Magic wall bars: exercises for health and a beautiful figure. Exercises on the Swedish wall for a flexible spine and good stretching A set of exercises on the wall

Many people have wall bars at home. It is especially common in families with children, because kids need movement and love active games. Sometimes parents complain that the projectile takes up a lot of space and becomes unnecessary over time. However, do not rush to throw it away: exercises on the Swedish wall for weight loss can strengthen muscles, improve health and shape. You just need to know what is right for you.

Benefits for children

The modern younger generation, unfortunately, spends an insignificant amount of time in active games on the street - the child is mostly busy at the computer. This is harmful to the developing spine and provokes scoliosis and other postural problems. One solution is to install a wall bars at home. Sports equipment allows boys and girls to regularly and with pleasure stretch their spine, strengthen their arms and abdominal muscles, and develop flexibility and coordination. Exercises on the wall bars for children can also be performed by parents, setting an example for the kids.

Girls and boys of preschool and primary school age often relieve excess stress and release energy by jumping on mats, tumbling on rings, and climbing up and down bars. Such games only need to be encouraged, because they lead to strengthening the musculoskeletal system, which is necessary in childhood.

From about 4-5 years old, you can conduct short physical training sessions with your child, which will allow you to specifically work out certain muscles. So, to strengthen your baby’s abs, ask him to grab the bar with his hands, hang and pull his legs to his stomach several times. You can gradually complicate the task: ideally, you don’t need to bend your knees.

Wall squats should be performed as follows: at chest level, you need to grab the bar with your palms, bend your legs at the knee joints and move your pelvis back while your feet are on the first step. Children love to do this exercise accompanied by fun, catchy music.

Bends at the wall bars, both backwards and forwards, perfectly develop flexibility, strength and plasticity. Keep your child safe: avoid falls and injuries.

Benefit for adults

Wall bars will help adults become stronger, slimmer and healthier. This is especially true for those who do not have the opportunity to attend a gym or fitness classes. In order to master a set of exercises on the wall bars, it is important to know several fundamental rules:

  • Before you start performing approaches, for example, abs, you need to hang for at least 3-5 minutes. If your arms, shoulders and back are not strong enough, you can get injured and the results will be negligible. To begin with, make it a habit to simply hang on the wall bars for as long as you can stand it. And the exercises can be performed during breaks on the floor.
  • Before working out certain muscles while hanging on an apparatus, do them in a normal position. And only after that repeat the exercise on the wall.
  • It is important to warm up before training. These can be classes at your discretion: joint gymnastics, stretching at the Swedish wall, the usual complex of general physical training. The main thing is to approach the main point of the lesson with warmed up muscles.
  • After strength training, stretch the part of the body you worked on: this will allow you to acquire more graceful and polished shapes.

Universal set of exercises

Classes according to this scheme are suitable for women who want to strengthen their muscles, tighten and sculpt them, and get rid of excess fat. It is recommended to perform it at least three times a week in between meals in comfortable, breathable sportswear.

  • The main and most useful exercise for the spine is hanging. You need to grab the top bar with your palms and relax your legs. In this position, a high-quality stretch occurs, the vertebrae fall into place, and the back strengthens. Start with 30 seconds, gradually increasing the hanging time to 5 minutes.
  • Hanging + pulling the knees towards the body. A gentle exercise to strengthen your abs.
  • Hanging + torso turns to the sides. This activity will get rid of unsightly folds on the sides and put displaced vertebrae in place, which is important for those who have back pain.
  • You can pump up your abs with the help of a simple exercise: while hanging, raise your straight legs to an angle of 90 degrees to your body. At first it won’t be perfect, your legs tend to bend, but gradually you will achieve success if you practice regularly.
  • Wall bars stretch: stand with your back to the apparatus, grab the bar that is highest for you with your hands, place your feet on the bottom step and bend your chest forward. You can freeze in this position for 1-3 minutes.
  • Secure one leg to the second or third bar from the floor, and squat on the other. This develops coordination and trains the hips and buttocks.
  • We stretch the front and back surfaces of the legs: we fix one of them on the crossbar above waist level, the other stands on the floor. You cannot bend your knees. We stretch our arms, head and body to the toe of the raised leg. Straighten up, turn around so that the next time you bend, your side stretches, that is, we stand in profile to the wall bars.
  • The following exercise will benefit your back. Stand on the first bar, grab your hands at chest level and round your back. Gradually intercept, moving lower and lower, so that your back is stretched as intensely as possible. This relieves tension well and relieves pain.

The peculiarities of exercises on the wall bars allow you to work out all the muscles of the body, healing it, neutralizing the negative effects that many hours of sedentary work or study have. Such activities will be useful for the whole family, and children, seeing the positive example of their parents, will begin to repeat the daily routine after them, which will have a positive effect on their physical development.

Rightfully considered one of the the most effective devices. And not only in bodybuilding and fitness, but also in gymnastics, athletics and other sports disciplines. If you have it at home, then you should definitely use it in your workouts. We bring to your attention several simple, but nevertheless quite effective movements combined into a consolidated complex: Exercises on the Swedish wall for the abs and spine. Most of our readers should be familiar with them from their school days.

Exercise I

  • Take the starting position: grab the bar of the wall bars with both hands. Also, you can use regular gymnastic bars instead (in this case, you should rest your elbows on them).
  • Bend your knees slightly and, tensing the muscles of your lower abdomen, pull them towards your shoulders. Fix this position at the top point of the trajectory for a couple of seconds.
  • Return to the original position, and then perform the exercise the required number of times.

When performing this movement, make sure that the main load falls on the abdominals, and not on the hip flexors. An indicator of correct performance of this exercise is considered to be raising the pelvis to the chest by about 5-10 cm.

For the exercise to be as effective as possible, your body must remain in a static vertical position, - imagine that your spine from the pelvis to the cervical region is a straight, unbending metal reinforcement. This requirement is considered especially relevant if you replaced the wall bars with bars. In this case, before each new repetition, you need to wait a little until the vibrations of your body completely stop. Also exclude swinging, inertial force and other elements of cheating.

If the exercise is very easy for you, you can do it with weights. To do this, hold a dumbbell between your legs, or use weighted bracelets with Velcro.

Exercise II

By technology his execution This exercise differs practically little from the previous one. The only difference, probably, is that your legs should remain straight. This sports movement is performed as follows:

  • Grab the bar of the wall bars with both hands.
  • Tightening the muscles of the lower third of the abdomen, raise your straight legs as high as possible. Fix the achieved position at the top point of the amplitude for a couple of seconds.
  • Return to the starting position, and then repeat the approach the required number of times.

As already mentioned, your legs should remain completely straight while performing the movement. Due to this, the load significantly increases, and therefore the effectiveness of the training.

Your legs do not have to form a 90° angle with the wall bars: the higher you can raise them, the better.

To perform the following exercises, in addition to the wall bars, you will need a gymnastic bench.

Exercise III

  • Fix in the starting position: place the gymnastic bench at an angle of approximately 60° to the wall bar, lie on it and grab the bar with both hands.
  • Tightening the lower third of your abdominal muscles, slowly lift your legs up and then move them back until your fingertips touch the wall bars.
  • Return to the starting position, and then repeat the approach the required number of times.

For increase training effect The legs must be raised absolutely straight. However, as fatigue accumulates or at the initial stage of training, it is allowed to slightly bend them at the knees.

When returning to the starting position, the legs should stop about a centimeter from the bench, without touching it. This significantly increases the load on the muscles.

This exercise, aimed at strengthening the lower third of the abdominal press, is rightfully considered one of the the most effective, but at the same time also the most difficult. It is recommended to perform it fully, however, as soon as you feel pain, it is recommended to stop training.

Exercise IV

  • Take the starting position: place the gymnastic bench parallel to the wall bars. Sit on it, secure your feet under the bottom bar and lean back.
  • While contracting your upper abdominals, slowly lift your torso up until you are in the maximum position.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat this movement as many times as required.

When performing this exercise, a significant load falls not only on the muscles of the lower back and abdominals, but also on the spine. For those for whom this is contraindicated, we can recommend setting up a bench in the same way as described in Exercise III and lying down on it. In this case, when returning to the starting position, the torso should also not touch the bench.

Gymnastic exercises on the wall bars will help strengthen absolutely all muscles. They are available to people of any age. The movements can be performed even by those whose training is still only at the initial stage. With this simple exercise you can improve your posture, strengthen your back, arms and abs, and even perform a series of muscle-stretching movements. Wall bars can often be found in real weight rooms. In addition to pull-ups on the upper protruding bar, you can also perform stretches on them, which help to quickly develop the squatting technique.

How to choose equipment for wall bars

Home wall bars can be divided into simple staircases that do not have a horizontal bar, and more complex options with a horizontal bar.

There are also hybrids of a simulator for raising legs while resting on the forearms, and a Swedish wall. In practice, they are not very convenient, since while hanging on the top bar there is almost always an uncomfortable point of amplitude at which the body meets these stops. Nothing but bruises usually comes out of this practice.

The best option is a simple straight metal wall with a horizontal bar and a special coating of the crossbars. Ideally, your hands should not slip, even if you sweat a little. In gymnastic practice, bodybuilding gloves are not used; it is better to remove excess water with the help of magnesium on the palm, it will also help in the prevention of calluses.

The exercise machine must be securely attached to the wall. Hinged and flexible options are usually only suitable for children weighing up to 40 kg. Therefore, “classic” is always better for the home.

If you work out on the playground or in the park, it would be very useful to disinfect your hands with a special gel after. Sometimes anything can get into small wounds, and inflammation will discourage you from exercising for a long time.

Wall bars exercises for weight loss

Women, as a rule, do only two exercises:

  • hanging on the top bar, bringing the hips perpendicular to the axis of the spine with straight or bent knees.
  • hanging with your face to the wall, and moving your legs back “to the lower back.”

Moreover, all this is not done according to the sports principle until the target muscles are worked out, but until the arms get tired. Some also manage to place the fifth point on the crossbar so as to compensate for part of the body weight in the first exercise. Naturally, the mechanics of body movement change greatly. The abs work to a minimum, but the quadriceps of the thighs are perfectly strengthened. And a short period of hanging imposes restrictions on training, and we simply don’t have time to improve anything.

So, you can lose weight with the Swedish wall, and you can really work out your whole body on it, but you’ll have to prepare a little:

  • For the first 1-2 months, pay attention not to lifting your legs, but to the hanging itself. “To lose weight” do general physical training – half an hour on any cardio machine a day, or light jogging, walking, dancing, plus gymnastics on a mat for all muscle groups (Pilates, callanetics, yoga, it doesn’t matter). At the end of each session, hang with your palms shoulder-width apart and hold for as long as possible. The goal of each “hang” should be transparent - to hold on at least 2 seconds more than yesterday. Some abdominal exercises can be done only when you can spend 4-5 minutes hanging without damaging your own psyche and pinching your shoulders. Squeezing a tennis ball with your fingers or working with a wrist expander will help speed up your progress.
  • Gradually, as soon as hanging becomes easy, add exercises from the list below to your gymnastics. The principle is simple - first we work, for example, the same buttocks on the floor, performing lunges, squats and abductions, and as the “last exercise” we perform the same abductions, but hanging. If you're already doing strength training, it makes sense to only do ab workouts and pull-ups on the wall.

List of exercises on the Swedish wall


  • hanging face to the wall on the crossbar, with the heels slightly stretched towards the floor, and the shoulder blades abducted towards the pelvis in a flattened state. The point is to maintain static muscle tension and maintain ideal hanging posture. We remove the deflection in the lower back by drawing in the abdomen.
  • From hanging, facing the wall, we bring our right leg forward, fix our toes at a comfortable height and pull ourselves up with compensation. In the process, we change the leg so that the number of pull-ups on different sides is the same. The point is to teach the muscles of the back and arms to work; in the process of moving up, we try to stretch our chest towards the bar, and be sure to bring our shoulder blades together, and not just bend our arms at the elbow joint. This exercise is conveniently performed with an external horizontal bar.
  • the same pull-up, but with a slight push with the supporting leg from the crossbar, and bringing it back. A little energy will be needed at the beginning of the movement, the chest tends to the crossbar, lowering down is performed smoothly, due to muscle resistance.
  • Negative pull-up. We “get to the top” by pushing both feet against the crossbar, and hang for the maximum time with bent arms, and then very slowly try to lower ourselves, resisting the force of gravity. We remove body sway by retracting the abdomen.

This series can be performed with a direct grip, or a reverse grip - palms towards the body. The maximum possible number of repetitions is done. In light movements - at least 8-10. Approaches – from 3 to 5, depending on your well-being and condition.

Abdominal wall bars exercises

  • hanging with your back to the wall, and bringing your toes to a line perpendicular to the navel. The movement begins by drawing in the abdomen, then we try to “twist” the pelvic bones inward, contracting the rectus abdominis muscle, and raise the legs and lower them smoothly, eliminating jerking and swaying.
  • the same movement, but with bent knees. The leverage is reduced and movement becomes easier. It is possible to bring the kneecaps to the chest if this is comfortable. The emphasis is on lowering, it should be as slow as possible.
  • it’s the same, but we bring our socks to the crossbar, which we hold on to. Requires complete control of the rectus muscle. We begin to contract from the bottom of the amplitude, bringing the legs to the middle, perform a strong contraction with a slight bend in the shoulders, bring the toes to the bar, and lower.
  • There are also compromise options - lifting one leg while hanging, to the middle of the amplitude, and “scissors” - an alternating lift. And also - an exercise from physical therapy, raising the legs bent at the knees to the middle amplitude, and simulating the movement of a cyclist.

You can also do straight crunches on the floor, fixing your feet between the bars, or fix the press bench with a special holder at an angle.

Exercises for the lower back, buttocks, thighs

  • hips. From hanging face to the wall, alternately bring your heels to your buttocks.
  • buttocks and lower back. Without changing the starting position, pull in your stomach and use the strength of your buttock muscles to push your legs back. Make sure that the abdomen remains retracted, otherwise hyperextension is possible.
  • abducting the legs to the side from hanging facing the wall, working the hips and buttocks.

Beginners should not perform twisting along the axis of the spine or hanging on one arm on their own. This can lead to imbalance in posture and injury, especially if the muscles are still weak.

06.06.2018 | website

Almost every woman has a dream of a slim, fit figure. To make this dream a reality, you don’t need much: desire, 10-15 minutes of free time and a wall bars. It is a universal exercise machine that is popular due to its compactness and versatility.

Advantages of the Swedish wall

This sports equipment does not take up much space in the apartment, since it is installed parallel to the wall and protrudes beyond it by no more than 25-30 cm. If desired, it can be supplemented with a hanging horizontal bar, a removable board for the press and parallel bars, but this is not necessary: The design of the gymnastic wall allows you to perform a variety of exercises on it without additional equipment.

Another advantage of this machine is its versatility. The wall bars are used for:

  • professional sports training;
  • home activities for children and adults;
  • learning the basics of rock climbing;
  • preventive exercises for scoliosis;
  • rehabilitation activities after injuries and illnesses.

Using a wall bars you can also correct your figure by removing excess weight. We bring to your attention a set of exercises on the wall bars for women, which will help to work the muscles of the legs, abdomen, back and buttocks, while burning extra calories. Each exercise must be performed at least 3-5 times.

  1. Stand facing the stairs, place one foot on the bar at a comfortable height for you. Grasping the bar with your hands, gently stretch your body forward so that your stomach touches your thigh. When alternating legs, make sure that the knees of both legs and your back are straight. This exercise works the hamstrings and the back of the thighs.
  2. Change position by turning sideways to the wall (the foot of the supporting leg is parallel to the bars). Perform the previous exercise, doing lateral pull-ups of the body to the thigh. Remember to alternate legs, ensuring even stress on the hip ligaments and lateral muscles on the right and left sides of your body.
  3. Standing facing the machine, bend your leg, lift it as high as possible and place it behind the bar so that the support is under your knee. Holding with your hands, gently stretch the muscles on the inside of your supporting leg for 5-7 seconds, then switch your legs.
  4. Turn your back to the stairs and place one foot on the bar at about waist level or slightly below. Perform 5-6 squats on the supporting leg, keeping your back straight and making sure your knee is over your heel. If necessary, move your leg 1-2 bars lower. Squat as deeply as possible - this will work your leg muscles and hip ligaments. Swap your legs and repeat the exercise.

Perform these exercises daily on the wall bars for girls, and in just 2-3 weeks you will see how extra pounds will begin to disappear, your posture will improve, and your muscles will regain their former tone.

What exercises can you do at home? The easiest option is to buy a wall bars, which combines several useful exercise equipment. Even the most inexpensive classic version can be used at a minimum for pumping up the abs, arms, shoulders, as well as for stretching. In this article we will talk about what exercises you can do on the wall bars.


The first block of exercises that need to be performed before strength training. The good thing about the wall bars is that you can stretch different muscle groups on it. For example, in order to warm up your back muscles before training, you can hang on a horizontal bar, fix your feet between the stairs and arch your body like a crescent so that it stretches away from the wall. But remember, such exercises must be performed carefully, gradually increasing the stretching angle.

You can stretch the muscles of your legs and hips, shoulders, back and arms at the same time. To do this, there is a simple exercise where you need to put your foot on the stairs and reach for your toes with your palms. In this case, the back should be straight to ensure maximum effectiveness of the stretch.

Arms, shoulders and chest

Exercises for arms and shoulders are something for which many guys visit gyms, spending a lot of money on it. But in order to pump up sculpted muscles (mind you, precisely sculpted ones, not voluminous ones), all you need is a wall bars with a horizontal bar and parallel bars. By doing pull-ups on the horizontal bar with a classic grip, with your palms facing you, you work your biceps, as well as your triceps, shoulders and back.

Bars are a highly targeted exercise machine. Push-ups work the triceps, and for an untrained guy, even one set will be very difficult, let alone training with additional weight. Remember: the sharper the angle at the bend of the arm during push-ups, the more effectively the triceps are worked. Take your time, start with a small bend angle, and then, when you feel stronger, increase your efficiency. When doing dips, you use the deltoids (shoulders), brachialis (at the elbow), and brachioradialis (below the elbow). Also, when doing push-ups on the uneven bars, the pectoralis major muscle works.


The back is pumped up using wide-grip pull-ups. To do this, you need to hang on the horizontal bar so that your arms form a 90-degree angle at the elbow. This type of pull-up works the trapezius, teres major, and latissimus dorsi muscles. In addition, this exercise works the deltoid and brachioradialis muscles, biceps and triceps of the arms.


The easiest way to pump up the rectus abdominis muscles is to pump up the abs in the classic “twisting” exercise, when the athlete lies on the floor, the feet are fixed between the stairs and the body is lifted so as to bring the head as close as possible to the feet. The higher your feet are, the more difficult it is to perform the exercise.

To work the external obliques, you can perform oblique crunches. The principle is the same as the usual ones, but the task is not to raise the body as high as possible, but to tilt it to the side as much as possible.

You can pump up your upper rectus abdominis muscles in an exercise on the uneven bars. To do this, place your hands on the bars so that your back and elbows rest against the wall bars, and then raise your legs so that an angle of 90 degrees or more acute is formed. Remember that your back should be firmly against the wall and not involved in this exercise.

Legs and buttocks

To pump up your leg muscles on the wall bars, you need to tie an additional weight to your feet, stand on a ladder and lift one leg at the sharpest possible angle. This exercise works the biceps and quadriceps muscles (inner and outer upper leg muscles), as well as the gluteal muscles.

To work the triceps muscles of the thighs (calves), you need to tie an additional weight to your feet, hang on a ladder so that your body fits tightly against the wall bars, and bend your legs. This exercise will work the biceps and gluteal muscles.

Which wall bars should you install at home?

Do you remember about the uncomfortable wall bars in physical education classes at school? They were far from safe, and even uncomfortable, and few people enjoyed exercising on them.

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