Winter sports for a slim figure. Learning to skate backwards. How to learn to skate backwards: tips for beginner skaters Skating backwards how to learn

Ice skating is a fairly simple activity that even children can quickly master. However, not everyone can achieve real mastery in this.

Skating is a great cardio exercise for weight loss. Ice skating stretches the leg muscles and trains the stabilizing muscles that form the “corset.” What it is? These are the muscles responsible for balance (equilibrium) of the body. They include the abdominal and back muscles. Therefore, if you are looking for, want to get rid of the “ears” on your sides and have them, pay attention to this sport.

There are a large number of tactics that help make skating more dynamic, precise and mechanical.

One of perhaps the most difficult skiing methods for amateurs skating backwards.

It needs to be mastered gradually and following a certain pattern.

This graceful glide on the ice includes a huge amount of stretching exercises for weight loss. But of course, skating for 20 minutes once a week will not help you achieve an ideal figure.

With regular exercise for 30-40 minutes every other day, you will gain slender legs, toned butt, will leave excess fat from the stomach and improve your mood! It has long been proven regular classes exercise increases the production of endorphins (happiness hormones)!

Good luck in your endeavors. Improve your skills and enjoy winter sports. After all, frost and blizzards outside the window are not at all a reason to stay at home in free time and accumulate fat. We are not bears))) Let's get slimmer, prettier and have fun!

Don't forget to invite your friends with you, it's more fun together.

To understand how to learn to skate in reverse, you need to skate well in a straight line. Such skating is a sign of the athlete’s professionalism. A significant role in mastering such skating skills is played by the skating rink, equipment, and skating technique. It is important to learn how to fall and stop correctly.

If a person does not have professional skills in figure skating, roller skating or hockey, it is better to choose a skating rink where there are few people for training. You need to make sure that there are no obstacles on the way. It will be easier to avoid falling if you look over your shoulder while moving. The main rule of such skating is constant monitoring of what is happening behind.

Means of protection

The right equipment will help you learn a new riding technique. Shoes are selected in size so that they do not rub or press, and clothing should not cause any discomfort. You need to check the lacing of your shoes. Especially when moving backwards, they should secure your legs tightly.

It’s better not to skimp on protective equipment or rent them directly at the skating rink. If a person is very poorly able to stand on the ice, knee pads, elbow pads and perhaps even a protective helmet will be needed. For people who are good at skating, it will be enough to protect their arms and legs.

How to prepare for training

Beginners and those who want to learn how to ride in reverse need to understand that they cannot start training without prior preparation. It is better to do some exercise before riding. It will take no more than five minutes. To prepare the arms and body are done circular movements arms and body turns; squats are best for legs.

You need to learn to confidently drive forward in a straight line. It is better if such training takes place on a large area, so that a person is not constrained by the area and people.

Skating technique

After a person has mastered the technique of reversing in a straight line, it is allowed to take an adjustable step, perform a “flashlight” movement and turns, but not forward, but backward, it is possible to move on to more complex exercises.

A surefire way to master this type of riding on your own is to lunge with your legs in different directions. Everything is done in stages. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart, you need to squat down and bring your knees inward, just so that they don’t touch. The weight load is on the left leg, and the right one pushes back harder. Then the right one is lowered onto the ice, the feet turn at a right angle, the entire load is transferred to it, and the left one pushes. The trajectory of movement on ice will be similar to a zigzag or pigtail.

Most effective method how to learn to ride backwards is considered a sweep. This is a necessary skill when practicing turning backwards. You need to draw a circle around yourself, imaginary in your head, and you will move along it. The weight is transferred to the left leg, and the right one lunges into the center of this circle. When the weight is transferred to the right leg, they pull the left one, which is behind, towards it and begin to ride. Then it is placed in front of the right one and a cross movement is obtained.

When learning any of these techniques, you must not forget that the torso, legs, neck and arms should always be in good shape. Legs are constantly bent. Hands are placed to the sides and slightly in front of the body. The torso is tilted forward. The main thing is to look back in the direction of your movement.

A beginner or a child needs to understand that driving in reverse is not easy. Professionals have developed several techniques and tips on how to teach beginners how to skate backwards:

  1. To understand the essence of such a ride, you first need to push off lightly and slowly move back.
  2. See if there are people behind.
  3. Put bent legs so that one is slightly ahead.
  4. Push off with your pushing leg and transfer the weight load to the other.
  5. The pushing movement is done in an arc, with each leg in turn.
  6. Acceleration is gained when pushing out.
  7. The legs straighten as they move.
  8. The entire body weight, that is, the load, falls only on the front part of the skates.
  9. Always look over your shoulder, in the direction of your own movement.

You need to be patient - the technique of this type of skating is very complex. Sometimes, even for people who are confident on the ice, it is difficult to learn this technique.

To reduce the percentage of falls, it is better not to do big steps. Constant hard training will help you achieve the desired result.

How to fall and brake correctly

Beginners or even professional skaters cannot avoid falls and hitches during training. Therefore, to learn how to skate well backwards, you must first learn the basic rules that will help you skate correctly.

The basis of everything is the ability to brake. To stop quickly and safely, put your feet together and sharply turn them perpendicular to the rolling path. Braking will happen quickly and painlessly if you correctly distribute the force and transfer the entire load to the supporting leg.

If it is impossible to slow down and it becomes clear that a fall is inevitable, it is advisable to follow the following advice from hockey professionals:

  • you should not put your hands up when falling, as this may result in injury to the shoulder or hand;
  • arms bend at the elbows and all muscles tense;
  • it is better to try to fall so that the impact falls on your elbows or buttocks;
  • bend the body parallel to the ice surface;
  • when falling backwards, it is advisable to bend in an arch and press your chin to your chest;
  • arms are spread to the sides and placed slightly in front of the body;
  • Under no circumstances should you relax your back or bend your arms.
Reverse riding is a high professional level. If you don’t have good skills in straight skating, then you can start skating backwards only by following all safety rules.

Learning to skate backwards is not that difficult if you follow all the recommendations. There are several techniques for learning to skate backwards. Beginners are advised to pay special attention to the choice of skating rink and protective equipment.

Undoubtedly, ice skating is a fairly common and favorite sport among adults and children. Even if it never occurred to you to stand on the ice until now, it is never too late to try, since you can learn to stand and skate both in childhood and in adulthood. Moreover, it has been proven that skating significantly improves coordination, posture, and helps make movements more expressive and flexible. To learn how to skate, all you need is your desire, free time, and, of course, the skates themselves.

How to learn to skate

First, a little about skates. There are several types of skates:

  • Hockey;
  • Curly;
  • Skates for free skating, which are perfect for calmly skating on the skating rink. These skates most often have a tooth on the toe; they are quite soft on the outside and well insulated on the inside. To make skating comfortable, you should also lace them correctly. The lace should be loosened near the top hooks and in the toe area; near the ankle, you should also not tighten the laces too tightly. Be sure to check that the back of the boot fits your heel very tightly.

You put on your skates and went to the skating rink. What's next?

  • You need to grab the side and step onto the ice very carefully;
  • You can stand for a while, letting go of the side;
  • Next, try to take your first steps, almost like walking on the ground. In order to understand how to skate, you need to feel the ice and feel how your foot lands on it;
  • Now you need to learn how to slide: you need to push off with the edge of one skate, while transferring your body weight to the other leg;
  • The knees must be bent; you are allowed to lean forward a little;
  • You cannot push off with the toe of your skate;
  • In order to maintain balance, you can spread your arms to the sides at waist level or make sliding movements near the side;
  • The body should be positioned only above the supporting leg.

So, you've learned how to push off and glide on skates - now it's time to learn how to turn. There are two ways to turn:

  • The first is that in order to turn, you should push off with your right foot, and your shoulder and right hand push forward. Next, you should continue to step with your feet, but at the same time push a little weaker, with the foot that is closer to the center of the rink;
  • The second method is a dash. To perform it, you need to slightly twist your body to the left and tilt it towards the center of the skating rink, you need to push off with the edge of your right skate. Next, you need to ride a little on your left leg, circle it with your right and continue moving, bringing your right leg forward. Then, pushing off with your left foot, the outer edge, or rather the edge of the skate, you need to slide on the right foot with the inner edge of the skate. These steps should be repeated until the turn is completed.

How to skate correctly

You have mastered the basic skills of ice skating. Now you need to figure out how to skate correctly, and also how to brake and fall correctly!

  • The most important rule is that you should skate on any skates only with bent legs;
  • The second, no less important rule is to push off not with the toe of the skate, but with its edge;
  • As you slide on the ice, remember to alternately straighten your knees and shift your weight from one foot (leg) to the other;
  • When you bend your knees, your back must be straight.

So, we have already discussed the basic rules for learning how to skate. Now is the time to move on to braking. You can, of course, stop by simply holding on to the side. But what if you need to stop, for example, in the middle of the skating rink? Again, you can simply roll until you naturally lose speed, but this method is not suitable for emergency braking.

  • The easiest way is the so-called “plow”. To perform this technique, you need to spread your legs wide, turn your toes inward and roll your ankle slightly inward. But this method is only suitable for riding at low speed;
  • When you learn to skate quickly, then you will have to learn additional methods of braking. At least this - sliding on one leg, the other needs to be brought forward and the toe turned outward, placing it across the movement. You can also slide straight on one leg, bring the other leg forward and rest the heel of the skate on the ice.

And, of course, you shouldn’t forget about falling and getting up, because it’s not enough to know how to skate, you also need to know how to fall and get up correctly.

  • During the fall, your legs should be bent at the knees, you should relax and try to fall to the side. For a beginner, this technique will seem difficult, but one main rule should be remembered: when falling back, you should always keep your head forward, pressing your chin to your chest, and, conversely, when falling forward, you should tilt your head back;
  • You also need to get up very carefully, first you should rise to your knees, then rest your skate on the ice and straighten your knee;
  • After any fall, you need to get to the side and check for any injury or bruise.

How to skate backwards

There are two ways to skate backwards:

  • The first one is a snake. Place the blades of the skates parallel to each other and make an arc back with your right foot, pushing off with the blade of the skate;
  • The second is dashes. You need to cross your legs so that your left is in front, and your right leg slides back.

Ice skating requires certain skills and dexterity, but, nevertheless, this sport is not only a form of fun pastime, but also a very useful activity. In addition to learning how to skate, you will strengthen your cardiovascular system, burn extra calories, build endurance, and also keep your muscles toned. If you have never skated before, be sure to do it, and that’s when you will understand that skating is pure pleasure that can improve your mental state, relieve stress and give you self-confidence.

Many people, having learned to skate confidently, begin to strive to improve their skills. For example, acquiring the skills to ride backwards. To learn this, first of all you will have to overcome your fear, because behind your back lies complete uncertainty. But any problem can be solved.
The best way to learn to ride in reverse is on a skating rink equipped with barriers, benches or walls. Also, choose a time when there aren't too many people skating at the rink so they won't interfere with your studies and you won't run into anyone. Be sure to take care of protective equipment to protect yourself from injury from falls. And there will definitely be falls - few can do without them.
First of all, try to feel the movement itself backwards. To do this, simply push off the support with your hands and roll in reverse. This will help you learn the movements much faster.
Now borrow initial position: stand straight, place one foot half a shoe in front of the other, bend your knees slightly. Make sure there are no obstacles or obstructions in the direction you want to move your back. Place your pushing foot at an angle and push off the ice. Perform all repulsions in an arched manner. In other words, do all the same operations as when moving forward, only in reverse order.
Perform the movement using successive pushes in an arc. Keep your center of gravity approximately in the middle between your legs. After mastering the basics, you can learn to alternate moving backwards with left and right dashes.
When reversing, remember to constantly monitor the situation behind you by looking over your shoulder. This will avoid collisions at first, and then become a habit. To better maintain your balance, remember to keep your knees slightly bent.

To master a more complex technique of moving backwards, try the hourglass exercise. As the name suggests, the pattern left by skates on the ice should resemble the shape hourglass. The legs should first diverge and then converge.
Stand straight, feet together, heels slightly apart, toes touching each other. With your knees bent, imagine yourself at the narrowest point of an hourglass. Start pushing your skates outwards and use this force to start moving in reverse. Straighten your legs as you move. Gain speed using the pushing force. Shift your body weight slightly to the front of the skates - this will make maneuvering much easier.

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Backward skating is an aggressive movement used in "advanced" modern inline skating. After mastering forward skating, you can switch to reverse skating. It can be a little intimidating, but with practice you'll be able to master the movement in no time.


Part 1

Learning the Basics

    Moving backwards. The first step in learning to skate backwards is to become comfortable with the backwards motion. Before learning specific movements, simply skate backwards. Push off a wall, fence or other object.

    Train on the grass. Before you hit the concrete, get comfortable with the basic movements on grass or carpet. Starting position: Skates are in an inverted V position with toes touching. The rollers should be on the center edge. Push back and to the sides. The rollers will fit on the inner edges. Finish the movement with your feet in a V position, heels together, rollers straight. Push forward, following the same path, until the rollers are in the basic position - an inverted V, toes together. Your legs outline an egg-like figure.

    Herringbone skating. Another technique that needs to be practiced before moving on to riding backwards is the herringbone. Look over your leading shoulder to see where you are going. Step back with the leg corresponding to your leading shoulder. This should cause the foot to naturally tilt. Push back and drive.

    • Staggering your legs will help you see where you're going and cover more ground.
    • If your lead shoulder is on the right, your right leg will be behind you.
    • Make sure your knees are bent. If you walk on straight legs, you will lose your balance.
  1. Slide on one leg. Practice moving backwards like the first step, but lift one foot off the ground. It shouldn't be too high above the ground, just an inch or so. The weight should be transferred to the supporting leg - the one on the ground.

    • This exercise will help you develop the skills and confidence you need for more advanced backwards skating techniques.
  2. Shift your weight from one leg to the other. Step to the right, placing all your weight on that leg. Left leg should help maintain balance. Then step to the left, shifting your weight to your left leg. Practice by alternating your legs and getting used to feeling the weight on each roller. When you feel comfortable doing this exercise, let your heel supporting leg lean slightly at an angle.

    Maintain the correct position. Your knees should be bent. The body must be in a vertical position. The starting position is with your feet slightly closer than shoulder-width apart. The rollers should not touch, but they should not move apart wider than shoulder level.

    • Do not lean into the rollers while moving backwards - you may fall face down.

Part 2

Transition to more advanced techniques of riding backwards
  1. Flashlights are backwards. Starting position: toes together, feet apart in a V shape. Push to the sides with your front wheels. Don't push back in a straight line. When your legs are slightly wider than your shoulders, start moving them back. When your heels are almost touching, turn your toes and push off again, performing another torch. When performing this figure, the legs will outline a contour similar to the figure 8.

    Skating with transitions. Once you have mastered the flashlights backwards, you can move on to skating with transitions. Start as if you are going to push off with your toes. Instead of doing a full torch with both legs, move only your left leg out to the side. As a result, you will make an arc with your left leg, completing half a flashlight. The right leg should continue to move in a straight line. As you bring your left leg back toward your right, shift your weight to your left leg and push off with the toes of your right leg, doing a half-lantern with it. The left leg should move in a straight line.

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