Butterfly exercise: making the chest sculpted. The Butterfly expander is a great fitness assistant! Butterfly leg trainer how to use

This machine is one of the cheapest and easiest to workout that you can buy for home workouts and exercises. The butterfly expander works for compression and allows you to work out almost all muscle groups that work for contraction, including the pectoral muscles, hamstrings, shoulders, arms, abs and even triceps and top part backs.

Below I will show you exercises with a butterfly expander, which you can perform at home or in gym. Ideally, this type of training should last at least 20-30 minutes a day to achieve good results. The number of repetitions should be done from failure, that is, at least 15-20. Moreover, you can break the training into several parts and conduct it throughout the day. And don’t forget to warm up your whole body before exercise.

Inner thigh muscles

This exercise is the most common. Sit on a chair so that your hips can move freely and place your feet together, holding the resistance band between your knees so that its head is down. Then place your palms on its handles and begin to squeeze the expander using the strength of your thighs. In total, you need to do up to 50 times, possibly in several approaches.

This same exercise can also be performed lying on your side.


Squeeze the resistance band between your forearms as shown in the photo. Hands should be pointing down. Now squeeze them together, pressing your elbows as close together as possible. Then release slowly and repeat.

Upper body

This exercise is a good choice if you want to develop your shoulders and upper chest. Just take the butterfly in your hands and lift it up, almost vertically. Then using the strength of the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle, start squeezing the expander. This can be done quickly or slowly, and for greater challenge, keep your arms as far away from your body as possible.


Place one handle of the resistance band on your thigh, and rest your forearm on top of the second. In this case, the elbow should be pressed as close to the body as possible. Now press the top handle to squeeze the resistance band. Then smoothly return to the starting position.


Lie on the floor, knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Place the butterfly between your knees so that the handle is approximately midway between your thighs and the other handle is in front of your face, as in the photo. Then lift your legs off the floor, squeezing the expander and feeling the tension in abdominals. Slowly return to the starting position.

These exercises with a butterfly expander will allow you to work out everything necessary muscles to look slim and fit. Good luck!

The butterfly trainer will become an indispensable attribute for those who want to be the owner beautiful figure, but is unable to go to the gym. This expander is quite easy to use and is great for home workouts; it is popular mainly among women.

This article explains how to use the butterfly trainer correctly. After studying it, you will receive maximum effect from home workouts without unnecessary danger.

Operating principle

The simulator is called a butterfly because its shape is somewhat similar to this insect. It consists of a head equipped with a spring, to which semicircular handles reminiscent of butterfly wings are attached on different sides. They are made of neoprene. This material is non-slippery and soft, which does not injure the skin or joints. The butterfly simulator is designed for local impact on muscle groups, according to the principle of squeezing an expander. When you see it in action, it looks like a butterfly is flapping its wings. Such a unit will be an excellent assistant in maintaining the tone of all muscles, thanks to the even distribution of the load.

What muscles does the butterfly exerciser work on?

This projectile can be called almost universal. It affects almost all muscle groups and has become quite popular not only for home workouts, but also in fitness rooms.

It has the best effect on:

  • trapezius muscles(located in the upper back);
  • shoulder girdle;
  • pectoral muscles;
  • biceps and triceps (arm muscles located in the forearm);
  • abdominal muscles;
  • thighs and buttocks.

How to use

For those who decide to take the issue of home training seriously, it would be useful to familiarize yourself with this information. Although the apparatus is not difficult to use, the use of a butterfly simulator is many times more effective when combined with other factors that will provide greater positive results from training. For a certain muscle group, different positions of the simulator are needed, which will be discussed in more detail during the description of the exercises. However, some rules remain the same for sports activities any kind.

1. Follow a diet. Of course, it shouldn’t be tough, don’t deny yourself everything. For starters, it would be a good idea to limit your consumption of at least junk food.

2. Do it regular workouts. To achieve at least some result, you should never feel sorry for yourself. Exercises have an effect when done regularly. You should try to make time for training no matter what.

3. Having only one type of such equipment, you can perform a full complex training and work all muscle groups.

Abs workout

The starting position is lying on your back. Next, you should bend your knees and rest your feet on the floor. Place one handle of the exercise machine between your legs, shoulder-width apart, and hold the other in your hands. In this case, the head of the “butterfly” should look up. The essence of the task is to press your legs to your chest, squeezing the expander. The abdominal muscles must be tense. You can also do this exercise in reverse. Pump up your abs with a butterfly exercise machine, lifting your torso and folding the expander with your hands. In this case, along with the abdominal muscles, the triceps in the arms will be worked out.

Hips workout

It is believed that the muscles of the inner thigh are the most difficult to train, so we decided to come up with a device that would be suitable specifically for them. Therefore, initially, exercises with a butterfly simulator were designed for the thigh muscles and work best on them. Let's look at a few simple examples.

1. You need to sit on the floor so that there are no objects behind you that you can lean on. Place an expander between your bent knees and squeeze your legs until the machine is completely closed. For beginners, the norm is to perform no more than 20 repetitions. However, it should be taken from an individual level physical training. It is important to gradually increase the number of approaches performed to the required norm. This exercise It is considered the most effective, and also trains the abdominal muscles at the same time as the hips. To ease the load, you can perform these manipulations while sitting on a chair, leaning on your back.

2. To influence inner side hips, do a simple exercise. First you need to lie down on the floor. Then place the machine so that the handles are between your knees. In this case, the knee of the raised leg should point to the ceiling. The technique of performing the exercise is to squeeze the handles of the expander, thereby pumping up the thigh muscles from the inside. The number of approaches performed should also depend on the initial degree of physical fitness.

Hand training

To work your triceps, you need to stand straight in place. Place one handle of the butterfly simulator on your thigh, and rest your forearm on the other. In this case, the head of the expander is directed towards you and is at waist level. The essence of the training is to lower your hand all the way and lift it up with the same force. One approach should be approximately 10-15 times.

The butterfly arm exerciser perfectly tones the biceps. A link like this is suitable for this. Stand straight and press one handle of the resistance band towards your lower back. It should kind of wrap around the waist at its angle. If you are applying the machine on the left side, then hold the handle from behind with your right hand and vice versa. With your free hand, squeeze the remaining handle while being between them.

Chest exercises

Butterfly trainer for pectoral muscles It also has a beneficial effect on the back, shoulders, and arms. The most common thing is to stand straight, bring the expander to your chest with the head up, clasping it with your hands. Rest your forearms on the handles and gradually form a butterfly. Performed in several approaches, like other exercises.

The following exercise will perfectly work both the chest and the muscles of the upper back. Stand up straight, take the expander by the handles and lift it in front of you, above head level. Gradually squeezing and unclenching the butterfly simulator, lower and raise your arms down and up. This exercise can be performed at a slow or fast pace. In order to increase the load, you need to extend your arms as far forward as possible. This will allow you to work your muscles more intensively. chest.

Back muscle training

As mentioned earlier, the previous exercises with the butterfly machine are universal and involve not only those muscles indicated in the title. The manipulations that are most effective for a specific area of ​​the body are described separately. However, you don’t have to limit yourself and use others.

For the first exercises will do lying or standing position, but for greater effectiveness it is recommended to still stand. One handle of the expander must be attached to one of the sides, along the body. Next, you should raise your hand on the side to which the simulator is applied. Then bend it at the elbow and the second handle of the “butterfly” will be located parallel to the forearm. Place your hand on top and begin to lower your forearm towards your thigh, working internal part elbow. You should return to the starting position with the same force.

Expander - sports equipment, a simulator that is used to work out different groups muscles. It makes training more effective and gives additional stress to the body. During the exercises, the projectile is stretched, compressed, and twisted due to its elasticity and increased extensibility.

The expander exercise machine for legs and buttocks has been used for a long time and is very effective. Doing the exercises below regularly at least three times a week, you will undoubtedly achieve the desired result.

Carefully! Before performing any exercise, it is important to warm up. Only in this case will the entire workout be beneficial for your figure and health. If you skip this step, you may have joint problems.

Types of expanders

There are quite a large number of varieties of expanders:

  • tape
  • "butterfly";
  • carpal;
  • elbows;
  • shoulder;
  • chest;
  • "eight";
  • ski expander;
  • multifunctional expander.

We will not go into details and discuss each of them. Instead, we took the two most popular types - tape expander and butterfly and found the most effective exercises to give tone and elasticity.

We present to your attention the best exercises with an expander for the buttocks and thighs.

4 Best Band Type Moves

A tape tourniquet or just a tape helps you lose weight quickly, adds muscle tone and strengthens them.

1. Leg raise while lying on your side

How to do it:

  1. Starting position - Fold the tape in half, lie on your side, hold the expander with your hand, bend your lower leg at the knee, and insert your upper leg through the loop of the exercise machine;
  2. The upper leg remains straight, while lying on the floor;
  3. Then you need to raise your upper leg as you exhale. You need to move slowly, count to 6;
  4. As you inhale, return to the starting position again.

Repeat 10 times for each leg.

To see this movement more clearly, watch the video:

2. Lying extension

Difficulty - medium. To correct the shape of the hips (front surface), you need to perform this exercise.

This is interesting! Movements are included in the TOP 10 exercises for the gluteal muscles and thighs.

How to do it:

  1. Starting position - lie on your back, bend your legs slightly and pull them towards your chest;
  2. You need to rest your feet on the tape, and hold its edges firmly in your hands;
  3. As you exhale, straighten your legs, hold for a couple of seconds, and then bend them again.

Repeat 15 times.

Important! Do everything slowly, then you will increase the productivity of your workout and easily improve your body shape.

3. Leg abduction

Difficulty - high. The exercise tightens the inner surface, engages gluteal muscles, improves the relief.

How to do it:

  1. Starting position - stand on the loop with one leg;
  2. You need to hold the resistance of the other loop with your hands;
  3. Then slowly move your active leg to the side;
  4. Lower it also slowly.

Repeat for both legs 5-10 times. For entry level 5 repetitions is enough. For intermediate you need to do the exercise 10 times, for advanced 15.

Watch the video for more details. Use a band instead of a machine. The movement technique is no different.

In addition to the expander, excellent results can be achieved using, and

4. Taking the leg back

Difficulty - medium. Activates the muscles of the back of the thighs, improves the shape of the buttocks.

How to do it:

  1. Starting position - fix your right leg on one loop of the expander;
  2. The left foot needs to rest on the other;
  3. Take away left leg back, bend at the knees;
  4. After a couple of seconds, slowly return to the starting position.

Repeat 10 times.

For more information about this movement, watch the video:

See also:

3 more movements with the Butterfly

The Butterfly expander works on compression and is used to work out the hips and buttocks, arms, abs, chest and many other muscle groups.

1. Chair raises

Difficulty - medium. During the classes, hips, buttocks, and arms are used.

How to do it:

  1. Starting position - sit on a chair, back straight. Legs spread;
  2. The Butterfly expander should be between the thighs;
  3. Smoothly, slowly press the levers, pulling your knees towards each other. Unclench the trainer.

Repeat 15 for each leg.

See the video for another version of this movement:

Important! Don't rush, do everything slowly, then the result will be as high as possible.

2. Squeezing your knees while lying on your back

Difficulty - high. Exercises involve the front surface of the thighs and buttocks. As a result, the lower part of the body will quickly acquire beautiful shapes.

How to do it:

  1. Starting position - lie on your back, bend your legs slightly;
  2. Hold the expander with your knees;
  3. Gently squeeze it as hard as possible, then slowly release the machine.

Repeat 15 times.

Watch the video for more details:

Important! The compression and release times should be the same, this will ensure an even load on the muscles and give maximum results.

3. Squeezing your knees while lying on your side

Difficulty - high. The inner thighs are involved, so this exercise is a must-do for every workout.

How to do it:

  1. Starting position - lie on your side, place the exercise machine between your knees;
  2. The expander should open towards the heels;
  3. Squeeze the butterfly with your feet, trying to fold it.

Repeat 10 times for 2 sets. The break can be up to 1 minute.

Note! At the end of classes, do some stretching: standing, legs apart, lean forward with your torso, do not bend your legs at the knees, but stretch your hands down to your feet.

It is advisable to perform joint gymnastics Before starting any workout: it will prolong the youth of the body, strengthen the immune system, make the muscles strong and resilient.

Running in place, walking at a fast pace will help. If you do other exercises without resistance bands, do them before your intense workouts.

In between each exercise, it is better to walk slowly around the room, restoring your breathing. Sitting or standing without moving is not recommended.

If you do all the exercises correctly, you can gain weight in 2-3 weeks, and the first results will appear within 3-5 days from the start of classes. The main thing is to do the exercises regularly. Then the effect will be amazing.

Useful materials:

  • Learn about the health of the pelvic area from Professor I.P. Neumyvakina and check out.
  • through exercise?
  • and are in the top ten best loads on the muscles of the “fifth point”

Expander butterfly- a small exercise machine consisting of a “head” equipped with a spring, as well as two semicircular levers, moved apart in different directions and made of neoprene, which does not allow it to slide and injure the skin during exercises. The expander functions through the principle of elastic deformation and serves to locally work out various muscle groups.

What muscle groups is it designed for?

The Butterfly expander is designed for almost all muscle groups. It is equally good for the upper back, shoulder girdle, pectoral muscles, arms, biceps, thighs, buttocks and abdominal muscles. It has become one of the most popular accessories in all fitness clubs, but its use is also possible at home.


There are quite a lot of physical exercises that can be done with this expander. They allow you to maintain excellent physical shape and maximally strengthen your body muscles.

For hips

  • For such exercises, the body position on a solid base is suitable. Place the butterfly between your thighs, bringing your knees together as far as possible until your arms join together. The hips should be separated, relaxing the spring. The initial stage involves no more than 20 exercises. Gradually they can be brought to level 50.
  • This exact exercise is done on the floor while sitting. The back does not rest on anything. The abdominal muscles are used to maintain balance. It should be repeated up to 15-20 times.
  • You can resort to working out the inner thigh and abdominal muscles. In this case, the exercise is performed in a lying position.
  • Lie on your left side, bend your knees. Your knees should be between the handrails of the device. Slowly move your right knee to the side and then return your leg to its original position. Do the same with right side. Exercise on each side is 15 times.

For the press

  • To work the abdominal muscles, you should take a lying position. Place your feet on the floor, bend your knees. One handle of the exercise machine is placed between the thighs, and the other is held in a fixed position with the hands. The head of the device faces upward. Raise your legs off the floor and squeeze the expander. In this case, the abdominal muscles should be in a tense state.
  • Place the resistance band against the wall. Step back one step and kneel down so that your knees are at a 90-degree angle. The distance from your body to the wall should be approximately 1 m. Bend your body, bending at the waist, then pull your arms towards the floor so that the angle at the elbows is straight. Freeze in this position for a few seconds.
  • Attach the expander to the wall. Turn your back to her and grab the machine from above. Squat down on your knees and pull the resistance band down so that your elbows are closer to your knees. When you reach the lowest point, tighten your abdominal muscles as much as possible and remain in this position for several seconds.
  • Attach the machine to the wall so that it is level with your chest. You should stand sideways to the wall and grasp the handle of the expander. Then you should turn your back to the wall and move away from it. Return to the starting position.
  • Attach the expander to the bottom of the wall. Take the handle of the expander and stand sideways to the wall. Move a little away from the wall and make a movement reminiscent of chopping with an axe. The body must be rotated. Repeat the same on the other side.

For the upper body

  • Both sitting and lying positions are suitable for performing the exercise. Take the expander with both hands and lift it up. Gradually squeeze the handles of the device. At the same time, the upper part of the shoulder girdle is under tension. The load will be more intense when the arm is moved away from the body to a greater distance.
  • Using the butterfly, you can use the largest muscle in your back. Place the resistance band under your hand. Its head should look towards the body. Bend the handle with your elbow.
  • Another very easy-to-perform exercise is also suitable for developing the muscles of the spinal region. The exercise machine should be held with bent arms at the same level as your chest. As you exhale, press on the handles of the expander, and as you inhale, return to the starting position. Perform the compression smoothly. An exercise of this exact type can also be performed with the arms in a straight position.
  • Take a standing position. Hold the resistance band behind your back, press it with your left hand to lumbar region. Right hand press the other handle of the device and grab the waist area. As you inhale, take the starting position. Repeat the exercise with each hand 10-15 times.
  • Stand up. Extend your arms forward. Using an overhand grip, an attempt is made to connect the hands from the back. Initially, the exercises are performed 5 times. As the load increases, they can be increased up to 20 times.

For the chest

It is worth noting that exercises designed for the chest muscles also have a beneficial effect on the arms, back and shoulders. Let's consider several exercise options:

  • Take the expander so that its head is at the level of your chin, and the handles looked down. The head should be clasped with your hands, and your forearms should be placed on the handle.
  • By the same principle an exercise is performed with a squeezing effect.
  • Stand up with one leg extended forward. The second should be in a 45 degree rotated position. Place the expander behind your back and hold it by the handles. As you exhale, slowly extend your arms forward. The shoulders should not rise. It is recommended to repeat this exercise 10 times.
  • Stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, raise your arms up with the expander folded in half. Make low bends to the left and to the right.
  • Attach the expander to the wall at the bottom. Stand with your back to the wall and grab the handles of the device. Bend your elbows and begin to lift the expander to chest level. For stability, it is recommended to put your foot forward. This exercise can be done with one hand.
  • Attach the expander to the wall at chest level, stand with your back to the wall and grab the machine by both handles. Extend your arms to your sides and slowly step away from the wall with one leg forward.


The Butterfly expander has become the most affordable means for correcting body lines. It is suitable for all age categories. Even people who have nothing to do with sports can use it.

Exercises with an expander require no more than half an hour a day. You can also do shorter sessions throughout the day. They serve as an excellent addition to cardiovascular training or aerobic exercise. To increase the effectiveness of exercises, it is recommended to resort to a short warm-up before them, which will stretch and warm up the muscles.

How to increase the effectiveness of classes

In order for the level of effectiveness from exercising with an expander to be high, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • Don't quit your workouts. Physical exercise should be done regularly. At the same time, add the degree of load evenly.
  • Spend at least half an hour a day on your studies.

Expander for breeding

When you apply force during exercises, you spread the arms of the expander, thereby stretching the spring. This is how muscles that have an abducting function in the hip area develop.

There are a number of breeding exercises:

  • Get on all fours, fix the expander on your knees. The head should be pointing backwards. Raise your knee to the side as high as your body allows. Repeat the exercise 15-20 times on each leg.
  • Lie on your side, secure the expander with the handles around your knees. The head should be pointing down. Spread your knees to the sides to the maximum. Do the exercises 30 times.
  • Sit on a chair, secure the handles of the exercise machine on your knees so that its head is facing down. Spread your knees as wide as possible. Repeat the exercise 30 times.
  • Sit on a chair with a high base. Secure the exercise machine to your knees so that its head points down. Spread your knees as wide as possible. Repeat the exercise 30 times.

additional information

  • Despite the fact that the developers talk about its versatility, it should still be noted that it does not work all muscles.
  • The product weighs very little.
  • It is compact.
  • It has an affordable price, but this applies to regular models. Professional-level models have a fairly high price.
  • When performing exercises for the arms and chest, calluses and unpleasant painful sensations may appear.


Regarding contraindications, it is worth considering the important point that you should not overload the body unnecessarily. Before deciding to exercise using a butterfly, consult your doctor for advice to rule out any possible side effects.

When exercising with an expander, the legs experience quite a lot of stress. There are certain diseases in the presence of which the use of sports equipment is strictly contraindicated.

Health-related problems include:

  • fragility of blood vessels and capillaries;
  • presence of diabetes mellitus;
  • hypertension;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • the presence of a cancerous tumor;
  • skin diseases of infectious nature;
  • the presence of wounds and ulcers on the legs.
  • By doing physical exercise Muscle tension should coincide with exhalation, and relaxation with sigh. Correct breathing- the key to highly effective training.
  • The number of repetitions of the same movements should be calculated so that you make the last movements with effort.


Many women do not do exercises regularly and leave them for lack of time or desire. This is considered a big mistake, since the expander will not bring any results in this case.

You should also avoid eating heavy, high-calorie foods. With normalization, the results of training will be much more effective.

The pace of life of a modern person is fast and many are forced to spend a significant part of the day at work. It is impossible to allocate even an hour for a visit gym forces many to look for other solutions to maintain physical fitness.

On the sporting goods market today you can find exercise machines that, despite their apparent simplicity, are very effective in supporting muscle tone and helping with weight loss. One of them is the butterfly expander.

Description of the simulator

In everyday life, along with the common name, you can find other names for the butterfly expander - Fi-Master or Thigh Master. The butterfly expander became famous due to the effectiveness of the exercise for training the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. The design consists of a head with a spring located in the central part and two levers in the form of semicircles. The parts are covered with a rubberized coating on top, preventing slipping and rubbing when in contact with the skin.

Initially Sports Equipment was created to work on the most vulnerable areas of women - the inner thigh. Today, many people use it in the process of losing weight. The butterfly expander is widely used due to the following features:

  • improving the shape of legs, hips, buttocks;
  • tightening the pectoral muscles;
  • correction of posture defects;
  • development of arms and shoulders;
  • working out the press.

The operation of the simulator is based on the principle of deformation. When the levers come together, the spring is compressed, and when it straightens, it expands.

Advantages of the simulator

The butterfly expander has a number of advantages compared to traditional exercise equipment. Purchasing it does not require significant financial costs; in return, the buyer receives an effective tool for pumping muscles. The main advantages are considered:

  • compactness and ease of storage;
  • easy mobility;
  • lack of special conditions for operation and ease of use;
  • The butterfly expander, depending on the complex and the exercise performed, allows you to train various muscle groups - thighs, buttocks, abs, arms;
  • one expander replaces several types of traditional simulators;
  • the opportunity to train for men and women, regardless of age, health and physical fitness.

It is enough to perform the complex for 20 minutes a day to achieve good result in losing weight and increasing muscle tone. The trainer is a good replacement basic exercises for pumping the hips and buttocks, while the visible effect occurs much earlier.

Exercises on a simulator with the principle of bringing together levers

Butterfly expander offers today various options performing the exercise. Depending on the technique used, a specific muscle group can be loaded. For beginners, at first it is recommended to perform any exercise 5 repetitions, and with the acquisition of better physical shape, increase the number to 20.

When performing, it is necessary to ensure that maximum compression and tension of the muscles occurs during exhalation, and relaxation occurs during inhalation. Compliance with this simple rule significantly facilitates execution and increases the effectiveness of training.

Inner thigh

Women's inner thighs are naturally weak. The butterfly expander perfectly pumps these particular thigh muscles. To perform the exercise, you need a chair with a straight back. Technique:

  • take a sitting position;
  • move to the edge of the chair so that you can freely move your hips to the sides;
  • move your legs and place the machine between your thighs so that the levers are located on inner surface hips up;
  • sequentially compress the expander while slightly supporting the structure with your hands.

The number of repetitions performed on the leg muscles is selected individually. The effectiveness of the exercise is achieved when the number of repetitions for women is 50 times. The number of repetitions for leg training should be selected so that the last 2 movements are performed with maximum effort.

The exercise can be performed while sitting on the floor without support. To ensure balance, the abdominal muscles are included in the work in this position. The recommended number of repetitions is 15 to 20 times. Similar exercises can be performed in a lying position, which uses the abdominal and thigh muscles.

For thigh and buttock muscles

Take a horizontal position and lie on your side. It is necessary to maintain balance while performing the exercise with the help of your hands. Technique:

  • place the exercise machine inside the surfaces of each thigh so that the levers open in the direction of the feet;
  • bring your legs together, trying to bring your knees as close as possible;
  • slowly relax the muscles, returning the machine to its original position.

When performing this exercise, not only the muscles of the thigh and buttocks are trained, but the abdominal muscles are also subjected to stress.

The legs are brought together 40 times, after which you need to roll over to the other side and repeat the exercise on the other side.

For chest and arms

The exercise is performed in a standing position. The simulator is positioned so that the top of the head looks up and the arms look down. Technique:

  • place your hands under the head;
  • place your forearms on top of each lever;
  • along the compression paths, begin to slowly bring the wings together, trying to bring the elbows as close as possible;
  • slowly spread your arms.

The number of repetitions at first in women is usually not significant. Over time, the number of repetitions should gradually increase. The main thing when performing the exercise is to avoid fast and sudden movements.

For the press

The butterfly expander for working out the abs allows you to perform exercises in a lying position. Technique for abdominal muscles:

  • sit on the floor, bend your knees, press your feet to the floor surface;
  • place the exercise machine in front so that the head looks up;
  • one of the levers should be placed on the surface of the thigh, and the other should be held with your hands;
  • lift your legs off the floor and squeeze the exercise machine;
  • slowly straighten your legs.

When performing, it is important to ensure that the abdominal muscles are tense. The number of repetitions should reach 15-20 times.

Exercises on a simulator with the principle of spreading levers

The essence of the technique is to apply effort to be able to move the expander levers apart.

This design is effective for working on the muscles of the thighs and buttocks; during training, the abdominal muscles are inevitably involved. It is recommended to use the exercise machine if necessary to remove the “ears” and increase the tone of the buttocks.

The following exercises are most often included in women's workout routines:

  • fixing the exercise machine on the knees and spreading the legs to the side with maximum amplitude;
  • raising a straight leg to the top while lying on its side, while spreading the wings of the simulator at knee level;
  • raising the knees while lying on your back with a machine fixed at this level;
  • spreading the levers with your knees while sitting on a chair or resting on your hands.

Despite the fact that the expander cannot be considered a full-fledged replacement for modern exercise machines, it has a number of undoubted advantages. The butterfly expander allows you to perform a different set of exercises to work the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, and its effectiveness in losing weight exceeds all expectations. For getting visible result you should adhere to the frequency of exercise, not forgetting the importance of nutrition and healthy image life.

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