Sports symbols. Didactic game “Winter Olympic sports Sports symbols

In almost all countries of the world, when conducting sporting events The National Anthem sounds.

And in Russia, in accordance with the Federal Constitutional Law Russian Federation"On the State Anthem of the Russian Federation", its performance is allowed during sports competitions taking into account existing practice sports organizations...". The anthem evokes a feeling of patriotism among athletes and fans, emphasizes the significance of the sporting event, and gives it solemnity.

Symbolism. After the collapse of the USSR, all sports federations began to use state symbols in different ways. The football players immediately developed their own emblem, which featured a double-headed eagle from the 1917 model. This is the so-called “eagle of the Provisional Government”. By the way, it was the state emblem for some time after the October Revolution. It is distinguished by pointed noses, sleek feathers and the absence of any crowns, orders or other heraldic accessories.

The theme of the double-headed eagle on the uniform of our athletes has so far been interpreted in the most bizarre way. The Russian Football Union (RFU), for example, painted a ball under the eagle, the hockey federation also used a stylized eagle in its emblem, only this time the sovereign bird was increased in size and an image of the Russian flag was glued in place of the Coat of Arms of Moscow with St. George the Victorious.

The Olympic Committee completely abandoned the use of the state emblem, developing its own logo - a stylized image of the Russian flag in the form of the classic crown of the Russian church. Our athletes have been performing under this symbol since the Olympics in Atlanta.

The President of the Russian Federation decided to put an end to the confusion with symbols.

On December 23, 2004, he signed the Decree “On the use of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation by sports teams of the Russian Federation.” The presidential decree states that “The State Emblem of the Russian Federation is placed on the ceremonial and other official uniforms of sports teams of the Russian Federation, formed in the prescribed manner in order to prepare for international competitions and participation in them under the State Flag of the Russian Federation." That is, all Russian teams in all sports must wear on their chests the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation - the classic imperial double-headed eagle, with the coat of arms of the Mother See, with the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called and three crowns.

On September 14, a presentation of the Olympic collection for the Russian team for the 2006 Turin Games took place in Moscow. The entire Olympic collection is created in the same style. The color scheme is designed in contrasting red and white tones using national symbols. Continuing the tradition, the national ornament was used as the main style-forming element.

The clothing set issued to each member of the Russian Olympic delegation at the Games in Turin will consist of 39 items. Each athlete will receive two insulated suits, tracksuits for training, insulated vests and jersey, sneakers, winter boots, a variety of scarves, gloves, winter hats, baseball caps, as well as a backpack, wallet and sports bag for moving.

At a press conference held in the center of GUM, the head Federal agency By physical culture and sports Vyacheslav Fetisov said: “The uniform of the national team, which will soon compete at the Olympics in Turin, will be presented. Almost all the athletes are now in the process of preparation. I wish them well in preparing for a successful start.”

Fetisov also noted that he considers the idea of ​​creating a uniform for fans to be relevant, justifying it as follows: “We see fans who come in thousands to football and our hockey squad matches.”

In its turn, Olympic champion Svetlana Khorkina said that she attended the first presentation of the Boscosport Olympic collection. “I was one of the first to present a collection for Salt Lake City (2002 Winter Olympics). I then asked if they would do anything for the summer. I’m glad they also did a winter collection.”

Chapter Olympic Committee Russia (ROC) Leonid Tyagachev said that he was very glad to attend this event with Vyacheslav Fetisov. “We are doing everything to ensure that the preparation for the Olympics is of high quality,” Tyagachev emphasized. “We have been cooperating with Bosco for many years. I saw what quality the evening clothes would be. The most important thing is that we are united and beautiful. And beauty will save the world.”

This year the mascot of the Russian national team will again be Cheburashka. However, unlike the Games in Athens in 2004, Cheburashka will be white. At a press conference, Eduard Uspensky said that its creation was 40 years old. “I sit and remember: Cheburashka was born 40 years ago. I can’t think of a better gift for him. I’ll probably turn to Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov with a request to give Cheburashka a passport,” the writer joked.

The only athlete who will represent Russia in Turin at the press conference on Wednesday was Evgeni Plushenko. "Bosco clothing is wonderful, comfortable. I will say on behalf of the athletes that we are preparing to achieve the most best results. Including me,” promised the leader of world figure skating.

An interesting fact: at the press conference, lost among the journalists, was the famous boxer Mike Tyson, who sported clothes of Russian national colors.

The equipment center of the Russian national team and a branch of the Russian House will be located in GUM.

Olga Sevastyanova

(riddles, symbolism, attributes)

Dear Colleagues! In February in Russia winter will pass Olympics. Didactic game"Winter olympic events sports" will help in an easy playful way to introduce children to the basic Olympic disciplines, will arouse interest in the upcoming event. The game can be used both individually and in subgroup work with children. The game uses original riddles (author O. V. Sevastyanova)

Target: Introduce children to Winter Olympic sports and consolidate existing knowledge about them. Learn to solve riddles using evidence-based speech. Develop interest and love for sports.


Cards with riddle text

Cards depicting symbols of sports

Cards depicting sports attributes


The game can be used for individual and subgroup work with children, as well as for independent children's activities. You can play on a carpet, a table, or use the entire space of the game room, when the cards are located in different places, it all depends on the desire and imagination and desire of the players.

Progress of the game:

Option 1.

Players sort out cards depicting attributes and symbols. The driver reads the riddle, the players guess and select the necessary pictures.

Option 2.(played by 1 or more people) "Find a Pair"

Game cards are laid out on the carpet or table. Children select pictures in pairs - “symbol-attributes”. The one who selects the most pairs or whose pair finds each other the fastest wins.

Option 3.(played by 2 or more people) “I’ll show you - you guess”

The game cards are laid out face down on the carpet or table. The driver takes the picture and, without showing it to other players, tries to depict the sport depicted on it using imitating movements. The player who guesses correctly becomes the driver.

Texts of riddles used in the game:

Bob, he's flying downhill like a rocket,

A team of athletes in a bob sits.

These athletes are not braver,

And this sport is called... ( bobsled)

One athlete pushes a projectile,

And two people are cleaning the ice with a brush.

The projectile glides without knowing any obstacles

And in the right place it will freeze. ( curling)

Skier on skis spinning in a dance:

Jump, somersault, and then land.

Be brave and dexterous

Be careful not to yawn.

This sport is called….( freestyle)

A ski track winds between the flags, winding along the mountain slope. The skier is getting closer and closer to the finish line, This sport( skiing)

Skier after skier rushes in pursuit,

This kind of sports ….( ski race)

A skier with a rifle hurries towards the target, surprising everyone with his accuracy and dexterity. He took off his rifle, he took aim,

This sport is called( biathlon)

Couples spin beautifully on the ice,

I love this sport the most.

(figure skating)

Clubs in hands

Puck on ice.

A brave goalkeeper in plain sight.

There is no friendlier team than this one,

This game is called( hockey)

I put two feet on the ski and fly down the mountain on it. ( snowboarding)

A skier slides down from a high springboard,

Then, like a bird, he soars into the sky,

And the people below froze in amazement,

And the skier successfully completed the flight. ( ski jumping)

Dear colleagues, I will be very glad if my material is useful to you in your work. Best regards, Olga.

The Charter of the Dynamo society has a separate chapter dedicated to its symbolism.
"11.1. The Dynamo Society has its own flag, pennant, emblem, membership card and trademark, approved in accordance with the established procedure. The symbols of the Dynamo Society contain two colors: white and blue-blue (electric).
11.2. The flag of the Dynamo Society consists of a white panel in the shape of a rectangle with a length to width ratio of 2:1, edged along the edges on three sides with an electric blue stripe 1/25 of the length of the panel. On the front side of the flag, in the middle, there is a capital letter “D” in electric blue color, 1/5 of the length of the flag.
11.4. The pennant of the Dynamo Society is an isosceles triangle with a base of 30 cm and a height of 50 cm. The sides of the triangle are edged along the contour with an electric blue stripe 3 cm wide. In the center is a capital letter “D” 8 cm high, which is spaced from the base by 20 cm. Above the capital letter “D” in block letters in two lines along a radius are the words “All-Russian (height 1.5 cm) physical education and sports” (height 1 cm), and below it the word “society” (height 1 cm). The capital word "Dynamo" (height 1.5 cm) is located below the capital letter "D". For all inscriptions the color "electric" is used. Along the contour of the sides of the pennant, the pennant is trimmed with a white silk cord, and a loop is made on the side of the base for attaching the pennant."

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