Abdominal abdominal exercises. Exercises to train your lower abdominal muscles. A set of additional exercises

Speaker bottom belly seriously spoils the appearance of the figure. You can improve the situation if you exercise your lower abdominal muscles every day. Exercises to help you tighten up bottom belly, are performed with a special feature. Usually, when pumping up the abs, we are used to straining only the upper muscles. However, we should not forget about bottom belly .


1. Lie on your back, put your hands on your body, lift your legs up. As you inhale, lower your right leg into bottom, but don't touch the floor with her. Hold for 4 seconds in this position. Exhale and lift your leg up again. Repeat the exercise for left leg. Do 20 sets with the whole leg.

2. Place your palms under your buttocks, try to press your lower back to the floor, place your straightened legs at an angle of 90 degrees. Exhale, lower your legs to 60 degrees and swing them up and down for 20 seconds. bottom. As you inhale, lift your legs up. Repeat the exercise 10 more times.

3. Place your feet on the floor. As you inhale, lift them at a distance of 20 cm from the floor. Hold your legs up for 1-2 minutes, then relax completely. Do 3-4 more sets.

4. Place your palms on the back of your head, raise your legs above the floor, but hold them firmly bottom ko (not higher than 10 cm). Do crosses in the shin area, that is, the “scissors” exercise. Try to perform it for at least a minute. After this, lower your feet to the floor and completely relax your lower abdominal muscles.

5. Place your hands on your body, raise your legs above the floor. Move your feet in clockwise circles for a minute. Don't bend your knees. After this, repeat the exercise counterclockwise.

6. Bend your knees, place your heels near your buttocks. As you inhale, twist into lumbar region spine and lower both legs with your right thigh to the floor. Squeeze your legs tightly together. Exhale, return to your previous position and repeat the twist to the left.

7. Place your feet on the floor, place your palms on your stomach. As you inhale, inflate your stomach as much as possible, and as you exhale, pull it in, tensing your abdominal muscles. Perform the exercise for 1 minute. After this, relax your abs. This exercise can be done during the day, say at work or in transport. Just to do this, you don’t need to powerfully inflate your stomach and hold your hands on it. Regular repetition this exercise will speed up correct result what you want to achieve.

Often, gym visitors turn to the instructor with a request to suggest exercises for the lower abdominal muscles, and girls make such a request much more often. This is due to the fact that the lower abdominal region consists of particularly weak muscles, and in women, due to physiological characteristics, a layer of adipose tissue is also deposited here. Exist special exercises, to help you deal with this common pitfall.

You will need

  • – crossbar;
  • – Swedish wall;
  • – gymnastic bench;
  • - gymnastic mat.


1. Start your workout with aerobic exercise. Jogging for 20-30 minutes will turn on fat-burning processes in the body and allow you to cut more effectively. body fat in the lower part belly .

2. The best exercise for the lower part of the press is lifting the legs while hanging on the bar. Grab the bar with an overhand grip, shoulder-width apart. Slightly squeeze your shoulder blades and tighten your back muscles. Raise your straight legs as high as possible. Hold at the top for one count. Lower your legs down for four counts. Do not throw your legs down, as this can lead to triceps injuries.

3. If you find it difficult to perform hanging leg raises on the bar, perform them on wall bars. The crossbars will provide additional support for your back, making it easier to lift your legs. If you want to make the exercise even more powerful, start by lifting your legs not straight, but with your knees bent. But gradually complicate the exercise.

4. Sit on a gymnastics bench. Place your hands behind your back. Tilt the body slightly back. Lift your feet off the floor and raise them to waist height. Keeping your legs suspended, spread them apart and then cross them. Legs must be straight. Perform the exercise at an average pace as long as you have enough strength.

5. Lie on your back, stretch your arms across your body. Bend your legs at the knees and lift them up so that your shins are parallel to the floor. Raise your head and shoulders slightly. Inhale, hold your breath and pull your hips towards your chest. Try to lift your pelvis completely above the floor. Do not straighten your legs so as not to shift Part loads from the press to the thigh muscles. Try to move strictly in one plane, do not raise your shoulders or twist in the longitudinal direction. Keep your feet on the floor until you complete all reps.

6. Perform exercises for the lower abdominal muscles at the beginning of your workout three times a week. Muscles grow best only during rest, so let them recover between loads. If you download them every day, your results will not be outstanding.

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Traditionally, it is lower press is the most difficult in terms of development, and pumping it up, correcting existing shortcomings, is allowed only with the help of a saturated load aimed specifically at the problem area. One way or the other, in the final conclusion, you will have to load all the muscles of your abdominals. Exercises for the lower abs. Raising the legs while lying down is essentially one of classical exercises for pumping the lower abs, gives a great load.

Helpful advice
One of the questions for girls who are vigorously engaged in abdominal training is: “How to pump up the lower abdomen, in which, even with a satisfactory result at the top, a prominent tummy can treacherously stick out.” A peculiarity of female physiology is the storage of fat in the abdomen, in its lower part, and in the hips - these are the places that are the most problematic in the female figure, and it is the extra centimeters on them that one first wants to get rid of.

People often complain of pain in below lower back. The reasons for this may vary, so you need to see a doctor in order to make a positive diagnosis. The doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe comprehensive treatment.

Most often the cause of pain in below of the spine are musculoskeletal morphofunctional metamorphoses: osteochondrosis (dystrophic damage to the intervertebral discs) or spondyloarthrosis (arthrosis of the intervertebral joints). Other causes may be: vertebral fractures, infectious lesions of the intervertebral discs and vertebrae (brucellosis, tuberculosis, epidural abscess), non-infectious inflammatory diseases, metabolic bone lesions, spinal circulatory disorders (stroke). Pain in the lower spine can be chronic and acute. Acute pain can occur when a vertebra is fractured or when intervertebral discs are displaced in the lumbar region. Signs include pain in below spine, limited mobility. With an epidural abscess, the patient also experiences sharp pain in the lower back when palpating the affected area. This solid disease requires prompt treatment, even surgical intervention; on the contrary, compression of the spinal cord can occur. Chronic pain is acceptable with ankylosing spondylarthrosis. Signs of the disease are pain in below spine extending into the hip area, limited mobility, morning stiffness, curvature of the thoracic spine. Similar signs are acceptable for psoriatic arthritis, chronic colitis, Reiter's syndrome. Also pain in below spine can appear in diseases of the internal organs, such as ulcerative colitis, colon tumor, kidney disease, dissecting aneurysm, chronic diseases of the pelvic organs, carcinoma of the uterus or ovaries, endometriosis.

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Paying attention to the upper and middle sections pectoral muscle, we should not forget about below breasts. It is more difficult to pump than other departments and requires a specialized approach to exercises. Pump up your bottom breasts allowed using the usual bench press and dumbbell bench press with reverse tilt. Your workout should include exercises such as pullovers and dips.


1. Bench press – basic exercise to work the pectoral muscles. It can be performed medium, close and wide grip, on horizontal bench, on a bench with an incline up and an incline down. To pump up your bottom breasts, you need to do a bench press with a wide grip on a bench with a downward inclination of 35-45 degrees. To perform the incline press, you will need the support of a companion, someone who will remove the barbell with you and put it back. Doing this exercise independently is dangerous. If there is no specialized bench for reverse press, then it will do inclined bench for pumping the press. The presence of leg fastenings is significant. You don't have to slide while doing the press. As you inhale, lower the barbell to breasts closer to the clear plexus. Spread your elbows to the sides, making a cross in relation to your body. Be careful not to push them close to you. This will transfer the load to your triceps. Later touch breasts press the barbell up as you exhale.

2. The dumbbell bench press with a downward incline is performed in a wide arc in order to maximize the use of the pectoral muscles and isolate the work of the triceps. Overhead grip of dumbbells. In the initial position, the dumbbells are directly above you, touching each other with their disks. As you inhale, spread the dumbbells to the sides. Extend your elbows into a cross, as in a bench press. On exhalation - i.p.

3. Dips preferentially work the triceps. However, doing push-ups on wide bars helps to load the lower part as well. breasts. Choose a load that allows you to do push-ups 8-10 times. The load is traditionally hung on the belt with the help of a belt and a hook on it. The load can be a weight or a disk.

4. The pullover does not pump up the chest, but helps expand the volume chest and visually enlarge it. It is done with light weight 8-10 times until you feel a stretch in the ribs. Performed on a flat horizontal bench with dumbbells. Lie on your back with your head at the edge of the bench. Hold the dumbbell with both hands near the stomach and lower part breasts. As you inhale, lift the dumbbell behind your head. As you exhale, return to IP. You can also perform a pullover across the article, leaning on it only with your shoulders. It is better to perform pullovers before the bench press, and dips on the uneven bars - after it.

This is the first exercise that will allow you to pump up your huge pectoral muscles, provided that you regularly increase the weights. The first thing you must do is select best slope benches - 30 degrees. You can leave it unchanged (upward slope), but you can make it negative - then the load vector will be like in a crossover. The more negative the angle you take, the more isolated the chest will work, the greater the emphasis will be on its lower part.

Helpful advice
Now that you know about anatomy and movement mechanisms, let's figure out how to pump up a wide chest. The presented movements and exercises are designed to achieve maximum results throughout your visit to the gym. Exercises on a flat bench develop the lower and middle parts of the large pectoral muscle, working on a bench with correct tilt uses mostly the upper and, to a lesser extent, the middle part, and negative incline bench presses help pump up the lower part...

Probably for no one muscle or even an entire muscle group there are so many different exercises as for the abdominal muscles. The only problem is that there are effective exercises for developing the abdominal muscles, but there are not many.

When training abdominal muscles, many people like to complicate what is generally an easy process. It seems to them that strange paths must lead to every strange person. Meanwhile, what matters is not the path, but how you overcome it. The heavier the load, the better the result.

It's very easy to pump up your abdominal muscles. Primitive because most often we are not talking about a large muscle group, but about one exceptional rectus abdominis muscle, which performs a very primitive function: twists the pelvis to the body or twists the body to the pelvis. Realize this. Accept it. Understand this! And then you will reject many exercises as obscene or poorly effective.

Moreover: whether you twist the body to the pelvis (usually twisting) or, on the contrary, twist the pelvis to the body (raise your legs) does not make a fundamental difference for mechanics muscle contraction, since we are talking about the contraction of one exclusive muscle (the rectus abdominis). The differences in accents will be minor (a few percent, which is neither cold nor hot).

However, the difference in load will vary greatly. It will be more difficult to twist the pelvis towards the body. Consequently, variations of these exercises are suitable for the advanced level. And this is very cool, since it will allow us to gradually increase the load on the abs, not only by changing the number of repetitions, but also by using more heavy exercises to perform. And progression of the load is the main condition for increasing the size of the abdominal muscles!

I could now list for you dozens of different exercises for the abdominal muscles. Actually, this would be necessary to do if my goal was to throw dust in your eyes. However, the truth is that many exercises are either inappropriate or duplicate each other. Therefore, I will tell you only about the most effective ones.

The main function of the abs: this muscle brings the upper body and lower body (pelvis) closer to each other. It's like a book open in the middle - you can close it in two ways: either slam the left half or the right. Likewise, the press pulls the lower part (press) towards the body, or pulls top part to the pelvis. The main functions of the rectus abdominis muscle:

1. Twists (pulls) the upper body to the lower body (pelvis).

2. Twists the lower body (pelvis) towards the upper body.

Hundreds existing exercises for the press, only one of these functions is inherently used. Therefore, you need to prefer those exercises that will maximally concentrate the load on one of the above-mentioned movement vectors.

Tip 6: How to remove lower belly fat quickly and effectively

After childbirth, sudden weight loss or, on the contrary, weight gain, many are faced with such a problem as a saggy and voluminous lower abdomen. The most desperate ones make an appointment with a plastic surgeon, which is often a mistake. In fact, with a little effort and perseverance, you can cope with this task independently at home. There are several tips on how to remove your lower belly quickly and effectively.

Eat and lose weight at the same time!

One of the most important aspects of any weight loss is a balanced diet. In order to quickly remove the lower abdomen at home, you need to follow the following advice from nutritionists:

Completely replace strong tea and coffee with herbal decoctions and infusions, to which it is advisable to add a little ginger or cinnamon, which promote fat burning;

Avoid carbonated drinks and alcohol - these products are one of the main causes of belly fat;

It is better to consume food often, but in small portions, so that the body has time to digest it;

Drink plenty of water - preferably at least 2 liters per day. Coffee, tea and milk cannot be substitutes for ordinary water.

Physical activity - flat stomach

The main exercise that will help you get rid of a voluminous lower abdomen is working on your abs. But this must be done positively so as not to worsen the situation. Incorrect positioning during exercise can lead to the fact that instead of getting rid of the belly, you will pump up the muscles in the part that is already too bulky.

Before starting exercises, be sure to warm up your abdominal muscles. To do this, rub the problem area with a warm towel soaked in hot water with the addition of grapefruit or rosemary essential oil. When the skin of the abdomen turns red, you can do a light patting massage and then start exercising later.

Another method to remove the lower abdomen quickly and effectively is standing exercises. The body does not tilt, but the raised leg draws in the air circular movements. The legs must be moved away from the body, without raising the foot higher than the level of the knee of the other leg - in this case, it is the lower part of the abdomen that is pumped. If you do exercises for 40 minutes a day and follow the recommendations regarding diet, then you can literally remove your lower abdomen at home in 5-6 weeks. To maintain the achieved result, it is enough to do exercises for preventive purposes for 15-20 minutes 3-4 times a week.

One of the most problematic areas on the body for women is bottom belly. You can improve the appearance of this zone if you systematically perform exercises on the lower abs, do massage and adjust your diet.


should be daily. Take a few minutes in the morning to strengthen your abs. Lie on your back, place your palms under your buttocks, lift your legs straight up. As you inhale, lower your legs towards the floor, but do not touch it. As you exhale, lift your legs up. Repeat 15-20 times.

2. Lie on your back, place your hands under your hips, lift your legs perpendicularly up. As you exhale, lift your hips off the floor a few centimeters and inhale to return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 15-20 times. Lifting the hips should be done using the muscles bottom A belly .

3. Lie on the floor, secure your legs to the edge of the sofa, place your hands behind your head. As you exhale, lift your upper body using your lower abdominal muscles. Tingling in bottom at belly will indicate that you have activated the required zone. As you inhale, return to the starting position. Repeat 15-20 times.

4. Stand up straight and grab a hula hoop. Rotate it on your waist for a few minutes. With the help of this exercise you will pull up without any special effort. bottom belly. Fat folds will disappear, muscles will strengthen, and skin laxity will disappear. bottom at belly .

5. Get a belly massage course. A highly professional massage therapist will gradually remove the protruding bottom belly, and will make the skin smooth. Reconsider own food, stick to the zone diet. Eat seeds, nuts, dairy products, fish, poultry, eggs, fresh vegetables, fruits, legumes, seafood, vegetable oils. Avoid consuming chocolate, canned foods, confectionery, fried, sugary, smoked, salty, thick foods.

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You can pump up your back muscles with various exercises on the horizontal bar, with weights, etc. But in order to quickly achieve the desired result, you need to know how to do it correctly. How to pump up your back muscles?


1. Fine relief muscles backs- the dream of every man involved in bodybuilding. But not everyone knows how to properly pump up muscles backs. Here are a few exercises that will help you achieve the desired result.

2. The first exercise is a wide grip pull-up. Grab the bar with a grip slightly wider than shoulder-width and hang from it. Move your chest forward slightly, cross your ankles and direct your gaze to the bar. Pull yourself up, squeezing your shoulder blades, and try to touch the horizontal bar with your chest (its top part). Without pausing, smoothly return to the starting position and repeat the exercise again. It is important that the horizontal bar touches the chest below the collarbones or on their level.

3. The second exercise is dumbbell row. To do this in right hand take a dumbbell, place your left palm and left knee on the bench, straighten your back a little and bend it. Pull the dumbbell in an upward arc toward you, squeezing your shoulder blades together. At the top point, make a distinct pause and return to the original position. Repeat as many times as necessary. Be diligent about dragging the dumbbell not to the middle of your stomach or to your chest, but to your belt.
4. The third exercise is bent-over barbell row. Grip the barbell so that your hands are slightly tighter than your normal bench press grip. Move your pelvis back and bend forward, the bar should drop to the middle of your shins. Pull the barbell towards you and try to touch it to your lower abdomen. Without any pauses, go to the starting position and do the exercise again. To make the load on your lower back easier, try to keep your legs bent.

5. The fourth exercise is seated wide-grip pull-down. Sit on the machine so that your slightly bent legs rest on the support, and take the handle in your hands. Raise your head and arch your back. Pull the handle toward the middle of your abdomen, squeezing your shoulder blades together. After a clear pause, return to the starting position. During the exercise, be careful not to round your back or tilt your head either back or forward.

6. The fifth exercise is to bring the shoulder blades together on the lower block. Attach the long handle to lower block and sit in front of him. Take the handle with a wide grip, while straightening your back and raising your arms to your chest. Do not bend your arms, but lightly try to bring your shoulder blades together, simultaneously bringing the handle closer to you. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise again. Pay attention so that your shoulders do not rise up while performing the exercise.

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If you want to pump up press, then first decide what kind of result you need. You can make your stomach toned and flat. With excellent physical training this will take about a month. But you can pump up the tea press and to the origin of the cubes. This task is more difficult, but it is also doable.

You will need

  • – sports board;
  • - dumbbells;
  • - horizontal bar.


1. If you have unnecessary fat in the area press ah, you need to get rid of it. It is unrealistic to do this only with the help of exercises. Therefore, you need to start consuming fewer calories. Lose weight by a maximum of 1 kg per week until every unnecessary weight is gone.

2. Take daily walks for 20-30 minutes. This is one of the most primitive exercises that will help you achieve perfect press A. Exercise 2-3 times a week for 1 hour. Warm up your muscles before starting your workout. In the first 14 days, do not overload your body. Start giving your body maximum loads from the third week.

3. If you want to achieve a fit, athletic press oh, you need to do the following exercises: ordinary, diagonal, reverse and double plexus. Lie on the floor and place your hands behind your head. Using twisting movements, lift your torso so that your right elbow moves towards your left knee and vice versa. At reverse crunches shoulders lie on the floor, legs and hips rise up. Double plexus is a combination of these exercises. Those. both the top and bottom of the body rise. Only the hips remain static.

4. If you want to achieve the origin of the cubes on press Yes, you will need a slightly different set of exercises. You must give a load to each abdominal muscle: rectus, oblique, intercostal and serratus anterior. In addition to crunches, perform the following exercises. Lie down on an incline board with your feet under the bolsters. Raise your torso 20-50 degrees relative to the board. Then lean back without your back touching the surface.

5. Lie down on the bench. Take dumbbells in your hands and place them behind your head as far as possible. Hold the position for 5 seconds and raise your arms to your chest. Perform this exercise at least 3 sets of 10 times per workout. Perform 20-50 pull-ups throughout your workout.

6. Starting from the third week of training, increase the entire exercise by 5-10 approaches. Perform such metamorphoses every two weeks. If the load seems tiny to you, then add another 10 approaches or perform exercises with weights. The level of load should correspond to your physical condition. If you haven't exercised before, cut yourself some slack. Let's say, divide your workout into two parts: morning and evening.

If you want to pump up your abs as quickly as possible, don’t exercise every day. Let's give the body a break, then the result will be better.

Helpful advice
To achieve six-pack abs, buy a gymnastic ball. And do crunches on it.

Bodybuilding involves several difficult tasks, including the formation abs cubes. The fact is that building abdominal muscles is an extremely difficult process that requires a special attitude. This material will talk about pumping up the lower abs and ways to do it effectively and quickly.

Regardless of gender, for athletes who are involved in fitness or “bodybuilding”, pumping up this part of the abs is a pressing issue. In order to perform exercises for this muscle group as effectively as possible, it is necessary to become familiar with its features from an anatomical point of view. All people have the same abdominal muscle group, but each person has individual characteristics in shape and number of abs.

Press departments:

  • upper;
  • lower;

In the process of raising the body it works upper press, raising the legs - lower, inclined movements of the body - lateral. Thus, to work out the department we need, we will need to use various types movements of the lower body. The lower abs in an inflated and toned state eliminates the problem of a sagging belly, while the male figure takes on shape, and in women the waist is formed. However, you should know that it is impossible to quickly form sculpted abdominal muscles if your diet has not been adjusted.

The role of proper nutrition

The correct formation of the lower press depends to a large extent on not from training in the gym, but from, say experienced bodybuilders. Therefore, it is important to adhere to certain rules when creating a home menu. Even frequent and intense abdominal training will not give results if you do not get rid of excess fat in the abdominal area. You can achieve pumped up, sculpted muscles, but a layer of fat will “eclipse” all your achievements and the meaning of such “invisible press” is very questionable.

For this reason, the main and primary task is the elimination subcutaneous fat in this department to a level not exceeding 10%. In fact, this is not a very difficult task - at the initial stage you just need to stick to a diet, and then combine balanced diet and intensive training. For the fair sex, it is recommended to give up sweets and high-calorie carbonated drinks.

Rational nutrition for the lower abs involves following the rules:

  • To avoid gaining extra pounds, you must eat in accordance with strict calculated daily calorie intake.
  • The composition of the food should one third consist of plant and animal protein(as protein suppliers, it is preferable to use dietary meats - veal, rabbit, poultry).
  • The remaining two-thirds of the diet is carbohydrates. It is recommended to use “slow” carbohydrates, which are more beneficial (those found in vegetables, unprocessed rice, whole grain bread, and cereals).
  • Fats account for a very small portion of the diet and the bulk of them should be of plant origin.
  • Minimum amount of fluid consumed per day - 2 liters.
  • Meals are split and frequent - six times a day, with the obligatory inclusion of breakfast.

Helpful information

The effectiveness of abdominal training directly depends on strict implementation technology. If this point is not followed, the risk of discomfort and even severe pain in the back increases. also plays an important role in pumping up the abs: exercises must be performed while inhaling, and relaxing the muscles while exhaling.

Emergence pain in the lumbar region can be observed even if the exercise technique is followed, but if they are not very strong, they will probably disappear after the muscles become stronger and stronger. If the pain persists for several days, it is advisable to stop exercising and consult a doctor to identify problems in this part of the body.

It is not recommended to use an extremely complex set of exercises - a few simple but effective ones for working out various muscle groups of the abs will be quite enough. You should not overload yourself with a large number of approaches: at the initial stage, three approaches with repetitions of 15-20 times are quite enough for one exercise.

Exercises for pumping up the lower abs

Of course, the best option would be a program compiled by a coach, fitness specialist or other sports mentor. Here we will talk about the most effective exercises for training at home. It is important to note that regarding the formation relief press There is not much difference between working out in the gym and at home.

List of exercises for the lower abs:

At the initial stage, the listed exercises will be enough, and later you can complicate the training complex by adding classes with the simplest equipment, for example, an incline bench.

In addition to proper nutrition and regular training There is another method of pumping up the lower abs -. They are a program of exercises that are performed intensively and consistently. This complex allows you to effectively burn excess fat in just a month. It is necessary to determine the optimal speed and after a short period of time the press will become clear and prominent with the necessary hardness and elasticity. The exercise program includes intense push-ups, burpees and a number of other speed exercises.

The widespread popularity of fast food and low-quality food, as well as insufficient exercise stress, leads to the appearance of folds and the deposition of fat in the lower abdomen. The problem is aggravated by computers, television, cars and our eternal sedentary lifestyle.

As a consequence of all this, the muscles of the lower abs suffer first of all, since the upper abs are more often involved in everyday life and, accordingly, are more trained.

How to pump up your lower abdomen so that it becomes an object of admiration and how to effectively deal with hated “reserves”? – this is what we will talk about in this article...

Proper nutrition.

fit, beautiful body is the subject of dreams of everyone who wants to be attractive and seductive.

After all, even a slender girl, wearing a fashionable, tight-fitting outfit (if she has a sagging lower abdomen), will not feel impressive and confident.

Regular exercise and diet will help you defeat those extra pounds.

Normalize your diet - reduce your carbohydrate intake and focus on protein, which promotes skin elasticity and strengthens muscles. For best result Eliminate carbonated drinks and sugar from your diet.

  1. Drink more. Thirst can cause not only hunger, but also poor health.
  2. Don't forget the one-spoon rule. If after a meal there is at least one spoon left on your plate, you will deprive yourself of unnecessary 100-200 kilocalories.
  3. Avoid alcoholic drinks: they are not only harmful, but also cause obesity. Even one glass of dry wine is fraught with 150–175 kcal. Remember: for a bodybuilder, alcohol is like death.
  4. Move as much as possible. Forget about the elevator and train yourself to always walk only on steps: such step aerobics will add both vigor and health. It will help bring your figure back to normal.

Fitness and sports.

How to pump up your stomach from below with exercises? Before you begin regular training, it is worth removing fat deposits from this area. The following will be useful for this: running, swimming, cardio equipment, dancing and other types of aerobic exercise.

Then you can start executing and daily exercise, contributing to the drawing of a beautiful relief.

A set of additional exercises.

In this article we will not list trivial exercises, which we have already discussed in detail earlier in the articles in this section. Here we will focus on new, not entirely trivial recipes and original variations of movements that specifically affect the muscle group we need...

Rock climbing.

Take a lying position, as if doing push-ups.

Lift one leg off the surface and bend the knee, then quickly pull it towards your chest and return to its original position. After that, move on to the other leg.

Perform 2-3 sets of 30 reps for each leg.

Remember: the faster the pace of exercise, the better you will pump up your abs.

You will probably immediately remember the “scissors”, familiar to many from physical education lessons. In our case, the actions will be the opposite.

You need to lie on your back (put your hands under your lower back to make it easier) and raise your legs at a ninety-degree angle.

After which you should slowly lower your left leg, but so that it does not touch the floor. Then the right leg should go down, and at the same time the left leg should rise.

Try to master three approaches for several minutes - the more, the better, of course.


This set of movements aimed at improving the abdomen is reminiscent of special yoga. It will help pump up your lower abs and also teach you how to maintain balance.

To take the starting position, you need to sit down and stretch your legs forward, while placing your hands behind your back and leaning on them.

Then bend your knees and pull them towards your upper body.

When your knees and chest touch, return to the starting position.

Do 15–30 folds in three approaches.

Hula hooping, periodic abdominal retraction (vacuum exercise) and self-massage with pinching the skin clockwise will also help you become the happy owner of inflated abs.

Focus on the result and don't stop bringing your figure closer to the ideal!

Building beautiful, strong abs is not easy. However, when systematic studies the first results appear quite quickly. This motivates and encourages further work on the muscles. But the condition of the so-called lower abs is often upsetting - it seems that it is almost unyielding to stress. The lower abdomen does not acquire relief for a long time and spoils the whole appearance, as it remains quite soft and “plump”. Why does this happen, what is the “lower press” and how to pump it up?

What is “lower press”?

In fact, of course, there is no “lower press”. This is a colloquial term. There are two rectus abdominis muscles located on either side of the midline. By training the abdominal muscles, we develop them entirely: from above, and in the middle, and from below.

Among those who are not very familiar with anatomy, there is a misconception that the upper and lower abs are different muscles. But this is a mistake. Simply, depending on the load received, the rectus abdominis muscle works unevenly. Most human movements involve the upper part of the muscle.

In addition, in the lower abdomen the fat layer is much thicker (nature took care of “insulation” and protection of important organs). This is especially true for women. Because of the fat layer, it seems that the muscles of the lower abs are not pumped up, although this is not so: if you pump up the abs and you have good relief on top of your abdomen, it means that the muscles below are quite strong. They are simply not visible because of the fat.

However, this does not mean that the lower abdomen will always remain a “belly”. If you do targeted exercises, giving maximum load to the lower rectus abdominis muscle and burning fat, you can achieve very nice abs- those same six or eight packs. You can pump up your lower abs!

What are abs and why do they occur? The fact is that the rectus abdominis muscle is crossed by three (or four) fibrous strips called tendon bridges.

If a person pumps his abs, the rectus abdominis muscle increases in size, but the bridges remain in the same place. The effect of “packages” or “cubes” arises - there can be six or eight of them.

How to pump up your lower abs? The most effective exercises for the lower abs

1. Exercise for the lower abs “Reverse crunches”. This is the most effective training to pump up your lower abs. And the best part is that the exercise is not too difficult. If during direct twists we lift our shoulders off the floor and stretch our chests towards our hips, then during reverse twists, on the contrary, we lift our pelvis off the floor and stretch our hips towards our chest.

Classic reverse crunches are performed as follows. Starting position: lie on your back, raise your legs perpendicular to your body, bend your knees at a right angle. The arms are extended along the body. Execution: lift your pelvis off the floor and stretch your hips towards your chest, then return to initial position. Try not to help yourself with your hands, but to tear off the pelvis only with the force of the press.

Variations of reverse crunches. You can do reverse crunches with straight legs raised perpendicular to the body. At the same time, experienced “fitnessists” often wear weights on their legs.

Double abdominal crunches are also effective. Starting position: as with classic reverse crunches, but with bent arms resting on the back of the head. Feet bent legs can be placed on the floor. At the count of one, you need to twist, simultaneously lifting your shoulders and pelvis from the floor. The chest and hips are drawn towards each other. On the count of two, unwind to the starting position. Double crunches are a very powerful load on the abs that give quick results.

2. Exercise for the upper and lower abs “Bicycle”. When doing this exercise good load the entire rectus abdominis muscle receives, as well as the oblique muscles.

Initial position: lie on your back; hands on the back of the head; legs bent at right angles, raised perpendicular to the body.

Performance: lift your shoulder blades off the floor and touch your elbow to the opposite knee, while the other leg extends. For example, with our left elbow we touch our right knee, and at the same time we extend our left leg (it remains approximately 30-50 cm above the floor).

Then we immediately bend our left leg, extending our right leg, and touch the knee of our left leg with our right elbow. And so we alternate elbows and knees until there is a strong burning sensation in the abdominal muscles. You should not lower your shoulder blades to the floor while performing the exercise - the upper body is constantly raised, the tension is maintained. Do two approaches.

Many people do this exercise quickly and energetically. It is better to do it slowly, with concentration, with tension - this will be more effective.

Exercise bike on video

3. Exercise “Crossing” or “Climber”. This is a great exercise for developing your lower abs and obliques.

Initial position: take a pose as for . On the count of times, lift your left leg off the floor, bend it at the knee, pull it towards you and stretch your knee towards your right shoulder, while trying to turn your body to the right as much as possible. On the count of two, return your leg to the starting position. On the count of three, bend your right leg and reach towards your left shoulder, turning your body in left side. At four - starting position. And so alternately cross your legs until you feel a burning sensation in your abdominal muscles. On average, 20 crossings are made in one approach. At least two approaches.

This exercise also uses the muscles of the shoulders, back, legs, chest, and buttocks.

Crossings in the video:

4. Exercise “Scissors”. This exercise helps to pump up the lower abs and.

Initial position: lie on your back, lift your shoulders and legs off the floor. Feet at a height of approximately 30 cm above the floor, toes extended. Raise your arms slightly above the floor, stretching them along your body with your palms up, or place them on the floor. If it is difficult to maintain balance, you can place your hands under your buttocks, palms down.

Performance: cross your legs, keeping them and your upper body raised at all times. The chest seems to reach towards the hips. The chin does not need to be placed on the chest, the face looks at the ceiling. When performing, there should be strong tension in the abdominal muscles and inner surface hips Make about 20-40 crosses, rest for a few seconds and repeat.

Variation. Do not lift your upper body. The load will only be on the lower press.

5. Exercise “Legs Raising”. It is known that the lower abs experience maximum stress when we pull our legs towards our stomach. Therefore, raising your legs while standing or lying down is just what you need. If there is or gymnastic ball, it’s worth taking them as assistants.

Initial position: lying on your back, arms extended along the body. If there is a ball, you need to hold it between your legs. Lift your feet off the floor a few centimeters. At the count of times, slowly raise your straight legs so that they make approximately a right angle with your body. On the count of two, slowly lower your legs, but do not put them on the floor. Keeping your feet flat on the floor will relieve some of the tension. Do 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps.

Remember that there is a thick layer of fat in the lower abdomen that hides your beautiful muscles. Do you want to show off your gorgeous abs to others? This means that you need to not only pump up your muscles, but also... Do cardio exercises such as running, jumping, cycling, dancing or playing games. sport games. The thinner the fat layer, the more prominent the abs.

Simple but useful exercise for the lower abs - raising the legs in a standing position (march). Whenever the opportunity arises, take steps in place, slowly raising your legs as high as possible.

Hello to all fans healthy image life and those who are just about to become one. We are constantly sent letters with various questions: many want to get advice on how to reset overweight who suddenly appeared after a long winter, others want to pump up their arms, others want something else. Well, with summer approaching, the question is how to pump up your lower abs at home or in gym, sounds in every second letter.

It’s not surprising, no one wants to go on a long-awaited vacation with a piece of lard instead of a belly. We, of course, anticipated such a stir and prepared materials for this article in advance.

Proper nutrition is the best friend of the lower abs

So, before you start pumping up your abs, you must learn one simple rule: proper nutrition is 60% of success. That is, by pumping up your abs day and night all day long, you will not achieve anything. The abdominal muscles will certainly become more prominent, but you will not see them due to the layer of fat hiding them. Therefore, first of all, we get rid of excess subcutaneous fat. Its percentage should fluctuate around 8 – 10%. Achieving such a percentage is not so difficult; all you need to do is go on a diet first, and then switch to proper nutrition.

Read more about proper nutrition, you will be able to find out. On it we have made visual tables for you and shown products that will help you lose weight.

We have also written the best one for you, thanks to which you can short term lose weight and see treasured cubes press.

So, try to remember, abdominal exercises do not burn fat and will not give you the expected effect, the basis of everything is diet and proper nutrition, and once you start eating right, you can start training your abs.

Exercises for the lower abs

Let's figure out how to pump up bottom cubes press?

To be frank, lower abs, as such, do not exist. There is only one muscle, and it is called the rectus abdominis muscle, there are also oblique muscles, but we will tell you about them next time. The rectus abdominis muscle is only conditionally divided into the upper, middle and lower abs, for greater clarity. So, when doing exercises for the lower abs, all other departments are also included in the work.

The best exercises are all kinds of twisting, we will now tell you about them and also show you.

All exercises are arranged in order of execution. Do them one after another in one workout. Train at least 4 times a week.

Reverse crunches

The most basic exercise in which the lower abs are most involved. Therefore, we take it into service and start training with it. To begin, lie down on a gymnastic mat, or just on the floor, place your palms on the floor, and raise your straight legs slightly (A). Then, bending your knees, sort of curl up (B). At the same time, strain and draw your abs into yourself.

Perform 4 sets of 15 reps.


We continue to lie on the floor, hands behind the head (A). Raise your left leg at the same time, bending it at the knee, and with your right elbow, without lifting your hand from your head, reach towards your knee (B). Retract and tighten your abs again. Then return to the starting position (A). In this exercise, in addition to the rectus muscle, the oblique abdominal muscles also work.

Do 4 sets of 12 reps on each side.

V-shaped crunches

We are still lying on the floor or the rug, whoever has what. Stretch your arms, raise your legs (A). Then lift your legs and torso together at the same time (B), while trying to touch your legs with your hands. Then we return to the starting position. Try not to rush and do the exercise as slowly as possible.

Complete 4 sets of 10 reps and move on to the last exercise.


In principle, the same exercise as the previous one, only your legs should be bent at the knees. Also try to touch your feet with your hands and remember to keep your abs tense all the time.

Do 4 sets of 10 repetitions and complete the workout. Try after training, an hour after it, to eat only protein foods: meat, fish, cottage cheese, eggs.

High-intensity training is another friend of the lower abs

In addition to diet and exercise, in order to make your lower abs sculpted, it is advisable to use so-called cardio. Cardio training is a set of exercises that are performed consistently at high intensity, which allows you to start fat burning processes and also train endurance.

Now, after reading the article, I just understood why my friend pumps up her abs all the time, but there are no results...). The main thing is that she always does these exercises after meals, it burns calories...). She never thought about proper nutrition and diets, because she is sure that her stomach will be in good shape without it. I need to recommend this article to her, let her read it too!

Continuing the topic:
Leveling up 

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