Leg abduction exercise in the simulator. Leg abduction in the simulator. Standing calf machine

A targeted exercise for working out the inner thighs is often chosen by girls. Unlike men, they are more concerned about the shape of their legs and pay special attention to the adductors. Guys are less likely to sit in a machine chair, preferring to polish these areas, or using cross lunges. Typically, men exercise in the car during the rehabilitation period or, if necessary, to relieve the load on the back and lower body. If you combine the legs together, you can pump up the groin muscles well and protect yourself from sprains in this area.

Anatomy of practice

The design features of the machine and the biomechanics of movements make it possible to tone the comb, sartorius, long and short muscles. Tightening the adductors has a positive effect on the condition of the iliotibial tract - the connective fascia running from the outside. It connects the leg muscles and provides:

  • body stabilization;
  • beautiful gait;
  • prevents the feet from turning inwards when moving.

Strengthening axial rotation helps cyclists, tennis players and all running athletes, because reduces the likelihood of dislocations and sprains. In addition, rhythmic movements when bringing the legs together in a sitting machine in women and men stimulate blood circulation in the pelvis.

Technically simple exercise of average effectiveness suitable for athlete of any level. Do it after base complex for the lower part of the body. To develop balance and tone your muscles, first work with free weights or perform a series squats with lateral lifts of the limbs.

The muscles of the internal surfaces themselves are small, so to give them volume, you need to activate blood flow and work with adequate loads.

Reducing the legs in the simulator: technique of execution

Set the weight and adjust the seat position so that you can feel the adductor muscles working as you work.

  1. Grasp the handrails with your hands, straighten your back and torso, spread your legs and rest your hips on the side pads.
  2. As you exhale, smoothly bring your limbs together, hold at the climax for 2 seconds and spread the rollers without engaging the core muscles.

Perform the practice with expanded and contracted amplitudes. In terms of benefits best effect gives full hip extension. If you have no strength left at the end of the last set, perform a series of shorter repetitions.

Execute 12 reps with the backrest laid back and 12 with body tilt forward, 3 sets. Stretch your abductors between sets. If necessary, control the position of your feet by pointing your toes in or out.

  • In the first case, you will specifically pump up the front zones;
  • in the second - rear ones.

And still better refuse from exercise when the sciatic nerve is pinched and existing sacral osteochondrosis.

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One of the favorites from the point of view of girls and women is bringing their legs together special simulator. It is designed to develop the adductor muscles of the legs located on the. The information helps give them elasticity, rigidity and aesthetic appeal.

Operating principle

When performing the exercise, the abductors (adductor muscles) work in tandem with the stabilizer muscles: erector spinae, quadratus muscle back and abdominal muscles. The abductors that are worked on are divided into the pectineus, short, long and magnus muscles.

The leg abduction machine is a kind of structure with a moderately soft seat, a system of levers, a special compartment for adjusting the weight that you will have to work with, and two moving stops with soft rollers that you should rest your knees on.

Often, on such simulators, in addition to leg raises, you can also perform leg extensions, but this depends on the design. More or less “advanced” fitness centers, the so-called semi-professional and professional classes, are equipped with similar machines.

A large number of different installations, simulators, racks and other sports equipment attracts quite a large number of people who want to work on themselves.

Execution technique

  • Set the required weight for the weights on the machine and adjust the backrest position.
  • Accept initial position , in which your legs are spread apart and rest against the bolsters or cushions of the machine, straighten your back and rest it against the back of the seat. Legs should be bent at an angle of 90 degrees or more.
  • Take a deep breath. As you exhale, tighten your hips and begin to bring your legs together. Do not change the angle of leg bending. At the finishing point (legs are completely brought together), stay in this position for 1-2 seconds and tighten the hip adductors as much as possible.
  • Starting to inhale, spread your legs slowly, without jerking, while observing technique. Do not bring your legs to the starting position in order to leave the muscles in a tense state. Repeat the movements several times in accordance with the training program.

  • The angle of bending of the legs during the approach is ALWAYS the same - 90 degrees or more;
  • movements are smooth, at a moderate pace, you should not “throw” the weight in the second half of the movement or perform it “with a kick” at the maximum point of tension, this will protect your muscles, ligaments and joints from injuries, bruises and sprains;
  • do not bring your legs to the starting position, this will keep the adductor muscles in constant tension, which will give maximum productivity;
  • at the final point (legs brought together as close as possible), hold for a few seconds, while straining the abductors, this will increase blood flow to the muscles and increase the strength of static weight retention by the hip joint;
  • do not slide your back and hips on the seat, maintain your posture;
  • During the rest period between approaches, you should stretch the leg muscles, not allowing them to “cool down”; stretching is guaranteed to reduce the likelihood of injury by 90-95 percent.
  • the maximum effect can be achieved by including the legs in supersets, it will play the role of a “finisher”, for example, lunges to the side with weight - leg legs;
  • If you can't complete the last scheduled reps, quickly reduce the weight and finish the set by doing a few more reps with a lighter weight;
  • It’s worth performing 10-15 repetitions in 3-5 approaches, since the exercise is isolation.

Fat burning effect

According to statistics, all individuals of the fair sex answer the question “How will bringing your legs together on an adductor machine help you?” They answer that their goal is to burn fat, those unpleasant and unaesthetic inner “ears” on the thighs. But they were all severely disappointed after a short educational program, since the simulator itself and the exercise are intended only to strengthen the internal adductor muscles of the legs.

Burning fat requires a completely different approach. And even if you manage to burn a certain amount of calories while you work on the adductor machine, you will not be able to burn fat locally (in a separate area of ​​the body).

So, the conclusion: working on the adductor machine, the hips will not become smaller, but they will gain some muscle strength and elasticity.


Basically, this exercise is used either by beginners who do not understand anything about human anatomy, biology and biomechanics, or by elite bodybuilders.

Beginners get it into their heads that since an exercise and a simulator for performing it exist, it means they can work on it mindlessly, not understanding what effect actually comes from bringing the legs together in the simulator.

Bodybuilders, on the contrary, understand all the subtleties and nuances of working on any muscle; they need this exercise for the aesthetic appearance of their legs.

They do not achieve results when performing this exercise also because they do not understand simple truths:

  • the exercise is sedentary, therefore the thigh muscles will not begin to work in this position;
  • The adductors work in complex ways, in tandem with other parts of the body, such as in barbell squats, weighted lunges, or climbing stairs or ledges.

Forget about this exercise unless you are a professional bodybuilder with at least 8-10 years of experience training and taking drugs. Regular basic exercises will give much more benefit than wasting time on an adductor machine, bringing your legs together in the hope of a miracle.

Although you can use this exercise if your stretch marks are too weak internal muscles hips. Or as a warm-up. In this case, some manipulations with the machine are necessary in order to gradually increase the load on the muscles and ligaments, without stopping to jump off the machine and rearrange the rollers or weight.

The exercise can help people when trying to master transverse or longitudinal. You only need to adjust the position of the rollers and the training weight: the closer the rollers are to the groin area, the greater the load on the muscles.

If we delve deeper into the biomechanics of movement, the legs in the simulator are needed mainly by athletes and dancers: runners, long and high jumpers, ballerinas, yogis and other athletes or dancers who need to have perfectly stretched muscles.

The best supersets to improve stretching are the following (2 exercises performed one after the other, without a break):

If an exercise is not useful for a beginner or average athlete, why do coaches include it? training programs their charges

It often turns out that the coach himself does not understand the meaning of the exercise. After all, it’s easier to simply tell your mentees to do it than to explain why it’s useless. Or some kind of would-be trainer is trying to show himself as a great specialist by stuffing the training sheet with a bunch of exercises.


Those who have sore joints should not even look in the direction of this exercise machine and should forget about this exercise.

How to replace the exercise

If your goal is to burn inner thigh fat, there are many variations of squats with broad setting legs: classic squats, front squats, Zercher squats, and squats. To burn fat, you should perform several variations of squats in one workout; increase the number of approaches to 5-10, and repetitions to 15-25.

If the goal is to gain mass, then reduce the number of approaches to 3-4, and the number of repetitions to 6-9. If you really want to completely finish off your legs from all sides, then you can work on the simulator, doing leg curls for moral satisfaction.

As usual, on Wednesdays we have a technical note, and today we will devote it to one extraordinary women’s exercise called abducting the legs in the simulator. Why extraordinary? You will learn about this towards the end of the article, so you will have to read to the end, no matter how much you want to. As the play progresses, we will get acquainted with the anatomical atlas, the technique of execution, as well as the benefits that this exercise can provide.

So, please everyone sit down, let's go.

Leg abduction in the simulator. What, why and why?

I don't know if the guys noticed gym, but for girls (same as theirs/us) They have their favorite exercises and rocking machines that are closest to them and, so to speak, to their liking. One of these machines includes a simulator for bringing (spreading) the legs, designed to work out the inner/outer side of the thigh. This leg area is problematic for many women. (oops, there were girls, but now they are women, and this is in just two lines of writing :)), and therefore for any convenient opportunity representatives of the fair sex stick to the corresponding exercise machine. Whether this is right or not, we will try to figure it out further.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Anatomical atlas

The main reason why ladies get stuck on the leg adduction machine is that it is designed to tighten the adductor muscles. (area between legs), make them more elastic, tougher and, as a result, relieve the woman of various “jelly” in this area. In other words, the inner surface of the thighs (adductors) is an aesthetically important area of ​​the legs for women; men are also not indifferent to it, and they want to see it toned and not sagging in their chosen ones.

The anatomical atlas of the muscles involved in the movement is the following picture:

Drive machine (this is the name of the simulator for reducing the muscles of the legs) primarily aimed at strengthening the three adductor muscles – the short, long and adductor major. The gracilis, pectineus and sartorius muscles are also activated. (the latter goes along the entire length of the thigh), the muscles of the iliotibial tract are tightened.

In general, it is worth saying that the adductor muscles are one of the relatively largest and longest muscles of the legs - this is a whole complex of deep-lying muscles inner surface thighs and groin. They are difficult to find, because... they are “buried” alive under other muscles, such as the quadriceps. However, you can be sure that you use these muscles when climbing stairs, climbing hills, and standing up.

Due to the fact that the adductor muscles are practically not involved in everyday life, they are very weak and therefore special attention must be paid to their training.


When performing leg abduction in the simulator, you have the right to count on:

  • strengthening the muscles of the inner thigh;
  • tightening (lifting) of the adductor muscles;
  • better shape of the “interpeduncle” (smooth/smooth lines of the inner thighs);
  • stronger leg hugs in bed, when the partner’s hips are grasped;
  • increasing core stability (balance) during movement;
  • improved gait and posture;
  • reducing injuries associated with hip muscle weakness.

Execution technique

This is one of the simplest exercises in which it is almost impossible to make a mistake. Adduction itself means moving a part of the body (V in this case legs) towards the center of the body. When you sit on the machine, the movement consists of overcoming resistance as you bring your thighs, which are initially spaced apart, closer together.

The simulator itself looks like this and can be found in gyms, starting with the “middle hand”:

The step-by-step execution technique looks like this.

Step #0.

Go to the machine and set the required weight. Then adjust the width of the saddle so that you feel a slight stretch in the adductors when your hips are on the soft pads (side platforms-rollers). Keep your back straight and pressed firmly against the back of the machine. Grab the handrails below with your hands, and bend your legs at the knee to an angle 90 degrees or a little more. Open your legs, spreading them to the level of the set width of the machine. This is the starting position.

Step #1.

Inhale, and as you exhale, begin to squeeze your thighs under control. Keep your legs straight, keeping your knees over your feet. At the end point of the trajectory, pull your hips towards each other as much as possible and hold for 1-2 accounts.

Step #2.

Slowly, as you inhale, begin to spread the rollers and stop them in a slightly “under-extended” position to constantly maintain tension in the trained muscle. Repeat the specified number of times.

In the picture version, all this disgrace looks like this:

To get the most benefit from the exercise, follow the tips below:

  • do not plop the weight down, returning it to the IP;
  • slowly spread your legs slightly without bringing them to the starting position;
  • in between approaches, stretch the adductor muscles, using, for example, the Lotus pose while sitting and pressing your hands on your knees;
  • during exercise, do not move your body and do not slide your buttocks on the seat of the exercise machine;
  • use the exercise as an auxiliary (finishing exercise) when training the adductor muscles and place it at the end of the workout after completing the main volume;
  • if you feel that in the last approach you can no longer perform the exercise to its full amplitude, use a quick series of shortened repetitions.

Leg curls: is it effective for burning inner thigh fat?

If you ask the girls who are “stuck” on the leg adduction machine: what do you want to achieve with the help of the adduction machine, then most of them will answer - I want to lose weight inner side thighs However, you should understand that this will never happen, because... the exercise machine is designed to strengthen the adductor muscles, and not to burn fat - these are two various types tissue, and strengthening muscles will not lead to a decrease in the fat covering them. Even if you burn calories during exercise, you may not be able to reduce fat in a specific area. (separately) areas.

Conclusion: The leg curl machine is not designed for slimming your thighs, and it is not capable of making them slim.

Leg curls in the simulator: is it worth the bother?

Often, when choosing a simulator for training a specific muscle, people are guided by its design and narrowness. For example, if the simulator is for abducting the legs, then it should pump up the corresponding area, the inner surface of the thigh. For the most part this is true, i.e. The isolation machine is aimed at working only one muscle group.

However, as for the adductor simulator, despite its popularity among young ladies, it does not allow achieving the final goals, in particular, reducing the hips (and as a result of slender legs) in women and weight gain in men (if they have a skinny thigh).

And the whole point here is that the target region is actually (inner/outer thigh) works in coordination with the rest of the body. In addition, the movement in this simulator is not functional. (unnatural for the body), i.e. not used anywhere outside the hall. Progress in weight comes quite quickly, but the higher it is, the more it strains the spine. The kneecap will also not thank you for the ever-increasing load.

Thus, it turns out that no matter how you use the leg adduction machine, it most likely will not change your composite composition of the legs, for these purposes it is a useless tool. And it's all about the biomechanics of movement. The design of the exercise machine itself is sedentary, so the thigh muscles do not work in any way in this position. It often happens that people come to the gym after a hard, sedentary day (let's say an office employee) in order to disperse the blood and tone the muscles. And, oddly enough, they choose themselves (or on the advice of a trainer) seated exercise machine for muscle training. This is not true. Exercises that require balance and use free weights and weighted walking/standing should be selected. In particular, the legs can be replaced with cross lunges or leg abductions on a block - they allow you to achieve significantly better “tuning” of the legs.


What has been said should not be taken as a complete failure of the adductor simulator to work the corresponding muscles, no. It can be used as an auxiliary exercise to the main ones. (or rehabilitation in case of injury) and include it at the end of the workout, but working only with it will not give any progress in improving the shape of your legs, remember this and do not fall for the machine as exclusive for training the muscles of the inner thigh.

I think a reasonable question has arisen: why are such, medium-low efficiency, exercise machines installed in the gyms? The answer is that if they did not exist, fitness centers would discourage most of their female clientele from visiting them. Coupled with the fact that women are afraid of free weights and becoming too big and muscular, it is easier for them to choose a light load for themselves.

So ladies, when it comes to improving the shape of your inner thighs, use the adductor machine wisely and don’t focus on it alone.

Actually, I’ve reported everything I wanted, now let’s summarize.


Today we dealt with the exercise of bringing the legs together in the simulator. I'm sure now you know how to find this unnecessary pile of iron How to properly use the machine and how to operate it correctly.

That's all for you, slender hips, ladies!

PS. Do you use this exercise in your training program? Will you now?

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it as your status social network- plus 100 points towards karma, guaranteed.

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!

One of the most favorite exercises for women that strengthens the muscles of the inner thigh is the leg curl in the simulator. The lesson is included in the main comprehensive program. This exercise is especially useful for women, because it improves blood circulation in the pelvic area. An additional benefit is strengthening the knee joints and reducing their risk of injury.

What is leg abduction in a simulator?

This exercise It’s simple, and it’s almost impossible to make a mistake when doing it. It represents the movement of the legs relative to the body. Initially, the hips are spread apart, then they need to be brought closer to each other, overcoming the resistance of the rollers. The information in the simulator does not apply to all movements required. They do not train the entire thigh area or promote fat burning or weight loss, so they must be performed in conjunction with other exercises.

Such simple auxiliary movements are quite within the power of girls of any age. physical training. All you need is to choose the right load that suits your capabilities. The exercise is especially effective if combined with leg extensions. To do this, you will need the same machine to use different muscles.

What muscles work

Knowing which muscles work when bringing your legs together in the simulator, you will pay special attention to them when performing the exercise, giving the appropriate load. By exercising regularly, you will strengthen inner part hips, you will make her more beautiful, which is so important for many women. The classes affect the abs and spine, and the lower back is also involved. Workouts on this simulator will improve balance during movement, posture, gait, and reduce the likelihood of injuries associated with muscle weakness. The movements especially help to work out the following thigh muscles:

  • leading;
  • short;
  • comb;
  • long.

Execution technique

First you need to familiarize yourself with the principle of operation strength trainer. The design is a chair with handles and soft bolsters. The technique of the leg abduction exercise in the simulator is simple. Even a beginner can understand the principle of action, but to be sure, it is advisable to contact a trainer. You can do it in two ways, the first of which is more common.

Seated Leg Reduction

Install required weight. Recommended initial weight for women – 10 kg, for men – up to 25 kg. Sit with your body weight on your seat bones and spread your legs as far apart as possible, placing them on bolsters and bending them at an angle of 90°C. You should feel a stretch in the adductor muscles. Straight back press against the backrest and grab the handrails with your hands to take the starting position. Inhale and tighten your abs. As you exhale, bring your legs together, overcoming resistance. Stay in this position for a couple of seconds. Inhale as you open your hips to the sides, maintaining your range of motion.

Try doing leg curls in a seated position 10 times with minimal weight. If you feel tired and tense muscles, this type of weight is suitable for you. When the load is not strongly felt, you can increase the resistance weight. After 10-15 repetitions, stand up, warm up a little and do one or two more sets. At the same time, always keep your back perfectly straight, do not slouch. The sitting position of the body can be changed: lean on the back, tilt your back forward, use your hands to help yourself.

Standing leg raise

There is another option for performing the exercise. Try kneeling kneeling in a machine. Turn your back to the bolsters, grab the back of the chair with your hands, and rest your knees against it. Move your buttocks back a little, keep your back straight. As you exhale, you need to bring your legs together, resting your feet on the soft cushions, and while inhaling, spread them apart. This will allow you to work the adductors and external muscles of the thighs and buttocks. Don't let your legs move by inertia. Movements should be slow. It is advisable to exercise after stretching and warming up the hip joints.

Tightening your legs in a machine is an isolating exercise that is important to include in your leg training if your inner thigh is a lagging area.


This simulator strengthens the three adductor muscles - the short, long and adductor major. The gracilis, pectineus and sartorius muscles are also activated, and the muscles of the iliotibial tract are tightened


Improving blood circulation in the pelvic organs

Smooth lines on the inner thighs

Strengthening the muscles of the inner thigh

Increased core stability while driving

Reduce injuries associated with hip muscle weakness

Improved gait and posture


1. Go to the machine and set the required weight. Adjust the width of the saddle so that you feel a slight stretch in the adductor muscles when your hips are on the soft side bolsters. Your back should be kept straight and pressed tightly against the back of the machine. Grab the handrails below with your hands, and bend your legs at the knees to an angle 90 degrees or a little more. Open your legs, spreading them to the level of the set width of the machine.

2. Inhale, and as you exhale, begin to squeeze your thighs under control. Keep your legs straight, keeping your knees over your feet. At the end point of the trajectory, pull your hips towards each other as much as possible and hold for 1-2 seconds

3. As you inhale, begin to slowly spread the rollers and stop them slightly “under-developed” until starting position to constantly maintain tension in the trained muscle. Repeat a specified number of times

Slowly spread your legs slightly without bringing them to the starting position

In between sets, stretch the adductors by sitting and pressing your hands on your knees.

Do not throw the weight, returning it to the starting position

Use the exercise as an auxiliary exercise when training the adductor muscles and place it at the end of the workout after completing the main volume

During exercise, do not move your body and do not fidget with your buttocks on the seat of the machine.

If you feel that in the last approach you can no longer perform the exercise to its full amplitude, use a series of approaches with fewer repetitions

And finally:

This trainer is designed for fortifications adductor muscles, and not for burning fat - There are two different types of tissue at play here, and strengthening the muscles with this exercise will not lead to a decrease in the fat covering them. The calories burned during exercise may not reduce fat in the specific area being trained.

Conclusion: The leg curl machine is not designed for slimming your thighs, and it is not capable of making them slim. This exercise will be a good addition to the basic exercises for training legs. So let’s say, for “finishing”.

Leg abduction in a sitting simulator, video:

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