Good morning exercise. Exercise “Good morning” - a simple but effective exercise for the hips and buttocks Exercise good morning what muscles work

A healthy body means a healthy mind, and every morning you need to start with a smile, a glass of water with lemon and morning exercises.

We heard these and many other unspoken rules since childhood, but somehow we could not follow them all. And in vain.

So, if you can wait until better times with extreme hardening and fighting laziness in the snow, then you need to play sports in the morning. And you don’t have to run to the gym and lift a barbell.

Morning exercise (which will be done and planned wisely) will help you lose weight and get a beautiful, toned figure. But it is worth understanding that this is only possible with constant implementation, adherence to diet and sleep patterns, as well as desire. Let's take small steps towards healthy weight loss together.

So, morning exercises weight loss is not the only way to lose weight, it is rather an addition to the lifestyle that we create for ourselves.

Exercising for weight loss at home is necessary not only to lose a couple of extra kilos, but also to jump into a subway car like a real gazelle and feel invigorated, to get a dose of endorphins for the whole working day.


The interesting thing is that effective You can start morning exercises right in bed. The main thing is not to touch the limbs of someone who is nearby. So, morning work-out in bed is aimed at gradually bringing the body out of sleep, depriving it of possible stress and thoroughly stretching atrophied muscles.

Without getting out of bed, stretch thoroughly, stretching all the muscles and ligaments. After stretching, you need to perform twists - turn the lower part of the body in one direction, and the upper part in the other.

This will help normalize blood circulation in the vessels and strengthen them, suitable for pulling the legs towards the stomach. Such movements allow you to strengthen the abdominal and back muscles, “stretch” all the muscles of the body and prepare it for both morning exercises and a busy day at work.

Basic rules for morning exercises

Effective morning exercises for weight loss, like any activity, have a number of rules, the implementation of which will lead you to good result. Especially,

  1. Morning exercises for weight loss require a systematic approach. You can’t study once a week or when you get inspired. From such active training you will not get any result except disappointment in the entire world order. Practice every day for 10-15 minutes and may the Force be with you.
  2. Drink a glass of warm water 30 minutes before exercise. As we know, water will help “wake up” the body and your metabolism will work well, quickly and fervently.
  3. Do a warm-up. A couple of minutes of jumping rope, running on a treadmill or running in place are great for this.
  4. Do not take long intervals between approaches and exercises. If you rest for more than a minute, then all the work will be useless.

Each effective training there must be a well-thought-out program. And morning exercises are no exception.

Perform for 5-10 minutes. Exercises such as running in place, energetic dancing, jumping rope, and twirling a hoop around your waist are perfect here. The main rule: do everything quickly, and also cheerfully, cheerfully and with good music.

Sit on a chair, press your lower back to the back of the chair (you can do it in a straight position) and be with straight posture. Raise your arms straight with dumbbells (or water bottles) above your head. Bend your arms alternately. Do not lower your elbows too much, and your arm and shoulder should form a right angle.

For each hand, repeat from 15 to 20.

Then get up from the chair and bend forward about 45 degrees. Straight arms with dumbbells spread to the sides and raised as high as possible, making measured movements imitating the flapping of wings. Here 15-20 repetitions will be enough.

Also do push-ups from the floor or wall very tightly, push-ups with your knees. Just do at least 10 push-ups.

3. Abdominal complex

Ab exercises are the most important in this workout. Try to do them as responsibly as possible.

Lie on the floor (or any other hard surface) and perform as many upper body lifts as possible. Don't strain your neck and keep your chin pointed toward the ceiling. Do it as many times as you can.

Then raise your straight legs to an angle of about 45 degrees. Slowly draw a circle in the air with your fingertips. Repeat maximum amount once.

Get up from the floor and take a straight position, spread your legs slightly to the sides. The stomach is pulled in, dumbbells are in the hands. Alternately bend to the sides. You need to bend over as smoothly and without jerking as possible. There should be a feeling of tension in the oblique abdominal muscles.

4. Complex for legs and buttocks

Perform deep, smooth squats - your back is straight, your legs are spread wide. You need to sit down at least 15 times.

Step forward and pick up the dumbbells. Do squats by bending your front leg to a right angle. Perform 15 times for each leg.

Read also: Exercises for pumping up the back with a hernia

By doing this set of exercises every day in the morning, in a few weeks you will feel a noticeable improvement in your physical fitness. It would be good if morning exercises were supplemented in such pictures proper nutrition and classes in gym at least three times a week.


Source: http://site/

Legs. Good morning chest raises

Keeping your legs straight, you can better feel the stretching of the ischial-popliteal muscles while bending your torso forward, and their contraction when straightening your torso. Bend your knees while bending your torso forward allows you to relax the ischial-popliteal muscles, allowing the hips to flex.

Standing straight. Place your feet apart. Place the barbell on trapezius muscles or slightly lower, at the level of the rear deltoid muscles:

- inhale and, keeping your back straight, tilt your torso forward to a horizontal position. The axis of flexion should pass through the hip joint;
- At the end of the movement, exhale.

To make the movement more comfortable, bend your knees slightly.

This exercise, which develops the gluteus maximus and back muscles, has a beneficial effect on the ischial-popliteal muscles (except short head biceps femoris, which is involved only in flexion of the lower leg).

To achieve the best ischiohamstring configuration, never perform this exercise with a heavy weight.

IN negative phase This exercise exclusively stretches the muscles of the back of the thigh.

Performing this exercise regularly will help you minimize the chance of injury when performing heavy squats.

Squats with dumbbells
Front Squats
Squats with a barbell on your shoulders
Herniated disc
Incline Leg Press
Squats on the NASK SQUAT machine
Leg extension
Lying leg curl
Standing single leg curl
Seated leg curl
Ruptures of the ischio-popliteal muscles of the thigh
Good morning chest raises
Standing single leg adduction
Seated Leg Reduction
Standing calf raises
Standing single leg calf raise
Donkey bent over calf raises
Seated calf extension
Seated calf extension with a barbell on your knees
Wide squats

And a few more leg exercises

Warm-up exercise calf muscles. Stretch your ankle
Exercise to warm up the calf muscles - balancing on a disc
Kneading is a massage of the calf muscles using a roller.
Photo of sitting calf extension with a barbell on your knees.
Photo of calf extension in a leg press machine.
Calf raise while standing on a dumbbell.

Calf raises with expanders.
Hamstring stretch
Hamstring stretch. Photo - Women
Body sit-ups "Good Morning" with rubber band
Body sit-ups “Good Morning” with a rubber band.

Photo - Women
Body lifts “Good Morning” with an expander or from a lower block
Body lifts “Good Morning” with an expander or from a lower block. Photo - Women
Hip stretch while sitting on a chair
Thigh stretch while sitting on a chair.

Photo - Women
Throwing a barbell onto the chest with a squat
Throwing a barbell onto the chest with a squat. Photo - Women
Standing hip stretch with leg swings
Hyperextension - hamstrings at work
Hyperextension - works the hamstrings. Photo - Women
"Good morning" classic
"Good morning" classic.

Photo - Women
Body raises in the Smith machine with supports
Body raises in a Smith machine with supports. Photo - Women
Hip stretch with band
Hip stretch with band. Photo - Women
Hip jerk
Hip jerk. Photo - Women
Snatch from below the knees
Snatch from a position below the knees.

Photo - Women
Body lifts in chain suspension
Body lifts in a chain suspension. Photo - Women
Hip stretch with band while lying to the side
Hip stretch with band while lying to the side. Photo - Women
Kettlebell Row
Kettlebell row to the shoulder. Photo - Women

Source: http://site/

Cuckoo! Good morning everyone with UCU (Morning Complex of Exercises)! With a morning set of gymnastic exercises - a hundred years without worries!

Too lazy to get up in the morning? A morning set of exercises (MCU) will make your day!

A morning set of gymnastics exercises are exercises that help activate the body to wake up.

They help normalize metabolism, increase overall vitality without antidepressants, improve blood circulation, produce the endorphin we all need for the joy of communication, strengthen muscles and improve the functioning of the respiratory, nervous and cardiovascular systems, in general, conclusion: it is recommended to perform a morning set of exercises without exception everyone! Don't overexert yourself while doing the exercises, enjoy every movement!

Morning set of exercises - rejuvenate the spine with the help of healthy movements

We all have an antenna, our frame, our reliable support - we are talking about the spine, and with a flexible and strong spine you will give young people a head start even in old age. Healthy spine- this is your youth.

Maintain joint mobility and flexibility spinal column, avoiding the development of osteochondrosis, straightening your posture and acquiring graceful movements is not difficult if you start taking care of yourself in time by performing the morning complex gymnastic exercises.

Exercise No. 1 – let’s stretch our calves and maintain our royal posture

When you wake up, don’t immediately rush out of bed, take a deep breath, then exhale and allow yourself to lie down a little longer. But try not to just lie there, but to start stretching your muscles.

Lie flat on your back, stretch your whole body, make circular movements with your feet - your day will start great without a doubt!

Continue to lie down, enjoy your good morning and do the following exercises: without raising your leg, pull your right heel away from you and your toe towards you, fix the position for 5 seconds, then relax your leg. Repeat the same exercise on left leg, and then on both legs at once.

Read also: Hand exercise for fingers

Now you can get up, ventilate the room, and begin a more active gymnastic set of exercises.

Exercise No. 2 – easy breathing and a fresh mind always

Take position number one, feel like a warrior who is invincible: stand straight, heels and toes together, keep your back straight, tighten your buttocks, pull in your stomach, arms freely lowered along the body, gaze directed forward.

If you feel dizzy in the morning, take position number two: keeping your back straight, sit on a chair, hands resting loosely on your knees, legs together, feet flat on the floor.

Take a series of short inhalations and exhalations through your nose (10-15 times). Try to focus on the exhalation so that it is slightly longer than the inhalation. At the same time, the shoulders remain motionless.

After this exercise, blood circulation in the brain cells improves, the lungs are cleared, the blood is saturated with oxygen, you will feel how warmth spreads throughout your body - you are ready to move on to the main set of morning gymnastic exercises.

Exercise No. 3 – conquer everyone with a swan neck

You can perform this exercise in either position number one or position two. You can close your eyes. Try not to raise your shoulders during the exercise and do not overdo it.

Attention! Consult your doctor before performing these exercises if you have a history of injuries. cervical spine spine. If you experience the slightest discomfort, stop performing the exercise. So, slowly turn your head from side to side, briefly fixing the position at the extreme points. Perform 5 approaches on each side.

Then lower your chin to your chest, fix the position for a moment, then tilt your head back, again fixing the position for a few seconds.

Breathing is deep, even, calm. We also perform these movements 5 times on each side.


After this we move on to rotational circular movements head: 5 circles clockwise, 5 circles counterclockwise. All these exercises help improve blood circulation and, in addition, prevent the appearance of a double chin.

Exercise No. 4 – stronger arms, wider shoulders

Take position number one. Let's do it useful exercise for the respiratory and nervous system. Make fists with your thumbs inside your palms.

Imagine that you have oars in your hands and you are in a hurry to cross the river in a boat, take a sharp breath through your nose, hold your breath and start rowing - 5 rotational movements with your hands forward and the same amount in the opposite direction, then exhale sharply through your nose. Now let’s bend our elbows and increase the amplitude of movements - perform them forward and backward 5 times.

Watch your breathing and do not lose your active rhythm. And finally, let's do the same thing, using the arms completely from the fist to the shoulder. Feel how your shoulder blades warm up and work rib cage, feel the freedom of movement. After this exercise, you feel a special surge of vivacity.

Exercise No. 5 – a thin waist helps you catch admiring glances

Let's set up position number three - feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist. We try to preserve straight back and alternately bend left and right, forward and backward. We do the traditional 5 approaches on each side. This gymnastic exercise helps to maintain thin waist, makes the back muscles more elastic, has a beneficial effect on the abdominal organs.

Exercise No. 6 – beautiful thighs

This exercise comes to us from yoga, do it and you will have beautiful thighs and legs. Get into position number one. Place your hands on your belt. Take a step forward with your right foot and bend your knee 90˚ (your knee should be directly above your heel).

The left leg is extended, the emphasis is on the toe, the heel looks up. While maintaining your balance, raise your straight arms up from your sides and try to connect your palms above your head, your back straight, and the top of your head stretch up. Make 3 deep breaths, then return to initial position.

Do the same on the other leg.

Exercise option: if you find it difficult to connect your hands above your head, leave them on your belt and try to perform springy swings in a half-squat for three counts, and return to the starting position for four counts.

This gymnastic exercise is aimed at improving the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, and also helps to pump up the external and inside thighs and strengthening the calf muscles.

Exercise No. 7 – training the vestibular apparatus to resist everything

Let's take position number one. Inhaling, we carefully rise high on our tiptoes, trying to maintain balance and a straight back; exhaling, we lower ourselves down, but do not touch the floor with our heels. Let's repeat the exercise 10 times. This exercise is quite meditative and calm, it feels especially good when you synchronize your breathing with movement.

Recommendations for performing exercises from the morning exercises complex

So, we have considered the whole complex morning exercises, which will help you customize your day. Realize that when you open your eyes, a whole wonderful day with new achievements and achievements is open to you. Let us paraphrase the classic and say: morning exercises are suitable for all ages.

Introduce new impulses into your morning that will help you become a more energetic, healthy, joyful and active person. It’s not for nothing that the morning set of exercises has been known to us since childhood under the name “morning exercises” - from the word charge.

By performing these simple exercises, you will feel cheerfulness, joy and strength of spirit for the whole day.

You can practice in any clothes, but, based on my personal experience, I note that doing gymnastics in comfortable, loose, clean clothes and barefoot brings great pleasure.

After performing gymnastic exercises, check your pulse - at any age it should not exceed 110-120 beats/min.

Good morning exercise, bending forward with a barbell on your shoulders while standing, Good morning- This exercise has many names. Similar to bowing when greeting, the movements of forward bending with a barbell are very valuable in training the lower back, buttocks, hamstrings and indirectly the abs.

But with all the advantages of this exercise, it is worth noting an important fact: without knowing the correct technique, you can seriously harm yourself. Broad Bone will help you understand all the nuances and difficulties of bending over with a barbell on your shoulders, and will also give you tips on how to keep your back healthy and strong. Go!

What muscles work?

  1. targeted– middle/lower back, lats, back of the thigh;
  2. synergists(involved in joint work) – gluteus maximus and adductor maximus;
  3. stabilizers– spinal extensor muscles;
  4. antagonists - stabilizers(perform opposite actions) – rectus/oblique abdominal muscles.

As we can see, the main muscles in this exercise not the buttocks, as some incompetent trainers insistently convince us, but the back muscles and the back of the thigh. Buttocks in in this case act as synergists.

Synergistic muscles- these are individual muscles that assist agonists in performing their anatomical function. Those. in this particular case, the gluteus maximus and adductor muscles help the muscles of the middle and lower back, the latissimus and the hamstrings. Keyword: help.

Bend-overs with a barbell on the shoulders are used primarily to strengthen the muscles of the lower and middle back and only secondarily to additionally work out the buttocks and back of the thighs (by the way, just like). This is why using an athletic belt or, worse, a sports corset is at least strange, like working out your abs in a belt :)

And strengthening the back extensors is a more than important goal. If your lower back muscles are weak and you are afraid of damaging them, then first strengthen them with the help of the exercises shown in the pictures, and in Google mornings start with the smallest weights.

The back extensors can be called the basis of the strength of the entire body.. They can withstand heavy loads and if they are not sufficiently developed, you will not be able to make significant progress in training other muscle groups.

They are very important. Very often, progress in this exercise slows down, although at first glance it may seem that you are doing everything correctly. The reason lies precisely in the insufficient strength of the back extensors. When they are weaker than the thigh muscles, it is very difficult to overcome the dead point of the movement trajectory.

A large number of back diseases are associated precisely with extensor weakness. Very serious problems occur in the lumbar region and often these problems require surgical intervention. Also, people who work out in the gym but pay little attention to their extensors often suffer from back injuries that are very difficult to treat.

And perhaps best exercise To work out the back extensors, bend forward with a barbell placed on the shoulders or, as they are also called, good mornings. So we’re not afraid to “flex our waist” and stuff like that - healthy, strong back more important, especially during pregnancy 😉!

By the way, it makes no sense to do Smith Good Morning while standing: you will stupidly turn off the targeted stabilizer muscles from the exercise. In addition, Smith has a given trajectory to which it will be necessary to adapt and, believe me, many people begin to crook terribly and completely mess up their technique.

Benefits of good morning exercise

  • you work several muscle groups at once;
  • strengthen the spinal extensor muscles along the entire length;
  • stability in basic movements increases;
  • progress in working weights in various pulling exercises;
  • is being formed beautiful posture;
  • prevention of spinal problems;
  • rehabilitative effects after back injuries.

For buttock development

Some ladies suffer from wanting to build up their glutes/hamstrings, but have a naturally responsive front hamstring, so when doing squats, the quads grow faster than the glutes. It has long been proven that women, compared to men, have more responsive muscles in the front of the thigh and it is easier for them to pump them up, unlike the hamstrings.

The standing good morning exercise is very suitable for girls: it will help remove the load from the quadriceps and mainly load back thigh with buttocks.

By the way, keep in mind that posterior thigh it is better to get involved in work when the legs are practically straightened position, and buttocks- when they bent in the knees.

Very important

Let's find out how to do the good morning exercise!

Correct technique: how to do it correctly

Good morning is not recommended for beginners, since it requires developed muscles body so that your back remains straight. In addition, bending over with a barbell requires careful adherence to technique. It is well suited for athletes with average and high level preparation.

Meet: Good morning, “Good morning”, or just bending over with a barbell. Many people perform this effective exercise for pumping up the lower body incorrectly, doing something between a deadlift and squats. And if the technique is not followed, the effectiveness of the exercise decreases, but the risk of injury increases. Let's look at the anatomy, nuances and benefits of this exercise.

What muscles work in the Good morning exercise?

The exercise is similar in effect to a hyperextension or straight-legged deadlift, but it also works the back of the body.

The main impact falls on the back extensors. Large gluteal muscles and the hamstrings are also involved in this exercise, but to a lesser extent. The abs are indirectly trained.

Performing the exercise only using the buttocks and thigh muscles is a mistake.

Benefits of Exercise

The benefits of this exercise are difficult to overestimate. It is one of the best for strengthening and working out the back muscles, especially the lumbar region.

You can stretch the back of your legs well by bending low enough.

For beginners, this exercise can help improve their performance in deadlifts and squats with weights, since without a strong back, basic leg exercises are quite difficult to perform.

Technique for performing “Good morning” bends with a barbell while standing (on straight legs)

A standing exercise requires a lot of concentration and attention from the athlete, especially if performed with heavy weight, so a sitting option is more suitable for a beginner.

But if you want to actively engage the back of your legs and buttocks, then it is better to perform the bends while standing, but with light weight.

Technique (not only for girls):

Also, watch the training video.

Video: How to do the exercise correctly - technique for performing standing bends

Technique for performing Good morning bends while sitting

When you want to isolate your back without engaging your hamstrings and glutes, you can do this exercise while sitting. This option will also be good for beginners.

But keep in mind that since the leg muscles are not involved in the exercise, there is more strain on the back, so you need to be careful with the weight and technique.

  1. We remove the barbell from the racks, place it on the trapezius muscles and shoulders, holding it in our hands.
  2. We sit on a bench with a straight back.
  3. We place our feet firmly on our entire feet, with our toes slightly turned to the sides.
  4. Inhale and bend down as far as possible.
  5. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

Video: Bent-overs with a barbell while sitting

Remember that Good morning requires a certain physical training and attention to technique. For the safety and effectiveness of the training, do not forget about the following points:

  1. Bends should be performed while sitting or standing 8–10 times, 3–4 working approaches.
  2. Good Mornings can be performed in conjunction with deadlifts to work the entire back of the body as effectively as possible.
  3. Bends with minimal weight can be used as rehabilitation during the recovery period after injuries, but only with the permission of a doctor.
  4. If you have a weak back, you should not start with this exercise, as it requires attention and an understanding of the mechanics of all muscles. You can practice by doing deadlift or hyperextension exercise.
  5. Do not lower your head too much, your gaze should be directed straight.

If you want to increase your performance basic exercises such as deadlifts or squats with a barbell, then be sure to include Good morning in your training. If an athlete has a weak back, then using large scales will not be possible. correct technique do the exercise. During squats, the legs begin to “turn” inward, and lower back pain may appear. To avoid this, develop your back, and the Good Morning exercise will help you with this.

Exercise good morning, bending forward with a barbell on your shoulders, good morning - this exercise has many names. Similar to bowing when greeting, the movements of forward bending with a barbell are very valuable in training the lower back, buttocks, hamstrings and indirectly the abs.

But with all the advantages of this exercise, it is worth noting an important fact: without knowing the correct technique, you can seriously harm yourself. Broad Bone will help you understand all the nuances and difficulties of bending over with a barbell on your shoulders, and will also give you tips on how to keep your back healthy and strong. Go!

What muscles work?

  1. targeted– middle/lower back, lats, back of the thigh;
  2. synergists(involved in joint work) – gluteus maximus and adductor maximus;
  3. stabilizers– spinal extensor muscles;
  4. antagonists - stabilizers(perform opposite actions) – rectus/oblique abdominal muscles.

As we can see, the main muscles in this exercise are not the buttocks, as some incompetent trainers persistently convince us, but the back muscles and the back of the thigh. In this case, the buttocks act as synergists.

Synergistic muscles- these are individual muscles that assist agonists in performing their anatomical function. Those. in this particular case, the gluteus maximus and adductor muscles help the muscles of the middle and lower back, the latissimus and the hamstrings. Keyword: help.

Bend-overs with a barbell on the shoulders are used primarily to strengthen the muscles of the lower and middle back and only secondarily to additionally work out the buttocks and back of the thighs (by the way, just like). This is why using an athletic belt or, worse, a sports corset is at least strange, like working out your abs in a belt :)

And strengthening the back extensors is a more than important goal. If your lower back muscles are weak and you are afraid of damaging them, then first strengthen them with the help of the exercises shown in the pictures, and in Google mornings start with the smallest weights.

The back extensors can be called the basis of the strength of the entire body.. They can withstand heavy loads and if they are not sufficiently developed, you will not be able to make significant progress in training other muscle groups.

They are very important. Very often, progress in this exercise slows down, although at first glance it may seem that you are doing everything correctly. The reason lies precisely in the insufficient strength of the back extensors. When they are weaker than the thigh muscles, it is very difficult to overcome the dead point of the movement trajectory.

A large number of back diseases are associated precisely with extensor weakness. Very serious problems arise in the lumbar region and often these problems require surgical intervention. Also, people who work out in the gym but pay little attention to their extensors often suffer from back injuries that are very difficult to treat.

And, perhaps, the best exercise for working out the back extensors is bending forward with a barbell located on the shoulders or, as they are also called, good mornings. So we’re not afraid to “flex our waist” and stuff like that - a healthy, strong back is more important, especially during pregnancy 😉!

By the way, it makes no sense to do Smith Good Morning while standing: you will stupidly turn off the targeted stabilizer muscles from the exercise. In addition, Smith has a given trajectory to which it will be necessary to adapt and, believe me, many people begin to crook terribly and completely mess up their technique.

Benefits of good morning exercise

  • you work several muscle groups at once;
  • strengthen the spinal extensor muscles along the entire length;
  • stability in basic movements increases;
  • progress in working weights in various pulling exercises;
  • beautiful posture is formed;
  • prevention of spinal problems;
  • rehabilitative effects after back injuries.

For buttock development

Some ladies suffer from wanting to build up their glutes/hamstrings, but have a naturally responsive front hamstring, so when doing squats, the quads grow faster than the glutes. It has long been proven that women, compared to men, have more responsive muscles in the front of the thigh and it is easier for them to pump them up, unlike the hamstrings.

The standing good morning exercise is very suitable for girls: it will help remove the load from the quadriceps and mainly load the back thigh and buttocks.

By the way, keep in mind that posterior thigh it is better to get involved in work when the legs are practically straightened position, and buttocks- when they bent in the knees.

Very important

Let's find out how to do the good morning exercise!

Correct technique: how to do it correctly

Good morning is not recommended for beginners, as it requires developed core muscles to keep the back straight. In addition, bending over with a barbell requires careful adherence to technique. It is well suited for athletes with average and high levels of training.

On the agenda interesting exercise which is called Good morning, or in common parlance bending the torso forward. This exercise develops the hamstrings, gluteal muscles and back extensors. This exercise is similar to the Romanian deadlift, all the same muscles are involved in the work, only the barbell is not in your hands in front of you, but lies on your shoulders.

Good morning exercise, unlike Romanian thrust, works better on the hamstrings and gluteals, because Due to the shift in the center of gravity, the load on the muscles becomes greater, but the weight of the burden remains small. All this makes this exercise an excellent option for women, because... You can work your buttocks without straining yourself with heavy weights.

Execution technique

1. Place the barbell on your traps the same way you would normally place it on a squat. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees slightly. Bend your lower back, squeeze your shoulder blades together and push your chest forward; this will be your starting position.

2.Keeping your back arched, you need to bend forward by moving your pelvis back. We bend down to the level of parallel with the floor. We return to the starting position by bringing the pelvis forward. Remember, you don’t just need to lean forward, but rather pull your buttocks back. If the pelvis remains in place without movement, then the back will take most of the load and the exercise will become similar to hyperextension.

1. Always look forward, or better yet, into your own eyes through the mirror, this will help you maintain your posture. If you look down, you may fall forward.

2.Experiment with the width of your legs and turning your feet (inward or outward).

3. Don't chase weight. This exercise focuses on stretching the muscles.

4. Perform forward bends on leg day to maximally target your hamstrings and glutes. Choose one for yourself favorite exercise either good morning or Romanian cravings.

5. Perform at least 10 repetitions.

6.Keep your legs slightly bent, this will keep your lower back arched even at its lowest point.

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