Wide hip exercises. How to make your hips more rounded with simple exercises? Wide hips = big butt

There are several ways to make your hips wider. You can increase the parameters using muscle tissue. You can do special exercises regularly to increase your circumference. In addition, the size is increased before childbirth or through surgery. You can visually expand the lower body with the help of clothes.

Why is it good to have voluminous hips?

Studies conducted by American scientists have shown that girls with strong muscles legs in old age, severe pain in the lower extremities is less likely to occur. They have lower cholesterol levels. In addition, there is a more intense production of hormones responsible for lowering blood sugar levels.

The risk of developing pathologies of the cardiovascular system is reduced. With regular training, the amount of adipose tissue decreases, blood flow improves, and the risk of cholesterol plaques becomes less.

The lower body becomes stronger. Increases stamina: a girl with a rounded top part lower extremities is able to run, dance, exercise longer game types sports. In addition, when training the muscles of the lower extremities, more calories and fat are burned, since these muscles are larger than all others.

Many people also like wide hips visually. Often, muscular legs are observed in girls with rounded buttocks: most of the techniques for tightening the thighs also help to enlarge the buttocks. This feature of appearance is liked by a large number of men. Also, clothes fit well on owners of a similar figure.

Exercises to increase hip width

To enlarge a little slim hips, must be performed regularly special complex exercises. Are used power training. You need to exercise at least 2-3 times a week. A greater effect can be achieved if physical exercise will be more frequent: 3-4 times a week. It is not recommended to train daily: muscles need rest to recover and grow. You can do both gym, and at home. It is recommended to consult with a trainer to select a suitable complex.

Squats help a lot. For greater effect, you can use weights and dumbbells. You should start with light weights, gradually increasing the load. Do 10-15 repetitions, then rest. You are allowed to do 2-3 approaches.

Lunges are useful: one leg should be bent at the knee, the other should be pushed back. For each leg you should do 2-3 sets of 15-20 repetitions. This exercise is not the most effective for increasing volume, but it helps to achieve beautiful shape buttocks and upper legs.

To increase the muscles on the side of the thigh, you should do lateral lunges. This exercise also helps improve stretching and flexibility.

Walking on your buttocks helps a lot. You should sit on the floor and stretch out lower limbs in front of. Then move forward, leaning on your buttocks, then rest for 10-15 seconds and head in the opposite direction. This will help not only strengthen muscles, but also get rid of cellulite.

Yoga exercises will be beneficial. This oriental gymnastics strengthens muscles and improves well-being. Utkatasana, Ushtrasana, Malasana, Navasana, Salabhasana are useful.

How to reduce hip size?

Sometimes, to get slender thighs, you need to get rid of excess fat mass. To do this you need to lose weight. It should be remembered that it is impossible to get rid of adipose tissue locally. To lose weight, you need to reduce your daily calorie intake and create a calorie deficit. You should not reduce your food intake by more than 200-250 kcal per day: too much of a deficit can cause stretch marks to appear.

To reduce volumes, cardio training is suitable. Running, swimming, cycling, dancing, mountain and cross-country skiing. Long walks also help fresh air. To get slender hips, it is recommended to walk at least 10,000 steps (about 5 km) per day.

Diet for beautiful thighs

If you need to increase your hip circumference or build muscle mass, you need to create a calorie surplus. The daily calorie intake should be increased by 150-250 kcal per day.

A large amount of protein will be required. Its sources are meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products. Legumes and soy cheese tofu will also be beneficial. The rate is calculated individually; age, weight and physical activity must be taken into account.

You will also need carbohydrates. It is recommended to give preference to complex ones found in cereals: buckwheat, oatmeal, barley. Vegetables and fruits will bring benefits: they not only supply the body with carbohydrates, but are also sources of vitamins and minerals.

The diet should include healthy fats. It’s not worth giving up on them at all: metabolism will slow down, skin quality will deteriorate, and hormonal imbalances will occur. Recommended sources of fats are vegetable oils, nuts, avocados, and fatty fish.

Sweets should be eliminated from the diet completely or their amount reduced. You can replace store-bought options, which contain large amounts of sugar, fats and chemical additives, with homemade ones. The composition of such sweets is more natural, and they often contain fewer calories.

Eating foods containing phytoestrogens will help widen your hips. Under their influence, a woman’s hormonal background changes. However, the volume of adipose tissue will increase, because Such products will not affect muscle growth.

It is important to maintain water balance. Use sufficient quantity water helps eliminate swelling and speeds up metabolism. You should drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day. Effective method How to make your hips rounder is to avoid caffeine-containing drinks: they promote fluid retention and prevent getting rid of cellulite. You can drink coffee in limited quantities without adding sugar or milk.

Fashion for wasp waist forces girls, whom nature has not endowed with such external data, to create a figure on their own with the help of hard training and diets. Even prohibited ones are used anabolic steroid, growth hormone and other unsafe substances. Making your hips wider than your shoulders is possible in an acceptable time frame and is absolutely safe for health. The main thing is self-discipline and strict adherence to the training process.

Exercises to increase hip width

Really increasing hip width is only possible through heavy weight training in the gym. To start growth processes, you need serious muscle stress, which can be achieved by using exercise machines, barbells and dumbbells.

Shapes the width of the hips quadriceps- one of the largest in the human body. It is located on the front of the thigh and has four heads, which stand out as independent: the rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis and vastus intermedius.


To trigger the growth mechanisms of the total array of the quadriceps femoris muscle best exercise is a barbell squat.

Before starting the training, you need to do the following preparatory steps:

  • Warm up. 15-20 minutes on an exercise bike or treadmill will be enough to warm up your joints and muscles and prepare your heart for anaerobic training.
  • Stretching. Before the main lesson, it would be a good idea to do a little stretching of all the large muscles of the body, and unwind the joints in the shoulders with swinging movements. The knee and hip joints need to be warmed up with rotational movements.
  • Selecting working weight. If this is the first workout, it is very important to decide on the weight with which you plan to perform the working approaches. To do this, you need to make 3-4 warm-up attempts, gradually increasing the weight of the barbell to the level until it is possible to perform 10-12 repetitions. This will be the correct training weight.

It is important that your back is straight while squatting. This rule is very difficult for beginners to follow, since intuitively they will try to ease the effort by shifting the load to the spine. This is dangerous and can lead to injury. Therefore, during the first training sessions, when there are no skills yet, you must definitely use the services personal trainer. Or take a person with you to the gym who has such experience.

The exercise itself is performed in this way: remove the barbell from the racks, take half a step forward and squat to the floor, i.e. below the horizontal line of the thigh. After this, you need to straighten up without pausing at the lowest point. After 12 repetitions, the barbell is placed on the racks with the help of a trainer or partner.

The peculiarity of this exercise is that if the legs are spread wider than shoulder level, and the toes are turned to the sides, the load will go to the thigh biceps, i.e. inner side. In this case, the aesthetic effect will be noticeable on the buttocks, which will become rounder and firmer. But the width of the hips will not change significantly. Therefore, it is important that during the exercise your legs are at shoulder level and your toes are “looking” straight.

Leg extension while sitting on a machine

This variety is an isolation exercise that works well on the muscles of the front of the thigh - the quadriceps. The absence of stress on the back and the need to maintain balance allows women with various injuries and diseases of the hip joint or back to train. The machine has a seat with a backrest to support the spine. It also has a defined trajectory of movement, which reduces the risk of injury from loss of control or falling weight.

The exercise is performed in 4-5 approaches of 10-14 repetitions each. The rest between them should be 1.5-2 minutes.

For a girl who has a low level of fitness or does not have it at all, at the initial stage of training with weights, only squats will be a sufficient load.

The thigh muscles recover after a very long time - 5-7 days. Therefore, squats should be performed no more than once a week. Otherwise progress in muscle growth will not be.

3-4 weeks after the start of training, you can add leg extensions while sitting on a machine to squats. This should be the first exercise. This way you can create pre-exhaustion thigh muscles before heavy squats, which will additionally load the desired area.

Waist reduction

Unlike increasing the width of the hips, reducing the waist can be achieved at home.

  • change in diet;
  • performing training;
  • change in diet.

An additional stimulation of the fat burning process in the abdominal area will be an increase in overall physical activity.


There is no local fat burning, and it is impossible to remove fat from the waist while leaving it in the hips. That's why training process will be aimed at increasing the overall energy expenditure of the body, and not just at performing abdominal exercises.

In practice, such activities should look like this:

  1. Warm-up – 10 minutes.
  2. Running – 10-15 minutes.
  3. Stretching – 5 minutes.
  4. Abdominal exercises – 20-25 minutes.

To effectively work your muscles abdominals, it will be sufficient to perform 3 exercises: raising legs from a lying position, raising the chest to the knees and a horizontal plank.

Raising legs from a lying position

Popular and most effective exercise to work out the lower part of the abs. You need to lie on the floor and put your arms along your body, raise your legs to a position “perpendicular to the body,” then slowly lower them to the starting position. The number of repetitions is at least 80% of the maximum in 3-4 approaches. The break between approaches is 1 -1.3 minutes.

Beginners need to do this exercise with their knees bent so as not to stretch the weak muscle ligaments.

Raising your chest to your knees

An effective workout for working out your upper abs. Performed from a lying position. You need to put your legs under a bench, sofa or chair, bend them at the knees, and clasp the back of your head with your hands. Lift up top part You need to move your body quickly, until your knees touch your chest. After this, you should slowly lower yourself and repeat the rise.

The number of times depends on the girl’s level of training, but not less than 80% of the maximum possible. The number of approaches is 3-4. The break between approaches is 1-1.3 minutes, for rest between exercises - 2-3 minutes.

Horizontal bar

The exercise perfectly loads all parts of the abdominal press and helps to get rid of not only subcutaneous fat, but also the fat lining the internal organs. You need to lie face down on the floor, lean on your elbows and toes, raise your body and hold it in this position for the maximum possible amount of time. After which you should rest for 1.5-2 minutes and repeat the horizontal plank.

It is more effective to carry out this type at the end of a press workout, alternating it with the “Vacuum” exercise. It allows you to quickly make your waist thinner. This result is achieved not so much by reducing fat, but by increasing the force that holds the internal organs deep muscles. You need to sit on a chair, lean forward a little, exhale and pull your stomach in as much as possible. You need to hold it in this position for 15-20 seconds. After resting for 30-40 seconds, repeat.

To reduce waist width, it is strictly not recommended to perform various exercises on lateral muscles belly. A slight decrease in fat in this area is compensated by an increase in the volume of the lateral muscles themselves, which is why visually the waist will remain the same or even increase.

Changing your diet

The width of the waist largely depends on the volume of the stomach. Therefore, changes in diet should be aimed at maximizing the reduction of a single serving of food.

The amount of food that the girl ate 3 times a day should be divided into 8 small portions. You need to eat food every 1.5-2 hours at regular intervals throughout the day.


Making your waist narrow is quite difficult if you have a genetic predisposition to excess weight or other features of the body that prevent you from having beautiful figure. Changing the diet in such cases should be aimed not only at reducing total calories, but also at the correct selection of foods. You need food that is quickly digested and does not cause a sharp increase in blood sugar levels.

List of light foods that do not provoke obesity:

  • Boiled eggs.
  • Unsweetened cottage cheese.
  • Boiled fish.
  • Protein shakes.
  • Boiled cereals (rice, buckwheat).

Sugary drinks, chocolate and flour products should be completely excluded from the diet. Exception: half an hour before a hard leg workout, you can eat a small chocolate bar. There will be no harm from this, since all the energy from the sweets will be used up during exercise with a barbell.

Sports nutrition

Various methods can help you make your hips wider than your shoulders. sports supplements. Their use is especially important for girls who do not have time to prepare their own food in the morning for the whole day.

Effectively use:

  • Whey protein - helps replenish the body's reserves essential amino acids. It is a building material for muscles, including the thighs. Take 1 serving (50 g) several times a day.
  • Creatine – provides additional energy during training, increases its intensity, and activates the fat burning process.
  • L-carnitine is a very effective weight loss supplement. The energy deficit during training is replenished by the breakdown of fatty acids. The optimal dose for women is 1-2 g per day.

The task of increasing the width of the hips while reducing the waist is very difficult. This is fine jewelry work on yourself, when the training process needs to be balanced between gaining muscle tissue and reducing fat. But the hardworking and patient will be rewarded in the form of a beautiful wasp figure, which is now so popular among young girls. You won't be able to achieve results in a week. The minimum period under conditions of following a strict diet and training regimen is 4-6 months.

Many girls, especially teenagers, are thinking about how to enlarge their hips and give them roundness. The figure acquires feminine curves due to hormonal changes during puberty and the release of estrogen, the female sex hormone, into the blood. If a girl doesn’t think her hips are round enough, she can correct this without resorting to surgery. The long-awaited result can be obtained with the help of nutritional adjustments and special strength exercises, which are easy to perform both at home and on professional exercise equipment in the gym.

The most effective exercise for building muscle mass on the hips - these are squats. It must be included in the warm-up or in the main complex. To get more effect from the exercise, it should be performed with free weights. Using a load (for example, dumbbells), you can work all the muscles of the buttocks, back and legs. In this exercise, you need to make sure that your knees do not “walk” and your heels do not leave the floor. Then the exercise will be performed correctly.

In order to seriously engage in building muscle on the hips and buttocks, it is advisable to purchase dumbbells: with them, the effect of the exercises will increase several times. But good shells cost a lot of money, and not everyone has the opportunity to purchase a quality product. In this case sports equipment They can easily replace 1.5 liter water bottles. You can perform exercises with them at the initial stage. Then you can increase the load to 5-10 liter containers.

Those who have such an opportunity should buy an exercise bike. With it you can work all the muscles of the thighs and buttocks without much effort. For those who do not have a simulator, a bicycle will do. If you go for a half-hour walk in the park every day, the effect will be noticeable within a few days.

Complex for studying at home

Classic squat. This exercise uses almost all the muscles of the lower torso. This allows you not only to increase the width of your hips, but also to improve your posture and remove excess fat from the stomach and pump up your abs.

Initial position- legs together, shoulders back, arms extended in front of you. Technique:

  • You need to squat so that your knees are at an angle of 90 degrees and your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • The foot should not be lifted off the floor, otherwise you may lose balance during the exercise.
  • Before starting a squat, you need to take a deep breath and squat as you exhale.

Exercises to build muscle must be performed slowly, without haste or fuss. The muscles should be as tense as possible.

Plie squat. This exercise works the hamstrings and gluteal muscles. The plie squat makes your shape more rounded and your legs slimmer.

Starting position: legs spread as wide as possible, toes turned outward, arms clasped in front of the chest. Exercise technique:

  • You need to squat in such a way that your buttocks do not fall below your knees; the back should be absolutely straight and not arch in the lower back.
  • After sitting down, you need to stay in this position for a few seconds and then return to the starting position.
  • The exercise must be performed in 4 sets of 10-12 squats.

Lunges. The exercise perfectly trains the thigh muscles and prevents cellulite.

Starting position: back straight, hands on your belt or sides. Execution algorithm:

  • With your right foot you need to step forward and lower yourself so that the stepped leg forms an angle of 90 degrees; left leg It is also necessary to lower it, but not to touch the floor with it.
  • You need to stay in this position for a few seconds and then return to the starting position.
  • You need to do 20 lunges on each leg.

You can do backward lunges in the same way.

Before you start doing the exercises, you need to do a warm-up. Everyone chooses it independently, but it should include exercises that work joints and all muscle groups.

Good day, dear readers of the sports blog sportivs, Alexander Bely is with you. Spring is approaching and this means that warm down jackets and pants will be replaced by light jackets and shorts. Many begin to worry about those forms that are hidden under a layer of warm clothing. As a rule, people who do not engage in an active lifestyle after winter gain overweight and centimeters especially in the hip area. Therefore, today we will talk about how to reduce the volume of the hips and make them slim.

Basic Concepts

At the moment, the entire Internet is filled with various attractive advertisements, something like: “how I lost 5 kg in 9 days” or “weight loss diet, with the help of it I lost 10 kg in two weeks.” Dear readers, know that none of this is true, beautiful body requires regular exercise if body fat accumulated over many years, how can they go away in just a week?

You need to be patient and make it clear to yourself that this is a long and painstaking process. Many people wonder whether it is possible to lose weight very quickly? Unfortunately the answer is no, but if you stick to proper diet and training program, then in 3-4 weeks you will notice quite a good result, which will give you the strength to train further. Let's now look at the main reasons for wide hips.

What causes hips to get bigger?

The reason for hip enlargement lies in nature. Since a woman is about to give birth to children, her figure initially has a predisposition to round shapes and wide hips.

Against the background of stress, various hormones can be released that are responsible for many processes in a woman’s body, as a result of which fat deposits begin to be deposited, particularly in the abdomen (sides) and thighs.
You can also add your body type, and what is important is your diet. Often the reason for wide hips lies in buns, sweets, pizzas and other fast food.

Looking in the mirror, do you see that your thighs don't look attractive? Don't be sad, now I'll share with you effective complex exercises that will help tighten your buttocks and achieve good result. Afterwards we will look at the diet and recommendations.

Physical activity

Nowadays there is a huge amount of information that will allow you to lose extra pounds and get in shape. There are many training programs, both in the gym and at home.

Of course, warming up is important before any workout. I don't recommend working out without warming up first. It will help you prevent the possibility of damage and sprains.

The first will be . Lying on your back, lift your legs off the floor and imitate pedaling a bicycle. You need to do several approaches.

The second requires special physical endurance. We need to make scissors. The starting position is the same as in the third, lying on your back, you need to raise your legs and cross your legs about 70 times. As you train, you need to increase the number of repetitions.

The next exercise is performed lying on your stomach. The point is to raise opposite hand and leg at the same time.

A very good training for - standing straight, placing your arms along your body, you should raise your legs, or rather swing them to the side and inward. Do 25-30 reps.
In the same position, 20-25 repetitions of leg rotations will also give results.

Complex in the gym

1. Squats with a barbell. Place the bar just below your neck - on trapezius muscles, back straight, legs parallel to each other. You should squat until your butt is parallel to the floor - 90 degrees.

2. Flexion and extension of the legs in the simulator. The first exercise will work the hamstrings, the second will work the quadriceps.

3. Lunges. You need to take a 4-8 kg dumbbell in each hand and do lunges. You can sit on the spot, you can walk along the corridor or hall. When performing lunges, you need to keep your knee slightly off the floor.

To all this, it will be effective to add cardio exercise. After each workout, jump rope, run on a treadmill or around a stadium, exercise on orbital tracks and exercise bikes, and then, subject to proper nutrition you will achieve excellent results.

Wrapping film around problem areas of the hips or waist during training has also worked quite well. Due to this, sweating increases at the site of the wrap and excess water is removed along with problematic centimeters.

Here you can order wrapping film .

Speaking of diet, let's look at what you can eat and what is not recommended.


First of all, it is strictly not recommended to eat confectionery products - buns, cakes, sweets. In a word, exclude sweets and starchy foods. Why? They are the main source of fast carbohydrates, which are the shortest possible time stored in negative fats.

Drink more water. Water accelerates metabolism, that is, it improves metabolism. If you want to eat bread, you can have 1-2 pieces of black bread before training, or replace it with bread. Mainly focus on food of animal and natural origin: chicken, eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, milk, buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, fish.

Apply. Eat relatively small portions 4-6 times a day. Thus, by eating fractionally, you speed up your metabolism.

Be patient and start practicing, the most important thing is to start. We looked at the basic concepts, talked about why hips become enlarged, how to deal with it, what exercises are effective, talked about diet, and foods that are not recommended to be consumed. Below I have attached an informative video that will bring useful information for you. Play sports, drive healthy image life and you will be in good mood and in great shape. See you soon.

Women often get upset because overweight the body and the volume of its certain parts - the abdomen or buttocks, for example. And such a reason for grief very often is precisely too lush and voluminous hips. But sometimes the lack of volume in this area also causes despair, which prompts women to take many measures to enlarge this part of the body.

These measures can be implemented in three directions - the silhouette can be changed with the help of clothing (colors and cut of dresses, skirts and trousers, as well as shapewear), you can work out the thigh muscles using special exercises, and also resort to the lipofilling procedure (lipofilling surgery). fat tissue grafting from own body). The optimal correction option is selected taking into account the hip defect.

Pump up your buttocks at home

Skinny women who want to get beautiful and rounded hips should not fall into despair. Hips become beautiful precisely due to the presence of muscle mass in this area. If you remember the skeleton model in the school biology classroom, the leg bones are located parallel to each other and do not protrude, so beautiful thighs are solely due to the presence of muscle mass. So systematic classes can change the situation.

To enlarge your hips, you need to work on pumping up muscle mass. In this case, the exercises should be performed slowly, trying to strain and work out the thigh muscles as much as possible during training. If you perform such exercises at least three times a week, you will get rid of sagging in the thighs and make them more prominent and rounded.

We will offer you a set of exercises that will give you not only beautiful and appetizing thigh shapes, but also elastic buttocks.

How to squat to pump up your buttocks

Squats should not be performed as in school physical education lessons, but with complete dedication. Deep squats can give you quick result. For this, it is recommended to use weights, but only after a week of regular training.

There is no need to rush in this matter.
During runtime deep squats it is important that the buttocks touch calf muscles. First you need to squat down as low as possible, and then straighten up to your full height.

After your body adapts to training, you can start using weights - dumbbells or a rack of barbells, and the load should gradually increase.

At the same time, it is also important to understand that you are not training endurance and strength, but are trying to build muscle mass, so there is no need for enhanced daily training. Ideally, you need to take a two-day interval between workouts, otherwise microcracks simply won’t have time to heal and the muscles will stop growing.


We stand near a support (a chair or a wall, for example), move our right leg to the right and hold it suspended for about five seconds. Next, slowly move your leg as far as possible to the left and hold it for the same amount. The exercise is repeated 10 more times, after which the same is done with the left leg.

We stand with our left side near the support and move our right leg as far back as possible, perform springing movements, trying to raise the leg as high as possible and return it closer to the floor. We do this for about 20 swings, repeating the same with the left leg.

Next, we raise our right leg in front of us, while pointing the toe towards ourselves, and hold it in this position for about a minute. We repeat the same on the left leg.
For execution next exercise We stand with our legs wide apart, bend our arms at the elbows, pressing them to the sides.

As you exhale, transfer your weight to your left foot, while raising your right leg, bent at the knee, and touch your buttock with your heel. Then, while inhaling, we stand up straight and repeat the same on the left leg. You need to do it 15 times with each leg.

High knee running

This exercise is very simple and quite effective, capable of providing you with beautiful thighs and buttocks. At the same time, during rhythmic running we simply try to raise our knees as high as possible. In this case, it is not recommended to get carried away with intensity. Systematicity and measure are more important here.

Pump up your butt at home

We lie on our backs, place our arms loosely and raise our legs. As you inhale, we spread your hips apart and fix them in this position for a couple of seconds, and as you exhale, slowly bring your legs together. You need to perform 50 repetitions. If it is difficult to do many repetitions at one time, you can start with 10-15, gradually increasing the load each time, performing several approaches.

The next exercise is performed from a lying position on the left side with support on the left forearm, during which, as you exhale, the right leg rises up and is held perpendicular to the floor for a minute, and while inhaling, it is lowered to rest.

Next, you need to raise your leg again, now holding it at an angle of 60 degrees to the floor, and after a minute lower it again. The same manipulations are repeated with the left leg. Next, you can also add another leg lift at an angle of 30 degrees to the floor.

When the entire set of exercises is completed, it is also important to perform a stretching routine. In this case, the blood, first of all, reaches the muscles much better, while nourishing them and relaxing them. It also helps avoid feelings of fatigue, which tend to accumulate over time.

It is also important to forget about bad habits. Here it is up to you to decide what is more valuable to you. Remember that alcohol is a protoplasmic poison that destroys the cells of your body, so there can be no talk of increasing muscle mass when drinking alcohol.

As for nicotine, despite the fact that it is considered a catabolic, it also has an extremely negative effect, since tars prevent oxygen from entering the blood, without which cell growth is impossible.

In general, the problem of hip enlargement is not so difficult, but if you suddenly succumb to laziness and indecision, and suddenly want to give up everything, immediately remember why you started all this.

Clothes that help visually enlarge your hips

Narrow hips can be completely hidden using the right clothes.
If you have such a figure deficiency, it is not recommended to wear blouses or jackets with broad shoulders so that in contrast they do not “eat up” the volumes in the lower part of the figure. For the same reason, it is recommended to abandon puff sleeves.

Another important point is that light colors, as a rule, give the figure additional volume, which is why you should avoid such shades in the upper part of clothing, especially if these are spacious items.

In general, it is worth choosing clothes so that the lower part is always lighter than the upper part, and it is better that the difference is several tones. Large patterns (geometric or floral) or bright colors of clothing are also great for this.

Preference should be given to sweaters with a deep neckline and slightly shortened sleeves. Tight shirts and corsets are also recommended. Blouses with high shoulder lines will help hide a wide torso.

A voluminous, not very long sweater dress will not show narrow hips, but will divert attention to slender legs. An off-the-shoulder dress can make your torso appear larger, so you should be careful when choosing this option.

If we talk about skirts, then you should give preference to a fuller cut - pleated skirts or skirts with multi-tiered flounces. In the case of a straight cut skirt, some additions in the form of pockets or voluminous embroidery will help to visually enlarge the hips.

A-line skirts with a high waist look quite good, which can be emphasized with any belt - narrow or wide. However, it is important that the belt is at the waist and not at the hips. The skirt can be long, but only in this case it is important that there is a long and voluminous top. A tulip skirt is also an excellent choice for those with narrow hips.

If you prefer to wear trousers, preference should be given to models with a low waist. Models with slightly flared legs from the hip look good. Additional decor in the hip area (voluminous embroidery, appliqué, pockets) is also welcome.

Outerwear should be loose-fitting. A cloak or coat with a wide belt will decorate such a figure. You should still avoid styles that hug your figure tightly.
With the right choice of clothing style, you will always look irresistible.


Thanks to lipofilling of the legs, it is possible not only to add volume to the legs and thighs, but also to significantly improve their shape.

Lipofilling of the buttocks will give you an appetizing shape and at the same time remove excess fat in unwanted places (for example, in the waist area). Today, this procedure is the most popular among those who want to increase hip volume.

The main indication for lipofilling is a person’s dissatisfaction with the shape of his legs and buttocks, which can arise in different situations.

– When the legs are too thin, when the leg in any shoe looks like a pencil in a glass.

– With crooked legs, which is even more visible if the legs are thin.

– When, in a straight standing position, the thighs do not close completely.

– If you have flat buttocks due to lack of muscles in this area.

To perform the operation, it is also important that the patient is already an adult, which is usually important when performing any plastic surgery. In addition, ideally the patient should have no bad habits and should be in good health. Well, in general, the possibility of carrying out the procedure in each case is determined by the doctor.

The final answer can only be obtained on the basis of a comprehensive study of the body. Before the operation, the patient is weighed, height is measured and the proportionality of the skeleton is assessed, also determining the amount of soft tissue on the legs.

Lipofilling cannot be performed if the patient has atherosclerosis, diabetes or circulatory disorders. The reason is that with such diseases, fat cells may not take root and die after surgery. Moreover, their death does not necessarily cause complications; the patient simply will not receive any expected effect from the operation.

The final result of the procedure can only be assessed a couple of months after it is carried out. The operation itself to correct the size and shape of the buttocks and hips takes no more than 60 minutes.

Doctors usually pump a little more fat cells under the skin than required. The reason is that part of the transplanted fat tissue breaks down over time, so sometimes the corrective procedure has to be repeated.

After the operation, certain complications are possible - for example, infection of the transplanted fatty tissue, so you need to take antibiotics under the supervision of specialists for a month after the operation.

Moreover, this procedure is a minimally invasive procedure, so the patient can leave the clinic on his own within a couple of hours after the operation. To avoid infection, the skin at the intervention sites is covered with a surgical plaster for a day. After the operation there are no stitches or scars left.

Continuing the topic:

Vadim Knyrko - about the coach who made Domracheva a three-time champion of Sochi 2014.