Exercises for the abdomen and sides for women. A mega-effective set of exercises for losing weight in the abdomen and sides. Remove sides at home. Breathing exercises to reduce waist and sides

Home exercises for losing weight on the stomach and sides are guaranteed to give results if you do them regularly and follow the right diet. Many of them do not require special details and their technique is simple and accessible even for beginners.

Of all the problems with the figure, body fat on the stomach and sides they look the least aesthetically pleasing and are the most dangerous to health, because fat envelops the internal organs, impairing their performance. The main reasons for its appearance:

  1. Poor nutrition. The abundance of sugar-containing, flour, fatty foods and fast food in the diet is fraught with the deposition of excess weight in the abdomen and sides. Trans fats are considered the most dangerous in this regard.
  2. Binge eating. Even if a person’s menu as a whole contains healthy food, but it is consumed in excessive quantities, the digestive system does not have time to cope with it, it remains rotting in the folds of the intestines in the form of toxins. This affects the volume of the lower abdomen. In addition, huge portions stretch the stomach, which also contributes to the enlargement of the middle and upper abdomen. And when you overeat, too much energy enters the body; it does not have time to be used up and is deposited in problem areas in the form of fat.
  3. Hormonal imbalances, most often arising as a result of stressful situations. Disturbed sleep patterns, worries and excessive stress contribute to the release of the “fear hormone” cortisol. Its regular abundance in the body slows down metabolism, which leads to weight gain.
  4. Alcohol consumption, especially beer in large quantities. This fact directly affects big belly only in the sense that a large amount of liquid stretches the stomach. A more serious problem is that alcoholic drinks provoke a feeling of hunger and after drinking them a person consumes a large amount of food.
  5. Age. Women are less likely to have fat reserves around the abdomen and waist than men. But after 40 years, when premenopause sets in and the production of female hormones decreases, their waist size also increases.
  6. Physical passivity. Many people believe that they can get rid of belly fat by doing abdominal exercises. But if the diet is left incorrect, they will strengthen and enlarge, remaining under the fatty tissue, which will make the stomach and sides even larger in volume.

What exercises should you do to get rid of your stomach and sides?

The best exercises to help you lose weight in the abdomen and sides are:

  • Cardio training. They help burn fat throughout the body, including the belly. These include running, cycling, jumping, burpees, climbing on an elevated surface, walking on a stepper and orbitrack.
  • Power basic training . During their execution, most of the muscles of the body work, including the core muscles, which allows you to build the correct proportions and visually narrow your waist. In addition, they are very energy-intensive and trigger the fat burning process. These are all varieties of squats, lunges, and deadlifts.
  • Breathing exercises - trigger fat burning by saturating tissues with oxygen and static loads on muscles, help tighten the stomach: vacuum, twisting with a special breathing technique. They are especially suitable for women who have given birth with diastasis.
  • Local for strengthening all abdominal muscles: all crunches, leg raises, planks, static loads.

Easy home exercises on the floor

Many people believe that it is impossible to get in shape without going to the gym and being monitored by a trainer. In fact, if you have a strong desire to change your waist size and get rid of your sides, you can achieve results at home. The most effective exercises are listed below.


One of the simplest and most effective ways to tighten the muscles of the upper and middle abs are considered to be regular crunches.


  1. Lie on your back, bend your knees and spread them slightly to the sides so that your feet are slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart.
  2. Place your hands behind your head and clasp them at the back of your head, elbows pointing exclusively to the sides.
  3. Raise your shoulders and upper back off the floor, engaging your abdominal muscles, keeping your lower back pressed to the floor. Head and top part the backs form a straight line, the lifting occurs not due to the neck, but only due to the abdominal muscles. During execution, the elbows look to the sides and do not connect.
  4. At the top point you need to fixate for a few seconds and go down.

Repeat 15-30 times, 3-4 approaches.

Reverse crunches

The exercise is aimed at strengthening muscles lower press. It is considered quite difficult, and not all beginners are able to perform it correctly the required number of times. But the main thing is to start; systematic practice will help improve results after just a few weeks if you follow proper nutrition.


  1. Lie down on a flat surface and grab some support behind your head with your hands. These could be the legs of a table, sofa, chair or any other furniture. You can also press them firmly to the floor with your palms down.
  2. Raise your legs bent at the knees or straight until a right angle is formed between the torso and legs.
  3. From this point you need to lift your pelvis up with a jerk and lock in this position for a few seconds.

Repeat 12-20 times, 3-4 approaches.

Oblique crunches

Oblique crunches strengthen the muscles of the lateral and upper abs and help reduce the width of the waist. The exercise is performed like this:

  1. Take a position lying on your back, bend your legs at the knees, clasp your hands at the back of your head, elbows pointing to the sides.
  2. Slowly raise your upper back, shoulders and head with your abdominal muscles, without your neck protruding forward.
  3. At the top point, a maximum rotation of the raised part of the body is made in one direction.
  4. Return to initial position, repeat twisting in the opposite direction.

Repeat 15-30 times on each side, 3-4 approaches.

Side crunches

Exercise strengthens lateral muscles press. Technique:

  1. Lie on your back, clasp your hands at the back of your head, spread your elbows to the side. Press your legs one against the other, bend your knees and place them on your side on the floor so that they lie on top of each other.
  2. Raise your shoulders and upper back, fixating at the top point.
  3. Return to starting position.

You can also perform it while lying on your side with your torso, then you need to focus on your lower arm.

Perform 20-30 times on each side, 3 approaches.


The plank is considered a very effective exercise for women and men; it helps strengthen not only all the abdominal muscles, but also the back. It's done like this:

  1. Take a standing position on your elbows/palms and toes.
  2. The line of the back and legs is straight; stand in this position for as long as possible without arching your back. You can start with 30 seconds, gradually increasing the duration.

Breathing exercises to reduce waist and sides

Breathing exercises, for example, the Bodyflex technique, are very popular due to their effectiveness. Many women and men who tried this technique were very pleased with the result - according to some reviews, the stomach literally “melted” in a matter of weeks.


The most effective exercise, it is performed not only by supporters of breathing exercises, but by most athletes. Performed exclusively on an empty stomach using the following technique:

  1. Take a standing or lying position.
  2. Take a deep breath and exhale noisily through your mouth.
  3. If the starting position is standing, then the body leans slightly forward. The deepest possible breath is taken, the stomach is pulled in as far as possible so that it lies as much as possible under the ribs.
  4. The abdominal muscles tense and it is necessary to fix this state for 8-10 seconds.
  5. Exhale slowly.

Repeat 8-12 times every morning.

Video exercise:

Crossing legs

The exercise strengthens the lateral abdominal muscles, which helps your waist become thinner. Technique:

  1. Lie on your back, place your hands palms down under your buttocks.
  2. Take a deep breath, then exhale noisily, then inhale as high as possible and hold your breath for 10 seconds, exhale slowly.
  3. Raise both legs above the floor by 10-15 cm, make 10 crossings, spreading them apart as much as possible. Make sure your legs are as straight as possible.

You need to repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Side stretch

With this stretch you can make your waistline more expressive. Technique:

  1. Stand slightly bent legs, spaced shoulder-width apart. Place your palms on your thighs in the area just above your knees.
  2. Take a deep breath and exhale noisily through your mouth, then inhale as deeply as possible again.
  3. Without letting out the air, move one leg to the side, transferring the center of gravity to the second. Try to keep your raised leg straight.
  4. Count to 8, lower your leg and exhale slowly.
  5. Change leg.

Repeat 3 times on each leg.


With the help of this home exercises the muscles of the core and back are strengthened. It is done simply:

  1. The pose is taken on the palms and knees.
  2. Take the deepest breath possible and hold your breath.
  3. The back is arched as high as possible; you need to stay in this position for 8 seconds without exhaling.
  4. Exhale slowly and return to the starting position.

Repeat 8-10 times.

Exercises for losing weight on the abdomen and sides with weights

Very effective exercises for men and women are those that use weights. They are very energy-intensive, so in addition to muscle training, fat burning also occurs. They can be divided into basic, which work many muscles throughout the body, and isolated, that is, pumping only the abdominal muscles.

The basic ones include:

All types of squats: with narrow and broad setting legs, plie, sumo. If dumbbells are used, then it is most convenient to do plie squats: the weight is held with two straight lowered arms, legs apart, knees and feet pointing in different directions, back straight. You need to squat to such a depth until a straight line parallel to the floor is formed between your knees and buttocks. Repeat 15 times, 3 sets. If a barbell is used, then it should be measured on the shoulders, feet should be placed shoulder-width apart, squat slowly and with a straight back, not allowing the knees to go forward - the legs should be bent at right angles. You need to get up quickly. The number of repetitions per workout is from 12 to 20, approaches are 3-4. With the help of squats except nice abs man will get round firm buttocks and toned legs.

All types of deadlifts and: on straight legs, on bent legs, bending over with weights on the shoulders. When performing deadlifts on straight legs, you need to place your feet shoulder-width apart, keep your back straight and lean forward, moving your pelvis back as far as possible, your legs can be slightly bent at the knees at the lowest point. The same technique and “Good Morning” exercise (bending over with a weight on the shoulders) are the same, only the location of the weights is different. Number of repetitions - 12-20, 3 sets.

Lunges- performed either with dumbbells in hands, or with a barbell on the shoulders. A big step forward is taken, then with straight back you need to squat until the knee of your back leg touches the floor, return to the starting position and change legs. The number of repetitions for each leg is 12-20, 3 sets.

To the most effective isolated exercises on a press with a load include:

  1. Lateral press with a load clamped by the shins. You need to lie flat on your side, lean on your forearm lower hand, place your other hand behind the back of your head and perform twists, raising both straight legs with a weight. This exercise pumps up your lateral abs and makes your waistline more expressive. Repeat 30 times on each side.
  2. Weighted leg raises. You need to take a lying position on your back, place your palms under your buttocks. Hold a weight between your feet, raise your legs 15 cm up and perform circular movements. Perform 12-30 times.
  3. Weighted bar. During the exercise, additional weight is placed on the back.

As extra weight you can use a special leather sports ball, a homemade pillow filled with sand or something else heavy.

Exercises for losing weight on the stomach and sides

If you devote 10 minutes to exercise every morning, then after a few months you can significantly reduce the size of your waist and sides. Recommended exercise program:

  1. Vacuum - 10 repetitions.
  2. Jumping Jack - 1 minute.
  3. Burpees - 10 reps.
  4. Any crunches - 3 sets.
  5. Plank - from 1 to 8 minutes, depending on physical abilities.

This daily warm-up not only promotes weight loss, but also improves overall well-being, strengthens the immune system and speeds up metabolic processes. Performed before breakfast, it starts the body and already during the first meal the metabolism is active.

Mandatory exercise rules

In order for abdominal muscle training to bring maximum effect and benefit, the following rules must be followed:

  1. Exercise some time after eating, but not immediately after it. Those that are correctly performed on an empty stomach are effective only if this condition is met.
  2. The exercise technique is of great importance - twisting and exercises using weights should be performed at a slow or medium pace, controlling your posture - the back should be straight, not arched or rounded. You need to fixate at the most intense point for several seconds.
  3. The success of training is possible only if it is done regularly.
  4. Without eliminating foods that provoke fat deposits in the abdomen and sides, and reducing portion sizes to normal, the effect will be the opposite: the muscles will increase, but the fat layer will remain the same. The end result is that your overall waist and abdomen will grow by 2 cm on average.
  5. The maximum result is achieved if you combine several types of physical activity at once: with or without weights, cardio training and walking.
  6. When performing the exercise, you need to breathe correctly: before starting it, you need to inhale, at the most difficult point, exhale, then inhale again and return to the starting position.

Using a hoop

Helps for losing weight in the abdomen and sides and the headband. There are many types of them, from regular plastic ones to hula hoops with magnets. Recommendations for using this design:

  1. The effect will be noticeable only if, in addition to exercise, you follow proper nutrition and drinking regime.
  2. You need to start with short workouts (5 minutes), gradually increasing their time to half an hour.
  3. Before you hula hoop, you need to perform a set of breathing exercises, this will increase the effectiveness of the workout.
  4. It is best to twirl the hoop on an empty stomach, and eat food no earlier than an hour after it.
  5. The correct technique is considered to be one in which the shoulders and hips practically do not move, the range of motion of the waist is minimal, and the abdominal muscles are maximally tense.
  6. To avoid harm to the skin, it is recommended to wear a thermal belt.

Regular use of a hoop is as effective as a professional massage.

What muscles of the abdomen and sides does hula hoop train?

Since the height of the hoop can be adjusted during training, you can use it to train all abdominal muscles: upper, lower and lateral abs. In addition, the advantages of its use include:

  • Strengthening the back muscles;
  • Strengthening the spine;
  • Improved skin condition;
  • Acceleration of metabolism due to blood flow;
  • Massage of internal organs, in particular the gastrointestinal tract, which has a beneficial effect on the digestion process.


Anyone who wants to lose weight is recommended to go for long walks. fresh air. People who for some reason cannot run are recommended to replace this exercise by walking outside or on a treadmill. This method is not as effective as more intense loads, but safer for joints and much easier to implement.

You can walk at the stadium or in the park at any time of the day, get off 2 stops earlier and walk to your destination, and refuse elevators.

For fast weight loss It is advisable to walk at least 10 km a day, which in time equivalent is approximately 2 hours. To monitor these indicators, it is recommended to get a special watch with a pedometer.


Running is considered one of the best physical activities for weight loss in general and for burning fat in the abdomen and sides. There are 2 types of this activity:

  • Long (at least 40 minutes) jogging.
  • Interval running is the most effective for fat burning. Its essence is that you need to alternate 5 minutes of jogging with 1 minute of running at the fastest possible pace.

Cardio workout

  1. Various jumps: on a skipping rope, “Jack jumps” (when during a jump, legs are crossed or spread to the sides and clapping hands are performed above the head), on an elevated surface.
  2. Climbing on an elevated surface or walking on an orbit track.
  3. Exercise “Burpee”, which consists of changing 5 positions in 1 execution: standing with straight arms raised up, squatting, on hands and toes with emphasis on the floor, squatting, jumping up.
  4. A ride on the bicycle.

All of them involve a large number of muscles, promote active fat burning, train endurance and speed up metabolism.


Swimming is considered one of the most harmless ways to lose weight and remove belly fat. During such activity there is practically no load on the musculoskeletal system, unlike other cardio training. Therefore, all people with a lot of excess weight and joint diseases are recommended to give preference to swimming.

The advantages of this sport:

  • A lot of calories are lost, on average 3 times more than with other types of cardio exercise.
  • Hydromassage.
  • If you swim in the sea, minerals and salts have a beneficial effect on the skin.

How to swim correctly for weight loss:

  1. Warm up before swimming.
  2. Give preference to styles such as butterfly and crawl for flat stomach, backstroke for sides.
  3. During training, alternate free swimming with intense swimming and at the end relax in the water for 5-7 minutes.
  4. The duration of the lesson must be at least 45 minutes.
  5. Training should be carried out an hour and a half after eating.

Video: exercises for losing weight on the stomach and sides at home

The video shows the most effective and easiest exercises to do at home. We recommend that you carefully review the technique of each of them and create your own personal training program at home, using the tips.

Interesting video:

Post Views: 5,115

Flat toned stomach many girls want to have. You can achieve the desired result even at home by regularly performing special exercises aimed at training the abdominal muscles. We’ll talk in more detail in the article about the anatomy of a woman’s muscular torso, what exercises are considered effective, how to perform them and with what regularity (training program).

The main mistake of beginners in losing weight is that they try to fully perform all the loads intended for already trained people. You can’t do this - you need to increase the intensity of exercise gradually, allowing the body to get used to the load.

  1. Following the plan. To make progress, it is recommended to make a plan for future training before starting to work on yourself. The plan should be as convenient as possible so that it can be easily remembered, and most importantly, follow it without retreating.
  2. Combination. Among other things, do not forget that training should be combined with proper nutrition. The effect of exercise will be achieved only in conjunction with dietary restrictions.

Warm up before training

An important rule for playing sports is to start your workout with a warm-up.

A simple warm-up includes the following steps:

  1. Place your palms on your sides and spread your legs wider. Turn the body in different directions until it stops. Do 20 times.
  2. Hands down, legs apart. Without lifting your feet from the floor, bend down so that your hands can reach the tips of your toes. Perform 15 times.
  3. Extend your straightened arms in front of you. Alternately raise the right foot to the left palm, and the left foot to the right palm as high as possible. Repeat no more than 20 times.
  4. Extend your arms, spread your legs. Without lifting your feet from the floor, squat as low as possible. Number of squats - 20.

On average, the warm-up lasts 15-20 minutes.


The first effective exercise for the abdominal muscles is “Bicycle”.

It is important that the part of the workout that requires a lying position is carried out on the floor (it is acceptable to practice on a special carpet).


  1. Lie on your back;
  2. Place your hands behind your head ( elbow joints must be divorced);
  3. Bend your legs and raise them above the floor (10-15 cm);
  4. Raise your shoulders above the floor, at the same time bend and straighten your legs, simulating movements like when riding a bicycle.

You need to do the bike 7-10 times, 2-3 approaches.


Exercises for a flat stomach at home almost always include a plank:

For beginners, one approach is enough. Every day you can gradually increase the time it takes to complete the plank. Many professional trainers advise placing a mirror in front of you when performing this exercise. With it you can monitor the correct position and straightness of your back.

Side plank


One approach is enough for each side.

Plank with leg raises

Third variety famous exercise- plank with leg raises:

Performing the exercise costs the same as a regular plank - 25-30 seconds.

Plank with leg and arm raise

This variation of the plank is more difficult than the previous ones, but it loads the abdominal muscles more effectively:

During the exercise, you should try to maintain balance and not lean to the sides. Do 2 sets of 20-30 seconds on each side.


Crunches will also be useful in losing weight:

Do 15-20 times, 3 approaches.



Perform 10-15 times, 2 approaches.


Abdominal exercises are not only power loads, but also breathing exercises. A flat stomach at home helps to create a vacuum.


  1. Lie on your back, arms along your body;
  2. Bend your knees, inhale and exhale several times;
  3. Inhale deeply, then exhale sharply, releasing all the air from the lungs and at the same time drawing in the stomach as much as possible;
  4. Do not breathe for 12-15 seconds without moving;
  5. Relax, breathe deeply.

Lunges with rotation

Rotation lunges are done from a standing position and are not as popular as planks or vacuums, but are quite effective.


  1. Stand up, place your palms on your sides;
  2. Without bending your back, lunge forward with your right leg so that your left knee touches the floor and your right leg is at a 90-degree angle;
  3. Straighten out adopted provision, do not bend your back;
  4. Change legs (now lunge with your left), then perform the exercise, alternately lunging with your left and then with your right.

Lying leg raise

Lying leg raises are a standard abdominal exercise:

Leg circles

Exercises for a flat stomach at home can be both complex and simple, but they are all equally effective for the abs and more. For example, leg circles strengthen not only the abdominal muscles, but also the buttocks.


  1. Lie down, arms along the body;
  2. Raise your legs so that your toes point towards the ceiling;
  3. “Draw” large circles on the ceiling, first with your right foot, then with your left foot (from left to right, without lowering the other foot to the floor).

You need to do three approaches 10-15 times.


This element of training is called so because of the position in which it needs to be done: it is somewhat reminiscent of the structure of the paws of the animal of the same name.


  1. Lie on your back, bend your legs and put your feet together;
  2. Lower your knees slightly, but without tension;
  3. Place your hands behind your head;
  4. Raise your torso, tighten your stomach as much as possible;
  5. Stay in the accepted position for as long as possible;
  6. Lower yourself down without lowering your head to the floor. Repeat 5-10 times, do 2 approaches.

Walking on hands from a lying position



The alligator exercise should be performed with 10-20 meters free flat surface floor in front of you.

In addition, you will need something that will allow you to slide across the floor without friction (bag/towel).


  1. Wrap your feet in the selected towel/bag;
  2. Take a lying position;
  3. Using only your hands, “walk” to the end of the freed part of the floor (you just need to drag your torso along with you);
  4. Having gone to the end, rest for 60 seconds and come back, then repeat the exercise one more time.


This exercise, familiar to many, strengthens the lower abdominal muscles. Before performing, trainers recommend stretching your neck.


  1. Lie on your back, place your hands under your buttocks;
  2. Raise your legs straight;
  3. Raise your pelvis above the floor, moving your legs as far as possible, try to keep your hands in their original position on the floor;
  4. Hold for a couple of seconds, then lower to the floor.

You need to repeat the birch tree 5-10 times.

Cardio training

What are the benefits of cardio training?

Cardio training, unlike regular exercises, is aimed not only at strengthening muscles, but also at maintaining the tone of the cardiovascular system. Thanks to cardio training, a person’s blood circulation improves and the heart muscle strengthens. This type of exercise also keeps the heart and blood vessels in healthy tone.

In addition, this sport develops endurance, which is important, including when losing weight. When the heart rate increases during cardio training, the body begins to intensively burn fat, spending it on energy for exercise.

Important! People with hypertension should be careful about cardio training. They are not contraindicated for this disease, but hypertensive patients need to monitor their heart rate during training and avoid overexertion.

Types of Cardio Training

Cardio training includes several types of sports, so everyone can choose what is convenient for them:

  • Running/fast walking;
  • Exercises on a bicycle/exercise bike;
  • Exercises with a skipping rope;
  • Exercises on a treadmill;
  • Jumping training.

So, it is quite possible to do cardio training at home.

A set of exercises with a hoop

Hula hoop exercises are also good for a flat stomach:

Fitball exercises

Fitball ( gymnastic ball) - Another effective remedy for training at home.


  1. Holding the fitball in your outstretched arms, squat 10-30 times. In this case, the body should be positioned straight;
  2. Hold the fitball between your legs (the middle of the ball should be at knee level), then squat with it, forming a right angle with your knees. Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds. Repeat 17 times;
  3. Stand up and place the fitball on the floor behind you. Then lean your knee on it. Step forward with your other foot, also bending your knee. Try to straighten your leg on the ball. Do 5-10 times;
  4. Place the ball in front of you, then take the position for a regular plank, but place your elbows not on the floor, but on the fitball. Hold this position for 25 seconds;
  5. Lie on the floor, hold the fitball with straight arms, and stretch out your legs. Slowly raise your legs and arms at the same time without releasing the ball. At the extreme point, “pass” the fitball from your hands and hold it between your ankles, then, holding the ball with your feet, lower to the floor. Repeat - 7-10 times.

Yoga for a flat stomach

Exercises for a flat stomach at home can be supplemented with yoga classes. Many experts recommend them as an effective fat burner.


Paripurna Navasana:

  1. Lie down with your arms along your body (back side down).
  2. After inhaling, raise your legs straight.
  3. After this, stretch your arms, trying to reach your toes with your fingertips.
  4. Hold the pose at a 45-degree angle for 10-20 seconds, then lower to the floor, exhaling deeply.
  5. Repeat 4-7 times.



  1. Lying on your stomach, bend your knees.
  2. Raise your shins up, then stretch your arms behind your back, clasp your ankles with your palms.
  3. Bend over backwards.
  4. Breathing evenly, lie there for 20-30 seconds.

Adho Mukha Svanasana:

  1. Get on all fours, stretch your arms forward.
  2. Inhale, then as you exhale, straighten your legs and raise your pelvis.
  3. The head should be tilted down.
  4. Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds, then straighten up, after a while do it another 3-4 times.

Breathing exercises for a flat stomach

Among other things, breathing exercises are more important in losing weight:

A set of exercises for the week


  • Warm-up;
  • Bike;
  • Vacuum;
  • Hoop exercises;



  • Warm-up;
  • Plank;
  • Cardio training (20-30 min.);
  • Breathing exercises.

Thursday: rest.


  • Warm-up;
  • Bike;
  • Yoga;
  • Breathing exercises.


  • Warm-up;
  • Plank with leg raises;
  • Cot;
  • Hoop exercises;
  • Yoga.


  • Warm-up;
  • "Alligator";
  • Leg circles;
  • Cardio training (15-20 minutes);
  • Breathing exercises.

This is how, with the help of simple exercises, you can lose weight and create a flat stomach at home.

Video: exercises for a flat stomach

Effective exercises for a flat stomach in the video:

Flat stomach in two weeks, watch the video:

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


Excess fat deposits often accumulate in the waist area. As a rule, this problem occurs in men, but girls sometimes look for effective exercises for losing belly fat to do for themselves. flat press at home in a few weeks. You should immediately prepare for desired result You can get it only after a couple of months of training and dieting. Real progress will be achieved by reducing body fat and strengthening abdominal muscles.

What exercises should you do to lose belly fat?

To choose the right complex for weight loss, you need to understand how you can achieve beautiful abs. To form beautiful waist you should not only start burning fat, which creates folds on the sides, but also strengthen muscle corset. Even in thin girls, the abs are not always flat and stick out slightly, this indicates weak tone of the abdominal group.

Not every exercise to remove belly fat needs to pump up muscles. You should separate the goals of building muscle mass and strengthening it. If you only do crunches, your waist size will not only not shrink, but will also increase. Therefore, trainers do not recommend doing classic abdominal workouts too often. There are more effective options for how to remove belly fat through exercise.

Abdominal exercises

To get a slim figure, you should sign up for fitness classes. The program includes anaerobic and aerobic exercises, which are aimed at burning excess fat deposits. It is impossible to achieve a reduction in the layer in any specific place, because the body loses weight in all places at the same time. Due to individual anatomy, some people lose weight faster in certain areas.

Physical exercises for losing belly fat should begin with cardio exercise, which will provide a fat-burning effect. This will help start metabolism, improve metabolism, saturate the cells with oxygen and other useful substances, and force the body to break down fat cells into energy. You can start training for the abdomen and sides with:

  • jogging on a treadmill or street;
  • cycling or exercise;
  • swimming;
  • Pilates

For a flat stomach

If you perform movements with a high number of repetitions, you will achieve muscle growth. This may be interesting for men who want volume, relief press, but girls don’t need it at all. It will also have little effect if you do not get rid of the fat layer. To get a beautiful waist, you need to do an exercise for a flat stomach. They are aimed at strengthening muscle fibers, and not for extension. For these purposes, you don’t need to select many options; a few will be enough for a complex. There are such effective exercises for losing belly fat:

  1. Classic crunches. Not the most effective, but an option to tighten your tummy. Lying on the floor, begin to reach your chin towards your knees. It is important that you do not lift your body by lumbar muscles, and specifically they strained their tummy. Rise up to the exit and back down as you inhale.
  2. To train the transverse muscles (sides), you should perform crunches with rotation. Lie on the floor, hands behind your head, stretch your right elbow to your left knee, then your right elbow to your left. This a good option for pumping longitudinal muscles, but you should not get carried away with them so as not to increase your waist size.
  3. Gymnastic roller. This is already a complex exercise option for strengthening several muscle groups at once. At correct execution you use your abs, back, and side muscles. A simple option must be performed on your knees, spread something soft. Start slowly rolling forward on the roller without touching the floor with your body, then return to the starting position.
Watch a video with a set of exercises for a flat tummy.

For slimming the belly and sides

To lose weight, you need to follow a diet and do exercises that will start the fat burning process. This high intensive training, so exercise for losing weight on the stomach and sides is not suitable. Not easy, but very effective complex will come from circuit training. This program alternates abdominal and waist exercises with cardio, which helps ensure rapid weight loss and muscle strengthening. Such training can be carried out in gym go home. Example program, you need to repeat 4-5 circles:

  1. Jumping rope for about 3-4 minutes.
  2. Side bends, 20 in each direction.
  3. Classic crunches.
  4. Jumping rope.
  5. Plank.
  6. Side crunches.
  7. Side bends, 20 in each direction

Fat burning

When it comes to fat-burning training, we mean high-intensity training. Effective exercises for losing belly fat are any cardio exercise that accelerates metabolic processes and metabolism. Only this type of training will help you achieve weight loss and a flat tummy. Exercises to burn belly fat raise your heart rate to such a level that the body begins to extract energy from fat rather than carbohydrates (glycogen). This can only be achieved if the duration of cardio training is at least 30-40 minutes.

To lose weight in the lower abdomen

Some people mistakenly believe that the abs have an upper or lower section. During the workout, all parts should be pumped effectively. How much the upper or lower abdominal muscles will be involved depends on the athlete’s ability to follow the technique. Exercises for losing weight in the lower abdomen will help emphasize the load in this area. Here is one option for performing such a movement:

  1. Lie on the floor, grab something stable with your hands.
  2. Start raising your legs straight.
  3. Stop them at a level when there is an angle of 30 degrees between them and the floor.
  4. Hold in this position for at least 30 seconds.
  5. Repeat the movement 4-5 times.


There are workout options that can help make your muscles firm, strong, and keep them toned. The plank exercise for losing weight on the abdomen and sides is universal and static; it also helps to train the hips, buttocks, shoulders, and lower back. At the same time, you do not increase muscle mass, but only strengthen it. This is one of the options effective exercises that will make your tummy flat and even. Exercises for losing weight on the stomach and sides must include a plank. It does this as follows:

  1. Place something soft on the floor so that you can stand on your elbows for 2-3 minutes.
  2. Position yourself as if you were doing a push-up. Then lower yourself from your palms to your elbows.
  3. Keep your body absolutely straight and avoid arching your lower back or hunching your back.
  4. This position will force your shoulders, abs, lower back, lateral muscles, buttocks, and thighs to simultaneously tense.
  5. By the same principle you can do side plank, which will help fight the sides more effectively.

Breathing exercises for losing weight on the abdomen and sides

Yoga came from Eastern culture, which has firmly taken root in other countries, it is believed effective training and popular with all ages. Breathing exercises help effectively achieve weight loss when performed correctly. One of the options for fat-burning training is a vacuum. This movement is relatively easy to do, but it is important to follow the technique, because if performed incorrectly, you may feel dizzy and nauseous.

The vacuum helps to train the entire abs and engages and increases the tone of even the deep muscles that prevent the tummy from sticking out. With 1 lesson a day you can tighten your abs and make them flat. The vacuum is performed according to the following algorithm:

  1. Take a deep breath.
  2. Then sharply inhale through the nose and exhale completely again, there should be no air left anywhere at all.
  3. Tighten your abs and hold in this state for 10-15 seconds.
  4. Then you can relax it and catch your breath.
  5. Repeat 3-4 times, over time the amount can be increased.

There are several nuances that need to be taken into account during such training:

  • it will only be effective. if you give up fatty, sweet foods;
  • after this breathing exercises You may have a strong desire to eat, restrain this urge;
  • You can’t do too much vacuuming; if you feel like you’re starting to feel dizzy, you need to stop.


All possible variations of abdominal training come down to two types of movement: twisting and static load. You don't need 10 exercises to lose weight on your stomach and sides to get flat abs like the one in the picture. The main thing is to learn to follow the technique, exercise regularly and eat right. Below we will present options for programs for pumping up the abdominal muscles, but remember that sitting in front of the monitor will not make your tummy flat.

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Fitness trainers around the world are daily developing new exercises for losing weight in the abdomen and sides so that women remain slim. Obesity is becoming a real problem for humanity; it needs to be combated comprehensively. Physical exercise combined with proper nutrition provides quick and sustainable weight loss results.

The most common causes of the appearance of the abdomen and sides

Often exercises for losing weight in the sides give good results in combination with a diet. A sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition are the basis of obesity. Also, the stomach and sides become covered with fat as a result of stress, lack of sleep or due to diseases of the internal organs.

Exercises designed specifically for weight loss will help you lose belly fat. The main thing is to do them correctly and regularly.

Important: you need to combine exercises for losing weight in the abdomen and sides in women with dietary nutrition. Otherwise, you will not achieve the desired slimness.

The best exercises for losing weight on the stomach and sides

Among the many types of workouts, the best are effective exercises designed for losing weight on the stomach and sides. They are the ones who make the waist thin, shape beautiful posture and make the figure feminine. A complex of this type is named after Guy Gasper, a fitness instructor and author of the method. The complex includes 10 special exercises for losing weight in the belly and sides. Exercises strengthen the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles, as well as the back muscles.

Interesting: exercises for losing weight on the stomach and sides from Gasper are so simple to perform that they even called it “abdominals for dummies.”

The most interesting thing is what exercises for losing weight on the stomach and sides Gasper included in this complex:

  1. Warm up. It is mandatory and takes only 4-5 minutes, helps the muscles warm up, prevents sprains and injuries.
  2. Followed by static exercises for losing weight on the stomach and sides.
  3. Stretching.


Various types of crunches are among the top 5 best exercises for losing weight on the abdomen and sides. They allow you to work the rectus abdominis muscles and create sculpted abs. The most common workout option for losing belly fat is on the floor. They are great for burning fat and pumping upper press with minimal stress on the lower back.

Lying on the floor, face up, bend your knees at a right angle. Hands are behind the head, elbows are spread to the sides. Tighten your abs, smoothly lift your shoulder girdle from the floor to your pelvis. Slowly lower yourself from the peak to the starting point.


The most effective exercises for losing weight on your sides at home are based on using your own body weight. Plank is universal training a large muscle group. It will not only provide weight loss on the abdomen and sides and exercise, but will radically transform your figure for the better. It is performed as follows:

  1. Starting position - lying on the floor, legs parallel, rest your forearms on the floor, elbows located exactly under your shoulders. Inhale.
  2. Exhale: place your feet on your toes. Support - on your toes, on your forearms. The back is flat, there is no deflection, the muscles of the legs, abdomen, buttocks are tense, the feet are as close to each other as possible.
  3. When your muscles become too tense to the point of discomfort, smoothly lower yourself to the floor.

Reverse crunches

These simple exercises effectively help you lose weight in your belly and sides at home. Correctly they are performed as follows:

  1. Starting position – lying on the floor (arms straight down). Legs – slightly bent at the knees.
  2. Raise your legs up as you exhale, smoothly lifting your lower back off the floor.
  3. As you inhale, slowly lower your legs and lower back. Amplitude – shortened,

Side bends

These simple physical exercises are suitable for losing weight in the stomach and sides at home. Performing them is as easy as shelling pears – just keep your back straight and bend to the side with the desired amplitude. In this case, one hand is on the belt, and the other is thrown up. For good result it is necessary to perform the exercise 100 times or more for each side. To strengthen, you can take weights in the form of dumbbells.

Rock climber

Training for losing weight on the abdomen and sides will be especially effective with the “climber” exercise, which involves a large group of muscles and tones the entire body. It is done like this:

  1. IP: lying position. We straighten our arms, legs – shoulder width apart. Support on the palms and toes. Keep your body straight without arching your back.
  2. Inhale - tighten your abs, pull one knee to your chest without bending to the sides, your back is straight.
  3. Exhale – return the leg back without relaxing the abs. Repeat for the other leg.

Oblique crunches

This type of exercise is effective for losing belly fat. The photo shows how the oblique abdominal muscles are involved. Correct execution algorithm:

  1. Starting position: lying on the floor with your knees bent, your arms crossed at the back of your head, your feet pressed to the floor. The ankle of one leg is on the knee of the other.
  2. As you inhale, begin to lift your body up, turning it. With the elbow of your left hand, try to touch the opposite knee. Change the position of your legs and do it on the other side.
  3. Go down, but not all the way. Work in a short amplitude using tension in the oblique muscles.

Crunches with leg raises

This exercise works the upper and lower abdominal muscles. IP: lying on your back with your legs raised. In this case, the ankles are on a line parallel to the floor, the knees are in line with the pelvis, and the hands are behind the head.

With your abs tight, pull your knees and chest toward each other, lifting your hips and shoulders off the floor. Repeat – 10 times. Relax, and then repeat 10 more times.

Plank with turns

These complicated exercises for losing weight in the abdomen and sides with photos will help you get into shape not only your waist, but also your buttocks, thighs, and legs. The plank with a turn is performed according to the scheme:

  1. IP – classic plank, emphasis – on the toes and forearms.
  2. Inhale – turn around, take a side plank position, resting on your right forearm and toes.
  3. The left leg and arm are extended in the opposite direction upward.
  4. Bend your arm, leg, pull your knee towards your elbow.
  5. Move your limbs again in different directions.
  6. Return to IP and repeat on the other side.

Lunges with twists

IP - standing, legs apart at a distance of 15-20 cm, hands at the level of the lower ribs. The stomach is pulled in, the back is straightened. With your left foot, step to the right and turn your body to the right. In this case, the toe on the left foot points to the left. Lower into a lunge, straightening your right leg. Return to IP, repeat for the other side.


This is an interesting way to lose weight in the abdomen and sides. Typically, exercises for the abdomen and sides develop the abdominal muscles, while the vacuum works the internal muscles and diaphragm. The exercise is performed like this: you need to stand up straight, take a deep breath, and then exhale and draw in your stomach. Tighten your abs, try to pull your navel as close as possible to the vertebra and under the ribs. Hold the position for 10-15 seconds, inhale slowly through your nose and relax your muscles. Inhale deeply from your diaphragm 2-3 times, repeat for 3-4 sets.

Side lunges

These workouts help create a beautiful shape of the buttocks, legs and tighten your figure. To do this, you need to stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. The back is straight, the arms are in front of the chest, the elbows are bent, the abs are tense. As you exhale, take a wide step to the side with your left foot to a right angle at the knee. As you exhale, return to IP and repeat for the other side.

Strong legs and buttocks will help you visually reduce your waist!

Fitness instructors recommend for beginners to combine exercises for losing weight in the abdomen and sides with other types of exercise that involve other muscle groups. In this way, you will be able to harmoniously develop your muscles, making your figure beautiful.

Exercise for legs and buttocks at home

Even beginners can do these simple workouts, but with regular classes the result will not take long to arrive.


Be sure to supplement exercises for losing weight on your stomach and sides at home with hip and leg workouts. The most famous are squats.

IP: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointed to the sides. Knees point towards toes. The weight of the body should be transferred to the heels, pressing the feet to the floor. The back should be slightly arched, but not rounded. Posture is straight, without bending forward. The knees are prohibited from moving inward or spreading out when rising from the lowest point. At the beginning of the exercise, take a deep breath, and at the end, exhale.


The easiest workouts to do are: best exercises for losing belly fat, since they are understandable, do not require special skills and bring quick result. Lunges help keep your entire figure toned.

Step forward with your right foot, toe slightly inward. Place your left leg back and onto your toes. Hands are on the belt, the body is straight. Bending left leg, lower yourself down until a right angle is formed at the knees of both legs. Exhale, push off, return to IP, do for the other side.


Burpee at first glance seems simple exercise for weight loss, but allows you to thoroughly work out all muscle groups of the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs. It is done like this:

  1. From a standing position, do a squat, placing your palms on the floor.
  2. Kick both legs back into an extended-arm plank.
  3. Pull your legs towards your hands.
  4. Stand up, jump high, clap your hands above your head.
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 without interruption.


Running is a classic way to lose weight excess weight, improve health. First you need to walk briskly, warming up the muscles. At the same time, develop a breathing strategy. Inhale – one step, exhale – three steps, as convenient. Then you can pick up the pace before running, fast run. This workout should bring a comfortable feeling without shortness of breath or pain.

Swing your legs to the sides

Hip abduction is an effective exercise for losing weight in the abdomen and butt. IP can be standing on the floor, lying on your side or on all fours. Standing up straight and holding a support, you need to tense gluteal muscles and move your leg as far as possible to the side.

Gluteal bridge

This exercise for losing weight on the stomach and buttocks at home is liked by many women for its high results.

IP - lying on your back with your knees bent, your feet firmly planted on the floor, your arms along your body. While inhaling, squeeze your buttocks and raise your hips, hold for 2 seconds, squeeze your buttocks tightly, exhale and return to IP.

A set of exercises for losing weight in the abdomen, sides and legs

In order to get rid of hated fat deposits, you need a correctly designed set of exercises for losing weight in the abdomen and sides. He must take into account the initial data of the person losing weight: his weight, possible health problems. Gymnastics for losing weight in the abdomen and sides with a lot of weight should be gentle. This will help avoid injury to joints and ligaments.

Exercises for losing weight in the abdomen and sides should be performed at least 3 times a week. Set the duration of the workout according to your own well-being. Fitness at home to lose weight in the abdomen and sides should not provoke exacerbation of chronic diseases. Be sure to start your classes with a warm-up and end with stretching.

Below is an approximate exercise program for losing weight in the abdomen, sides, and legs. You will find photos of each type of exercise in this article.

Types of training / DayFirstSecondThird
Cardio trainingFast walking, slow runningSwimmingCircuit training
Power trainingBack lungesGluteal bridgeSwing your legs to the side
Push upsPlankBurpee
Reverse crunchesSquatsSide bends
Hip abductionLungesLeg Raise Crunch
Hip adductionRock climberLunges with twists
Classic crunchesOblique crunchesSwing your legs to the sides
VacuumLunges with twistsVacuum

Following this schedule, you devote 3 -4.5 hours to exercises for losing belly fat at home per week. This means that you will soon get into the desired physical shape. In just 30 days, exercises for losing weight on your belly and sides will become a habitual way of life, and slimness and grace will replace your curvaceous figure.

Watch the video for a set of effective exercises for losing weight on your stomach and sides:

How can you speed up weight loss?

In order for the weight to go away as quickly as possible, exercises for losing weight on the abdomen and sides at home must be supplemented with proper nutrition, cardio training, and modern cosmetic procedures. Apply pharmaceutical drugs Nutritionists recommend it for weight loss only in extreme cases. Using sports nutrition will help you lose weight faster without losing muscle mass and speed up your metabolism.

Establish nutrition

When losing weight, it is recommended to eat small portions with a break of 2 or 3 hours. It is important to eat your last dinner no later than 2 hours before resting for the night. Try to drink about 2 liters of clean still water per day. Pay attention to the list healthy products, take them to compose your diet. Reduce harmful foods to a minimum or eliminate them completely.

Add cardio workouts

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of cardio training for losing weight in the abdomen and sides at home. Experts advise combining cardio with strength exercises to achieve maximum fat burning effect.

Type of cardio trainingExecution Features
Running or brisk walkingNo need to run hard, time – 60-90 minutes, frequency – 3-6 times a week
SwimmingThe best type of cardio, effective and beneficial while sparing the load on the joints. the swim must be completed with a 200-500 m cross-country run without stopping
TreadmillImitation of running must be strictly limited in time so as not to overload the body
Circuit trainingExercises with light weights in a circle without stopping, require preparation, place a large load on the heart and blood vessels

Add sports nutrition

Varied sports nutrition helps to quickly tighten the body at home and maintain muscle mass. These products are classified depending on their effect on the body:

  • thermogenics;
  • diuretics;
  • appetite suppressants;
  • blocking calories;
  • metabolism stimulants.


If you decide to correct your figure, then physical exercise for losing weight on your belly and sides will be a fundamental factor in your strategy. It is necessary to connect other resources to them - proper and modern sports nutrition, cardio training, and most importantly - perseverance, self-confidence, good motivation. By combining all the factors together, you will definitely achieve your goal.

Aimed at working out the rectus and transverse abdominal muscles, oblique abdominal muscles, large pectoral muscles, latissimus muscles and back extensors. Additional muscles are involved shoulder girdle And trapezius muscles. In combination with proper diet and regular aerobic exercise remove excess fat deposits in problem areas and form a sculpted stomach.

Physical exercises for losing weight in the abdomen and sides for women

In order to remove “folds” from the stomach and sides, your intention alone is not enough. Regular physical exercise, balanced nutrition and rest are the first step towards slim figure. In this article we will share effective complex training abdominal muscles, let's talk about correct technique performing exercises to lose weight on the abdomen and sides at home. Girls and women can easily master this workout. All you need is a gymnastics mat. Regularly perform light, simple exercises to lose weight on your stomach and sides at home, and within a week you will be able to notice the first result.


Exercises Sets Repetitions/Time
3 15-20
2-3 15-20
3 15-20
1 1-3 minutes
3 1-4 minutes

Workout for losing weight on the stomach and sides: full description

The exercise helps to work the upper part of the rectus abdominis muscles.

  1. Lie on your back, pressing your lower back firmly to the floor.
  2. Cross your arms over your chest or place them on the back of your head without closing your fingers (you can also fold your arms across your chest or stretch them out in front of you).
  3. Legs are bent. The feet are parallel and located approximately shoulder width apart.
  4. Exhaling, lift your body, trying to reach your knees with your nose. In this case, only the shoulders are raised above the floor.
  5. Pause at the top for a second. Then lower your body as you inhale.

Number of repetitions: 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions.

Tip: The chin should not touch the torso. The feet do not leave the floor. If you hold your hands behind your head, do not use them to help your abdominal muscles (only your abs work). Throughout the entire execution, the abdominal muscles should remain tense (do not relax the abdominal muscles at the lowest point).

They effectively work the lower region of the rectus abdominis muscle, which receives less load than its middle and upper parts when performing regular crunches.

  1. Lie down on the floor or on a bench.
  2. Bend your knees at a right angle. Raise your legs so that your thighs are perpendicular to the floor. Hands are placed under the lower back with palms down or holding the edge of the bench. The shins are parallel to the floor.
  3. Tightening your abs, as you exhale, pull your knees towards your chest. Lock yourself at the highest point. The pelvis is slightly raised above the floor or bench.
  4. As you exhale, slowly lower your legs.

Number of repetitions: 2-3 sets of 15-20 repetitions.

Tip: Throughout the entire exercise, the abdominal muscles remain tense. The difficulty of the exercise can be adjusted by bending your knees.

A set of exercises for the sides for fat burning

Effectively works the lateral abdominal muscles.

Exercise technique:
  1. Lie on your side, bend your knees and turn your lower body to the left. Start right hand Per head. Put left hand on the stomach.
  2. As you exhale, lift your body using your oblique muscles. right side abdomen, trying to reach the right elbow with the right knee. In this case, the arm muscles do not put pressure on the back of the head.
  3. Fix your torso at the top point for a second, then inhale and slowly lower yourself to the floor.
  4. After the required number of repetitions, perform the exercise for the left side of the abdomen.

Number of repetitions: 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions.

Advice: While doing this, make sure that your back does not leave the floor. To better work the oblique muscles at the end point, perform a peak contraction, squeezing the abdominal muscles harder.

Excessively intense training of the oblique abdominal muscles leads to an expansion of the waist that is undesirable for women. To prevent this from happening, train your abs 2-3 times a week and alternate dynamic exercises(twisting) with isometric ( different types plank exercises).

The static position of the body helps to effectively work the abdominal muscles, including the oblique abdominal muscles. Additionally, the gluteal muscles, muscles of the thigh, lower back and shoulder girdle are loaded.

  1. Get into the starting position for push-ups. Press your toes into the floor, placing them slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  2. Then move the emphasis from your palms to your elbows. Fix the body for 1-3 minutes (depending on preparation).

How many: 1-3 minutes.

Tip: The body should remain straight throughout the exercise. Keep your neck straight (your chin should not touch your chest), do not allow your upper back or lower back to arch, and do not bend your knees.

A modified version of the classic plank, in which instead of four points of support, two are used (palm or elbow and side of the foot). Used for accentuated training of the lateral abdominal muscles.

    1. Lie on your side on a flat surface.
    2. Stand on your elbow or palm of your outstretched arm (depending on your level of training). The neck, back and legs should extend along a straight line. Make sure that your body does not bend to the sides.
    3. Maintain balance by distributing the static load on the muscles of the shoulder girdle, abs, back and legs.
    4. Then switch hands and do the exercise on the other side.

If necessary, the load on the lateral muscles can be increased by adding a controlled collapse of the middle part of the body, followed by straightening to the starting position.

How many: 3 sets for each side, 1-4 minutes (depending on preparation).

Adviсe! During execution, do not allow the middle part of the body to sag. The elbow of the supporting arm should be located directly under shoulder joint. To control your technique, perform the exercise in front of a mirror.

Exercises for quick weight loss on the abdomen and sides at home: recommendations

Fat burning training options come down to two types of exercises: crunches and static loads. You can effectively burn fat deposits only if you follow the technique and perform it regularly in combination with proper nutrition.

Do you need weights to get rid of your tummy and sides faster?

To form a beautiful silhouette, it is enough to perform exercises with own weight. The use of weights increases muscle hypertrophy, which will lead to an undesirable visual increase in shape.

Contraindications to crunches

Training with crunches is contraindicated for people with cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the lungs and upper respiratory tract, and kidneys.

This exercise increases intra-abdominal pressure, so it should not be done by athletes with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gall bladder and liver.

In some cases, exercise may be contraindicated for rheumatism.

Who should not do the plank?

Despite its simplicity and the absence of additional weights, the bar puts a high load on different groups muscles. Especially the muscles of the abdomen, legs and back.

Therefore, different types of planks should not be done for athletes suffering from hypertension, as well as for people with back injuries, spine injuries, and pinching. sciatic nerve. In addition, the bar is contraindicated for people with sore joints or exacerbation of chronic diseases, as well as for pregnant women.

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