A set of exercises for gaining weight for 3 workouts per week. Mass training program for beginners. German volume training

This article will reveal the best exercises for gaining muscle mass that will make your workouts more effective and make your muscles grow.

Each workout consists of different exercises, a certain number of repetitions. A set of exercises compiled without a specific goal can be a waste of time. If you want to increase muscle mass as quickly as possible and develop strength indicators, then you need to take a responsible approach to choosing the necessary mass exercises.

Let's define what basic exercises for gaining muscle mass are and why they are called that. These are movements that involve at least 2 joints, for example, for the biceps, these are pull-ups, because they involve the elbow and shoulder joints. But this does not mean that this is the “base” for muscle growth. You can gain weight without heavy exercises such as squats and deadlifts. Beginners need to work with isolating movements for several months and pump up all muscle groups and only then move on to more complex movements.

The exercises presented below are the most effective because they involve large muscle groups and well load smaller ones and stimulate maximum release of the hormone testosterone. You may notice that they are divided into 3 categories:

  1. Exercises with dumbbells.
  2. Exercises with a barbell.
  3. Bodyweight exercises.

Studying various training programs, it can be noted that primary attention is paid to exercises with dumbbells and barbells. They are best suited for targeted training of certain muscle groups, only then should you move on to isolating exercises on machines. However, their effectiveness is lower than that of exercises with dumbbells and barbells.

The Smith machine press is not as good as the dumbbell or barbell bench press. The machine leg press is not as effective as weighted squats. And pull-downs on the upper block are not as effective as pull-ups.

If you are a complete beginner and are just about to join the gym, then basic exercises for gaining weight will not suit you. First you need to prepare your ligaments and joints for working with weights and only then move on to heavy multi-joint exercises with barbells and dumbbells.

Here you will find classes for the first month.

Here is a list of the 7 most effective exercises. If your goal is to build muscle, then be sure to add them to your training routine.


This is the main exercise for developing strength and building a muscular body. No training program should be complete without it. Typically, squats are performed with a barbell in a squat rack. The exercise affects not only the leg muscles, but also the entire upper body. Squats are like a hormonal nuclear bomb for the body, causing every part of the body to become stronger and bigger with each repetition.


The second most effective exercise, which helps to quickly gain muscle mass and makes a person strong as a bear. Similar to squats, it is performed only with a barbell.


The exercise is often called "upper body squats," and for good reason. The main load falls on the muscles of the shoulders, chest and triceps. This is a good exercise for general development of the upper body of a person. Push-ups are performed on parallel bars specially designed for this purpose.

Sometimes it turns out that even the strongest weightlifters cannot do even a couple of pull-ups. This is a great exercise for working your back and biceps muscles. If possible, you should give preference to it rather than pulling down on a high block.

Bench press

This is a basic exercise for working the muscles of the upper body. There are several options for performing the exercise: barbell bench press, dumbbell bench press, incline barbell press, incline dumbbell press.

Standing press

Just like the bench press, there are several variations to perform the exercise. These are presses with dumbbells or a barbell, standing and sitting. You can also use the Arnold press or the overhead press. Shvung press is also popular.

Both barbell and dumbbell variations are great exercises for the upper back. You can choose the age-old option - T-bar row to the chest. While many exercises using simulators do not bring tangible benefits, the pull-down of a horizontal block to the chest is very effective.

Squats are the main exercise for developing strength and building a muscular body. No training program should be complete without them. Squats are like a hormonal nuclear bomb for the body, causing every part of the body to become stronger and bigger with each repetition.

How to do the exercises correctly

For maximum training results, all movements must be performed under control, with correct technique and at a sufficient level of intensity. Let's look at each point in order.

Under control- means performing a movement using the strength of the working muscle group that we want to pump. There should be no throwing of projectiles, jerking movements or uncontrolled returns to the starting position. The target muscle group will pump well only when it is fully engaged and under tension. Neuromuscular connection (mental connection between brain and muscles) - in simple words, you should feel how your muscles contract when doing exercises. Thanks to this, strength increases faster, more muscle fibers are involved in work and they grow faster.

Correct technique It is needed not only for safety during training, without it there will be no point in exercising. The simplest example is when performing a bench press to train your chest, you can pump your back, triceps, shoulders, even legs, but not your chest. The target muscle simply will not be included in the work and you will never pump it up, and you will also load other fibers so that they will not work efficiently in their main movements.

Intensity determined by the number and pace of repetitions. The classic exercise scheme: strong, quick lifting of the weight and a calm, smooth movement in the negative phase.

How to do an exercise to gain muscle mass, fast or slow? It is necessary with a quick movement, in which you feel the muscles working, to lift the weight and slowly return it to its original position.

The best exercises for gaining mass in different muscle groups

Now let's look at the most effective exercises for different parts of the body. Here you will find many of the exercises from the previous list.

For the pectoral muscles

  • Bench press. The main exercise for the muscles of the upper body. It is so popular that it is often given a separate day in training programs.
  • Bench press on an incline bench. Often professional bodybuilders make it their main thing.
  • Dips. A great exercise called the “upper body squat.”
  • Bench press with dumbbells. You'll really feel your pecs working with this variation of the exercise.
  • Bench press with dumbbells on an incline bench. A good alternative to the incline bench press.

This list does not include some variations of the exercise, since they have a shorter working distance when pressing, and the emphasis is on the triceps.

For back muscles

  • Deadlift. No other exercise works the back muscles as effectively. Even simply holding the barbell in its original position puts the latissimus dorsi muscles under extreme tension.
  • Pull-ups. The exercise is much better than the high pulldown. You can do one pull-up, two pull-ups. You can do two pull-ups, try for a third rep. If you can't do it even once, use a pull-up rack.
  • Bent-over barbell row. No workout should be complete without this exercise, especially with the barbell.
  • Bent-over dumbbell rows. An excellent choice after the previous exercise, especially if you have weak lower back muscles.
  • Power clean. Explosive movements effectively work the back muscles, from the trapezius and below.

For shoulders

  • Standing press. An exercise that has remained a staple in many training programs for decades.
  • Shvung press. A similar exercise to the previous one, only with a larger explosive movement.
  • Bench press. Yes, you read that right. When performing the exercise, the deltoid muscles are wonderfully worked out. If you perform several variations of bench presses on your pectoral training day, you don't have to devote a separate exercise to working your deltoids on your shoulder training day.
  • Seated overhead press. Great choice. Your arms should be lowered to parallel to your shoulders relative to the floor.
  • Seated press with dumbbells. The execution is a little easier, since the hands with dumbbells can be placed in a more natural position.

For legs

  • Squats. Basic exercise, nothing more to add here.
  • Front weight squats. Another popular exercise among bodybuilders. The exercise is more difficult to master, but the benefits from it will be enormous.
  • Deadlift from the knees. Strengthen your hamstrings.
  • Leg press. A good alternative if you don't have access to a squat rack.
  • Lunges forward with dumbbells. Another basic exercise for working the leg muscles.

For arm muscles

  • Reverse grip pull-ups. An incredible exercise (palms facing your face) to work your biceps. Probably even better than weighted biceps curls.
  • Close grip press. The exercise allows you to redistribute the weight of the projectile to the triceps.
  • Dips. This arm exercise is better than many others that target specific muscles.
  • Biceps curls with barbell. Classic.
  • Bend your arms behind your head for triceps while sitting. Allows you to work with heavy weights and work out your muscles well. An assistant is needed to monitor the correct execution.

Worth mentioning

  • Press crunches with weight. Don't chase quantity, add weight and pump up your muscles well.
  • Shrugs for training the trapezius muscles. Can be performed with heavy weights to quickly increase the volume of the trapezius.
  • Torso twisting on a block. Forget crunches on the floor, add weights and get 6-pack abs.
  • Hanging leg raises. The exercise not only helps to work out the muscles of the torso and warm up the muscles before more complex exercises, but also works well on the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles, allowing you to get an excellent appearance of the abs.
  • Seated leg raises on the calf muscles. The best way to work your calf muscles.

Three day split It is no coincidence that it is one of the most common options for a separate training system, as it is optimal for both beginners and advanced athletes. Three workouts per week allow you to thoroughly work out each muscle group and fully recover between workouts. Therefore, a three-day training program is often used for both gaining mass and increasing strength, and for losing weight.

Benefits of a 3-Day Split Training Program

The 3 times a week training program is a bodybuilding classic. Unlike a two-day split, a three-day split allows you to pay more attention to working the muscles of the upper body. Exercising every other day optimally promotes recovery and avoids overworking the body.

Each muscle group is thoroughly worked out once a week, not counting indirect load. This interval between training one muscle group is optimal for muscle recovery and supercompensation. Therefore, by following a three-day training program, you can successfully achieve your goals, be it increasing muscle mass and strength, or losing weight.

There are many options for creating a three-day workout program. The main thing is to correctly distribute muscle groups. As usual, in one workout two muscle groups are worked out - one large and one small muscle group. For example, on Monday we train the leg muscles + shoulders, on Wednesday the pectoral muscles + biceps, and on Friday the back muscles + triceps.

In each workout, heavy basic exercises are always performed first, which involve many large and small muscles, then lighter and isolating exercises. For example, on Monday, a leg and shoulder workout might look like this:

  1. Barbell Squat
  2. Bench leg press in the simulator
  3. Leg extensions on the block
  4. Leg curls on a block
  5. Standing barbell/dumbbell press
  6. Standing Barbell Row

Training days are separated by 1-2 days of complete rest. Each MG is worked out once a week at the peak of supercompensation, when the muscles have fully recovered and become a little larger and stronger. In this case, you can progress the load by slightly increasing the working weight or performing 1-2 more repetitions. However, if at the next workout you feel that you have not yet recovered, then you need to either reduce the volume of the load or increase the rest time between workouts, working each MG every 8-9 days.

Below are several options for three-day training programs for beginners, advanced athletes and a three-day split for girls. These options are not dogma. You can independently replace the exercises, the number of repetitions and approaches, and so on. Any training program can and should be tailored to suit you, based on your body’s recovery abilities.



  1. Pull-ups with extra weighing 4x8-12
  2. Dumbbell/barbell bench press 4x8-12
  3. Bent-over barbell row 3x8-10
  4. Dumbbell press at an angle of 3x8-10
  5. Bent-over dumbbell row 3x8-10
  6. Lying dumbbell flyes 3x8-10


  1. Seated barbell/dumbbell press 4x8-12
  2. Barbell/dumbbell rows to the chest while standing 4x8-12
  3. Close grip bench press 3x8-10
  4. Barbell curls 3x8-10
  5. French press 3x8-10
  6. Hammers with dumbbells 3x8-10


  1. Squats 4x8-12
  2. Deadlift 4x8-12
  3. Leg press 3x8-10
  4. Leg curls 3x8-10
  5. Standing calf raise 3x12-15
  6. Seated calf raise 3x15-20



  1. Deadlift 3x6-8
  2. Pull-ups 3x6-12
  3. Bent-over barbell/dumbbell row 3x6-12
  4. Barbell curls 3x6-12
  5. Hammers with dumbbells 3x6-12


  1. Bench press 3x6-8
  2. Incline dumbbell press 3x8-12
  3. Dumbbell flyes 3x8-12
  4. Dips 3x6-12
  5. French press 3x6-12
  6. Crunches 3x20-30


  1. Squats 3x6-8
  2. Leg press 3x8-12
  3. Calf raise 3x12-15
  4. Seated barbell/dumbbell press 3x8-12
  5. Barbell row to the chin 3x8-12
  6. Dumbbell swings to the sides 3x10-12


Men's and women's training, as a rule, have several fundamental differences. Firstly, most men want to increase muscle mass and strength, while girls dream of losing weight, pumping up their butt, making their stomach flat, removing their sides, and so on. That is, girls pay special attention to working on the so-called “problem areas.” Consequently, training for girls will be less intense and consist mainly of exercises on the most problematic areas of the body, such as the hips and buttocks, and the abdomen. In addition, after strength training, you can add 20 minutes of cardio or do cardio training on a separate day, if possible, of course.


  1. Squats 3x12-15
  2. Deadlift on straight legs 3x12-15
  3. Lunges with dumbbells 3x12-15
  4. Leg curls 3x12-15
  5. Incline crunches 3-4x20-25


  1. Push-ups 3 max.
  2. Incline dumbbell press 3x12-15
  3. Lying dumbbell flyes 3x12-15
  4. Extension of arms with a dumbbell from behind the head 3x12-15
  5. Arm extensions on the block down 3x12-15


  1. Pull-down of the upper block behind the head 3x12-15
  2. Bent-over dumbbell row 3x12-15
  3. Hyperextension 3x12-15
  4. Seated dumbbell press 3x12-15
  5. Lifting dumbbells through the sides 3x12-15


You should switch to a three-day split after a full-body training program or a two-day split. However, it is quite common for beginners to jump straight into the 3-day beginner split. The main thing is not to overdo it with the load to avoid overtraining.

At the initial stage, it is enough to perform 2-3 approaches with small weights of 10-15 repetitions in order to establish the correct technique for performing the exercises and gradually prepare the muscles for working with large working weights.

When working on mass, trained athletes need to perform exercises with large working weights (75-80% of the maximum), 3-4 sets of 6-12 repetitions.

Rest between sets depends on your goals. When working on mass and strength, rest between approaches and exercises for 2-3 minutes. To lose weight, rest between approaches should be reduced to 30-60 seconds. Rest no more than 2 minutes between exercises.

A slim, fit figure is the key to health, good mood, attractiveness and self-confidence. This is why you should always look good. But what if you don’t have time to train in the gym? Work out at home!

Yes, it’s possible to get in shape without leaving home. Especially at the initial stage of training, when the muscles do not need professional trainers and too heavy weights.

We will help you understand all the nuances of training at home and create the right program for gaining muscle mass.

How to build muscle mass at home

To gain muscle mass at home as quickly as possible, you need to learn several important rules:

Regular does not mean exhausting. Three workouts a week for 40-50 minutes are the best option for both beginners and “experienced” athletes. The main thing to remember is that it takes a week for a muscle to fully recover, that is, seven days should pass between the first and second training for a particular group.

You can build muscle mass at home only if you follow a diet. It is necessary to provide the body with energy - carbohydrates and fats, and building material - protein.

An athlete’s diet should contain egg whites, cottage cheese, lean meat, poultry, fish, cereals, nuts, legumes, and mushrooms.

The athlete's body's need for protein is 1.8 - 2.3 g per kilogram of weight, here it is written what to eat and when, calculations of the body's needs and a menu are given.

If this standard is difficult to meet with food, then you need to think about buying protein or gainer.

During sleep, the body recovers, which is why proper rest is as important a part of a weight gain program as nutrition and training. In this case, the athlete’s sleep duration should be at least 8 hours, the recommended norm is 9-11 hours.

To ensure your body gets healthy sleep, you need to go to bed at the same time, rest on an empty stomach, and not exercise before bed.

  1. Adaptation to new conditions

The body's ability to adapt to changed conditions can negatively impact an athlete's progress. That is why a training program at home should be drawn up taking into account the muscles’ adaptation to the level of load.

  1. Inventory

To work with weights, you need to purchase a bar, dumbbells, and plates of different weights. You can also install a horizontal bar at home, buy or make weights for your legs and arms, and fill an old backpack with something heavy, such as sand. Otherwise, all you need is comfortable, breathable clothing and a water bottle.

Workout program for gaining muscle mass at home

Each workout should begin with a 15-minute warm-up, which will prepare the muscles for intense work and further growth. Warming up should warm up the muscles, increase blood flow to the muscles, “accelerate” the pulse and reduce the risk of injury. Moreover, unlike the main training program, warm-up does not involve working on a specific muscle group - it must prepare the entire body.

Day one: working deltoids, chest, back, biceps and triceps

Day two: abs, lumbar muscles

Day three: gluteal muscles, legs

The above program is just a drop in the ocean of opportunities that open up for an athlete who strives to improve his form.

). Those. for each muscle group, I will try to highlight just 1 exercise that I would 100% not ignore unless there is a special reason. Go!

Your future SUCCESS (in terms of muscle growth rate) is half dependent on the correct choice of exercises in the gym, therefore, it is vitally important not to make a mistake and make the right choice.


Everyone knows this exercise. The best of the best. One of the most effective exercises for developing the latissimus dorsi muscles... that is, FOR DEVELOPING A POWERFUL V-SHAPED BACK.. This is probably the most popular/ancient and at the same time easily accessible exercise, which I would never ignore .

When performing it, the entire upper shoulder girdle is involved: the latissimus dorsi, shoulders (mainly the anterior bundle), trapezius (by the way, they are very heavily loaded), forearms (also actively plowed) and arm muscles (biceps, brachialis, too active for most people) and even CHEST and TRICEPS. This exercise forms the BASIS in training the back muscles of all (if not all, then the absolute majority) athletes.

There is an equally effective replacement for this exercise - vertical block pull-down to the chest:

The vertical block row imitates pull-ups (this is analogous), the only difference is that in pull-ups we attract (pull up) our body to the projectile (crossbar), and in the vertical block row we attract the projectile to the body, and of course, in the vertical For deadlifts, it is possible to set a small weight (or medium), this is useful for those who do not know how to do pull-ups (can’t, they don’t have enough strength), for girls, etc. That's all. As for the muscles, the same ones work.

For many people, pulling a vertical block to the chest will be even more effective than pull-ups, because pull-ups are a very, very difficult EXERCISE (both PHYSICALLY and TECHNICALLY), as a result, as practice shows, many people do pull-ups WRONG! They jerk jerkily, just to pull themselves up, they don’t feel the back muscles, they pull themselves up mainly due to the strength of the biceps, in general, for many people (who don’t know how to pull themselves up correctly), the pull-down of a vertical block to the chest is better suited because of the fact that we have the opportunity to put on medium or even light weights and clearly work out the technique (learn to turn off the biceps from work, perform traction using the back muscles), this will be much more effective than jerking on the horizontal bar, haphazardly, if only it was possible.


Squats with a barbell on your shoulders

An exercise from among the best of the best. It involves almost the entire body... legs, buttocks, legs, abdominals, back, arms, shoulders... in short, it should never be ignored, without special reasons (for example, injuries to the spine, knee joints, hemorrhoids).

This exercise, in my opinion, is the best in training the muscles of the legs and buttocks! It is this exercise that I would choose (perform) if I did not have the opportunity (for example, due to lack of time) to do other leg exercises. This is the BASIC-BASIC, there is nothing cooler than it.

If you cannot do the squat (for some reason), I would then recommend:

Ideally, of course, do a good squat, and then do a leg press, but if it is not possible to do a squat, then the leg press is the second, most effective movement for the leg muscles, and that is what I would do, which is why I recommend it to you.

Actually, I am one of those who cannot do squats, therefore my main exercise in training the leg muscles is the leg press. If there was something more effective, I would do it, but the leg press!!!


The barbell row to the chin (also known as a pull-up) with a medium (relatively wide grip) is the only basic exercise for training the MIDDLE DELTA BUNCH. THE ONLY!!!

For those who don’t know, it is the middle bundles of deltas that make your deltoids (shoulders) wide (spherical). In addition, as practice shows, many athletes have overdeveloped anterior fascicles, and the middle and posterior fascicles lag behind; it is for these reasons that I have identified this exercise as the MAIN one in the training of the deltoids (shoulders), and I would strongly recommend that you under no circumstances do it ignore. There is no replacement for him.

Although, I’m lying, an exercise that can be substituted is standing dumbbell flyes (swings):

This exercise also develops the middle deltoids, but alas, it is isolated, therefore, less effective than pulling, so it is much better to give preference to rowing to the chin.


For those who do not know what the arm muscles are made of, study: “Anatomy of the arm muscles.”

  • BICEPS: Reverse Grip Biceps Pull-Ups
  • TRICEPS: Dips (emphasis on triceps)

Reverse grip pull-ups and dips

Many may now be horrified and ask, where is the barbell curl?))

For those who don’t know, lifting a barbell for biceps is an isolating exercise =) because when you do it, ONLY ONE JOINT (the elbow) is USED, that’s why it is isolated...

standing biceps curl


Hanging leg raises on the bar

This movement is, in fact, another variation of the classic reverse crunch. However, rest assured, this variation of the exercise is much more difficult (to perform), and therefore more effective (better). That's why I recommend it to you.

The exercise specifically uses the entire rectus abdominis muscle (the entire abs) and oblique muscles (the same “scratches” on the side of the abs), as well as auxiliary muscles: the hand, forearms, back, shoulders and leg muscles. In my opinion, the best of the best exercises for this muscle group.


Standing and sitting calf raises

In shin (calves) training, these two exercises are the main ones. They do not compete with each other in terms of efficiency, because... develop slightly different areas. Standing calf raises specifically work the calves, but sitting calf raises work the soleus muscle (located under the calf muscles). If the goal is massive, powerful, large shins, you need to do both exercises.

By the way, calf raises are more basic (harder) than sitting calf raises; if it is not possible to do both, then give preference to standing calf raises! But remember what I told you. I recommend studying: “How to pump up your calves”, “Calf muscle training program”.


  • Reverse barbell curl
  • Barbell wrist curls

In my opinion, there is no need to consider forearm training SEPARATELY (it does not make much sense), because This muscle already receives sufficient load during training of the back and biceps muscles. Do you understand? That is why, for the vast majority of people, I would not recommend concentrating on working out this muscle group. It is too small and not significant. But, by the way, the above exercises (in my opinion) are the most effective.


  • Shrugs with a barbell or dumbbells

Shrugs with barbell and dumbbells

Ideally, I would recommend somehow alternating or combining, or using the one to which your heart lies (what you like best, where you feel the trapezius more, etc.), in shrugs with dumbbells the AMPLITUDE OF MOVEMENT is slightly greater than with barbell, but when working with a barbell you can work with decent working weights, but with dumbbells you don’t have this opportunity... well, in general, such moments (just know), both exercises are highly effective.

Regarding the number of repetitions, sets, rest between sets, and other issues, see these articles:

  • What weight should you use in the exercises? (how to choose weight, etc.)

Best regards, administrator.

Working out in the gym 3 times a week is a classic training regimen used by the vast majority of athletes. Three training days allow you to very effectively work out almost all muscle groups, combining them in pairs. The only drawback of training 3 times a week is the practical impossibility of pumping all muscle groups by combining them in pairs. For example, chest + back, biceps + triceps, quadriceps + hamstrings, front/middle + rear deltoids. Since we only have 3 days, our split scheme typically looks like this:

  • Chest + back
  • Legs + deltoids
  • Biceps + triceps

The disadvantage of this scheme is that we do not allocate separate days for training the legs and deltoid muscles. Although this is not a serious problem for training amateur athletes.

Basic principles of an effective mass program

  • High intensity in .

The working weight in basic exercises should be maximum for the required number of repetitions. This means that the last rep of the set should be near failure.

  • High volume in .

Isolating movements in mass programs play the role of “finishing off” exercises for the working muscle. They should be performed with light weights and high repetitions (15-20). Performing “isolation” in a strong manner (heavy weight, 6-8 repetitions) is a serious mistake that increases the likelihood of injury and reduces the effectiveness of the workout.

  • Usage .

Creatine allows you to increase the intensity of your workouts and maintain it at the required level throughout the entire mass-gaining cycle. In addition, the presence of creatine in muscles is one of the. At its core, creatine is a muscle consumable used during intense work.

  • Usage .

Another key factor in the effectiveness of mass training is the amount of protein consumed throughout the day. Protein, or protein, is the main building material for our muscles, so no matter how effective the program is, if there is insufficient protein intake, weight gain will be minimal or even zero. The optimal protein intake per day is. This amount will be sufficient to meet all the body’s needs and ensure the growth of new muscle mass.

Mass training program (3 workouts per week)

Day 1– Chest + Back.

Exercises Approaches Repetitions
3 6-8*
2 to capacity**
2 to capacity***
3 6-8*
2 to capacity**
2 to capacity***

* - use the maximum working weight for a given number of repetitions.
** - use the maximum working weight for 8 repetitions. Don't count the repetitions you complete, but do them until you can't complete a single repetition.
*** - use working weight for 12 reps. Perform repetitions slowly. Don't count the repetitions you complete, but do them until you can't complete a single repetition.

Day #2– Shoulders + Legs.

Exercises Approaches Repetitions
3 6-8*
2 to capacity**
2 to capacity***
3 6-8*
2 to capacity**
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