Qigong exercises for weight loss. Losing weight with the help of Chinese breathing exercises Jianfei Chinese gymnastics exercises for weight loss

Any energy imbalance in the human body leads to a number of diseases and health problems, and is even the cause excess weight.

Qigong for weight loss helps restore the circulation of vital energy in the body Qi, thereby eliminating the cause of excess weight - moral dissatisfaction. It has long been no secret to nutritionists that the origins of gaining large masses are located precisely in the human head, and the body simply follows the will of the brain.

Chinese medicine for weight loss versus conventional remedies and diets

In China they knew well that all troubles, problems and human difficulties originate in a person’s head. In other words, the outside world is clean of suffering and misfortune; it is we who make it different, denigrating it in our own eyes.

Naturally, the same principle works in relation to diseases, as well as problems with appearance. Obesity, excess weight, complexes about one’s figure – these problems plague most modern people, both men and women. Excess weight has long ceased to be a sign of age-related hormonal changes; now a flabby body and an ugly figure are most common among the younger generation.

Qigong began to be used for weight loss when they realized the direct relationship between a person’s emotional world and his behavior in real life. It turned out that the more negative experiences, stress and emotions people experienced, the more clearly this was reflected in their physical form. This phenomenon is well known to modern nutritionists, fitness instructors and coaches: a person, deeply experiencing his moral crises and feeling unhappy or confused, begins to seek solace in simple things - food.

This unhealthy attachment of “self-consolation” quickly transforms into an addiction, and subsequently it is simply impossible to overcome it using ordinary methods. Diets, gym exercises, calorie restriction or running are all physical techniques that are aimed at combating visible changes in the figure, but they will never help get rid of the root cause of excess weight.

The inability to lose weight using standard procedures and techniques over a long period of time, as well as the steady return of all the lost kilograms, are the most obvious indicators that work needs to start from the head, and not from losing weight.

This can be compared to the symptoms of a runny nose or sore throat during a cold. Treating rhinitis with vasoconstrictor drops or throat lozenges is a waste of time, because the real cause of the disease is a virus that is inside the body. Therefore, the most adequate and correct decision would be to direct all efforts to help your immune system defeat harmful cells.

The same tactics can be observed in the presence of persistent excess weight. Kilograms, flabbiness and cellulite are just physical indicators of another disease that lies in the subcortex of our brain. Excess weight in itself is a factor indicating the presence of an imbalance in the human body, because a person who lives harmoniously and feels at peace simply will not consume food beyond measure, abusing it. He doesn't need it.

Qigong exercises for weight loss first of all allow you to establish the proper functioning of the brain. Remember that any disease is a sign of imbalance, and imbalance is born when the harmonious functioning of our entire body is disrupted.

Just imagine for a moment how many processes take place inside us every second, how many organs carry out their specific mission, and all of this is part of a huge puzzle called the “human body.” Of course, if at least one of its parts, this puzzle, fails, then this will inevitably affect the entire organism as a whole.

When healing the external symptoms of your problem, you simply waste time on exhausting diets, hunger strikes or endless trips to the fitness center, but your true, deep-seated problem remains unresolved. For this reason, most breakdowns and relapses occur, and after some time the excess weight stubbornly returns again.

Standard weight loss schemes simply cannot return your thinking to a harmonious state, which is only possible if there is energy inside the body Qi does not encounter obstacles. And here qigong for weight loss comes to our aid - it effectively eliminates the “confusion” inside your head, helps you return your life to the channel of calm and balance, find harmony and quiet happiness, and at the same time get rid of attacks of nervous hunger and the need to overeat their emotional turmoil.

Chinese weight loss methods: why are they effective?

It becomes obvious and extremely clear that the companions of excess weight and an unattractive figure are constant nerves and emotional tension, frequent stress, feelings of anxiety and depression, growing fears, etc.

Not a single diet in the world will help overcome these moral barriers and negative states, and at the same time, a person with overweight the need, first of all, is expressed precisely in the desire to find moral relief.

But what to do in this case? How can you not only eliminate excess weight forever, but also get rid of the source of your fears, complexes and dissatisfaction, which are deep in our subconscious? How to find spiritual harmony, balance and improve your life? How can you change your subjective perception of the world around you and yourself in order to lose the desire to seek solace and moral release in food?

Qigong is a special exercise technique. It is foolish to believe that this Eastern practice is just passive gymnastic exercises or breathing technique. It's not like that at all.

Qigong - practice effective weight loss, a diet or a gym will never help you achieve the final result that it gives. Exercises allow you to break down and eliminate all points of stagnation of negative energy in the human body, literally renew it, and breathe new life into it.

Qigong will improve your thinking process, and at the same time make you gain wisdom and insight, learning to perceive the world around you and react to its phenomena in the right way. Stress is just a misinterpreted mental reaction to external factors. By activating the weight loss points in Chinese medicine, you can learn to do without the need to seek any harmful consolation to relieve feelings of mental stress.

Besides, regular classes will eliminate the constant feeling of irritability, lack of vitality or motivation. Qigong for weight loss, reviews of which are often very inspiring for novice practitioners, will have a beneficial effect on all areas of your life. After all, you remember that everything in our body is closely intertwined, and the harmonious circulation of energy Qi leads not only to getting rid of annoying pounds, but also to a general improvement in the quality of life.

« Qigong helped me lose almost twenty kilograms that I gained after my second birth. For some reason, my weight at that time stubbornly remained the same, although I adhered to a strict diet and performed a whole range of exercises. I couldn’t lose weight, and it drove me into a state of deep despondency. In addition, I was very tired, taking care of the children and the house, and often felt mentally depressed and broken. I urgently lacked some vitality and motivation.

After my first qigong classes, I began to feel some kind of moral relief; I even began to breathe easier. Unpleasant thoughts and sensations in my head began to disappear, the weight of the arrow began to creep down. Although I lost excess weight a long time ago, I still continue to practice qigong, mostly for good health and a sense of vigor.».

Flaw vital energy- This is another culprit for gaining excess weight. We all know that the easiest way to get energy is to eat high-calorie foods. But our body does not always require exactly the type of energy that comes with food. We misinterpret the signals of our brain, feeling lethargic, weak and apathetic, we strive to compensate for this lack of strength with the help of food, but for some reason we stubbornly do not feel more energetic. But the weight begins to increase.

This often happens in cases where a person is not in close relationship with his own body, does not know how to correctly interpret its signals, and cannot read its hints. The body does not have enough living energy to lead a full life, literally - there is a lack of influx Qi. In fact, a person may simply feel a constant brutal hunger and a desire to fill his stomach beyond measure, but even after the heartiest meal he is not left with a feeling of some kind of incompleteness, dissatisfaction, irritation or annoyance.

Chinese medicine helps you lose weight effectively precisely because it knows exactly the differences and sees the line between physical hunger and an acute lack of another type of energy that cannot be obtained from food.

We constantly lack vigor, a positive emotional shake-up and a sense of readiness, which forces our body to look for the simplest ways to solve it, activating attacks of hunger. But a simple solution is not always the right solution. If your severe hunger is simply due to a lack of living energy flow Qi, then after the first qigong class you will feel a note of relief, a certain feeling of emotional release, “spiritual satiety.”

Qigong system for weight loss

Using qigong for weight loss will be effective for any type of congestion excess weight, because the classes will operate simultaneously in three directions:

  • They will help stop the process of gaining excess weight and stop it completely, securing this effect forever;
  • They will begin to reduce the physical feeling of hunger so that accumulated fat deposits are consumed;
  • They will return a feeling of lightness, cheerfulness, increase resistance to stress and impart optimism.

You will feel how the feeling of spiritual comfort and peace within you is steadily growing, with what ease you wake up in the morning, feeling a surge of strength and a desire to act. The mood after practicing qigong is extremely good, calm and positive, and therefore qigong can even improve blood pressure and get rid of all negative emotions.

The video will help you quickly understand the philosophy of eastern practice and master the basics of qigong for weight loss: as you will learn from it, qigong is not only exercises that are effective for losing weight, but also general strengthening and health techniques aimed at improving physical (and psycho-emotional) well-being.

Important rules for practicing qigong for weight loss

  • You need to practice qigong either two hours before meals or after. It is forbidden to exercise immediately after a meal or when experiencing a feeling of acute hunger;
  • Cold drinks and food immediately before and after qigong exercises have a negative effect on the stomach, minimizing final result from classes;
  • Start exercising either after your morning sleep or before your night sleep, because these periods of the day are considered the most favorable for energy flow Qi;
  • Your moral and emotional well-being should be stable - only qigong that is performed in a calm state and good mood is effective;
  • Before classes, ventilate the room well (to be able to breathe fresh air, abundant Qi), and you can also practice qigong in an open space, for example, right on the street;
  • Choose loose clothing made from simple and natural materials for exercise; a set of pants and a T-shirt or tunic would be ideal, or special clothing for oriental gymnastics;
  • Practice qigong every day, without missing classes, to achieve favorable changes in your figure as soon as possible, and also to record the result.

Chinese medicine for weight loss now has mostly positive reviews precisely due to the fact that it is accessible to everyone and also does not require any special physical training. Particularly noteworthy are the studies of the practice of Dr. Zhang Zuren, who, with the help of qigong, relieved obesity of more than one hundred of his patients. It should be noted that none of the lost kilograms were subsequently returned to the subjects, which means that qigong classes can really get rid of excess weight. And forever.

However, it should be noted that in rare cases, qigong classes may be contraindicated. For example, it is prohibited to exercise during the active stage of the disease or fever, as well as in the heat or under the scorching rays of the sun.

Practicing qigong will not be beneficial if you are overtired or too exhausted. It would be wise to first have a good rest, sleep and gain physical strength. Also, qigong for weight loss is not recommended for people suffering from mental disorders, heart damage or neuroinfections.

Losing weight with a towel

At the moment, the Chinese method of losing weight with a towel is especially popular; it involves using a rolled up towel while doing exercises. People who have tested this method also claim that exercises with a roller help straighten your posture and even slightly increase your height by leveling all the spinal vertebrae.

This Chinese method of losing weight with a towel, however, may not have the best reviews if a person has severe problems with the spine. That is why in this case, before starting classes, you will need a consultation and permission from a doctor.

For everyone else, the Chinese method of losing weight with a towel is an excellent opportunity to literally reduce your waist size by several centimeters in just one session. For exercises you will need a large towel, which is also popularly called a bath towel, a little time and correct technique performing the exercise. You can watch the demo lesson from the original source.

Achieved good effect when performing exercises with a roller due to the fact that the ligaments and spine are slightly stretched, and the internal organs are slightly displaced, forming a more slim stomach. Of course, this technique will not help you lose weight, but you will be able to visually gain slimness in the waist area and quickly lose 1-2 centimeters.

If you want a pronounced effect of losing weight and shedding all those annoying kilograms, then you need to practice qigong along a proven path - through the use of special gymnastic exercises. Below you will find ready-made program effective weight loss, which will return your figure to its slimness and fit. With daily practice, the first visible and tangible results will not keep you waiting.

Qigong: 15-minute complex for weight loss

This simple complex consists of three exercises performed sequentially one after the other.

  1. The first exercise “Frog” reduces the feeling of hunger well (providing the same effect of energy replenishment Qi, which we discussed above).
  2. The second exercise is “The Frog Raising Waves,” and it is also designed to relieve you of an acute feeling of physical hunger by reducing your appetite.
  3. The third and last lesson is called “Lotus”, it will speed up the metabolism in your body, starting to burn and use up fat reserves, and will also prevent you from storing new ones.

Remember that you need to do the exercises regularly, at the same time. It is necessary to put your mood in order before starting classes. Exercise exclusively with positive thoughts and attitude. Don't forget about technology correct breathing– each exercise requires a certain sequence of inhalation and exhalation.


Sit on the floor with your legs crossed in front of you. One leg should be on top of the other, with the toes pointing forward (away from the body). Bend your elbows, resting your elbows on your knees. Bend one palm into a fist, place the open palm of the other hand on top, and then slowly tilt it forward top part torso so as to rest your forehead on your hands.

You need to close your eyes and try to relax, do not tense your body. It is important that this position does not cause you discomfort or physical discomfort. Breathe calmly and measuredly.

Mentally recall one of the happiest memories of your life, plunge into it for a few minutes to feel harmony and peace. Watch your breathing: inhale through your nose, as if inflating your stomach, and exhale through your mouth, relaxing your whole body.

Take a deep breath again to completely fill your stomach with air, hold your breath a little, then exhale. In total, you should take three inhalations and exhalations per exercise according to the following scheme:

  • Inhale;
  • Hold your breath for two seconds;
  • Exhalation.

After the exercise, do not open your eyes immediately, but slowly raise your head and arms in front of your chest, rub your palm against your palm at least ten times, and then comb your hair with them three times.

Open your eyes, stretch your arms up, clenching your fists, inhale and exhale, and then return to starting position. When performing the exercise, it is important not to use the chest; you should breathe exclusively from the stomach. Repeat 3 sets every day.

"The Frog Making Waves"

Take the starting position: lie on your back on the floor, placing a small pillow under your head, extend your arms along your body and place your palms inside on the floor, bend your knees.

After this, place one of your palms on your chest and the other on your stomach. Take a slow breath, as if protruding the chest area, and, on the contrary, pulling your stomach inward. As you exhale, draw in your chest, sticking out your stomach. Help yourself with your palms so as not to get confused.

Try to push your stomach forward as much as possible, but don’t get carried away too much - you don’t need to over-strain your abdominal muscles. Do not deliberately speed up or slow down your breathing, breathe at the intensity to which you are accustomed and which is natural to you.

You can practice the “Frog Raising Waves” exercise whenever you feel an acute attack of hunger. The optimal number for achieving the greatest effect and reducing appetite is considered to be forty repetitions.


Sit on the floor with your legs crossed, keeping your back straight. Place your hands on your hips, placing your palms on top of each other, with the inside facing up.

Slowly move your palms to the abdominal area, if you are a man, then your right palm should be at the top, if you are a woman, then your left palm. Align your back and chest, tuck your chin in, rest the tip of your tongue on your upper palate, closing your eyes.

Your body should not be tense, and you yourself should be comfortable in this position. Then inhale and relax completely. Draw before your mind's eye the happiest and most vivid memory of your life. Concentrate all your thoughts on this memory to relieve anxiety and stress.

  • Regulate your breathing, making it deep and even;
  • Breathe without any noticeable rise and fall of the abdomen and chest;
  • Relax as you exhale, breathe naturally;
  • The exhalation should be long, even and quiet;
  • Abstract yourself from all your thoughts, allowing them to come and go freely.

Complete the exercise in the same way as you completed the “Frog” exercise: slowly raise your head, bring your hands to your chest and rub your palms together at least ten times, then comb your hair with them three times.

At the end of the exercise, pull your arms up, take a deep breath and exhale, and then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise three times a day. To perform the “Lotus” and to respiratory system takes about twenty minutes.

Losing weight without much effort or excessive action is quite possible. Have a beautiful figure and slender body becomes real even without visiting gym or following a strict diet.

Daily exercises will not only help eliminate figure problems and relieve you of extra pounds, but will also restore normal psycho-emotional background and bring a sense of harmony and tranquility into your life. Anyone can use qigong for weight loss: this complex is perfect for people of any age, gender and body type.

Happy owners beautiful figures differ not only in healthy habits, but also in a certain way of thinking. A unique Chinese technique - qigong.

REFERENCE Qigong is an ancient Chinese teaching that includes a set of psychophysical exercises, breathing exercises, some types of martial arts, spiritual practices, acupressure, characteristic nutrition theory, etc. The task of the system is to attract vital energy (Qi) and control it to rebuild all levels of the body , creating a positive environment in it, finding inner harmony and self-improvement.

Among the many forms of qigong, there is a separate movement, the purpose of which is to combat excess weight.

Qigong for weight loss is aimed at:

warming up the muscles and their development;

formation of deep, full breathing;

activation of the energy of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous activity;

acceleration of blood circulation and metabolism;

decreased appetite, cravings for junk food;

weight loss, fat burning;

improving flexibility, strength of bones and joints;

prevention of stress, fatigue;

strengthening the protective properties of the body, restoring the functioning of all its systems.

Qigong gymnastics for weight loss is based on the following rules:

  • gradual development of muscles (starting from the head to the feet);
  • uniform intensity of load on all parts of the body (particular attention is paid to the hip joint and spine);
  • control over ;
  • positive orientation of thoughts, relaxation, concentration;
  • lack of haste, naturalness of positions taken;
  • prevention pain during classes.

Qigong for beginners involves mastering 3 basic exercises:

1. "Frog" ("Breath of the Frog"). Sit on a chair, legs shoulder-width apart, feet pressed to the floor, elbows on knees, clench one hand into a fist, clasp it with the other, bow your head, rest your forehead on your fist, close your eyes, relax your whole body. Take a deep breath, filling your stomach as much as possible, exhale slowly, hold your breath, start a new cycle. After finishing the exercise, you should remain in the same position for some time to avoid dizziness or nausea.

2. "Wave" ("Frog Raising Waves"). Lie on your back, bend your knees, put one hand on your stomach, the other on your chest. On inhalation, the stomach tightens, on exhalation, it inflates while simultaneously retracting. chest so that she remains motionless.

3. "Lotus" ("Lotus Bud"). Sit upright, cross your legs, straighten your back. Close the palms of two hands (one on top of the other, like a boat), place them on your stomach, close your eyes, tuck your chin in, stretch your neck, relax your forehead, lower your head slightly. Alternate even, deep breaths and exhalations for 5 minutes.

According to reviews from those who have lost weight, qigong exercises, if performed regularly and given at least 40 minutes a day, provide a smooth but stable weight loss - on average 2-3 kg per week and up to 8-12 kg per month.

This exercise works well on the hips, buttocks and lower abdomen. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees slightly, bend over slightly and place your hands on your hips. Now raise your head, roll your shoulders and look ahead. Make light jumps with both legs at once, moving forward in leaps like a sparrow.

Land on the front of your foot, not your heel! If that doesn’t work, just mark the jump in place.

Do 5-10 times.


Exercise allows you to strengthen your abdominal and lower back muscles. Sit on the floor, pull yourself up bent knees to your chest, clasp them with your arms. Feet on the floor. Round your back, lower your chin to your chest and slowly lean back. Don't lift your feet off the floor! Having reached the point at the back, inhale and exhale and slowly return to the starting position. A slight burning sensation should be felt in the abdominal muscles.

Repeat 8-10 times.


The exercise strengthens the buttocks and back, tightens the stomach. Get on your knees with your toes pointed and the outside of your feet flat on the floor. Place your hands on the floor, bend your lower back, lift your buttocks and chin up. Now lower yourself smoothly so that not only your palms, but also your forearms become a support. Step your arms forward to lower your upper body to the floor, as if you were a fox crawling under a fence.

At the end, you should lie with your chest and stomach on the floor, arms extended forward along the floor, legs bent, knees and ankles on the floor, lower back bent down. Then smoothly return to the starting position and rest a little.

Do 4-6 times.


Exercise for the buttocks, hips and lower back. Sitting on the floor, bend your legs and keep your feet flat on the floor. Place your hands behind your back, fingers facing your body. Leaning on your arms and legs, lift your pelvis and lower back off the floor, trying to give your stomach a horizontal position. In this position, count to 5 and smoothly lower to the starting position.

Do 5-8 times.

Chinese chopsticks

Abdominal exercise. Lying on your back, extend your arms to the sides at right angles to your body. Legs are straight. Stretch the toe of your right leg and lift it so that your lower back is pressed to the floor. In this position, count to 5 and slowly lower your leg. Repeat the same with your left leg.

Do 6-8 times with each leg.

Personal opinion

Roman Budnikov:

I try to keep myself in shape. In the morning - dousing with ice water, gym. In the evening - dousing, pressing. I carefully monitor what I eat, but without fanaticism. I can completely eat something harmful, but I definitely “work off” this weakness in the gym.

I also try to visit as often as possible fresh air In the countryside. Fortunately, the work involves frequent filming in the Moscow region.

Centuries-old oriental traditions are today honored not only in the Asian region, but throughout the world. The accumulated knowledge and experience of the ancient sages have stood the test of time and proven their viability regardless of modern realities. Recently, Chinese gymnastics has become increasingly popular - a system of exercises that allows you to strengthen the body and spirit at the same time by performing simple manipulations.

General information about Qigong exercises

Chinese gymnastics Qigong in its homeland is considered one of the most ancient and effective techniques general improvement and strengthening of the body, it is actively used in both traditional and folk medicine. It is generally accepted that such a technique arose back in 300 AD; at least the first mentions of it date back to this period. The name of the technique comes from the term “Qi”, which means the energy of life.

Chinese breathing gymnastics Qigong is considered one of the most complex, and is currently divided into five main areas, namely therapeutic, author's, philosophical, martial, general. Each course is characterized by specific features and three degrees of mastery of the technique. The general features of gymnastics are:

  • special breathing training;
  • relaxation of the body;
  • relaxation of consciousness, freeing the mind from emotions;
  • training specific poses.

Training results

These measures together ensure restoration of the body, strengthening of physical and spiritual strength, which has the most beneficial effect on human health. By strictly following the rules of technology, you will be able to:

Basic information about Qigong exercises

Exercises should be performed correctly, measuredly, without haste. The exact occupations are usually determined in individually with a professional instructor, this allows you to avoid mistakes and lack of desired result. As for the frequency and duration of their implementation, you should devote time to gymnastics on a daily basis, for about half an hour. You should also not overdo the exercises; this will not only not increase positive changes, but will also lead to the accumulation of fatigue.

At the initial stage, you can get acquainted with the Qigong technique, which involves the following three phases:

  • General strengthening of the body. Achieved by changing the state of relaxation and tension.
  • Physical recovery, disease prevention, increased immunity. It is achieved by following certain breathing techniques during movement and special poses.
  • Gaining emotional calm. It is acquired through a skillful combination of physical movements, breathing and the work of consciousness (mind).

Features and tasks of Wushu

Another popular Chinese gymnastics is called Wushu. This technique is perfect for both professionals and beginners, as well as any age groups, including senior citizens and young children. Its main feature is simplicity and high efficiency, a positive effect on muscles, joints, respiratory and circulatory systems. By regularly performing Chinese gymnastics exercises, you will be able to:

  • slow down the aging process, achieve a rejuvenation effect;
  • increase the level of the immune system;
  • achieve the ability to control your body perfectly;
  • achieve peace and tranquility.

Wushu involves many different movements and schools, so before you start mastering any exercises, be sure to study the material and choose a direction you like. To get acquainted, we will clarify the list of events recommended by the most popular Shaolin school.

The simplest exercises

Chinese gymnastics for beginners is based on the following simple exercises, which absolutely anyone can master. Among them:

  • Take a relaxed classic pose (feet shoulder-width apart, arms hanging casually at your sides, keeping your head straight and your gaze directed forward), clench your fists tightly as you inhale, sticking your thumb out and pressing it to your hips. As you exhale, you need to relax your hands; the manipulations are repeated 9 times.
  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart and raise your arms to shoulder level, thereby forming a line parallel to the floor. Please note that your palms should be up, not down. Your task is to tense your arms as you inhale, and then relax them as you exhale. Try to imagine a heavier load each time.
  • Without changing the position of your legs, bring your hands together opposite your chest, sticking out your thumbs and pressing them towards your body. As you inhale, your palms will need to be spread apart, and as you exhale, they will need to be brought together with a certain effort.
  • Finally, try moving the air. Again, you do not change the position of your legs, but spread your arms along the shoulder line in different directions, working with force with your hands, as if pressing on the free space in front of you.

Such Chinese breathing exercises will be especially effective if you follow general requirements. They consist in the following postulates:

  • On entry level manipulations are repeated no more than 9 times, professionals perform exercises up to 81 times per gymnastics session.
  • All exercises are carried out some time after meals, do not forget to maintain intervals between meals and physical activity.
  • You should not do more than three approaches in one day.
  • If you feel tension in your muscles after gymnastics, be sure to give a light massage, this will relieve you of discomfort.

The effectiveness of Tai Chi technique

Chinese Tai Chi gymnastics is ideal for beginners; it is smooth and measured, and even reminds many of dance movements. Due to its simplicity and relative ease, a set of such exercises is mostly popular among people with poor health, minimal physical strength, or lack of even the slightest training.

Quite often, Tai Chi is referred to as Chinese breathing exercises for weight loss. Indeed, the technique is excellent for combating excess weight, and in addition, helps with:

  • rehabilitation after serious illnesses or various injuries;
  • healing the body from the inside;
  • the need to normalize metabolism;
  • high blood pressure;
  • low coordination of movements, lack of flexibility;
  • stress and to stabilize peace of mind, search for new physical strength and resources.

Basic rules of technology

Let's formulate the basic rules that characterize Chinese Tai Chi gymnastics. First of all, these include:

  • Performing physical manipulations not only with the help of muscles, but also by visualizing all actions.
  • Mastering Chinese philosophy regarding all areas of life.
  • Perform movements in a calm rhythm, smoothly, without sudden jerks.
  • Regular control of breathing, slow and rhythmic inhalations and exhalations.
  • The ability to control the feelings and emotions of your own body.

Don’t expect an immediate effect; be prepared for the fact that positive changes will occur only after a certain period of time. At the same time, the achieved results last for a long time, and with constant gymnastics, throughout life.

Chinese gymnastics Tai Chi is based on the knowledge of the energy “Qi”. Absolutely everyone can master basic exercises, regardless of age and gender. It is preferable to pay attention to gymnastics in the first half of the day, for example, in China all manipulations are carried out outdoors in the pre-dawn hours.

Chinese gymnastics in this direction also involves division into a significant number of different schools. At the same time, despite certain differences between individual movements, the principle of performing all exercises is largely similar (softness, consideration breathing techniques, meaningfulness).

Simple Tai Chi exercises

Such Chinese gymnastics should be carried out under the guidance of specialists; in this case, you will avoid a number of mistakes and be able to master the necessary skills as quickly as possible. However, with some diligence and attentiveness, you can master basic exercises and independently. Here is a list of the most popular exercises special for this area:

  • Immersion. Feet shoulder-width apart, bend them at the knees, but keep your back as straight as possible, try to distribute your body weight evenly on both feet, shifts to one side are not allowed. Fix the pose and, while inhaling, raise your arms in front of you to approximately your shoulders. Then begin to bend and straighten your arms so that your palms rise to forehead level and return to the starting point.
  • Embrace of the Moon. Take the starting position indicated above, press the toes of your right foot firmly into the surface, and move your heel towards your left leg, touching the ankle. Stretch your arms forward, smoothly bending them at the elbows as if you were trying to hold or embrace a circle of significant diameter (manipulations are carried out while inhaling).
  • Throw. Initial position- classic. As you inhale, you need to bend back and slowly straighten up. At the same time you will need to bend left hand so that the palm can reach your head, forehead level, and right hand- mirror opposite downwards. Exhale, and then with a certain sharpness make a throw with your left hand (hand bent, palm forward).
Continuing the topic:

Vadim Knyrko - about the coach who made Domracheva a three-time champion of Sochi 2014.