Exercises for posture choreography. Exercises for ballerinas: easy gait, strong back, great mood. Raising arms to the sides

Remember, as secretary Vera said from “Office Romance”: “Everything will come off, it will tie itself in a knot here... everything will shrivel up like an old torn shoe... and then it’s itching to go to work! It’s like he’s driving in piles!” Beautiful posture has always been a sign of royalty. But a beautiful back is not only a source of pride for its owner, it is also health. It’s not for nothing that doctors say that the spine is the basis of our health. She will share about what exercises you need to do so that your back always looks like a ballerina’s. Olga Bardysheva– world champion in Flamengo, dance teacher.

When a person already has poor posture, yoga comes to his aid. After all, her exercises are aimed at correcting the problem, restoring muscle balance and at the same time relaxing tense muscles and tightening relaxed ones. These exercises are primarily aimed at restoring the muscle corset - it is responsible for ensuring that our backs are like those of a ballerina. Of course, if you already have problems with posture, physical exercise will serve as only one type of correction, but it will be one of the most effective ways. I’ll also add that you need to remember about your back more often and try to exercise regularly. This is the only way to achieve success.

  1. Get on all fours - support on your knees and straight arms, alternate swings: first with your left hand and right leg, and then with your right hand and left leg. Repeat this exercise 8 times.
  2. Lie on your back with your arms extended along your body and your knees bent so that you can rest on your full foot. Raise your body, then return to the starting position. Repeat this exercise 5 times.
  3. Sit on the floor, bend your knees and place your hands behind you, placing your palms on the floor. Using your arms as leverage, lift your pelvis and tilt your head back at the same time. You need to freeze in this position for 5 seconds, then you can return to the starting position. Repeat this exercise 8 times.
  4. Lie on your stomach and, stretching your arms to the sides, smoothly lift your upper body as high as possible. Lock in this position for 5 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat this exercise 8 times.
  5. Facing the floor, lean on your straight arms and toes. Pull your stomach in while keeping your back straight. Hold this position for 30-40 seconds and repeat 5 times.

All these exercises must be done with correct breathing: you need to breathe slowly and relaxed. While doing the exercises, observe what is happening to you. Learn to enjoy the process and love your body the moment you exercise. Each exercise benefits your back, has a beneficial effect on your posture, helps you become beautiful and healthy, and therefore, love yourself even more.

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You can learn to hold your back, develop flexibility and easily distinguish “batman” from “batman tandu” at any age if you discover the art of classical ballet.

Ballet as a stage and courtly aristocratic art appeared in the 16th century, and in Russia it became known at the end of the 17th century, when the first performances began to be staged. Since then, ballet has become the “calling card” of our country, giving the world a galaxy of brilliant dancers. Since childhood, we have heard the names of Plisetskaya, Baryshnikov and Pavlova, and, of course, every girl, regardless of her abilities and natural abilities, deep down in her soul dreamed of being like the slender, graceful, outwardly refined and fragile, but internally strong, like a steel knitting needle, ballerinas .

Children are selected for professional ballet from the age of 5-6 according to strict criteria. The future dancer must have excellent flexibility, leg turnout, long stride, rotation, stability, high jump, coordination and endurance.

Turnout is one of the main principles of classical choreography, on the basis of which the concept of various positions and poses was created. However, only a select few are gifted with such data, so many of us, having learned the disappointing verdict of the strict teachers of the ballet school, secretly at home portrayed the Swan Princess or Carmen, awkwardly moving our feet.

Today it has become possible to realize an unfulfilled childhood dream and practice classical choreography in studios for adults, which in recent years have begun to open their doors to all admirers of graceful dance. In order to enroll in a group, it is not at all necessary to have an asthenic figure or dance skills; desire and perseverance are enough, since, according to the famous dancer and choreographer Asaf Messerer, “the laws of the art of classical dance, the plastic harmony and beauty of its forms, the figurative embodiment of ballet works are learned and are achieved through systematic work.”

Classes are held in small groups: for beginners, for students of intermediate and advanced levels of preparedness. Body type and weight do not matter, since adults come to exercise for themselves, for pleasure, and at the same time to get in good physical shape. “Some sign up for a dance class because they are tired of training in a fitness club, they are driven by the idea of ​​diversity, others did ballet as children and decided to remember the past.

And some, following the call of their hearts, wanted to try a new beautiful and useful hobby - classical dance,” says Philip EROSHENKO, teacher-choreographer, former dancer of the Moscow Academic Musical Theater. K. S. Stanislavsky and V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko. “Sometimes women sign up a couple of months before the beach season to tone their muscles, lose extra pounds, and shape their figure, knowing that ballet gives enormous stress and harmoniously trains the whole body, even those muscles that we don’t use in everyday life.”

Complete dedication

Classes for beginners begin with the basics - special gymnastics. Exercises are performed on the floor, on a mat: the abs are trained and flexibility is developed. There is dynamic and static flexibility. By slowly leaning your body forward, touching your palms to the floor, you can test the static flexibility of the back of your legs and back muscles. Dynamic flexibility occurs when performing several quick bends in the same pose. During training, the muscles should be pulled a little harder than during everyday movements, but not too much, in order to prevent injury and pain. The load should be increased gradually, performing both passive and active exercises. During passive training, each muscle group is stretched slowly for 15 seconds 3 times. And during active training, they do several short light jerks.

After a few lessons, they move on to elements at the barre with two hands. Students learn basic poses, learn various ballet names, and learn the principles of execution and proper weight distribution. Then they proceed to perform the same elements, but with one hand holding the handrail of the machine. So gradually the gymnastics goes away, all that remains is a light warm-up before the start of the lesson, necessary to warm up the muscles.

Of course, many people are interested in performing jumps and dynamic elements on pointe shoes. However, to begin with, it is important to pump up the ankle, develop muscles and ligaments, which takes at least a year. Only after this is it worth trying your hand at pointe shoes.

In advanced groups, the level of skill can be either average or extremely high - much depends on the studio and choreographer.

“In our school, in the advanced group, I show students elements and exercises that I could safely give to professional dancers in the theater where I worked for 10 years,” says Philip Eroshenko. — The program for future ballet dancers at the school is designed for 8 years, and every year students learn new, increasingly complex steps. In my amateur group, I teach exercises from this program from different years, even at the most difficult level. But my students are really ready and will be able to fulfill them, although, of course, there is no talk of a ballet career and performances.” However, if a girl dreams of being on stage, then this wish can come true. There are studios that once every six months or a year give demonstration performances and organize reporting concerts. They rent a room, come up with a program, adapt classical variations, rehearse and stage a performance to which they can invite their friends, family and loved ones to demonstrate their successes.

Close to art

Ballet has its own “uniform”: clothes for classes should be comfortable and not restrict movement. It is preferable to have tights or leggings and a swimsuit that fits the body, so that it is easier for the teacher to notice and correct mistakes. On your feet are ballet shoes, which are best purchased in specialized stores for dancers. These shoes are usually made of satin or kid leather, fit snugly to the foot and are secured with elastic bands, either satin or nylon. Buying pointe shoes is a special moment. Usually, a teacher allows you to get up on pointe shoes after 1-1.5 years of regular training. Therefore, a new acquisition is an incredibly solemn event for dancers. When purchasing, you need to take into account the size, fullness, and appearance of the shoes, and if your foot is deformed, you should make a pair to order. It is also important to pay attention to the heel of the pointe shoes - it must be stable to make it easier for the ballerina to maintain balance on her toes.

Classical choreography is the ABC of dance. It has been formed over centuries, so it contains thoughtfulness and logic, allowing you to gradually develop the capabilities of the body. “With regular exercise at least three times a week, flexibility is developed, posture improves, weight is reduced, muscles become toned, tightened, and the figure is corrected. The shape of the legs may even change, since the load is placed on the calves, thighs, buttocks, the muscles are stretched, as a result of which the legs become more slender, comments Philip Eroshenko. “At the same time, the ear for music improves, a sense of rhythm appears, balance and coordination develop, movements acquire meaning and depth. In addition, classical dance classes help to master other types of dance art, raising the dancer to a qualitatively new level of performance. And even if you don’t become a prima dancer at the Bolshoi Theater, thanks to regular exercises you will be able to gain proud posture, straightened shoulders, beautiful body lines, “singing” hands, grace, elegance and harmony.”

At the machine

One of the most famous actresses in Hollywood and the lead actress in the film Sex and the City, Sarah Jessica Parker, believes that classical choreography classes help her maintain shape and maintain a feminine silhouette, developing flexibility and flexibility. Sarah regularly stands at the ballet barre, training under the guidance of a personal choreographer.

The owner of a chiseled figure with ideal proportions, singer Kylie Minogue practices ballet every day for 1.5 hours. According to Kylie, it was classical dance that helped her gain inner confidence, sexuality, cat-like grace and artistry. The singer is skeptical about strict diets and restrictions, saying that regular choreography classes burn extra calories very quickly, keep muscles toned and allow you to stay slim even in adulthood.

Another Hollywood star, actress and singer Jennifer Lopez, studied ballet from a young age. Classical dance lessons subsequently helped her easily master both hip-hop and Latin, but the actress still has a love for choreography. That's why Jennifer always goes to the machine a couple of times a week.


Arrondi is a designation for the rounded position of the arms (from the shoulder to the fingers) in classical dance.

Attitude is one of the main poses in classical dance, the main feature of which is the bent knee of the leg raised back.

Ballonne - jump on one leg or jump on your toes, moving behind the working leg.

Demi-plie relevé - the term combines two movements into an inextricable whole: a half-squat and a subsequent rise onto the half-toes, fingers.

Echappé - the movement consists of two jumps, during which the legs are moved from a closed position to an open position and back to a closed position.

Entrechat is a vertical jump with two legs, during which the legs, spreading several times, are quickly crossed.

Fondue is the definition of a soft, elastic plie in various movements.

Exercises for beautiful posture will help strengthen your back muscles and stretch your spine if you repeat them constantly. Beautiful posture is not only an aesthetic sight, but also a direct connection with the health of the musculoskeletal system. Almost everyone in the modern world has back problems: sedentary work in an office, lack of sports hobbies, chronic fatigue - all this together gives rise to problems.

Special exercises for beautiful gait and posture will help.
But with simple physical exercises you can solve this problem once and for all.

Exercising at home

Many people ignore sports training, citing the fact that there is no opportunity or time to visit the gym. A number of exercises have been developed that can be done at home, without the help of a trainer or expensive equipment.

Warming up:

  • running in place;
  • walking at an accelerated pace.


  • sit on the floor cross-legged (Turkish style); clasp your hands, raising them above you, and stretch your whole body upward;
  • kneel down, clasp your hands behind your back and stretch them upward; stretch your arms as high as possible.

Basic exercises for beautiful posture at home:

  1. Push-ups. Take a lying position. Align your body in a straight line, strictly parallel to the floor. Place your hands shoulder-width apart, fingers pointing forward. As you inhale, smoothly bend your elbows and lower yourself so that your chest touches the ground. Without changing position, return to the starting position as you exhale. During the exercise, you need to watch your elbows and not spread them to the sides. The classic version may not be feasible for people who do not have physical training. To begin with, you can try doing push-ups, resting on your knees rather than your feet, or using a bench or fitball.
  2. Lie on your stomach. In this position, spread your arms to the sides so that your shoulder blades come together. You can’t do this in jerks; smooth movements with controlled breathing are an important part of the workout that will bring results.
  3. Lying on your stomach, spread your limbs to the sides (“star”). Raise your legs and arms (at the same time) until you feel muscle tension.
  4. Standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, place your hands behind your back: one from above, from the side of the neck, the other from below, from the lower back. Clasp your hands, then try to change position.

The complex can be completed with an exercise with a power load; for this you will need dumbbells (the weight varies depending on the individual level of physical fitness, it is recommended to start with the smallest ones).

The principle of performing strength exercises: lie on a chair with your stomach so that your head, arms (with weights clamped), and legs are lowered. Then slowly raise your body while spreading your arms to the sides. You also need to return to the starting position slowly; you cannot suddenly relax your body.

At home, instead of dumbbells, you can use plastic bottles filled with water or bags of sand.

Complex for gait and posture

Posture and gait are closely related.

There are several basic exercises for a beautiful gait and posture that can affect the softness of your step and grace:

  1. Stand with your back against the support so that you can touch the back of your head, shoulder blades, buttocks and heels. Normalize breathing (even deep inhalations and exhalations).
  2. Walking with an object on your head. Try to hold the book for as long as possible, gradually increasing the time of such walks. Gradually complicate the task: try to do household chores without removing the object, squat, turn your head.
  3. Deep plie. Grab a support at chest level. Place your feet with your heels together, turning your toes out as far as possible. Squat down all the way and straighten back.
  4. Barefoot, take 5 steps on your heels, then the same number on your toes and in a normal step. Alternate steps for a few minutes. When lifting on tiptoes, stretch up to the limit.

Healthy back and majestic posture

Perform each exercise 5-10 times, gradually increasing the number:

  1. Lie on a hard surface, spread your arms to the sides. Raise your head, simultaneously pull your toes towards you, freeze in this position for 5-10 seconds, slowly relax.
  2. Sit on a chair, place your hands behind your head, bend at the waist and freeze for 5 seconds, keeping your muscles tense.
  3. Get on your knees, grab a support and bend as much as possible, holding for 10 seconds.
  4. Lie on your stomach, grab your ankles and bend your lower back to the limit. Freeze for 3-5 seconds without relaxing your muscles.
  5. Roll over onto your back, bend your legs at the knee joints and pull your stomach up, arching your body at the lower back. Maintaining emphasis on your head and arms, hold for a few seconds.

Useful video on the topic

Unique ballet exercises

Ballerinas have poise and grace that absolutely everyone admires.

Systematic training with exercises related to ballet will make your back straight and your gait flying:

  1. Head and neck: stretch your neck as much as possible, contracting the muscles of the right and left parts in turn, turn your head to the sides. Raise your face up, tighten your pectoral muscles.
  2. Back. The basic rule is to keep your back straight. Turn to face the support, fix your hands on the bar at chest level, lower your shoulders, pull in your stomach and tighten your buttocks. The correct position is easy to determine: you need to let go of the support and raise one leg - the balance of the body should not be disturbed.
  3. Do exercises 1 and 2 together.
  4. Make exercise 3 more difficult: take turns moving your legs to the sides, transferring your weight to one leg. Retract the limb smoothly, without jerking or swinging.
  5. Lifting onto high half-toes. Position: heels together, toes apart. Let's do it smoothly.
  6. Squat. Facing the support, distribute the center of gravity evenly, with your feet as in the previous exercise. Perform the squat slowly, having reached the lowest point, do not stop, but rise to the starting position. The execution consists of one continuous movement.
  7. Throwing the legs with a push to an accessible height. At the same time, do not allow your back to relax.

The proposed exercises are based on the method of ballerina Lotte Berk. This is one of the most effective ways to correct the shape of the legs that I know. And the secret to the effectiveness of the proposed program is very simple and lies in the fact that all exercises are performed using a “pelvic clamp”

7 exercises to correct the shape of your legs from ballerina Lotte Berk

The proposed exercises are based on the method of ballerina Lotte Berk. This is one of the most effective ways to correct the shape of the legs that I know.

And the secret to the effectiveness of the proposed program is very simple and lies in the fact that all exercises are performed using a “pelvic clamp.”

What does this term mean? Stand up and put your hands on your buttocks, and now try to tense, that is, squeeze your gluteal muscles so that you feel their density and tension. After this, push your pelvis forward a little and tighten your muscles even more.

This is the pelvic clamp we need for all exercises, which must be combined with correct posture. To develop good posture, tuck your stomach in and keep your chest up.

Before starting each exercise performed while standing, control your posture by moving your shoulders in a circular motion.

You will need no more than a month to verify the effectiveness of the proposed exercises.

Exercise 1

While lying on your stomach, hit your buttocks with your heels (see picture).

These rhythmic movements have a positive effect on the muscles of the calves and the front of the thighs, as a result, a surge of strength is felt in the legs.

If the heels do not reach the buttocks, then this indicates aging, hardening and contraction of the thigh muscles.

Do the exercise every day.

Exercise 2

For the muscles of the buttocks and the front of the thigh.

    Stand near the back of a chair or other support. The optimal height of support is the position between the waist and chest. Lightly hold on to the support so as not to lose your balance during the exercise;

    place your feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel to each other;

    lift your heels off the floor by about 3 cm (see Fig. 34). Squeeze your buttocks and pull in your stomach. Push your pelvis down and forward. Bend your knees about 5 cm.

    This is your next starting position.

    Relax and then squeeze your gluteal muscles tightly again. Repeat 4 times;

    bend your knees about 3 inches more, squeeze and release your pelvis again 4 times;

    lower yourself another 3 cm and squeeze and release your pelvis three times. For the fourth time, hold in this position, counting slowly to 10;

    rise to the starting position: knees bent 5 cm, pelvis pinched and directed forward. Repeat all exercises 5-6 times. After the muscles become stronger, perform the exercise at least 12 times. Immediately afterward, do some stretching, which will increase muscle flexibility and contribute to your lean, lean appearance.

Stretching(see picture)

    Grasp the support with your right hand. Bend your left knee and grab the foot of your bent leg with your left hand. Bend the right knee of the supporting leg slightly;

    check your posture;

    keep the heel of your bent left leg at a distance of 6–8 cm from the buttock;

    squeeze your buttocks so that the anterior thigh muscle stretches, counteracting the compression of the buttocks, squeeze them as tightly as possible, and push your pelvis slightly forward. Pulling your heel toward your buttock and squeezing your pelvis so that the muscle stretches, remain in this position for a count of 20.

Repeat the exercise with the other leg.

Exercise 3

Perfectly complements exercise 2.

  • Take the position of a wide stance (see figure). Legs apart, feet turned out;

    pull in your lower abdominals and buttocks, stretch your arms forward, you can hold on to the support;

    keeping your back straight, slowly bend your knees to a position that does not require excessive strain, but at the same time your hips should not fall below the level of your knees;

    Slowly straighten your legs halfway and then squat down again. Repeat 10 times.

Gradually increase the number of repetitions to 20 times.

When the thigh muscles become stronger, complicate the exercise: At the deepest position of the last repetition, perform 10 small pulsating movements with your knees up and down. Then freeze and count to 10. Slowly return to the starting position.

Exercise 4

For the muscles of the inner thigh.

Lie on your right side, bend your elbow, rest your head on your hand. Bend your left leg and place your foot on the floor (see picture). The buttocks should be tense during the exercise.

Keeping your right leg straight with your toes pointed out, lift it a few centimeters off the floor. Hold it and lower it slowly. Without touching the floor, lift your leg again.

Repeat 10 to 50 times.

When the muscles are stronger, add 10 pulsating swings at the top of the leg's trajectory when it is raised from the floor.

After this, hold the raised leg for a count of 10. After repeating the exercise from 10 to 50 times, turn on the other side and do the same. Remember to always keep your buttocks tight.

Exercise 5

For the outer surface of the legs. Short leg swings combined with a pelvic squeeze are much more effective than traditional leg swings (see figure):

    lie on your right side, place your left leg on your right;

    Place your left arm, bent at the elbow, in front of you, and place your head on your right arm;

    squeeze your gluteal muscles as hard as possible;

    Raise your left leg absolutely straight by 5 cm and lower it, not allowing it to touch your right leg;

    repeat the same thing, turning over to the other side.

Perform the exercise 50 to 100 times for each leg and then do the following stretch.

Lie on your back. Place your left ankle on top of your right knee. First lift your right leg and keep it suspended.

Grab your right leg with your hands and pull it as close to your body as possible. Count to 20.

This stretch isn't just good for your outer thighs, it also stretches your hamstrings and glutes.

Exercise 6

Tightens the hip area. Let's get started:

    kneel down and place your hands on the floor;

    extend your right leg to the side at a right angle to your body;

    exhale all the air through your mouth and noisily draw in the air through your nose to the limit. Then exhale the air completely through your mouth so that the exhalation is noisy and resembles an extended sound “hy-y-y”;

    draw in your stomach and, without inhaling air, raise your extended leg to hip level, count to 10 and inhale air through your nose; exhale;

    relax and take your starting position.

Repeat the exercise 3 times for one leg and 3 times for the other (see picture).

Note. Do not bend the leg raised at the knee during the exercise. The leg is pulled forward towards the head. Arms straight. You can lean slightly in the opposite direction to maintain your balance.

Deep breathing plays a huge role in this exercise., whose technique you applied. Deep breathing combined with exercise is great for burning fat deposits and strengthening muscles, in this case the thigh muscles.

The method of combining deep breathing with physical exercise belongs to the American Greer Childers.

Exercise 7

To strengthen the buttocks and hamstrings. Does not require special time.

A very effective way to strengthen the gluteal muscles is to tense them while walking. While walking, tense the gluteal muscle of the leg that is behind you. 300-500 steps of alternating tension and relaxation of the right and left gluteal muscles produces quick and excellent results.

This exercise is best performed in the autumn-winter period. when under a long coat, jacket or fur coat, muscle tension is not noticeable to prying eyes. These movements can be done while moving around the apartment.published .

Lidia Ivanovna Dmitrievskaya "Handbook for a true woman. Secrets of natural rejuvenation and cleansing of the body"

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