Biceps with dumbbells standing alternately. Concentrated biceps curl. Arm curl while sitting on an incline bench

Seated dumbbell curl

Standing barbell curl

Seated dumbbell curls are a key fitness exercise that help build muscle mass and the aesthetic shape of your biceps. This simple load can be performed by both a beginner and an experienced professional. When doing this exercise, you can work with one hand or two at the same time, use different weights and techniques.

There are different execution options: with the dumbbell turning at the top point, without turning and with support on a specially designed bench. It is impossible to say for sure which option is right for you. Trainers often advise you to try each type and with correctly defined tasks, you will quickly understand what is closer to you.

Core muscles: biceps

Additional muscles: shoulder muscles

Exercise technique

  • Take a dumbbell in each hand in advance. Sit on a bench, lean your back against a specially designed vertical support, if it is not a horizontal bench. Next, lower your arms with dumbbells as low as possible.
  • Raise the dumbbells with light arm movements forward and upward. The elbows should be as motionless as possible.
  • When bending your arms with dumbbells, rotate your hands so that at the top point your palms are facing up.
  • Raise the dumbbells to their maximum height and tighten your biceps muscles as much as possible.
  • Smoothly lower the dumbbells to the starting position.

Number of repetitions: 3-5 sets of 12 repetitions.

  • Do not swing your body and keep your back straight while performing. All movements can occur only in the elbow joints.
  • While lifting dumbbells, you should hold your breath, then your posture will remain straighter, back discomfort will go away, and your biceps will work more intensely.
  • If you perform arm curls with dumbbells at the same time, this will help you achieve faster results, and your biceps will develop synchronously.
  • To avoid getting tired quickly, you should take light dumbbell weights.
  • Heavy dumbbells provoke movement of the elbows, therefore, the center of gravity shifts and, as a result, it is not possible to achieve the desired result.
  • There is no need to throw the dumbbells up - the efficiency decreases, thus reducing the load on the biceps.

This exercise is used by athletes, gymnasts, rock climbers, fighters, tennis players and anyone who cares that their flexor muscles are well developed and incredibly strong.

This is the best isolation exercise for training your biceps. Many consider it an alternative to barbell curls and put this exercise first in their biceps training. Let's try to figure out if this is so, but one thing is for sure: if you want to pump up your biceps, do alternating arm curls with dumbbells!

The exercise is performed while standing, and the athlete must be able to feel the biceps well, control weight, coordinate the work of the torso and be able to contract the target muscle group. In other words, this exercise requires experience from the athlete; it is not for beginners, but for those who “rocking is their home.” But, if you learn to perform alternate curls with dumbbells, you will significantly increase the volume of your biceps in a couple of months.

Work of muscles and joints

The biceps consists of two heads: internal and lateral, the first is longer, the second is shorter. It is because of the difference in length that there are different exercises for biceps. The internal beam is longer and stronger, so it should be pumped with a longer amplitude and with greater weight. The short biceps bundle needs a less deep range of motion and, since it is weaker, it needs to be pumped with lighter weights.

Alternate curls of the arms with dumbbells pump both bundles at once, but what’s up, the biceps is responsible for bending the arm, as well as for turning from right to left. You can turn your wrist in any direction to make sure these words are true, and also notice that when you turn your wrist towards your shoulder, the biceps tenses more. And alternating arm curls with dumbbells involve not only lifting the dumbbell up, but also performing supination, i.e. turn the hand towards the shoulder, which allows you to pump the biceps by performing two movements at once, which, accordingly, loads it more.

Alternating arm curls with dumbbells - diagram

1) Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, your back arched and your knees slightly bent.
2) Pull your shoulders back and bring your elbows forward so that they are at the level of your abs, while your hands and dumbbells should be turned towards you with your palms.
3) As you exhale, begin to lift the dumbbell in your right hand up, while simultaneously turning your hand, so that at the top point the little finger should be facing you.
4) Having fixed the dumbbell for 1-2 seconds in the peak contraction of the biceps, you can lower it down, while simultaneously turning the hand to its original position - with the palm facing you.
5) Repeat the same movement with the other hand after you return the dumbbell to its original position.

Alternating Arm Curls - Notes

1) It is very important not to rush, so as not to reduce the amplitude. You should raise your arm up, as if stretching it forward as much as possible, so that it is not short.
2) The elbows must not be moved under any circumstances; they must be fixed at one point, otherwise the load will shift to the shoulders.
3) Proper breathing is one of the most important rules during alternating dumbbell curls, as in all biceps exercises.
4) To better concentrate on the biceps, you should look at it, but at the same time keep your head straight, so it is best to do the exercise in front of a mirror.
5) Raising your arms at the same time is strictly prohibited, otherwise it will be almost impossible to perform supination.


The biceps consists of two bundles that are anatomically different from each other, both in length and strength. Since alternating arm curls with dumbbells are designed to pump both beams at once, the stronger, longer beam should first be fatigued on a Scott bench. Pre-fatigue will allow both beams to be brought to failure at the same time, which, in turn, will allow you to avoid overworking the short beam and not underworking the long one.

The joints are in an anatomically comfortable position when performing alternating dumbbell curls, so there is no need to worry about them. At the same time, the spine is also not under load, since the athlete arches his back; in fact, this exercise does not involve the use of large training weights, as a result of which the spine cannot be damaged in any case. In general, you don’t need heavy weights to pump up your arms!

    Dumbbell curls are an isolated exercise for working the biceps. Athletes perform dumbbell curls to increase the volume of their biceps and also develop their peak more strongly. This exercise is an isolated exercise; there is no point in working with heavy weights, since the biceps love a large number of repetitions and a maximum feeling of blood supply. The technique of the exercise is quite simple, but look around: every second gym goer does it incorrectly, and the muscle mass of their arms does not increase for years.

    In our article today, we will tell you how to pump up your arms using this exercise, how to increase the efficiency of performing biceps curls with dumbbells, and which variation of biceps curls is best for your goals.

    What muscles work?

    By performing this exercise, you load the biceps brachii muscle (biceps) in isolation, with the bulk of the load falling on its upper part, which gives the biceps a more peaked shape.

    The stabilizers in this exercise are the forearms, anterior deltoid muscles, brachialis, brachyradilis and wrist flexors.

    Types of dumbbell curls

    Dumbbell curls have several options. They can be done standing, sitting, using a special Scott bench, or even lying down. Next we will talk in more detail about each type of exercise.

    Standing dumbbell curls are the most common variation of this exercise. It is notable for the fact that when performing it, a slight cheating is allowed, which makes it possible to work with a little more weight than, for example, with concentrated curls with dumbbells. The exercise can be performed in different ways:

    • Alternate (alternate) bending of arms with dumbbells - perform one repetition with the left and right hands in turn. We do not change the position of the hand; at the lowest point we try to stretch the biceps as much as possible;
    • Standing dumbbell curls with a hammer grip (“hammer grip”) are a more basic movement that also engages the brachialis and forearm muscles. A well-developed brachialis visually “pushes” the biceps outward, which makes the arm larger, and developed forearms increase grip strength and help us work with heavy weights in pulling movements;
    • Dumbbell Curl with Supination - The movement affects slightly different muscle fibers due to the supination (turning) of the hand while lifting the dumbbell. Can be performed either alternately or simultaneously with both hands.

    Bent-over arm curls with a dumbbell are an exercise that requires you to have a strong lower back and extreme concentration on the working muscle. It is recommended to perform it with light weight and in a high rep range (12 and above). Bend down almost parallel to the floor, turn the dumbbell slightly and try to lift it towards the opposite shoulder, pausing briefly at the point of peak contraction.

    Seated Dumbbell Curls – Position yourself on the edge of a bench and perform alternating or simultaneous dumbbell curls. In this position, it will be easier for you to maintain the correct position of your elbows, and your work will be more productive.

    Curling arms with dumbbells while sitting on an incline bench - by setting the back of the bench at a slight incline (20-30 degrees), you will feel a strong stretch in the lower part of the biceps at the lowest point of the amplitude. Seated dumbbell curls at an angle should be performed smoothly, with a delay of 2-3 seconds in the lower position, so the biceps will receive maximum stress, which will lead to its growth.

    Incline Dumbbell Curls – Place the back of the bench at about 45 degrees and lie on your stomach down on it. At the same time, lift the dumbbells to your biceps with both hands towards your head, trying not to change the position of your elbows during the approach. The negative phase of the movement is no less important - in no case do we drop the weight down, but control it at every centimeter of amplitude. The exercise is perfect for people with back problems, as there is no axial load on the spine.

    Concentrated dumbbell curls are an isolated exercise to work the peak of the biceps. In terms of biomechanics, it is similar to bent over curls, but here we work even more isolated, since the elbow of the working arm rests on the knee or lower thigh. Perform the exercise cleanly; there is no point in cheating here.

    The Scott Bench Curl is a similar exercise to the concentrated biceps curl. However, this requires a strong focus on the negative phase of the amplitude; this will stretch the biceps well and help achieve a stronger pump. If your gym does not have a Scott bench, this exercise can be performed on a regular bench with an adjustable incline level - just place the back at a right angle and lean your triceps on it.

    Benefits of exercise and contraindications

    The exercise is great for working out those areas of the biceps that are difficult to “hook” when working with a barbell or on block machines. Working with dumbbells does not require as much concentration on the correct position of the body as when lifting a barbell for biceps, and it is easier for us to establish a neuromuscular connection with the working muscle.

    Any variations of dumbbell curls are not recommended for athletes who have suffered injuries to the elbow or shoulder joints and ligaments. When lifting a dumbbell, too much stress is placed on the incompletely healed area, which often leads to recurrence of the injury.

    Exercise technique

    Regardless of what type of dumbbell curl you perform (standing, sitting, bent over, etc.), the technical principles are always the same. Maintaining the correct technique will help you better concentrate on working your biceps and protect you from possible injuries.

  1. In the starting position, the arm is fully extended, the back is straight, and the elbows are located as close to the body as possible or are fixed (as with concentrated curls or biceps curls on a Scott bench). The exception is the bent-over dumbbell curl - here the elbow does not have any support and we cannot press it against the body. However, this does not mean that you can move your elbow forward or backward - this is fraught with injury.
  2. Lifting the dumbbell is done while exhaling. Many people misunderstand the name of the exercise. The bending of the arm should represent exactly the bending of the arm, and not the throwing of the dumbbell upward with the effort of the whole body. It is important for us to properly load the biceps, and not to throw the dumbbell into a vertical position at any cost.
  3. The negative phase of the movement should be accompanied by inhalation. The movement should be smooth, it is important to focus on the feeling of stretching in the biceps.

Features and common mistakes

If this exercise does not lead you to noticeable progress in increasing the size of your arms, then you are doing something wrong. There are two ways out: hire a personal trainer and develop the technique of performing this exercise under his guidance, or carefully read this section of our article and take into account the information received.

Newbie mistakes

  1. Using heavy dumbbells with the belief that the heavier the apparatus, the faster the muscles will pump up. Working with heavy weights will make the task much more difficult - you will not be able to feel the contraction and stretching of the biceps. In addition, you are unlikely to be able to do enough repetitions. The recommended repetition range for biceps curls is 10-15 reps.
  2. Excessive cheating. Helping yourself with your core is only permissible when performing the last 2-3 repetitions, when the muscle has almost reached failure. If you start throwing the dumbbell up from the first repetitions, helping yourself with your shoulders and back, then the working weight is too heavy.
  3. Incorrect elbow position. It is strictly forbidden to bring your elbows forward when alternately lifting dumbbells for biceps with supination - this is traumatic for the elbow joints.
  4. Using an athletic belt unnecessarily. Do not use a special belt if you do not have lower back problems. The axial load here is very small, and you definitely won’t get injured. However, the movement requires the correct breathing rate; following the sequence of inhalations and exhalations at the waist is much more difficult.

Technical features

If you have taken into account and corrected all the errors described above, now take into account a few simple tips regarding the technical features of performing the exercise. They will help you achieve maximum benefits.

  1. Many beginners are often interested in what is more effective for training their arms: dumbbell curls or hammer curls. The answer is simple: both exercises are equally effective if done technically correctly, but hammers also load the forearms and brachialis. Perform both exercises to ensure uniform muscle development and maintain aesthetic proportions.
  2. Make your arm workouts more varied - this will give your biceps a good workout. Vary the order and number of exercises with each workout.
  3. Maintain the same tempo of the exercise throughout the entire approach - this will make it easier for you to concentrate on contracting your biceps.
  4. The more isolated the movement, the better for biceps growth. Try this technique: When performing a concentration curl or Scott curl, use an open grip and rotate your wrist slightly away from you - this will keep the biceps under constant tension and prevent it from relaxing at the bottom. Of course, the weight of the dumbbell should be light.
  5. To mentally prime yourself for isolated biceps work, try doing a few sets of strict biceps curls with a barbell or dumbbells. To do this, stand with your back vertical and lean on it with the back of your head, back and buttocks. Have you noticed how much harder the movement has become? Now imagine that all this load falls not on your arms, but on your lower back and shoulders. Still think that you are building biceps and not something else?
  6. . Only 6 rounds.

For building mass and creating shape biceps.

Performing standard dumbbell curl Instead of a barbell, you work with slightly less weight, but your arms have freedom of movement and you can achieve even greater muscle contractions. As with barbell curls, you may cheat a little during this exercise, but try to keep it to a minimum.

Exercise technique

  1. Sit on the edge of a bench or lean your back against the support of an incline bench set in an upright position. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and extend your arms along your sides, palms facing your body.
  2. Keeping your elbows rigid and hinged, lift the dumbbells forward and up, rotating your wrists so your thumbs point outward and your palms face up as you move. Lift the dumbbells as high as you can and squeeze your biceps at the top of the movement to achieve maximum contraction.
  3. Lower the dumbbells downwards in a smooth, wide arc, keeping your arms fully extended and your biceps stretched
  • Don't sit across the bench. In this case, for fear of touching the edges of the bench with dumbbells, you will involuntarily lean forward. If you are working with heavy dumbbells, bending forward will cause your back to round, which can lead to spinal injury. Therefore, always sit only along the bench (on its short edge).
  • Keep your torso straight and don't sway. All movement occurs only in the elbow joint. The rest of the body must remain motionless at all times.
  • Hold your breath while lifting the dumbbells. This helps maintain correct posture and allows you to develop more powerful biceps strength.
  • Fix your elbows at the sides of your body and do not move them. By pointing your elbows forward as you lift the dumbbells, you relieve the stress on your biceps.
  • Simultaneous dumbbell curls are much more effective than alternating curls. As you lift the dumbbells one at a time, you involuntarily lean towards your working hand. If at the same time you still round your back, then lower back injury cannot be avoided.
  • Use fairly light dumbbells, otherwise you will have to jerk to move the weight. In addition, heavy dumbbells cause the elbows to rise.


To whom: Everyone, from beginner to master.
When: In the middle of a biceps workout. Before seated dumbbell curls, perform heavier biceps curls (with a barbell or standing dumbbells).
How many: 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions.


Strong arm flexor muscles are important in gymnastics, rock climbing, tennis, golf and baseball. For example, in wrestling and martial arts, when you grab or hold an opponent, the success of the technique you perform is largely determined by the strength of the biceps muscle. In everyday life, your biceps work whenever you carry a load in front of you.

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