as not to drop the dumbbell. Do not relax your buttock muscles.

Exercise Variation: Raises bent leg. Raise your leg as high as possible, as if you want to push through the ceiling with your heel. Don't be lazy, watch your technique.

The exercise helps to enlarge the gluteus minimus and medius muscles. Lie on the floor on your side, rest your head on your hand. Inhaling, lift your leg off the floor, keeping your knee straight. The leg should make an angle of no more than 70 degrees with the body. Maintaining isometric force, hold your leg, then lower it.

  • High chair

Press your back against the wall and sit down as if sitting on an invisible chair. Hold this for 30 seconds, then rest and do 2 more sets. Try increasing the time by 10 seconds every day.

  • Breeding legs on the simulator

The increased tone of the hips gives them roundness, which visually narrows the waist. The exercise tightens and strengthens the leg muscles. To perform the exercise, sit on the machine, inhale and open your hips as far as possible. If the back of the machine is tilted back, the gluteus medius muscles are more involved in the work. When the back is in a vertical position, the upper section of the gluteus maximus muscle works. To hit both sets of muscles, change the angle of your back as you perform the approach.

  • Hip lift

Lie on your stomach, bend your knees. As you exhale, lift your legs up and stay in this position. Do 2 sets of 15 seconds each.

  • Tilt at cross

Stand up and cross your legs. Take dumbbells and lean forward, keeping your back straight. Then change the cross of your legs and repeat.

  • Bent leg raises

Lie on your back, straighten one leg and bend the other. In this position, lift your pelvis as high as possible, keeping your legs in their original position.

Find a stable, stable pedestal approximately 30-40 cm high and jump onto it. Do 4 sets of 10 reps. If this exercise begins to be easy for you, pick up dumbbells or put weights on your legs.

Stand in starting position, feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind your head. Squat down to a 90-degree angle, then quickly jump out of this position. Do 4 sets of 12 reps.

  • Sumo squats

Spread your legs wide, turn your feet with the inner surface forward, and squat from this position as deeply as possible. Do 4 sets of 12 reps. When the exercise starts to become too easy for you, pick up a dumbbell.

Stand in the “feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart” position, take dumbbells or a barbell and begin to lean down, moving your body forward and pushing your butt back. Do 4 sets of 10 reps.

When performing this exercise, do not replace the dumbbells with a barbell. Dumbbells allow you to “feel” the muscles of the buttocks more clearly. Deadlift with a barbell, it primarily strains the back extensor muscles, while dumbbells work the hamstrings and gluteal muscles.

The platform leg press is an effective exercise for the muscles of the buttocks and thighs. To increase the load on the gluteal muscles, place your feet closer to the upper edge of the platform. To further increase your effectiveness, do single-leg platform presses.

To avoid overloading your quads and to emphasize your glutes, place your feet closer to the edge of the platform. And if you leave only your heels on the platform, your buttocks will literally “burn.” The lower you place your feet on the platform, the more the quadriceps are loaded. Usually girls don't need this. Another secret to working out the buttocks is to place your feet wide and turn your toes to the side. To engage your glutes, lower the platform as low as possible. Bring your knees literally to your ears.

The fashion pendulum swings according to its incomprehensible laws: sometimes fragrant hedonism delights the public, sometimes unyielding asceticism becomes popular; sometimes muscular bodybuilders attract attention, and sometimes puny but unnaturally intelligent nerds ostentatiously bask in the rays of fame. And now - butt. And it would be fine if it were homemade, but it’s not - give everyone the Brazilian one! Fashion is changeable, only the intricate movement of the pendulum is constant. And since nothing can be done about the pendulum itself, all that remains is to pump up your butt as quickly as possible. We will tell you how to do this effectively, quickly and safely using dumbbells and barbells in this article right now.

Muscles that are involved in exercises for the buttocks with dumbbells and barbells

The task is simple: to pump up the muscles of the buttocks. The problem did not say anything about the fact that all other muscles should remain the same. And it couldn’t be, because when exercising with iron, muscle tissue grows, first of all, when you perform basic exercises. And these are exercises that involve several joints and at least a third of the entire body’s muscles. Therefore, you can pump up your buttocks with a barbell relatively quickly, but other muscles will also increase in parallel. Which muscle groups will be involved depends on the choice specific exercises. It is highly likely that a significant load will fall on the leg muscles, as well as on the back and abs.
Short description work of muscle groups when performing different exercises For clarity, we present it in table form:

Exercise Muscles worked Equipment
Front Squatsbuttocks, muscles of the front of the thighs; to a lesser extent - back muscles, absbarbell, barbell rack or power rack
Squats with a barbell on your shouldersbuttocks, muscles of the front of the thighs, adductors (medial group) and biceps of the thighs; to a lesser extent - back muscles, abs
Zercher squats - the bar is held in bent elbows at the level of the upper abdomenbuttocks, muscles of the front of the thighs, hamstrings, back extensors; to a lesser extent - the press
Lunges forward/backward with a barbell on the shouldersbuttocks, muscles of the front of the thighs, adductors and biceps of the thighs; to a lesser extent - the abs and back muscles
Deadliftbuttocks, hamstrings, front thigh muscles, trapezius muscles, latissimus muscles, back extensors, arm muscles - biceps and forearmsbarbell, barbell platform
Bent-over barbell rowbuttocks, hamstrings, latissimus dorsi, trapezius muscles, back extensors, posterior bundle deltoid muscles, shoulder biceps, forearm muscles
Deadlift with dumbbellsglutes, hamstrings, back extensorsdumbbells ≥ 15–20 kg (in each hand); high bench or dumbbell stand (optional)
Deep squats with dumbbellsbuttocks, hamstrings; to a lesser extent - back muscles, absdumbbells ≥ 20 kg (in each hand)
Back lunges with dumbbells in handsbuttocks, hamstrings; to a lesser extent - the muscles of the front of the thighs, abs, back musclesdumbbells ≥ 20–30 kg (in each hand)
Dumbbell pliebuttocks, hamstrings; to a lesser extent - back muscles and absdumbbell ≤ 15 kg
Kettlebell Jumpingbuttocks, hamstrings, front thigh muscles, calf muscles; to a lesser extent - arms, abs, back musclesweight ≤ 16 kg
Deep squats with a kettlebellbuttocks, hamstrings; to a lesser extent - abs, back musclesweight ≥ 16 kg

It should be noted that determining the initial weight of a barbell, kettlebell or dumbbells, as well as the dynamics of load growth and training regimen, not to mention the exercise technique itself, is best left to a professional trainer. For example, sign up for . This will not only ensure maximum training efficiency, but will also protect you from possible injuries.

And, since we are talking about this, a few words about contraindications. There are not many of them, and in some cases workarounds can be found, but it is unwise to ignore the problem:

  • curvature of the spine - work with a barbell is excluded; an alternative could be a Smith machine, reducing the weight of dumbbells;
  • spinal injuries - it is better not to take risks until complete rehabilitation; after recovery, begin training with a corset, with minimal weight, on a Smith machine;
  • arthritis - range of motion should not reach the pain threshold; use a Smith machine;
  • varicose veins - you can, after consulting with your doctor, train with light weights and a significant number of repetitions; use compression stockings; at the same time, you should not hope too much for noticeable results;
  • ligament or joint injuries - stop exercising until complete rehabilitation;
  • pregnancy.

How to pump up your butt with dumbbells, kettlebells and barbells at home

So, if you have no contraindications, but have a great desire to pump up your gluteal muscles with the help of weights, then get started. Get the necessary equipment (set dumbbells are fine), consult a trainer, and create a training regimen. It is possible that the exercises listed in the table above will suit you. If you conduct two or three classes a week, repeat each of the selected exercises 6–8 times in one approach, and do 4–5 approaches in total per workout, then after a month you can feel the first results. And after three months - even measure them.

Of course, you can pump up your butt at home with dumbbells and a barbell, but you should remember a few more important points:

  • Training must be carried out regularly, strictly adhering to the load increasing plan agreed upon with the trainer;
  • lead healthy image life and eating right - a balanced protein diet promotes muscle growth;
  • Get proper rest - especially when it comes to sleep patterns.

Basic exercises with weights are the main way to pump up your butt and legs, but you should not neglect other methods as an additional load. You can improve your results by including an exercise bike in your workout, treadmill or elastic band. Wherein additional exercises you can alternate: muscle tissue grows better when the body does not have time to adapt to new loads. But the most important condition for achieving success is your all-conquering motivation.

Anyone who wants to get beautiful sculpted hips, as well as toned and elastic buttocks of an attractive shape, should make friends with squats. Squats for the buttocks are an incredibly simple, but at the same time effective exercise that can be done both at home and in gyms. Despite the simplicity of the exercise, it still has certain subtleties. Therefore, it is important to learn how to squat for the buttocks correctly and create a competent training program for yourself.

Squats are very simple, and at the same time, they effectively work the muscles of the buttocks and thighs, allowing you to gain beautiful relief. They are ideal for those who do not have time for regular classes and a visit to the fitness center, since they can be performed at home, and this will not require anything more than a couple of square meters. Squats help improve metabolism; they perfectly strengthen the muscles of the legs, back and abdominals.

When squats, the buttocks and legs receive a special load. You can tighten them up, make them slimmer and more sculpted at the same time. Squats are great because they combine cardio and power load. In addition, they train strength and endurance.

All this, of course, will be true if you know how to squat correctly to pump up a girl’s buttocks. Initially, remember that before you start training, do a little warm-up, paying special attention to the knees and ankles. This will help you warm up, prepare your body for stress and reduce the risk of injury.

Classic squat: proper technique

First of all, you need to master standard squats. The technique of how to properly do squats for the buttocks is not so complicated, but to do everything correctly, consider the following points:

  • Throughout the entire exercise the back should be arched, and the shoulder blades are brought together. This will help minimize the risk of spinal injuries.
  • Press your heels firmly to the floor. Take on the main burden.
  • During the squat, your knees should be spread to a distance of approximately equal to shoulder width. They also should not go beyond the conventional line of the foot. This is important for those who are interested in how to squat correctly in order to pump up the buttocks, and not the legs, since in this way it is the gluteal muscles that receive the load, and not the hips and knees.
  • The face should be directed straight or upward. There is no need to lower your head down.
  • If a barbell is used for squats, it should be located on the “trapezium” zone (to do this, bring your shoulder blades as close to each other as possible). Do not place it on your neck under any circumstances as very serious injuries may occur.
  • When rising from a sitting position, do not straighten yourself completely, otherwise you may place excessive stress on your knee joints.
  • If you are new to squats, you should not go lower than your hip line. This can cause knee injury. Deep squats are actually very effective, but they need to be used at a certain level of training.

Effective types of squats for pumping up the buttocks

Do not limit squats for buttocks at home to just their classic variation. Exist different kinds squats that will help you work out your butt perfectly. Let's look at some of them.

Squats with dumbbells or kettlebell

In the question of how to properly do squats for the buttocks at home, you can use additional weights that will help increase the load on the muscles. If using a kettlebell, grasp it with both hands and bend them elbow joints and press your elbows to your sides. Then squat using standard technique.

If used dumbbells, take one in each hand. Their weight should be the same. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and press your heels firmly to the floor. When squatting, do not lift your heels off the floor. You can lower your arms, or you can stretch them out in front of you - this will help complicate the exercise.

You can squat with dumbbells in the same way, but place a flat, thin board 3-5 cm wide under your heels. This will help redistribute the load from the buttock muscles to the leg muscles.

Plie squats

Very good squats for buttocks for girls at home. You need to stand up straight and arch your back. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and point your toes to the side. Take a deep breath, squat down, and as you exhale, slowly rise up. This exercise is good for tightening gluteal muscle and the main muscles of the thighs.

Deep squats on one leg

These are the right squats for the buttocks to perform at home and more. You need to go to the door frame, stand sideways to it, lean your shoulder. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend one leg slightly and lift it forward. Begin to squat slowly, gradually straightening the leg that is bent and not engaged forward. Try to squat as deeply as possible while maintaining body balance. The torso may lean forward slightly.

Squats with a barbell for firm buttocks

The barbell helps increase the effectiveness of the exercise, but proper squat technique for the buttocks is extremely important. You need to place your feet shoulder-width apart and point your toes slightly apart. Please note that you should not do too deep squats with a barbell, so as not to injure your back or knee joints. Keep your back straight, you can lower your head a little. The barbell must be lowered onto the scapula bone and fixed on top with the wrists. First, the shoulders should rise, then the back, and finally the knees should be involved.

Smith machine squats

A machine called the Smith machine helps improve barbell squats, since this way you can avoid injury and distribute the load correctly. It is important to know how to properly squat for the buttocks in this machine.

It needs to be adjusted in accordance with the height of the athlete, then stand on the support, place your feet shoulder-width apart, and press your shoulder blades together against the bar. The legs can be brought out beyond the hip line approximately by 20 cm. Arch your spine lumbar region and start squatting. You cannot lift your heels off the support.

Squats for the buttocks: 30-day program

Initially, you need to work out the correct squatting technique for the buttocks, a monthly program with which will help you see obvious changes. It is recommended to perform squats in sets of 10-15 times. We offer you a 30-day program that will help you pump up your buttocks at home.


Number of repetitions
30 times
45 times
90 times
120 times
110 times
150 times
100 times
115 times
70 times
140 times
140 times

The pressing question that I want to ask after seeing the program is how much should I squat to pump up my buttocks. Everything is individual here. It usually takes several months to achieve the desired result. But you shouldn’t do it with squats alone. It is also worth supplementing the program with other exercises and following a diet. if you have excess weight, you need to burn it off by creating a calorie deficit through nutrition and using fat-burning supplements cardio training.

The workout should include exercises for both large and small muscles. On the question of how to squat to pump up your buttocks, know what is recommended in the middle of the session. If you leave this until the end, you may end up pumping up your glutes too much.

Finish your workout with some quality stretching. This will help restore muscles and consolidate the result. It is recommended to perform the proposed complex at least twice a week - then you will soon see desired results in the form of rounded, elastic and toned buttocks.

You already know how to squat correctly to pump up your buttocks. Finally, we will provide tips that will help prevent injuries and other negative consequences.

  • Before starting the exercise, do a warm-up to warm up your muscles.
  • When performing the exercise, do not rush. You should feel the muscles working when squatting.
  • Don't overload yourself. Start with small loads and gradually increase them.
  • When squats it is important correct breathing: upward movement is done while exhaling, lowering - while inhaling. Breathe deeply and consistently, do not hold your breath for the entire approach, since in this case the muscles will suffer from a lack of oxygen and the effectiveness of the exercise will decrease.
  • After finishing the exercise, do some stretching. In addition to helping your muscles recover, it will also increase your body's flexibility.

As we can see, the technique of squats for the buttocks is quite simple and accessible at home. The most important thing is motivation and regularity in execution. Well, the video correct squats for the buttocks, presented in large quantities on the Internet, will help ensure the most productive exercises for yourself.

Video with squat technique

The best video exercises for buttocks

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