Commodity dictionary. Abstract: Pinching traps Main dimensions of type B traps

Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite spoke a lot about the need for the country's energy independence. She noted that Lithuania should buy gas from Europe and the United States in order to deprive Moscow of the opportunity to put pressure on the republic. A terminal was built in Klaipeda for the supply of liquefied natural gas. And what are the successes in export substitution?

The economy is built on a simple principle: buy cheaper, sell more. No amount of wishes or even demands from politicians can change this principle. Gazprom sells gas to Lithuania at $370 per thousand cubic meters, and Norwegian LNG to Statoil costs $576 per thousand cubic meters. And which gas will Lithuanian energy workers and enterprises prefer?

They made their choice. This year, according to analysts' forecasts, Gazprom will occupy 55-60% of the country's gas market. Among the largest buyers of Russian gas are Lietuvos energija, which supplies gas to domestic and industrial consumers, and the Achema fertilizer plant. By the way, the country’s authorities put pressure on this plant, forcing it to buy Norwegian LNG, but the company’s management did not agree with this demand and filed a lawsuit with the European Court of Human Rights.

The neighbors of Lithuania, to whom Grybauskaite offered to use the services of the Klaipeda terminal, also do not want to pay one and a half times more. Estonia, Latvia and even Russophobic Poland decided that energy independence was not worth that much. Then Lithuania rushed to Ukraine, but Gazprom and Belarus became an obstacle, which did not allow the use of their gas distribution systems to transport Norwegian gas. Moreover, Belarus was ready to negotiate, but the Lithuanian diplomats themselves ruined everything, because for some reason they were used to talking to Belarus in an extremely unfriendly ultimatum tone.

Meanwhile, although the demand for gas in Lithuania is falling, its reserves in the country are growing. At the same time, cheap Russian gas makes up a little more than half of the reserves, and the rest is expensive LNG from Norway. Guess who pays the difference in price? Of course, these are ordinary Lithuanians who pay from their own pockets not only for gas, but also for the operation of an underutilized terminal, which uses a gas carrier leased from Norway. The lease term ends in 2024.

The struggle of the Lithuanian authorities for the country's energy independence resulted in an increase in utility tariffs for the population, costs for the country's budget and an increase in the tax burden on businesses that were forced to support the terminal. However, the President and ministers of Lithuania are confident that independence from Russia is more valuable than money. Dalia Grybauskaite believes that the people are ready to pay any price for this, but the people were not asked about this, but were simply sent new payments.

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The government and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation will assign a lifetime digital name to every Russian and merge all personal data into a single database

The pace at which the Russian population is being driven under total control within the framework of the murky “digital economy” program being implemented without discussion in society is amazing. Before the new year 2018, “Katyusha” had not had time to talk about its adoption before the new year 2018 to interact with banks and receive government services and create an appropriate base within the framework of the Unified Identification and Autonomy, as the Chairman of the Duma Committee on the Financial Market, Anatoly Aksakov, in mid-January, right from the moment of birth - so that it would accompany a person throughout his life. . And since he, apparently, is just an obedient “vocalizer” of the Central Bank’s directives, there was every reason to expect initiatives from this flank. And yesterday, January 7, the banksters and ministers “pleased” us with a corresponding initiative.

“The Bank of Russia, together with the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and the Ministry of Finance, will develop proposals for the introduction of an end-to-end identifier that combines all data on individuals. The “Main Directions for the Development of Financial Technologies for 2018-2020” notes that an end-to-end client identifier will ensure the provision of various types of information about him to interested authorities and organizations, including for the provision of financial services to individuals. Such an identifier can be used for various data sources stored at the place of their creation, which increases the speed of finding the necessary information. An end-to-end identifier is a technological combination of unique identifiers (SNILS, passport number, pension and insurance certificates, etc.). Now there is no way to find all this information about yourself in one place. We want to link these identifiers together without burdening the consumer,”- First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank Olga Skorobogatova declared to the team of overseas “money owners”.

In his rush to “make happy” Russians, just as the implementers of the Aadhaar personal identification system did with a billion Indians, Skorobogatova is far from a pioneer. In 2016, the Government, represented by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, submitted to the State Duma draft law No. 1072874-6 “On amendments to the Federal Law “On individual (personalized) accounting in the compulsory pension insurance system.” In accordance with this bill, it is planned to force each Russian to assign a personal number, under which his authentication will take place when providing any government services and performing any functions by the state. The assignment is carried out in a notification manner on the basis of information received by the Pension Fund from the Civil Registry Office - that is, simultaneously with the issuance of a birth certificate, and this number must be valid until the end of life.

In fact, they simply wanted to transform the SNILS pension number, without further ado, into a citizen’s “digital name” - by introducing the concept of “registered persons”, which applies not only to insured working citizens, but also to “children, as well as other citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons who have opened an individual personal account, incl. for the purpose of providing public services." But something went wrong: either the protests of the conservative majority were very strong, or the infrastructure was not yet ready, or the option with SNILS in the form of a single personal number turned out to be not the best... One way or another, the promotion of the bill froze on November 3, 2016 d. after adoption in the first reading and recommendations to submit amendments to it within 30 days.

But now, against the backdrop of the victorious progress of biometrics and the illegal, one can loudly declare that this idea will soon be considered in the Duma, regardless of the facts presented by Katyusha and other patriotic media the day before. Let us remind you that “end-to-end single personal identifier (citizen’s personal number)” directly violates the Federal Law on personal data, according to clause 3 of Art. 5 of which “It is not permitted to combine databases containing personal data, the processing of which is carried out for purposes incompatible with each other.” He also violates Art. 23 and 24 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, since it forcibly deprives citizens of their privacy (also deprives them of the legal freedom to choose the provision of public services in a traditional, non-electronic form) and drains our country of its giblets to “Western partners.”

But the saddest thing in this story is that those who are obliged to preserve state sovereignty and are directly responsible for security in Russia do not see or do not want to see any threat in these “reforms”. The public commissioner for family protection in St. Petersburg, Olga Baranets, as well as hundreds of our readers, sent requests to various government agencies for an expert assessment of the law on biometric identification and received a reassuring response from the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security.

The answer explains that this law was adopted on the basis of one of the articles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which establishes the powers of the Central Bank, and the current legislation. It is on this basis that the conclusion is drawn that it does not contain anything “anti-constitutional” (the answer itself can be read on the website of the OUZS).

The senators believe that the question of the rights of citizens cannot arise, since all identification and authentication of individuals, that is, ordinary citizens, including the collection of their biometric data, will be carried out exclusively “with consent” and in personal presence. There is not a word in the Committee’s response that citizens can refuse to collect biometric information and, after refusing, their rights to use banking services or government services will not be affected - and this is not at all accidental.
The response states, in part: “After identification is carried out in the personal presence of a citizen, with his consent, information about him will be entered into the Unified Identification and Authentication System (USIA) and the Unified Biometric System (USS).”

Thus, there is every reason to believe that all citizens, whenever applying to a bank, will first submit their biometric data without fail, and the citizen’s consent will be asked only in order to enter this information into the Unified Identification and Accounting System (USIA) and EBS. There is no semblance of voluntariness here and, although the right to refuse to submit biometric data is formally reserved for the citizen, in practice it will entail a denial of banking services - you may not even receive your hard-earned money from your bank account. There is also a clear hint that for any transactions via the Internet, for example, through the State Services portal when paying taxes or housing and communal services, biometric data will be required.
Moreover, it follows from this clarification that people who prefer to personally come to banks to apply for loans, pay receipts and taxes, or open an account are simply required to submit biometric data - even if they are not going to use any online payments in the future. So you shouldn’t get your hopes up - absolutely all law-abiding citizens of Russia will have the chance to submit their biometrics and constantly update all personal information in one database, the key to which will be a single identifier - a personal number, similar to what the Nazis assigned to their victims in the death camps in Majdanek and Auschwitz. Let us recall that this practice was recognized as a crime against humanity without a statute of limitations and was condemned at the Nuremberg Tribunal. Although this information is unlikely to be able to stop digital lobbyists from among officials and deputies...

The authors of the response from the Federation Council went so far with reassurance that they even began to contradict themselves. In particular, they state that “Federal law regulates the placement of information about citizens in a unified identification and authentication system solely with the personal consent of citizens.” And then they add the opposite statement: “In order to identify an individual, up-to-date information about him should already be in the ESIA and EBS. In this regard, banks will have an obligation (!), after identifying a citizen of the Russian Federation in his personal presence, to post or update such information in these systems free of charge and with his consent.”

Bankers-usurers are now given an interesting duty under the biometric law - to transfer the personal data of citizens to the EBS and ESIA, supposedly for the purpose of our further identification, even if we do not directly express such a desire. At the same time, banksters can easily compare all information from databases, check each citizen for involvement in terrorism and extremism, they can simply “suspect” you that the funds to pay for certain government services were obtained illegally and, based on some only suspicions, introduce restrictions on the number of transactions, on the issuance of cash amounts, or simply block an account - even when a person tries to personally and directly within the walls of a bank branch to receive a transfer from relatives or pay any receipts in cash.
With further withdrawal or restriction of cash, a person becomes completely dependent on moneylenders led by the Central Bank, who, in fact, can deprive a person of the opportunity to use non-cash funds only on the basis of “suspicion” or any critical statement that can be regarded as extremism . For example, if a citizen called a pederast a pederast on social networks, you might get your account blocked for lack of tolerance.

This is the kind of “constitutional” and “legally pure” gift that adherents of the new world order like Gref and Nabiulina and others German Klimenko and Nikolai Nikiforov (respectively, Assistant to the President for Internet Development and Minister of Communications of the Russian Federation) have prepared for us.

And the saddest thing is that the response of the Federation Council Committee contains only general phrases that the databases will supposedly be reliably protected, but does not give a clear answer about guarantees for the preservation of this information. The legislation provides for liability for information leakage, but you and I must understand that, firstly, everything can, if anything, be attributed to system failures, and secondly, even if those responsible for the information leakage are found, then the affected citizen this is unlikely to make life easier. After all, the dissemination of this information has already occurred, and the harm to a person’s personality as a result of such dissemination cannot be assessed.

In case of information leakage and hacking of electronic systems, as well as in cases of fraud, it will be extremely difficult to prove to the bank that you did not take out a loan remotely, but became a victim of a crime. We should not forget that the functioning of unified systems: ESIA and EBS, as well as the “life activity” of credit cards and payments on the Internet depends on a single source of energy - electricity, which also does not provide any guarantee of the security of information and transactions - especially taking into account peculiarities of the Russian climate and “technical support” of villages and villages remote from the center.

In the above-mentioned Indian voluntary-compulsory bio-identification system, massive failures were repeatedly revealed when personal data of citizens was publicly available on 200 government websites, when unique numbers of 135 million Indian citizens were publicly posted on social networks. As the police later found out, about 300 of them were used to illegally receive pension payments from the state totaling $60,000. And just recently - at the end of January - a skilled hacker found a vulnerability on the Rosobrnadzor website and downloaded the data of 14 million graduates of Russian universities, including first names, last names, dates of birth, SNILS and INN numbers, logins and email addresses. Let’s add to this the recent case of the publication “” disclosing the personal data of the Hero of Russia, military pilot Roman Filippov, who died in Syria - then it was easy - and it becomes clear that the architects of the new system not only do not care about our freedom, but and spit on our safety.

So all we have to do is follow the advice “help yourself” and continue to demand from the President that he disperse this entire organized group of digital lobbyists. Samples of complaints against the law on biometric identification (Federal Law No. 482-FZ) addressed to the Patriarch, President, Secretary of the Security Council, Commissioner for Human Rights are available on the OUZS website.

Contacts by email You can also send mail here:

To the Patriarch: [email protected](Synodal Department for Church Relations with Society and the Media)

Commissioner for Human Rights

Veronica falls asleep first and, taking advantage of the moment, Greg timidly whispers to the administrator:

Maybe not on a yacht? Actually, this time I wanted to take a break from my wife. Well, I don’t know... shoot bad guys, ride a motorcycle and frolic with some brunette, taking a break from your blonde. Can?

Bro, what are you talking about? Everything is possible here! This is virtual reality!— the manager continued to bleat, tearing up the just signed contract in order to immediately fill out a new one.

Do you want your scenarios to intersect for an additional fee when you shoot bad guys and get fed up with a brunette?

Well, you're like, you're so tired of your life and you're going in search of happiness. And so, stopping your motorcycle at the next gas station, you hand the money to the cashier. You look into her eyes, and lightning pierces your chest, you can’t breathe... you’re covered in goosebumps and without memory...

Falling in love...

- Oh Gods! This is my future wife!- the thought will sparkle in your eyes, distraught with happiness.

“I’m seeing you for the first time, but why do I feel like I’ve lived my life with you?!”- barely breathing, you say in a whisper.

Nand a single fragment! And that’s the whole thrill, bro!!! Well, just think about it: how can you normally ride a motorcycle if you remember the trolleybus on which you came here; remember that you are a beggar, that you live with your wife in a hole from paycheck to paycheck; that you're just sleeping with a helmet on in this park? Is this a thrill? Real memory will drag like a weight behind your virtual adventures, weighing down and constraining your movements, preventing you from fully spreading your wings and enjoying the game. It's so last century, bro!

Forget all your previous dives, that was bullshit! Finally, understand that you won’t be able to truly enjoy the game if you remember how you came here by trolleybus! This time I will upload fake memories to you. In a minute you will wake up in the game, but everything there will be familiar and familiar to you.

You see, what's the deal with these files... You can't delete them without downloading something in return. If you just erase your memory, you will wake up in the game, stupidly a guy diagnosed with Amnesia.

You won't recognize anyone or anything. Since you start the game from the middle, then you need a high-quality backstory, how you got into it, you know?

When immersing yourself in an event, take care of the background.

Therefore, I will flood you with fake files about your supposed past, starting from early childhood: about candies under the Christmas tree, about school friends, gatherings around the fire. I will upload the smallest details of the biography of all your friends. You will remember the smell of grandma's pancakes, which she never baked; how your father took you to class, how your neighbor’s dog bit you, tearing the leg of your graduation suit.

In the attic of the house you will find your children's toys, half broken, torn and scratched. You will take them in your hands, and a nostalgic wave of childhood experiences that never happened will cover you. You will be able to tell how the wheel on each car broke, how the neighbor’s boy tore off the paw of your favorite teddy bear, which you had never held in your hands or seen in your eyes until that moment.

I will download you a map of a city that doesn’t even exist, but you will know every intersection, every tree, every stone and hole in the sidewalk. The benches of parks and squares will whisper to you the dialogues of conversations that you have never had or sat on. You will remember how throughout your childhood you went to that bakery for bread and that intersection where 3 years ago you were fined for a red light.

And you will remember all these millions of shades of sensations as truly experienced by you, because I will download you just one file, which is responsible for the fact that you were allegedly born and raised in that city. Then I will upload another file for motorcycle driving skills, and then all the others that you choose for your fun adventures. Do you want to fight like Bruce Lee? I don't give a damn, it's just one extra file in your software!

Would you like us to change our avatar? Who said that you need to stay in your usual appearance? Do you want me to give you a muscular body like a fitness trainer?

How about who?- Greg muttered, swallowing his saliva once again, dumbfounded by such possibilities of the game.

The new game is so high-quality that your closet will be filled with clothes exactly your size with scuffs in the right places, and your feet will become familiar with every indentation in the well-worn shoes that you have never worn. What is this scar on your temple?

I was chopping a withered apple tree at the dacha, a chip flew off,— the guy answered, rubbing his temple with his palm.

And you will remember it as if at the age of 16 you scattered three thugs, protecting a girl from a parallel class. Want? Want???

Rich Russians have nowhere to run from Moscow: “their” America no longer exists. Half of the State Duma drinks liters of valerian. And the point is this...

Late last week, the US Department of the Treasury released a seemingly routine document in which it was reported that the specialized financial police belonging to the structures of the US Treasury Department FinCEN will begin identifying and tracking anonymous buyers of luxury real estate, starting work in two points of its concentration - New York's Manhattan and Florida's Miami-Date.

More recently, in December 2015, the UK introduced measures to further tighten checks on sources of financing for the acquisition of luxury real estate. In this country, control over the origin of funds is entrusted to realtors; this is their responsibility, although, according to British financial market analysts, the responsibility is rather nominal.

The situation is different in France - there the purchase of real estate is formalized by a state-appointed notary, and control of the origin of money is entrusted to banking structures, and the state controls the account from which payment is made.

Models for controlling the origin of funds used for the purchase of luxury real estate by foreigners are similar in objectives, although different in design, in Spain, Italy, and Germany.

At first glance, there is nothing unusual in the US Treasury launching its system - but only at first glance.

If you delve into the details, it becomes clear that the real goals set for FinCEN , not at all to prevent the purchase of luxury real estate with “dirty” money - but, on the contrary, to provide such an opportunity for politicians and businessmen from countries where America has its own deep-seated interests, and to securely “hang” it on the hook after the transaction.

And the first on the list of these countries in which US interests will be ensured in this way is officially named Russia.

First of all, anti-money laundering experts have long noted that the United States for many years remained the only country with attractive luxury real estate that did not introduce a system of control over the origin of money - even a formal one. Moreover, for many years only luxury real estate in the United States could be purchased with a bag of cash - a practice that stopped in Europe two decades ago, in the 1990s.

The fact that this property was not purchased for residential purposes has long been known to the authorities. Official data from the New York Census Bureau shows that 30% of all apartments in the square between 49th and 70th streets and between Fifth and Park Avenues in Manhattan are empty for at least ten months of the year.

And there were no illusions about the owners either.

Property Shark, a reputable luxury real estate research bureau, has been reporting for several years that since 2008, approximately 34% of sales in luxury Manhattan homes were made to anonymous buyers, funds for which were either transferred from numbered foreign bank accounts , or purchased through specially registered companies with a closed list of owners, often also with foreign jurisdiction.

This tactic, according to Property Shark experts, is extremely rarely used by local buyers of residential real estate, since it does not allow them to claim tax deductions - but favors the anonymity of foreign owners.

Moreover, even the percentage that New York lawyers take for the “anonymization” of real estate was not hidden from anyone.

Since the entire resale history is presented when selling real estate in Manhattan, even today in the realtor database you can see, for example, a specific advertisement for the sale of a three-bedroom apartment in an elite complex One 57, which the law firm acquired on its own behalf for $32 million and immediately put up for sale for $41 million, but in a package with a registered opaque company (in American legal practice, the so-called LLC ), to which the real estate record was transferred. Completely legal.

This “special modesty” of buyers was even taken into account in the architecture of the buildings. So, during the construction of a residential complex TimeWarnerCenter Several entrances to its 192 apartments were thoughtfully designed - not only through the main doors of the two towers, but also through the shops of the shopping complex and the buildings included in the complex Mandarin Oriental Hotel . Even the number of floors of the building is disguised - what appears from the street as 80-story towers actually has 53 floors with huge double-height windows on each.

In a word, everyone understood everything, and had been for a long time. So nothing prevented many years ago from erecting a barrier to “dirty money” in luxury US real estate.

Details of the program that the US Treasury and its police are now launching FinCEN , allow us to assert that this was done deliberately.

FinCEN Program is fundamentally different from any European program - primarily in that it does not control the purchase of real estate, but controls the owners of purchases that have already been made - and many years ago. And this is its uniqueness.

For this purpose, a mechanism has been implemented to control not the transaction and not the owner, but the beneficiaries of the insurance, without which such real estate cannot be operated. And since insurance is always paid in the territory where the property is physically located - that is, in the United States, no matter how much the string of straw purchases is drawn, the insurer always knows exactly who today actually owns this or that penthouse in Manhattan or a villa in Miami-Date. With first name, last name and mobile phone number, very often starting with +7... or +86...

Trying to hide yourself from your own insurer means giving him a legal tool to refuse payment, which he will immediately use.

Until yesterday, property insurers were not required to disclose the names of beneficiaries of luxury property policies. Now they will provide this data FinCEN - and in a supervisory manner, even without a court order.

The mousetrap slammed shut.

The second feature of the system launched FinCEN , which also distinguishes it from any European system of preventing the penetration of illegal money into the sphere of investment in luxury real estate, is that the transaction itself is not controlled or questioned. That is, if Italian or Spanish, for example, financial controllers detect suspicious financial flows, they are obliged to block the transaction.

American financial police, according to the rules introduced yesterday, are not obliged to interfere with the deal. They do not control realtors, not buyers and sellers, not lawyers - they control real estate insurers. None of the parties to the transaction will receive any notification or request.

The captured mice were shaken out into a storage cage and the mousetrap was placed open in its original place.

The new Treasury Department initiative is part of a broader federal program.

The US Treasury and federal law enforcement agencies (primarily the FBI) ​​issued a joint statement this week that they are beginning their own programs to investigate the details of luxury real estate sales, which include primarily ending the anonymous nature of the ownership of specialized limited liability companies known in the American practice how LLC , and the introduction of new transaction procedures in which disclosure of beneficiaries LLC -Sellers will be required.

This line of pressure is intended to prevent the rapid dumping of properties by those who are seriously alarmed by the program FinCEN.

A lock is hung on the cage with the caught mice.

According to official data from the New York City Hall, in the second half of 2015 alone, there were 1,045 residential property sales in Manhattan valued at more than $3 million each—a total of about $6.5 billion.

A series of articles in New York city publications in late 2015 named several dozen well-known Russian families who own elite Manhattan real estate - including current government officials and parliamentarians. Disclosure of these names to readers is not the subject of interest of this material.

However, the new program FinCEN allows us to understand why they were allowed to purchase this property."

Traps— trapping devices. According to the method of capturing the animal, they are divided into pinching (grabbing the animal by the leg) and pressing (grabbing the animal by the head, neck or torso).

Pinching traps

Pinching traps have two arches, hinged on the vertical posts of the bed or frame. The arcs in the open trap are compressed under the action of one or two springs. Depending on the design features, pinching traps were produced in four types: A, B, C, D, and with the exception of type C, they had a release device in the form of a plate. Each of these types includes several models.

Depending on the size and weight, traps are distinguished by numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8. Each number is intended for a specific category of animal: traps No. 0 and No. 1 are designed for catching small fur-bearing animals (mole, water rat, gopher, ermine, ferret, etc.), No. 2 and No. 3 - for catching marmot, hare, corsac fox, fox, arctic fox, etc., No. 5 - for catching wolves, wolverines, lynx, etc. For catching bears , one- and two-horse wild animals use giant traps weighing 20 kg.

Infringing trap type A

1 - arcs; 2— spring; 3 - plate; 4 - bed; 5 — cross; 6 — alert lever; 7 - gatehouse

When catching fur-bearing animals, a trap is placed on the trails, at the entrance to a hole, near a food hole, at a watering hole, under the animal’s trail. The traps are camouflaged by covering them in the summer with dust scattered in the wind from a shovel, old leaves, a thin layer of moss, etc., and in the winter the trap set on the trail is covered with snow to the upper edges: in open places where the winds sweep away the animal trail, the traps are installed on mounds and hillocks, which, as is known, are readily visited by wolves and foxes, and are camouflaged with a thin layer of snow, lightly sprinkled with water for greater camouflage stability. To increase catchability, traps widely use various baits.

Pinching traps type A

1 - model A-1 (with one spring); 2 - model AC-1 (with two springs)

Trap type A consists of a frame, a cross, two arcs, a spring, a guard lever, a plate and a guard. The arches are attached using hook-shaped hangers, which are inserted into round holes in the bed posts. Type A traps are activated by pressing on a plate, which releases the guard that holds the opening of the arches. Several models were produced; the main ones are: A-1 - with one spring and AC-1 - with two springs.

Main dimensions of type A traps

Traps model A-1(Nos. 0 and 1) have an insignificant efficiency and are intended for catching small fur-bearing animals. Traps of the AS-1 model (No. 2, 3 and 5) are characterized by an increased efficiency and are used for catching larger animals. Giant traps are also classified as type A traps. When these traps are alerted, the springs are brought out and installed in line with the frame. Keeping the springs in a compressed state, the arcs are pulled apart in different directions, the guard is thrown over one arc and hooked onto the guard hook. When disarming bear traps, special devices are used to disengage the arcs: a screw wrench, pulp(two sticks tied at one end).

Each trap has swivel with a chain or cable for tying the catcher to a stake, tree, etc. in order to prevent the movement of the caught animal.

Trap type B, model V-1

1 - bed; 2 — cross; 3 - arcs; 4 - flat spring; 5 — alert lever; 6 - plate; 7 - gatehouse

Trap type B consists of a frame, a cross attached to the middle of the frame, two arches, a spring, a guard lever, a plate, and a guard. Traps of type B have flat single springs, have a lower efficiency compared to traps of type A and are used for catching small fur-bearing animals. Two models were produced: B-1 and BS-1.

Trap type B, model BS-1

Main dimensions of type B traps

U model B-1 the bed is stationary (fixed). U models BS-1 the bed is springy, in which both the spring and the arms of the bed work simultaneously, which increases the holding force of the arches. The arches of the trap of this model are fastened using hangers, which are tucked individually into round holes in the stand of the frame. This fastening is more reliable compared to fastening the arcs in a trap.

Infringing trap type B

1 frame; 2 arcs; 3 spring; 4 gatehouse; 5 canvas

Trap type B on a square or round frame with a rope or canvas release device, consists of a frame with racks for fastening arcs, two arcs, one or two flat springs of a hook-shaped guard and a fabric or rope mesh stretched on the frame. Six numbers were produced: 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and giant traps. Designed for catching medium and large-sized animals: No. 3, 5, 6 - foxes, wolves, lynx, badger, etc., No. 7, 8 and giant trap - for catching large predatory animals (lynx, leopard, tiger , bear, etc.).

Main dimensions of type B traps

The arches on the frame posts are secured with rivets. This method of hinged fastening of the arches gives greater strength to the trap and increases the efficiency of the spring. Along with these positive qualities, traps of this type are heavy and bulky; when the canvas freezes after wet weather, spontaneous release of the trap is possible.

Pinching trap type G - trigger

Type G traps, called trigger, consists of a frame with two right-angled plates and a key that secures the guard to the frame. They were produced in one number - No. 1. Weight 230-250 g, length of the frame 10.5 cm, width of the open arches 11.5 cm. The trap of this model is convenient for alerting and stable. Due to the absence of protruding parts, it does not get entangled in wetland vegetation.

Pressure traps

Pressure traps They have a pressure device in the form of one or two levers or a frame, which, when released, are compressed under the action of a multi-turn round or flat spring spring. Pressure traps are alerted with the help of guards of various designs (hooks, rods, etc.) and guards (suspended, swinging, pedal action and other designs). Install in a hole or at the entrance to a hole, on a path or near a bait. Some traps have devices for strengthening the bait in the middle of the catching surface of the trap. Depending on the design features, pressure traps were produced in seven types: a, b, c, d, e, f, g. According to size and weight, they are distinguished by numbers: 0, 1, 2.

Traps (samolov) No. 0 are intended for catching moles, ermine, No. 1 and 2 - for catching weasels, gophers, barn rats, martens.

Pressure trap type a

1 - deflated; 2 - in a wary manner

Traps type a— wire, one-sided longitudinal action, consists of a frame with a round passage hole, a spring and a pressure lever and a hanging wire guard in the form of a shield with a hook in the upper part. The frame with the lever is made of steel wire 3.5 mm thick, the guard is made of wire 1.5 mm thick. Several models are produced: with a lever with a hook-shaped bend at the end, with a lever with an oblong frame at the end, with a transverse frame, with a square frame, etc. Nos. 0 and 1 were produced. Weight of traps No. 0 - 40 - 50 g, No. 1 - 130 - 140 g, width and height of the passage opening of trap No. 0 - 5 cm, No. 1 - 6.0 - 7.5 cm.

Type b traps They produced two models: 6-I (Sazonova) and 6-II - single-sided transverse action.

Pressure trap model 6-1 (Sazonova)

Traps model 6-1 were made of sheet steel. The trap consists of a base with a round opening of an arc that holds the guard and limits the movement of a pressure ring or lever hinged on a rod, and a wire spring. The trap of model 6-1 (No. 0) has a weight of 170 g, the width and height of the passage opening are 6.5 cm. The trap of model 6-1 is characterized by variable catchability, due to the fact that the rubbing surfaces of the pressure ring, becoming clogged with sand, earth and during glaciation, experience significant resistance.

Pressure trap model b-II

1 - in a wary state; 2 - deflated

Traps model b-II made of steel wire, has a single-turn spring, the straight end of which is used as a pressure lever, and the bent end in the form of a half-ring or frame - for hanging a guard with a tongue and for strengthening a trap in the ground. The trap model b-II (No. 0) has a weight of 65 g, a passage opening width of 1 cm and a height of 5 cm. This model is used for catching moles and has a well-functioning guard. Disadvantages of this model of trap: they are difficult to camouflage; when alerted, it is necessary to expand and clear the mole passage.

Pressure trap model v-1

1 deflated; 2 in a wary manner

Type B traps, model V-1 No. 0, is a single-sided transverse action mole trap with a roller guard. It consists of a two-turn spring, one end of which is bent into a semi-ring, and the other - straight - is used as a pressure lever, and a guard in the form of a ten-turn spring with a free end bent into a frame. The spring is made of steel wire 3 mm thick, the guard is made of soft wire 1.5 - 1.8 mm thick. The design of the model v-1 trap is simple to manufacture. The weight of the trap is 30 g, the width of the passage opening is 7 cm, the height is 6 cm.

Pressure trap model GS-I "Stop the thief"

Traps type g Two models were produced: GS-I and GS-II. The trap of the GS-I model, known as the “stop the thief”, was made of steel wire 3.0-3.5 mm thick, consists of a three-turn spring, one end of which is bent in the form of an input ring with two ears for hanging a pressure device, and alert pedal action, the other end is used as a pressing lever that presses the caught animal to the lower arc of the ring. The guard is made in the form of a rod, hingedly attached to the eye of the spring. This model is very easy to use and has a well-functioning alarm. Used for catching fur-bearing animals that live in burrows. They were produced in three numbers: 0, 1 and 2. Weight (in g): No. 0 - 40 - 50, No. 1 - 200, No. 2 - 400. The width of the passage opening is 8, respectively; 11 c 14 cm, height of passage opening 7; 7.5 and 10 cm.

Pressure trap model GS-II

1 in a wary manner; 2 deflated

Traps model GS-II— double-acting wire plane with a straight pressure rod with an elbow guard. Consists of a coil spring, input ring and pressure lever. This model is significantly simplified compared to the GS-I model. The cranked guard increases catchability compared to the pedal-action guard. Traps of this model were produced Nos. 0 and 1. Weight (in g): No. 0 - 40, No. 1 - 200; the width of the passage opening is 8 and 13.5 cm, respectively, the height of the passage opening is 7 and 12 cm.

Dimensions of type D trap

Type D traps- self-catchers on a wooden base with a pressure frame, coil springs, a rod guard and a hook-shaped guard. Traps of this type were produced in two models: model d-I (No. 0 and 1) and model d-II (No. 1). The main dimensions are indicated in

Pressure trap model d-I ("cracker", "mousetrap")

Traps model d-I, known as a “cracker,” consists of two multi-turn springs, a pressure frame, a guard, a guard, a board and two brackets.

Trap model d-I No. 0 is intended for catching small fur-bearing animals: weasel, mole, mink, gopher, hamster, etc. To attract the animal to the trap, a bait is attached to the guard. The animal, pulling the bait from its guard, unhinges the trap. They set a trap on the trail, food area, watering hole and other places frequently visited by the animal.

Trap model d-I No. 1 used for catching barn rats. Metal parts are made of steel wire with a thickness of 1.5 mm (for the frame and spring trap No. 0) and 2.5 mm (for the frame and spring trap No. 1), the boards were made of birch or pine.

Pressure trap model d-II

1 - spring; 2 - bed; 3 — cross; 4 — wire bow; 5 - gatehouse; 6 - frame

Trap model d-II consists of a frame with two posts, a frame, two multi-turn springs, a crosspiece attached to the frame, a hook-shaped guard and a wire bow. The pressure frame has a wire bow that automatically locks the trap after lowering it and thereby prevents the animal from escaping from under the frame. When alerted, the frame is retracted to its original position and hooked onto the guard hook. Most parts are made of strip steel with a thickness of 2.0-2.5 mm, the spring and bow are made of steel wire.

Trap type f It was produced in two models: Zhs-I and Zhs-II.

Traps of the first model were made No. 0, the second - No. 0 and 1.

Trap No. 0 is intended for catching moles, No. 1 is used for catching gophers.

Trap model ZhS-I— a double-acting wire mole trap made of 2.5 mm thick wire, has a pressure lever 8 cm long, a three-turn spring, an input half-ring with a diameter of 6 cm. The guard is bent in the form of a hook. The double-sided action of the trap increases its catchability, and the three-turn spring ensures a high efficiency.

Pressure trap model ZhS-I

1 in a wary manner; 2 deflated

Trap model ZhS-II(Fig. 15) is similar in shape to the trap of the ZhS-I model. It was made of wire, with the exception of the guard, stamped from sheet steel, more convenient to use compared to traps of the ZhS-I model. Weight (in g): No. 0 - 30, No. 1 - 55, the width of the inlet is 6 and 8 cm, respectively, the height of the inlet is 5 and 7 cm.

Pressure trap model ZhS-II

1 in a wary manner; 2 deflated

Basic requirements for the quality of traps: springs must be hardened, metal parts must be galvanized. Traps were manufactured according to VTU mainly by local industrial enterprises. Sheet steel traps were marked with a mark indicating the name of the manufacturer, type, model and number (size). For wire traps, the same information was indicated on the packaging. Before packaging, the traps were lubricated with technical petroleum jelly.

The pinching traps were packed in boxes weighing 50 kg gross. Pressure traps were packed in paper, 10-20 pieces each, and in boxes weighing 50 kg gross. The name of the manufacturer, name of the product, type, model, number (size) and quantity were indicated on the paper packaging and boxes. A packing list was included in the box.

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