VII Summer Military World Games. Fourth day. Announcement. World Winter War Games. What it is? Summer war games sports

From February 22 to 28, 2017, the Military World Games were held in Russia for the first time in the history of the International Military Sports Council. The city of Sochi was chosen as the venue for the Third Winter Military World Games, where the sports facilities created for the 2014 Olympic Games made it possible to hold competitions in seven winter species sports.

Sports of winter military sports games

Sport program III winter The 2017 Military World Games consists of seven sports:

  • Biathlon
  • Ski race
  • Skiing
  • Ski orienteering
  • Ski mountaineering
  • Indoor climbing
  • Short track


The organizers of the games on the Russian side are the Ministry of Defense and CSKA.

The Ministry of Defense is entrusted with organizational and technical support for the activities of the organizing committee, which is headed by Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.

The operator of the games is the Central Sports Club of the Army (CSKA).

Participating countries

In total, athletes from 26 countries will take part in the III Winter Military World Games, including Russia and neighboring countries (Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan), as well as European countries (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, Greece, Spain, Italy, Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia, Finland, France, Switzerland) and Asian countries (Iran, Lebanon, Pakistan, Turkey, China, Mongolia, Korea).

Games calendar

The torch relay and opening ceremony of the III Winter Military World Games will be held on February 24, 2017. The closing ceremony of the III Winter Military World Games will take place on February 27, 2017 in the Ice Cube multifunctional arena.

According to the head of CSKA, Colonel Mikhail Baryshev, two options for lighting the fire have been proposed: “The first option: the fire will be lit in Switzerland, in Lausanne at the headquarters Olympic Committee from the fire at the monument to the founder of the modern Olympic movement, Pierre de Coubertin. We plan to hold a military ritual in the form of laying wreaths by the Russian delegation at the monument, and the ambassador of the Military World Games will light the fire, which will be transferred to Sochi."

Also, symbolic lights will be lit in five military districts of Russia: in Kamchatka, in the Northern Fleet in Murmansk, in the North Caucasus on the top of Elbrus, in Central Russia and in the Far East. All the lights will converge in Moscow in front of the building of the Russian Ministry of Defense, where the torch relay of the Military World Games in Sochi will begin.


Ski mountaineering

Individual. race men, women

Ski mountaineering

Command race men, women

Ski center "Rosa Khutor"



Official training

Ski center "Rosa Khutor"

Ski race

09:30- 12:30

Individual race (free style) 10 km. women, 15 km. husband.

Ski orienteering

Average distance men, women


Slalom women

Ski center "Rosa Khutor"

Ski orienteering

Relay race for men and women

Ski and biathlon complex "Laura"

10:00 Short track

10:00- 14:00

Official training

Ice Palace "Iceberg"


09:30- 13:00

Slalom men.

Ski center "Rosa Khutor"

Ski race

10:00- 12:30

Team sprint (freestyle)

Ski and biathlon complex "Laura"

Rock climbing

09:30- 11:00

Speed ​​climbing (classic format, qualification)

Bolshoi Sports Palace


Ski orienteering

11:00- 14:00

Official training

Ski and biathlon complex "Laura"

Rock climbing

11:00- 14:00

Bolshoi Sports Palace

Rock climbing

11:00- 14:00

Difficulty climbing (semi-final)

Bolshoi Sports Palace

Rock climbing

10:00- 15:00

Bouldering (qualification)

Bolshoi Sports Palace

Rock climbing

11:00- 12:00

Speed ​​climbing (classic format, final)

Bolshoi Sports Palace


Ski race

11:00- 14:00

Official training
Ski and biathlon complex "Laura"



13:30- 14:45

10 km sprint. husband.

Ski and biathlon complex "Laura"

Ski orienteering

13:00- 15:00

Sprint men's, women's
Ski and biathlon complex "Laura"


13:00- 14:30

Patrol race 15 km. wives
Ski and biathlon complex "Laura"


Rock climbing

14:00- 18:00

Difficulty climbing (qualification)

Bolshoi Sports Palace

Rock climbing

14:00- 16:00

Speed ​​climbing (record format, qualification)



15:00- 19:00

Official training

Ski and biathlon complex "Laura"


15:00- 16:30

Mixed relay

Ski and biathlon complex "Laura"


15:30- 17:00

Official training for men and women.

Ski and biathlon complex "Laura"

Medal ceremony

15:00- 16:00

Ski mountaineering, ski orienteering


15:30- 17:15

Patrol race 20km. husband.

Ski and biathlon complex "Laura"


Short track

16:00- 18:00

500m race. male, female

Ice Palace "Iceberg"


16:00- 17:00

Sprint 7.5 km. wives

Ski and biathlon complex "Laura"


16:00- 17:00

Sprint 7.5 km. wives

Ski and biathlon complex "Laura"

Rock climbing

16:00- 17:00

Speed ​​climbing (record format, final)

Bolshoi Sports Palace


Ski race

17:00- 18:30

Official training

Ski and biathlon complex "Laura"


Torch relay

18:00- 19:00

Torch relay

Short track

18:30- 21:00

1000m race. male, female

Ice Palace "Iceberg"

Short track

18:30- 20:30

Mixed 3000m relay. male, female

Ice Palace "Iceberg"


The opening ceremony

20:00- 22:00

Opening ceremony of the III Winter Military World Games

Rock climbing

20:00- 22:00

Difficulty climbing (final, duel)

Bolshoi Sports Palace

Medal ceremony

20:30- 21:30

Ski mountaineering, cross-country skiing, biathlon, alpine skiing, ski orienteering

Rosa Square of the Rosa Khutor ski resort

Rock climbing

20:00- 22:00

Bouldering (final)

Bolshoi Sports Palace

Medal ceremony

20:30- 21:00

Short Track
Ice Palace "Iceberg"

Medal ceremony

20:30- 21:30

Alpine skiing, ski orienteering, cross-country skiing

Rosa Square of the Rosa Khutor ski resort

Medal ceremony

20:00- 20:30

Biathlon, rock climbing, "Best Nation" Cup

Multifunctional arena "Ice Cube"

Closing ceremony

20:00- 22:00

Closing ceremony of the III Winter Military World Games

Multifunctional arena "Ice Cube"


Medal ceremony

21:00- 21:30

Short Track
Ice Palace "Iceberg"


Medal ceremony

22:00- 22:30

Rock climbing
Bolshoi Sports Palace

Medal ceremony

22:00- 22:30

Rock climbing
Bolshoi Sports Palace

Closing games

On February 27, 2017, the closing ceremony of the Winter Military World Games took place. Afterawarding the winners of the "patrol race" in biathlon,President of the International Military Sports Council Abdulhakim Al-Shino presented the Russian team with a special prize - “Cup for the best team”

III World War Games ended with the victory of the Russian team in the unofficial medal standings. The Russians won 42 medals, 22 of them gold. The Games flag has been handed over to Germany, which will host the competition in 2021.

Game history

Military World Games - competitions in various types sports for military athletes, organized by the International Military Sports Council in 1995. Initially, they were held every four years only in the summer - a year before the Olympic Games. In 2010, the International Military Sports Council also organized the Winter Military World Games.

The International Council of Military Sports (CISM – Conseil International du Sport Militaire), founded by five European countries in February 1948, is the second largest sports organization after the International Olympic Committee - annually holds up to 20 competitions and others sporting events, including the Military World Games (summer and winter), World Cadet Games, World Military Cup Football.

The International Military Sports Council unites 135 participating countries: 42 from Europe, 45 from Africa, 30 from Asia, 18 from America.

Russia joined the International Military Sports Council only in 1991, at the end of the Cold War. Before this, the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact countries, not recognizing the international status of the council, were part of their own organization, the Sports Committee of Friendly Armies (SKDA, 1958) and held competitions every four years, which were called the Spartakiads of Friendly Armies.

On May 10, 1991, at the 46th General Assembly of the Council in Tanzania, Russia became a member of the International Military Sports Council. Since then, Russian military athletes have taken part in the I–VI summer World Military sports games, where they took first team place four times, winning a total of 550 medals (243 gold, 174 silver, 133 bronze).

The first Winter Military World Games were held by the International Military Sports Council from 20–25 March 1995 in the Aosta Valley in northwestern Italy. More than 800 athletes from 43 countries, including Russia, took part in the games. At the first and second Winter World Games, the teams of Italy and France won the team competition. Russia took third place.

In Russia, several competitions have already been held within the framework of CISM: the world championships in modern pentathlon in 1992, in fencing in 1993, in swimming in 1994 and 2001, in orienteering and tennis in 1996, in judo in 1998 and 2005 , in basketball in 2005 and in parachuting in 2006 and 2016. A number of CISM regional championships and the Women's European Military Pentathlon Championships were also organized. In 2000, the European CISM meeting was successfully held in Moscow.


  1. Organizers // Official website of the III Winter World War Games.
  2. Organizing Committee // Official website of the III Winter World War Games.
  3. Teams // Official website of the III Winter World War Games.
  4. Competition schedule // Official website of the III Winter World War Games.
  5. The World Military Games in 2017 will be held in Sochi // Regnum, 12/08/2016.
  6. CISM Member Nations // CISM – International Military Sports Council.
  7. CISM History // CISM – International Military Sports Council.
  8. Unknown military sport // Independent Military Review - Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 04/25/2014.
  9. CISM World Winter Games // CISM – International Military Sports Council.
  10. History // Official website of the III Winter World War Games.

Top 5 Questions About the Military World Games

Your guide to competitions for athletes with shoulder straps in peaceful Sochi.

Where and when

From February 23 to 27 in Sochi. The games will be held at five sports facilities, where the Olympics were held in 2014.

The opening and closing ceremonies of the Military World Games will take place at the Ice Cube multifunctional arena. During the Olympics, curling competitions were held here. Main stadium city ​​- "Fisht" - is currently under reconstruction in connection with preparations for the 2017 Confederation Cup and the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

The competition will be hosted by the Iceberg Ice Palace, the Rosa Khutor Ski Center, the Bolshoi Sports Palace and the Laura Ski and Biathlon Complex.

For the first time in the history of the games, the military sports flame will be lit. The relay takes place in five military districts of Russia and on February 23 the lights will unite in Moscow at the State Kremlin Palace, and then the lamp will go to the capital of the competition - Sochi. In the Olympic Park on February 24, 22 torchbearers will run a distance of 2017 meters and light the cauldron of the third Military World Games.

In what events will medals be awarded?

The war games program includes competitions in seven sports.

Biathlon. In addition to the classic sprint for men and women and the mixed relay, there will be a patrol race. Teams cover a distance (men - 20 km, women - 15 km) along with one shooting line. Each team has 4 people - one leader and three patrol members who fire from a prone position. The team's result is determined by the last patrol member to finish.

Ski race. Medals will be played in two disciplines: individual race (women – 10 km, men – 15 km) and team sprint.

Ski orienteering. Athletes independently choose the path of movement on the terrain where they must pass all checkpoints. Participants receive a map with marked checkpoints before the start. The Military World Games will feature competitions in three disciplines: middle distance race, sprint and relay.

Competitions in biathlon, cross-country skiing and orienteering will be held on the territory of the Laura complex.

Ski mountaineering. A combination of skiing and mountaineering. Athletes start at an altitude of 1600 meters and must climb to the top of Rose Peak at an altitude of 2320 meters, and then descend to the starting point. Competitions will be held in individual and team races. In the individual race, servicemen will make 4 ascents and descents, in the team race - 5.

Skiing. Men and women will compete in slalom.

Alpine skiing and ski mountaineering competitions will be held at the Rosa Khutor center.

Short track. Medals will be awarded in three disciplines: the 500 and 100 meter races, as well as the 3000 meter mixed relay. The competition will take place at the Iceberg Ice Palace.

Rock climbing. The competition will take place at the Bolshoi Sports Palace. Medals will be awarded in three disciplines: difficulty climbing, where the winner is the one who goes the furthest along the route; speed climbing, where the winner is the one who completes the route the fastest; and bouldering, where military personnel must climb maximum amount routes, spending a minimum number of attempts.

Who is participating

More than 1,000 military athletes from 26 countries will take part in the Military World Games.

The biggest names will be the biathlon competitions. World champions Anton Babikov and Maxim Tsvetkov, bronze medalist of the Sochi Olympics Teya Gregorin from Slovenia, as well as winners and medalists of the World Cup stages - Tatyana Akimova and Matvey Eliseev, Austrian Katharina Innerhofer, Slovenian Klemen Bauer and others will perform in Sochi.

The short track skating event will feature the winner of three Olympics, Arianna Fontana from Italy, the winner of the Winter Games in Sochi, Ruslan Zakharov, and European champion Sofia Prosvirnova.

In cross-country skiing, the distance will be doubled Olympic champion Giorgio Di Centa, bronze medalists Winter Games Ilya Chernousov and Natalya Korosteleva.

IN alpine skiing Vancouver Olympic gold medal winner Giuliano Razzoli and World Cup winner Alexander Khoroshilov will perform.

How to get

Entry to the competition is free. Free promotional tickets will be distributed by volunteers at the entrance to the arenas. Ticket distribution ends 30 minutes before the start of the competition.

At the opening and closing ceremonies free seats not anymore.

Where to see

Schedule of live broadcasts on Match TV

13:25 - Biathlon, men, sprint

15:55 - Biathlon, women, sprint

20:15 - Opening ceremony of the Military World Games

14:55 - Biathlon, mixed relay

09:55 - Cross-country skiing, team sprint

20:15 - Closing ceremony of the Military World Games

Photo: RIA Novosti/Mikhail Mokrushin, Military World Games, RIA Novosti/Alexander Vilf

User: Alexander Petrich


The opening ceremony of the III Winter World Military Games is taking place at the Ice Cube Arena. Hundreds of athletes from dozens of countries participate in large-scale competitions - they are called the Olympics for the military. The ceremony is attended by the Prime Minister and the head of the Russian Ministry of Defense. Everyone is waiting for the culmination of the celebrations - the lighting of the fire. Meanwhile sport competitions began even before the official start of the games.

The grand opening is in full swing. The stands are full of guests. The time chosen for the start of the ceremony was symbolic - it began exactly at 20.17 with the colorful theatrical show “Sochi Welcomes Guests”. At the climax, the luminous elements form a star - this is a symbol of the games. Then the drummers and the military orchestra of the Russian Ministry of Defense performed. Parade of athletes from 26 countries. Elena Isinbaeva, Dmitry Sautin, Svetlana Khorkina and other famous army men brought the flag of our country into the stadium. The flag of the International Military Sports Council was entrusted to be carried by the honor guard of the Preobrazhensky Regiment. The head of government and the minister of defense addressed the competition participants and spectators.

“I believe that Sochi will bring you good luck and give you a bright, spectacular holiday. Russia is hosting war games for the first time. This is both a great honor and, of course, responsibility for us. We are happy to welcome military athletes from more than 20 countries and strive to do everything to ensure that a kind of army Olympics takes place at its best. high level», - said Dmitry Medvedev.

Minister Sergei Shoigu read out a greeting from Russian President Vladimir Putin: "Dear friends! I greet you on the occasion of the opening of the Third Winter Military World Games. I would like to note that the honor of hosting this important, large-scale event went to Russia rightfully. Our country is deservedly proud of the established traditions of army sports; it has extensive experience in organizing such representative international competitions. Moreover, the Games are held in Sochi, where the most modern, high-tech sports infrastructure has been created.".

The Olympic Park hosts The final stage torch relay. A particularly valuable cargo was delivered to Sochi tonight from Moscow. This fire was lit in different parts of Russia: on Sakhalin, at the Lopatinsky lighthouse, in the Kaliningrad village of Yantarny, on the top of Elbrus. The relay passed through the cities where the headquarters of the military districts are located - St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Yekaterinburg, Khabarovsk and Severomorsk. From all these points, capsules with flames were taken to Moscow the day before, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, to be combined there and then sent to Sochi. They arrived just in time for the first starts, which took place this afternoon, even before the official opening ceremony.

Our team already has two gold medals! Alexey Chervotkin came first in the 15 km cross-country ski race, and biathlete Maxim Tsvetkov showed best result in a 10-kilometer sprint with two shooting ranges. Our team won silver and bronze from women biathletes, and we got two more bronze medals in short track speed skating. The stands are filled to capacity. Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu visited sports facilities today.

These competitions are analogous to the Olympic Games. They are also held once every four years, only for athletes in uniform. Motto: "Friendship through sports". More than a thousand participants from 26 countries. Many are members of national teams, leading world athletes, so the fight for medals promises to be spectacular. And the Olympic infrastructure helps: Sochi has everything to host competitions of this level. Ski mountaineers, skiers and biathletes trained on the ski slopes the day before.

“The tracks are organized very well, and the games in general. I think it will be a good championship. We have very strong competitors from Russia and Slovenia. We must not lose sight of them."- said biathlete Piqueras Garcia Roberto.

The Big Ice Palace arena was repurposed especially for the World Military Games. Now in place of the ice is a professional climbing wall, which was built specifically for these competitions to the highest international standards.

All our athletes are in a truly fighting mood.

“This is quite an important start for me, because I play for my club CSKA. I only recently joined these troops and, of course, I want to show the most worthy result, and also enjoy these competitions,”- said Sofya Prosvirnova, a member of the short track team.


The name of the sports discipline comes from two Latin words “double” and “wrestling”, so biathlon was originally called modern winter combined. Includes ski race and rifle shooting at several firing lines.

The first race, vaguely reminiscent of biathlon, was organized by border guards on the Swedish-Norwegian border back in 1767. In the 19th century in Norway, biathlon emerged as a sport for soldiers. The progenitor of modern biathlon - the competition of military patrols, was presented at Olympic Games in 1924, 1928, 1936 and 1948.

As part of the III Winter Military World Games, competitions will be held in the following events: sprint (7.5 km for women, 10 km for men), mixed relay (6 km for women and 7.5 km for men) and patrol race (15 km for women, 20 km for men).

Patrol Racemodern look military patrol competitions (the race that is the ancestor of biathlon). This is a race with a distance of 20 km for men and 15 km for women, with three shooting stages. Each participating country can enter two patrols (male and female).

The team consists of four athletes - biathletes and skiers. One of the team members is the patrol leader, three are patrol members, each of whom fires from a prone position and fires one shot at the center of his installation. In case of misses - penalty loops according to the number of team misses according to IBU rules.

Sprint– a type of biathlon race of 10 km for men and 7.5 km for women with two shooting ranges. Biathletes start at intervals of 30 seconds. After the first round, shooting is done from a prone position, after the second - standing. Biathletes themselves choose firing positions at the shooting range to perform shooting. For each miss there is a penalty loop of 150 m.

Mixed relay- team competition in biathlon. The team consists of four athletes (two women and two men). Each biathlete goes through one stage, which is 6 km for women and 7.5 km for men, with two shooting ranges.

One representative from each country starts at the same time and, having completed their stage, passes the baton to the next biathlete from their team. Women complete their distances first, then men. At each stage there are two shootings: the first is lying down, the second is standing. The athlete has three spare cartridges for each shooting session. If a biathlete runs out of spare cartridges, then for each subsequent miss a penalty loop of 150 m is provided.

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