Morning work-out. Five useful exercises. Morning exercises for vigor and energy; exercise in the morning Daily exercise for a beautiful body

“As the morning begins, so will the whole day pass” - everyone has known about this folk wisdom since childhood.

Morning work-out is in the best possible way wake up and cheer up.

People who do every morning physical exercise, feel cheerful and energetic throughout the day. Morning exercise should not take you much time, as it is designed to wake up the body and get your body into working condition.

By doing morning exercises every day for 10-15 minutes for a month, you can lose a couple of kilograms of excess weight. Weight loss occurs due to the acceleration of metabolism.

Where to start charging?

Doctors recommend waking up every morning not to the sound of an alarm clock, since such a sound puts the body into a state of stress. They say that you need to get out of sleep only naturally, when, after getting enough sleep, you open your eyes without external irritants.

But modern world forces humanity to get up early and go to bed late. Try to wake up to the sound of your alarm clock, smile and mentally tell yourself that a wonderful day awaits you ahead. Stretch thoroughly to feel each muscle.

Morning exercises should be aimed at stretching, no strength loads.

The set of exercises given in this article is a complete morning exercise. And strength “male” exercises should not be performed when waking up in the morning, because this can lead to severe stress on the heart.

There are two stages of morning exercises

The first stage includes exercises that are performed right in bed:

The second stage includes physical activity that is performed after you get out of bed.

If the weather is nice and warm outside, the second stage can be done outdoors.

These exercises of the second stage of charging can be performed by men, women and children. You just need to control the load level - gradually increase the load every day.

These exercises are enough to tone your body and prepare you for the day ahead.

The warm-up can be completed with water procedures. If there is no opportunity and time for this, then limit yourself to simple rubdowns.

Morning water treatments

After finishing your morning exercises and feeling a surge of strength, drink a glass of purified water without gas. Drinking water on an empty stomach helps wake up your stomach and speed up your metabolism.

Then we go to the bathroom to harden the body. Perform a contrast shower. If you are not yet ready for such “entertainment”, do a rubdown - wet a terry towel with cold water and wipe your entire body with it.

Do not wet your hair while showering

  • boosts immunity;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • improves skin condition;
  • helps get rid of cellulite.

How to take a contrast shower correctly?

First, prepare yourself for this procedure, prepare a hard terry towel so that after a shower you can rub well and improve blood circulation.

From the first seconds the water should be comfortable and warm, then increase the water temperature. The main thing is not to get scalded. Make sure that there is no tension in the body; the body should be relaxed.

Morning exercise is not only important for losing weight, it is also very beneficial for your overall health. To make you happy with the results, you need to regularly perform a whole range of exercises.

  1. Morning exercise helps the body wake up faster, invigorate the mind and provide physical tone for the muscles.
  2. Regular exercise promotes weight loss.
  3. Properly selected exercise complexes improve blood circulation and normalize metabolism.
  4. Morning exercises are sometimes the only physical activity, so they should not be neglected.

Here are 4 reasons why you should include morning exercises in your daily schedule. The main condition is consistency! We have prepared special complex exercise that only takes 15–20 minutes.

The set of exercises for morning exercises includes:

  1. Warm up. Any physical complex you should start with a warm-up. This prevents sprains, improves tone, and increases blood flow to the muscles. Ligaments become more flexible. Warm-up takes about 5 minutes.
  2. Basic exercises. The rest of the charging complex takes 10–15 minutes. The exercises are higher intensity and work on different groups muscles.

Before you start charging, it’s okay to drink a glass of water, and don’t forget to breathe calmly and deeply.

10 exercises for morning exercises

Warm-up exercises

The most important requirement is correct execution charging. Before the main exercises, you need to do a warm-up.

1. First you need to warm up the neck muscles

We are talking about tilting your head to the right and left, forward and backward, and then rotate your head. The finishing touch is head rotation. Such exercises must be performed slowly and slowly.

2. Arms and shoulders

Here you need to perform rotations of each shoulder joint in turn, and then the same rotations are performed by both at once shoulder joints. Then raise your arms up and stretch well.

3. Tilts

They are also performed left and right and back and forth. Then stretch your arms straight out in front of you and intertwine your palms into a “lock.” Perform crunches with your entire body. Finish with pelvic rotations.

4. Feet

Basic exercises for charging

The exercises will consist of three segments.

1. Ab exercises

  • To perform them, lie down either simply on the floor or on a special mat.
  • Raise your torso while keeping your back straight. Afterwards twisting is performed.
  • Leg lifts are performed without lifting the lower back from the floor surface. Legs cannot be bent; they must be absolutely straight.

2. Jumping

  • Perform any 20 jumps in one place. Jumping with legs crosswise, back and forth, or simple jumps are also suitable.
  • Jump the same number of times on one leg, that is, 20 times on the right and 20 times on the left.

3. Stretching

  • Spread your legs as wide as you can. At the same time, bend one leg and keep the other straight.
  • The stretching itself takes place through light springing movements that do not cause discomfort. Do the exercise with each leg.
  • Standing straight, place your hands on your waist. Stand on your toes and, as you inhale, spread your arms in different directions. Lunge and then bend forward.
  • You need to touch the floor with your palm. Exhaling, return to the original position.
  • Sit on the floor. Place your legs as wide as possible. Bend towards the toes of each leg one at a time.
  • Lie on the floor on your stomach and bend your knees. Further top part lift your body and grab your ankles.
  • In this position, you need to sway for a few seconds and return to initial position. Repeat several times.
  • Lie on your back. Legs are bent at the knees. You need to touch the ambassador’s knees to each side in turn, but you cannot lift your shoulder blades off the floor.

Morning exercise: Strength exercises

These exercises will be good for men and at least slightly trained women.

If the only good physical activity of the day for you is exercise in the morning, then strength exercises will keep you in shape.

This complex includes the following exercises.

1. Squats

  • The front surfaces of the legs should act. Works the calves and buttocks, as well as the spine.

2. Push-ups

  • The load is placed on the triceps, deltoids and, of course, breasts.

3. Pull-ups on the bar

  • Men should appreciate this exercise. It perfectly develops pulling muscles.

4. Ab exercises

  • This exercise - powerful weapon against belly fat. It will give you an amazing waist. You need to lie on your back and straighten your legs. Exhaling, lift your legs and slowly lower them, but do not put them completely on the floor. Repeat several times.

Morning exercise for 10 minutes!

Do you do morning exercises? No? In vain! Morning exercises are not only a quick and easy way to cheer up, but also an excellent opportunity to keep yourself in shape without additional special training. You don't need exotic exercises to exercise. The usual and long-familiar ones are quite enough.

The main thing is to do these simple exercises correctly, at the right time and in the right quantity.

Moreover, exercise can be a complete system for training the body and your overall physical culture, if you approach it seriously (I’ll tell you about this approach below).

In this post, I will share with you five useful exercises for morning exercises and explain how and in what volume to perform them to get a decent and really healthy exercise.

Morning exercises, set of exercises

To begin, take a few deep breaths in and out so that exercise does not cause an acute deficiency of oxygen in the body, which will lead to too strong a heartbeat (see).

1. Squats: 20-30 times.

2. Push-ups: 10-15 times. (If regular push-ups difficult for you, do push-ups from your knees as described below).

3. Lying crunches: 15-20 times.

4. Bend forward: 15-20 times.

5. Bend to the sides 3-5 times in each direction with a delay of 2-3 seconds.

Below I will explain how to do each of these exercises and show them in a video. But first, I’ll explain the rules for doing morning exercises, which I myself have been using for many years.

How to do morning exercises?

In the morning we woke up 10 minutes earlier to give ourselves time to exercise. We went to the toilet and washed ourselves. Drank half a glass or a glass of clean water. After a couple of minutes you can start charging. During this time, you can ventilate the room and get dressed for class. Shorts (or lounge pants) and a T-shirt will do just fine. You can exercise barefoot.

We always start and finish charging breathing exercise. Take 3-5 calm but deep breaths in and out.

Each strength exercise perform 10-20 times depending on your physical training. Perform one set of each exercise, then rest briefly and move on to the next exercise.

It is important that breathing becomes noticeably faster, but not too fast. For morning exercises, a moderate, without excessive, load is quite enough.

Morning work-out. A set of exercises.


Very useful for legs, buttocks, back. The legs are 40-50 cm wide. They are performed energetically, but without “plumping” down. They sat down smoothly and stood up energetically. When bending your legs, take a deep breath; when straightening, exhale. When bending your legs, your arms extend forward.

The option with arms raised up very effectively strengthens the back, improves posture, and helps fight back pain.

Push ups

Develops arms, abs, shoulder girdle, strengthens legs. Hands at a width of 80 cm or more. Body and legs are in line. When bending your arms, inhale; when extending, exhale.

For variety, I demonstrate a complicated version of push-ups with alternate rise legs This is a very powerful tool for development.

If regular push-ups are difficult for you, do push-ups from your knees. The rules for performing and breathing are the same.


This is an exercise for the abdominal muscles. Perfectly tightens the stomach and leads to the appearance of “cubes”. Performed while lying on a mat. Looking at the ceiling. We don’t pull our heads with our hands. We twist the body so that the distance between the lower ribs and the pubic bone changes.

When twisting (lifting the body), we exhale, when moving backwards, inhale.

Forward bends

This is a great flexibility exercise. The legs are 10-15 cm wide. The lower back is arched and fixed. When leaning forward, it should remain in this fixed position. Do not round up under any circumstances!

The legs are slightly bent at the knees and fixed. When bending over, inhale; when extending, exhale. Avoid getting too sore in the back of your thighs and behind your knees. They should be moderate and pleasant. Don't force the exercise. Be careful. Excessive effort can lead to knee and lower back problems.

Side bends

Exercise to improve flexibility. Great for strengthening your back.

The legs are 10-15 cm wide or slightly wider. Raise one arm up and, continuing the movement, reach for it with your whole body, bending to the side. Hold the bend. Then smoothly return to a standing position and bend to the other side.

Inhale as you bend over. When returning to a standing position, exhale.

What kind of exercise do you do?

Ecology of life. Fitness and sports: So, armed with confidence and determination, keeping in mind the saying: “How you start the day is how you spend it,” you decided to do exercises in the morning...

"Get ready to perform gymnastic exercises“- these words, spoken by Nikolai Gordeev to the musical accompaniment of Valentin Rodin, began the famous Soviet morning exercises on the radio. Adults and children used it; they brushed their teeth, had breakfast, and got ready for work and school.

Today, despite the propaganda and fashion for healthy image life, there are practically no such programs on TV and radio. Moreover, in many forums dedicated to healthy lifestyle, morning exercises are assessed quite skeptically.

In this article we will focus on exercise routines for adults and children, and consider some practical and theoretical aspects associated with physical activity in the morning.

Arguments for or why you need to do exercises in the morning

G. Landry, fitness trainer and author high intensity programs for weight loss, claims that one of the important elements when playing sports is morning exercises . Regular exercise helps, in his opinion, to lose weight and improve the general condition of the body.

He identifies 10 reasons why you need to do morning exercises:

1. More than 90% of people who do exercises in the morning improve their results in sports.

2. Morning exercises contribute to a “jump” in metabolism, as a result of which the body burns more calories per day.

3. By doing exercises, a person receives a charge of vivacity and energy.

4. Many people say that exercising in the morning helps them regulate their appetite throughout the day.

5. Morning exercise helps awaken the body. Over time, the circadian rhythm adjusts to this regime, and the person feels better.

6. By doing exercises, we become more disciplined.

7. Research has confirmed that physical activity stimulates mental activity.

8. By doing 10 minutes of exercise in the morning, you can keep your body in shape.

9. As a result of exercise, physiological processes in the body will work better, which will lead to an overall improvement in well-being.

10. Just try doing exercises in the morning and you will see how great it is.

Promoted by films jogging in the morning is perceived by many as the best alternative to charging. What is healthier and better – exercise or morning jogging, we will let everyone decide for themselves; there is enough material on this topic on the Internet. There is no doubt that competent exercise is useful in any form, but not everyone will be able to readjust and start running in the morning, because it requires a lot of effort, willpower and time.

In addition, there are discussions regarding when is the best time to run and whether morning running is harmful. But if you're determined to run in the morning, here are some facts and recommendations:

  • There is an opinion that the air is cleaner in the morning, which means running at this time is healthier.
  • Thanks to running, the body is saturated with oxygen, muscles and joints are toned, and metabolic processes are more active.
  • Those who run in the morning are much less likely to suffer from insomnia. Running has been proven to have a positive effect on the cardiovascular, nervous and respiratory system. While jogging, almost all human muscles are involved.
  • Running helps strengthen the immune system. Sweating also releases toxins accumulated in the body.
  • Running is a serious activity, and an unprepared person can get injured. If there are any medical contraindications, it is better to consult your doctor first. Also, always do a warm-up.
  • Running is perfect for those who want to lose excess weight. So, during an hour-long run at a speed of 10 km/h, a man weighing 80 kg “burns” more than 800 kcal.
  • The route and equipment are of great importance. You need to run where there are trees - in a forest plantation, a park. Clothing should be comfortable and not restrict movement. Shoes are true to size and have soft soles.

A lot of useful information and answers to questions from those who have just decided to start running in this report:

A set of exercises for morning exercises

So, armed with confidence and determination, remembering the saying: “How you start the day is how you spend it,” you decided to do exercises in the morning. There are many exercises, you can combine them and perform them in any order. Let us dwell on some important aspects that you should know before starting the exercises.

1. You should not do exercises immediately after waking up. Get up, drink a glass of water, wash your face, stretch, and then start doing exercises.

2. The body is not yet ready for heavy loads in the morning. The exercises performed should be smooth and not contain sudden movements. During exercise, try to breathe evenly and calmly.

3. K power loads It’s also better not to resort to it. It is optimal to do aerobic and bodyweight exercises in the morning.

4. You need to perform each exercise 8-10 times. Try to do exercises daily.

Also interesting: The eternal dilemma: Should you run in the morning or in the evening?


For the head: turns left and right; bending back and forth.

For shoulders and arms: rotational movements shoulders alternately and together; rotation with straight arms, describing a circle; alternate swings of arms - one hand from above, the other from below; rotation with arms bent at the elbows in different directions.

For the torso: feet shoulder-width apart, perform smooth bends forward, trying to touch the floor with your palms; with your arms bent at the elbows, holding your belt, rotate your pelvis with slight bends forward in both directions.

For legs: alternately swing your legs back and forth; squats without lifting your heels off the floor; raises on the toes. published

Continuing the topic:

Vadim Knyrko - about the coach who made Domracheva a three-time champion of Sochi 2014.