Chinese gymnastics for the abdomen. We lose weight with the help of Chinese breathing exercises Jianfei. General information about Qigong exercises

Happy owners beautiful figures differ not only in healthy habits, but also in a certain way of thinking. A unique Chinese technique - qigong.

REFERENCE Qigong is an ancient Chinese teaching that includes a set of psychophysical exercises, breathing exercises, some types of martial arts, spiritual practices, acupressure, characteristic nutrition theory, etc. The task of the system is to attract vital energy(Qi) and its management to rebuild all levels of the body, create a positive environment in it, find inner harmony and self-improvement.

Among the many forms of qigong, there is a separate movement, the purpose of which is to combat overweight.

Qigong for weight loss is aimed at:

warming up the muscles and their development;

formation of deep, full breathing;

activation of the energy of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous activity;

acceleration of blood circulation and metabolism;

decreased appetite, cravings for junk food;

weight loss, fat burning;

improving flexibility, strength of bones and joints;

prevention of stress, fatigue;

strengthening the protective properties of the body, restoring the functioning of all its systems.

Qigong gymnastics for weight loss is based on the following rules:

  • gradual development of muscles (starting from the head to the feet);
  • uniform intensity of load on all parts of the body (particular attention is paid to the hip joint and spine);
  • control over ;
  • positive orientation of thoughts, relaxation, concentration;
  • lack of haste, naturalness of positions taken;
  • prevention pain during classes.

Qigong for beginners involves mastering 3 basic exercises:

1. "Frog" ("Breath of the Frog"). Sit on a chair, legs shoulder-width apart, feet pressed to the floor, elbows on knees, clench one hand into a fist, clasp it with the other, bow your head, rest your forehead on your fist, close your eyes, relax your whole body. Take a deep breath, filling your stomach as much as possible, exhale slowly, hold your breath, start a new cycle. After finishing the exercise, you should remain in the same position for some time to avoid dizziness or nausea.

2. "Wave" ("Frog Raising Waves"). Lie on your back, bend your knees, put one hand on your stomach, the other on your chest. As you inhale, the stomach tightens, and as you exhale, it inflates while simultaneously drawing in the chest so that it remains motionless.

3. "Lotus" ("Lotus Bud"). Sit upright, cross your legs, straighten your back. Close the palms of two hands (one on top of the other, like a boat), place them on your stomach, close your eyes, tuck your chin in, stretch your neck, relax your forehead, lower your head slightly. Alternate even, deep breaths and exhalations for 5 minutes.

According to reviews from those who have lost weight, qigong exercises, if performed regularly and given at least 40 minutes a day, provide a smooth but stable weight loss - on average 2-3 kg per week and up to 8-12 kg per month.

Chinese gymnastics for weight loss bears a symbolic name. “Lose fat” is exactly how the word jianfei is translated. But this eastern one, being a part, does not consider losing weight as the main goal.

Using Jianfei practices and techniques, Chinese wisdom leads a person to harmony and inner balance.

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The Chinese exercise system belongs to traditional medicine and is used for treatment and prevention. In our minds, this is alternative medicine, not recognized as official. But those who turn to it and want to lose weight note its undoubted advantages.

  • The Jianfei gymnastic complex does not require much time to perform; 20–30 minutes a day is enough;
  • No special equipment is required for the classes. Sports Equipment, room and shape, in natural, loose-fitting clothes;
  • No need to have special physical training to perform gymnastics exercises, they are easy to perform;
  • There is no need to starve or limit yourself, although with proper nutrition the results will become noticeably more noticeable;
  • Jianfei is a safe complex that is suitable for everyone except those who have recently undergone surgery; it should not be performed by women during menstruation;
  • Eastern gymnastics normalizes metabolism, calms the mind and emotions, increases immunity, relaxes, heals and rejuvenates the body;
  • Quick results are guaranteed to everyone who uses gymnastics; it is possible to lose 1–2 kg in the first 7 days; within 2–3 months you can lose up to 10 extra pounds ov;
  • The Chinese set of exercises is very effective, the results last a long time.

Goals and principles of Chinese gymnastics

Everyone knows how to lose weight. Review your diet, reduce portions, play sports. But what to do if you don’t have time and energy for sports? And how to limit yourself in food when hunger constantly haunts you and disrupts your plans?

It is from the feeling of hunger that the eastern Jianfei system, based on proper breathing, first of all eliminates.

The body is saturated with oxygen, cells and tissues are restored. The Chinese, realizing that the cause may be an incorrect or “slow” metabolism, solve this problem with special gymnastics. Metabolism is normalized, extra pounds are processed into energy and gone away. Therefore, after completing a set of exercises, vigor and excellent mood are guaranteed, fatigue goes away, and stress is relieved.

When performing jianfei gymnastics, it is better to be guided by the following principles:

  • The exercise is performed in a relaxed state;
  • Breathing is constantly monitored;
  • Consciousness creates positive thoughts, a person thinks only about pleasant things;
  • All classes are performed slowly and with concentration;
  • The complex is performed at a certain pace, neither fast nor slow;
  • You need to breathe not with your lungs, but with your stomach, no matter how strange it may sound, mentally pass a stream of air through your entire body;
  • The muscles are warmed up and loaded gradually.

Set of exercises

Complex Chinese gymnastics consists of three exercises, by performing which you can achieve your goals.

Exercise "Wave"

It’s best to start health activities with “Wave”. You will have to create a wave with your chest and stomach, lying on the floor. Let's relax. Legs bent at the knees stand firmly on the floor, one hand is pressed to the stomach with the palm, the other to the chest. As we inhale, we round the chest, while the stomach tenses and “sticks” to the spine. On the exhale, on the contrary, the stomach rounds. The pace of movements is as close as possible to the breathing rate. Inhale completely, movements are fixed for 2-3 seconds. Hands control the process, pressing at the right moment.

The “Wave” exercise saves those losing weight from hunger. After gymnastics is mastered in a lying position, we do it in other poses.

At the initial stage, the exercise is repeated 40 times. Gradually increase the number of repetitions up to 60 times. If during the exercise your health worsens, dizziness or nausea appears, then it is better not to continue. Rest for a while and continue when you feel better.

Exercise "Frog"

Why "frog"? When performing the exercise, the belly is rounded like that of this amphibian, although the pose does not even outwardly resemble the animal. The exercise begins in a sitting position with your legs bent at a right angle. Specially folded hands rest on the elbows on the knees. The palm of one hand is placed on clenched fist another. Women clenching into a fist left hand, men - right. Now we put our chin on our hands and close our eyes.

The next step is relaxation, calmness, internal liberation from problems. We slowly fill the stomach with air through a deep breath. We hold the air in ourselves for 2-3 seconds, take another breath. Slowly exhale until the end, the stomach should “deflate”. The exercise is performed for 10–15 minutes, 3 times a day. We do the “Frog” exercise not only at home, but also at work, on the bus, in the subway.

“Frog” improves blood circulation, metabolism, trains and strengthens internal organs. It is important to breathe correctly, otherwise the desired effect will not appear.

Exercise "Lotus"

The Lotus pose is familiar to everyone. We sit on the floor with our legs crossed. We place the left palm open on the right (men - right on the left), hands on the legs. We relax, lowering our heads and closing our eyes, tuning in to pleasant and calm thoughts, clearing our minds of negativity; an excited mood will spoil the effect of the exercise. Concentrating on breathing.

  • At first, breathing is full, even and quiet. It's as if you're not breathing at all. We breathe like this for 5 minutes.
  • For the next 5 minutes, we breathe as usual, but just as deeply and evenly.
  • The third stage, which lasts 10 minutes, is characterized by deep, even breathing with a delay in inhalation and exhalation.

All three exercises can be performed one at a time or in combination. Chinese gymnastics is unusual for our consciousness. We are used to purposefully treating sore spots. Jianfei affects the entire body, including physical and spiritual health.

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With a problem excess weight, sooner or later, many people face this problem. However, not all of them approach its solution intelligently and thoughtfully. Moreover, some of those “losing weight” naively believe that it is enough to stop consuming a lot of food and the hated kilograms will disappear by themselves. The other part, who want to get rid of fat folds, declares a real war on their excess weight, the weapons of which are cruel physical exercise. Both the former and the latter completely forget that excess weight is a problem for the entire body as a whole. If you begin to gain weight, this indicates that your metabolism is disrupted, a lack of vitamins and microelements is affecting you, your internal organs are not working properly, etc.

In order for the weight loss process to proceed harmoniously and effectively, it requires not one-sided, but A complex approach. The body will be able to actively engage in the fight against fat deposits if you comply with the following conditions:

  • think over a balanced nutrition menu;
  • choose gentle physical activity;
  • start doing breathing exercises.

Exercise and proper nutrition are undoubtedly necessary. However, breathing exercises play a very significant role in losing weight. That's all today more people begin to understand the importance of enriching every cell of the body sufficient quantity oxygen. Many complexes have appeared useful exercises, where Chinese breathing exercises Jianfei occupies one of the first places.

What is Chinese breathing exercises?

The East, as you know, keeps many mysterious mysteries and secrets, some of which, over time, become known to people all over the world. Breathing exercises Jianfei partly reveals the secret of health, slimness, beauty and longevity of the Chinese people. Practice correct breathing has been perfected in China for many years and has proven its effectiveness with amazing results. Just three simple exercises can radically change not only your physical condition, but also your inner world. After all, breathing exercises need to be done by clearing your mind and focusing on achieving the desired goal.

The basis of the jianfei complex are exercises aimed at being able to “lose fat” - this is how the name of breathing exercises is literally translated from Chinese. All three exercises, which are called “ wave», « frog" And " lotus", purposefully solve several main problems of people losing weight - eliminate the feeling of hunger, relieve fatigue and tension, and normalize metabolism. Thanks to this, a person gets rid of extra pounds gradually and without harm to health. In addition, to carry out a set of exercises there is no need to visit Gym and use special equipment. You just need to change into loose, non-restricting clothes and you can start exercising.

How many kilograms and how quickly can you lose weight by doing Jianfei breathing exercises?

A person who sincerely wants to get rid of excess weight is ready to double or triple his efforts if the method he uses gives real results. However, do not forget that results can only appear if you exercise, following all the recommended rules and do not miss classes. It is constant and painstaking work on your body that will make your figure perfect.

Usually the first positive results cannot be expected in the near future. However, Chinese breathing exercises will quickly allow you to be convinced of the correctness of your chosen path. After the first training sessions, literally on the 2nd or 3rd day, you will find that you have lost about one kilogram. This fact serves as practical proof of how much your body needs this kind of gymnastics. Moreover, after 2 - 3 months you won't recognize yourself in the mirror at all. Weight loss during this period can be from 8 to 12 kilograms. Regular classes and the desire to lose weight will provide you with a guaranteed result.

Important benefits of Chinese breathing exercises

To be honest, it’s no secret that many diets, including those recommended by “nutritionists,” do not pass experimental testing. Moreover, in some cases, you will not only not lose weight, but also cause irreparable harm to your health or gain even more excess weight. In addition, it is likely that some weight loss techniques may work for someone you know but may not work for you. Why is this happening? Because your body is unlike any other. Therefore, you should only lose weight by listening to your own needs. The only exceptions are absolutely safe methods that do not require a person to go to such extremes as hunger, malnutrition, exhausting exercise, etc.

Chinese breathing exercises Jianfei can with all confidence be called not just safe, but necessary for every person. It allows you to activate the body’s hidden reserves and triggers tissue repair mechanism. The consistent combination of “upper” and “lower” breathing ensures saturates with oxygen all internal organs.


  • metabolism improves
  • acid-base balance is normalized
  • tissue gas exchange is restored
  • fatigue is relieved
  • immunity is strengthened
  • a surge of strength appears

The natural result of practicing Chinese breathing exercises is weight loss And body rejuvenation. A balanced diet and jianfei exercises allow you to consolidate the results and maintain the desired weight for a long time.

A set of Chinese breathing exercises Jianfei

Exercise No. 1. "Wave"

This exercise is intended primarily to to reduce hunger. It is advisable to perform breathing exercises before eating. In some cases, this exercise can be done instead of eating.

The most comfortable position for performing the “Wave” is a lying position. However, you can do these breathing movements: standing or sitting, while walking or riding a bicycle, etc. Before starting classes, try to relax and focus on the process.

Lying on your back, bend your knees and place your feet flat. One palm should be on the chest, the other on the stomach. Begin breathing exercises with light assistance from your hands. Take a deep, leisurely breath, while drawing in your stomach and lifting your chest. Hold your breath for a few moments and exhale. When exhaling, try to draw in your chest and, on the contrary, inflate your stomach.

The breathing rhythm should not change or exceed your normal rate. It is advisable not to perform less than 40 complete respiratory cycles(inhale-exhale). If the exercise causes slight dizziness, you should slow down your breathing a little.

Exercise No. 2. "Frog"

This exercise, in addition to losing weight, helps restoration of the central nervous system.

To perform this you will need a low, comfortable chair.

Once you are seated in a chair, place your feet shoulder-width apart. The angle between the shin and thigh should be straight or slightly sharp. Get your mind in order. Get rid of unnecessary thoughts and concentrate only on the exercise

Place your elbows on your knees, squeeze the left river into a fist (men squeeze right hand into a fist) and clasp it with your right hand. Rest your forehead on your fist, close your eyes and relax.

After a short preparation, proceed to Jianfei breathing exercises.

Filling your stomach completely with air, alternate inhalations and exhalations through your mouth and nose. Hold your breath slightly for 1-5 seconds and control your condition.

If dizziness occurs, you need to reduce the rhythm and depth of your breaths. The recommended duration of the exercise is 15 minutes. You can repeat it three times a day depending on your desire and free time that you are willing to devote to breathing exercises. During the exercise, the chest rises evenly, and the stomach either completely fills with air or retracts. Visually, it resembles a frozen frog, which is intently observing the surrounding space.

Exercise No. 3. "Lotus"

Using the Lotus exercise relieves fatigue and internal tension, metabolism is regulated, blood circulation in the body is improved. You can perform the exercise while sitting on a low chair (as when doing the “Frog” exercise) or in the “sitting Buddha” pose. You need to place your hands on your legs in front of your stomach, palms up. Women place their left hand on top of their right, and men, on the contrary, put their right hand on top of their left. The lower back should be straight, shoulders down, chin slightly down, eyes closed. The exercise is performed in three stages:

☯ for the first five minutes, breathing should be deep, even, and long. Focus completely on the process and listen to the results. The chest and stomach should not rise too noticeably. Focus on managing, regulating and controlling your breathing. This is a stage of conscious breathing that will allow you to better understand your potential.

☯ for the next five minutes of class, you should try to inhale as naturally and effortlessly as possible. As you exhale, relax completely and concentrate on achieving silent, even, deep breathing.

☯ the third stage lasts ten minutes and does not require breathing control. Breathe as you do in everyday life, without focusing on depth and rhythm. Clear your mind of extraneous thoughts, relax and calm down.

At all it is not necessary to complete the whole complex Jianfei immediately. Each of the three exercises has its own focus and can, depending on the needs and individual characteristics body, used in different time and in different quantities.

For example, to regulate appetite and muffle the feeling of hunger, use the “Wave” exercise. “Lotus” and “Frog” help cure chronic diseases, strengthen the immune system and maintain health. These exercises can be done separately throughout the day. Create a personal schedule for breathing exercises, taking into account significant problems in your body.

Like any unusual load, breathing exercises can cause some discomfort and complications. If you feel discomfort while doing exercises, be sure to consult a doctor. In addition, people with hypertension, spinal diseases, and stones in the gall bladder and kidneys should not get too carried away with any type of breathing exercises. You should also be wary of such activities for children and the elderly.

Centuries-old oriental traditions are today honored not only in the Asian region, but throughout the world. The accumulated knowledge and experience of the ancient sages have stood the test of time and proven their viability regardless of modern realities. Recently, Chinese gymnastics has become increasingly popular - a system of exercises that allows you to strengthen the body and spirit at the same time by performing simple manipulations.

General information about Qigong exercises

Chinese gymnastics Qigong in its homeland is considered one of the most ancient and effective techniques general improvement and strengthening of the body, it is actively used in both traditional and folk medicine. It is generally accepted that such a technique arose back in 300 AD; at least the first mentions of it date back to this period. The name of the technique comes from the term “Qi”, which means the energy of life.

Chinese breathing gymnastics Qigong is considered one of the most complex, and is currently divided into five main areas, namely therapeutic, author's, philosophical, martial, general. Each course is characterized by specific features and three degrees of mastery of the technique. The general features of gymnastics are:

  • special breathing training;
  • relaxation of the body;
  • relaxation of consciousness, freeing the mind from emotions;
  • training specific poses.

Training results

These measures together ensure restoration of the body, strengthening of physical and spiritual strength, which has the most beneficial effect on human health. By strictly following the rules of technology, you will be able to:

Basic information about Qigong exercises

Exercises should be performed correctly, measuredly, without haste. The exact occupations are usually determined in individually with a professional instructor, this allows you to avoid mistakes and lack of desired result. As for the frequency and duration of their implementation, you should devote time to gymnastics on a daily basis, for about half an hour. You should also not overdo the exercises; this will not only not increase positive changes, but will also lead to the accumulation of fatigue.

At the initial stage, you can get acquainted with the Qigong technique, which involves the following three phases:

  • General strengthening of the body. Achieved by changing the state of relaxation and tension.
  • Physical recovery, disease prevention, increased immunity. It is achieved by following certain breathing techniques during movement and special poses.
  • Gaining emotional calm. It is acquired through a skillful combination of physical movements, breathing and the work of consciousness (mind).

Features and tasks of Wushu

Another popular Chinese gymnastics is called Wushu. This technique is perfect for both professionals and beginners, as well as any age groups, including senior citizens and young children. Its main feature is simplicity and high efficiency, a positive effect on muscles, joints, respiratory and circulatory systems. By regularly performing Chinese gymnastics exercises, you will be able to:

  • slow down the aging process, achieve a rejuvenation effect;
  • increase the level of the immune system;
  • achieve the ability to control your body perfectly;
  • achieve peace and tranquility.

Wushu involves many different movements and schools, so before you start mastering any exercises, be sure to study the material and choose a direction you like. To get acquainted, we will clarify the list of events recommended by the most popular Shaolin school.

The simplest exercises

Chinese gymnastics for beginners is based on the following simple exercises, which absolutely anyone can master. Among them:

  • Take a relaxed classic pose (feet shoulder-width apart, arms hanging casually at your sides, keeping your head straight and your gaze directed forward), clench your fists tightly as you inhale, sticking your thumb out and pressing it to your hips. As you exhale, you need to relax your hands; the manipulations are repeated 9 times.
  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart and raise your arms to shoulder level, thereby forming a line parallel to the floor. Please note that your palms should be up, not down. Your task is to tense your arms as you inhale, and then relax them as you exhale. Try to imagine a heavier load each time.
  • Without changing the position of your legs, bring your hands together opposite your chest, sticking out your thumbs and pressing them towards your body. As you inhale, your palms will need to be spread apart, and as you exhale, they will need to be brought together with a certain effort.
  • Finally, try moving the air. Again, you do not change the position of your legs, but spread your arms along the shoulder line in different directions, working with force with your hands, as if pressing on the free space in front of you.

Such Chinese breathing exercises will be especially effective if you follow general requirements. They consist in the following postulates:

  • On entry level manipulations are repeated no more than 9 times, professionals perform exercises up to 81 times per gymnastics session.
  • All exercises are carried out some time after meals, do not forget to maintain intervals between meals and physical activity.
  • You should not do more than three approaches in one day.
  • If you feel tension in your muscles after gymnastics, be sure to give a light massage, this will relieve you of discomfort.

The effectiveness of Tai Chi technique

Chinese Tai Chi gymnastics is ideal for beginners; it is smooth and measured, and even reminds many of dance movements. Due to its simplicity and relative ease, a set of such exercises is mostly popular among people with poor health, minimal physical strength or lack of even the slightest preparation.

Quite often, Tai Chi is referred to as Chinese breathing exercises for weight loss. Indeed, the technique is excellent for combating excess weight, and in addition, helps with:

  • rehabilitation after serious illnesses or various injuries;
  • healing the body from the inside;
  • the need to normalize metabolism;
  • high blood pressure;
  • low coordination of movements, lack of flexibility;
  • stress and to stabilize peace of mind, search for new physical strength and resources.

Basic rules of technology

Let's formulate the basic rules that characterize Chinese Tai Chi gymnastics. First of all, these include:

  • Performing physical manipulations not only with the help of muscles, but also by visualizing all actions.
  • Mastering Chinese philosophy regarding all areas of life.
  • Perform movements in a calm rhythm, smoothly, without sudden jerks.
  • Regular control of breathing, slow and rhythmic inhalations and exhalations.
  • The ability to control the feelings and emotions of your own body.

Don’t expect an immediate effect; be prepared for the fact that positive changes will occur only after a certain period of time. At the same time, the achieved results last for a long time, and with constant gymnastics, throughout life.

Chinese gymnastics Tai Chi is based on the knowledge of the energy “Qi”. Absolutely everyone can master basic exercises, regardless of age and gender. It is preferable to pay attention to gymnastics in the first half of the day, for example, in China all manipulations are carried out outdoors in the pre-dawn hours.

Chinese gymnastics in this direction also involves division into a significant number of different schools. At the same time, despite certain differences between individual movements, the principle of performing all exercises is largely similar (softness, consideration of breathing techniques, meaningfulness).

Simple Tai Chi exercises

Such Chinese gymnastics should be carried out under the guidance of specialists; in this case, you will avoid a number of mistakes and be able to master the necessary skills as quickly as possible. However, with some diligence and attentiveness, you can master basic exercises and independently. Here is a list of the most popular exercises special for this area:

  • Immersion. Feet shoulder-width apart, bend them at the knees, but keep your back as straight as possible, try to distribute your body weight evenly on both feet, shifts to one side are not allowed. Fix the pose and, while inhaling, raise your arms in front of you to approximately your shoulders. Then begin to bend and straighten your arms so that your palms rise to forehead level and return to the starting point.
  • Embrace of the Moon. Take the starting position indicated above, press the toes of your right foot firmly into the surface, and move your heel towards your left leg, touching the ankle. Stretch your arms forward, smoothly bending them at the elbows as if you were trying to hold or embrace a circle of significant diameter (manipulations are carried out while inhaling).
  • Throw. Initial position- classic. As you inhale, you need to bend back and slowly straighten up. At the same time, you will need to bend your left arm so that your palm can reach your head, forehead level, and your right arm in the opposite direction downwards. Exhale, and then with a certain sharpness make a throw with your left hand (hand bent, palm forward).

The slow, drawn-out movements of numerous eastern techniques - yoga, tai chi, qigong - are difficult to associate in the minds of Westerners with weight loss. We are accustomed to the fact that we need to burn calories through active jumping, dancing... Boxing, in the end! What kind of workout is this if you can’t even sweat properly?! However, the wise inhabitants of the east are sure: there is no point in taking the summit in a hurry if it can be done slowly, pleasantly and with health benefits. They prefer to get rid of excess weight with the help of breathing exercises and simple gymnastics.

Ancient Chinese technique to protect your slimness

Of course, gymnastics, created on the basis of the treatises of Chinese philosophers, could not but pursue much more global goals than simple weight loss. Qigong or Jianfei, as it is also called, was developed primarily to:

  • normalize the functioning of the human body;
  • launch the processes of self-healing and self-rejuvenation in it;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • teach a person to hear and understand the needs of his body;
  • and ideally, help achieve mental comfort.

In the process - while the body and spirit come into agreement - the weight will also normalize, because a significant excess of it, by definition, is an unhealthy condition that it is designed to combat.

How should positive changes occur?

A resident of mysterious Asia or an ardent admirer of Eastern culture would explain to you that the point here is Qi - the vital energy that Qigong teaches you to properly direct and control. But for people with pragmatic Western thinking, this explanation is not enough; give them specific facts. Well, there will be some like that.

  1. Qigong is an excellent way to combat stress. This means there will be no unplanned attacks on the refrigerator, which we so often carry out when we are upset. And the body itself will not try to switch to accumulation mode, as it does during stressful periods of its existence!
  2. Breathing exercises saturate tissues with oxygen, which speeds up metabolism and more actively burns fat.
  3. Regular exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles, making it look more toned and firm.

Many people who lose weight note a sharp decrease in appetite after training. If you decide to go on a diet, it will be easier for you; Decide to continue eating as usual, it will be easier not to overeat. In any case, the ability to control the sudden desire to “chew something” will benefit your figure.

Slowly but surely

Supported by diet and an active lifestyle, gymnastics works faster. But this is precisely the beauty of it: qigong does not require a serious change of habits. Elementary control over the quantity and quality of food consumed and regular training- and note that the workouts are pleasant and leisurely - enough to say goodbye to 3-4 kg of excess weight in a month. And also get a bonus in the form of a body cleansed of toxins, a refreshed appearance and increased performance!

True, you will have to introduce some useful innovations into your menu. We'll talk about this below.

Basic exercises for weight loss and nuances of exercise

Qigong breathing exercises include a whole range of exercises for losing excess weight. We will not consider them all, so as not to create unnecessary confusion. Let's focus only on the most effective ones.


Sit on a chair with your feet shoulder-width apart. The shins are strictly perpendicular to the floor, the thighs are parallel, and a right angle is formed between the thigh and calf of each leg. Close the fingers of your left hand into a fist (but without unnecessary tension) and place it in the palm of your right. Place your elbows on your knees, place your forehead on your clasped hands, and close your eyes. Don't slouch!

Keeping your stomach relaxed, slowly inhale deeply and exhale through your mouth. At this moment, try to conjure up images that are pleasant for you: a clear stream, a forest path, a meadow drenched in the sun.

Now slowly inhale through your nose, feeling your belly swell, like a frog croaking on the river bank. Pause your inhalation for two seconds, then inhale briefly again and exhale slowly. At the same time, the stomach drops.

Breathing exercises according to the method of A. N. Strelnikova:

Gradually increase the exercise time to 15 minutes. Experts claim that it remarkably relieves hunger.

Wave Lie on your back. Place your feet on the floor, bend your knees at a right angle. One hand lies on the stomach, the other on the chest. Now try to turn into a living wave: as you inhale, your rib cage

should expand and rise, and the stomach should retract; as you exhale, vice versa.

Those who are even a little familiar with yoga will probably recognize this pose. Sit on the floor, cross your legs in front of you, place your hands on your knees, placing your hands together with your palms facing up. Close your eyes and place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth. Inhale and exhale deeply and evenly for 15 minutes.

How to do Chinese gymnastics?

Of course, qigong does not consist of three or four exercises. His wellness area, which we are talking about now, includes dozens different complexes starting from gymnastics to improve immunity and ending with exercises that interest us for weight loss. The latter, by the way, you can find at the end of this article. But knowing the sequence of exercises is not enough. We still need to figure out how, when and under what conditions they should be practiced.

What do experts say about miracle gymnastics? Their opinions differ. Many modern psychologists and physiologists note the positive impact of qigong on a person’s physical and emotional state. Many people refute it. Both provide their scientific evidence and eyewitness accounts. Strictly speaking, full-fledged and large-scale studies that are definitely capable of putting an end to this difficult issue have not yet been carried out, so oriental gymnastics continues to remain a part of alternative medicine. How to treat it, everyone decides for themselves.

Lana Anatol's technique

A significant contribution to the popularization of qigong gymnastics was made by Lana Anatol, a researcher of Taoist health practices, instructor and creator of her own method of losing weight using proper breathing. The main difference between the training system proposed by Lana is that it focuses primarily on the fight against excess weight, and not on improving health in general, as the creators of gymnastics originally intended. The exercises of her technique are softer, constructed in a slightly different way and are designed to normalize the functioning of the three “foci” in our body. However, Lana herself will talk about this much better, fortunately, videos of her lessons are found in abundance on the Internet.

Video: qigong gymnastics from Lana

Nutritional Features

There is no system of exercises that would have a visible effect if, in between 15-minute workouts, a person lies on the couch and eats piles of hamburgers, washing them down with Coca-Cola. Whether you like it or not, you will have to try to make your lifestyle healthier. And first of all, this concerns nutrition.

The requirements of qigong are simple, reasonable and generally non-revelatory.

  1. Minimize your intake of unhealthy foods. Less processed foods, smoked meats, fried, fatty and hard-to-stomach foods.
  2. Introduce more dishes into your menu that do not require long-term heat treatment. The shorter the contact with fire, the more vitamins and nutrients the dish will retain. However, this does not mean that you have to switch to a raw food diet. Qigong does not welcome extremes.
  3. When it comes to vegetables and fruits, give preference to seasonal ones - those that grow in your region. A ruddy wild apple, picked from a tree not far from home, is in this regard both healthier and preferable to a foreign pineapple, which was stored in a warehouse for an unknown amount of time before getting to your table.

Also, try to follow the “five taste rule,” which states that foods from the following groups should be regularly present in a person’s diet:

  • sweet - fruits, vegetables, dried fruits, honey;
  • salted - according to the teachings of qigong, soybeans, millet, peas, barley, pork, seafood;
  • bitter - onions, chicory, broccoli, asparagus, lamb, dark chocolate;
  • sour - beans, leeks, cheese, chicken, plums, berries;
  • spicy - seasonings, turnips, cabbage, rice and... peaches.

Also, try to give up tobacco and alcohol. These two substances are incompatible with a healthy lifestyle.


Does Chinese gymnastics really have its pitfalls? Imagine, yes.

  1. Although qigong looks quite harmless, practice breathing techniques not recommended for people with cardiovascular disorders, as well as kidney and liver problems.
  2. Pregnancy will be an obvious contraindication - no one will tell in advance how your training will affect the condition of the fetus.
  3. You should not start classes during illness or if there are inflammatory processes in the body.

If you feel sick while doing the exercises, you should stop immediately. Even ancient Chinese techniques are not suitable for everyone, and your body may not like them either.

Continuing the topic:

Vadim Knyrko - about the coach who made Domracheva a three-time champion of Sochi 2014.