Arm wrestling exercises and techniques. How to beat everyone in arm wrestling

Arm wrestling looks in a great way demonstration of one's own strength. However, in reality, the volume of muscle mass does not play a role here. main role. To surpass your opponent, it is important to be familiar with arm wrestling techniques and be able to apply them in practice. In this publication I would like to tell you about techniques that will allow you to defeat your opponent, regardless of the degree of muscle development.


The position of the hand at the start of the fight largely depends on individual anthropometry. However, the ideal position is one in which the forearm and shoulder are at a minimum distance from each other.

There is a special grip that potentially makes it possible to gain an advantage already at the start of the fight. To achieve this goal, it is enough to position the first phalanges of the fingers slightly higher in relation to the corresponding phalanges of the opponent. You can make sure that this grip is correct by looking at the ligament from the side. If all four phalanges have a position close to horizontal, it will be possible to effectively put pressure on the opponent’s hand from the first seconds, developing superiority.

The problem is that if there is an experienced judge, it will be difficult to resort to the above technique. After all, such a grab is prohibited by the rules of arm wrestling. In any case, the presented manipulations can be performed a few moments before the start of the fight.

Leg position

For this or that arm wrestling technique to work, you need to pay attention to the position of your legs. You can increase the efficiency of actions by setting a few lower limb forward towards the center of the table. The other leg should be bent at the knee and serve as a support.

According to the rules of arm wrestling, it is forbidden to transfer the entire weight of the body in the direction of resistance to the opponent’s hand. Only one leg is allowed to be lifted off the floor surface. However, this only applies to competitions at the professional level. In other situations, to gain an advantage over an opponent who clearly looks stronger, you can use cunning. It is enough to slightly raise both legs and grab free hand over the edge of the table and exert pressure on the opponent’s limb not only with his hand, but also due to the displacement of the entire body weight.

Attack on horseback

So, let's get to the essence of common techniques. This arm wrestling technique, such as a mounted attack, involves sliding your fingers along the phalanges of the opponent’s fingers. The goal here is to cover the opponent's palm from above. Compared to other techniques, this approach is quite energy-intensive. However, it provides an opportunity to gain the upper hand over less experienced opponents.

Top hook

This arm wrestling technique should be used in the same way as the previous option. However, there is no need to stretch yourself at the start. The main goal is some brushing to the side. The main pressure here is carried out with the index and middle fingers.

Bottom hook

This technique and tactics of arm wrestling involves performing a sharp turn of the hand towards yourself in the first moments after the start of the fight. In such a grip, the little finger should be directed towards the body, and the thumb should be turned away from you. With this technique, you need to wait until your opponent is somewhat exhausted, and then place his hand on the table.


Pull is one of the most popular fighting techniques in arm wrestling. The teaching of the technique is as follows. To begin with, the enemy's hand is captured as tightly as possible. Then the hand bends, and the opponent’s limb is pulled towards you. In the final phase, pressure should be applied, placing the main emphasis on tension in the triceps.

Lateral technique

The technique involves moving the hand to the side along with the body. With this approach, changing angles is not allowed. This arm wrestling technique allows you to use your muscles to the maximum. abdominals and backs. The disadvantage is the likelihood of losing on a sharp counterattack.

Features of preparation for competitions

Of decisive importance in preparing for the fight are regular classes with dumbbells, which makes it possible to gain strength. However, arm wrestling also requires considerable endurance. You should increase it by going for long runs every day. Reaction plays an important role. Here they will come to the rescue sport games or exercises with a ball. Training, the purpose of which is to improve these skills, must be clearly outlined in the form of a schedule.

There are several tips that can improve the effectiveness of your training:

  1. The main thing in this sport is not building up muscle mass, but practicing arm wrestling techniques. It is necessary to monitor whether each exercise is performed correctly.
  2. During training, it is necessary to perform so-called isolating exercises, which make it possible to qualitatively work out various muscles at separate angles. Certain days should be allocated for training the upper and lower muscles of the limb. You need to understand that the forearm area includes the flexors of the fingers and flexors of the hand. Each zone needs targeted strengthening.
  3. It is recommended to pay attention to training elbow joint. When the lesson comes to an end, it is enough to load this area to failure. Only in this case will an increase in limb power be observed.


As you can see, there are many effective techniques arm wrestling. Finally, it is worth noting that the achievement high results in this sport directly depends on regular practice. It is simply impossible to achieve victories by relying only on one power training. The accuracy of movements needs to be constantly worked on. It is advisable to practice in pairs with a partner. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to fight hard. Enough to work off various techniques with minimal resistance. If necessary, you can familiarize yourself with the technical techniques in more detail using the relevant relevant literature.

Arm wrestling secrets will allow you to win even over more strong opponent om using technique, skill and dexterity. So, let's look at the main provisions and features.


You can ensure an advantage at the start by placing the first phalanges of your fingers at least a little higher than the similar phalanges of your opponent. To be convincing, look at the grip from the side. If you see all 4 of your first phalanges in a position close to horizontal, then this arrangement is ideal for convincing superiority. You will be able to immediately press down on your opponent's hand and then simply build on your advantage. Typically, under such conditions, the contraction lasts several seconds. The problem is that these arm wrestling secrets are prohibited by the rules, so such actions must be performed instantly at the start.


There are also secrets to arm wrestling when choosing a location. The smaller the angle between your shoulder and forearm, the great strength you will be able to apply, in other words, more muscles will be in work. The fist should be located approximately in the middle of the chest, and the shoulders should be parallel to the table.


Use your body weight to tilt your opponent's arm. The body can be rotated to enhance this effect. Make sure that the “lock” is not located too far behind the shoulder. Otherwise you will be in a very unfortunate position. The main emphasis will be on the wrist and the possibility of injury increases, in addition, it will be very difficult to get out of this position.

At the start, a sharp turn of the hand towards you will bring you into a position called a “hook”. The enemy often does not expect such a move, and it will be very difficult for him to escape from it. The hook is suitable for both defense and attack. With its help, you can weaken the enemy and carry out a counterattack. Another technique to increase your chances of success is to pull your grip closer to your shoulder during the fight and press it down. Usually in this case the opponent defends with a hook, but often it is the attacker who wins, since the defending athlete has very little chance of getting out of this position. Sparring partners will help you master arm wrestling secrets. In addition, there are other fighting techniques such as attacking from above or pushing.

Some champion secrets:
1) The main thing in armwrestling is not how much to train, but how to train, how you perform each exercise. Many people recommend performing a pyramid, increasing the weight and decreasing the number of repetitions with each set. The weight in the first approach tends to a minimum, and in the last - to the maximum. Each champion has his own approach to training and only your personal trainer can advise you on something specific.

2) Be sure to perform isolation exercises to work all muscles from different angles. One day can be completely devoted to working on the top. Start by gripping the belt with your fingers and move it closer to your wrist as you get tired. You can perform pronation on the block or work with free weights.

3) Don't forget that the forearm consists of a flexor wrist and a flexor digitorum. In armwrestling, you need to pay attention to each muscle, that is, you need to perform separate exercises on different muscles. Beginners don’t know this, so they will initially train incorrectly. Pay attention to training your elbow joint. At the end of the workout, load it to failure so that you no longer want to fight.

Arm wrestling secrets will make you a real fighter who will be respected in the professional world.


Learn to arm wrestle like arm wrestling professionals. Learn secret training techniques from the world's best athletes.

Principles of training in arm wrestling

Principle of working angle and amplitude

Arm wrestling is a static sports discipline. During competitions, most muscles do not change their length, thereby fixing parts of the arm in a certain position. They are usually called working angles. Almost all movements in arm wrestling are single-phase in nature and can only be performed in a certain amplitude, called working.

Both of these indicators are individual in nature and largely depend on the structure of the hands, wrestling technique, etc. When you work with free weight, it is necessary to ensure that most of the load falls on the working angles. To achieve this, you should always place the working (bending) part of your arm at a right angle to the load vector.

If during training you can accurately select the weight to work on working angles, then amplitude training may cause some difficulties. This is due to the fact that at the moment of dynamic flexion of the arm, the load largely affects only one point of a given amplitude. This leads to uneven pumping of the target muscle. This problem can be resolved special simulators, distributing the load over the entire amplitude.

Let's say, when you bend your wrist with dumbbells or a barbell on a bench parallel to the ground, then at the beginning of the movement the maximum load will be only at the beginning of the movement. Then it will begin to decrease and the maximum force will appear in the middle and final phases of the amplitude.

Often, athletes who train their arms only on a horizontal bench have difficulties bending the wrist and maintaining it in a bent position. To work out the working amplitude as effectively as possible, you need to divide it into three angles: initial, final and middle. We have just talked about training the initial angle, and now we will focus on the development of the other two.

To get the most out of the middle working angle, you should change the angle of the bench so that at the middle working angle, your hand is parallel to the ground. To train the final working angle, the forearm should be positioned at right angles to the ground. Also, when working on the working amplitude, you can use a static load.

Working direction principle

This principle is based on the fact that the same muscle can have different strengths not only in length, but also in width. For example, the flexor muscles of the hand can bend it in the direction of any finger. Each bundle of muscle fibers that performs these movements can have different strength indicators and be trained separately.

To achieve maximum results, you should strictly specialize in the direction you need. They are called workers and depend on the athlete’s wrestling style.

Having decided on the working direction, it is necessary to position the bendable part of the arm so that the working direction is opposite to the vector of gravity. To do this, you need to expand the body, forearms and hands.

If you specialize in only one area of ​​work, your results will quickly begin to increase. At the same time, having one or two more fighting styles in reserve can be very useful.

Principle of priority static stresses

At the moment of a fight, athletes are more dominated by static muscle tension. To increase the effectiveness of training, it is necessary to transfer the ratio of static and dynamic tension to training. This applies equally to free weight exercises and machine work.

It should be noted that it is customary to distinguish two types of static load: active and passive (holding). The hold is most often used during free weight training, while the active one is used at a table.

The principle of micro-temporal influence

This principle is based on the ability of muscles to withstand enormous loads for a short period of time, measured in fractions of a second. Voltage muscle fibers at this moment it can reach up to 140 percent of the maximum that is used by the athlete during training. With the help of such loads, muscle strength can rapidly increase, and ligaments and joints will also be strengthened. It is customary to distinguish between two types of loads of this type:
  • Passive (shocks).
  • Active (jerks).
Passive loads are used when holding. Their essence is that the weight of the projectile with which the athlete works should increase sharply. Let's say you can hold dumbbells that weigh between 70 and 80 percent of your maximum. At this moment, your comrade should deal 5 to 6 blows to sports equipment top down. This will increase the weight of the projectile by forty percent, and the working angle will remain unchanged.

The active load is that maximum strength must be applied to a fixed point in the shortest possible period of time. To do this, you can perform five or six jerking movements at the command of a friend. It is important to note here that this exercise should be performed by experienced athletes. Also, to reduce the risk of injury, it is necessary to ensure that the point of application of the force has a slight shock absorption.

Contrary to popular belief, the key to victory in arm wrestling is not only strong biceps and strong ligaments. Cunning, experience, the ability to predict an opponent's behavior, flexible tactics, psychological superiority - without all this, even a superbly developed physically wrestler will lose to smaller, but more skillful opponents. In addition, there are various tricks “on the verge of a foul”, which, if skillfully implemented, can also show very good results.

How to defeat a stronger opponent?

For those wrestlers who do not have outstanding physical characteristics, there are two areas for development:

  • speed and reaction training;
  • strengthening hands and fingers.

Speed ​​and reaction training

Great response in in this case plays almost a decisive role. The whole secret here is to, with the help of special training, hone it to such a state when the muscles will reflexively make a movement at the first sounds of the “Go” command, before the referee announces it completely.

This can be considered a kind of false start, although in essence there will be no violation of the rules here. For a weaker opponent, it is very important to react first in order to prevent the opponent from taking a comfortable position, and therefore deprive him of the advantages that strong muscles give him.

Strengthening your hands and fingers

For those arm wrestlers who have not been blessed by nature with a heroic physique, it is extremely important to have very strong fingers and developed muscles brushes This will allow you to widely use such a technique as pressing on the opponent’s fingers. If the pressure is strong enough, the enemy will experience discomfort and pain, which will quickly unsettle him. True, in order to achieve the desired result, your fingers must literally become iron.

As noted above, psychological superiority also plays an important role. Here we must pay tribute to the arm wrestlers from the USA, many of whom can break the opponent’s composure even with a glance, an insult or a well-placed barb. Because of this, he is distracted, loses concentration, and his reaction speed decreases, which makes winning much easier.

Although, according to arm wrestling veterans, all tricks will be in vain if the wrestler is incapable of quickly adapting to his opponent. Adjustment allows you to find out the opponent’s preferences, his style, the technique he uses, strengths and weak sides. If everything is guessed correctly and appropriate countermeasures have been applied, we can say that half the victory is already in your pocket.

Greetings to all lovers of a healthy lifestyle and sports!

Today's article will interest many men. After all, most men have wrestled in their arms at least once in their lives. Whenever it was possible to defeat the enemy, sometimes they lost. How to win in arm wrestling, how to prepare, train, what tricks, technical subtleties need to be learned and then used in practice for a successful victory on hand.

Many people believe that the gain in such forcefully sport depends only on strength. I don’t agree, because in any competition there is a technique of execution. After all, visiting Gym, you strive to perform weighted sets correctly. So here, technicians win more often and avoid hand injuries.

First, let's look at what muscle groups are involved in arm wrestling training.

Professional wrestlers say that most muscles in the human body work. But the main load falls on the muscles of the forearm and hand. Let's list it.

  • Biceps
  • Triceps
  • Shoulder ( triceps, brachialis, clavicle muscles)
  • Chest muscles (minor, major)
  • Back muscles (lumbar, latissimus)

If you decide to get serious about arm wrestling, you definitely need to prepare. Arm wrestling training includes a number of exercises. Even at home you can prepare for competitions. Pay attention to approaches.

  • Dips
  • We do push-ups from the floor on our fingers ()
  • Lifting or pressing

If available, be sure to follow

  • Squat
  • Deadlift
  • with a barbell
  • Bench press
  • Flexion and extension of the bar at the wrists
  • Exercises with an expander for arms
  • Biceps curl
  • Jogging with dumbbells for general strengthening

Approximate program of a training complex for future arm wrestlers

  1. (pay attention to your hands and forearms) 5 minutes
  2. Deadlift 3 sets 8 reps
  3. Raising the barbell for biceps 3 - 12 times
  4. Finger push-ups 3 – 15 reps
  5. Lifting barbells, dumbbells for biceps 3-10 times
  6. Bend the wrists with the barbell 3-8 times
  7. We complete the complex strength exercises hitch

Now let's talk about the secrets of this struggle. If you want to win in arm wrestling, familiarize yourself with the basic provisions

  • For example, you have basic hand right, then put your right foot forward. All body weight will transfer to the hind limb.
  • Take a position so that your stomach (okay, your abs) is as close to the table as possible. Then the working thigh (fighting arm) will be closer to the working surface.
  • Pass your thumb under your four after crossing with your opponent's hand.
  • Place your body close to your working hand. Then the leverage of your arm and your body will pull your opponent to your side.
  • Bend your wrist towards you to prevent your opponent from doing the same. Grip is the main thing in power wrestling on hands; a successful grip determines whether you win or not.
  • After the start of the fight, pull the opponent’s hand in your direction and increase the angle between his limb and shoulder.
  • When fighting, keep your shoulder and forearm close to each other at all times, using your body weight and not just your arms. The main thing is to move towards yourself and down. Then you can quickly win an arm wrestling match.
  • You see that the opponent’s hand is going down, turn your body towards the tilt, then all the weight will go towards winning.

Now you are familiar with the subtleties how to win at arm wrestling, practice, practice and lead healthy image life, eat right and reach new heights in sports. Best regards, Sergei -

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