Load cycling. Powerlifting Program Best Powerlifting Programs

The key difference between powerlifting and other strength sports is the unconditional priority of strength over other functions of the human body. This raises questions: how to specialize your training to achieve maximum results in strength indicators? What kind of training program is needed for a powerlifter? What diet and rest regime do you need? How to protect yourself from injury and what sports nutrition does it work and really help you achieve good strength performance? This will be discussed in this article.

What is powerlifting

Powerlifting is a sport in which the main goal of the competitors is to lift maximum weights in three exercises, in accordance with established rules. Lifters have no need to develop endurance like CrossFit athletes. Unlike bodybuilding, where an athlete tries to show maximum muscle volume and proportions, powerlifters try to increase strength and at the same time stay in their weight category.

Basic Principles of Strength Training

In powerlifting, training is of a strength nature. This means that the athlete must gradually increase the intensity of the training and increase the tonnage of weights lifted. As for the work regime, unlike bodybuilding, where an athlete tries to work one or several muscle groups during a workout and performs 3-4 working approaches in 10-12 repetitions, a lifter trains one or two competitive movements in 4-5 approaches in each lesson 3-6 repetitions each.

Daily and nutritional regimen in powerlifting

Since training with heavy weights takes a lot of strength and energy, the athlete should take care of adequate nutrition and rest. The basis of a powerlifter’s diet should be “complex” carbohydrates, which replenish the body’s energy reserves and serve as fuel to repair those damaged during training muscle fibers. There are enough such carbohydrates in cereals, starchy vegetables, and baked goods. Unlike bodybuilders, lifters should not be afraid of “simple” carbohydrates, which abound in sweets and baked goods, as they serve as a good source for quickly replenishing energy immediately after a workout.

In second place in the diet of a strongman are proteins, which are used as building material for damaged muscle fibers. Protein-rich foods include poultry and fish, eggs, and dairy products.

Fats come in third place in nutrition. They are necessary to maintain immunity, for the normal functioning of ligaments and joints, etc. Monounsaturated fats, which are rich in seafood, nuts, and seeds, are especially useful.

The ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in a powerlifter's daily diet should be approximately 50/35/15%, respectively.

Sleep is also an integral part of a lifter's recovery. Security forces must sleep at least 8-10 hours a day, and it is advisable to allocate at least one hour for daytime sleep. After all, muscles do not grow during training, but during rest from them.

Creating a powerlifting training program

Frequency of classes

Specifics strength training requires more rest time, both between approaches and between classes.

If a bodybuilder needs 30-60 seconds to repeat the exercise, then a lifter needs from 2 to 4 minutes.

And before execution next exercise It will take up to 5 minutes of rest. As for the number of visits to the gym per week, the optimal number will be 3 or 4.

Selection of exercises

The three pillars of powerlifting are the squat, bench press and deadlift. They are also called basic exercises. Without them, it is impossible to obtain monstrous strength and impressive muscle volumes. A powerlifter's arsenal should also include auxiliary exercises that are designed to eliminate weaknesses when performing competitive movements. These include hyperextensions, leg presses, barbell bends, pull-ups, dips, etc.

Periodization of loads

In powerlifting, you cannot linearly increase the weight on the bar from workout to workout; this method will certainly lead to a state of overtraining and can discourage any desire to train further. It is worth using the technique of load periodization. The method consists of alternating loads, that is, heavy workouts are replaced by light ones, and those in turn are replaced by medium ones. This periodization can be used both in weekly plan, and in menstruation. For example, in the first week an athlete squats 100 kg in five sets of 6 repetitions, in the second - 60 kg in three sets of 8 repetitions, in the third 80 kg in four sets of 5 repetitions.

Examples of Powerlifting Training Programs

An example of a training program with periodization in a weekly cycle, with three workouts per week:


1. Squats with a barbell on the shoulders 20 kg * 10 times, 40 kg * 10 times, 60 kg * 8 times, 80 kg * 3 reps * 8 times.

2. Bench press narrow grip 20 kg * 10 r., 40 kg * 10 r., 50 kg * 3 p. * 10 r.

3. Bend-overs with a barbell on the shoulders 50 kg * 3 p. * 8 r.

4. Hyperextension without weights 4 p. * 15 r.


1. Deadlift 20 kg * 10 r., 40 kg * 10 r., 60 kg * 8 r., 80 kg * 8 r., 100 kg * 3 p. * 8 r.

2. Barbell row on straight legs 60 kg * 3 p. * 8 r.

3. Pull-ups 50 reps in any number of sets

4. Roman chair crunches 50 reps


1. Bench press 20 kg * 10 r., 40 kg * 10 r., 60 kg * 8 r., 80 kg * 3 p. * 8 r.

2. Dips without weights 50 reps

3. Squats with a barbell on the front 20 kg * 10 rub., 40 kg * 10 rub., 55 kg * 8 rub., 75 kg * 3 p. * 8 rub.

4. Hyperextension without weights 4p. * 15 rub.

Injury Prevention in Powerlifting

To avoid injuries, you should not try to master the technique of a new exercise on your own, but ask for help from a coach or an experienced athlete in the gym. If the technique is followed, the risk of injury is very small. You shouldn’t try to increase the weight on the barbell too quickly; everything needs to be done correctly and in a timely manner. To protect your lower back, you should use a weightlifting or powerlifting belt. To protect your knees, you can use special or medical knee pads. To protect the hands, there are hand bandages.

TOP 5 nutritional supplements for powerlifting

In fourth place were protein complexes. They should be used depending on the type of protein used in them. It can be casein, whey, soy isolate or concentrate. But in any case, protein is a building material for your muscles.

The third place is occupied by complex amino acids (BCAA). Unlike protein, they directly enter the bloodstream, thereby protecting your muscles from destruction after hard training. Amino acids should be consumed immediately after exercise and before bed, in the form of capsules or powder.

Second place belongs to gainers. Due to the combination of complex carbohydrates and protein, this food supplement will give the athlete energy for training and maintain a reserve of strength until its end. The gainer is also indispensable for athletes who cannot gain weight or want to move up to a higher weight category.

And creatine deservedly takes first place among the most used supplements by powerlifters. With the help of creatine, an athlete can significantly increase their strength performance. It is advisable to consume creatine after training in an amount of 5 grams, dissolving it in juice or water with the addition of honey.

And remember, the most important thing in any sport is willpower! Set yourself a goal and steadily move towards achieving it!

Training principles from one of the most titled strongmen:

The training process in powerlifting consists of cycles. Learn about training optimization and the secrets of creating ideal program you can by learning cycling techniques.

To achieve maximum results, athletes use cycling training in powerlifting. The average duration of one cycle is six months. When planning your training, it is best to set yourself strategic goals. Anyone can have breakdowns and tactical planning is best done according to the circumstances. Training program should be designed in such a way as to minimize possible losses in case of failure.

There is no need to set maximum goals. If they cannot be fulfilled, then disappointment cannot be avoided.

Any strategic plan begins with setting a goal, but often they contradict each other and cannot be solved simultaneously. For this reason, it is recommended to break the entire training cycle into stages. Most often, there are three main stages.

Powerlifting Cycling Stage #1

The duration of the first phase is about six weeks. The main objectives of the first stage are:
  • Gaining muscle mass;
  • Increased speed and strength;
  • Work on the technique of performing exercises;
  • Elimination of “weak” points;
  • Increased mobility of ligaments and joints.
Now let’s talk about each component of the stage in more detail.

Gaining muscle mass in powerlifting

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to create certain processes in muscle tissue that promote their growth. The intensity of the training is from 50 to 70 percent of the maximum maximum, and the number of repetitions is 6-10. In addition, speed is also necessary. This determines which type of fiber will receive the maximum impact.

You should also make changes to the nutrition program, increasing its calorie content and the amount of protein compounds.

Working on technique for performing powerlifting exercises

Their effectiveness depends on the correctness of the exercises. There are several principles that should be followed in order for cycling training in powerlifting to bring maximum effect.

When squatting, your back should always remain straight and not deviate from the vertical. The pelvis should not protrude too far back, and the knees, in turn, should not protrude forward. To ensure the minimum range of motion in the bench press, you need to bend your lower back as much as possible. Also, due to the reduction of the shoulder blades, the amplitude will decrease and the rigidity of the reception will increase. sports equipment on the chest. The back should be straight even when performing deadlifts. At the initial stage of the movement, only the legs should work.

Eliminating Weaknesses

While performing exercises, you should simultaneously look for “bottlenecks” and then select exercises to eliminate them. For example, if an athlete has certain problems with lifting the projectile from the floor when deadlifting, then you can additionally perform bends with a barbell or squats on a low bench.

Increasing the mobility of ligaments and joints in a powerlifter

To solve this problem, you should combine classic exercises to develop flexibility with special ones used by powerlifters.

It is worth noting that the first stage can be called “rest”, since this is what light training is for an athlete.

The second stage of cycling training in powerlifting

The duration of the second phase is usually eight weeks. During this period, the athlete should face the following tasks:
  • Increased strength indicators;
  • Elimination of bottlenecks;
  • Increasing speed and strength indicators;
  • Promotion strength endurance;
  • Increased joint mobility.
During the second stage, the intensity of training should be from 70 to 90 percent of the athlete's maximum maximum. The number of repetitions is also reduced to 4-6 per approach. When working on increasing speed and strength indicators, it is necessary to include high-intensity aerobic training in the training program, as well as various sudden jumps with weights, etc. Here you should show your imagination.

To increase strength endurance, it is necessary to increase the number of approaches, as well as the frequency training sessions. So, for example, some athletes perform bench presses 3-4 times during the week, squats 2-3 times, and work on deadlifts twice.

The second stage is transitional. During this period, the athlete needs to prepare himself for the final phase.

Powerlifting Cycling Stage #3

The duration of the final stage is about ten weeks. The athlete must be given the following tasks:
  • Reaching the peak of your strength;
  • Increased strength indicators;
  • Elimination of bottlenecks;
  • Increasing the mobility of ligaments and joints, as well as speed and strength indicators.
To accomplish all of the above tasks, the athlete must increase neuromuscular efficiency or, in other words, increase the mobilization of motor units. To achieve this goal, the following should be done:
  1. The training intensity should be more than 90% of the maximum load.
  2. Introduce into the training program exercises to develop explosive strength, for example, jumping with weights.
  3. Electro-muscular stimulation.
  4. Include isokinetic training in your training program.
Training intensity per final stage should be between 90 and 100% of the maximum limit.

The main goal that is set for every athlete involved in powerlifting is to lift maximum weight in one of the basic exercises - bench press, squat with a barbell, deadlift. Previously, this list consisted of four exercises. The large number of injuries that athletes received led to the exclusion of the standing barbell press from competitions. To lift weights in powerlifting, an athlete needs to develop strength.

Drawing up a training program for a powerlifter can only be done by an experienced athlete who fully understands the essence and ultimate goal of the entire process. Particular attention is paid to the individual abilities of the athlete, which include: strength, experience, anatomical and physical indicators. Beginners are recommended to start training on their own after visiting any powerlifting section. At the initial stage, you should find a mentor who can help with understanding the basics of powerlifting and the technique of performing basic exercises.

The term “lift” refers to the maximum possible weight that an athlete can lift. It is a must for anyone who wants to practice this discipline. This is due to the peculiarity of the program, which consists in drawing up a training process based on a certain percentage of the weight lifted by the athlete. There are three types of training - light, medium, heavy. The first is to lift weights from 50, the second - from 65, and the third - from 90% of the weight that the athlete lifts.

In one day you can perform drilling on all muscle groups at once. The main thing is to take a long break between approaches. You can do a squat first, then a bench press, and then a deadlift. Of course, before each difficult approach you need to warm up and warm up well. It is best to work on the penetration with someone in pairs. This is necessary to correctly find the maximum liftable weight. The projectile in the final approach should be so heavy that it cannot be lifted. At the moment of failure, you will need the help of a partner who will back up the athlete. Otherwise, there is a risk of injury when pressing or squatting. The passage is carried out according to the principle from largest to smallest. At first, the step between approaches should vary from 10 to 20, and in the last attempts - from 2 to 3 kilograms.

The training program is developed by an experienced specialist who takes into account the results obtained during the excavation and individual capabilities. The total duration of each training plan is a maximum of three months. This limitation is due to the body getting used to it and the lack of any progress. After 90 days, you need to perform the excavation again and change the program.

Most of the training developed to increase strength in powerlifting involves training three times a week. The training process is designed in such a way that between the day of performing squats and deadlifts, there is always a bench press session in the schedule. This step is explained by the high load on the legs when performing deadlifts and squats. Therefore, this muscle group needs more time to recover, which is what makes a bench press day possible. When two basic exercises are performed at once in one workout, then one is performed with light weight, and the other with heavy weight.

All of these principles together make up a powerlifting training program.

First day:

  1. Heavy Press
  2. Light squats
  3. If you still have strength left, you can do it French press, or push-ups.

Second day:

  1. Deadlift
  2. If there is strength left, then we do hyperextensions and biceps curls + hammers.

The third day:

  1. Light press
  2. Squats are heavy
  3. If there is strength left, then we work on the deltas - swings in an incline, to the sides, in front of us.

Training weights will depend on the results of your progress, that is, on the maximum performance. The number of repetitions and method of execution will depend on the cycle you use (the Russian and Verkhoshansky cycles are very famous in powerlifting). Professionals know how to use these cycles, but for beginners, we recommend contacting a trainer who will guide you in the right direction.

Day 1 – chest:

  • Light squats - 5 sets of 5 reps with 60% of the maximum weight;
  • Bench press – 5×5 with 70-100%;
  • Army press– 5×10.

Day 2 – back:

  • Deadlift – 5×5 with 70-100%;
  • Shrugs – 5×20;
  • Close-grip triceps press – 5X10.

Day 3 – legs:

  • Squat – 5×5 with 70-100%;
  • Calf raises – 4×20;
  • Barbell row to the chin – 4×10.

The duration of this training cycle should not exceed 3 months. Train 3 times a week, in the first 7 days work with 75% of your maximum, which you set on the tunnel. Next week work with 80%, and then increase the working weight by 2.5% each week. After the end of the program, it needs to be replaced, or started over again, doing the penetration again.

No. 3 Training program

Day 1:

  • Heavy squat - 5x5 - 75-85%;
  • Light bench press – 5×5 – 65-70%.

Day 2:

  • Deadlift – 3×5 – 75-80%;
  • Bent-over barbell row – 3×6-8.

Day 3:

  • Light squat 3×5 – 55-70%;
  • Press heavy 5×5 – 75-85%;
  • Close grip press 3x8-10.

Classes 3 times a week. The use of this powerlifting training program is recommended for beginner athletes. If you have the desire and strength, then basic exercises you can add a couple of isolated ones for individual muscle groups, but practice shows that this set is enough for a beginner.

Video “Pavel Badyrov’s training program”

Video “Educational program on training programs”

Hello everybody. I bring to your attention a wonderful article about training in powerlifting. I trust that this article will tear apart more than one fart and start a terrible fight, I think everyone will understand why. But I tried to be as objective as possible and not lean in one direction; at the end of the article my correspondence with outstanding athletes will be provided, and you will find out not only my opinion about training, but also the opinions of great people. Despite the fact that the opinions of great athletes are diametrically opposed, they treat each other well and respect each other and our favorite sport.

The origins of powerlifting (PL) are weightlifting (TA).

The history of submarines begins with TA. Squats, deadlifts and bench press are some of the main auxiliary exercises in TA, after some time they grew into a separate sport - PL. The bench press replaced the standing press, due to the fact that the standing press was supposed to show strength shoulder girdle, but became very controversial because of its execution technique. And perhaps for these reasons, powerlifting uses the bench press rather than the standing press. Since the PL became, to some extent, the legal successor of the TA, many coaches moved to the new kind sports, transferring the training methodology.

Now in modern powerlifting there are several training methods:

1. Low-intensity and high-volume - originates from the practice and theory of TA (Vasily Alekseev).
2. Medium-intensity and medium-volume - originates from the practice and theory of TA (Verkhoshansky, Chernyak, Funtikov).
3. High-intensity – perhaps originates from the practice and theory of TA (Abadzhiev).
4. Failure training - schemes popular thanks to Kasatov and Kravtsov, with some influence from the works of Seluyanov (OMV training) (to some extent, failure training is also an integrated training).
5.Integrated training – schemes provide for the combination of the best methods of the training process.

1. Low-intensity and high-volume (in Pl - Golovinsky).

Average relative intensity (ARI) 60-70% during heavy training.
-Light training is carried out at RL 30-50%
-Kpsh reaches 75 in a competitive movement in one training session and the overall Kpsh is 400-600 per week.
-One heavy, volumetric (about 75 kp/press) workout per week, the rest are light.
-There is a utility room.

2. Medium-intensity and medium-volume (in the PL - Sheiko, Vekhoshansky and most trainers).

UOI 60-80%
-All workouts (3-4) per week are average or close to hard, there are no very hard workouts.
-The average KPS is 20-40 per workout and 100-120 per week.
-There is no more utility room.

3. High-intensity and low-volume (Surovetsky, Russian cycle).
-UOI >80%
-Three heavy or two heavy and one medium workouts.
-KPS 10-30 per workout and 30-100 per week.
-Minimum utility room.

4. Failure training.
-UOI is not taken into account, the presence of a failure is taken into account.
-KPSh is not taken into account.
-Heavy training is carried out according to how you feel, once every 5-14 days.
-The utility room and its quantity are selected individually (in the trainings of Kasatov and Kravtsov there was a minimum of utility room).

5.Integrated training.

Integrated training is very diverse, some take into account SV and KPS, others do not, training can be carried out both with small weights and volume, and with peak repetitions in a couple of repetitions, failure may or may not be present, periods for the development of endurance and strength may interfere in one period, or they may separate.

Analysis of the most popular workouts, there will be an analysis of one week:

1. Low-intensity and high-volume cycles.

One week was taken from the preparation of P. Klimov under the leadership of D. Golovinsky.


1. Squat 115 6x5 30
2. Bench press 110 6x5 30
3. Dumbbell press 30 6x5 30
4. French press 35 6x5 30
5. Triceps on a block 55 6x4 24


1. Standing press80 6x4 24
2. Press with medium grip 90 6x4 24
3. Standing press 90 4x4 16
4. Press without legs 80 6x5 30

1. Bench press 165 75% 6x5 30
2. Bar press 5 cm 170 77% 4x5 20
3. Biceps standing 45 6x4 24
4. Biceps with dumbbells 16 6x4 24

1. Press with medium grip 80 6x5 30
2. Press without legs 90 4x5 20
3. Triceps on a block 45 6x5 30
4. French press 50 4x3 12

Four workouts (1 - hard and 3 - light).
-Heavy training (Friday) 50 kpsh for exercises with a barbell. Press 6x5 - 30 kpsh at 75% intensity and bench press 4x5 at intensity 77%.
-The standing press is also performed relatively hard, the intensity is not specified, but presumably more than 75%
-Also, the French press is performed hard, at the end of the workout, after pre-fatigue light loads.

This relatively new training system is still very young. Its author shows very good results, and time will tell its effectiveness.

1. A larger number of auxiliary exercises, which allows the athlete to develop comprehensively.
2. There is periodization.
3. There is no work at 90+% intensity, which does not burden the central nervous system.

1. The bench press is not enough, only 30 lifts at 75% and 30 at 50%.

2.Medium-intensity and medium-volume cycles

The workout is taken from the B.I. cycle. Sheiko (Bench press for those who like to “plow”)

1 week (reps X sets)


1.Zhimlezha50% 5x1p, 60% 4x1p, 70% 3x2, 75% 3x5
2. Squats 40% 6x1, 50% 6x1r, 60% 6x4
3. Bench press 50% 5x1, 60% 5x1, 70% 4x4
4. Pectoral muscles 8x5
5. Latissimus muscles 8x5

1. Bench press 50% 5x1, 60% 5x1, 70% 4x2, 75% 3x2, 80% 2x2,
75% 3x2, 70% 4x1, 60% 5x1, 50% 6x1
2. Hip extension 10x5
3. Bench presses 3x6
4. Dips 6x5 (with weight)
5. Triceps on an 8x5 block
6. Bending over a goat (hyperextension) 8x4


1. Bench press 50% 5x1, 60% 4x1, 70% 3x2, 80% 2x5
2. Squats 50% 4x1, 60% 4x1, 70% 3x4
3. Close grip bench press 50% 4x1, 60% 4x2, 65% 3x5
4. Pectoral muscles 8x5
5. Latissimus 8x5
6. Press 10x5


1. Seated press at a 4x6 angle
2. Bench presses 2x6
3. Dips 4x6
4. Triceps 10x5
5. Hyperextensions 6x5

KPS week 225 (157 bench press)

(In the program of B.I. Sheiko, the CPS of auxiliary exercises is not taken into account, only the PL of the troika).


Four workouts (all medium).
-Intensity in working approaches in the aisles 70-80%, UOI 60-70%
-KPSh – 157, which is quite a large KPSh for the UOI (60-70%), which will have a beneficial effect on the bench press technique.
-The load is distributed evenly between 4 days (if the athlete is tired or does not get enough sleep, he will be able to complete this workout).
-There is no frequent work at 90+% intensity, which does not burden the central nervous system, all training is carried out at 70-80%, the central nervous system tolerates this intensity very well.


The most popular training system in submarines, which has produced many champions, has proven its effectiveness over time.


1. Large KPSh of the basic movement.
2.Uniform load distribution.
3.There are balancing exercises for shoulder joint(Latissimus pull-downs).
4. There is periodization.
5. There is no overload of the central nervous system.


1. Few auxiliary exercises (which is good for high level, but not very good on medium and low).

3.High-intensity and low-volume cycles.

The workouts are taken from the Russian cycle (repetitions X approaches).

1. Squats 80% 6x2

2.Bench press 80% 6x3

1. Deadlift 80% 6x2

1. Squat 80% 6x3

2.Press 80% 6x2

CPS of the week - 72


Three workouts (all 3 are hard).
-Intensity and URI 80%
-KPS for week 72.
-No auxiliary exercises.


A high-intensity training system migrated to submarines with TA. It is effective, but has more disadvantages than the previous system.


1.Work with greater intensity (conditions close to competitions, not in the first week, but later).
2. There is periodization (but only in the direction of increasing intensity and decreasing KPS).


1.Low efficiency for all movements.
2. There are no balancing exercises for the shoulder joint (there are presses, no rows).
3. There are no auxiliary exercises.

4. Failure training.

One week was taken from the preparation of V. Kravtsov.

Day 1 – bench press, alternate bends arms with dumbbells, alternating arm extensions from behind the head while standing
Day 2 – rest
Day 3 – rest
Day 4 – dumbbell rows to the belt alternately
Day 5 – rest
Day 6 – rest
Day 7 – repetition of the workout on the first day of the cycle, but with much less
weights and shortened rest time between sets
Day 8 – rest
Day 9 - dumbbell rows to the belt alternately
Day 10 – rest


It is impossible to find training programs for everyone, like the previous 3, in refusal training, so V. Kravtsov’s program is taken. And it is extremely difficult to analyze it, since this athlete is of a very high level.

We can draw conclusions offhand:


1.Intensity is determined during training, only failure is important.
2. There are balancing exercises for the shoulder joint.


1.Very few accessory exercises.
2. Few CPS.

5.Integrated training.

Integral training comes from the word integrate, which means: to include, to embed, to make an integral part of something. From these words, it becomes clear that the integral training method allows you to integrate many different techniques into the training program. The main advantage of integral training is that the training program is compiled purely individually and includes many various exercises, which are necessary to this athlete. And the exercises are performed in the style (meaning volume or intensity) that works best for a particular person. The downside is that it is difficult to combine many techniques, exercises and track them training effect, to guess with the load and recovery so that progress occurs. There is no point in giving an example of a specific integral training program, since they are suitable only for their owners.

Lastly, the best part.

Opinions of the greatest modern athletes regarding intensity and volume, as well as some training points (spelling and punctuation preserved).

Bench presses:

Vadim Kahuta (V.K) 266 kg in 100. (Oltime)

Me: Vadim, hello. I’m writing an article here about intense training (heavy weights) and extensive training(larger tonnage). And in the end I want to collect the opinions of outstanding athletes, which style they prefer. Can I have your opinion please, are you for volume or intensity?

V.K: Most likely the volume

Me: Vadim, thank you for your answer.

V.K: You’re welcome)

Me: and another question, if possible, when you do assists for the front deltoid or triceps, do you do it hard, to failure, or lightly with a large margin?

V.K: Second

Me: got it, thanks) good luck on the platform)

V.K: Thank you

Roman Eremashvili (R.E) 218 ​​kg at 67.5 and 230.5 at 75. (Oltime)

Me: Roma, hello. I’m writing an article here about intensive training (large weights) and volume training (large tonnage). And in the end I want to collect the opinions of outstanding athletes, which style they prefer. Can I have your opinion please, are you for volume or intensity?

R.E: Hello. I choose the golden mean. But during the period of preparation for competitions, volumetric ones predominate in me. :)

Me: Roma, thank you. And another question. You write a training plan for yourself for the long term or decide on it during training. Do you make adjustments during training, based on how you feel or not?

R.E: pisuna 3 mesjca i pohodu redaktiruiu.

I'm understood, thank you.

Oleg Bazilevich (O.B.) 247 kg at 90.

Me: Oleg, hello. I’m writing an article here about intensive training (large weights) and volume training (larger tonnage). And in the end I want to collect the opinions of outstanding athletes, which style they prefer. Can I have your opinion please, are you for volume or intensity?

O.B: Hello. To be honest, I am for equality))) there are two types of muscle fibers in our body, some are responsible for strength and others for endurance. I am sure that both directions need to be trained with equal importance. Sprinters do a lot of strength training, while bodybuilders focus on long-term cardio training, each of them staying in the sport in which their muscle fibers dominate. In powerlifting, in my opinion, there is a need to conduct endurance training, naturally alternating with strength training...!!!

Me: Oleg, another question, if possible. Do you focus on endurance and strength in separate periods, or do you do them in one microcycle?

O.B: These are certainly completely different two periods.

Me: well, many people do 2-4 bench presses on Monday, and 10-12 reps on Friday. For example, Kravtsov, only his microcycle was not 7 days, but like 14. Do you work on endurance in the off-season, and strength when preparing?

O.B: Each athlete has his own principles of the training process, each athlete determines the system over many years of training, and is free to judge and draw conclusions solely from experience, I do exactly that and have no right to draw conclusions about training processes because of the progress of others.

Something like this)))

I went a little deeper and went into myself))

Me: I understand, thank you) good luck in removing Altime)

O.B: Thank you very much! If anything is always open)))

Grigory Slipchenko (G.S) 265 kg in 110.

Me: Gregory, hello. I’m writing an article here about intensive training (large weights) and volume training (large tonnage). And in the end I want to collect the opinions of outstanding athletes, which style they prefer. Can I have your opinion please, are you for volume or intensity?

S.G: for volume

I'm understood, thank you)

Murad Alibekov (M.A.) 272.5 kg at 125.

Me: Hello Murad. I’m writing an article here about intensive training (large weights) and volume training (large tonnage). And in the end I want to collect the opinions of outstanding athletes, which style they prefer. Can I have your opinion please, are you for volume or intensity?

M.A: Hi Anton, to be honest, I’m not very good at this. Personally, I prefer volumetric training

Me: Don’t you take interest into account, how do you feel?

I divide all trainers and their methods into 3 training programs, 1 - low-intensity and high-volume. 60-70% of rm 2 - medium-intensity and medium-volume 65-80% of rm. and high-intensity low-volume >80% of pm. These are the ranges in which the main work takes place. Just tell me, please, which one do you train on more?

M.A: I don’t even know how to count them (Smiley) all my weights are in kg, not percentages. And the workouts are different every time, if there are more repetitions then less weight, I add weight then I reduce the number of repetitions, nothing complicated. I I don't bother with interest rates

Me: Got it, thank you very much)

M..gif (smiley).

Pavel Kolokhin (P.K) 282.5 kg at 125.

Me: Pavel, hello. I’m writing an article here about intensive training (large weights) and volume training (large tonnage). And in the end I want to collect the opinions of outstanding athletes, which style they prefer. Can I have your opinion please, are you for volume or intensity?

PC: Good morning, I basically have both

Me: does work happen in the range of 8-12 repetitions? and is there any failure during the bench press?

P.K: When preparing repetitions using 5,3,2 in the off-season from 15 to 20

Me: I understand, thank you, but are you pushing to the limit or with a reserve?

Or by percentage?

P.K: Two weeks before the competition I press 260 to failure, and always with a reserve

I'm understood, thank you

P.K: You're welcome


Alexander Klyushev (A.K.) Deadlift 407.5 kg at 140

Me: Alexander, hello. I’m writing an article here about intensive training (large weights) and volume training (large tonnage). And in the end I want to collect the opinions of outstanding athletes, which style they prefer. Can I have your opinion please, are you for volume or intensity?

A.K: Hello) at different stages of preparation...at the beginning you mainly do volume, and when you reach peak form, you remove volume and move on to heavy weights

Me: Thank you very much, Alexander) And another question, if possible, is the volume at what intensity (% of maximal max) and kpsh, and closer to the competition, when the intensity is higher, what intensity and kpsh. I would be very grateful, if this is not a secret of course)

A.K: Volume is basically 80% and power is already 85-95%

Me: is the volume somewhere in the range of 4x4 - 5x5, and strength 2x2?

A.K: Well, approximately yes

Me: I got it, thank you very much) and good luck on the platform) and by the way, congratulations on Rex Rav)

A.K: Thank you

Igor Pedan (I.P) 902.5 without equipment kg at 140+

Me: Hello Igor. I’m writing an article here about intensive training (large weights) and volume training (large tonnage). And in the end I want to collect the opinions of outstanding athletes, which style they prefer. Can I have your opinion please, are you in favor of volume or intensity when training in powerlifting?

I.P: Hello. For intensity

Me: Thanks for the answer.

Andrey Konovalov (K.A) 1190 outfit 120+

Me: Andrey, hello. I’m writing an article here about intensive training (large weights) and volume training (large tonnage). And in the end I want to collect the opinions of outstanding athletes, which style they prefer. Can I have your opinion please, are you for volume or intensity?

A.K: Anton, hello. I am not ready to fundamentally separate these approaches. For example, I use intense volumes when deadlifting, but not every workout. In the squat and bench press, I tend to focus on volume in the base period and intensive training in the second half of preparation

Me: Thank you for your answer

Nikolay Zhukov (N.Zh) 725 without equipment at 90.

Me: Nikolay, hello. I’m writing an article here about intensive training (large weights) and volume training (larger tonnage). And in the end I want to collect the opinions of outstanding athletes, which style they prefer. Can I have your opinion please, are you for volume or intensity?

N.Zh: Greetings! Well, I’m hardly outstanding, so I’m for a reasonable combination

Taking into account the specifics of the preparation phases


The closer to the competition, the lower the overall KPS

Me: but more intensity or just a decrease in the overall load?

N.Zh: intersecting graph

With increasing intensity, the average volume decreases

I'm understood, thank you

N.Zh: in my perception, even during the intensive phase there should be a place for unloading (it is necessary to give the front ligaments), and then 1-2 training sessions are given regarding the volume ones

Equal and vice versa

During the period of volume training, relatively heavy training with weights is needed so that there is additional training stress

Me: Should there be work at % 90+?

Or should it not exist at all?

N.Zh: I have it

In particular, in the auxiliaries there can be weights and 100+%% relative to the main exercise

In a 16 or 24 week split I have at least 2 weeks where I lift 90+ weights in competition movements

1 week approximately 8 weeks before the tournament, second 3 weeks

I'm understood, thank you

Dmitry Smirnov (D.S) 797.5 without equipment at 140. Editor . Extensive experience as a trainer.

Some questions within the conversation:

Me: So are you leaning more toward no high-intensity training or high-volume, low-intensity training?

D.S: I am inclined towards an integrative approach) the essence is that everything works, we need to take the best from each system

And unite harmoniously

I understand)

D.S: but high intensity is closer to me

I love Westside very much)

Me: I understand, Americans like intensity more, and ours like volume?

D.S: The Americans processed our old three-dimensional schemes)

What happened is what happened

Westside is more specific to powerlifting

Volume is that

Percentages are a sign of speed-strength training

And not a power one, like ours

Therefore, the number of approaches and layouts for the elevator don’t matter)

Me: Is it more effective to train all types of muscles (VGMV GMV and OMV) at the same time than dividing them into periods?

D.S: In my opinion, yes.


As can be seen from dialogues with world-class athletes, there is no one working scheme. Many people like volume, others intensity. Some don’t even use concepts such as KPS, intensity, etc. Some work to capacity, while others don't. The old average schemes, according to which everyone was trained approximately the same, and whoever shows the result gets to compete, is a thing of the past. The future of sports lies in an integrated approach, selecting the best for a particular athlete. And every self-respecting coach should understand all the schemes in order to choose the best one for each athlete.

Powerlifting program is training plan, in which there are cycles of strength, endurance, speed and peak strength, thanks to which it is possible to avoid over-re-tre-ni-ro-van-nos-ty and imbalance in the development of certain body systems. One way or another, the goal of any training program for power-lifting is to achieve maximum strength results in one-time repetition in each competitive movement, so it is important to understand that the athlete trains not abstract muscle strength, but specific competitive movements -va-tel-ny movements. In this regard, since every person has a unique structure of the skeleton, muscles, tendons, joints and everything else, Everyone needs training differently!

The basis of the powerlifting program, of course, is the same for all athletes, absolutely all athletes must work on technical skills, work on hypertrophy of the mi-o-fib-rill-lyar-no-go ap-pa-ra-ta, explosive force, psychological preparation, strengthen ligaments and eliminate weak points. The latter is the subject that makes a difference in the tre-ni-ro-voch-ny process of pa-uer-leaf-te-rov. Athletes with long limbs should use one method, and athletes with a long body should use different ones! There are different types of techniques for performing co-revolutionary movements and choosing special controls when under -go-tov-ke. You should also not forget about the diet, since its opt-ti-mi-za-tion determines how much the athlete predicts-res-si-ru-et, and how much k-te-go-ryu he will enter on the roar-but-va-ni-yah.

Genetics and methodological guidelines

Predisposition: most race-friendly to power types sports are those people who have many fast motor units, short muscles, long ligaments, as well as short limbs. To determine the number of muscle fibers, you need to do a biopsy, which, of course, is impossible, but, in general, it becomes quite quickly clear in terms of muscle density and responsiveness for training, how many fast-twitch muscle fibers the athlete has. As for the length of the muscles, ligaments and limbs, they can be determined immediately, so you can say whether you will become something of the world or not, already in the first year of classes. Unfortunately, it is impossible to change any of these factors, but it is possible to control the consequences.

Long limbs: Athletes with such genetics have problems in bench presses and squat-da-ni-yahs, which in the bench press they can level out with push-ups and presses with chains, and in squat-da-ni-yahs: front -tal-ny-mi with-se-da-ni-ya-mi and squats with ropes. Learn more about how become stronger , You can read it by following the link, but keep in mind that long ends also require correction and execution technique. roaring movements. For example, squats should be performed in a wider position of the legs, and during the press, the elbows should be pressed closer to the body. It should also be noted that the technique for performing management should not ensure maximization of the current result, but maximization of ten-ci-al-no-tion th re-zul-ta-ta in this or that management.

Short limbs: This is precisely the genetics that provide the highest aptitude for powerlifting, but such athletes have difficulty in deadlifting. At-le-you lungs weight categories they solve this problem by performing a sumo-style stand-up, but athletes of heavier weight categories have to pay more attention to this exercise. Difficulties, as a rule, arise during the “breakdown” of the barbell, which is why it is necessary to use such common exercises as bending and extensions, as well as use special exercises in the form of rows from the pit, rows to the knees, and so on.

Powerlifting program: power cycle

Workout #1: squats and press
Barbell Squats – 5 sets of 6 reps
Power press – 4 sets of 4 reps
Dumbbell Flyes – 4 sets of 4 reps

Workout #2: foot rest
Front Squats – 6 sets of 6 reps
Romanian Deadlift – 4 sets of 6 reps
Rope/Box Squats – 4 sets of 8 reps

Workout #3: chest and delts
Military Press – 6 sets of 6 reps
Dips – 4 sets of 6 reps
Incline Press – 6 sets of 6 reps
Bench barbell row – 3 sets of 8 reps

Workout #4: deadlift
Reverse hyperextension – 3 sets of 8 reps
Deadlift – 6 sets of 6 reps
Bent-overs with a barbell – 3 sets of 8 reps

Workout #5: cardio

Workout #6: chest and back
Power press – 6 sets of 6 reps
Bent-over barbell rows – 6 sets of 6 reps
Superset :
Biceps curls – 6 sets of 6 reps
Cable extensions – 6 sets of 6 reps

Day No. 7 – rest

Notes* cycle duration 12-15 weeks; rest between sets for 2-3 minutes; the principle of the pyramid and “failure” repetitions is used in the last repetition of the ice-not-go-yes; squatting with ropes or on a box must be alternated; after the ok-on-cha-niya cycle, no-about-ho-di-mo can’t-de-li-breathe.

Functional cycle of a powerlifter

Workout #1: legs
Squats with ropes – 10 sets of 3 reps
Front Squats – 5 sets of 5 reps
Box squats – 10 sets of 3 reps
Barbell Squats – 5 sets of 5 reps

Workout #2: breast
Press with chains – 10 sets of 3 reps
Bar press – 10 sets of 3 reps
Power press – 5 sets of 5 reps

Workout #3: back
Deadlifts from plates – 10 sets of 3 reps
Deadlift – 5 sets of 5 reps

Notes* cycle duration 9 weeks; rest between sets 2 minutes; refusal is not allowed; training 6 times a week; There is no need to rest at the end of the cycle.

Peak Strength Cycle

Workout #1: main
Power press

Workout #2: utility room
Dips – 4 sets of 5 reps
Bar press – 8 sets of 3 reps
Lying dumbbell flyes – 4 sets of 4 reps

Workout #3: main

Workout #4: utility room
Front Squats – 6 sets of 4 reps
Romanian Deadlift – 4 sets of 4 reps

Workout #5: main
Barbell Squats (50%)
Power press

Workout #6: utility room
Bent-over barbell rows – 4 sets of 4 reps
Deadlifts from plates - 4 sets of 2 reps

The duration of the cycle is 6 weeks, in which the load is cycled in accordance with the following table:

Basic training p/p Percentage of PM
workout 1 70%x1x2 75%x1x2 80%x6x2
workout 2 70%x1x2 75%x1x2 80%x6x3
workout 3 70%x1x2 75%x1x2 80%x6x2
workout 4 70%x1x2 75%x1x2 80%x6x4
workout 5 70%x1x2 75%x1x2 80%x6x2
workout 6 70%x1x2 75%x1x2 80%x6x5
workout 7 70%x1x2 75%x1x2 80%x6x2
workout 8 70%x1x2 75%x1x2 80%x6x6
workout 9 70%x1x2 75%x1x2 80%x6x2
workout 10 70%x1x2 75%x1x2 85%x5x5
workout 11 70%x1x2 75%x1x2 80%x6x2
workout 12 70%x1x2 75%x1x2 90%x4x4
workout 13 70%x1x2 75%x1x2 80%x6x2
training 14 70%x1x2 75%x1x2 90%x3x3
workout 15 70%x1x2 75%x1x2 80%x6x2
training 16 70%x1x2 75%x1x2 100%x2x2
training 17 70%x1x2 75%x1x2 80%x6x2
training 18 70%x1x2 75%x1x2 105%x2x1

Note* 70%x1x2 - means that a person must perform 1 set of 2 repetitions with 70% of the personal maximum in this exercise; in the table for-pi-sa-ny only working moves, times-min-ka is not taken into account, but it also needs to be done; for exercises where 50% is indicated, it is necessary to perform all moves with 50% of the RM during the current training.

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