Morning yoga routine for beginners from Anna Lunegova. Yoga for dummies. The best asanas for exercising Yoga in the morning

Unfortunately, waking up in the morning for most of us is not a very pleasant surprise. The alarm clock rings and instead of finishing our wonderful dream, we are forced to get up, have breakfast and go to work or school. At this moment we want to cheer up faster.

Even as children, we were taught: in order to be cheerful and productive during the day, it would be good to start the morning with exercise. It's hard to argue with this statement. If we want our body to remain youthful and healthy for as long as possible, and our mood to be upbeat as often as possible, then physical development should become our habit, bringing not only benefit, but also pleasure. Therefore, I would like to talk about a set of asanas that will help you cheer up in the morning, charge your body and brain with energy for the whole day, and also lift your spirits.

It should be borne in mind that in the morning the body bends much worse than in the afternoon. Therefore, you should not be zealous, enter the asanas gently, effortlessly, use auxiliary materials. In addition, asanas can be performed standing against a wall to provide support. During menstruation, you should not do inverted asanas (Salamba Sarvangasana and Halasana).


How to get rid of drowsiness in the morning, quickly collect your thoughts after sleep and increase your performance for the whole coming day? Not only a cup of coffee, but also morning exercises can help you cheer up.

It's hard to force yourself to do anything in the morning. But if you repeat the exercise for just two weeks in a row, without missing a single day, it will become a habit and become an integral part of life.

But how to diversify boring morning exercises, add mystical meaning to them? Yoga asanas are perfect for these purposes.

Yoga-based exercise for beginners includes basic asanas, which will help you gain strength and recharge yourself with positive energy, improve your well-being and the functioning of all organs.

Asanas for morning exercises

1. Tadasana

Tadasana literally means “mountain pose.” It is a fundamental asana.

This is where you should start morning exercises. Performing tadasana will allow you to fully wake up, strengthen your spine and improve your posture, and tighten your abdominal muscles.

How is Tadasana done?

In a standing position, legs together, feet tightly closed. All muscles are tense, the stomach is pulled in, the kneecaps are raised. The arms are straightened along the body, the palms are open.

Particular attention must be paid to maintaining correct posture and even distribution of body weight on both feet. You need to stay in this position for about a minute.

2. Vrikshasana

Vrksasana is a tree pose. This asana is designed to improve coordination, train balance and leg muscles.

Vrikshasana is performed from mountain pose. It is necessary to bend the leg at the knee, lift the foot and press it towards inside thighs of the second leg, so that the heel is at the level of the crotch. Move the raised leg as far as possible to the side. Connect your outstretched arms above your head.

It is necessary to monitor the pelvis, it should not deviate to the side, and the spine should not bend too much in the lower back. It is not right.

To make it easier to maintain balance, you do not need to resort to tucking the toes of your weight-bearing foot. To do this, you need to press harder with your foot on your thigh and focus on the front of the foot and the heel of the straightened leg.

Start by holding this pose for a few seconds, gradually lengthening the execution time.

This asana literally means “downward facing dog.” It allows you to improve brain activity by improving blood flow to the brain, helps prevent and treat arthritis of the shoulder joint.

Visually, Svanasana really vaguely resembles a dog sniffing something on the ground, or a triangle in which the legs and head with arms form the sides, and the buttocks are the apex.

There are various variations of Adho Mukha Svanasana. Let's consider the most popular of them, which is performed from a position on all fours.

Hands and feet are shoulder width apart. Palms are open, fingers extended and facing forward. Take a deep breath and as you exhale, raise your hips as high as possible. The main support is on the legs; the feet should touch the floor tightly. As soon as the body weight is correctly distributed, we stretch the spine, neck, arms and place our head on the floor.

Fix yourself in the asana for no more than a minute.

Literally translated as warrior pose (hero pose). Improves the flexibility of the spine and is used as a prevention and treatment for arthritis and osteochondrosis. Helps reduce thigh volume and strengthen abdominal muscles.

Virabhadrasana II should not be performed by those who have heart problems or high blood pressure. If you have radiculitis, you can only enter the asana very slowly and carefully.

From mountain pose, place one leg forward on a straight foot and bend at the knees. The back leg is straight, the foot is turned 60 degrees and firmly planted on the floor. The distance between the legs should be approximately 120 cm. The pelvis is positioned in such a way that rear end stretches down, and the front goes up. We spread our straight arms to the sides so that they are parallel to the legs. The gaze looks in the direction of the outstretched hand.

Virabhadrasana II is performed for 30 seconds.

Utkatasana or “chair pose” allows you to strengthen the leg muscles, making them more harmoniously developed, serves as a prevention of flat feet, has a massage effect on the heart, promotes expansion of the chest and improves the mobility of the shoulder girdle.

Persons suffering from hypotension, insomnia and frequent headaches should avoid performing this asana.

From the Tadasana position, we sit down on an imaginary chair, while raising our straight arms above our heads. We strive to sit down to the level where the thighs are parallel to the floor.

By doing this exercise you need to pay special attention to your back. It should be as straight as possible, especially in the lower section. The duration of being in the “chair pose” for beginners is about 10-30 seconds.

Halasana literally means “plow pose.” Allows you to stretch your chest and lumbar region spine, stimulates the pituitary gland, digestive, endocrine and reproductive systems, has a rejuvenating effect on the entire body.

It is contraindicated to perform Halasana for elderly, untrained people, people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, heart and injuries to the cervical spine, and those suffering from hypertension. It is also not recommended to perform it during pregnancy and menstruation.

Halasana is performed lying on the floor, arms are placed along the body with palms facing the floor. As you exhale, straighten your legs up and carefully throw them behind your head so that your toes touch the floor. The shoulder blades become the main point of support; the leg muscles need to be tense. Breathing should be smooth.

The duration of being in the plow pose is about a minute.

Salamba Sarvangasana (Birch Tree exercise) translated means “Shoulderstand with support.” It improves blood circulation and nutrition of the brain, has a calming effect and helps fight stress, runny nose, normalizes sleep, activates the digestive system, thyroid and prostate glands.

The peculiarity of Salamba is that it is performed using a blanket folded in four, which must be placed under the shoulder blades and cervical region. Starting position To perform Salamba Sarvangasana, the plow pose is Halasana.

Then the arms must be bent at the elbows to support the torso in the lumbar region. Bend your knees and straighten your legs up so that you get a “birch tree” pose.

Duration of the asana is 2-3 minutes, then slowly return to the starting position.

Shavasana translated means “dead body pose.” It is designed to restore the body and is the final stage of training. Shavasana allows you to relax, gain strength and positive energy, and free yourself from negative thoughts.

Lying on the mat, with a blanket under your head, relax all your muscles, take a deep breath and exhale. Free your mind from all thoughts, concentrating all your attention on your inner sensations. One of the variations of Shavasana is to alternately relax all parts of the body, starting from the head and ending with the feet.

Benefits of morning yoga classes

The asanas presented in the article are quite simple to perform and require a small amount of time. And the benefits are quite great.

General improvement and improvement of the functioning of almost all organs in the body. Prevention cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, hormonal and reproductive systems. Yoga helps fight stress and negative thoughts.

By increasing the access of oxygen and nutrients to the brain, concentration increases, memory and thinking improve. Physical indicators also become better: coordination of movements, flexibility of the spine, strength of the leg and abdominal muscles.

Style Summary

Morning exercise is one of the important components healthy image life. Yoga is great as its main component. Performing asanas will help keep your body and mind in good shape, give you strength for new achievements and fill your life with positive emotions.

Almost all experts consider the morning best time for practice. No wonder: at the beginning of the day it is easier for us to concentrate on classes. “Besides, the body is rested after sleep, we won’t have to stimulate or nourish ourselves in any way, and the practice will be intense and deep,” says Vladimir Karpov, teacher of universal yoga at the Taste & Color studio.

You will feel the effect of this practice all day. “Exercising in the morning awakens the mind and body,” explains Yulia Gurova, instructor of hatha yoga and Iyengar yoga of the Yoga Federation network of centers. “During the performance of asanas, muscles and joints are worked out, and internal organs and glands are also stimulated, which ensures the harmonious functioning of the body as a whole.”

In order for the practice to bring maximum benefit, teachers recommend following a few simple rules. First, exercise on an empty stomach. “It is best to perform asanas on an empty stomach, and half an hour after practice you can eat,” says Yulia Gurova.

Secondly, it is worth practicing regularly. It is advisable to do this daily, but 4-5 sessions per week is also a good result.

How to choose a set of morning yoga exercises

One of the best is the surya namaskar (sun salutation) complex. However, it is not the only thing that can be done in the morning. “What is good about surya? It implies synchronization of breathing, movement of the spine in all planes. Other complexes with these components will also be effective,” explains Vladimir.

The optimal morning routine will contain a minimum of stretching asanas. “The body is less flexible in the morning than in the evening. If flexible asanas are good in the evening, then in the morning the body will be quite stiff. But the static ones power asanas, balance sheets are perfect for this,” says Vladimir.

Some poses can be avoided. “Passive stretching and bending, as well as supta poses (lying on your back) are best performed before bed. In the morning, you can include abdominal poses, balances and handstands in your practice,” adds Yulia Gurova.

We asked Vladimir to compile and show us a set of morning hatha yoga asanas. "We will work with spinal column entirely, we stimulate the nervous system, the parasympathetic. As a result, we will stimulate the organs, lymph flow, and blood flow,” sums up our expert.

How to build a lesson

* Start practice with a short warm-up (any joint gymnastics will do).

* Perform all asanas sequentially. “If possible, fixate yourself in every position. 5 breathing cycles , and it is desirable that each inhalation and exhalation last from 7 seconds. By holding the positions for half a minute or more, it will be easier for you to immerse yourself in your sensations and meditative state,” says Vladimir.

* Practice according to this scheme 5-6 times a week .

To perform a set of morning yoga exercises, you only need a mat.

Downward Facing Dog Pose

From the previous position, bend your knees and lower them onto the mat, placing them directly under your pelvis. Place your palms on the floor under your shoulders. As you inhale, roll your shoulders back, and as you exhale, roll forward and round your back. Stretch your shoulder blades upward. Repeat the movement 5-10 times.

Triangle pose

Stand straight at the beginning of the mat, step your left foot back, turn your left foot slightly diagonally. Place your palms on your belt, move your pelvis to the left, smoothly lean your body to the right, lower your right hand down. chest open up left hand pull up. Relax your neck, face, shoulders. Hold this position for 5-10 breaths. Then repeat the same thing in the other direction.

Bar Pose

Get down on your knees, stretch out left leg to the side, pull the toe away from you. Place your left hand on your hip, right hand pull up. Lean your body slightly to the left. Hold this position for 5-10 breaths. Then smoothly return to the starting point and do the same in the other direction.

Camel Pose

Sit with your legs straight, stretch your body up and gently lean forward. If possible, grab your feet with your hands. Hold this position for 5-10 breaths.

Every morning when you wake up, you start the day with certain rituals– simple routine actions that are repeated day after day. You may have consciously established this order. Or maybe it's just a tribute to a long-term habit. Some people give themselves more time to perk up in the morning. Some even have time to do their morning yoga routine :-). Others rush around the house, frantically trying to meet the self-imposed minimum time and not be late for work. Either way, how you wake up and what you do in those first few moments of the morning sets the tone and mood for the entire day. And these same moments determine how successfully you manage to cheer up in the morning.

For many of you, the day starts like this. The alarm clock screams and immediately gets hit on the head for it. You fall back into a short sleep. The alarm clock is at work again. You groan and, with a huge effort of will, lift yourself out of bed and feel your way to the bathroom. Still pulling on clothes almost blindly. You put a sandwich in your bag. You run out the door. Together with your car or bus you are stuck in a traffic jam. And even if you are lucky enough to live in big city near the metro, you are nervous, afraid of being late for work.

Having reached the office, you immediately make coffee so as not to fall asleep as soon as you sit down at your desk and clear away the fog in your head. You chew your sandwich without any pleasure. And at the same time you feel distracted, lethargic, overwhelmed and unhappy - often until the evening, until the long-awaited time to go home comes. However, there are a million things waiting for you at home, and the one thing that beckons you all day long is the bed into which you throw yourself only to restart your squirrel wheel a few hours later. And if you still need to wake up the children in the morning, get them in order, deliver them to their destination on time and pick them up in the evening, then the stress level is off the charts. And the thought of a morning yoga routine with such a lifestyle cannot even accidentally creep into your head...

Do you recognize yourself? I hope no. But if you still regularly wonder how to perk up in the morning, try refreshing your morning ritual with simple actions that are beneficial for your health and well-being. Just a few changes and additions will not only help you cheer up in the morning, but will also make the start of your day more pleasant, calm, and fill you with strength, energy and readiness to enter a new day. By starting off on a happy and healthy note, you're more likely to spend the rest of your day doing the same.

It doesn't matter how you feel when you wake up. You just need to make a little effort to help your body get into the daily work mode quickly and with optimal, so to speak, technical characteristics :-).

4 simple ways to perk up in the morning

1. Breathing exercises. Start with 10-15 cycles. Continue (with breathing of fire) - to begin with, it is enough to master one approach of 54 breathing cycles, but over time, increase to 3 such approaches. After each approach, rest using full yogic breathing. There will be no trace of the fog in your head!

2. Warm water with lemon. Squeeze a little lemon juice into a glass of warm water and drink afterwards. breathing practices. This will hydrate your body, flush and activate your digestive tract. Having then completed several active exercises, you will trigger a cleansing of the intestines, and as a result, you will start the day with ease and recharged energy. This is a great alternative to morning coffee! Warm lemon water is much more effective when it comes to perking up in the morning. And the coffee ritual, if it is still necessary, is better to move to lunch.

3. Exercise. To overcome the morning fatigue, finally wake up the body and disperse your internal energy, do a few quick, invigorating asanas:

- For example, several times alternate between Downward Facing Dog pose(Adho Mukha Svanasana) on exhalation with Upward Facing Dog pose(Urdhva Mukha Svanasana) while inhaling.

If changing the position of the head in relation to the heart in this ligament is too harsh for you, alternate first with the Downward-Facing Dog pose (exhale) with (inhale), and then the Upward-Facing Dog pose (inhale) with the Plank pose (exhale).

Plank Pose

This is a great way to wake up the spine, and with it all the body systems! Together with breathing exercises even such a shortened version of the practice can be called a morning yoga routine.

- Or do a few laps warm-up complex () . Choose the option you like, or alternate between different options. Gradually work your way up to 12 rounds.

Complex Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar)

Morning yoga routine. Video

4. Healthy breakfast. A great idea for a healthy breakfast is oatmeal!

Oats are the richest in fiber among all whole grain products available to urban residents. Therefore, if you have finally decided to improve your diet with plant fibers, then oatmeal is the easiest way to do this. An adult should get 28 grams of plant fiber every day, although the average we consume is 15 grams at best.

Regular consumption of oatmeal has diverse and always beneficial effects on health. Never buy highly industrially processed oats - all “minute”, 3-minute and even 8-minute porridges are already extremely far from being whole grains. Healthy oatmeal cannot be cooked for less than 15 minutes!

What is the benefit of oatmeal - such a familiar, everyday food? I’ll try to motivate you to have an oatmeal, healthy breakfast :-).

The most obvious benefit of oatmeal is that it improves intestinal function. Oatmeal is an excellent remedy for constipation and even hemorrhoids. At the same time, the risk of colon cancer is reduced. Liver function improves.

Oatmeal is a healthy breakfast that keeps you feeling full for a long time, especially when compared to the empty calories of fast carbohydrates - bread and sweets. You will be less tempted to snack on unhealthy high-calorie snacks throughout the day - chips, crackers and chocolate bars. Thus, thanks to the benefits of oatmeal for breakfast, you consume fewer calories throughout the day.

The more often you choose oatmeal for breakfast, the faster you will notice that your weight is gradually decreasing. In a year, you can easily get rid of several kilograms only through healthy breakfasts and the benefits of oatmeal!

The benefit of oatmeal is that it improves the health of the cardiovascular system. Fiber helps regulate blood cholesterol levels, and it picks up fats and bile salts, preventing them from entering the bloodstream. The more fiber, the less cholesterol, which means a reduced risk of heart disease. It is no coincidence that doctors prescribe oatmeal at the initial stage of hypertension, as well as after a heart attack, because the magnesium contained in oats helps strengthen the heart muscle.

Regular healthy oatmeal breakfasts reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. Firstly, oats improve the functioning of the pancreas. Secondly, nutrition is always better regulated with a diet rich in fiber. Third, the tendency to lose weight also increases the chances of avoiding diabetes.

It is difficult to think of a vitamin and microelement that could not be used as an argument in a conversation about the benefits of oatmeal. After all, oats contain vitamins A, E, PP, H, group B. It is rich in silicon, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, choline, chlorine, calcium. Oats contain slightly less substances such as sulfur, tungsten, boron, iodine, manganese, copper, molybdenum, fluorine, tin, selenium, titanium, zinc, zirconium and strontium.

The predominant vitamin in oats is B3, or pantothenic acid, which is involved in the regulation of metabolism and the body’s absorption of nutrients. If a person does not receive enough of this vitamin, lethargy and loss of strength become his constant companion.

And the lack of silicon, which oats are rich in, is one of the causes of atherosclerosis, and also leads to a decrease in the strength of bone tissue.

The benefits of oatmeal increase in our eyes thanks to potassium: it is no coincidence that it is used for edema and poisoning, since oats have a diuretic effect, removes toxins, and helps cleanse the body.

Oatmeal is useful even for common colds, as it strengthens the immune system.

To avoid getting bored with oatmeal, try different additional ingredients! The main thing is that they are healthy and do not contain refined carbohydrates and various chemicals under the guise of “taste improvers.” Nuts, seeds, dried fruits, berries and fruits - the list of possible additives is endless! This breakfast will help you cheer up in the morning and fill you with the energy you need to start a new day.

In addition, every healthy breakfast is a long-term investment in improving your health.

It will take you 15-30 extra minutes to make these small improvements to your morning ritual, but in return you will not only be able to perk up in the morning, but also live the whole day in a completely different mood, not to mention increased efficiency and productivity.

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What do you need for a leisurely awakening on a day off? We will tell you one secret that will help you concentrate and distance yourself from the worries of the coming day. And this is yoga! Smooth and unfussy, it will help you get into the right frame of mind, energize you, clear your mind, and most importantly, even beginners can do this workout. And “no time” and “too much to do” are just empty excuses. No more than 15 minutes a day...

"So simple!" believes that it is always nice to start the day with something useful, so he invites you to open this day with relaxing and tonic yoga. Shall we try?

Morning yoga

Morning yoga practice- one of the best relaxation methods. Yoga helps relieve tension in muscles, joints and, by the way, has a rejuvenating effect. This happens due to its positive effect on the internal organs; yoga triggers and synchronizes their work for the whole day ahead.

Getting up 20 minutes earlier, cheering up and doing exercises is what you need to feel healthy and strong every day.

To achieve true harmony and purification, try before morning workout drink a warm glass water with lemon and ginger. While you are working out, these components will awaken the digestive system, increase your appetite and certainly invigorate you.

When training in this way at home, one should not forget about the main principle of yoga: it is necessary to take into account limitations of your body. If any of the asanas causes difficulties, you should not perform it to the limit of your capabilities.

But in general the data morning complexes very simple and accessible. Try it, and you will certainly love this smooth and leisurely weekend yoga. Good morning!

Let `s start? We have selected for you the 5 best video workouts that you will love from the first movement. A cup of invigorating coffee will taste even better after such an excellent set of exercises, we promise!

Don’t let such loads frighten your sleepy body. Such morning yoga for beginners is capable of not only finally awakening, but also causing an unbridled surge of strength and energy. Just 15–20 minutes a day will amazingly charge you with positivity and push you to new incredible achievements.

Practice daily, and soon you will notice how easily and quickly new asanas are given to you. Just a few weeks - and you are flexible, strong and confident!

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