Oxysize breathing technique. Oxysize - “breathe and lose weight”, what is the essence of the technique and is it effective for losing weight? Which is better, oxysize or bodyflex?

Oxysize is a unique weight loss technique that is based on specific breathing and gymnastic exercises. This complex can be compared with bodyflex, but there are still differences in them. Oxysize has no contraindications and is suitable for people of any age and weight.

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The essence of breathing exercises

The process of losing body weight can only occur if there is sufficient oxygen supply to the body tissues. With the help of Oxysize, it is possible to achieve not only this, but also the targeted action of oxygen - simultaneous performance of respiratory and gymnastic exercises provides oxygen access to the most problematic areas.

The Oxysize exercise complex has many advantages:

  • when performing the complex, there is no need to accompany breathing with screams;
  • classes do not involve even short-term holding of breath, and this makes Oxysize accessible to pregnant, lactating women and those who have internal pathologies;
  • There are no restrictions on the time of training; it can be done in the morning or evening, at lunch;
  • no additional physical activity is required, since the complex works all muscle groups;
  • the exercises are simple, even a person without any sports training can perform them;
  • breathing exercises eliminate excess weight, “orange peel” and sagging skin;
  • Classes are held for 20 minutes, but daily.

Indications and contraindications

There are no categorical contraindications to performing the Oxysize complex, but doctors warn that in some cases it will be necessary to consult with specialists. Those people who have a history of:

  • oncological diseases;
  • acute infectious and inflammatory processes;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The indications for regular performance of the gymnastic complex are very diverse - excess weight and cellulite, age-related changes in the skin of the body (sagging), inactive lifestyle, lack of flexibility and regular muscle pain.

In principle, Oxysize exercises can be performed by absolutely all people who want to maintain a youthful and slim figure. The result of losing weight with Oxysize breathing exercises

Oxysize technique for weight loss

The basis of the set of exercises is proper breathing, so you need to learn it. First you need to check the first condition: when you inhale, your stomach should protrude, and your chest should not rise.

If a person is breathing incorrectly, then in the first few days he needs to train specifically in this direction. To do this, you need to lie on your back, place any flat object on your stomach and breathe deeply through your nose so that the object rises and falls rhythmically in time with your inhalations and exhalations.

Before starting the Oxysize gymnastics complex, you need to do a breathing warm-up. Moreover, you need to complete 4 approaches with a break of 10 - 30 seconds.


To prepare for the basic exercises, two breathing exercises are performed:

  • In a standing position with a straight back and relaxed muscles, a deep breath is taken through the nose - at this moment the stomach “inflates”, the shoulders remain in place. Having reached the maximum, you need to forcefully tense the muscles of your buttocks and take 3 more short breaths.
  • Immediately exhale through the mouth - the lips are slightly extended forward, the buttocks do not relax. After the exhalation is complete, you need to make an effort to “extract” 3 more short portions of air from the lungs.
Oxysize breathing technique

Experts recommend performing breathing exercises with a smile on your face. Firstly, this will open your nostrils wide, allowing you to inhale as much air as possible. Secondly, they will be worked out facial muscles, which will prevent the formation of wrinkles.


Within the framework of the Oxysize complex, you can perform the most different exercises, but according to reviews from those who have already lost weight and experts, the most effective are:

  • Stand up straight, spread your legs wider than your shoulders and bend your knees slightly, push your hips forward. It is imperative to monitor your posture - your back is straight, your shoulder blades are “closed”, your shoulders are relaxed. In this position, you need to perform breathing exercises that are prescribed for warming up.
  • Stand with your back to the wall, press your shoulder blades against it, extend your arms in front of you and join your palms. Slow squats are performed without leaving the wall. As soon as the thighs have assumed a position parallel to the floor, the breathing exercises from the warm-up are performed. You need to do at least three such approaches, a break between squats and rises initial position not required.
  • Turn your face to the wall, place your palms on it and perform. As soon as you begin to feel tired in your arms, you need to stand on your toes (rise up) and, without removing the support from the wall, perform inhalations/exhalations from the warm-up three times in a row. Such approaches can be done 2 - 4 times.
  • Lie on the floor with your stomach down, place your hands on your palms and raise your upper body on them. The hips remain on the floor, the head is slightly thrown back (the tension in the abdominal muscles should be clearly felt). At the highest point, inhalations/exhalations are performed, the body returns to its original position. The exercise is repeated at least 5 times.
  • Turn onto your back, spread your arms to the sides and begin stretching. You need to imagine that someone is pulling with force on your straight legs and arms. As soon as the maximum in stretching is reached, you need to inhale/exhale according to the scheme described above.

The Oxysize complex should be performed daily for 20 minutes. In the process of gymnastics, almost all the muscles of the body are worked out, even the gluteal and posterior thighs are stressed.

Watch the Oxysize breathing technique for beginners in this video:

Results for slimming the belly and other parts of the body

If you do Oxysize gymnastics for a month, you will notice a weight loss of 3 - 4 kg. But this is the result for a person who does not follow a diet. If you correct your diet (refusal of fatty and sweet foods, alcohol and baked goods, reducing food portions), body weight will be reduced by 5 kg or more.

It is important that not only does a person’s weight decrease, but also the muscles become stronger - the body becomes slender and toned. Many people note that thanks to breathing exercises and gymnastics, cellulite disappears and the skin becomes elastic. A pleasant bonus will be great mood, cheerfulness, a surge of energy, increased performance.

Oxysize is a weight loss method that suits everyone. Gymnastics can be performed by a completely untrained person, without proper muscle stretching and joint flexibility. Considering the absence of contraindications, it can be argued that this is the best option for losing body weight.

Useful video

Watch the Oxysize set of exercises in this video:

Marina Korpan is a popular fitness instructor who has become widely known for her routines breathing exercises. Once she herself recovered after giving birth, and began to look for all sorts of ways to get in shape. And the oxysize and bodyflex techniques, already popular in Europe and America at that time, helped her do this. They helped her get back into shape in less than a couple of months, without resorting to diets, but only by normalizing her diet. Today, oxysize with Marina Korpan is a popular technique that has helped improve the appearance and tone of the body for a large number of women.

Oxysize breathing exercises with Marina Korpan for weight loss: features and benefits

Oxysize is a new method of losing excess weight, based on breathing exercises. The main stimulator of the breakdown of fat cells is oxygen, which enters the body and reacts with the carbon compounds of fat cells, starting the process of their removal from the body.

Also, by saturating the body with oxygen, metabolism improves, and this is also important for losing weight. The figure becomes slimmer and fitter, the body heals as a whole.

Not everyone understands what difference between oxysize and bodyflex, which Marina Korpan recommends. However, there are differences and quite significant ones:

  • Oxysize, unlike bodyflex, does not have to be done in the morning after waking up, when the body is not yet completely ready for work.
  • During bodyflex, some elements are accompanied by loud sounds, which can cause some discomfort. Oxysize is not accompanied by anything like that.
  • With oxysize, there are no clear restrictions regarding the fact that you need to exercise exclusively on an empty stomach, but there should be no heaviness in the stomach.
  • To perform the exercises you will not need any additional equipment, only 15-20 minutes of free time.

In addition, the Korpan technique Oxysize non-stop has the following advantages:

  • Combined with proper nutrition, a month of exercise will help you lose up to 5 kg of weight per month.
  • Thanks to the processes of fat breakdown in problem areas, you can get rid of cellulite and folds.
  • Regular exercise improves body tone and normalizes the emotional background.
  • Due to the saturation of blood with oxygen, blood pressure is normalized and blood vessels are healed.

Basic principles of the technique

Oxysize is based on anaerobic respiration technique, which helps ensure that all cells of the body are saturated with oxygen. Breathing is combined with static exercises, and the greatest amount of oxygen enters the tense area of ​​the body, promoting active fat burning processes there. Here's what else you should know about the technique:

  • You can exercise at any time of the day, and not necessarily on an empty stomach, since unlike bodyflex there is no need to hold your breath. However, the author herself still recommends doing exercises in the morning on an empty stomach, since the level of glucose in the blood at this time is as low as possible, and the processes will be aimed specifically at burning fat deposits. But after eating, the oxygen supplied during exercise will not contribute more to fat burning, but to accelerating the process of food absorption.
  • To achieve results It is advisable to do the exercises every day. Within a week you will notice certain improvements in your figure. When will you achieve desired results, you can exercise three times a week to stay in shape.
  • Systematic implementation of the complex will help improve strength and endurance, as well as stretching. The Marina Korpan complex provides for all this.
  • One of the advantages of the complex is that Beginners will not feel strong muscle soreness after performing the exercises. Only mild dull pain is possible, but the next day it will not cause pain.
  • To you no additional equipment required like various weights. You will need a fitness mat, a chair and a good mood.

In addition to regular exercise to achieve good results When losing weight, it is recommended to reconsider your diet. There is no need to go on a diet, but try to minimize sweets, flour, fatty and fried foods. Try to eat small meals often, eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, and drink plenty of water.

The technique doesn't have much contraindications, but they are present. These include the following:

  • recovery after surgery;
  • epilepsy;
  • flu and colds;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • inflammatory and tumor processes in the body;
  • diseases respiratory system and kidneys;
  • hernia, peptic ulcers of the digestive system.

By itself breathing is conventionally divided into four stages:

  • Take a deep breath through your nose and inflate your stomach.
  • Take three short breaths through your nose and pull your stomach in.
  • Take a strong breath through your mouth while smiling, drawing in your stomach as much as possible.
  • Exhale three times, leaving your stomach taut.

These steps are repeated four times in a row, and this will be one cycle of breathing according to the Oxysize method.

Oxysize with Marina Korpan for beginners: basic rules

The main role in the effectiveness of exercises is played by correct breathing, inhalation and exhalation using a special technique. Chest breathing, which we are accustomed to in everyday life, needs to be replaced with diaphragmatic breathing.

Chest breathing provokes oxygen starvation and symptoms that accompany it: lethargy, chronic fatigue, constant apathy, headaches and irritability.

So that nothing interferes with your activities, choose clothes that will not hinder your movement. Place the palm of your left hand on your chest and your left hand on your abdomen. Inhale with your stomach, exhale very slowly until your palm is as close as possible to the column of the spine. When you learn to breathe correctly and apply, breathing technique you can start a set of oxysize exercises with Korpan for weight loss for beginners

  • . The simplest ones are the following:
  • Take a series of sharp, quick diaphragmatic breaths through your nose, feeling a surge of energy.
  • Relaxing your body, draw in and lift your lower abdomen up. Bend and Lift gluteal muscles
  • and tighten your perineum as much as possible. Rock your pelvis inward and upward.
  • Take three deep breaths through your nose, filling your lungs as much as possible.
  • Stretching your lips like a tube and tensing the muscles below the sternum, push out the air.

Lift your chin and tighten your buttocks. Exhale three times, pushing as much air out of your lungs as possible.

For beginners, this simple complex will be enough. The most important thing is diaphragmatic breathing, since it is this that allows you not only to transform your figure, but also to improve your overall well-being.

Oxysize with Marina Korpan: video lessons

1. Oxysize with Marina Korpan In this video the author gives brief description

respiratory system, answers questions that beginners often have, and conducts a lesson, explaining in detail each movement. This material will help you become familiar with the technique and is ideal for beginners.

2. Oxysize non-stop

Oxysize non-stop with Marina Korpan is a daily full complex, the sequential implementation of which is presented in the video.

3. Breathing exercises by Marina Korpan

4. Marina Korpan: Breathing exercises for weight loss

5. Morning complex from Marina Korpan Marina Korpan in this video shows a simple set of exercises with which you can start your morning to gain slim figure

Regular exercise will help you achieve significant results in losing weight, improve muscle tone, the condition of the body as a whole and your mood.

For this, it is important to do everything correctly, and video lessons, in which Marina explains in detail what and how to do, will help with this. Any woman who wants to lose weight and have a toned body searches the Internet for the most gentle diet and “smart” set of physical exercises. It's no secret that nowadays many different sets of exercises have appeared that promise to help get rid of excess weight. There are many about Bodyflex alone positive feedback

. Pilates, Callanetics and Yoga are not far behind in popularity. However, not everyone knows about such an effective complex as Oxysize.

Description of the complex Oxysize is a modern set of exercises designed to combat overweight

. It is based on correct breathing technique. Oxygen is the main destructive force for fat deposits. When it enters the human body, it combines with carbon, which is found in fats, after which they are quickly excreted, and the body is tightened and acquires beautiful contours. People who are familiar with Bodyflex may notice a subtle similarity with Oxysize, but these are different complexes.

Much to our surprise, this complex has no contraindications. Experts say that even pregnant women can do it if they want to stay in good shape and feel great during pregnancy.

Anyone who cares about their health can safely start exercising. Your figure will soon take on new shape, you can easily regain your prenatal parameters, and also realize your dream of becoming fit and slim, with a minimum amount of effort.

Oxysize or Bodyflex

Bodyflex has long been known to millions of people around the world. It has its own reputation and followers, but Oxysize has not been practiced in Russia for very long - only a couple of years. And despite this, this complex already has many fans. There is nothing strange in this, since Oxysize has clear advantages over Bodyflex:

The creator of the Oxysize technique, Jill Johnson, recommends four meals a day. You should also give preference to natural foods, fruits, vegetables, and foods containing fiber. She fully described these recommendations in her book, which is dedicated to Oxysize. At the same time, you should give up fried, fatty and sweet foods. The daily calorie intake is about 1500−1700 calories. If such numbers cause you slight bewilderment, then have no doubt - breathing exercises will burn you subcutaneous fat and improve metabolism.

Burning fat in problem areas

How does fat burning occur in problem areas? Does this complex itself identify problem areas? No. There is a simple explanation for this - you yourself know perfectly well the areas that need to be worked on and through tension you mentally direct oxygen there.

Do you need to work on your buttocks and remove a couple of extra centimeters from there? Just tense your gluteal muscles during exercise, and oxygen will flow to the desired area of ​​the body.

Lesson results

The main goal of Oxysize is to combat extra centimeters on your body. But if in addition you switch to proper nutrition, if you stick to your daily calorie intake and eat quality foods, the result will be amazing - the “orange peel” will no longer spoil your mood, as it will completely disappear!

Cellulite is a real scourge for women and Oxysize can help you get rid of this problem. Your state of mind will improve, apathy and depression will go away, and you will be full of energy and strength. Blood flow will also improve due to the large supply of oxygen. You will forget what headaches and blood pressure problems are.

Your libido level will increase, which is important for every person. Oxysize will give you a fulfilling sex life.

Oxysize for beginners

Oxysize is created for those who do not have a lot of free time, but have a desire to change their figure and remove the hated centimeters. The complex will take 15-20 minutes of your time, but after a few days you will notice changes and the first results. The stomach and waist will decrease by several centimeters, and positive changes will also be visible in other areas of the body.

Correct breathing

There are two types of breathing:

  • chest;
  • diaphragm.

Many people breathe incorrectly, namely chest breathing, dooming themselves to a lot of problems and illnesses. When breathing through the chest, the air does not have the opportunity to circulate normally throughout the body, as a result of which the blood does not carry the required amount of oxygen. This leads to headaches, feeling constantly tired and general resentment.

To determine how you breathe, you need to:

  1. Dress in comfortable, comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement.
  2. Place your left hand on your stomach and your right hand on your chest.
  3. Inhale deeply and then exhale.

How did you feel? Has it become left hand during inhalation closer to the vertebra? If yes, then you are breathing correctly. This is the diaphragm type of breathing, which is definitely worth switching to, even if you don’t plan to do Oxysize.

Now you need to sit down and breathe properly for 2-3 minutes. In this case, you should not strain your shoulder muscles; your body should be in a free position. Feel how the air actively circulates throughout your body, reaching the most remote corners.

Breathing technique for beginners


  1. It is necessary to take a very quick and sharp breath through the nostrils, and not through the mouth. Thus, the air that has entered your body is heated and purified. Breathing should be exclusively diaphragmatic.
  2. Smile! For yourself and the whole world, feel an unprecedented surge of energy. When you smile, you involuntarily widen your nostrils, so the air passes through more easily and quickly. In addition, when you smile, your facial muscles tighten.
  3. Relax, let it go abdominal muscles will be in a calm state in order to prepare for the strongest possible inhalation.



After performing this breathing exercise four times, you will do one repetition of basic breathing!


Below are answers to frequently asked questions regarding Oxysize exercises.

Is the complex suitable for pregnant women?

Pregnancy is the most wonderful time for any woman, so it is very important not to harm the child and yourself. It is necessary to consult with the doctor who is managing the pregnancy, since only he can know about your health condition.

It should be noted that the Oxysize method contains special exercises for pregnant women. However, they are best performed under the supervision of a trainer.

Is it possible to exercise after a caesarean section?

After surgical interventions, and even more so after a cesarean section, you should avoid almost all physical activity for six months. The Oxysize training program is also contraindicated. After 6 months, you need to consult a doctor, and if there are no contraindications, you can start exercising.

What exercises are there for the neck and face?

All exercises of the complex contribute not only effective weight loss, but also help tighten the skin. It affects the muscles of the abdomen, neck, face, arms, legs and buttocks. So get busy training program, do basic breathing exercises, and after a few weeks you will notice that your muscles are perfectly toned and the shape of your face has changed.

Number of calories burned

This complex burns calories in a very a short time. For example, when practicing this training methodology Burns 140% more calories than on an exercise bike. In this case, the calculation time is taken to be the same.

Every woman dreams of losing weight, watching how her body transforms day by day. Modern weight loss courses offer numerous techniques, as well as balanced diets that allow you to maintain the results. Today we will analyze in detail the Oxysize breathing exercises, through which thousands of representatives of the fair half of humanity were able to get rid of cellulite, model a clear silhouette and noticeably lose weight without leaving home.

Gymnastics called “Oxysize” is basic course exercises, which is a combination special technique diaphragmatic breathing, key asanas from meditative yoga and exercises to strengthen the entire muscular system of the body. In simple words, this is oxygen gymnastics, which allows you to increase the productivity of calorie burning by 140% and remove a bulging belly in a couple of days.

Marina Korpan (breathing exercises specialist, fitness instructor) suggests just breathing, practicing body improvement for at least 15 minutes a day and making your figure ideal. You can perform the exercises sitting, standing, in the morning or in the evening - the effect will be noticeable after the first workout. The main principles of the Oxysize system are:

  • Correct breathing in several counts, allowing you to increase the flow of oxygen to problem areas during training. This activates metabolic processes and promotes the breakdown of molecular bonds in the fat layer, which gradually comes out through the sweat glands.
  • A set of gymnastic exercises, the implementation of which leads to recovery muscle tone, reducing body volume and modeling the relief of the legs, arms, waist and torso.

Exercises using the Oxysize technique can be performed by pregnant women, teenagers and the elderly. Anyone can learn it if they watch the video tutorial at least once and follow the breathing instructions.

Basic Basics: Breathe and Lose Weight

The respiratory complex Suitable for men and women who are overweight. It is aimed at burning excess subcutaneous fat, as well as significantly reducing the original body proportions. If the person is not overweight, but athletic, then the technique will not be able to bring the desired results. In this case, you should contact severe physical activity in the gym.

Mastering effective breathing techniques consists of five stages:

  1. The lesson begins standing. Try to straighten your back and raise your groin a little so that your pelvic bones move forward a little. The knees should be slightly bent, and the shoulder blades should be brought as close as possible to the line of the spinal column.
  2. In this pose we begin the breathing exercise. Let's make one deep breath nose, but should not inflate rib cage, and the belly! You need to inhale as much as possible - and inflate your belly.
  3. Let's make three short ones breathless nose, now try at the same time pull up the stomach is closer to the back with each breath.
  4. Then we do exhale through the mouth and at the same time strain the gluteal muscles and abdominal muscles to feel a noticeable burning sensation, while suck in your stomach as hard as possible towards the back. You need to purse your lips as if you are going to play a musical flute.
  5. After this we also perform three short breaths to completely free the body from oxygen, and with each exhalation we continue pull in, pull in, pull in stomach to the back. We keep our hips in tension all this time, which can be released only after completing the exercise.

It is recommended to smile broadly while performing breathing exercises. Then the skin on the face will be maximally enriched with oxygen, smooth out and acquire the pristine radiance of youth. If your goal is to remove belly fat or express weight loss, then throughout the entire exercise, make sure that the lower part of the abs is at the same level as the chest.

A set of basic exercises

To significantly strengthen the muscles of the whole body, get rid of overweight and normalize blood pressure levels, experienced trainers It is recommended to perform the following types of exercises daily:

  1. Side stretch. To perform the exercise, you should stand straight, pull your shoulders back and bend your knees slightly, lift up right hand and follow it with a bend to the side, but without lunging forward or backward. You can use the back of a high chair as a guide to the degree of deflection when tilting. While in this position, you should perform 4 breathing cycles.

    This exercise must be repeated three times on each side.

  2. Wall squats. You need to stand against the wall, lean your back directly against it and sit down in this position. At the moment when your thighs become parallel to the floor, you should extend your arms forward, combine them with each other “fist-to-fist” and perform 4 breathing cycles.

    This exercise must be repeated three times.

  3. Chair squats. For correct execution exercises, you should stand behind the back of a chair and sit down, turning your knees in different directions and straining your buttocks, and you need to do this as hard as you can.

    In this position, perform 4 breathing cycles. We also repeat it three times.

  4. Push ups. For this exercise, you should turn to face the wall and lean on it with your hands, which must be placed directly in front of your chest. Then try to do push-ups and catch the point at which the muscles will be in the most tense state. At this moment, you need to line up your body in a straight line and stand on your toes.

    In this position, 4 breathing cycles should be performed. It should be repeated 3 times.

    More details in the video:

While practicing all the exercises, you should look in front of you - this is the only way you can concentrate. Try to accurately perform breathing exercises and abstract yourself from what is happening.

Making the main muscle groups stronger and stronger

Despite the fact that the Oxysize program is built on correct breathing, the main emphasis should be on physical exercise. All movements are performed statically, which leads to minimal consumption of oxygen by the body, and therefore promotes muscle growth. In addition, exercise normalizes the natural rate of metabolism and metabolic processes in the body, which leads to an increase in calorie consumption and a decrease in the volume of problem areas.

To correctly complete all the lessons, watch the video, and for clarity, place the pictures in front of you. A set of non-stop exercises with Marina Korpan:

Who is this weight loss method suitable for?
Doctors agree that Oxysize breathing exercises are suitable for people who want to tighten their figure and lose minus 5-20 kilograms. Its implementation is allowed even during pregnancy if the expectant mother feels well and does not have cardiovascular diseases.

The Oxyize system, in addition to being easy to use and effective, has a number of limitations. Due to the fact that when performing exercises it is involved top part body (stomach, back, arms), then the complex will do those people who are trying to reduce volumes in these areas. As for the disadvantages, the technique should not be used:

  • People who have undergone abdominal surgery in the recent past. If a woman has undergone a cesarean section, then she can practice breathing exercises in combination with exercises no earlier than 6 months after surgery.
  • For those who suffer from epilepsy, increased intracranial pressure, diseases of the kidneys, respiratory organs and the presence of cystic formations of a malignant nature, the use of exercises is contraindicated.
  • Contraindicated in the presence of gallstones, diabetes mellitus (type I), asthma.

When using the Oxysize weight loss technique, you will have to eat right and get rid of bad habits. If you eat plenty of fats and quickly digestible carbohydrates, you should not expect any effect. To ensure you get the maximum benefit from the Oxysize technique, you should:

  1. Create a detailed meal plan and daily menu rich in vitamin and mineral components, organic protein and fiber. This will strengthen muscular system, and also minimize the load on the heart.
  2. Drink liquid in sufficient volumes, without neglecting natural juices and fermented milk products. Make it a rule to consume kefir 2.5-3 hours before bedtime to feel light in the morning.
  3. Diversify your meals with teas containing dietary supplements. You can purchase vitamin complex, which is necessary during the demi-season period of the year and in the process of active weight loss.

This is the only way to effectively fight excess weight. In combination with breathing exercises you can, and even need, to regularly walk in the air, as well as use other adequate types of physiological exercise, but provided that your health allows you to do this.

Elastic and strong muscles are the basis for the stable functioning of the cardiovascular system and the prevention of the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Physical Health Benefits

The physiological basis of the Oxyize complex is built on the practical participation of oxygen in the processes of cellular metabolism. Due to the fact that living cellular structures include carbon, when using effective exercises breathing exercises can cause an oxidation process, which leads to a reduction in body volume in the places you need. This method takes about 20 minutes and does not involve the use of any equipment and does not require special skills.

The practical use of this system is to consistently follow certain stages of diaphragmatic breathing. Teaching the technique, in addition to the basic points (exhalation - inhalation), includes the principles of pre-exhalation and pre-breathing. This technique is the most productive and useful, since it does not involve a period of holding your breath.

The benefits of using the complex include improving the general physiological condition of the body. It also allows you to quickly lose excess weight. During the implementation of the Oxysize program, which is called “Breathe and Lose Weight,” the body is intensively saturated with molecular oxygen, which is perfect for those people who experience health problems from diabetes or chronic hypertension. It helps to minimize pain in the musculoskeletal system, and its effectiveness has been proven for other diseases. Gymnastics allows you to normalize blood pressure, improve blood circulation processes, and also helps to regenerate damaged tissues in the body.

To achieve the desired final result, you should not neglect the systematic training and regularly perform all the exercises. The minimum training duration is 20 minutes daily. If you exercise “on occasion” several times a month, you will not get results.

Experienced trainers advise to properly organize the daily diet: exclude the consumption of foods with artificial ingredients and dishes that contain flavorings, thickeners, synthetic dyes, stabilizers and other chemical additives. The menu should include fruits, vegetables, cereals and dairy products. To improve metabolic processes, drink fluid in sufficient quantities.

Every woman dreams of losing weight, watching how her body transforms day by day. Modern weight loss courses offer numerous techniques, as well as balanced diets that allow you to maintain the results.

Today we will analyze in detail the Oxysize breathing exercises, through which thousands of representatives of the fair half of humanity were able to get rid of cellulite, model a clear silhouette and noticeably lose weight without leaving home.

Principles of breathing technique

Gymnastics called “Oxysize” is a basic course of exercises, which is a combination of a special technique of diaphragmatic breathing, key asanas from meditative yoga and exercises to strengthen the entire muscular system of the body. In simple words, this is oxygen gymnastics, which allows you to increase the productivity of calorie burning by 140% and remove a bulging belly in a couple of days.

Marina Korpan (breathing exercises specialist, fitness instructor) suggests just breathing, practicing body improvement for at least 15 minutes a day and making your figure ideal. You can perform the exercises sitting, standing, in the morning or in the evening - the effect will be noticeable after the first workout. The main principles of the Oxysize system are:

  • Correct breathing in several counts, allowing you to increase the flow of oxygen to problem areas during training. This activates metabolic processes and promotes the breakdown of molecular bonds in the fat layer, which gradually comes out through the sweat glands.
  • A set of gymnastic exercises, the implementation of which leads to the restoration of muscle tone, reduction of body volume and modeling of the relief of the legs, arms, waist and torso.

Exercises using the Oxysize technique can be performed by pregnant women, teenagers and the elderly. Anyone can learn it if they watch the video tutorial at least once and follow the breathing instructions.

Basic Basics: Breathe and Lose Weight

This breathing complex is suitable for men and women who are overweight. It is aimed at burning excess subcutaneous fat, as well as significantly reducing the original body proportions. If the person is not overweight, but athletic, then the technique will not be able to bring the desired results. In this case, you should turn to heavy physical activity in the gym.

The beginner course involves placing one hand under the chest and the other on the stomach. This allows you to ensure that the two body parts move in the same way.

Mastering effective breathing techniques consists of five stages:

  1. The lesson begins standing. Try to straighten your back and raise your groin a little so that your pelvic bones move forward a little. The knees should be slightly bent, and the shoulder blades should be brought as close as possible to the line of the spinal column.
  2. In this pose we begin the breathing exercise. Let's make one deep breath nose, while it is not the chest that should inflate, but the stomach! You need to inhale as much as possible - and inflate your belly.
  3. Let's make three short ones breathless nose, now try at the same time pull up the stomach is closer to the back with each breath.
  4. Then we do exhale through the mouth and at the same time strain the gluteal muscles and abdominal muscles to feel a noticeable burning sensation, while suck in your stomach as hard as possible towards the back. You need to purse your lips as if you are going to play a musical flute.
  5. After this we also perform three short breaths to completely free the body from oxygen, and with each exhalation we continue pull in, pull in, pull in stomach to the back. We keep our hips in tension all this time, which can be released only after completing the exercise.

It is recommended to smile broadly while performing breathing exercises. Then the skin on the face will be maximally enriched with oxygen, smooth out and acquire the pristine radiance of youth. If your goal is to remove belly fat or express weight loss, then throughout the entire exercise, make sure that the lower part of the abs is at the same level as the chest.

This cycle must be repeated four times. This breathing approach lasts approximately sixty seconds. Each new minute is an effective tool aimed at burning fat, normalizing blood flow speed and reducing body volume.

A set of basic exercises

To significantly strengthen the muscles of the whole body, get rid of excess weight and normalize blood pressure, experienced trainers recommend performing the following types of exercises daily:

Side stretch. To perform the exercise, you should stand straight, pull your shoulders back and bend your knees slightly, raise your right arm up and bend to the side behind it, but without lunging forward or backward. You can use the back of a high chair as a guide to the degree of deflection when tilting. While in this position, you should perform 4 breathing cycles.

This exercise must be repeated three times on each side.

Wall squats. You need to stand against the wall, lean your back directly against it and sit down in this position. At the moment when your thighs become parallel to the floor, you should extend your arms forward, combine them with each other “fist-to-fist” and perform 4 breathing cycles.

This exercise must be repeated three times.

Chair squats. To perform the exercise correctly, you should stand behind the back of a chair and squat, turning your knees in different directions and tightening your buttocks, and you need to do this as hard as you can.

In this position, perform 4 breathing cycles. We also repeat it three times.

Push ups. For this exercise, you should turn to face the wall and lean on it with your hands, which must be placed directly in front of your chest. Then try to do push-ups and catch the point at which the muscles will be in the most tense state. At this moment, you need to line up your body in a straight line and stand on your toes.

In this position, 4 breathing cycles should be performed. It should be repeated 3 times.

More details in the video:

While practicing all the exercises, you should look in front of you - this is the only way you can concentrate. Try to accurately perform breathing exercises and abstract yourself from what is happening.

Making the main muscle groups stronger and stronger

Despite the fact that the Oxysize program is built on proper breathing, the main emphasis should be on physical exercise. All movements are performed statically, which leads to minimal consumption of oxygen by the body, and therefore promotes muscle growth. In addition, exercise normalizes the natural rate of metabolism and metabolic processes in the body, which leads to an increase in calorie consumption and a decrease in the volume of problem areas.
To correctly complete all the lessons, watch the video, and for clarity, place the pictures in front of you. A set of non-stop exercises with Marina Korpan:

Who is this weight loss method suitable for?

Doctors agree that Oxysize breathing exercises are suitable for people who want to tighten their figure and lose minus 5-20 kilograms. Its implementation is allowed even during pregnancy if the expectant mother feels well and does not have cardiovascular diseases.

The Oxyize system, in addition to being easy to use and effective, has a number of limitations. Due to the fact that the upper body (abdomen, back, arms) is involved when performing the exercises, the complex is suitable for those people who are trying to reduce volume in these areas. As for the disadvantages, the technique should not be used:

  • People who have undergone abdominal surgery in the recent past. If a woman has undergone a cesarean section, then she can practice breathing exercises in combination with exercises no earlier than 6 months after surgery.
  • For those who suffer from epilepsy, increased intracranial pressure, diseases of the kidneys, respiratory organs and the presence of cystic formations of a malignant nature, the use of exercises is contraindicated.
  • Contraindicated in the presence of gallstones, diabetes mellitus (type I), asthma.

When using the Oxysize weight loss technique, you will have to eat right and get rid of bad habits. If you eat plenty of fats and quickly digestible carbohydrates, you should not expect any effect. To ensure you get the maximum benefit from the Oxysize technique, you should:

  1. Create a detailed meal plan and daily menu rich in vitamin and mineral components, organic protein and fiber. This will strengthen the muscular system and also minimize the load on the heart.
  2. Drink liquid in sufficient volumes, without neglecting natural juices and fermented milk products. Make it a rule to consume kefir 2.5-3 hours before bedtime to feel light in the morning.
  3. Diversify your meals with teas containing dietary supplements. You can purchase a vitamin complex, which is necessary during the demi-season period of the year and in the process of active weight loss.

This is the only way to effectively fight excess weight. In combination with breathing exercises, it is possible, and even necessary, to regularly walk in the air, as well as use other adequate types of physiological stress, but provided that your health condition allows this.

Elastic and strong muscles are the basis for the stable functioning of the cardiovascular system and the prevention of the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Physical Health Benefits

The physiological basis of the Oxyize complex is built on the practical participation of oxygen in the processes of cellular metabolism. Due to the fact that living cellular structures include carbon, when using effective breathing exercises, an oxidation process can occur, which leads to a reduction in body volume in the places you need. This method takes about 20 minutes and does not involve the use of any equipment and does not require special skills.

The practical use of this system is to consistently follow certain stages of diaphragmatic breathing. Teaching the technique, in addition to the basic points (exhalation - inhalation), includes the principles of pre-exhalation and pre-breathing. This technique is the most productive and useful, since it does not involve a period of holding your breath.

The benefits of using the complex include improving the general physiological condition of the body. It also allows you to quickly lose excess weight. During the implementation of the Oxysize program, which is called “Breathe and Lose Weight,” the body is intensively saturated with molecular oxygen, which is perfect for those people who experience health problems from diabetes or chronic hypertension. It helps to minimize pain in the musculoskeletal system, and its effectiveness has been proven for other diseases. Gymnastics allows you to normalize blood pressure, improve blood circulation processes, and also helps to regenerate damaged tissues in the body.

To achieve the desired final result, you should not neglect the systematic training and regularly perform all the exercises. The minimum training duration is 20 minutes daily. If you exercise “on occasion” several times a month, you will not get results.

Experienced trainers advise to properly organize the daily diet: exclude the consumption of foods with artificial ingredients and dishes that contain flavorings, thickeners, synthetic dyes, stabilizers and other chemical additives. The menu should include fruits, vegetables, cereals and dairy products. To improve metabolic processes, drink fluid in sufficient quantities.

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