Morning exercises for weight loss at home: effective exercises with video. Morning exercises: a set of exercises Rules for doing morning exercises

The advantages of charging are obvious:

  • Effective exercises for weight loss at home for beginners within a week of your daily workouts, will become an indispensable source of vitality for your body and spirit;
  • You will begin to wake up faster and easier, the morning will not bring a decline in mood, you will always feel a great surge of energy and a desire to work;
  • Proper exercise significantly helps the body quickly shed accumulated kilograms and excess calories;
  • Helps to control. You will no longer feel constantly insatiable. Your body will be perfectly saturated with a light breakfast, and you will feel light, without heaviness in the stomach and bloating;
  • Along with good exercise, your mood also improves, which lasts throughout the day.

Some useful tips:

  • Charging should be done before. Before a set of exercises, drink a glass of water so that your body wakes up faster and is ready for training;
  • If your goal is to lose weight, then you should do exercises every day for at least 10-15 minutes, each time increasing the level of load, in order to eventually stretch it to half an hour;
  • The emphasis must be placed on all muscles, you do not need to train only or, otherwise you will not achieve any results. The training should be comprehensive for all muscles;
  • Alternate exercises so that the exercises are as efficient and productive as possible, and doing the exercises will become easier for you.

Charging rules

How to do exercises to lose weight? Everything is quite simple, the main thing is to follow the basic rules and follow the execution technique, practice daily and the result will not be long in coming. You shouldn’t be too zealous from the very first days. The load on the body should be increased gradually. If you start your first exercise immediately with a complex set of exercises, then you will only lose a lot of energy and will not achieve the desired result.

  • You need to start with, otherwise the risk of injury increases.
  • It is necessary to exercise regularly! Only constant training gives results. If you can’t keep up with the schedule, then do the exercises at least 4 times;
  • Set yourself a specific time for exercise and try not to deviate from it;
  • If you do exercises not only for vigor and stretching, but with a purpose, then you should arrange the exercises correctly. Such a workout should last at least half an hour, since fat burning occurs within 20 minutes of active exercise;
  • The break between exercises should not be more than one minute, also watch the pace of your exercise;
  • When doing morning exercises to increase muscle mass, you should limit your food intake an hour before and after exercise;
  • Upbeat and cheerful music will make your morning workout more fun;
  • Be sure to do a warm-up, it will warm up your muscles and prevent injuries and sprains;
  • At the end of the workout, do a cool-down or;

Change the exercises, do not perform the same complex every morning, so that the exercise brings effect, make changes. To improve the quality of training, it is better to use other equipment.

How to start practicing?

To start complex exercises, you need to select the ideal set of exercises for you to reduce fat. It is very important that you like and are comfortable with the exercises, then you will be more motivated to do them. It doesn't matter what you choose or anything else, the main thing is to maintain technique and regularity. Don’t rush into the deep end, as they say, start with light exercises and gradually increase the load.

If you immediately start torturing your body complex exercises, then you cannot avoid soreness and muscle strain. Let your muscles get used to it and then increase the load. As you know, in order for our body to get used to constant training, the exercise must be repeated at least 20 times. Which means after a month of such training, your body will completely get used to it and there will be no more discomfort or laziness. Exercise will begin to bring real benefits to you and your health.

The most effective is - intensive charging in the morning for . These are the most problematic areas, so the first days of training should start right in bed, lying down. Simple sets of exercises will help you with this. This includes stretching to stretch muscles and ligaments and elements of twisting from one side to the other. You can also use pulling your legs towards your stomach, which improves blood circulation and strengthens blood vessels.

When the exercises in bed are done, we get up and take a deep breath and exhale, drink a glass of water and prepare the body for training. After which we perform a set of your favorite exercises for the whole body, monitor our breathing, or simply dance to your favorite music.

Carrying out the most simple exercises, will help you:

  • Get used to morning training;
  • To understand that performing such a complex daily is not at all difficult;
  • Notice how much your condition improves;
  • Prepare yourself and your body for a more complex set of exercises;
  • Activate muscle function;
  • You will feel a good surge of energy.

We all know that in the morning it is quite difficult to force yourself to get out of bed, let alone do any other gymnastics. But if you want to improve your well-being and, of course, lose weight, you need to overcome yourself and set yourself up for productive work on yourself and your body. Evening and morning work-outthe best remedy in the fight against excess weight.

Set of exercises (photos, pictures)

On the legs and buttocks

For losing weight in your legs, the most effective exercise is considered to be -. If you don't walk much during the day, then start your routine by walking in place for 30-60 seconds, while raising your knees high. Follow the rhythm of breathing, 4 steps - inhale, the next 4 steps - exhale. Grasp the back of the chair with your hands, stand on your toes, rise and fall for 30-60 seconds, see the picture for more details.

On the stomach and sides

In your arms

We select dumbbells of a weight that is convenient for you, from 1 kilogram and above. Raise both arms at the same time to the sides, for about 30-60 seconds, depending on your level of endurance. Read more about this in the article

  • Morning exercise helps the body wakes up faster, invigorate the mind and provide physical tone for the muscles.
  • Regular exercise promotes weight loss.
  • Properly selected exercise complexes improve blood circulation and normalize metabolism.
  • Morning exercises are sometimes the only physical activity, so it cannot be neglected.

Here are 4 reasons why you should include morning exercises in your daily schedule. The main condition is consistency! We have prepared special complex exercise that only takes 15–20 minutes.

Rules for building morning exercises

For morning workout Quiet exercise will do. The complex should be composed without including heavy loads on the body. The body is relaxed after sleep, the main task is stretch your muscles, improve blood circulation, saturate the body with oxygen and vigor. In addition, strength training in the morning is undesirable; the functioning of the cardiovascular system suffers.

The set of exercises for morning exercises includes:

  1. Warm-up. Any physical complex you should start with a warm-up. This prevents sprains, improves tone, and increases blood flow to the muscles. Ligaments become more flexible. Warm-up takes about 5 minutes.
  2. Basic exercises. The rest of the charging complex takes 10–15 minutes. The exercises are higher intensity and work on different groups muscles.

Before you start charging, it’s okay to drink a glass of water, and don’t forget to breathe calmly and deeply. Now in detail on each point.


Warm-up exercises are based on rotation, bending and bending. They are aimed at restoring the functioning of the joints of the body.

1. Bend back and forth, turn left and right.

  1. Slowly rotate your head clockwise and back.

Arms and shoulders

  • Rotate your shoulders. First the left shoulder, then the right, then at the same time.
  • Swing your arms. Make up and down movements. Then left hand below, right above and try the other way around.
  • Hands at chest level, elbows bent. Pull them back, then to the sides.
  • Swing your arms in front of your chest - right and left.
  • Rotate your hands in different directions.


  1. Hands on the belt. Bend first in one direction, then in the other direction.
  2. Rotate the pelvis clockwise and vice versa.
  1. Bend and straighten your knees. Raise your right leg, then your left.
  2. Rotation of the ankle in different directions.

Do not forget that any physical activity must be accompanied by proper and healthy nutrition. For example, knowing about it, perhaps it will become an integral part of your diet. Well, if you want to lose extra pounds, then you need to know about another product.

Basic exercises

After a calm and restorative warm-up, move on to the main part. Start picking up the pace. Good start basic complex from walking in place. Raise your knees high, breathe regularly, walk intensely.

Let's move on to the main part of charging. Perform approaches 8–13 times.

We begin to bend forward, while trying to reach the floor with our hands. It’s not possible to bend over completely the first time, but with constant training, the exercise is quite easy to perform. The dynamics are average, the movements are smooth, they leaned over, paused a little, and stood up.

Exercise 2

Swing your legs. Move your straight legs forward and backward, left and right. Engage your left leg first, then your right leg.

Exercise 3

Lie down on the mat, hands behind your head, legs bent at the knees. Start doing abdominal exercises. First lift your torso at a slight angle, then lift your knees.

Exercise 4

Continue to sit, straighten your legs, restore your breathing a little and begin to bend forward. Try to reach your fingertips with your hands; if possible, touch your chest to your knees.

Exercise 5

Stand in starting position, hands on the belt, feet stand shoulder-width apart. Start squatting with your arms extended forward. Try to make deep movements, feel the tension in your legs.

Exercise 6

Get on your knees with your hands on the mat. Start doing push-ups. The amplitude is average, the back does not bend. If it allows physical training, then do push-ups with a straight body.

Avoid basic mistakes when performing and completing exercises. Let's take a closer look at them.

  • Any basis physical activity– regularity. This also applies to morning exercises. It's best to exercise in the morning 4–5 times a week. In this case, a beneficial effect on the body is ensured.
  • If you feel that the load is too much for you, reduce the number of repetitions. And vice versa. At the same time, do not try to include as much load as possible in charging. In this case, you can get very tired, and the purpose of exercise is to gain performance for the day, and not to lose strength.
  • After charging is complete, check your pulse. He shouldn't exceed 120 beats per minute. If more, you should reduce the load.

You can complete the set of exercises for morning exercises contrast shower. It is not forbidden to drink water and have breakfast. It is advisable to include omelet or porridge in the menu.

A set of exercises for morning exercises on video

We have selected for you a video clip with a set of exercises that will help you get a general impression of how morning exercises should go and show an example to follow.

Thus, provided that the complex is properly composed, exercise is considered a good way to increase performance and restore strength after sleep. , but the effect lasts all day. If you are short of time, you can limit yourself to warming up, but it is advisable to spend time on the main part.

How do you structure your morning? Does it have time for exercise? Here are two questions for discussion in this issue and we will also be grateful for likes, shares and other recommendations.



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Lee Holden: 10 minutes of morning qigong exercises

Chinese qigong gymnastics is a powerful remedy for all diseases and old age. Qigong exercises will help you maintain health, mental clarity, and the ability to control situations for many years.

Waking up in the morning and being cheerful, not feeling tired or drowsy, instantly getting involved in the frantic rhythm of everyday life is not a fantasy, but the result of morning qigong exercises.

Recently, people around the world have begun to seriously practice qigong and use it instead of regular morning exercises. To do exercises in the morning, you need, of course, to get up a little earlier, but the boost of energy that you get from this gymnastics will give you energy for the whole next day.

Of course, learn how to work with internal energy it's not a simple matter. Therefore, first you will have to learn from a coach who is fluent in the technique. Lee Holden, an internationally recognized qigong master, will show you how to get a boost of energy for the whole day in 10 minutes.

Meaning morning exercises Qigong is not about a full-fledged workout, but about preparing the body and soul for the upcoming stresses of the day: slightly warm up the muscles, free yourself from tightness after sleep, start the flow of energy through energy channels, and increase the overall tone of the body.

Too much overexertion (when performing a full set of qigong exercises in the morning) can lead to fatigue and slight tiredness, which is not what you want at the beginning of the working day. Morning qigong for each day includes one or two exercises for a separate group, combined with breathing: arms, legs, neck, spine, body. The benefits of qigong charging are possible after just a couple of weeks of daily practice, which, in turn, will become an incentive for new achievements.

After a fairly short period of time performing this qigong exercise, you will no longer feel extreme exhaustion throughout your body and “collapse” after a working day. No energy is wasted during morning qigong exercises. You receive it, you are charged with it, you have enough vitality for a long time.

Morning awakening - qigong for 20 minutes

The beginning of the day is most important and shapes our entire subsequent mood and well-being over the next 24 hours.

Practice for awakening the body of qigong, a 20-minute complex in the morning, is the optimal start to each new day, the opportunity to live your life in health and happiness. Less than half an hour of classes will give you positive emotions, put you in a calm mood, and help you avoid wasting energy and nerves.

Qigong 20-minute complex in the morning: video

Feeling a surge of vigor every morning, saturating your body with energy, feeling healthy and peaceful - this is what morning classes with the Taoist technique can give to a practitioner.

Morning Qigong - 20 minutes of gymnastics based on breathing and movement techniques, thanks to which living Qi energy will instantly transform your body. You will maintain a good mood throughout the day, your ability to work and your mental abilities will noticeably increase, and the general strengthening effect of qigong on the body will be especially noted by those people whose health is not ideal.

Morning Qigong 20 minutes (video)

Use this simple routine to live each day with a smile on your face, joy in your heart and an alert mind.

Qigong is a practice for systematic use.

If performed regularly, the Taoist system will significantly increase the level of your immune system, cure body diseases, and influence all processes occurring in your body in order to restore them.

The Qi energy that underlies the practice is the key to longevity and good health, and Qi also has a beneficial effect on the human soul, helping it get rid of suffering and anxiety.

Qigong is a 20-minute morning ritual that will dramatically transform your life, protect you from the development of physical illnesses, relieve you of negative experiences, and strengthen your nervous system and spirit. Why is it so important to maintain “morning cleanliness”, to cleanse yourself of all negativity from the moment you wake up, to literally project and create your own coming day with your own hands?

  • In China they know that nothing is impossible, and the power of human faith and the depth of the subconscious are limitless. A person can program himself the day he wants. Thanks to the flow of Qi energy, this is a reality.
  • In the morning, our soul, an invisible shell, retains a certain emptiness. After a night's sleep, both the spirit and the body are cleansed, a lot of unnecessary things are eliminated, and there is room for something new. If you don’t fill this emptiness with something positive in the morning, then it will be filled by itself and with anything as you go through the day.
  • Feelings of emptiness, depression and powerlessness in the evenings, nightly attacks of despair and depression - all these are clear signs indicating an imbalance of Qi energy in the human body. To get rid of this, it is necessary to restore harmony.
  • Morning qigong practices will help you prepare both physically and emotionally for the new day. The worries of the past will be left behind, and the mind will receive a powerful dose of motivation that will easily survive any stress or failure.
  • Getting more from life than you currently have and gradually transforming every day into an ideal one is not a myth, but an opportunity that was given to humanity by Chinese sages and ancient Taoist practices.

We must not forget about physical well-being. Experiencing pain, discomfort, or being a carrier of a disease, a person is unlikely to feel completely happy and calm. It is not for nothing that Qigong has established itself throughout the world as a practice capable of self-healing any illnesses and ailments.

Morning qigong will significantly improve the health of the body, relieve any unpleasant or painful sensations, and even eliminate inflammatory processes in tissues.

Of course, this powerful effect is only possible with regular practice, since practice has a cumulative effect.

Qigong - morning awakening 20 minutes

To cheer up

  1. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart, then bend your knees.
  2. Rotate to the sides, engaging your hips and waist.
  3. Shoulders should be relaxed, arms should not be tense.
  4. As you turn, each time you seem to tap yourself on the stomach with one hand and on the lower back with the other.
  5. To do this, bend your freely moving arms at the elbows to form a 90-degree angle between the hand and the elbow.
  6. Take smooth, deep breaths in and out.

This exercise engages and activates the most important points of vitality and health in our body - the points of the abdomen and lower back.

To strengthen the immune system

  1. Continuing the previous exercise, change the area of ​​the “strikes”.
  2. Now the hand is clenched into a weak fist and rests on the area of ​​the upper chest, namely the lungs.
  3. When turning, “knock” first on one lung, then on the other. The second hand is also on the lower back.

Repeat this exercise for several minutes.

Strengthening the immune system, exercise has a pronounced healing effect on your body.

To strengthen the vascular system

  1. Continue the initial exercise without straightening your legs and rotating your torso and hips.
  2. Now the impact area is at top part shoulder
  3. “Hit” with a relaxed hand with a straightened hand.

Repeat this exercise for several minutes.

To increase vital energy

  1. Return to the exercise where the blows fall on the abdomen and lower back.
  2. Now try to stretch your spine while looking after your hand.
  3. Then gradually slow down and stop. Relax and straighten your legs.

Breathe without inhaling or exhaling too deeply, otherwise you may feel dizzy. Breathing should be natural, even, quiet.

  1. Now stand so that your feet are at shoulder level.
  2. Raise your arms above you, inhaling smoothly.
  3. As you exhale, lower your arms, spreading your palms away from you.
  4. Bend your knees as if following your hands.
  5. Your back should remain straight, do not slouch.
  6. Then inhale and rise up, raising your arms again.

Repeat this exercise for several minutes.

This activity will help you increase your strength and vital energy, will give you new strength.

To normalize blood circulation

  1. Standing straight, place your hands behind your back, on the lower back area.
  2. Use your knuckles as if you were massaging them.
  3. On the sides of the lower back, perform targeted gentle blows, stimulating the points of the back.
  4. Move lower to the tailbone, and then up again.
  5. At the end of the exercise, pat yourself with your palms to your shins from your lower back
  6. Raise your hands in front from your shins to your hips and waist, also patting these areas with your palms.

Repeat this exercise for several minutes.

Since energy paths go down our body to our feet, this activity normalizes blood circulation and evenly distributes Qi flows.

To recharge with Qi energy

  1. Take a deep breath, holding it, and then tap your chest with your fists.
  2. In this way, you transform the breath into energy, transforming it.
  3. Inhale and exhale, tapping to the right and left, holding your breath as you inhale for a few seconds.

Repeat this exercise for several minutes.

The exercise will nourish your body with Qi energy; by concentrating on your own breathing, you will be able to “exchange” ordinary oxygen for air in which Qi is located.

  1. Straighten one of your arms and tap the inside of it.
  2. Turn your hand over and pat it from the bottom of the hand to the shoulder along its outer side.
  3. Repeat the same with the other hand.

Repeat this exercise for several minutes.

The exercise will activate the energy meridians located on the hands - vital points, and will also improve blood circulation in the largest veins and arteries of the wrist and the entire hand.

To get rid of stress

  1. Standing straight with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees.
  2. As if limply lower your arms along your body.
  3. Move up and down freely often, as if bouncing a little.
  4. The legs do not leave the floor.
  5. The body is relaxed, the arms move in rhythm with the movements, the hands twitch noticeably.

Repeat this exercise for several minutes.

This exercise allows you to unlock access to your hidden energy potential, free up energy resources, and get rid of negative vibrations.

General strengthening activity

  1. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Slowly raise your arms above you, looking after them.
  3. Your palms are looking inside on the floor, back straight.
  4. Lower them in front of your face while exhaling.
  5. Lower them as far as possible and then raise them again.

Repeat this exercise for several minutes.

This is a general strengthening activity that will strengthen the protective barriers of your body, and will also have a beneficial effect on your psycho-emotional background.

For vigor and strength

  1. Stand straight with your hands at your sides, then bend your knees.
  2. Move your body forward, performing a kind of wave.
  3. In this case, when extending, the pelvis moves forward, the back is straight.
  4. The hands are connected to each other by their backs.
  5. Straighten up, spreading your arms in different directions.

Repeat this exercise for several minutes.

This exercise allows you to pass Qi flows through your spine to fill your body with vigor and strength. While strengthening the body and making it healthier, exercise also affects the psyche, making you calmer.

If you don’t have enough time in the morning, this simple system can be reduced to several exercises, the basic ones are given in the diagram above. You can practice by replacing classical exercises with it. Even a compressed set of these exercises will allow you to feel a surge of strength and improve your body’s health, the main thing here is frequent training. It is advisable to conduct classes every morning without skipping in order to feel the miraculous effect of Taoist techniques.

Incredible qigong, a 20-minute complex in the morning presented for you above - this is the simplest but most effective means that allows you to improve your life in order to live in harmony with the whole world and not feel any unpleasant sensations - be they physical or underlying our psyche. And speaking of the latter, monks in China practiced morning qigong for a reason. It is believed that it was this practice that sharpened their intellect, helping Taoists reach unprecedented heights and gain wisdom.

Morning Qigong exercises with Lee Holden (10 min)

The ancient oriental gymnastics of qigong has a long history, and at the same time, every day it becomes more and more popular, helping to improve the physical condition of the body, restore youth, and also achieve spiritual harmony. What if we combined Eastern knowledge with American determination and modernity? Then we will have morning exercises with Lee Holden, which is an excellent method for losing weight.

Lee Holden himself, which may surprise you, is not Japanese or even Chinese. He is originally from California. As a former football player, he studied various Eastern practices for a long time, and he was especially interested in qigong exercises. Then he created an adapted version of this gymnastics, which is suitable for absolutely everyone and requires only ten, at most twenty minutes a day. The technique quickly gained popularity, including among many Hollywood actors. We too can use it to our advantage. Let's figure out what morning qigong exercises according to Lee Holden's method are.

What is qigong gymnastics

By the hieroglyphs Qi and Gong, the ancient Chinese sages meant the ability to control internal energy. This gymnastics helps improve the physical condition of the body not only due to standard exercise, but also due to the fact that it helps fight stress, improves metabolism and digestion, which, of course, contributes to the effective fight against extra pounds. According to qigong masters, excess weight is an imbalance between a person’s physical and spiritual state, and morning qigong exercises are aimed precisely at restoring harmony between them.

Eastern gymnastics affects the body as follows:

  • During the exercises, almost all muscle groups work, so the body develops harmoniously.
  • A large amount of oxygen enters the blood, which helps improve metabolism.
  • Qigong involves the use of massaging movements that help cope with the manifestations of cellulite.

In addition to the fact that qigong gymnastics is useful for general strengthening of the body and improving physical fitness, it helps eliminate specific health problems, therefore it has many medical indications. The following is worth knowing about them:

  • Exercise will help normalize blood pressure, both for hypertensive and hypotensive patients.
  • Its benefits for oncological manifestations are known.
  • Lee Holden morning exercises for 20 minutes helps cope with pain in the joints and bones.
  • It helps fight obesity and ensures its prevention.
  • Gymnastics improves the functioning of the nervous system.

The technique for performing such exercises is very simple, and anyone can handle it, regardless of their level of training.

Despite all beneficial features complex, which Lee Holden recommends, morning exercises for 10 minutes has its contraindications. So, you should not resort to it in the following cases:

  • pregnancy and menstrual periods;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels (be sure to consult a doctor);
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • recent surgery;
  • tendency to dizziness and severe weakness.

All exercises in qigong gymnastics are based on the “three pillars”. This is the correct posture, called the “path of movement,” the correct breathing technique, as well as the concentration of consciousness on the energy that will circulate throughout the body.

Morning qigong exercises by Lee Holden for 15 minutes will be most effective if, in addition correct technique By doing the exercises you will achieve the following:

  • Master the right one breathing technique. It is recommended to practice deep abdominal breathing, which focuses on the lower abdomen. As you inhale, the abdominal cavity should be completely filled with air; as you exhale, it should relax as much as possible. This technique helps improve blood flow, has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes and strengthens the immune system.
  • Learn to attract Qi energy. This sophisticated formulation suggests that you need to be able to concentrate on your inner sensations and completely relax. As a result of this, stagnation will disappear, the appearance and tone of the skin will improve and, of course, you will be able to get closer to spiritual harmony.
  • Include a massage in your program. Massage, complementing Lee Holden's morning exercises for 15 minutes, helps to activate vital points where Qi energy is located. Massage movements should be sharp and energetic, but not forceful. It's like you need to slap your body. This will help get rid of cellulite.
  • Eat right. Eastern philosophy suggests proper nutrition, which is also a source of correct energy. Eat plenty of plant foods - fruits and vegetables. Eliminate harmful foods, drink plenty of clean water.

Exercises from the Lee Holden complex

Lee Holden's exercise is somewhat different from the classic Qigong technique. It is simpler and suitable for everyone, even beginners. We offer several exercises from the gymnastics complex.

Doors of Life

Starting position: stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, relax your neck and shoulders. Turn your body, helping yourself with your hands. They should bend when turning and tap the lower back and lower abdomen. If you want to pay more attention to your spine, look over your shoulder when turning.

Breathe deeply while doing the exercise. This exercise Well stimulates the acupuncture point at the level of the second lumbar vertebra between the kidneys. The body opens to energy and warms up, the cardiovascular system actively works.

The starting position is similar. Raise your arms above your head and bend your knees as you exhale. Slowly sit down, smoothly lowering your arms down. As you inhale, rise up. Do the exercise slowly. You need to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. You can squat either deeply or just a little.

This exercise helps strengthen the leg muscles and tones the kidneys. It also strengthens the hips and lower back. Deep squats– a wonderful stretch for the legs.

Qi massage

Perform light tapping in the kidney area with the fists of both hands. Then tap your palms completely, lowering and rising slightly above and below the kidneys. Lower yourself down, simultaneously patting on the outside and lifting your body up, now patting the inside of your legs. Next you need to tap your fists on chest while inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly. Pat the inside of the shoulder, then the outside. Do the same with the shoulders and neck. Thus, we pat the body from the wrist to the neck, both from the outside and from the inside.

This light massage improves blood circulation, energizes the heart and lungs, and strengthens the body's defenses.

Buddha holding the earth

Relax your neck, shoulders and core. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Round your arms and place them in front of you. As you inhale, raise your arms above your head. The palms should face up and the thumbs should be extended. As you exhale, lower your arms, and then, as you inhale, raise them again. As you raise your arms, you can pause briefly at the top. This exercise strengthens the muscles and further improves lung function.

Exercise for harmony of soul and body

The position of the arms is similar, extend your arms slightly forward. Move them apart in a smooth motion, then bring them together again with the backs of your hands. In this position, raise your arms to chest level and stretch them forward with force. Then release your arms, raise them again and lower them. In this exercise, correct breathing is important: as you exhale, spread your arms to the sides, straighten them as you exhale. Circular movements done while inhaling. This exercise is great for relieving tension in the spine and arms.

Exercise for balance and attention

You need to put your feet together. Place one hand on the center of the abdomen, and draw the other in a semicircle. Inhaling, describe the circle, exhaling, lower your hand. Thus, describe circles with each hand in turn. At the end of the lesson, cross your arms over your stomach, close your eyes and relax your entire torso. Maintain this position for a few seconds. This exercise will teach you to concentrate and accumulate energy.

Morning exercises by Lee Holden 10 minutes: video

Morning exercises 10 minutes Qigong Lee Holden is very quick and easy to do. It can serve as a complete warm-up in the morning. You can also do it throughout the day. A simple series of exercises helps improve internal energy flows.

Both during and after the exercises, you should feel lightness, harmony, and cheerfulness. The advantage of the complex is that all movements in it are combined as harmoniously as possible with breathing, which helps get rid of stiffness, tightness, improve posture and blood circulation.

When you have mastered Lee Holden's morning exercises for 10 minutes, you can move on to the twenty-minute complex.

Charging Lee Holden for 20 minutes: video

Morning qigong exercises according to Lee Holden for 20 minutes involve the additional inclusion of bending, stretching and wave-like movements for the spine in the complex. Here the movements you are already familiar with will be a little complicated; you will additionally have to activate your imagery of thinking. As Lee Holden himself says, throughout your training you must balance the mind center, heart center and body center into a single whole. By relaxing emotionally, you can find vigor and balance. This is why morning qigong exercises for 20 minutes are good, which you can watch online in the video below.

Lee Holden's exercise is a great way to put your body and soul in order, combining ancient Chinese wisdom and modern implementations. It could be the perfect option for your morning workout, so why not try something new?

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Morning exercises 20 minutes, Lee Holden, Qigong

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These are great exercises that allow you to get rid of physical pain, tension, give you a boost of energy in the morning and relaxation before bed and keep yourself in excellent physical shape.

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Lee Holden Qigong, morning ritual 20 minutes

Morning is the most important time of the day; it is in the morning that our mood for the whole day is formed. In the morning, the building blocks of our well-being and energy are laid for the entire next day, so it is important to spend morning hours as efficiently as possible and charge the body with strength and energy.

Residents of the East have extensive experience in finding harmony between body and soul; it is the principle of harmony that underlies breathing exercises Qigong.

Translated from Chinese, qigong means working with energy and spirit. Qigong followers have noticed that breathing according to this system improves metabolism, stimulates blood circulation and helps in the fight against excess weight.

Qigong is the main key to solving many health problems and has therapeutic effects.

Why is Lee Holden famous?

Lee Holden is an American football player who is interested in Eastern practices, yoga, and meditation. He was the first to adapt the qigong breathing system to the modern rhythm of life and came up with a unique awakening program.

These workouts have gained great popularity due to the fact that by practicing them for just minutes a day, you will be energized and feel invigorated. There are two programs for morning classes:

  1. Lee Holden morning ritual 20 minutes;
  2. Lee Holden morning exercises 10 minutes.

10-minute Qigong class with Lee Holden

The set of exercises for beginners is easy to perform, it can completely replace morning exercises; if you lack time in the morning, this set can be performed in the office. After ten minutes of exercise, you get energy and vigor, the lesson is quick and easy, after it you want to smile and wish your loved ones good morning. Qigong 10-minute complex in the morning video can be found on the Internet; after reading it, you can easily implement the principles of awakening into your daily ritual.

Lee Holden promises that after just a few days of regular training on his program, you will feel much better and it will be easier for you to wake up. The movements in this complex are very harmoniously combined with breathing, you literally feel how muscle tension, stiffness goes away, blood circulation improves and saturates the muscles with oxygen.

20 minute lesson

The 20-minute complex is built on the basis of the 10-minute complex, but it is more effective. Thanks to this complex, you can open your lungs, saturate them with oxygen, strengthen your immune system, set yourself up for the work day and energize your body.

The 20-minute awakening ritual with Lee Holden features additional bending, wave-like exercises for the spine, and stretching. According to the inventor of this complex, the mind center, heart center and body center are balanced throughout the entire workout. When performing the complex, you may first feel emotional and physical relaxation, but by the 20th minute you will feel uplifting and peace of mind.

In this complex, Lee Holden suggests massaging the kidneys and adrenal glands, gradually moving down the legs, thus improving blood circulation. Thanks to the awakening of qi energy in the body, you will not only become more energetic, you will become healthier, you will become less susceptible to colds, kidney diseases, cardiovascular diseases, you will be free from stress. Any stress in the body turns into an emotion, thanks to the activation of qi energy, you can free yourself from negative emotions and turn stress into vitality.

Other complexes developed by Lee Holden

  1. Qigong for better digestion - the teaching says that when the brain is busy with thoughts, it does not have enough energy for proper digestion. The developed complex teaches proper breathing to improve the functioning of the abdominal cavity, relieves tension from internal organs, and helps process accumulated negative energy into positive emotions.
  2. Lee Holden's teachings using chi energy for emotional balance help stabilize mood, reduce stress, anger, and normalize sleep.
  3. A qigong complex for pain relief with Lee Holden helps with pain in the heart, kidneys, back, legs and is effective for pain in the gastrointestinal tract. With proper abdominal breathing, internal massage of the organs occurs, and they begin to recover on their own.

Main Benefits of Learning Qigong

  1. Practice without effort - all movements are performed slowly and measuredly; such complexes are perfect for older people, pregnant women or people with chronic diseases. These exercises won't make you sweat, but the effect is obvious; you'll feel several years younger. It doesn’t matter how old you are, 10 or 110, as long as your heart beats, activating your chi energy will help prolong your health and youth.
  2. Quick results - as soon as you activate chi energy, the energy first begins to actively circulate through problem areas, so the healing effect is accelerated.
  3. It does not take much time to practice qigong; Lee Holden specially developed these 10-minute and 20-minute complexes, because even the busiest person can find 10 minutes in his busy schedule.
  4. There is no need for good physical fitness or excessive emotional effort to perform these complexes, once you try Qigong with Lee Holden, you will become hooked on it and you will never want to stop.
  5. It's free, all complexes are freely available at any time and are free, with good quality video and detailed description.

By practicing qigong with Lee Holden at home, you will significantly improve your health, strengthen your immune system, improve your body tone and find peace and tranquility.

Lee Holden Qigong, 10 min morning exercises.

We present to your attention morning qigong exercises from Lee Holden, infecting with energy and giving vigor for the whole day.

Lee Holden recommends doing this 10-minute set of qigong exercises every morning.

Those who do not have the opportunity to do such exercises in the morning can do it in the evening or during the day.

This is much better than not doing it at all due to lack of time.

Already literally on the 2-3rd day you will feel a burst of energy - which is especially important for a modern person.

Lee Holden's qigong gymnastics is one of the most effective and efficient of all that I have tried.

That is why I do it literally every day, morning, evening or afternoon.

Thanks to this exercise, you will feel better and better. Fatigue and drowsiness will go away.

In order not to forget, you need to set a reminder on your phone or stick a piece of paper in a visible place 😉

In conclusion, I will say that I will not convince you to do this exercise. Because this is a useless exercise.

Morning qigong exercises with Lee Holden. Video sets of exercises.

Published by Nadezhda Akishina on 04/01/2015

IN modern world people live at a fast pace. We try to be on time everywhere, not realizing how much we do in a day. But our body perfectly feels the heaviness of such a rhythm. In the morning, as a rule, we feel sleep-deprived, and as the day progresses we often feel tired and lacking energy.

In order to replenish the supply of vigor in ancient China, a special health system, which has survived to this day, which is called Qigong.

But there is a means by which you can feel a surge of energy and get a boost of vigor. This is Chinese health-improving morning exercises, qigong. With its help, you can feel fresh and rested after spending very little time on exercise.

And this technique can be used not only in the morning. At any moment of the day when you need to quickly replenish your energy supply, it is enough to do a series of actions to rush into battle with renewed vigor.

Morning Qigong is the key to a successful day.

Morning exercises Qigong differs from many other sets of exercises in that it does not require practically any strength or skills. Here you won’t have to lift heavy objects, run several kilometers or do the splits. The entire philosophy of this ancient Chinese teaching is aimed at opening the internal reserves of the body. A 10-minute or 20-minute morning exercise routine will allow you to recharge your energy for the whole day. The basic exercises look like this:

  • most actions involve patting different parts bodies. Light clapping is necessary to stimulate the body to work more actively and more energetically;
  • The main emphasis of morning qigong exercises and all this teaching is on correct breathing. Uniform and deep breathing coupled with any movements normalizes blood circulation, improves lung function and increases vitality. Several exercises aim to do just that;
  • The main place of the body is considered to be the region of the spine at the level of the kidneys; it is called the “Door of Life” and the main energy of a person is concentrated in it. Some exercises are aimed at stimulating this particular area.

You can learn more about the exercises and try to do them yourself by watching a special training video by Lee Holden, demonstrating all the nuances.

24 . 09.2017

What will morning exercises for weight loss at home give you? What special complex for women and men exists? How to remove fat from the stomach, legs and arms in 10-20 minutes a day, and what 3 types of morning exercises exist? Now you will know everything...

“Sveta decided that from now on she will do exercises in the morning. She woke up, yawned, rubbed her eyes and stood up. The exercises are over, you can go eat a sandwich and drink delicious coffee.”

Hello friends! And to be more precise, then Good morning! The topic of losing weight is very relevant for many people. Yes? Of course, otherwise you wouldn't have come to this page.

It would seem that what could be simpler than morning exercises for weight loss at home? Nothing. I woke up, did a few exercises and went on about my business. Only the mood is different, the body is fully awake and ready for the test.

Morning exercises for weight loss at home: types of exercises

In reality everything is different. The most important thing in the house is usually the phone, since it is the only thing that does the charging in the morning and sometimes all night.

The main thing here is to overcome yourself and start studying. How exactly, decide for yourself. There are many different videos and exercises in pictures that you can download for free, repeat and lose weight. The same Elena Silka offers a very interesting and effective, in my opinion, complex.

Power complexes

They help for the stomach, legs, arms, abs and all other parts of your mortal body. and complex. But a large number of calories are lost. Basically these are squats, abdominal exercises and so on.

A newfangled word that can be replaced by the simple concept of stretching. The point is to stretch all the muscles. Many people enjoy it. Do the exercises slowly and smoothly, no sudden movements. Along with music and correct breathing Stretching is very good for burning fat.

Morning exercises for weight loss at home: choosing a goal

The main purpose of morning exercises is to stretch the whole body and tone the muscles. The choice depends on yours current state, age and goals. I understand that for women 45 years old, losing even 1-2 kilograms is much more difficult than for a young body. But if there is a goal, you need to strive for it. No other way.

Even if you have a special delicate taste and need a special melody for the exercise, find it. Don’t look for excuses for yourself - the music is wrong, you’re not in the mood, the moon is in the wrong phase for charging, and so on. We've all been through this, we all know it.

I am sure that exercise is the best way to start a new day. A simple batch of exercises lifts your mood, normalizes blood circulation, and saturates the entire body with oxygen. It is because of this that a smile appears, because endorphins are actively produced. What is this? That's right, dear friend, this is happiness.

Morning exercises for weight loss at home: rules without which you can’t go anywhere

Well, okay, you found the strength to do exercises in the morning. Although this is not such an easy task. In this regard, I want to congratulate you. You are already one step closer to your dream of achieving an ideal figure.

The best method for losing weight is a combination effective methods in complex.

I welcome morning exercises. But by themselves, they are ineffective as a tool for losing weight. You warm up your body, get your blood pumping, and normalize your metabolism.

But imagine that after 10-15 minutes of charging you went and ate several sandwiches with sausage and mayonnaise for breakfast, went in for lunch, ate fast food, and emptied half the refrigerator for dinner. Of course, don't forget about a snack before bed. And it turns out that you can’t expect any weight loss effect from morning exercises.

Admit to yourself honestly, are you really setting a goal to lose weight and are you ready to make drastic changes in your life? If yes, then I'm proud of you. In addition to charging, I advise you to do the following.

  • Normalize your lifestyle and nutrition. It's not that difficult and you definitely won't have to go hungry. I talked about this in my course. Having received everything it needs, the body does not put it off, but at the same time its proper uninterrupted operation is ensured.
  • Take time to rest and sleep. 7-8 hours a day. Not less. But snoring for 12 hours is not worth it either. It is harmful. And life passes you by while you crush your pillow.
  • Drink. And if you want, sing. But in fact, it plays a vital role in losing weight.
  • Keep your spirits up. The problem is that attempts to lose weight through grueling workouts, strict diets and fasting only result in a bad mood.

Believe me, this will definitely not improve your mood. My course in combination with morning exercises will allow you to be in good mood and wake up with a smile, and not a sour expression on your face. Try!

As you can see, exercise in the morning is good. But overall the result will be much better.

That's all for today.
Thank you for reading my post to the end. Share this article with your friends. Subscribe to my blog.
And let's move on!

In order to achieve beautiful shapes in the thighs and buttocks, you need to select effective exercises to reduce the volume of the “bottom”. Elastic butt And slim hips- this is what girls who attend Gym and those who are diligently involved in fitness or strength training. It is difficult to pump them up, despite the fact that they constitute the largest muscle group.

The difficulties are due to the fact that in the modern world people lead a passive lifestyle, sit at computers for 8-10 hours a day and eat poorly. All this leads to an increase in body fat and deformation of the figure. Change the situation in better side It’s possible, but this requires reconsidering your lifestyle, changing your diet and devoting at least 20 minutes to physical activity every day.

Exercises for the buttocks and thighs are easy to perform, even a beginner can handle them. Training is easy to organize at home, because it does not require exercise equipment. From sports equipment for home you may need a butterfly expander, dumbbells or gymnastic ball.

Training rules

If you practice systematically power loads, practice yoga or just in the morning, your body will become much slimmer and fitter. But it’s not just the external component that should encourage you to train on the gym or at home.

Playing sports and tightening the “bottom” will allow you to feel other benefits, namely that the body will become stronger, the joints will become stronger, back pain will disappear, and the menstrual cycle will improve.

So that exercises for strengthening and tightening the muscles in the hips and butt area bring noticeable result, it is important to train them according to the rules, taking into account simple recommendations and practical tips:

  • exercise three times a week, preferably every other day, because the body needs time to recover;
  • start any training with, the final stage of the training should be stretching or;
  • between approaches, be sure to devote 1-2 minutes to rest, give time to recuperate;
  • combine static exercises And aerobic exercise, only this scheme promotes increased fat burning and muscle building;
  • watch your breathing, correct inhalations and exhalations will saturate the blood with oxygen, which will speed up the fat burning process;
  • hone your technique for performing exercises, even the most best activities will be useless if done incorrectly;
  • start simple and increase the load gradually as your body adapts;
  • review your diet; the menu should be based on proteins and;
  • choose comfortable clothes made from natural fabrics that will not hinder your movements.

It is very important to train constantly and not take long breaks. Be patient and confident in your own abilities. Choose rhythmic music for your practice. And always exercise in a good mood.

Training program

The first result with systematic training can be seen in 30-50 days. This period is subjective, because it all depends on how effective the selected training program is, as well as on individual characteristics body.

Before developing a training set, be sure to consult your doctor and undergo an examination. Disorders in the functioning of the joints, problems with the spine, cardiovascular insufficiency and chronic respiratory diseases are contraindications to intensive training in the hall or at home.

If your health is fine, you can start training. To pump up your hips and buttocks, be sure to include these exercises in your program:

  • . They can be done anywhere and anytime. There are many interpretations of squats, and each variation is effective in its own way. In the classical sense, you need to squat to a position where your hips are in the same plane with the floor. The legs should be 50 cm wide.

  • Swing your legs. There are two execution options - standing or on all fours. We move our leg back as high as possible. The back must be kept straight. We take turns swinging with either the right or left foot.

  • . You can do lunges without weights or with dumbbells. You need to stand straight, legs slightly narrower than shoulder width. We take a wide step forward and squat until the thigh is perpendicular to the body. We fix the position at the end point and return to the starting position.

  • Lifting the pelvis. We practice from a lying position. You need to bend your legs and rest your heels on the floor, your arms extended along the body. You need to raise your pelvis as high as possible and freeze in the position for 3-5 seconds, then relax.

  • Bike. Lie on your back and kick rotational movements as if you were pedaling a bicycle. You need to rotate your legs for 5-10 minutes.

These exercises are the basis; you can experiment and try new options. You can enhance the effect of training and use an elastic band more strongly during training. It creates additional resistance, which causes the muscles to contract more actively.

Watch the video from YouTube in which Elena Silka shows her exercises for the hips and buttocks:

Daria Lisichkina in this video:

You can exercise using sports equipment, such as a fitball. To do this, place a gymnastic ball in the corner of the room. Stand with your back to him, stretch your arms forward. We lift our right leg off the floor and raise it to a height of 20-30 cm. We begin to squat until the buttocks touch the ball. Then you need to straighten up and return to initial position. The exercise should be performed first on one leg, then on the other leg. With a fitball you can pump up not only the “bottom” zone, but also all other muscle groups.

Use anti-cellulite creams, sign up for a massage, move more, find yourself a hobby that requires physical activity. When you eliminate fat and gain muscle mass, you can begin the drying process. By changing your diet and training technique, you can draw muscle definition and make your body attractive and sexy.

Continuing the topic:

The spine should be completely or partially removed from the training plan for exercises with axial load. If you have a bad back, working with weights is not prohibited, but you should...