How to do the deadlift exercise. Deadlift on straight legs. Deadlift on straight legs - execution technique

Deadlifts help women work out the most problematic areas - the buttocks and the area under them. With its help you can lift your butt and tighten the back of your legs. Men, by performing this exercise, will be able to increase the volume of their legs and make them proportionally developed. In addition, it allows you to increase the weight in such an important exercise as squats. You can perform deadlifts with a barbell or dumbbells. The first option is usually used in the gym. The second is suitable for girls and can be done at home.


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What muscles work?

Deadlift is a basic (multi-joint) exercise for working the muscles of the lower body. The greatest load when performing it is received by the biceps of the thigh, located on the back of the legs. In addition, the buttocks swing well and the back extensors work.

Muscles involved in deadlifts

The benefits of deadlifts for women include tightening the buttocks and hamstrings. It is these areas that are usually problematic for girls, as they are prone to fat deposits and cellulite.

Men are recommended to perform this exercise, as it allows you to build up the hamstrings, which are often a lagging muscle group. After all, most men when training their legs pay all their attention to the development of their quadriceps, which leads to an imbalance.

The second name for deadlifts is straight-legged deadlifts. It should not be confused with the Stanovaya or Romanian.

The deadlift is a more complex exercise that involves squatting, lowering the barbell to the floor, and then rising.


In the Romanian deadlift, the barbell is constantly suspended. It differs from a dead one in that the legs are bent at the knees and the pelvis is retracted as far back as possible.

Romanian deadlift

Deadlifts are aimed primarily at developing the hamstrings. Therefore, the legs must remain straight throughout the exercise.


Execution technique

The effectiveness of the exercise depends on how correctly it is performed. This is what determines which muscles will receive the greatest load. In addition, if you do the exercise incorrectly, you can get injured when working with heavy weights.

That’s why it’s so important to immediately learn the deadlift technique:

  1. 1. Starting position - the back is straight, the shoulder blades are brought together, there should be a natural deflection in the lower back. The placement of the legs will be individual. You can put them together, or you can spread them slightly and turn the socks to the sides. You need to try several options and choose the one in which the target muscles are better felt.
  2. 2. You need to take the selected equipment in your hands - a barbell or dumbbells. The back must remain straight when lifting the weight.
  3. 3. As you exhale, lower the projectile so that it slides directly along the front of the thighs. In this case, you need to move your pelvis back. Legs should remain straight. You can only bend your knees just a little, otherwise it will be uncomfortable to perform the exercise.
  4. 4. It is very important to ensure that your back is absolutely straight with a slight arch in the lower back. If you take a lot of weight and round it, injury is guaranteed.
  5. 5. It is necessary to lower yourself until further movement becomes impossible without bending your knees. This depends on how stretched the back of your legs are. In any case, you should lower yourself to at least parallel with the floor.
  6. 6. At the bottom point, you need to linger for 1-2 counts to feel the stretch in the hamstrings. As you exhale, you should straighten up, also moving the projectile along your legs. If it is far away, the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle will receive the load.

Barbell deadlift

To engage the buttocks and muscles of the back of the thigh, it is necessary to transfer the body weight to the heels. When lifting, you need to rest them on the floor.

To build muscle mass in the legs, deadlifts should be performed in 3 sets of 8 repetitions. If the goal is to lose weight and strengthen muscles, you should do the exercise many times, in 3-4 sets of 15 times.

With a barbell or dumbbells

It is very important to choose the right equipment to perform this exercise. If the goal is to build muscles and increase their volume, then it is recommended to use a barbell.

But it is worth considering that when using large weights you need to think about your safety. Therefore, when the weight of the bar exceeds your own, you should wear a weightlifting belt. It will protect your back from injury.

In addition, many people, especially women, do not have enough grip strength to hold a heavy barbell. Therefore, you have to take less weight and work the muscles less effectively. Special traction belts will help you not to be distracted by your grip. They take some of the stress off your wrists and forearms.

Traction belts

Beginners should perform the exercise with their own weight so as not to strain their back. After learning the technique, you can take an empty bar and gradually add weights to it.

You can also use dumbbells for deadlifts. This is more convenient for girls, but in this case it will not be possible to carry a lot of weight.

When performing deadlifts with dumbbells, you can move the apparatus close to your legs. In addition, they can go not only along the front surface of the thighs, but also from the side, which allows you to shift the load on the buttocks.

It's easier to practice at home with dumbbells. After all, to perform this exercise with a heavy barbell, you need a safety frame with racks.

You need to do deadlifts during leg training at the very beginning or after squats. It is worth conducting such exercises no more than 2 times a week so that the muscles have time to recover.

And a little about secrets...

The story of one of our readers, Inga Eremina:

I was especially depressed by my weight; at 41, I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers combined, namely 92 kg. How to completely lose excess weight? How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure.

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

Deadlifts are included in all lists of exercises for strength training with weights, but not everyone can master it right away. Just a few nuances that an athlete forgets about can negate all the results of a hard workout. This material contains all the most important things about deadlifts on straight legs.

General concepts

One of the main basic competitive exercises in powerlifting is the deadlift or Dead Lift, which allows you to gain muscle mass in the lower back, hamstrings, and buttocks. It also uses several joint groups at once, so the knee joint does not experience the same load as when performing squats or lunges.

One of the advantages of deadlifts is that they form the muscles of the buttocks well, contouring the thigh muscles from them.

What muscles are involved?

In fitness, the stiff leg deadlift is a type of isolated exercise, but this does not mean that it develops only one muscle group.

The following muscle groups are involved in the work:

  1. Buttocks, thigh muscles, leg adductors, as well as trapezius, rhomboids and latissimus.
  2. The calf muscles are also involved.
  3. The press stabilizes the position of the body.
  4. The muscles of the hands and forearms that support weight.
  5. Muscles of the cervical region, since the exercise must be performed with the head raised.

Thus, by including deadlifts in training, an athlete can increase the strength of several muscle groups at the same time, build muscle mass and achieve a sculpted silhouette of the entire body.

In addition to muscle development, deadlifts successfully train the hamstring ligaments, developing their flexibility. Further, strong and flexible tendons allow the athlete to push more weight without risking injury. Strengthening muscles and ligaments also delays the possibility of developing age-related musculoskeletal diseases.

Correct execution is important

To get the expected result, you must follow the following rules:

  • The exercise should be performed slowly, moving evenly and smoothly. Deadlifts will not be effective if you work in jerks. Moreover, jerking can lead to injury.
  • Despite the name “stiff-legged deadlift,” it should be performed with your knees slightly bent. The degree of leg flexion depends mainly on the stretch of the athlete. More flexible people can straighten their knees almost completely; less flexible people should avoid this. But during the exercise, the knee joints should not move, they remain fixed.
  • Performing deadlifts with a barbell puts stress on the back muscles. To ensure maximum load on the biceps of the thighs and buttocks, it should be carried along the legs.
  • The exercise can be done using both grips - forward or reverse. And, to increase the load, you can use the so-called multi-grip, when one hand grabs the bar with a direct grip, and the other with a reverse grip.
  • Deadlifts are usually performed with a barbell, but the version with dumbbells is no worse if you keep both dumbbells side by side and do not forget about this while performing sets. Working with dumbbells provides one important advantage - the arms are in a natural, somewhat extended position, which prevents new injuries and makes training easier for those who have already had these injuries in the past.

  • Some trainers advise during the exercise to step with the toes of the feet on a height of 2-3 cm. This position of the athlete’s legs puts the maximum load on the athlete.
  • While bending, your back should be kept straight, your shoulder blades retracted, and your head raised. When bending and straightening, the athlete should not spread his shoulder blades, round his back or lower his head. One of the best ways to maintain the desired position is to choose a point in front and look at it as you perform. Then the back will not round, and the exercise will be beneficial.
  • Experts argue whether it is worth straightening up completely while performing a deadlift. Everyone can decide this question for themselves if they take into account that when the muscles are fully straightened, they rest for a few seconds. By keeping the body in a slightly bent position, the athlete does not allow himself to relax, achieving the maximum training effect. Therefore, coaches do not advise athletes with a sufficient level of training to do this.
  • The load on the gluteal muscles can be controlled by moving or spreading your legs wider. The closer your feet are to each other, the more tense your buttock muscles will be. But you should not move your legs completely - this is too unstable a position for lifting large loads.

Proper execution of the exercise and an individual approach to weight selection prevents injury.

Denis Borisov will tell you everything about the rules of execution and the nuances that you need to pay attention to when performing the exercise in the video blog.


Deadlifts on straight legs should not be performed by people who have:

  • back injuries;
  • damage to the popliteal ligaments;
  • injuries in the area of ​​the hands.


Warm up your muscles with preliminary exercises. Among them, do not forget to bend on straight legs, touching your toes to the floor.

Sequential steps when performing:

  1. Prepare a suitable load - a barbell or dumbbells.
  2. Support the weight in a way that is comfortable for you.
  3. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly closer.
  4. Bend your knees slightly and hold this stance.
  5. Straighten your shoulders so that your shoulder blades are retracted and raise your head.
  6. As you inhale, lower the dumbbells or barbell along your legs, moving your pelvis back just a little.
  7. Lower the load to the middle of the shin, and if stretching allows, a little lower. Hold this position. Feel the muscle tension.
  8. As you exhale, return to the starting position, continuing to keep your knees slightly bent, “soft.”
  9. The number of executions should be determined by a professional trainer based on the physical fitness of the trainee.

Why it is more convenient to work with dumbbells and how to properly perform deadlifts on straight legs - Yaroslav Brin shares his experience in a video clip.

What is the difference from Romanian and classical?

The main difference between a deadlift and a Romanian deadlift is how the hip joint moves during the tilt. In the Romanian deadlift, the gluteal area is maximally involved, the pelvis is retracted back. In fact, the deadlift is a workout for the back muscles and a little for the biceps of the legs, and an exercise for the buttocks and a little for the back.

It differs much more from deadlift. The classic deadlift includes two components - squatting and straightening. When performing a classic deadlift, the trainee lowers the barbell and squats, and in a deadlift, the legs remain relatively straight throughout the entire exercise.

Performing stiff-legged deadlifts may not be the easiest thing in fitness, but if you master it correctly, the results will not be long in coming. The deadlift is an exercise that should be loved by those who want to strengthen the muscles of the buttocks, back of the legs, lower back and leg ligaments, and achieve a beautiful athletic figure in general.

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Video: how to do deadlifts correctly

Deadlift - leg muscles


This exercise with a scary name includes three types of execution: classic deadlift (or deadlift with straight legs), “Romanian deadlift” and deadlift with dumbbells. This exercise is one of the three basic competitive elements of a sport such as powerlifting. The goal of the exercise is to lift as much weight as possible from a standing position.

Exercise "Deadlift"

The deadlift is a basic exercise, the main load falls on the muscles of the buttocks and hamstrings. Despite the fact that the exercise is considered isolated, it allows you to work the muscles of the neck, calves, and lower leg muscles. The deadlift requires some time to fully master the technique (usually at least two months), but after proper execution it can increase the intensity of muscle growth and significantly increase strength indicators.

To perform the exercise, you only need a barbell or a pair of dumbbells. Although the deadlift is a very effective exercise, even when performed correctly there is an increased risk of injury, so beginners are not recommended to lift heavy weights in the first period, focusing on technique.

What muscles work during a deadlift?

  • Various stabilizer muscles responsible for posture and lumbar muscles that support the back in an even position.
  • Different sections of the shoulder blades: rhomboids, trapezius and serratus.
  • During the Deadlift, the rotator cuff muscles of the wrists, forearms, triceps, biceps and deltoids are worked.
  • The trunk muscles are also involved in this basic exercise.
  • Works the gluteal, rotator cuff, biceps and triceps muscles.
  • The biceps of the thigh are pumped very well, which in many athletes lags behind in development or is not developed as well as other muscles.

Execution technique

Classic Deadlift

  • The classic version primarily affects the back muscles and is performed with slightly bent legs.
  • The body must be straightened, then slightly bent in the back. The chest should be pushed forward and the shoulders arched back. With your feet shoulder-width apart, you can lift the barbell.
  • You need to move your hips and buttocks back a little and, without sudden movements or jerks, lower the bar parallel to your hips. The pelvis should go back along with the lowering of the barbell. During ascents and descents, we must not forget that the lower back should always be in an arched position.
  • While lowering the barbell (in the classic version, the barbell is lowered to the floor), at a level just below the knees, when the legs begin to tremble and the tension in the hamstrings is felt, you need to pause for a second and begin to smoothly lift the barbell until the spine is completely straightened.
  • The grip should be approximately shoulder-width apart, with your palms facing toward your body.

Romanian deadlift or straight leg deadlift

  • This type of Deadlift got its name thanks to athletes from Romania, whom this exercise helped to win a number of crushing victories at numerous international competitions.
  • The Romanian deadlift, being a derivative of the classic “deadlift”, specifically loads the muscles of the thighs and buttocks.
  • The technique of performing the Romanian deadlift exercise is identical to the classic version, only the barbell is lowered not to the floor, but approximately to the level of the middle of the shin, which reduces the direct load on the lower back and reduces the risk of spinal injuries.

Straight-legged deadlift on a Smith machine

  • Starting the deadlift exercise on a Smith machine is the most preferable option for beginners, since the design of the machine consists of firmly fixed elements and has special hooks, thanks to which you can hone the technique before switching to free weights and not be afraid of injuring your back.
  • The only point is that you must constantly ensure that your back is straight and in a tense, not relaxed, state.

Deadlift with dumbbells

  • Also called the Romanian deadlift, it is performed in the same way as the Romanian barbell deadlift, except that this exercise requires a pair of dumbbells.
  • Before lowering the dumbbells and before returning to the starting position, touching the dumbbells to the floor, you need to exhale.
  • Firstly, when performing the Deadlift exercise, you must always pay very close attention to your own back. She should be in a tense state and in no case hunched over.
  • The barbell should move strictly along the legs during the exercise.
  • You can additionally use special belts to secure the lower back or straps for the bar.

During the first two months, it is recommended to perform the exercise with light weight. On the contrary, those who want to increase the load can do “Deadlifts” on one leg.

Physical exercises that involve more than one joint and stress multiple muscle groups are the basis of strength training. It is these training movements that are usually called basic, since as a result of their implementation, muscle mass intensively increases, strength indicators increase and overall physical fitness improves. The deadlift, as a type of deadlift, belongs to the category of heavy basic exercises. Its effectiveness in muscle development is maximum, therefore this version of traction must be included in fitness training.

The functionality of the Romanian deadlift and the benefits of fitness classes

The deadlift is a variation of the deadlift. The fundamental difference in execution lies in the static nature of the lower extremities. Because of this feature, this exercise is also called straight leg deadlift. But this is not an entirely correct name, since the correct technique still involves slightly rounding the knees to reduce the load on the knee joints. Otherwise, these basic rods are technically not much different.

By including Romanian deadlifts in your fitness classes, you can put intense stress on the following muscle groups:

  • hamstrings;
  • gluteal muscles;
  • leg muscles;
  • back extensor muscles.

Of course, when performing the exercise, the muscles of the upper limbs also receive a certain part of the load, since you have to hold a large working weight for a fairly long period of time.

The result of fitness classes, the program of which includes deadlifts, are the following positive changes in the body:

  • intensive growth of the muscles of the thighs and other parts of the lower extremities;
  • increasing the functionality of the articular-ligamentous apparatus;
  • strengthening the spinal region of the back;
  • improvement of physical strength indicators and grip development;
  • increasing muscle endurance.

All these positive changes not only guarantee the formation of an athletic, pumped-up body, but also contribute to the achievement of more productive results during any other fitness training. In addition, the quality of everyday life is significantly improved, since it is much easier for a physically well-developed person to perform various everyday activities, for example, climbing stairs or carrying heavy objects.

Traditional exercise technique and its variations

To do the Romanian deadlift exercise using the traditional technique, you need to consistently perform the following work:

  1. Set an adequate working weight by putting the required number of weights on the barbell, despite the fact that active muscle growth after fitness training requires working with a weight as close as possible to the limit during the session. But since when performing a deadlift, a colossal load is placed on the spine, it is better to first use a medium or moderately heavy weight and gradually increase it with each subsequent fitness session than to immediately pull the heaviest barbell and get a serious injury.
  2. Take the starting position. To do this, you need to approach the projectile lying on the floor. Stand close to the bar, with your feet slightly apart. Bend your knee joints slightly solely for the purpose of neutralizing the negative impact on them when working with heavy weights. Then in the exercise you need to bend over with a straight back, moving your buttocks back in order to reduce the load on your back and to more reliably fix your balance. The basin in this case acts as ballast. You need to bend down so low that you can grab the projectile with a straight, wide grip.
  3. Go to the active phase of execution, which consists of directly pulling the working weight. Before you start lifting the barbell, you need to take a deep breath and then pull the barbell up, moving it along a vertical path and straightening your lower back, but keeping your back straight. You should not completely straighten your body so that the lumbar spine does not become overstrained and the load does not shift from the muscles to the joints. Having brought the bar to your hips, begin to exhale slowly, taking a short pause in the exercise.
  4. Proceed to the negative phase, smoothly lowering the barbell and continuing to exhale during this period. Having placed the apparatus on the floor, proceed to the next repetition of this basic element of strength fitness training.

The technique described above is traditional, but it can be slightly modified by using different grips or using dumbbells as weights. The dumbbell deadlift exercise is more suitable for women and people with a low level of physical fitness.

Tips for Fitness Training and Deadlifts

In order for deadlift training to be as safe and productive as possible, it is necessary to take into account the following nuances when performing this exercise:

  • Since the technique of the element consists in performing traction solely through flexion and extension of the back, it is extremely important to monitor the position of the legs. They must not move during the entire period of operation. Forced rounding of the knees and moving the pelvis back should not affect the bend of the legs;
  • so that the load in the exercise is placed specifically on the biceps and is not redistributed to the back, it is necessary to place the feet at a distance slightly less than the width of the pelvis;
  • in the negative phase you need to act as consciously and under control as in the active one. Do not lower the barbell by inertia or drop it to the floor;
  • in the deadlift there is no need to bring the projectile as close to the legs as possible, as is required by the deadlift;
  • the head should be raised at all times and the gaze directed into the distance. Looking down and lowering your head to your chest is unacceptable, firstly, because in this case the back is rounded, and secondly, blood flows to the head, which can cause dizziness or darkening of the eyes during fitness;
  • the number of repetitions in one approach varies from 6 to 15 times depending on the level of physical fitness and working weight. The number of approaches for the same reasons usually varies from 3 to 6.

Josh Henkin

Everyone is just in love with deadlifts these days. Ten years ago, articles were published about bench presses and biceps curls that dominated the field, but now all we read are paeans to heavy lifts and their virtues.

I must admit that I am a skeptic. How many of these fanatics actually know what they're talking about and understand the benefits of deadlifts, rather than just trying to "stay on top"?

Because of this, I often ask both coaches and athletes who love deadlifts: “Why do you do deadlifts?”

I always learn a lot from their answers - both from talking to very smart trainers who do this exercise for good reasons, and from lost souls who shouldn't be doing deadlifts at all!

Reason #1: Deadlifts make me stronger.

Many people use deadlifts as a means to measure their own strength. However, first of all, it is important to define what “power” is.

For the typical trainee, strength usually represents load, or more simply put, the amount of weight they can lift. This is where deadlifts make sense because they are a reliable, predictable, and easy-to-learn movement.

However, in athletics, not everything is so simple. How many times have we seen wrestlers, gymnasts, martial artists, etc., who are strong in their sport, yet cannot deadlift even if their life depended on it?

From this perspective, if you are good at your sport and perform well in competition, does it make sense to become a master of deadlifts?

Before we can establish a connection between strength and a specific sport, we need to determine how accurately it tests our body's abilities in specific metrics related to that sport. The problem with using deadlifts is that they easily mask and compensate for deficiencies in many areas. Because of this, we need to find out whether this exercise is an accurate measure of “functional” strength, which brings us to the second reason.

Reason #2: Deadlifts are very functional

Trainers often claim that deadlifts carry over to many everyday functions. Meanwhile, the truth is that they have many holes in their transfer to most sports and daily functions.

In addition to the fact that deadlifts are a free weight exercise, they are also a movement in one single plane - the sagittal. Meanwhile, most daily and sports activities require us to be mobile and balance in many planes of movement.

What's more, according to back specialist Stuart McGill, most low back problems aren't related to maximal strength - they're related to strength-endurance imbalances and poor movement patterns. Because deadlifts are such a balanced and balanced exercise, it is easy to create compensatory patterns that can actually be detrimental to lower back health.

And when it comes to athletic performance, legendary biomechanical expert and one of the first US coaches to work alongside Soviet athletic trainers, Dr. Michael Yessis, states that the Russians identified two main causes of injury:

Excessively large range of motion

Too much emphasis on deadlifts for the sake of “improving athletic performance” may not produce the desired results because none of these variables are addressed. Meanwhile, many trainers completely remove the eccentric phase from deadlifts.

Reason #3: They Work the Posterior Chain

The synergy of the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back to produce power and strength is a critical component of many sports. However, there are many other ways to develop it besides simply doing deadlifts.

Mastering the basic component of deadlifts—proper forward bending—is vital to both athletic performance and lower back health. However, as the load increases, this basic deadlift moment can theoretically be lost.

The term “optimal strength” refers to the load at which an exercise no longer improves athletic performance.

This is an extremely important point in training athletes, because forcing an athlete to go from 200 kg deadlifts to 225 kg can significantly impair their motor skills and have little effect on improving their performance.

This applies to anyone who is not a powerlifter. However, is it possible to achieve similar effects with exercises that are gentler on the spine?

Reason #4: I like to train hard

I'm not going to argue here - lifting heavy weights is fun. I also enjoy this activity, however, I have noticed that the heavier my lifting weights, the more time I have to spend warming up, recovering, doing corrective exercises, and so on. It feels like it takes more time to prepare and recover from training than to actually work.

It can be a trap for trainers to force our clients to do what we love to do ourselves. However, if we start looking at our programs with a critical eye, we can develop much more effective training protocols while still making progress and increasing strength!

What am I doing for this?

Deadlifts can be a great foundation for mastering the forward bend and developing some overall strength. However, once these patterns are established with appropriate working weights, further progress should be sought. But progress does not mean lifting the weights to the highest level, but instead moving to more complex patterns of movement, speed and body position.

Effect of training on one leg

I know no one wants to wear a T-shirt that says “Single Leg Deadlift Club with a 40kg Dumbbell,” but these movements can take training and performance further than joining the 270kg deadlift club.

At a certain point, bilateral exercises become less effective. As weights increase, shearing forces and spinal misalignment impair the quality of movement, not to mention increasing the risk of injury. This is where single limb exercises truly reach their potential.

Interestingly, the beneficial effects of single leg training have little to do with developing “symmetry”, but instead provide a form of asymmetrical loading.

Exercises with asymmetrical loads effectively develop a sense of balance. As McGill notes, “Although the spine maintains an upright position, it is subject to enormous compressive, bending, twisting, and shearing loads.”

Additionally, while these techniques are appearing more and more often in training programs, their versatility, progression, and complexity must be maximized. The exercises below are a very good place to start. (I've also included a video at the end of the descriptions that demonstrates the technique for performing each move.)

Reverse lunges with barbell in one hand

Key execution points:

Get on one knee in a lunge position next to a loaded barbell. Make sure that the bar is actually loaded so that the bar doesn't lie on the floor and you don't have to bend over to get it.

Maintaining a vertical position, rise up on your leading leg until your knee is completely turned off. Then slowly lower yourself down to the floor and pause for a count of two to eliminate inertia.

When lifting, do not lean your body forward under any circumstances.

Note: In some cases, kettlebells are more comfortable because the handle is higher. When using a dumbbell, you may need to use a weight stand.


Asymmetrical Loading - To progress, add weight to the barbell, this will allow you to develop lateral balance; or lift additional weight from your lead leg and hold it overhead. This will also add an additional balance component due to the location of the load.

Deadlifts with a shift in the center of gravity

Key execution points:

This exercise can be performed with either dumbbells or a barbell. I recommend starting with dumbbells to master the technique of the movement.

Get into the starting position for a regular deadlift, but take one foot back and plant it on your toes so that the toes of your back foot are in line with your front heel. This position will increase the load on the lead leg while still providing enough stability to develop force.

Bend your torso, keeping the heel of your abducted leg in an elevated position as this leg serves as a balance. Acceleration will appear along with increased emphasis on the leading leg on the floor. It is also necessary to monitor the position of the upper back throughout the entire range of motion.


Loosening your balance and increasing the load is up to you, but gradually decreasing your balance is an underappreciated technique. Raising the leg onto a low platform and gradually increasing the height will reduce the effectiveness of the "stabilizing" leg and its contribution to facilitating movement.

As your balance decreases, choose some other equipment instead of the barbell in case you have to throw it.

Zercher style forward bends with barbell on elbows

Key execution points:

Zercher-style forward bends with a barbell on your shoulders change the loaded position and perfectly load the upper back. Since this is the area most athletes tend to compensate for, this exercise helps maintain a healthy back.

It is extremely important to ensure that your shoulders are pulled back and down even as you lower yourself, as the weight will pull your upper back forward.


Increased pelvic function. A simple way to increase pelvic function is to loop an elastic band around a barbell and tie it to an object in front of the person exercising. This will force the athlete to press into the floor and engage the pelvic muscles more strongly.

Dumbbell snatch while standing on one leg

Key execution points:

Hold the dumbbell on the opposite side of your supporting leg. Take your other leg back and keep it straight to maintain balance and balance.

Tighten the arm holding the dumbbell and move it along the line of your supporting leg to accelerate it and lift it above your head.

As you lower, lean forward at the waist and swing your free leg back again to absorb the momentum of the weight going down.


Decreasing Balance - If you find this variation too difficult, try starting in the offset position, gradually lifting your back leg as you progress until you reach the final variation of the pure single-leg position.

And here is a video that demonstrates all the above exercises:

Have you tried doing them?

I hope you try some, if not all, of these exercises before you form your own opinion. In my case, using these movements and making them a top priority turned out to be, in some ways, the most humiliating training I have ever done, but at the same time the most effective.

In conclusion, I'm not asking you to stop doing deadlifts - I'm asking you to train with an effective program, starting with circuit training and determining whether deadlifts meet your training goals.

Remember that the cool person is not the one who breaks records in deadlifts - but the one who achieves his sporting goals.

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