How to quickly learn how to perform a forceful exit. How to do exits on the horizontal bar. How to make a forceful exit: technique

Today we will look at how you can learn a two-handed exit on the horizontal bar, how to perform it correctly, how easier it is to perform it, and what types and mistakes there are when performing a two-handed exit. Street Workout.

When studying this element, of course, you should not forget about general physical training (GPP), you must do push-ups on the uneven bars and the floor at least 20 times and pull-ups on the horizontal bar at least 15 times.

In fact, absolutely any element can be made with high quality, or you can do it somehow and protect it by putting it aside in your “treasury of studied elements.” Since going to two is the basis of the basics and is very important, then in this element you cannot afford such a mistake as learning to do it somehow, because in the future it will become the basis for other elements and it will simply be indecent in relation to the sport as a whole.

Naturally, you cannot immediately learn how to perform a two-step on the horizontal bar perfectly, therefore, to begin with, you will learn to perform it crookedly, but it is important not to stop and continue to train it as much and as often as possible.

As you understand, the elementary basis for this element will be regular pull-ups and one-up exercises. Many people absolutely rightly think that when they have learned to do 15-20 pull-ups and have done one pull-up (on each arm), then they should do two pull-ups. But there is one little trick here; doing two in Street Workout is not a direct continuation of pull-ups and is not even a direct continuation of doing one, because when pulling up and fixing your body near the horizontal bar, in doing one-arm you can alternately throw your arm quite easy, but in output 2 you won’t be able to do that, because It will be necessary to overcome this line due to your explosive strength or brute muscular strength.

Having reached the stage when you can do high pull-ups 10 times and can quickly do a one-arm exit, you have 2 options to continue: learn a two-arm exit quickly using poor technique, and then relearn a good one, or go for a better, longer one and the thorny path - study the exit to 2 on the horizontal bar right away correctly.

Let's consider the first method first.. Find yourself a horizontal bar that you can stand next to and jump on the bar just to understand correct movement during exit.

When you have mastered and understood this movement, your first exit will be made using sharp jerky pull-ups and your hands will come out from above in the letter “M”. This is the simplest, low-quality and not beautiful solution for two, but you can already count it as done or start working on its quality.

Sooner or later, you will be able to do two exits with the letter “M” if you pull yourself up normally and do one exit normally, so we immediately move on to working on quality. As you understand, a correct, normal and adequate two-arm approach in Street Workout should be performed without the letter “M” above the horizontal bar. You need to strive to ensure that your arms move along the body.

The simplest, most correct and already good way out for two would be the way out with laid hands, i.e. The exit is already performed slowly and you will go through the hardest phase of this element slowly, which means you are teaching your muscles the correct execution and laying the foundation for the highest quality exit at 2. We advise you to study this element on uneven bars, because Many people cannot use a deep grip and complain that their hands hurt. The bars have a thicker area to wrap your hand around, so it will be much easier to press and your hands won’t hurt anymore, because The area of ​​your support on the bar of the bars is larger.

If you can’t do an exit with a deep grip for two on the uneven bars, stand at the end of the bars and do the element, then the crossbar of the bars will not interfere with you and you can freely do this element.

When studying the two-step exercise, you need to pay special attention to each of their phases, not only learn how to bring your elbows to the top from deep grips, but also learn how to do normal push-ups from the bar from above.

I would like to remind you that going to 2 is considered a power element and it will not happen that you learned it and then abandoned it. Then you won’t do it so easily, you need to constantly work and work on this element, then the result will not keep you waiting :)

To learn this element more quickly, you will need to pay special attention to explosive pull-ups and push-ups.

Entering two is not a technical element, but a power element, which has practically no limits, you can separately work out each of the phases of the element in order to do it better, for a greater number of times, with weights, from different elements, with changing grips and hand positions on the horizontal bar. (12 votes, average: 4.5 out of 5)

(6 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Sport is one of the main points regarding healthy image human life. Playing sports requires adherence to technique. various types exercise, regular training.

Exiting by force on the horizontal bar is not a simple element; correct execution may take quite a long time, depending, of course, on physical training athlete.

In spite of everything, you can learn how to do such an element in a certain sequence, thanks to simple initial actions on the crossbar. The main thing is not to try to rush to do more than everyone’s physical training allows, as this will take more time to learn. By following a clear sequence and technique, you can learn how to do the exercise through effort, patience, and constant training.


The technique of performing this element on the crossbar requires good physical training and knowledge of the rules of basic actions on it. Those who are constantly growing in the field of sports will make an exit by force according to a certain sequence. For beginners, you need to go through preliminary exercises on the crossbar, which we read below.

To perform a two-arm power output, you must follow the following sequence:

  1. Hang on the horizontal bar with such a grip that your palms are on top.
  2. With a quick upward movement of your torso, make an effort to end up slightly above the bar.
  3. Bend your hands, squeeze yourself over the horizontal bar.

To avoid hitting your chest against the bar, you need to try while lifting to push a little away from it a couple of centimeters.

Muscle work when performing

Pre-pumping the muscles will greatly facilitate the technique of this element. You must have strong hands pectoral muscles, press. These areas of the body must be well pumped, because they play an interconnected role during the execution of the technique.

Features of the exercise

How to learn to do a power-up on the horizontal bar if your hands are weak? Even despite the excellent physical training of individual parts of the body, the hands can fail if they have insufficient strength. To strengthen them, you need to use special exercises that involve dumbbells or a kettlebell.

Strengthening the hand is done by bending it. First in the inside together with a weight - 10 times, then outside, the same number of times. Changing alternately 5-6 approaches. By carrying out similar actions to strengthen the hands, you can train them well enough for further performance of the element.

For beginners, you can learn to make a forceful exit using the following exercises:

  • pull-ups until you touch the upper chest, the bar;
  • pull up until you touch the bottom chest, crossbars;
  • strengthening the hands with special exercises with dumbbells;

Starting small can achieve big results. Training on the crossbar, which will subsequently make it possible to do the desired element, consists of exercising the release of strength from one of the arms. The sequence is:

  1. Hanging on the horizontal bar, make a quick jerk of the body upward until the chest is at the level of the crossbar.
  2. Without stopping, from this position, quickly throw the elbow of one of your arms up so that it turns out that one of your arms, from the shoulder to the hand, is above the horizontal bar, the other below.
  3. Following the hand above the horizontal bar, throw your other hand and squeeze your weight all the way up.

This sequence will make it possible to quickly learn how to perform a forceful exit on the horizontal bar in the original. At the same time, muscle training is ideal - all muscle tissue is strengthened. You can also do exercises with preliminary swinging on the horizontal bar and perform the same actions. An alternative option for beginners who are just learning or don’t know how to perform a force release on the horizontal bar with both arms.


To maintain good physical shape you need training exercises that contribute to its development. In order not to stop there, it is necessary to constantly develop skills and abilities in matters of sports.

This will certainly lead to greater heights and strengthening not only muscles, but also health, and health is the most priceless thing a person has.

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Hello friends. I would really like to tell you how to use force with two hands: technique. I learned to do this one of the basic and probably favorite turnstile exercises a long time ago. Now I want to teach you. Below we describe the technique and additional tools for accurately performing this simple exercise.

The crossbar (or horizontal bar) is one of the most common sports equipment, which can be either in the yard of your home or in your own home. Not to mention sports grounds and “gyms”. Moreover, the crossbar can be easily made from available materials. But what to do if you’re already tired of doing pull-ups? Are there any others more technical difficult exercises? I suggest you turn your attention to the two-handed exit.

Strength training as a means of muscle development

I called this exercise quite simple, but only for those who already have experience in training their body. For beginners, it can become an insurmountable obstacle at first, although the technique is “simple.”

It is noteworthy that the two-arm exercise combines several exercises at once, the elements of which can be traced during execution: these are pull-ups, pulling a block with straight arms to the lower abdomen, and push-ups on uneven bars, and from the floor. All this, as you understand, to some extent includes the muscles corresponding to each exercise in the work.

Unlike conventional pull-ups, in addition to the back muscles and biceps with forearms, the pectoral muscles, triceps, and all three sections work forcefully when pulling out deltoid muscles, abdominal muscles, torso, lower back and even hips.

Several approaches of 10-15 such exits on the horizontal bar will be an excellent help for building up muscle mass. Moreover, once you reach the 20-rep mark, you can count on high-quality detailing of the muscles involved.

How to make a forceful exit: technique

So, you are hanging on the horizontal bar. What's next? And then you need to pull yourself up on the bar to the bottom of your chest (if you can do it lower, it’s only better), and then rotate your hands forward, without lifting them from the horizontal bar, and your elbows (in short, the entire forearm along with your palms), moving, as it were, into some kind of emphasis. All that remains is to straighten your arms (do push-ups), and the exit by force is ready.

The nuance is that during pull-ups you need to move your legs far forward (beyond the plane of the bar). This is necessary for swinging and convenient shifting of the center of gravity. If you look at those performing the exit (or at yourself, when you learn and film it on camera), when you twist your forearms (emphasizing) you seem to lean forward, while your legs go back. This is a kind of replacement of body parts, although the center of gravity remains unchanged.

But let's talk briefly about the technology:

  • pull-up with legs moving forward;
  • cranking your arms on the horizontal bar;
  • straightening your arms (push-ups).

The ideal way out by force is when the straightening of the arms in the final phase is quite insignificant. This is evidence of good preparation and coherence of the work of various muscle groups.

Additional funds

Naturally, in addition you need to learn how to do at least 15 pull-ups and 20 dips. It is advisable to also include push-ups from the floor. If you visit Gym, then pulling the block with straight arms to the lower abdomen (on the front “deltoids”) will only help you quickly master the exit technique.

If you are a beginner and cannot yet boast of any physical indicators, then I recommend that you learn how to do a kip-up on a bar (in common parlance – a “fold”). This gymnastic exercise allows you to make an exit due to technique, and not due to the strength or preparedness of the athlete. The trick there is the inertia of the accelerated body. What you need at first, until you get pumped up.

Regarding pull-ups. If your goal is to force yourself on the horizontal bar, then get out of the habit of pulling up to your neck or upper chest, and get used to pulling the horizontal bar to the bottom of your chest (at least) or even lower.

Pull-ups to the neck are the prerogative of bodybuilders: in this position the back muscles are well pumped. They're not the only ones you need. Therefore, pay equal attention to all those muscles that contribute to the two-arm exercise. Simply put, develop your entire body using basic exercises.

By the way, on the eve of writing this article, I was just at my next training session in the gym. I observed, in short, one boy of 12-14 years old who was doing deadlifts incorrectly upper block to the chest. Do you know what his mistake was? He extended the handle of the simulator not to the top of his chest, as needed, but lower. Guess where. Almost straight to the middle of the stomach.

Then I didn’t attach any importance to it: well, if a person does it wrong, he’ll learn again. But how valuable was his mistake! An “exercise” like this can be an excellent lead-in. Do you know what I mean?

But the most important thing I can advise you is practice. I am sure that long attempts to make a forceful exit will yield results even without special exercises and physical training.

Also, the starting point for a two-arm power-out can be... a one-arm power-out! Yes, you understood everything correctly. In fact, it is much easier to throw (turn) with one hand than with two. I threw one, did some push-ups on the horizontal bar and threw the other. And over time, try to “dance” from this, trying to throw one after another, shortening the break between them. As a result, you will learn to rotate both hands at the same time.

In conclusion, I would like to note that joint flexibility is no less important for performing such exercises. Therefore, in order to achieve results as quickly as possible, I advise you to devote time to stretching.

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Best regards, Vladimir Manerov

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Welcome to my program, which will teach you how to do a muscle-up on the horizontal bar in just a month. Yes, you heard right, all your years of torment and fruitless attempts are left behind, and in exactly 4 weeks you will be able to make a real exit by force! You have successfully completed the previous 3 BASE training programs: , , ? I really hope so, because it’s not my plan to babysit your retarded physical fitness level.

The muscle-up is the first advanced exercise you need to start with because it is essentially a bridge between BASIC exercises and ADVANCED level exercises. Here's a picture for clarity:

This powerful exercise can be divided into 3 components - high pull-up(strength work), wrist rotation (technical work) and push-ups from the bar (strength work). And all these three components for success are as important and equal as the three heroes in Ancient Rus'.

Look at the picture and remember: Dobrynya Nikitich - symbolizes PULLING strength, because you will need to pull yourself up very high in order to make an exit with strength, Ilya Muromets - symbolizes PRESSING strength, because you will need the strength to push yourself up from the horizontal bar, and Alyosha Popovich, you see how he squints slyly - symbolizes a cunning technical point, without which there will be no way out. The strength of the heroes, as well as your coming out with POWER, is in unity! Only together they will succeed!

It’s impossible to count how many times I saw guys on the court who had complete order with their strength, but who did not understand the technical point, and because of this they could not make an exit at all, no matter how much they fought. Hah, for some it is a real discovery that the brushes need to be turned at all. Since you are here, it means you are probably one of these guys, which means my program is exactly what you need!

3 workouts per week. Each workout contains 3 blocks of exercises (pulling strength, pressing strength, technical torque). Each block contains 3 exercises. Each one has 3 approaches. Joke. There will be many more approaches. Did you appreciate the joke? Hope so. I'm proud of my sense of humor. And if you haven’t appreciated it yet, then I’ll ask you again after completing the program.

I’ll say right away that between ALL approaches and ALL exercises there should be 2-3 minutes of rest. Otherwise you’ll bore me with these questions in the comments.

Traction exercises

#1 - High pull-ups

When I say high, I mean HIGH. See the guy in the photo above? See how high he pulls himself up? Now, that's NOT high enough. I want you to pull yourself even higher! I want you to lower the bar to your stomach, or to your thighs, or to your knees, or to your socks. Understood?

Your task is to do your best in every repetition so that Dobrynya Nikitich can be proud of you! Of course, you won’t be able to do many repetitions like this, so you will gain volume precisely due to the number of approaches.

Do 10 sets of 3-5 repetitions, while monitoring the speed of contraction of your muscles and range of motion. If you notice that you are starting to give up, stop the approach, because it is no longer useful for exits.

And one more thing, don’t shake your legs. You're not a worm on a hook, are you? You are a street hero who has set off on a journey for the hero’s strength! Conform!

#2 - Plyometric Pull-Ups

You know the saying “if you love, let go”? It’s the same issue with horizontal bars as with girls. If you truly love the horizontal bar, then you must be able to let it go. If you can't, then what is your love worth?

In fact, this exercise is even easier than the previous one, because you will not be required to pull yourself up as high, but it is also more dangerous, because if you do not have time to return your hands to their place, you risk falling down and hitting yourself painfully. You are most vulnerable when you open up the most, it's true. And so this exercise will remind you of your ex. And more than once.

Again 10 sets of 3-5 repetitions depending on at what point you notice that you start to lose explosive force and speed of movement. And again, don't kick your legs to help yourself, you're not your ex!

#3 - Jumping Pull-Ups

The last pulling exercise on our list, and it's also the simplest. All you need to do is pull up a little higher than usual, release your hands and move to the side (left or right) while flying. What could be simpler? Even your grandmother could cope with this task!

5 sets of 10 reps.

Press exercises

Great! A third of the program is left behind, which means it will be easier further. Well, you know, like with a course student, if you wrote the introduction, that means you’ve done half the work. Only in our case, you didn’t do half the work, but only a third. Well, or a little more than a third, it doesn’t matter. Look what exercises I have prepared for you to train your push-up abilities.

No. 1 - Push-ups from the bar

Push-ups are good for your health, anyone will tell you this, even Dmitry Nagiyev:

But the problem is that regular push-ups not very similar to how you will do push-ups after reaching the bar. There are specific features related to the position of the body, which you have to work out.

It's simple - you lower yourself down as much as possible, PREFERABLY until your chest touches the bar, and then push yourself up. 5 sets of 10 reps. Try to go down slowly and push yourself back up as quickly as possible.

#2 - Plyometric push-ups

Bench in in this case you only need it so that you don’t mess around with the push-up height. I know that if there is no bench, then you will be a freeloader and not give your best. Who are you trying to fool?

10 sets of 3-5 reps, depending on how many times you can jump high enough to get your hands on the bench without the risk of your face hitting the asphalt.

And yes, if you don’t want problems with your wrists, then try to land as softly as possible. Like a cat!

#3 - Freestyle push-ups

Many believe that it is in freestyle that the spirit of the street workout subculture is best manifested. These are no longer simple routine repetitions of familiar exercises, this is freedom of self-expression, expressed in the form of exercises. You use your imagination and come up with new exercise options, modify existing ones, and combine them with each other. In a word - create your own style, with benefit for body and spirit!

What's the point? You do 5 push-ups of one type, then do 5 push-ups of another, then 5 push-ups of a third, and so on until you're at your best. Improvise, adapt, overcome!

5 approaches to the maximum.

Technical point

Great! Two-thirds of the program is over, which means that there are not many exercises left ahead, but I can say for sure that they will be decidedly different from everything you have done before. Or maybe even from everything you’ve done before in training!

Remember Alyosha Popovich, remember how he smiled slyly. Do you know why he smiled slyly? Because between the dashing battles with Tugarin Zmeevich, he trained the outlets of power and mastered their secret. In order for you to succeed, you need to develop a skill. And the skill is developed through training. As Bruce Lee said:

Don't be afraid, you won't have to do 10,000 jumps on a low horizontal bar with wrist cranking. You're not some kind of demon. Limit yourself to 5 sets of 10 repetitions. And when the monotony of this exercise begins to bore you, be on guard, this is the very moment when you become vulnerable and can get injured due to unfocused attention.

If this happens, you can remember your ex again, no matter what she hiccups.

#2 - Isometric pull-ups

Exiting by force, when you do it through force, requires serious preparation not only of your muscles, but also of the tendon system, because it is your tendons that will experience a colossal load at the moment of turning your hand on the bar.

Someday I'll tell you about isometric strength training, and about how to learn to break chains with your hands, but today the most important thing you need to understand is how they differ from regular training. And the main difference is this: in the normal mode of doing the exercise, you have 2 phases - contraction and relaxation. First you tense (shorten) the muscle, then relax (lengthen). And so time after time, repetition after repetition, approach after approach. During muscle relaxation, many different things happen that can be described by the simple and understandable word rest. Thus, the usual, dynamic training regimen is a combination of load and rest.

The isometric (static) training regime looks completely different. You strain a muscle, it contracts, and then it remains contracted throughout the entire approach. Therefore, you measure approaches here not by the number of repetitions, but by the amount of time spent under load. And after the muscle contracts, the load is transferred directly to your tendons. And they, it should be noted, become stronger during training, much more slowly than muscles, which can lead to injury if you persist too much.

Nevertheless, they need to be trained, so perform 5 sets of isometric pull-ups (pull yourself up as much as possible and try to raise your elbows above the horizontal bar) on maximum time retention each. After each approach, lower yourself down VERY SLOWLY and CAREFULLY!

In this exercise, you should increase the rest time to 3-5 minutes between sets, because you are not only training muscles.


Train with this program for 4 weeks, 2-3 times a week, and come back in a month to thank me for your first outing! And if you learn how to do forceful exits earlier, don’t forget to send all your friends a link to my program!

    What you need

    Exit on the horizontal bar (exit by force with two arms) is a ubiquitous exercise that is basic in artistic gymnastics, workout and crossfit. From artistic gymnastics, the exercise migrated to the army physical training program, from the army to the streets, where it successfully took root in such a newfangled sports discipline as workout. Today we will tell you how to learn how to do exits on the horizontal bar and on rings.

    With CrossFit, things are a little more confusing. Due to the fact that CrossFit is a sport for creative people who manage their own training process, performing a two-arm force exit can be used for different purposes and be of a different nature (perform as part of a complex, perform maximum amount repetitions for a while, perform as a general strengthening exercise, etc.). The basic version of performing a forceful exit involves performing the movement on the crossbar, a more advanced version - on gymnastic rings. Today we will try to learn both.

    Two-arm power-up on the horizontal bar

    The two-arm muscle-up is a relatively simple exercise, and almost any beginner can master it with just a couple of focused workouts. However, before you start learning how to perform on the horizontal bar, you still need to have a certain strength base. You must technically correctly be able to do pull-ups on the horizontal bar and do push-ups on the parallel bars at least 10-15 times, since the main muscles working in the output are the latissimus, biceps, trapezius and triceps.

    To technically correctly learn how to forcefully perform on the horizontal bar, you only need a little time and perseverance. Don't be alarmed if you don't succeed the first time. I hope that my tips below will help you master this spectacular and effective element as soon as possible.

    So, the technique for performing a forceful exit on the horizontal bar:

    First phase

    The first phase of movement is traction. Not a classic pull-up, but rather pulling your body towards the bar. You need to bend a little while hanging on the horizontal bar, so that your body is tilted back and your legs are stretched forward. This is ours starting position. Now you need to make a powerful and amplitude movement with your whole body towards the crossbar. By engaging latissimus muscles back, biceps and forearms, we sharply pull our hands towards the stomach, trying to reach the bar with the solar plexus. I recommend that you first work out this phase separately in order to “feel” the movement as much as possible and mentally focus on the correct trajectory of the body movement.

    Second phase

    Now you need to move your body over the bar. As soon as we reached top part belly to the crossbar, trying to rise even higher. To do this, you need to loosen your grip a little and turn your palms away from you about 90 degrees and move your shoulders forward. Now you are ready to final stage exit by force - I press.

    Third phase

    The press is probably the easiest part of the entire exercise. Our task is to simply straighten the elbows with a powerful triceps effort. If you are good at push-ups on the uneven bars, then you won’t have any problems with the bench press. Once you have fully straightened your arms, lock in this position for a second or two and return to the starting position.

    The easiest way to get a feel for the movement and facilitate the learning process is to perform a power-up with a jump. To do this, find a low bar that you can easily reach with your hands, and instead of starting the exercise from a hang, just do a small jump and immediately move on to lifting your body over the bar and pressing.

    Another useful way– perform pull-ups with additional weights. If you can easily do several sets of pull-ups with a plate, dumbbells or a kettlebell on your belt, then performing a two-arm strength exercise on the horizontal bar will not be too difficult for you.

    You should not try to learn a two-arm power-out by doing a one-arm power-out as part of your training. Of course, this is much simpler, but later you will still have to relearn, since the movements are in elbow joints must be absolutely synchronous.

    A detailed video will help a beginner learn how to do a two-arm power-up on a horizontal bar:

    Two-handed power-up on rings

    After you have mastered the technique of performing a pull-out on the horizontal bar, I suggest you try a more complicated option - force-breaking on the rings.

    What is the fundamental difference? The fact is that, unlike a horizontal bar, the rings are not fixed in a stationary position, and at least half of the movement depends on how well you can keep your balance.


    The first point to remember is the grip. In artistic gymnastics this is called a “deep grip”, the meaning is that the knuckles are not above the apparatus, but in front of it. At the same time, your hands and forearms are statically tense, so do not forget about a thorough warm-up. At first it is quite difficult to get used to a deep grip, so start small - hanging on the rings with a deep grip. Once you have mastered this element and can hang there for at least 10 seconds, try doing a few sets of deep-grip pull-ups. A very interesting variation of pull-ups; there are few exercises that can so powerfully and quickly develop grip strength and volume of the forearm muscles.

    Exit by force

    Now let's try to perform an exit using the force of the rings. Hanging, we bring the rings together slightly narrower than shoulder width and place our arms parallel to each other, with our legs slightly bent. This is our starting position, from which it is easiest to understand the biomechanics of movement. We begin to do pull-ups, our task is to pull the body to the rings to the level of the solar plexus. We keep our shoulders above our hands, making a slight tilt forward, thereby you will find a more stable position and your arms will not “move apart” to the sides. We continue moving until the shoulders are 25-30 centimeters above the level of the rings.

    From this position we begin a powerful upward movement using the force of the triceps and knee extension. And if it was not at all difficult in the exit on the horizontal bar, then in the exit on the rings you will have to work hard. The task is complicated by the fact that in addition to simple push-ups, we need to balance on the rings and not let them spread too wide to the sides. To prevent this from happening, try to press the rings down as much as possible, pushing yourself up due to the inertia created by extending your legs. Now fixate on straight arms and lower yourself to the starting position.

    An important technical point is not to use your hands too early. Triceps extension occurs only after the amplitude set by the whole body jerk has already been passed.

    If you find it easy to push yourself on the horizontal bar, but have difficulty performing on the rings, at the end of each workout, try to simply balance on the rings. Climb the rings using Swedish wall or any other elevation and try to stabilize the body, do not make any unnecessary movements, do not twitch, do not sway and just catch your balance. This is more complicated than it seems at first glance. When you have learned to hold your body straight, try doing push-ups on rings. The biomechanics are the same as for dips, but you need to additionally balance and push the rings down so that they do not move apart. When you have mastered push-ups on the rings, start performing a two-arm push-up, now things will get easier 😉

    This training video shows basic exercises that will help you master correct technique output force on the rings:

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