Exercises for losing weight on your legs and belly. Exercises for losing weight in the abdomen, sides, legs, arms. Complexes, tips, videos. Bicycle with legs extended

Excess weight is a very common problem, especially for people who are entering middle age. Mobility decreases, emotions subside, there is no longer any desire to rush around recklessly in search of adventure, and all this slows down the metabolism. And these are fatty growths on the sides, sagging buttocks, and of course the growth of the abdomen. It seems that the portions have remained the same, but the kilograms are creeping up, and the volumes are increasing every day.

Often young people begin to catch on when their stomachs begin to interfere with squatting, and they climb the stairs slowly, like turtles. Which is quite understandable and understandable: it’s difficult to be cheerful and dynamic while overweight.

But let's consider the best scenario, when there will be much less work to catch up. Start monitoring yourself at the very first signs excess weight: pants have difficulty meeting at the waist, cellulite appears, and the face becomes rounded. In these cases, you need to immediately resort to training to even out your metabolism and the amount of food you eat. And if you don’t immediately return to the original version that made you happy in the past, then you definitely won’t get better, and that’s already something! Understand that no one will solve the problem for you.

If you decide to train your body, achieve weight loss in the abdomen and buttocks, then do not forget to adhere to basic rules that will increase their effectiveness, and you will not have to worry about the futility of the effort spent.

  • Pay attention to your diet. Try counting calories if you can’t tell by eye how much you need to eat so that sports neutralizes everything. Agree that working out while eating high-calorie or junk food is, at the very least, not logical. There are all kinds of programs - calorie counters, you will immediately devote some time to this, and then everything will go automatically, you will immediately know how many of them are in your portion.
  • Each workout should last at least half an hour, and you need to repeat them about 4-5 times a week;
  • During the training process, carefully monitor how your breathing changes. It’s very good if it becomes rapid and your heart rate increases, this indicates that fat is being burned.
  • Before starting your workouts, weigh yourself and track changes every week, this will be your additional incentive.
  • There is no need to “kill yourself” at the very first training session and exercise until you completely lose strength. Diligence is good, but it should not border on fanaticism. You won’t achieve everything right away, so it’s better to bet on regularity and be able to wait. Love yourself and your body, then you will understand more about what we are talking about.
  • In order for your posture to remain straight, you need to be able to correctly draw up a training plan and alternate the load on the arms, buttocks, sides, abdomen, etc.
  • It will be better if you limit yourself from eating an hour before training and also after.

Paying attention to the stomach

If girls and women who have a pear-shaped figure with weight gain begin to deposit fat in the hips and buttocks first, then abdominal problems arise in absolutely all body types. For some, it may not grow as intensively, but still the relevance of the problem area is not lost. And there are such figures that are hardly noticeable in other places body fat, but everything is compensated by the stomach, the bulging of the sides, which is noticeable even not in tight-fitting clothes. The specificity of the classes in this case comes down to the fact that you need to give different loads, but in no case wait quick results. Understand that the fat layer will immediately decrease, while the skin may sag at first until abs and muscle growth begin to form under it.

Exercises for losing belly fat

Exercises for losing belly fat can be done in different positions: sitting, lying down or even standing. Various crunches and lifts are considered most effective for the abdominal and side areas, since in these cases the right muscles are activated.

Lift-ups while lying on the floor

Bend your knees, press your feet to the floor. Raise your arms above your head and begin to slowly lift your body up. Be sure to keep your lower back pressed to the floor and your elbows pointing out to the sides. Immediately repeat this exercise 20 times; after mastering it and easing the load, you can repeat it 40 times.

After you return to the starting position, begin to pull your bent knees towards your shoulders, your lower back should be pressed to the floor. It is recommended to do this 20 times.


With this exercise, you will soon be able to observe the effect of tightening your sides and abdomen. Each time they will stick out and stick out less and less. Why not a victory? That's why many girls love this exercise. Starting position: you lie on the floor, your legs are bent at the knees, but only at the same time your left leg should rest on your right knee. Stretch your body to your left knee, without moving your hips. 20 repetitions are recommended. And then switch legs.


You again lie on the floor, legs straight and together. Stretch your arms behind your head. Immediately rise to a sitting position, and then begin to pull yourself up to your toes as close as possible. Then return to the starting position. Repeat about 10 times.

Exercises for slimming thighs

Before you begin exercises for the hip area, lie down for a while, relax, and stretch your body. Maximum efforts should be directed towards losing weight inside hips, since it is this part that is practically not used when walking and it is there that the maximum deposition of fats occurs. Let's start with this.

Modeling the inner thighs

Stand straight, straighten your shoulders, keep your hands on your waist. Feet are shoulder-width apart. Shift your weight to your right leg. Expand left leg with your toes inward and move towards your right leg about 20 times. Then change legs and repeat the exercise.

Reduction of legs

Sit comfortably on the floor with your hands behind you. Keep your legs extended forward. Now raise them to a height of about 15 cm and begin to move them apart in different directions, then bring them together. Similar to “scissors”, but with a slightly different principle. Do this many times until you feel tension in your buttocks.

Tighten the thigh muscles

Sit on the edge of a chair or sofa. Hold a thin book between your knees and begin to squeeze your thigh muscles as much as possible. You need to squeeze for about 30 seconds, then relax and alternate. Sometimes a small ball is squeezed, either way this is a great exercise for the inner thighs.

Wall Squats

This kind of squatting can cause tension at first posterior muscles thighs and buttocks. So, stand against the wall and press your entire surface against it. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, slowly inhale air and slide down the wall until your knees form a right angle. It is important to stay in this position as long as possible and then return to the starting position. Perform two approaches, each with 10 repetitions.

Additional ways to lose weight

In addition to the suggested exercises that involve necessary groups muscles, there are also general recommendations that will help you lose weight in the hips, buttocks, sides and abdomen. For example, when running, walking or cycling, there is a gradual burning of fat in these areas. Don't forget about great benefit swimming, sign up for the pool. This is not only a dose of pleasure, but also a workout for the whole body. Water takes a lot of calories, you will see for yourself. Also, any stretching or pulling will contribute to this. You can stand and bend over at any moment of the day, not just after eating, connecting your face to your knees. Even if it hurts, you need to be patient, but the effect will not take long. In just a month you will get rid of bulging sides, unsightly buttocks, and a protruding belly.

Study carefully several rules, and if you are ready to follow them, you can safely plan your workouts.

2. Number of workouts per week - 2-4 times from 30 minutes.

3. Watch your breathing. Workouts should have such a load that your breathing becomes faster and your heart rate increases - this is a necessary condition for burning fat.

4. Weigh yourself before starting your workout and measure your weight 2-3 times a week.

5. Don’t force things so that the weight decreases evenly and the result has time to take hold. Remember - not fanaticism, but regularity!

6. To avoid spoiling your posture, alternate exercises for the abdomen, arms, legs, sides, and so on.

Exercises for losing belly fat

1. Bend your knees, press your feet to the floor. Raise your hands behind your head and slowly lift your body up. Watch your elbows - they should be directed to the side, your lower back pressed to the floor. Perform 20-40 lifts, starting small. Each subsequent time, try to increase the number of exercises.

2. Return to the starting position. Pull your knees bent to your shoulders, keeping your lower back pressed to the floor. We do at least 20 pull-ups.

3. Twisting. Initial position the same, but the left leg lies on the bent knee of the right. We reach the left knee with our body, while the hips remain in place. Perform 20 times.

4. We return to the previous starting position and “twist” the bent legs to the shoulders - 20 times.

5. Change legs - now the right one is placed on the left and the left elbow goes to the right knee (also 20 times).

6. Starting position from the last exercise. We try to connect our shoulders and bent legs as close as possible, pulling them up (20 times).

7. Hands behind your head, raise your legs. Lower and raise your legs until your toes touch the floor.

8. In this case, we raise our shoulders - also 20 times.

9. Keep your legs at an angle of 45 degrees, raise your shoulders. After a few seconds, we lower our shoulders while bending our legs. (6-7 times)

10. Bend your knees, leave your hands behind your head. Circular movements of the body are performed by lifting the shoulders off the floor. Do three sets of sweat three times in each direction.

11. Straighten your legs while lying on the floor. Extend your arms above your head. Raise your body to a sitting position. Stretch your hands towards your socks. Return to starting position. 10 lifts.

12. Straighten your legs and stretch your arms behind your head. Raise your body to the “sitting” position, reach for your toes, and return to the original position. 10 times.

13. Simply raise your straightened legs up, holding your hands behind your head. “Touch your heels to the floor 0 times and lift them up.

Lie on the floor for a few minutes, relax, do not get up suddenly. It is advisable to drink water no earlier than after 10-15 minutes; first, you can only rinse your mouth.

Exercises for losing weight on legs

– on one leg, alternating every 10 jumps, alternately, and so on;

- in two passes and a jump.

Running helps strengthen muscles and gives your legs a sporty, harmonious look. Daily jogging trains endurance and helps burn fat in other areas. Exercising on exercise machines is almost no different from running on a sports ground, but it’s healthier to breathe while doing it fresh air. Feel free to go to the park or stadium.

Exercises for losing weight on thighs

Exercises for the inner thigh

2. Standing straight, fix your hands on your waist, spread your legs wider, squat slowly as many times as is not difficult for you. Make sure it doesn't hurt. 10-15 times.

3. In the same position, place your feet parallel, squat deeply, roll over onto your right foot and straighten your left leg at the knee. 15 times with both legs in turn.

4. Sitting on the floor, lean back on your hands, stretching your legs forward. We immediately raise both legs to a height of 10 cm. The exercise consists of spreading and closing your legs as many times as you can.

5. Lying on your left side, lean on your right hand. The right one remains ahead. Place your right foot on the floor in front of your left knee and raise and lower your left leg (do not touch the floor).

6. Crossing x-shaped movements with your legs raised up (at 90 degrees) while lying on the floor supported by your elbows.

7. Exercises while sitting on the edge of a chair. Hold a thin book between your knees and tense your thigh muscles, squeezing it for 30 seconds and relaxing your thighs. Perform 15 times.

Exercises for slimming thighs

Excess hip volume is a concern mainly for women. Since the hips occupy the visible part of the body, a disproportionate appearance can spoil the overall impression and cause a lot of trouble. Simple exercises do not have to be done in the gym; you can easily do them at home.

Wall Squats

Stand against the wall and press the entire surface of the wall against it. Watch your posture. We place our feet shoulder-width apart, slowly inhale and slide along the wall until our knees bend to 90 degrees. Maintain the position, and after a few seconds slowly return to the starting position. 2 sets of 10 times.

Exercises for losing weight on your sides

Excess fat on the sides makes our waist far from ideal.

1. The most The best way to lose weight on your sides – raise and lower your torso in a lying position. This is the most popular way, which is called “pumping the press.” If we add to this correct breathing(lifting the torso inhale, returning - exhale), the effect will be even greater. You can raise both your shoulders and your entire torso.

2. Another method concerns pumping up the abdominal muscles. To strengthen them, we sit on the floor, bring our hands behind our backs and rest our palms on the floor. Raise your legs to an angle of 45 degrees, slowly return to the starting position.

3. Inclines with weights. Feet shoulder-width apart, dumbbells in hands - slowly lean to the side. This stretches the side muscles.

4. A popular remedy is a massage hoop. You need to spin the hula hoop 20 minutes a day. When you get used to it, make it heavier with different fillers.

5. A huge elastic ball - a fitball - can bring quite a lot of benefits. Sit on the ball and roll it left and right, keeping your body motionless. Lower your shoulders, after a while you will feel the tension of the oblique muscles. Lying on the ball, raise and lower your right leg, do 10 times. Then we change the leg.

Exercises for losing weight on your arms

If the arm muscles are flabby and lacking tone, it looks very unsightly. Exercises should be performed three times a week, while ensuring that excessive load does not strain the spine. Tighten your abdominal muscles with your legs slightly bent to avoid straining the ligaments behind your knees. At the beginning of training, the arms should be prepared with a small warm-up so that the muscles become more pliable to the load.

– Feet shoulder-width apart or wider, arms to the side. Make circular movements with your hands back and forth, 8 times.

Exercises with dumbbells

Dumbbells are one of the most effective tools for losing weight in your arms. The weight of dumbbells needs to be increased little by little, but the safe limit is no more than 4 kg.

2. Place your hands with dumbbells behind your head, lift them up, lower them down (30 times).

3. For the lying exercise, take dumbbells weighing no more than 2 kg. Lie down, spread your arms with dumbbells to the sides, connect them at chest level, return to the starting position. 30 times. Now just spread your arms to the sides and bring them back. (30 times). The next stage is arms forward, then to the starting position.

6. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. We extend our right arm up from the dumbbells, positioning it so that the elbow remains near the ear. We turn the hand away from ourselves, slowly move the hand behind the back of the head and lower it down. The dumbbell should hit at the level of your left shoulder. We support the elbow and carefully straighten the arm. Perform the exercise 20 times, then change hands.

7. Press your hands with dumbbells to your chest. At the same time, extend your arm and leg forward, alternating such lunges. Repeat 10 times for each hand.

Exercises for losing weight buttocks

A woman’s body and structure is very different from a man’s, so training needs to be planned in a certain way. In general, the formation of the female body type occurs under the influence of the female hormone estrogen. The pear shape involves fat deposits on the hips and buttocks, and fat deposits are simply necessary in order to participate in the body's reproduction. Correcting their shape is quite difficult. If you regularly perform 1 hour 3-4 workouts a week, your muscles will tighten within a month.

1. Sitting on the floor, stretch your legs forward and keep your back straight. Using your muscles, begin to move back and forth for 2-4 minutes.

2. Rest your knees on the floor, spread your arms parallel to the floor. Lower your buttocks to the floor, to the right and left of your feet alternately. 20 times to the left and the same number to the right.

3. Draw a figure eight with your hips for 3-4 minutes while standing.

4. Lower your arms down while standing straight. Raise the knee up, fix it for 5-7 seconds, return to the main position. Also with the left leg (12-15 times).

5. In the same starting position, we squat, stretching our arms forward (20 times).

6. On your knees with emphasis on your hands, perform another effective exercise. The leg bent at the knee is pressed to the chest, then straightened back. The body weight is distributed evenly. Perform rhythmically this exercise 10-12 times for each leg.

Chief editor of the portal: Ekaterina Danilova

Exercises for the abdomen, buttocks and thighs

Millions of modern women are working hard to make their figures closer to ideal. They consider the stomach, thighs and buttocks to be the main problem areas. And it’s very sad when complex diets nutritional supplements and even sport exercises do not bring the desired result, leaving all areas still problematic. There is only one way out of the situation - special exercises for the abdomen, buttocks and thighs, which will help correct these particular areas.

If you are stubborn and persistent, start eating right and doing a set of exercises for the hips, abdomen and buttocks, then you will definitely be able to win this fight. The main thing is not to give up and train regularly and diligently.

How to choose a set of exercises for the hips, abdomen and buttocks

Many girls, choosing the optimal look for themselves physical activity, based on their own preferences. This is not a bad thing, as exercise should be fun. But you need to remember that exercises for the hips and buttocks, as well as for the abdomen, are difficult to come up with on your own and it is better to trust the opinion of coaches and experienced athletes.

Choice correct exercises for the abdomen and thighs, as well as for the buttocks, should be pushed from individual characteristics figures that need to be corrected. Those who do not have noticeable obesity should choose shaping or light types of aerobics, as well as gymnastics, jogging or exercises in the water. If there is noticeable obesity, then it is better to choose exercises under the guidance of a trainer who can recommend effective and harmless loads.

What do you need to purchase to increase the effectiveness of exercises?

You can perform the simplest sets of exercises for the hips, abdomen and buttocks without any equipment, but its presence will significantly increase the effectiveness of the exercises. To begin with, it will be useful to purchase a special mat so that you can perform exercises on the floor.

For more complex equipment, you may need a narrow bench with fairly elastic upholstery for some exercises. You should definitely purchase special sportswear and shoes; this will make the exercises more comfortable and effective, and will also help avoid injury.

But, if you don't have the ability or desire to spend money on such things, there are exercises that can be done without any equipment, at home, on the floor, on a chair or on the sofa. The main thing is desire and effort.

Exercises for the abdomen and thighs

If you are just starting to do abdominal and thigh exercises, remember that the main rule is regularity and continuity. It is also advisable to increase the load over time. Each lesson must begin with a warm-up and end with a relaxation.

The abdomen and hips are the most problematic area for most women. This is where it usually accumulates excess fat, and you have to fight it throughout your life. To get beautiful body contours, you need to perform exercises regularly and, if possible, alternate them.

Crunches are very beneficial for the abdomen. To do this, you need to lie on the floor on your back and press your lower back to the floor. Your legs should be bent at the knees and your hands should be placed behind your head. After this, while inhaling, we begin to lift our head and shoulder blades off the floor, lifting our chin up. As you exhale, you need to return to the starting position.

After the first exercise you can do reverse twist. From a similar starting position, it is necessary to lift your head and shoulder blades off the floor, while lifting your pelvis. It is also a good idea to lift your torso and legs. It is better to do these exercises one by one to achieve greater effect. In addition to leg lifts, very useful exercise for the stomach and hips are the classic “scissors” legs.

Exercises for hips and buttocks

Very often, girls who have a thin physique and a thin waist are nevertheless dissatisfied with the appearance of their hips and buttocks. Even slender ladies can develop unpleasant cellulite in this area, which can ruin the good impression of their figure.

An excellent exercise for the thighs and buttocks, which will allow you to forget about cellulite forever, is squats. For this type of squats, you need to place your feet wider than your shoulders and turn your toes out. After this, you can begin to squat slowly. In the lower position, you can linger a little, and then get up just as slowly.

There is a great exercise for the hips and buttocks that will help significantly reduce their size. To perform it, you need to stand on your left knee and lean on your straight arms. After this, you need to move your right leg to the right and back, then straighten it and touch the floor with your outstretched toe. Raising your leg in the same way, you can make circular movements to the left and up, and then to the right and down. This must be repeated at least 10 times with each leg.

A great exercise for your hips and buttocks can be done while sitting in a chair. To do this, you need to sit on a chair, place your feet at a short distance, and hold any object between your knees, for example, a sofa cushion, a book, or a toy. Be sure to sit up straight and hold onto the seat with your hands. Using the muscles of the thighs, you need to squeeze the object and remain in this position for one minute, then relax and do the exercise again.

Such exercises for the abdomen, buttocks and thighs will help make your figure slim and will not require a significant investment of time and effort. You can do them at home, and in just a few weeks you can become a real beauty.

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Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, trichologist, honored author of Evehealth


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This article is based on scientific evidence, written and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

If once again in your life you realized with horror that the next swimming season is just around the corner, but your bones are still wide, then this article is for you. The current state of affairs is such that a body that has clear lines, “correct” elasticity and the optimal amount of muscles is considered beautiful, which is important for both women and men.

That is why this article is intended to cover all aspects of the acquisition beautiful body and debunk the various myths that obese people like to use to justify their own shapelessness. If you do not need “remoralization” and are determined to lose weight, go to the second part of the article, otherwise, if doubts still gnaw at your thoughts, read everything in order.

"Broad bone" and "Bad heredity"

Many people who pay due attention to their shape perceive with a tired sigh the next mention of “wide bones” and “heredity.” Let's be objective: have you ever seen a skinny person with a “broad bone”? It is extremely unlikely, because the width of the bones, although it affects appearance, does not justify overweight and a second pair of “ears” growing on the sides of the abdomen.

The same applies to heredity - (unless it is the result of a hormonal imbalance) it is impossible to justify it by heredity. In fact, when people complain that their weight exceeds the norm due to genes, the whole point turns out to be that from childhood they were taught to eat not quite right. The experience of many people shows - even if average weight If any of your relatives is in the triple digits, you don't have to follow in their footsteps.

Why should you read these lines? Because the first step you need to take is beautiful figure- give up baseless excuses for your own helplessness in the face of junk food and general passivity.

Lyrical digression about food

Lie on your back and spread your arms perpendicular to your body, but your legs should be brought together and extended. Now, raise your legs and try to turn your body to the right; when you succeed, hold the position for 5-10 seconds, then turn in the opposite direction without lowering your legs. Then rest for a few seconds and repeat again. This exercise must be repeated daily, increasing the number of turns until you can keep your legs raised for two minutes. When this is no longer difficult for you, move on to the second.

The second exercise must also be performed on the floor. Sit with your legs extended and your hands on the floor behind your back. Now try to rise so that your body is straight, and all the emphasis is on your palms and heels. Having fixed the body for 5 seconds, return to the starting position, then repeat the exercise 19 more times.

Exercises for slimming thighs

The next area, which is also extremely troubling for the fair sex, is the thighs or, to put it more correctly, the thighs. are to create maximum load on the leg muscles, since this is the only way to burn excess fat, transferring it into muscles.

The first technique we want to tell you about is... squats. But you need to do these squats a little differently than they showed you in school physical education lessons: stand up straight, stretch your arms in front of you, and now squat down so that the angle of your knees is as close as possible to 90 degrees. Hold this position for five seconds, then squat even lower and pause again. Stand up. After 5 seconds, repeat the exercise again. You need to continue these squats for at least two minutes.

Another type of charging must be started from the “on all fours” position - kneel down with your feet on the floor. Now lift up bent leg, moving it to the side (yes, dogs often do this), fixate for a few seconds and return to the starting position. This exercise allows you to not only remove fat on your thighs, but also improve your posture.

Exercises for losing weight buttocks

It also includes several exercises, the first of which is similar to the previous one - get on all fours and raise your leg, however, this time do not take it to the side, but straighten it and pull it back. Hold for a few seconds, then repeat the exercise for the second leg.

To “” there is another effective exercise - lie on your back and, clasping your bent knee with your hands, slowly pull it towards your chest. When you reach the extreme point, stay in this position for 15-20 seconds, then straighten up and repeat the exercise with the second leg. Repeat nine more times for each leg.

Finally, the last option of “exercising for the butt” will not require much effort from you at all, in addition, such exercises can be done without even leaving your workplace. Sit on a chair and alternately strain the muscles of your buttocks, trying only to raise yourself 1-2 centimeters through them. Do the exercise for 5-10 minutes, tensing each buttock for 3-5 seconds.

Don't forget about your hands

Oddly enough, it is your hands that can give away your excess weight. Many men, having lost faith in their own ability to determine the level of “slimness” based on their figure hidden by loose clothing, try to pay attention to the thickness of their arms. However, with your hands things are easiest - start with simple ones (3-5 kg ​​each), holding them on outstretched arms for 5-10 seconds, and then, if your physical fitness allows you, try to do at least a few push-ups.

Exercises for weight loss after childbirth

We should also talk about several exercises that are designed to help women in labor regain their former shape or even improve it. First of all, you should not rush in this matter - physical activity is not recommended for the first month after childbirth, and it is unlikely that you will have time for it. After a month, start simple exercises like bending and squatting. When you feel that the general condition of your body has improved, proceed to the problem areas, the exercises for which we provided earlier.

And finally...

You should never neglect the “classical” methods of keeping fit - also practice cycling. In addition, pay attention to the video tutorials that we have specially selected for those who have finally decided to bring their body to perfect shape:

Video with exercises for weight loss

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


To make your figure look toned, it is not at all necessary to exercise personal trainer. Effective exercises for slimming the belly and thighs will help remove cellulite from the buttocks and fat from the sides. Motivation is important here. There is a special complex physical activity helping to lose weight in problem areas - standing on a stool, lateral crunches, “book”, “plank”, squats with turns, lifts with a towel.

Exercises for losing belly fat

Sculpted abdominal muscles are beautiful, but don’t overwork yourself with classic abdominal exercises. There are exercises for losing belly fat, “Standing on a stool.” The technique is simple: sitting on a stool, you need to grab the edge of the seat. The palms are located in front, and not on the sides of the body. Straining the abdominal muscles, you need to tighten the body, tearing off lower limbs 10 cm from the floor. The buttocks also rise from the seat. The load of the entire raised body falls only on the arms. The stand is performed in 3 approaches.

Side crunches are exercises for the abdomen and thighs. Lying on your side, resting your bent knee and elbow on the floor, you need to put your free hand behind your head. The unbent free leg, in a straightened position, slowly rises up towards the ceiling. Simultaneously with this movement, the hand placed behind the head should straighten and reach opposite leg, to the heel. Then take the previous pose, the movement technique is performed up to 10 repetitions on one side.

Lying on your back with bent knees, resting your feet on the floor, you should exhale as much as possible and strongly draw in your stomach. To obtain desired result it is important to do “Vacuum” three times a day, 4 approaches lasting 15 seconds each. Retraction of the oblique muscles is done in different positions - sitting, lying, on all fours. A similar exercise is “Pump”, legs are bent, hands rest on knees.

Exhale and the stomach is drawn in as much as possible. In this position, 5 sharp pushing movements of the abdomen are made. The “pump” helps to lose weight in problem areas, normalizes the functioning of internal organs, and also helps with constipation. After two weeks, you can observe a change in the relief in the waist area. To enhance the effect, a vacuum for losing belly fat should be alternated with a “Pump”; they are easy to do at home.

Exercises for the lower abdomen

Exercises for losing weight on the stomach and thighs may include the following exercises for the lower abdomen:

  • “Vertical scissors”: lying on your back, you need to put your palms under your buttocks, raise both legs at an angle of 90 C°. In this case, the lower back should not come off the floor. The right lower limb should be slowly lowered to the floor, while the left one remains in its original position, then the right limb takes the position of an angle of 90 C°. Such movements must be performed 20 times with each leg.
  • “Climber steps”: you need to take a position as if you want to do push-ups from the floor. The arms are straightened at the elbows, the toes of the sneakers rest on the floor. Smoothly pull one leg to the chest, then take the starting position. The same is done with the second lower limb. Perform 20 repetitions of 3 sets on each leg.
  • Regular squats are suitable for the gluteal muscles. To make the task more difficult, you can use dumbbells. You need to do 2 sets of 30 times.

Exercise for the upper abdomen

From physical education lessons, you can recall exercises for losing weight in the upper abdomen. The simplest thing is to raise the body in a lying position. The fat layer will disappear slowly. If the deposits are too large, then training at the very beginning will be difficult, you need to be persistent. If you have the opportunity to visit Gym, then raising the body should be done on a bench for the press. When the body is tilted, this complicates the task, as a result, excess weight is lost. a short time. The problem of excess weight will disappear if you do aerobics, fitness or bodyflexing.

Fitball exercises

Restore slimness, health and beauty female body Exercises with a fitball will help you lose belly fat. With the help of a rubber ball of suitable diameter, you can keep all the muscles of the abdomen, thighs, butt and back in tension. It is important to remember that before sports activities you need to do warm-up exercises. You can get a slim, beautiful belly with the following exercise: lie on your back, place the ball under your knees. You should lift your shoulders and shoulder blades off the floor; you should not perform the movements abruptly: it is important that the inhalation and exhalation be calm. Do 36 lifts in 3 sets.

Exercises for slimming thighs

With the help of a fitball, it is easy to carry out exercises for losing weight on the buttocks and thighs. To perform this you will need dumbbells of 5 kg each. You need to stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Press the fitball with its back against the outer wall. Without taking your back off the ball, you need to take a few steps forward. The legs are slightly in front of the body. In this position, you need to do 12 squats, 3 sets each. When squatting, make sure your thighs are parallel to the floor as you lower down. Exercises for losing weight in the abdomen and thighs using a fitball can be seen in the photo.

For the inner thigh

An individual diet and exercises for losing weight in the inner thigh will help burn extra calories and benefit the body. Regular classes will help get rid of “ears” on the hips, cellulite, make your legs elastic and beautiful. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and fix your body in a straight position. Straighten your arms in front of you, start squatting up to 30 times. After completion, you need to move your lower limbs towards each other and repeat squats 30 times.

For the back of the thigh

Exercises for losing weight on your legs and stomach should be done while lying down facing the floor so that your stomach touches the fitness mat. Hands should be bent at the elbows and placed under the chin. You need to tense your butt muscles and raise your right leg without bending it at the knee. Then slowly lower it, but do not touch the floor. The load on one limb should be no more than 20 seconds, then you should change the leg. Hamstring exercises can be made more challenging by wearing weights.

For outer thigh

Exercises for outer surface hips are done 50 times. You need to get on all fours and straighten your arms. Bend your knees at a right angle. You should alternate swings without straightening your limbs. To enhance the effect, you can hold the raised limb in this position and then perform the movements again. Exercises for the legs and abdomen can be performed lying on your side, raising and lowering your right leg, then do the same with your left leg. The load is given alternately to different lower limbs.

The author of the “Minus 60” system, Ekaterina Mirimanova, states in all her books: - that’s not all, we need physical exercise. For those who are busy losing weight at home, here is her set of exercises for the abdomen, thighs and buttocks. Also, the exercises of this complex for women will help tighten the muscles of the chest and arms. And it is much simpler than .

1. “Cat”: push-ups with arched back

Purpose. Working out the muscles of the chest, arms, abs, back.

Initial position. Get on all fours with support on your palms and knees.

Performance. Slowly, arching your lower back and pressing your chest to the floor, move your body forward until your knees and arms are completely straightened. Hold straight arms for 30 seconds, throwing your head back. Then slowly return to the starting position, trying not to lift your chest off the floor for as long as possible. Please note that your palms should be wider than your shoulders, then the exercise will give good load on all muscle groups involved. Its implementation is quite difficult for beginners who have never played sports, but it is easier than ordinary push-ups.

Number of repetitions. Start with at least one or two times. In the future, the number of repetitions can be increased, but I do not recommend performing more than ten.

Lightweight option. If the exercise seems too difficult for you, start with push-ups in a kneeling position without bending the lower back: the starting position is the same, but the exercise is performed without moving the body forward, like regular push-ups.

2. Swing your legs while on all fours

Purpose. The exercise involves gluteal muscles and thigh muscles.

Initial position. Get on all fours with support on your palms and knees. Hands shoulder-width apart, head slightly raised, look straight ahead.

Performance. Slowly raise your right leg, bent at the knee, as high as you can. Hold her in this position for a few seconds. Lower it smoothly. Then repeat the same for the left leg.

Number of repetitions. You need to start with at least 5 reps for each leg. In the future, you can increase the repetitions up to 20 times.

Lightweight option. If you find it too difficult to perform this exercise in the recommended form, you can start with quick swings without holding your leg top position in a state of tension.

Consult your doctor before exercising. During classes you should not experience any pain, otherwise stop the exercise immediately.

3. Swings from a standing position (lateral)

Purpose. The exercise involves such a hard-to-reach area as inner surface hips Has a positive effect on the buttocks and waist muscles.

Initial position. Stand facing a chair or cabinet, resting your hands or leaning on your elbows. Feet together, back straight.

Performance. Slowly raise your right leg to the side as high as you can. Lower it just as slowly. Repeat the same for the left leg.

Number of repetitions. Start with 5 reps for each leg. In the future, you can increase the number of repetitions, but no more than 20 in each direction.

Lightweight option. If the exercise seems too difficult for you, perform the swings at a fast pace, only slightly lifting your foot off the floor. Gradually increase your takeoff height and slow down your swing tempo.

4. Raising legs from a lying position

Purpose. Working out the lower abdominal muscle groups.

Initial position. Lie on the floor, legs straight, arms along the body.

Performance. Slowly raise your legs up until an angle of 45 degrees is formed. Hold your legs in this position for 15 seconds - 1 minute, depending on your level of physical fitness.

Number of repetitions. Start with 3-5 repetitions, gradually increasing the number of repetitions and the time when your legs are in a raised position.

Lightweight option. If you find it difficult to perform this exercise, you can raise your legs lower and do not hold them at the top point. You can also place folded palms under your lower back to make it easier. This will not make the exercise lose its effectiveness, but the back will be noticeably relieved. The latter is especially true for people who are very overweight.

5. "Wave"

Purpose. Strengthening all muscles abdominals, improving posture.

Initial position. Stand up straight, feet together, arms straight at your sides. At first, it is advisable to perform the exercise in front of a mirror.

Performance. Relax your stomach, then pull in the lower part, lift the muscles up, lower and relax again. The stomach will do this Roundabout Circulation. This exercise will require a lot of practice, it is quite complex and is one of the elements of belly dancing. However, it is worth it because it has a really very good effect even on trained abs. Before combining belly up and belly down movements, try doing them separately.

Number of repetitions. Try to do the exercise at least once as it is quite challenging. Gradually the number of repetitions can be increased up to 10 times.

Lightweight option. If you are unable to do this exercise, you can do the following: sharply draw in your stomach, then relax it. Replace the original exercise with a lighter version until you feel that you have learned to control your abdominal muscles sufficiently.

6. “Stretching”

Purpose. Strengthening the muscles of the hips, arms and back.

Initial position. Stand straight, arms along your body, legs slightly apart.

Performance. Raise your arms straight above your head, slightly tilt your torso back and stay in this position for 5 seconds. Gently lean forward, trying to reach your toes with your hands. After 5 seconds, straighten up, raise your arms up and, slightly bending your knees, perform a half squat.

Number of repetitions. Start with 3 times and gradually work your way up to 5.

If the exercise seems too easy for you, do it with your feet together.

7. "Battle stance"


Initial position. Stand up straight, hands behind your head, feet together.

Performance. Extend your right leg to the side, turning your toe to the right. Bend your knee slightly and hold in this position for 30 seconds. The supporting leg should be a little more tense. Then do the same with your left leg.

Number of repetitions. Start with 3 times, gradually increasing the number to 5.

For those who have mastered the exercise well. The execution can be made more difficult by placing your arms wide apart at chest level.

8. "Double Strike"

Purpose. Strengthening the lower and upper muscles abdominal and chest muscles.

Initial position. Lie on the floor, legs bent at the knees, arms extended behind your head.

Performance. About “one”, smoothly raise your legs, bent at the knees 90 degrees, and at the same time straighten your arms up, lifting your shoulders off the floor. Stay in this position for the count of two. Start to smoothly lower your arms and legs on the count of three. Return to the starting position at the count of four.

Number of repetitions. 10-20 times.

For those who have mastered the exercise well. Try doing it by lifting your legs straight.

9. Squats and lunges

Purpose. Strengthening the muscles of the thighs and buttocks.

Initial position. Lean on your right leg, bring your left back and place it on your toe, hands behind your head.

Performance. Bend your left leg at the knee, almost touching the floor. Try not to bend your right leg more than 90 degrees. Make sure your back is straight. Then perform this exercise with emphasis on your left leg.

Number of repetitions. 5-10 times.

For those who have mastered the exercise well. Try this with your arms raised above your head. This will help further strengthen the muscles of the arms and chest.

10. "Stool"

Purpose. Strengthening the muscles of the thighs and lower legs.

Initial position. Stand straight, hands behind your head, feet shoulder-width apart.

Performance. Slowly squat as low as possible, spreading your knees to the sides. Stay in the half-squat position for 10 seconds, then return to the starting position.

Number of repetitions. Start with 3 repetitions, gradually increasing their number to 10.

11. "Flight"

Purpose. Strengthening the back muscles.

Initial position. Lie on the floor on your stomach, arms extended in front of you, legs together, toes pointed back.

Performance. Raise your legs off the floor as much as possible and hold in this position for 10 seconds. Lower and repeat the same for your hands. Pause for 15 seconds, then raise both your arms and legs together, trying to hold for as long as your strength allows.

Number of repetitions. Start with one repetition, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 5.

12. "Machine"

Purpose. Stretching the hamstring muscles.

Initial position. Stand facing a chair, bed or the back of a chair. Place one leg on a raised platform (the higher the leg, the greater the load), the other leg straight, hands behind your head.

Performance. Bend your whole body as far as you can towards your supported leg, stretch the muscle, straighten up, bend down again and straighten up again. bend supporting leg in the knee, pull the muscle, straighten up, bend your leg again, return to the starting position. Change leg.

Number of repetitions.

13. Knee Squats

Purpose. Stretching the anterior thigh muscles.

Initial position. Get on your knees, spreading them wide (the wider the knees, the greater the load), hands behind your head.

Performance. Smoothly lower your buttocks to the floor and rise up just as smoothly. If the exercise is difficult for you, you don’t have to go all the way down, but linger at the height from which you can then rise. You can also help yourself with your hands at first.

Number of repetitions. Start with 3 repetitions, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 10.

14. Zigzag hips

Purpose. Stretching the lateral thigh muscles.

Initial position. Stand with your legs slightly apart, arms along your body.

Performance. On the count of “one” we smoothly turn our hips to the left, on the count of “two” - to the right, on the count of “three” - we move our buttocks forward, on the count of “four” - back.

Number of repetitions. Start with 3 repetitions, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 10.

15. Zigzag shoulders

Purpose. Torso stretching

Initial position. Stand up straight, legs slightly apart, arms along your body.

Performance. On the count of “one” we smoothly move the left shoulder forward, on the count of “two” we tilt it back, on the count “three” we move the right shoulder forward, on the count “four” we move it back. It is important that not only the shoulder muscles work, but also the chest and back muscles. That is, you need to try to deflect your shoulder as far as possible.

Number of repetitions. Start with 3 repetitions, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 10.

Comment on the article "15 exercises for losing weight. How to lose belly fat, tighten your hips and buttocks"

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15 exercises for losing weight. How to remove belly fat, tighten hips and buttocks. Please note that the palms should be wider than the shoulders, then rather youthful - narrow hips, weak hip transition - waist, chest size 1, shoulders again wider than the hips.

The chest has lost weight, the hips, butt, and thighs have lost weight. The back does not lose weight, if only a little. Tell me, maybe there are some exercises for the back too. For those who are busy losing weight at home - her set of exercises for the abdomen, thigh muscles and buttocks.

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15 exercises for losing weight. How to remove belly fat, tighten hips and buttocks. You can also place folded palms under your lower back to make it easier. More likely youthful - narrow hips, weak transition of the hip - waist, chest size 1, shoulders again wider...

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