What to eat after cardio for weight loss. Nutrition before and after running

If you decide to lose weight, then first of all you need to focus your attention on nutrition, as it plays a key role. It is also important to select meals at the optimal time (you need to know what is best to eat in the morning, before bed, etc.). Today we'll talk about nutrition before and after cardio training for weight loss. What is possible and what is not?

Conventionally, cardio can be divided into two types: high-intensity and low-intensity. Each type has its own differences and burns subcutaneous fat in its own way. Accordingly, nutrition will depend on your choice.

High Intensity Cardio- This is when you are doing some physical activity and your heart rate exceeds 150 beats per minute. As a rule, such workouts are very energy-intensive and allow you to burn a lot of calories. They usually last 15 – 30 minutes. The duration may vary depending on what exactly you are doing. For example, if this is a fast run in a heart rate zone of 165 beats per minute, then its duration can be 15 minutes. And if you take the same run, only in interval mode (acceleration - deceleration), then the duration can be increased to 30 minutes.

High-intensity cardio training uses glycogen as energy. Glycogen is used because you make the body work very hard and fast. After completing this workout, your glycogen stores are depleted and the body begins to restore them. It will be restored either from food or during the breakdown of subcutaneous fat.

Low intensity cardio– this is when you perform some kind of physical activity and your heart rate does not exceed 150 beats per minute (ideal heart rate range: 120 – 130 beats per minute). These workouts burn fewer calories than high-intensity cardio, but use fat as fuel. But, muscle fat is initially consumed (when you do cardio), and then in the process of recovery (when you are resting) subcutaneous fat renews lost reserves of muscle fat. Thus, weight loss occurs. For maximum effectiveness, the duration of such training should be from 45 to 60 minutes. (if you are a beginner, then your duration can be 15 minutes).

Proper nutrition before and after cardio training for weight loss will depend on what type of training you choose and when you do it. First, let's look at high-intensity cardio training. I do not recommend doing this workout in the morning on an empty stomach or in the evening before bed. The optimal time for training is during the day. Since during this workout you use powerful sources of energy, nutrition before cardio training for weight loss (1.5 – 2 hours before training) should include proteins + carbohydrates. Carbohydrates will give you energy for a full workout, and protein will serve as a source of quality amino acids.

For example, you can use the following combination of products:

  • durum pasta + beef + vegetables
  • oatmeal + banana + protein shake
  • buckwheat + chicken + vegetables
  • rice + fish + vegetables

As for nutrition after cardio training for weight loss, we no longer need carbohydrates. 30-60 minutes after training, I recommend eating proteins + vegetables. The selection of products can be the same as before training, only without carbohydrate foods (exclude: durum pasta, oatmeal, bananas, buckwheat, rice, etc.).

Proper nutrition before and after low-intensity cardio training for weight loss is a little different. If carbohydrates help in high-intensity cardio, here they will only interfere. Since against the background of a carbohydrate deficiency and low blood sugar levels, fat burning will occur more intensely. This cardio can be done at any time of the day, including in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed.

If you do low-intensity cardio in the morning, then accordingly you do not eat anything before it. Traditionally, this is considered the best time to lose weight, since it is after sleep that your body has a minimum amount of carbohydrates and low blood sugar levels. After your morning cardio, I recommend eating proteins and vegetables.

If you do low-intensity cardio during the day, then you need to look at your diet. You can eat carbohydrates 1.5 – 2 hours before training, but after training I recommend concentrating on proteins (meat, chicken eggs, fish, chicken, protein) and vegetables.

If you do low-intensity cardio in the evening before bed, then before training you need to eat protein foods and vegetables 1.5 - 2 hours before training. (exclude carbohydrates). Accordingly, after training you do not eat anything and immediately go to bed. During cardio, you burned muscle fat, and now during sleep, subcutaneous fat will replenish muscle fat reserves. Theoretically, cardio before bed is in no way inferior in effectiveness to cardio on an empty stomach, since during sleep growth hormone is intensively released, which is the best fat-burning hormone, and accordingly it helps in this matter.

The following can be used as protein meals:

  • low-fat cottage cheese + vegetables
  • fish + vegetables
  • chicken + vegetables
  • seafood + vegetables
  • meat + vegetables
  • chicken eggs + vegetables
  • protein cocktail

Well, that’s basically all you need to know to properly create your weight loss menu, taking into account cardio training. But, if you do not adhere to the basic rule of losing weight “you need to take in fewer calories than you burn during the day,” then manipulating the correct protein/carbohydrate ratio before/after training will not help you.


Many people choose cardio exercise to lose weight and improve their health. But this is not always enough to achieve results. In order for cardio training to bring the desired results, you need to know what and when to eat before and after exercise, as well as maintain the amount of calories throughout the day. If you don’t do this, the weight will come off very slowly or even stay still.

Cardio is a set of various exercises performed without stopping for a long time, this includes:

- Aerobics;.
- Race walking;
- Swimming;
- Jumping rope, etc.

Cardio training is recommended for people who want to improve their health, maintain their shape, and also those who want to lose weight. It is recommended to exercise 2 to 5 times a week; training time can take from 10 minutes to an hour. The duration and number of workouts depends on what goal you are pursuing when doing cardio (losing weight, improving your health) and also on your level of physical fitness.

It is better to start exercising with a minimum amount of time, gradually increasing the duration and pace of the workout. The fact is that the body quickly gets used to aerobic exercise and if you don’t change anything, then after a certain time the training will stop bringing results. Attention! Only if you have been exercising for a long time and for some reason decided to give up cardio, then you should not quit training immediately, but gradually.

At what time and what should you eat before cardio?

Only if you have set yourself a goal to burn as much fat as possible with cardio, the best time to train is in the morning. When you haven't had breakfast yet, your blood glucose level is very low, therefore, the body will take energy from fat reserves.

Many experts recommend consuming amino acids before training. They can be in the form of tablets or quickly digestible protein products (egg whites or isolate. According to scientists, 10-20 grams of whey protein or a couple of egg whites is what you need for effective fat burning. But such a program is suitable only for long-time athletes and those with a low percentage of subcutaneous fat.

If you do cardio training lasting 30 minutes during the day or evening, then the interval between meals and exercise should be at least 2 hours. It is best if it is proteins (lean meat, cottage cheese, yogurt, eggs) and slow carbohydrates with a low glycemic index (porridge (except semolina), bread and pasta made from whole grain flour, brown rice, vegetables, etc..

Many people train immediately after the end of the working day - this is a very good option, since a sufficient amount of time has passed after eating lunch, but try to have another snack two to three hours before training, so you will have enough energy to carry out the training with full dedication.

To drink or not to drink during training?

Drink! Still clean water. And drink as much as you need!

Some sites write that you should not drink water during training, as it will bloat your muscles and you will soon look like a jock. I want to say that this is complete nonsense. During exercise, we sweat and lose a lot of fluid, so we need to replenish it. Sometimes they even write that you need to wrap yourself in film or insulate yourself in order to burn fat - such self-manipulation can lead to heart problems. Yes, of course, you will sweat more, but sweat is not fat, but the body’s reaction to an increase in temperature, so you will not get any increased fat burning.

Nutrition after cardio workout.

Our body actively loses calories, not only when we do cardio, but also for some time after it. At this time, it is better to hold off on eating so as not to waste all your efforts on “Smarka”. Many people advise eating no earlier than 2 hours after training. This option is also not entirely correct, since cardio plus long-term abstinence from food can threaten muscle destruction and a decrease in metabolism. Which is clearly not suitable for weight loss.

It is most advisable, 30 minutes after training, to take protein foods (cottage cheese, egg whites, yogurt), and after an hour and a half, have a full lunch, preferably slow carbohydrates. Thus, if the training took place in the evening, then it should be a light dinner.

So, the preparatory process has become completely clear, and all that remains is to deal with the problem of nutrition after training. You need to know that, contrary to popular belief, when working in the gym, we are destroying our own muscles, but they grow just after the classes are over, during rest and rest. Thus, it will depend on the correctly chosen regimen and composition of your own nutrition how quickly and efficiently you will gain the necessary muscle mass that you were counting on.

So, there is an opinion that the best option is to eat the right food within fifteen minutes, and up to half an hour after grueling work in the gym. This period is precisely called the amazing term “carbohydrate window”. The thing is that during intense exercise, the body draws energy from the conserved carbohydrate glycogen, which causes its deficiency, which must be replenished.

Thus, there is an ambivalent opinion about what you should eat immediately after training. Some talk about proteins that will help build new muscle fibers that were quite successfully destroyed during training. Others recommend consuming carbohydrates to make up for the lack of glycogen. However, the essence remains somewhere in the middle.

The thing is that it doesn’t matter at all whether you eat carbohydrates or proteins, all this goodness will definitely go towards restoring energy and it’s better if it’s a complex. The only thing you need to take into account is that the foods you absorb at this time should be extremely digestible, for example, a wonderful option would be a banana, a handful of grapes, a glass of milk with a bun, and so on. A protein shake won't hurt either. True, to be completely honest, many athletes, along with scientists, consider the carbohydrate window, when all the beneficial substances are supposedly used for muscle building, to be a legend and a myth, beneficial only to manufacturers of protein foods for athletes.

What to eat before and after training for muscle growth. Post-workout food for muscle growth

Without the right food after a workout, the body has nothing to build muscle from. This requires three factors:

  • energy (carbohydrates),
  • building protein (protein),
  • providing vital functions (vitamins, minerals).

There are rules that must be followed to achieve the goal.

  • Do not eat fatty foods after training for muscle growth.
  • It is useful to eat often, in small portions.
  • If fat accumulates instead of muscle, you should eat less sweets and move more.
  • It is important to listen to the body and its characteristics.

After physical activity, the body first restores the energy necessary for the functioning of important organs and systems. Therefore, the first portion of food, after showering and changing clothes, should contain carbohydrates. It could be porridge or fruit.

The next meal should consist of proteins. Evening activities, after which there is no time to eat twice, require a special approach: dinner should combine both carbohydrates and proteins. This combination is observed in simple dishes: buckwheat porridge with fish or omelet, a cup of milk, an apple.

Sometimes a special regime is required. If the body is not gaining weight well, then during the day you should eat a lot of both carbohydrates and proteins: meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, vegetables, cereals.

If the body is prone to excess weight, then in the first half of the day it must be saturated with carbohydrate and protein dishes, minimizing fatty and sweet foods. For the evening, dietary dishes are quite enough: low-fat cottage cheese, chicken breast, vegetables and fruits will be very useful.

Sport can create real miracles! Just imagine: even several hours after training, fats continue to “burn” and you lose weight without doing anything! How does this happen? - you ask. The answer is simple: an exhausted body begins to require nourishment and finds it in fat deposits in the most problematic areas. All you can do to help yourself is to not eat anything for these magical few hours.

If you start eating 30-60 minutes after fitness, you will provide the body with an alternative fuel option, and it will leave your fat intact, spreading to what you eat. But to endure such a hunger strike is real torture, especially if your last meal was several hours ago, and your stomach growls treacherously throughout the apartment.

The situation is further complicated by the fact that we often return from the gym late in the evening, and we simply do not have the opportunity to wait several hours to have a snack. Gorging yourself at night, even if it’s healthy food, is not the right option. In addition to problems with digestion, you will also not be able to sleep, and this is fraught with bags and a bad mood in the morning. How can you kill a worm without spoiling the figures? There are several options:

  • Drink some water - no, this is not mockery or sarcasm at all. The liquid will fill the stomach and give you a feeling of fullness. In addition, water contains only 0 kcal!;
  • Drink herbal tea or cocoa with water without sugar - we do not recommend indulging in tea or coffee, since they contain the maximum amount of caffeine, which is undesirable after training, since it slows down the metabolism;
  • Low-fat kefir or yogurt will soothe the walls of the stomach and strengthen your strength without burdening your body and conscience with extra calories.

If drinking fluids doesn't excite you or lift your mood, you can still indulge in something more uplifting. Yes, this will slightly reduce the effect of the classes, but at least you won’t find yourself in the middle of the night in the kitchen with a pot of borscht, not understanding where and how you ended up here.

You can eat some low-fat cottage cheese, an apple, carrots or boiled meat. The main thing is not to get carried away and put the plate aside as soon as you feel full.

What to eat before and after training to lose weight. 10 Best Post-Workout Foods for Weight Loss

Following a diet for weight loss is not difficult. After all, it can include truly tasty and healthy dishes.

  1. Veal - contains a large amount of protein (19.7 g/100 g), B vitamins, mineral elements and amino acids necessary for proper muscle function. Promotes rapid recovery of the body
  2. Boiled chicken fillet is a source of easily digestible protein (30.4 g/100 g). The high content of amino acids promotes rapid restoration of muscle tissue, and B vitamins accelerate metabolic processes.
  3. Turkey – rich in protein (25.3 g/100 g), vitamins A, E and vital elements. Accelerates metabolism and the process of fat breakdown. Increases the body's endurance.
  4. Lean fish is a source of useful amino acids, vitamins and microelements. Does not contain carbohydrates and is rich in easily digestible protein.
  5. Seafood is an essential food product, rich in natural, easily digestible protein, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Accelerates the transport of fats from the body and metabolic processes.
  6. Low-fat cottage cheese is an ideal option for a late dinner after a workout. The high content of natural protein (17 g/100 g) promotes effective muscle recovery.
  7. Beans are a low-calorie food with a high protein content (22 g/100 g). A source of essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals and complex carbohydrates.
  8. Rice is rich in complex carbohydrates (24.9 g/100 g), B vitamins and minerals necessary for humans. Quickly and permanently restores the body's energy potential, reduces hunger and accelerates metabolic reactions.
  9. Fruits are a source of natural bioflavonoids that control metabolism. Increases endurance and resistance of the body to negative environmental factors. Protects against the effects of free radicals.
  10. Fresh vegetables and herbs contain a large amount of easily digestible carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Help speed up metabolism and fat breakdown processes.

What to eat before and after training to lose weight. Exclude:

Fats (or no more than 3 g).
Carbohydrates in your pre-workout diet are essential to provide energy to your muscles and brain. During exercise, “fuel” is burned very quickly, and it is necessary that it be glycogen, since the body cannot supply the required amounts of energy from fat (due to lack of oxygen).
Proteins in the pre-workout diet will not be a source of energy; they are a source of amino acids for working muscles. As a result, immediately after training, muscle protein synthesis increases sharply.
There should be no fat in your pre-workout diet because it slows down your stomach and the speed of digestion. Fatty foods stay in the stomach longer and can cause colic, nausea, and belching during exercise.
Best Pre-Workout Meals:
- poultry (turkey, chicken breasts) with coarse bread or rice;
- lean steak with potatoes;
- omelette made from egg whites with oatmeal.
The caloric content of food before training should be normal, as at other times. It is better to eat bulk food (a large portion of salad or a bowl of soup) an hour or two before training, so that it has time to be digested and the stomach is empty. More dense food (half a plate of porridge or cottage cheese) can be eaten 30 minutes to an hour before the start of the workout.
If you are training to build muscle, then 30 minutes before training, eat one large fruit with a low glycemic index (apple, pear, strawberry or any other berries) and wash it down with a protein drink (preferably whey protein). The protein calculation for this shake is as follows: 0.22 g of whey protein per kilogram of weight. For example, if you weigh 68 kg, then the cocktail (mixed with water) should contain 15 g of protein.
Also, 30 minutes before training, drink a glass of strong black coffee (with sweetener, but not cream) or very strong green tea. This will help the secretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine, which mobilize fat from fat cells so that the body can use it as fuel. This way, you will burn more fat and less glucose, glycogen and amino acids during your workout. Fatigue during the training process will come much later. Your head will be clearer and you will be able to train more intensely. The effects of pre-workout coffee last approximately 2 hours. It’s better not to eat anything immediately before training, since physical activity distracts from the process of digestion (rhythmic contractions of the stomach to digest food). As a last resort, if you are very hungry, you can drink a glass of protein shake or milk.

What to eat before and after training to lose weight for a girl. Post-workout food for weight loss

The body continues to burn fat deposits even after finishing exercise. But how long after a workout can you eat to lose weight? For women, the best option would be to eat if three hours have passed after physical activity. It is better to eat protein foods that benefit the body. Such components restore strength. It is allowed to eat boiled chicken fillet, omelettes, lean fish fillet, and seafood.

Add vegetable salads to your daily menu. You can prepare them from greens, tomatoes, sweet peppers and cucumbers. Olive oil is suitable for seasoning dishes, but in minimal quantities. If you don't know what you can eat after training in the evening to lose weight, you can snack on pickled vegetables.

If you did cardio exercises before dinner, you should not eat after them. This is due to the fact that in two hours you must go to bed. But you can satisfy your hunger with a glass of kefir. The drink is able to saturate the body with protein necessary for the normal functioning of organs.

Healthy food after a workout for weight loss means avoiding fatty and smoked foods, sugar and baked goods. They overload the body, which will negate all the work.

As experiments have shown, the post-workout window during which nutrients are better absorbed opens plus or minus for 24 hours. That is, after training, you need to consume plenty of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins and minerals within 24 hours. Minerals and vitamins themselves do not directly affect muscle growth. They act as catalysts, their task is to stimulate the processes of conversion of proteins and other nutrients into muscles.

That is, after finishing your workout, you can drink water, preferably mineral water, to restore the loss of water and minerals during the workout. And then at home after an hour or two, calmly eat carbohydrates, for example, potatoes or rice along with proteins (eggs, meat) and it would be nice to add vegetables.

Second meal after training

As you understand, 1 - 2 hours after finishing your workout you should have a full meal. That is, the diet should consist of proteins and carbohydrates to restore energy. After 1-1.5 hours, you should already have a second meal after training, which should consist mainly of proteins, especially if it’s getting close to night. That is, the diet should consist of: cottage cheese, eggs, possibly chicken, but it’s better not at night, milk, a protein shake. Everything is to your taste and pocket size.

Attention! If there are still 2-3 hours before bedtime after the second meal, then you will need to eat again.

Eating before bed

Scientists advise taking liquid foods. It could be a protein shake. It is quite possible to eat casein protein at night. Or take 150-200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, it essentially contains casein. This way you will help recovery and protein synthesis. Plus, the body needs energy to warm the body during sleep, maintain breathing functions, and so on.

Why do you need to eat at night?

  • Well, firstly, the body needs energy, as described above.
  • Secondly, for growth it is necessary to constantly maintain the predominance of energy consumption over its costs. That is, in order for muscles to grow, we need to receive more energy than we expend. And as you understand, at night we also waste energy.

There are two ways out of this situation:

  1. Eat every 2-3 hours, for this you need to wake up at night, eat and then go to bed. This is an option for bodybuilding fans. Not very suitable for ordinary people.
  2. Take a sufficient amount of food before bed that will take a long time to digest. Carbohydrates are not suitable for us, since there is a risk that carbohydrates will be stored in fat. But slow proteins, for example, casein from cottage cheese, are an excellent option. It will be gradually released and provide our body with building material for muscles. By the way, this is important because the most intensive restoration and growth processes occur precisely when we sleep.

Next, you need to eat plenty of food throughout the day. If your goal is to gain muscle mass, then you need to consume more calories than you burn per day, otherwise there will be no growth. More precisely, it will not be as effective.

Eating after waking up

Breakfast is the most important part of the daily meal. Some sports nutritionists recommend eating 50% of your daily diet in the morning. For example, this was described in the book by M.V. Aranson “Nutrition for Athletes.” Read it, a very useful book. So the food you eat in the morning nourishes your body throughout the day. American scientists have concluded that people who do not eat breakfast in the morning are more likely to suffer from heart disease. In addition, before breakfast, your body fasts for 6-10 hours. In addition, the liver works better in the morning.

To make your stomach work better, that is, “wake up,” drink at least 250 ml of water immediately after waking up. It is advisable to go to the toilet in the morning. To cleanse the intestines of the products of the past day and prepare it for work. This way you will have less toxins deposited.

Additionally, you need to pay attention to the composition of your body. If you are thin, then feel free to load up on carbohydrates; if there is an excess of fat, then it is better to increase the caloric content through proteins. Don’t forget to eat polyunsaturated fats of plant origin, such as olive oil, or better yet, flaxseed oil. As well as fish oil, it contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are involved in metabolic processes. It is better to limit animal fats, but you should not completely abandon them either.

What to eat before and after strength training. Pre-workout nutrition

I must tell you that proper nutrition during training is 70% of success in bodybuilding. You work hard, try to build muscle or lose fat, but if you don't get the right nutrients, then all your efforts are in vain. Therefore, I advise you to study this article several times, sort everything out and understand for yourself that if you tried hard in the gym, then the strained muscles, of course, will begin to change. The question is that if you gave them the nutrition from outside and what they needed, then everything is fine. And if they didn’t give you nutrition, then they will take it from the internal organs or from those muscles that did not work during this training. This is such simple arithmetic. The pre-workout meal should contain carbohydrates, proteins, and the fat content should be limited (preferably no more than 3-5 grams).
You should eat before starting the training process no later than 2 hours before it starts. Physical activity is known to slow down and even stop digestion, so go on an empty stomach. In addition, an overfilled stomach will interfere with the full performance of exercises, and problems such as acid reflux, nausea and decreased stamina may arise.
Eating carbohydrates before your workout will provide you with energy. The proteins taken will be used by the body as sources of amino acids for working muscles, creating the so-called anabolic “prerequisite”. Pre-workout meals should be fat-free because fat in food slows down the absorption of other nutrients. Fatty foods stay in the stomach longer, and for this reason can cause discomfort, lethargy, colic, nausea and belching.

In any sporting activity, consuming low quality energy will lead to poor performance. Therefore, if you are going to seriously take up running sports and constantly improve your skills, then you need to think about proper nutrition when running.

should not be similar to the standard diet. All people who play sports need high-calorie and protein foods full of carbohydrates and minerals. In addition, experienced athletes and long-distance runners often consume various energy and protein mixtures.

Therefore, we have prepared this material, which will consider various options for proper nutrition when running, based on when you can go out for training.

How to choose the right time

We always feel what and when we need to eat. However, it often happens that your usual routine is disrupted, or you want to refresh yourself both during and after a run.

This happens because your eating regimen does not always coincide with your training regimen. For example, after finishing, you may feel very tired for the rest of the day. Or running during the day on an empty stomach will demotivate you. It will push your usual dinner back by several hours, making it difficult for you to fall asleep after eating.

To ensure that your nutrition is synchronized with your workouts, we have selected the following recommendations.

Morning jogging

Should I eat or not before running? Of course, it’s better to have something to eat if you have time for it. You can name at least two facts because of which you need to do this.

First, the body will be filled with the necessary energy reserves, which will definitely come in handy when running. Second, your body will wake up and invigorate faster, thanks to the nutrients that will fill the brain and other organs.

This is confirmed by the majority of scientific experts who claim that any physical activity should be preceded by food intake. Because athletes who had at least a small snack before exercise show much better results than those who trained hungry.

But is it possible for those who are used to sleeping longer and getting up only immediately before running to sit down to eat before running? In such a situation, it is better to refrain from eating, as you may feel nauseous or have a stomach ache. But if you consider yourself a morning person, waking up a few hours before going for a run, then feel free to eat, surf the Internet, take a bath and go for a run.

Athletes and people who spend time in the gym know that it is quite difficult to achieve the desired result through training alone. Therefore, along with the introduction of sports into life, it is necessary to reconsider nutrition and find out what it should be like before and after training.

How to eat before, during and after a run

Nutrition before and after cardio training

Cardio training is a great way to say goodbye to extra pounds, which is subcutaneous fat, and tone your body. But, in order to achieve the desired weight loss, it is necessary to adjust your diet after cardio, as well as immediately before it.

Common types of cardio exercises that show good results in losing weight are aerobic exercise and running. Therefore, we can consider what nutrition should be like for weight loss, using aerobic training as an example.

The opinion of experts that one should not eat food before aerobic exercise turned out to be erroneous. In addition, it must be carried out in the first half of the day and performed immediately after waking up in the morning. Having reconsidered this statement, experts in the field of sports nutrition do not recommend training on an empty stomach. Therefore, if a workout lasting no more than 45 minutes is planned, then eating before it should be no later than 2 hours.

You need to eat before training

In order to charge the body with the energy it will need during cardio exercise, 2 hours before they start, you need to consume slow carbohydrate and protein, which is necessary for muscle formation.

A combination of protein and carbohydrate consumed before training will prevent insulin levels from rising in the body and promote effective fat burning.

During aerobic exercise, you should not limit your fluid intake. In this case, preference should be given to clean water. This is due to changes in the water-salt balance, which will need to be restored so as not to harm the body.

Be sure to drink water

At the end of aerobic training, the processes of breaking down fat deposits continue. This condition is short-lived. In addition, after cardio training, it is important to take food on time, in particular protein, the absence of which can lead to catabolism of muscle mass, which cannot be allowed in this case. Therefore, if you want to achieve effective weight loss, 30 minutes after completing the lesson you need to eat a product that contains fast protein. 30 - 40 minutes after fast protein is eaten, slow carbohydrate should enter the body.

You should not neglect meals before and after sports, because the result for which cardio training was chosen may be delayed.

30 minutes after completing the lesson, you need to eat a product with protein

When running, as in the case of aerobic exercise for weight loss, you need to eat right. You should avoid the idea of ​​running in the morning on an empty stomach. The myths that this method will lead to weight loss many times faster have long been dispelled. On the contrary, such experiments on the body can have negative consequences.

Indeed, in order for the level of glucose in the blood to be within normal limits during a run, the presence of glycogen is necessary, which practically does not remain in the liver after a night’s sleep.

In order to provoke the breakdown of fat during running, before cardio training, you need to replenish the body with carbohydrates. But you should not overeat shortly before training, because this will not only make it difficult to perform the exercise, but can also affect digestion, causing a feeling of nausea and even vomiting.

Nutrition for weight loss before running should be limited to complex carbohydrates. The amount of food consumed directly depends on the time after which you plan to start running. If there is no more than an hour left before training, then consuming 100 calories of complex carbohydrates will be enough. For this amount of calories you can eat, for example, a banana or 30 grams of cereal.

If there are more than 3 hours left before your workout, in this case running, then your meal should be 300 calories. In this case, you can eat potatoes cooked in their skins, lean meat, such as chicken, and a slice of whole grain bread.

Some athletes make the common mistake of not eating after training. This may not lead to the most pleasant changes in the body, which should definitely be eliminated. Therefore, an hour after the end of the run, it is necessary to eat complex carbohydrates and protein, while protein should not exceed 8% of consumed carbohydrates.

You need to eat after a workout

Eating carbohydrate and protein foods after running to lose weight will contribute to the timely nutrition of muscle tissue, and will also lead to the body producing hormones responsible for anabolism within normal limits.

Having resorted to cardio training for weight loss, skipping meals after finishing it is undesirable. Unfortunately, not all athletes manage to eat a full meal after training, so you should always have a snack with you, for example, a fruit (banana, orange), with which you can still replenish the body with the carbohydrates it needs.

To achieve the desired result, you must follow the recommendations regarding nutrition before and after exercise. This is necessary in order to speed up metabolic processes in the body. In addition, more than half of your weight loss success depends on nutrition.

Cardio exercises are becoming more and more popular every year.

This is due to the fact that modern people do not have enough physical activity necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

This type of exercise includes fast walking, dancing, and various types of aerobic training.

Cardio not only helps strengthen blood vessels and improve health, but also burns excess calories.

An integral part of physical activity is adherence to certain nutritional rules during cardio training for weight loss, which will be discussed in detail in the article.

General rules

because during their implementation the body consumes a large amount of energy. After 30 minutes of intense exercise, stress hormones are produced, which help burn fat even better. However, even a properly designed training plan will not bring the desired result in the fight against excess weight without diet correction. Those losing weight need to follow several rules regarding the organization of their diet:

  1. Do not skip breakfast during high-intensity exercise. Ignoring this advice may result in the body not having enough energy to complete tasks. It is recommended to consume food 2 hours before training.
  2. Drink at least 3 liters of clean water per day. Otherwise, decay products and waste will accumulate in the muscles due to insufficient leaching.
  3. After each workout, have a light snack consisting of low-fat foods. Preference should be given to proteins.
  4. Completely avoid sweets and confectionery. In rare cases, you can afford a cube of dark chocolate.

You should know! To keep your figure in shape, you need to follow a diet regularly. It should become a way of life, not a short-term change in diet.

What can you eat

During cardio training aimed at losing weight, you are allowed to eat:

  • soups cooked in vegetable broth;
  • dietary meats (turkey, rabbit, beef);
  • sea ​​and river fish, crustaceans;
  • fermented milk products and low-fat milk;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • bran;
  • cheeses (fat content no more than 30%);
  • flax and sesame seeds;
  • nuts (up to 50 g per day);
  • legumes;
  • bread without yeast;
  • whole grain cereals;
  • egg whites.

Among the drinks allowed for consumption are green tea, rosehip decoction and herbal tinctures of water.

What to exclude

To replenish lost energy after cardio training, it is recommended to use complex carbohydrates and proteins. If the warm-up is aimed at weight correction, then the following must be excluded from the diet:

  • fast food containing many empty calories;
  • sweets;
  • flour products;
  • chocolate bars.

How to choose the right products

Food during cardio training is chosen depending on what type of exercise was emphasized. During high-intensity exercise, which is performed before bedtime, they eat carbohydrates and protein compounds.

This combination of organic substances provides the necessary energy during exercise and material for building muscle cells. It is advisable to eat food 2 hours before exercise.

The best food combinations for high-intensity cardio training:

  • buckwheat + turkey;
  • rice + fish;
  • pasta + beef.

In addition to the listed ingredients, you can introduce any types of vegetables. Let's have a snack with foods containing simple organic compounds (chocolate, sugar, honey).

When, how and how much

Low-intensity exercise does not require the consumption of simple carbohydrates. This type of exercise can be carried out at any time of the day (morning, afternoon and evening), subject to certain rules:

  1. If the loads are carried out in the morning, then it is better not to eat anything before them. This time of day is considered the best for weight loss, since against the background of low glucose levels in the body, fats will be burned more efficiently. After morning exercise, protein-rich foods (chicken, fish or proteins) are recommended.
  2. Before daytime cardio training, have lunch 1.5-2 hours before. The best snack is food containing complex carbohydrates (fruits, cereals). After classes, nutritionists advise re-concentrating on vegetables and proteins.
  3. If the workout is performed in the evening, then do not eat 2 hours before. Vegetables and meat are suitable for a snack. After classes, you need to drink water and stop eating.

Important! During cardio training, increased burning of muscle mass occurs, which is replenished from subcutaneous fat deposits. Due to this action, the weight loss effect is achieved.

Attention! The opinion that after cardio exercises you cannot eat for 2 hours is incorrect; in this case, along with fat deposits, muscle mass is also burned, which is necessary to create a sculpted body.

Be sure to check out:

What and how long can you eat after training?

Food before exercise

Before cardio training, it is important to saturate the body with amino acids, which will promote fat burning. The substance is obtained from food or special medicines.

The main meal is taken 2 hours before classes, provided that they last no more than 30 minutes. Also, before this, it is necessary to include complex carbohydrates in the diet, which will maintain the body’s energy reserves at the required level.

Important! During training, you need to drink liquid in small sips to regulate your water-salt balance.

What can you eat after class?

It is recommended to consume food 30-40 minutes after physical activity. At first, preference is given to protein shakes or egg whites. After another half hour, you are allowed to eat foods containing complex carbohydrates: fruits, legumes, whole grain cereals, mushrooms, berries.

Are you planning to run to lose those extra pounds? Be sure to read this article so that cardio training for weight loss does not become a disappointment.

No, running, of course, like other types of cardio training, plays an important role in losing weight, for example, burning calories. And if you follow the rules of rational nutrition, the result (in the form of lost kilograms) can be seen quite quickly.

However, the effect of them will not last long and the treasured number on the scales or measuring tape may not appear if you do not follow a simple rule: for effective weight loss you need a combination of a variety of physical activity and proper nutrition.

What is cardio training

Cardio training is a type of physical dynamic activity lasting 20–60 minutes with a relatively low intensity, aimed at strengthening the cardiovascular system and increasing endurance. This type of training is necessary to maintain physical fitness.

Conventionally, all physical exercises can be divided into aerobic (cardio) and anaerobic (strength). It must be emphasized that this division is very conditional. It is impossible to call any type of exercise aerobic or anaerobic in its pure form.

As with any other type of physical activity, before training you need to do a warm-up that will warm up your muscles, and after it - a cool-down, several stretching exercises to relax them.

Cardio exercises include fast walking, climbing stairs, running, dancing, swimming, various types of games, aerobics, fitness, skiing, rowing, exercise equipment, etc.

An important condition when performing cardio exercises is to maintain a given heart rate throughout the entire workout.

The benefits of cardio training

During exercise, blood circulation increases and the heart pumps more blood per contraction, resulting in improved functioning of the cardiovascular system.

If such training is carried out regularly with the same intensity, the body gets used to it, endurance increases when doing exercises. If it’s hard for a beginner to train for 20 minutes, then for a trained person, fatigue from the load will come later.

During exercise, the body requires more oxygen, so lung volume increases, which also has a positive effect on endurance. Consequently, breathing will become deeper and more correct, which will help burn more calories.

Reduced anxiety and stress levels: During training, the amount of endorphin, the hormone of joy, increases. And if you’re in a good mood and there’s no stress, then you don’t need to binge on anything.

Losing excess weight, by burning subcutaneous fat, and muscle strengthening.

Rules for performing cardio training

  • Before starting exercise, you should consult your doctor, especially if you have health problems or are overweight.
  • The duration and intensity of the load must be increased gradually, then the body will not have time to get used to it and the weight loss process will not stop (plateau phase).
  • Before training, be sure to warm up and stretch after. This will prepare you for the load and speed up recovery after it.
  • During exercise, you need to monitor your heart rate using a heart rate monitor, for example. This is important, since a low heart rate will not bring results, and a high one can harm your health.
  • Training should be fun. Feeling bad? Stop exercising.

How to exercise to lose weight

Cardio exercises for weight loss are good because they can be done in the gym, on the street or at home, and they are suitable for both beginners and professional athletes.

The benefit of cardio training for many girls is achieving an ideal figure.

To lose weight, you need to do cardio 3-4 times a week for 30-45 minutes. Subcutaneous fat begins to burn only 20 minutes after the start of training, provided that the heart rate is maintained in the range of 60–80% of the maximum permissible heart rate.

subtract your age from 220 beats per minute;
multiply the resulting number by 0.6 - the lower norm;
multiply the resulting number by 0.8 - the upper normal heart rate.

For example: 220-37=183; 183*0.6=109.8, rounded to 110 - this is the lower heart rate;
183 * 0.8 = 146.4, rounded according to the laws of mathematics and we get 146 - this is the upper norm.
It turns out that a person aged 37 years without any special health problems needs to train within these limits - 110–146 beats per minute.

The average heart rate during training is within 120–130 beats per minute.

The intensity of the exercises and the training time must be gradually increased, as the body gets used to the load and stops burning fat - a plateau effect. To speed up metabolism, it is very advisable to add anaerobic (strength) exercises to aerobic training, then the process of burning calories will continue after the workout.

Cardio exercises can be done at any time of the day: morning, afternoon or evening. It depends on your daily routine and personal preferences.

Cardio training is carried out in a well-ventilated room or outdoors, since oxygen is actively used during exercise.

Types of Cardio Training

The best type of cardio training for beginners and overweight people. To start losing weight, you need to walk quite quickly and for a long time, since the intensity of this exercise is low. Beginners should start by walking at a normal pace and gradually increase their speed. Or alternate walking at a fast pace with a normal step - interval loads.

You can exercise outdoors and in the gym. Probably the most popular type of training. This can be running on a machine, on the spot, interval running or jogging - it depends on your capabilities and preferences. There are restrictions: not suitable for overweight people, as this can result in serious injury. When running, it is important to monitor your pulse, breathing and well-being.

Dancing- good because they are suitable for any person. Dance classes are a great option for girls who have recently given birth. You can do such cardio training in a group or individually, in the gym or at home.

Zumba is very popular - a fun and energetic workout that includes elements of different dances. During the lesson, the maximum number of muscles is worked out, including the abdominal and pelvic muscles.

Tested for myself: the training is quite intense, at first it is difficult to remember the movements. But the result is worth it - your mood improves immediately, your heart rate is suitable for burning fat. There are no restrictions for classes. You can dance in the hall or at home, fortunately it’s not difficult to find a video course. I’ve been training for two weeks, and there’s no result in the form of lost kilograms yet.

(treadmill, exercise bike, rowing machine, ellipse)- It’s better to practice them with a trainer. It is easy to get injured when working on your own. In addition, the instructor will give recommendations and ensure that the workout is performed correctly.

Suitable for almost everyone. All muscles of the body are developed. Minimal load on the spine. To achieve your goal, you need to exercise 3-4 times a week for an hour.

Bike helps strengthen the heart, leg muscles, and develop endurance. You can also exercise on the simulator. At the same time, the load on the knees is less than when running.

What do cardio workouts give you?

The main thing that cardio training is for is that it is a great way to get in shape, improve your health, increase stamina, gain a good mood and self-confidence.

For exercise to bring results, choose a type of load that will make you enjoy the exercise. If running is too boring and monotonous for you, choose group classes in dancing, fitness, step aerobics and others. The good news is that aerobic exercise includes many types of exercise.

Don't forget about proper nutrition even when playing sports.

Take care of your well-being, a beautiful figure is good, but health is more important.

Continuing the topic:
All about muscles

This article will reveal the best exercises for gaining muscle mass that will make your workouts more effective and make your muscles grow. Each workout consists of...