Men's workout program for weight loss in the gym. Workout program for burning fat for girls in the gym Workout program for burning fat in the gym

All people who come to the gym want to look slim and beautiful. To do this, both men and girls try to lose weight and build up a little muscle so that the body takes on a more or less aesthetic appearance. But very few people know how to do it correctly. Therefore, in this article I will tell you about specialized fat burning workouts in the gym for girls and men.

In order not to mislead you, I want to say right away that there are no such workouts that would purposefully burn subcutaneous fat. Each type of load is designed for its own purpose. To lose weight, you need to burn a lot of calories, and one way to burn a lot of calories is by working out.

We can do a workout that will consume a large number of calories. That is why it will be a specialized fat-burning workout. In this article I will write two training programs that are designed for training in the gym for girls and men. The meaning of these programs is the same, there will just be some differences in the exercises, depending on your gender.

These schemes are very intense, so they are contraindicated for beginners. I recommend using these schemes for advanced athletes who do not have clear medical contraindications to heavy loads. Include this scheme when fat is burning worse and worse, while the diet contains fewer and fewer calories. Such a workout will put new stress on the body and allow you to burn more calories than usual, which will ultimately have a positive effect on weight loss. In these programs I will combine anaerobic style(power training)+ aerobic style (cardio workout). Also, different rep ranges, rest periods, and different training methods will be taken into account.

Before each workout, be sure to do a good warm-up. A good warm-up includes 3 stages: general, joint and stretching. Each stage lasts on average 5 minutes. General warm-up is any cardio at a slow pace (fast walking, orbitrek, exercise bike, etc.). Articular – these are various swinging movements of the arms and legs, jumping, lunging, bending, turning, etc. Well, stretching, I think, is understandable (stretch muscles). The first two stages are mandatory, and the third is optional (you can do stretching at the end of the workout, it will be like a cool-down).

Another very important point is technology. Technology should always come first. Initially, practice the correct technique for performing the exercises, and then begin to gradually increase working weights. This training plan was built according to the FULL BODY type (working all muscle groups in one workout). Since the load on the muscles is much less (than if you were doing split training), we can work through them more often than usual.

Fat burning workout in the gym for girls:

  1. Warm-up
  2. Rest – 30 seconds
  3. (emphasis on buttocks)– 9 reps
  4. Wide grip barbell rows - 9 reps
  5. Bench press on a horizontal bench with a narrow grip – 9 reps
  6. Rest – 2 minutes
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds - fast pace (pulse: 160 beats per minute)
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds - fast pace (pulse: 160 beats per minute)
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds - fast pace (pulse: 160 beats per minute)
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds - fast pace (pulse: 160 beats per minute)
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds - fast pace (pulse: 160 beats per minute)
  1. Rest – 2 minutes
  2. Chest Pulldown - 9 reps
  3. Bench press on a horizontal bench – 9 reps
  4. Standing barbell curl - 9 reps
  5. Rest – 2 minutes
  6. Interval running on a treadmill - 5 approaches in this style:
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds - fast pace (pulse: 160 beats per minute)
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds - fast pace (pulse: 160 beats per minute)
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds - fast pace (pulse: 160 beats per minute)
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds - fast pace (pulse: 160 beats per minute)
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds - fast pace (pulse: 160 beats per minute)
  1. Rest – 2 minutes
  2. Straight-legged deadlift with barbell – 12 reps + Lying leg curl in the machine – 20 reps
  3. Standing overhead barbell press – 12 reps + Bent over dumbbell swings – 20 reps
  4. Triceps push-ups – 12 reps + French bench press – 20 reps
  5. (pulse: 120 – 130 beats per minute)
  6. Bent-over barbell row – 12 reps + Hummer row – 20 reps
  7. Incline dumbbell press (30 degrees) – 12 reps + Chest flyes – 20 reps
  8. Barbell curls for biceps with reverse grip – 12 reps + Dumbbell curls for biceps with supination – 20 reps
  9. Exercise bike or Orbitrek – 10 minutes (pulse: 120 – 130 beats per minute)

At first glance, it seems that this is some kind of hellish fat-burning workout, the duration of which is about 3 hours. But don’t worry, it’s only at first glance that it seems so big. In practice, you can do all this in 80 minutes (including warm-up). 80 minutes is ideal, when the gym is practically empty and no one bothers you + you are already involved in the training cycle. And if you have just started training according to this program + there are a lot of people in the gym, then in this case the training can last up to 2 hours (this is not very good, since in this case the training loses its intensity and meaning). For an explanation and overview of the program, see the end of the article.

Fat burning workout in the gym for men:

  1. Warm-up (fast walking – 5 minutes + joint warm-up – 5 minutes)
  2. Exercise bike or Orbitrek – 7 minutes (pulse: 120 – 130 beats per minute)
  3. Rest – 30 seconds
  4. Squats with a barbell on your shoulders (emphasis on quadriceps)– 6 reps
  5. Wide grip barbell rows - 6 reps
  6. Bench press on a horizontal bench with a narrow grip – 6 reps
  7. Rest – 2 minutes
  8. Interval running on a treadmill - 5 approaches in this style:
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds - fast pace (pulse: 160 beats per minute)
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds - fast pace (pulse: 160 beats per minute)
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds - fast pace (pulse: 160 beats per minute)
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds - fast pace (pulse: 160 beats per minute)
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds - fast pace (pulse: 160 beats per minute)
  1. Rest – 2 minutes
  2. Wide grip pull-ups - 6 reps
  3. Bench press on a horizontal bench – 6 reps
  4. Standing barbell curl - 6 reps
  5. Rest – 2 minutes
  6. Interval running on a treadmill - 5 approaches in this style:
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds - fast pace (pulse: 160 beats per minute)
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds - fast pace (pulse: 160 beats per minute)
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds - fast pace (pulse: 160 beats per minute)
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds - fast pace (pulse: 160 beats per minute)
  • 40 seconds – slow pace (pulse: 120 beats per minute)
  • 20 seconds - fast pace (pulse: 160 beats per minute)
  1. Rest – 2 minutes
  2. Deadlift on straight legs with a barbell – 10 reps + Seated leg extension in the machine – 15 reps
  3. Military standing press – 10 reps + Bent over dumbbell swings – 15 reps
  4. Dips – 10 reps + French bench press – 15 reps
  5. Exercise bike or Orbitrek – 10 minutes (pulse: 120 – 130 beats per minute)
  6. Bent-over rows – 10 reps + Hummer rows – 15 reps
  7. Incline bench press (30 degrees) – 10 reps + Chest flyes – 15 reps
  8. Barbell curls with reverse grip – 10 reps + Dumbbell curls with supination – 15 reps
  9. Exercise bike or Orbitrek – 10 minutes (pulse: 120 – 130 beats per minute)

Main factors:

  1. Rest comes only when it is prescribed. That is, exercises No. 4, 5 and 6 are performed in just 1 approach and without rest between these approaches. Rest only under numbers: 3, 7, 9, 13 and 15. Everything else is done without rest.
  2. Interval running on a treadmill - 5 approaches in this style (40sec + 20sec = 1 set). For convenience and example (to be clear) I described all 5 approaches.
  3. Exercises No. 16, 17, 18, 20, 21 and 22 are performed in superset style.
  4. In those exercises where 6 – 9 repetitions are written, you do 3 seconds negative phase + 1 second positive phase (in this style, one approach should last from 30 to 40 seconds for girls and from 20 to 30 seconds for men).
  5. In those exercises where 10 – 20 repetitions are written, you do 1 second negative phase + 1 second positive phase (regular easy pace).
  6. Number of workouts per week: 3 workouts (Monday, Wednesday, Friday... or... Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday).
  7. All exercises, rest and cardio must be done in strict order. Do as it is written (for convenience, everything is signed with numbers).
  8. I have selected the best exercises (in my opinion). But, if you don’t like something, you can replace these exercises with your own. Just follow these rules:
  • Exercises No. 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12 – basic
  • Exercises No. 16,17,18,20,21,22 – basic + isolated
  • Do not combine muscle groups (one after another) where the same functions are used (for example: back + biceps = pulls + pulls). As you can see, I put the chest between them, and in the end it turns out: pulls - pushes - pulls.
  1. For the first time, you can reduce the amount of interval running to 2 - 3 approaches + add 20 - 30 seconds of rest between each approach and each superset. This, of course, will slightly reduce the intensity of the workout, but will allow you to enter the training cycle smoothly and without much stress.

Fat burning workouts in the gym for girls and men– are contraindicated for those people who have serious medical contraindications for health (especially the heart). This is a very intense and difficult program, so be careful. If you are a beginner, then start with easier programs to prepare your body for such stress (you can find easier programs on this site, in the category: “weight loss”)


Even daily physical activity in the gym will be ineffective for losing weight if it is not accompanied by well-chosen nutrition. This is a separate topic, it is vast and complex; in this article we will cover it briefly. Let’s discuss in detail what a program for women aimed at burning fat should look like.

Principles of nutrition

For women, physical fitness is much more important than for men. Girls work hard in the gym, can go on diets for months, and torture themselves in all known and unknown ways. And all this for the sake of slimness and fit.

However, if you approach the weight loss process thoughtfully, it will no longer be a pain and will not create unnecessary stress. This is especially important for girls, since most breakdowns occur precisely as a result of strict restrictions.

The key principles of nutrition for weight loss are as follows:

  • Reducing caloric intake. It is considered safe to reduce the amount of calories by 20% of the usual norm.
  • Reducing the amount of fast carbohydrates and saturated fats, increasing the amount of protein in the diet.
  • Replacing harmful refined products with healthy natural ones.

In general, a healthy diet does not tolerate extremes. For example, you cannot completely eliminate carbohydrates and switch to protein foods alone. Or stop eating fatty foods. Fat is also necessary for the body. Nutrition should be varied, moderate and balanced. Then the extra pounds will begin to fall off naturally.

When the fat layer begins to disappear during the process of losing weight, muscles will become visible. If they are dystrophic and flabby, the figure will not look its best. To preserve muscles, physical training in the gym and protein nutrition are important. Of course, when you lose weight, some muscle will still go away (it is impossible to force the body to burn 100% only fat). However, proper weight loss sets the goal of preserving as much as possible the muscle reserve that you have.

It is also important not to overdo it when getting rid of excess fat. After all, our internal organs are surrounded by a fat capsule, which they need for normal functioning. In addition, for girls, the presence of a certain amount of fat (about 13%) is important for the normal functioning of the reproductive system.

Thus, a simplified diet can be represented as follows: a small calorie deficit, more protein, less carbohydrates. Fats - in moderation, so that the body receives unsaturated fatty acids and substances necessary for ligaments and joints.

Which workouts are best?

Any workout in the gym, be it strength training or general strengthening, leads to the consumption of calories. Therefore, all this will be training for weight loss. Due to it, you can burn a certain amount of subcutaneous fat.

Which load is better for girls? A set of basic exercises, or something else?

It is known that strength exercises with weights (namely the base) consume a lot of calories. Indeed, heavy exercise requires enormous energy expenditure. It’s just that you won’t be able to make a base often, since the body’s strength limits are very limited. This kind of training is important. But if your goal is to lose weight, and therefore your diet is in a calorie deficit, they will exhaust you very quickly. That is, strength exercises during weight loss are given in doses.

But long-term loads at an average pace (running, aerobics, working with light weights in a large number of repetitions) do not exhaust the body as much as strength training, so by giving them priority you can lose weight more effectively.

This way you can do it more often and for longer, as a result of which the final fat-burning effect will be stronger than when using a base and other heavy techniques.

There is such a thing as a fat-burning heart rate zone. This is 60–70% of your maximum heart rate. It can be calculated by subtracting your age from 220. Then calculating the percentages, on average you will get 120-130 beats per minute. It is believed that at this heart rate, the body takes the maximum amount of energy from fat.

Any physical activity for losing weight in and outside the gym is useful and important, as it expends energy.

How to create a weight loss program correctly

The principles that should be followed when creating a fat burning complex for women are somewhat different from those for men. They are slightly different, although they are based on the same physiological laws.

  • The “do no harm” principle. Following it means wisely using a set of exercises and dietary restrictions to achieve the effect of burning fat. Weight loss training should help you achieve a harmonious figure, and not harm your health.
  • Targeted load on problem areas. For girls, this is the inner thigh, buttocks, stomach and sides, back of the arms. The program is structured in such a way that the main emphasis of the load in the exercises is given precisely to these areas.
  • Age characteristics. Girls aged 20 should not be given the same physical exercises for weight loss as women aged 40. This is, at a minimum, ineffective. Each organism is individual, but still, the older a person is, the more careful one should approach the loads on the heart and joint-ligamentous apparatus. The set of exercises must be adapted to the physiological characteristics of the body.
  • Working with bad habits. Smoking or frequent drinking of alcohol will negatively affect the process of losing weight and no set of exercises can compensate for the harmful effects.
  • You also need to take into account hormonal status, the absence or presence of abnormalities in the endocrine system and their severity. In such a situation, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary.
  • During pregnancy, a gentle load should be given so that weight loss training does not harm the fetus and does not provoke premature birth or miscarriage. At this time, it is better to completely abandon the gym and limit yourself to special gymnastics for pregnant women, water aerobics, yoga and pulmonary exercises.
  • You also need to pay attention to your predisposition to being overweight or thin. In each case, the natural metabolism will be different. A general standard diet and training program (complex) for burning fat may not be ideal for all types of metabolism.

Features of cardio for girls

Cardio exercise in the gym is an important part of training for weight loss for girls and women. Depending on age and individual characteristics, 20 minutes on the elliptical is enough for some, while for others 40 minutes will seem unnoticeable.

If you have no problems with your heart or circulatory system, you can standardize the load and do cardio before training for 30–40 minutes and after – 15–20 minutes.

If you have heart problems, the trainer should give you a test load to understand the capabilities of your body. After this, individually select the load necessary to burn fat deposits.

For example, start by walking on a treadmill. Walk for 5 minutes at an average pace. Gradually increase the speed until you feel a heaviness in your chest. There is no need to speed up the track anymore. This is the first limit. Gradually it will need to be overcome.

A set of exercises designed for weight loss must include cardio. The program should begin and end with a similar load.

Universal weight loss program

It is preferable to work out in the gym three times a week. For example, if fat burning workouts take place on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

This program is aimed at shaping and sculpting the muscles of the entire body, with an emphasis on problematic female areas.


  1. Cardio – 30–40 minutes.
  2. Barbell squat – 3 x 15 (light weights).
  3. Plie squats – 3 to 15.
  4. Lunges with dumbbells – 3, 20 on each leg.
  5. Hyperextension – 2 to 20–30.
  6. Curling arms with dumbbells or hammers – 3 to 20.
  7. Press – 3 to 30. Raising the torso on a Roman chair and lifting the legs while lying down.
  8. Cardio – 15 minutes.
  1. Cardio – 30 minutes.
  2. Hyperextension – 2 to 20.
  3. Romanian deadlift or deadlift – 3 to 15.
  4. – 2 to 20.
  5. Dumbbell bench press – 2 x 20.
  6. Raises of arms with dumbbells on a horizontal bench – 2 to 20.
  7. Raising arms with dumbbells on a bench at an angle of 30 degrees – 2 x 20.
  8. Arm extension on a block – 3 x 20.
  9. Oblique twists – 3, 20 on each side.
  10. Raising the body on the floor – 4 x 20.
  11. Cardio – 10 minutes.
  1. Cardio – 20 minutes.
  2. Leg press (feet on the top of the platform, widely spaced) – 2 to 15.
  3. Leg extension in the simulator – 2 to 20.
  4. – 2 to 20.
  5. Mixing and – 2 to 20.
  6. Calf raises – 4 x 30.
  7. Seated dumbbell press – 3 x 20.
  8. Lateral raises of dumbbells – 3 to 15.
  9. Cardio – 20 minutes.

This program is a calorie burning complex for girls in the gym. It is designed in such a way that 2 days pass between leg exercises, that is, the leg muscles are loaded on Monday and Friday. We do not recommend moving these days to Monday and Wednesday.

If the program is difficult, you should remove one approach from each exercise, and after some time add it with a minimum number of repetitions (for example, 5), gradually increasing the repetitions to the required number.

It is advisable to take a break of 45–60 seconds between exercises, and 30–45 between approaches. At this pace, the workout will take you 40–45 minutes (excluding cardio), your muscles will tighten, and you will become the owner of a beautiful, toned body. Of course, if you adhere to the principles of proper nutrition, and not various kinds of diets. This is the optimal mode for burning fat.

This complex will help you improve your well-being and give you the figure of your dreams.

One of the most common reasons to start going to the gym is the desire to lose weight and burn excess subcutaneous fat. With the help of a set of physical exercises, you can ensure maximum fat burning, which, together with a diet, will help you achieve this goal. In this article we will look at a training program in the gym for weight loss, and also partially touch on the issue of proper nutrition, which is key in this case.

The basis of losing weight is proper diet

The vast majority of beginners are convinced that just the right physical exercises are enough to lose weight. However, the issue of burning subcutaneous fat depends, first of all, on how healthy you eat. Yes, intensive and voluminous work in the gym can lead to kilograms of fat mass being lost, however, if your diet is incorrect and includes a lot of unnecessary things, the lost kilograms will return very quickly.

How to eat right to lose weight? Let me remind you briefly:

  • Limit your consumption of fast carbohydrates (flour, sweets) to a minimum - they can be consumed in minimal quantities only in the morning.
  • Eat strictly at certain periods of time (breakfast, lunch, dinner) - exclude snacks and other unnecessary meals.
  • Reduce portions of carbohydrates (by 10-15%) and increase the amount of protein foods consumed.
  • Monitor your weight and subcutaneous fat thickness every month - if the result is not visible, reduce your daily caloric intake even more (primarily due to carbohydrates).

Thus, by paying the necessary attention to the issue of proper nutrition, we significantly increase the effectiveness of our fat-burning workouts, and also speed up the weight loss process itself. At the same time, we consolidate the achieved results and do not gain back the lost kilograms, even if we stop going to the gym for a while.

Gym training program for weight loss

Next, we will analyze a fat-burning training program, which will be based on supersets and an increased amount of work. This technique burns fat the most during training, accelerating your cardio-respiratory system.

The total duration of the program is 6-8 weeks.

Training frequency – 3 times a week.

Fat burning training complex - for men

Workout #1 – Monday

Exercises Approaches Repetitions

-in superset-
3 12-15

-in superset-
4 15

-in superset-
3 15

-in superset-
3 15
3 15
3 15
Any cardio exercise maximum

Training#2 – Wednesday

Exercises Approaches Repetitions
4 15
4 15

-in superset-
3 15

-in superset-
3 15

Training#3 - Friday

Exercises Approaches Repetitions

-in superset-

In bodybuilding, the training process is divided into two periods. The first is aimed at gaining muscle mass, and the second is aimed at working out the relief. Particular emphasis is placed on fat-burning training, since they are of decisive importance at the stage of preparing an athlete for upcoming performances in competitions. There is no consensus on the most effective ways to get rid of excess fat without compromising lean muscle mass, but there are workouts that allow you to pump up the relief while drying and not lose muscle volume.

Most amateur bodybuilders associate the drying period exclusively with cardio exercise. Such training gets rid of subcutaneous fat, but does not preserve muscle mass; it must be combined with strength training. Experienced bodybuilders use two strength techniques during fat-burning workouts. One is aimed at stimulating the production of lactic acid, and the other is to work with heavy weights.

Lactic acid and growth hormone, which has a powerful lipolytic (fat burning) and preventing catabolism (muscle breakdown) effect, are interconnected. The more the first is produced, the higher the synthesis of the hormone. This explains the advisability of training to synthesize this acid in the body during the drying period.

The largest amount of lactic acid is produced in the body when the set performed within a workout lasts about one minute, which requires increasing the number of repetitions performed per set to 20. Another important nuance is the pause between individual approaches. It requires contraction and should last no more than 30 seconds. In addition, such training requires alternating exercises on muscle groups that are not located nearby, but, on the contrary, far from each other. This allows lactic acid to be produced throughout the body, and not just in an isolated specific area.

A short break between individual sets and a large number of repetitions on different muscle groups (distant from each other) allow you to increase the production of lactic acid. This, in turn, leads to increased production of growth hormone, which means it increases the rate of fat burning during training and helps maintain muscle.

Training with heavy weights to preserve muscles

Many professional athletes prefer to train this way. This approach involves reducing caloric intake and working with heavy weights in the gym. Ronnie Coleman, just two weeks before his performance at the Olympia competition, lifted 300 kg in training. Johnny Jackson, preparing to perform at a bodybuilding competition in Toronto, took part in a powerlifting competition.

There are many award-winning athletes who prefer hard year-round training. They do not reduce the load either before the performance or in the off-season. The only changes they make to their training routine are changing their diet and introducing a little cardio into their workout routine, and they continue to lift heavier weights to avoid losing muscle.

Cardio loads

They are an integral part of fat-burning workouts. Aerobic exercise is necessary to increase calorie consumption and activate lipolysis (fat burning). The disadvantage of cardio is that as the duration and intensity of aerobic exercise increases, muscles begin to burn. The optimal duration of jogging is considered to be half an hour. Cardio intensity should be low. To enhance the fat-burning effect, aerobic exercise should be included in training for the production of lactic acid.

Fat burning workout program for a week

To get the maximum benefit from drying, you need to create a valid weekly plan:

  1. Monday – heavy strength training (chest and back);
  2. Tuesday – lactic acid and cardio training for half an hour at low intensity;
  3. Wednesday – day off for recovery;
  4. Thursday – heavy strength training on legs;
  5. Friday – recovery;
  6. Saturday – lactic acid training + aerobic training for 30 minutes at low intensity;
  7. Sunday is rest.

Use of sports supplements

Some supplements that stimulate the breakdown of subcutaneous fat and preserve muscle volume can speed up the results of fat-burning training. Such sports nutrition includes fat burners, as well as BCAA amino acid complexes. The former help speed up the breakdown of fats, while the latter help prevent catabolism. When purchasing any supplement, you must carefully read the composition of the product. It should not contain sugar. You should not add any additional components to the additive to improve the taste.


To improve fat burning training during cutting, you need to combine all of the above methods. Lactic acid training is best combined with aerobic exercise, devoting time to strength training, which should be performed 1-2 times a week so that muscle mass is not lost in the process of burning fat.

Fitness can be a truly challenging and even daunting task. A lot of strange machines that you have never encountered before, a lot of people who know their entire program inside and out, as well as other strange things that happen around you. All this can be scary and disorienting. However, we want to help you overcome any difficulties that may arise. In this article you will find everything you need to know about proper training and fat burning, after which you can go to the gym with a full understanding of the matter.

Every time you are convinced that fitness is a complex thing, you go to the cardio zone, where all the equipment is simple and familiar, and from afar watch how experienced people perform extraordinary exercises. Plucking up courage, you go to one of the simulators, read the instructions on it and try to copy what other people did before you. At the same time, you will regularly have the feeling that you are doing everything absolutely wrong. As a result, you will end up using the machine after the first set, losing all motivation, confidence and desire to master complex movements.

Having finished your workout and leaving the gym with joy, you will again feel that you could have done a lot and given your best, but you didn’t. All this will only lead to a lack of progress and will make visiting the gym ineffective, despite all your desire and desire.

Luckily, you've come to the right place. We will not only analyze in detail what a training program for girls in the gym should look like to burn fat, but we will also touch on important “secrets” and features of the training. All to ensure that you receive all the necessary knowledge, confidence and clear understanding.

Many women fear that lifting weights will turn them into a muscular Hulk, so they rely on cardio to maintain a “feminine figure.” However, the female body simply does not have the same hormonal support for muscle building as the male body. The hormone testosterone is responsible for gaining large muscle mass and in women its amount is much less than in men. This means you can train with heavy weights and not worry about it making you look masculine.

Professional female bodybuilders are more similar to male bodybuilders, but achieving this result will require many years of training, a special regime and lifestyle. If you don’t have a goal or desire to repeat the same path, then you don’t have to worry about your figure becoming masculine.

You are right about only one thing - training with weights increases lean muscle mass and that's just great! The more muscle you have, the more calories you can burn. This will give a better shape to your arms, remove extra inches from your waist, and even increase the volume of your buttocks. Women's magazines regularly publish articles about muscle tone, when in reality it's all about the strength of your muscles.

Training program for girls for 12 weeks

It's worth noting that this fat-burning workout for girls at the gym also includes strength, lean muscle mass, and overall conditioning. Each subsequent 4-week block will build on the training and experience you gained from the previous cycle.


This rule should be unbreakable and any physical activity should begin with a warm-up. Ogp will prepare the muscles and central nervous system for work, and will also increase blood flow to the muscles. It would also be a good idea to warm up with a massage roller before working in the gym. To train your legs, stretch your quadriceps and hamstrings, calves, and tendons. For upper body training - shoulders, chest, biceps and triceps.

Warm-up sets for speed and mobility

This will require you to complete 20 repetitions before starting. You don't have to do them all in one go. Divide this amount into approaches so that you do not feel tired.

Basic movement for developing muscle strength

During training, you always focus on the main exercise, which must be performed in the 5x5 mode (5 repetitions in 5 approaches). Try to lift heavy weights. These exercises should be harder than the others, so feel free to rest a minute or even two between sets.

Additional exercises to develop form

The main goal of such exercises is to give the muscles the desired shape. Perform them in a mode of 8-12 repetitions per set. It is not necessary to lift heavy weights when performing these movements. The rest between sets of these exercises should be short, but not so short that you are forced to reduce the weight.

Conditioning training for cardiovascular health and fat loss

Cardio training will be carried out in different styles. Some days you'll lift weights while doing high-intensity training (HIIT) for 20 minutes. Choosing the right training regimen will be difficult, but not impossible. On other days it will be peak work for 30 seconds with 1 minute rest. You should devote one day a week to low-intensity cardio (about 35-40 minutes), so on such days it is best to go on exercise bikes, treadmills and other cardio equipment for additional fat burning.

1-4 weeks

The first couple of weeks we will train with light weights. Later you will progress with heavier loads, but at first you shouldn't go too far outside your comfort zone. Only after you get used to the exercises and feel that you are ready to increase the weights, you can move on to more serious loads.

  • Warm up with a massage roller;
  • Jumping on a pedestal (1 set, 20 repetitions);
  • Romanian barbell squats (5x5 reps);
  • Lifting the pelvis with a barbell while lying down (3 sets of 8-12 repetitions);
  • Bench leg press (3 sets of 8-12 repetitions);
  • Horizontal medicine ball throws (1 set, 20 reps);
  • Push-ups (5x5 reps);
  • Reduction of arms in a lying crossover (3 sets of 8-12 repetitions);
  • French bench press with dumbbells (3 sets of 8-12 repetitions);
  • Jogging on the treadmill (20 minutes).
  • Jogging for 35-40 minutes.
  • One-arm kettlebell swings (1 set, 20 reps);
  • Romanian deadlift (5x5 reps);
  • Upper block rows to the chest (3 sets of 8-12 repetitions);
  • Bent-over barbell row (3 sets of 8-12 reps);
  • Lifting dumbbells on an incline bench (3 sets of 12 repetitions);
  • Jogging on the treadmill (20 minutes).
  • Medicine ball throws to the sides (1 set, 20 reps);
  • Standing dumbbell press (5x5 reps);
  • Face row (3 sets of 8-12 repetitions);
  • Plank (3 sets of 20 seconds);
  • Lying leg raises (3 sets of 8-12 repetitions);
  • Jogging on the treadmill (20 minutes).

Days 6 and 7 – rest.

5-8 weeks.

After 4 weeks you can move on to more advanced movements. We also added a few new deadlifts and changed a couple of exercises. Your goal should be to increase the weight on your core exercises. If you find it difficult, ask someone to back you up. This is necessary for progression.

  • Front squats (5x5 reps);
  • Lifting the pelvis with a barbell while lying down (3 sets of 8-12 repetitions);
  • Leg extension in the simulator (3 sets of 8-12 repetitions);
  • Seated calf raise (3 sets of 8-12 reps);
  • Jogging on the treadmill (20 minutes).
  • Dumbbell bench press (5x5 reps);
  • Incline dumbbell flyes (3 sets of 8-12 repetitions);
  • Bars with a load on the pectoral muscles (3 sets of 8-12 repetitions);
  • Bent-over arm straightening (3 sets of 8-12 repetitions);
  • Jogging on the treadmill (20 minutes).
  • Sumo deadlift (5x5 reps);
  • Vertical block rows to the chest (3 sets of 8-12 repetitions);
  • Incline barbell rows (3 sets of 8-12 repetitions);
  • Bicep curls on a Scott bench (3 sets of 8-12 reps);
  • Jogging on the treadmill (20 minutes).
  • Horizontal medicine ball throws (20 repetitions);
  • Military press (5x5 reps);
  • Reverse fly with dumbbells lying down (3 sets of 8-12 repetitions);
  • Seated crossover raises (3 sets of 8-12 repetitions);
  • Rolling the barbell on the press (3 sets of 8-12 repetitions);
  • Jogging on the treadmill (20 minutes).

Days 6-7 – rest.

9-12 weeks

  • Continuous jumping on a pedestal at a fast pace (20 repetitions);
  • Deep squats with a barbell (5x5 reps);
  • Side steps with a rubber band (3 sets of 8-12 repetitions);
  • Seated leg extension (3 sets of 8-12 repetitions);
  • Seated reverse leg curls (3 sets of 8-12 reps);
  • Standing calf raises (3 sets of 8-12 repetitions);
  • Jogging on the treadmill (20 minutes).
  • Horizontal medicine ball throws (20 repetitions);
  • Bench press with medium grip (5x5 reps);
  • Reduction of arms in crossover (3 sets of 8-12 repetitions);
  • Back push-ups (3 sets of 8-12 reps);
  • Dumbbell press for triceps from behind the head while standing (3 sets of 8-12 repetitions);
  • Jogging on the treadmill (20 minutes).
  • Jog on the treadmill for 35-40 minutes.
  • One-arm kettlebell swing (20 reps);
  • Deadlift (5x5 reps);
  • Pull-ups (3 sets of 8-12 reps);
  • Horizontal row (3 sets of 8-12 repetitions);
  • Alternate lifting of dumbbells for biceps (3 sets of 8-12 repetitions);
  • Jogging on the treadmill (20 minutes).
  • Medicine ball throws to the sides (20 reps);
  • Shvung press (5x5 reps);
  • Horizontal chin row (3 sets of 8-12 reps);
  • Rolling with a barbell (3 sets of 8-12 repetitions);
  • Lying leg raises (3 sets of 8-12 reps);
  • Jogging on the treadmill (20 minutes).

Days 6-7 – rest.

Cardio workout for burning fat in the gym for girls

Each cardio workout for burning fat in the gym for girls should have specific goals, so choose options depending on your needs and preferences.

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

It is generally accepted that HIIT is the most effective form of cardio in terms of fat burning. Plus, these workouts are easy to do. Choose a cardio machine, exercise equipment such as dumbbells or kettlebells, or exercise with your own body weight. The point is to perform interval movements at maximum intensity. First, you need to work in the mode of 30 seconds of load - 1 minute of rest for 20 minutes. As you improve, increase your work time and reduce your rest time.

Power training

If you're tired of cardio and the treadmill makes you sad and disgusted, this doesn't mean you won't be able to burn fat. Reduce rest between sets. For example, if your normal rest is 90 seconds, then start with 60 seconds. This mode of operation will keep your heart rate at the desired level and help the body burn more calories.

Low-intensity continuous cardio (LISS)

This is probably the most popular form of cardio for most women. It involves training at low intensity for 30 minutes or more. However, LISS may not be the most effective form of cardio for fat loss. This type of training is often used by bodybuilders during a low-carb diet, when they do not have enough strength for a 20-minute intense cardio session.

Endurance training

If you like to run, then start doing long distance runs, running 5 kilometers or more at a time. These workouts are best done on days when you are not lifting weights to preserve maximum energy for the long run.

Try this program and you will be able to see the first results quickly!

Continuing the topic:
All about muscles

This article will reveal the best exercises for gaining muscle mass that will make your workouts more effective and make your muscles grow. Each workout consists of...